THE UNITED PRMSS QIVBS THE WORLD NEWS FIRST THE rc mm J rvMamJffl SUPPLIED HV TIIK UNITED I'HKMN NKWN SERVICE .,- 4 kr if & -a it 'lb j jHsaauarviuAQ SafflL - Ote. , .. . . aisi;' at.' it mi am u asusa Man mimir aimi. .t Jkk' .v 4 .a. an rasa i. Baa -aw BKaMapHaHMaHaHHH bit ill' f fwi p ni W in 1 u f xt in . ti IMrfiMv sntw ALHJL MIi "-JII.B 1 B Mr MDWLWLa - KA Lll, - . j .print tsvmmijmvphmhr Va af r v,rV5 &gWr v WwWW .v - ,fr!-' "7; y .-HI HWWUlyiH-lo.l.MI KLAMATH FALLS, OBBOOW, THURSDAY, APRIL M, 1-18 ' ' ' V rrfw.-'fdtafei! o 7 . n. 'v. . '7M ta t.J ,fVf'W'1 California's Governor Telegraphs an Invitation to Bryan, Asking Him to Meet With the Legislature ELKS' RODEO TO BE HELD FIRST PART OF JULY Man Who Sent up Price of Feathers Will UK IIIUUKIt AM) IIKTTMI THAN EVER IIKPOIti: IUimIht Art Already lniklng Orrr Tlirlr lliirar (or OhIUh ami I'rm- Um for t'iiirtlllin la NUlttil by'. t'oMliuiirlirra nail Hoi-wnirM in All Part or Um Klamath IUhIii In An iiiMiiin or iImi i:m TI10 Klka' Annual lloilro will Lo UM July 4, 6 and 0, according lo an iiouticoitimt made by member of the Antlvrvd Herd who ara aclltr In the (tKCMi of, Klamath counly'a big cow. to carnival. Work of arranging the llodo pro- grim will be ttarted In a abort lime. anil comnMtemi will be nauioit lo take up rarloui feature. From preaent laalcatlona there will bo more con- tHtanti, more wild horaea, and more ronplltlona than laat rear. .Klamath and Lake county borate wilt be uaed for the bucking comoe tltloni, aa the work of Cyclone. Cuty enne, Hquare Deal and White 1'ellcan at the loa Angelea Itodeo and In Tmm have proved that aa pait maa ter at the art of apllllng olf rldera the Klamath rango atock haa ll over ny other broncho In the Weal lunch owner throughout the two (ountlea are writing tho local Klka, offering to bring In tho worat horaea on Iholr ranchea. In addition to tho wild atock to be brought In thero ara Hquara Deal, White I'cllcait and Cheyenno, all of whom are trained buckor. following (heir aphoaranco at different ahowa. Iniicad of becoming docile, theao become meaner and more cuunlng each time they are aaddled. It John Kill) and hi boya at the Burnt Mile ranch Intend to keep tho tolny championship thla year, It la up to (hem to put In aome time practic ing tholr faat atrlng of ponlva, for thcro are other ranchera who uro de termined that the trophy will not re- Rln In the Wood Itlvor Valley thla ycr. J. Krank Adam and Guy Merrill '! that tho breaking of a itlrrup end tho Injuring of Jl Eavtburn rob ' aBaBaBaV'gggggCCCCi .aHCgPiiiHBBBBH .frgk. lmLi 7T-y-;--J , gcccB'" 'MgggggccB BBBBgCCCL .aB . .BBggggcH BBaBaBaBaVaaBaM' bbbbbbbbbbI Some Rag. This l' nitcd lr Sarvlca I NBW YOftK, April 24. Can you do tho Trechy? No, lt'a nothing to rnt; lt'a a dance, tho very Ink-it terp 'xk'liuiean trip, nml It wa Invented la ivitnnu, noted for wnlUe,-pretty wo men nnd roll. It I pronounced No, not ''chltky"--' '. "cheeky", ."chi'cky." ilH admirer, who number hundred of American turkoy trot fan, nlno I renounce It "the griult little old PATCH WILL 60 TO WASHINGTON I'lUWKCT KNOINKEK UCAVBa) OH FIUUAY OH MATUKOAV TO AT. TKKU MJCETLNO ABKL ADY I.KfrT TH MOIt.V Nuggets In Hens The dlacovery of gold nuggeta In the crop of chlckena belonging to 8. C. Eaatwood haa atarted old fever en the aatwood ranch, fMrteea Ilea from her on the MerrtU re4, and among the other artlelM ennm- erated for Mr. Ragweed to purckaM while la towa today la a geld paa. Eaatwood haa been digging a', well on hla place, and the chlekea aav been wont to acrafch far. the dirt i nnuiea 10 me lunace. Miaraay, Walter W. Patcfc, project engineer wilcn tbTBt. .,ukii. -... kiii-i for ilnnco over." Tho "cheeky" or thoof tn Klamath project, will go toiBabbath dinner, email geld nuggeta "check," aa It ha been abbreviated Washington to attend the meeting ' were found In their crop. 011 llrondwny, wa brought over re- thorn of reclamation aervlce offlclala, n digging the well Mr. Eaatwood irntly by a party of American danc- "d water aaera from the different 'penetrated two layers of cement, each cr nnd alngera who had been vlalt-J"'0ict. Mr. Patch will atart to-1 is or 20 lachca thick. It la hla opln inic mat city whoio gay repuUtlon la morrow or rnaay. l.uiHtittiflv nifi.i In. iini- tri.MM I Abel Adr. who ttlll rmnrmmMtkt ih The danco I dcicrlbed aa a blend of water uiera of the Klamath project. Women Dress ms Lunatics, He Says tlio Argontlno tango, tho one-atep tor koy trot and tho Vloneio walU-dlp. (Tho.o who have icen It properly idnnrcd, with alt of It Improprieties 'of ilnuouilty, aay It la an orgy of rythm and an oplc of graco. It U aa full of ginger aa a Zuiu but It I no map. The atepa are Intricate aa thoio Jaaon bad to take to get out of tho Labyrinth with the Golden Fleece, and only the most ei- pert In the ordinary tango can hope to master them. 11 ine women wno permt in wear ing wing and plumage of bird on their head want to Ox tho blame for tho additional coat for feathers this iprlng they will find a willing victim In T. Ullbert reunion, secretary of the Audubon Society. Ho haa been lighting milliner and manufacturers so long that he doesn't caro much who blurnt him. With tho pasaago of tho McLean net In the lnil leislon of congres an other blow wa struck the feather In duitry, nnd now Mr. Pearson la watching tho effect. He haa dono the work which reiutted In thla act and In tho passage by many atate legleln- united 1'iesa Service ture of laws to prevent the slaughter WASHINGTON. D. C, April 14. of birds for ornamentation of mllll-lChargeaof misconduct and conspiracy nery. Milliners by the hundreds havo against the socialist cause through CONSPIRACY IS CHAR6ED IN CASE H.DKHAIi DIHTlllCT ATTOKNKY IMK OK KANH.IH AND St'KCIAI. AW.NT ACCUHKM l. Dlia? AND WAIHIKX IIKAItl.NGS left this morning for the East. Mr. Patch received telegraphic Instruc tions to go East also, la order to present to Secretary of the Interior Lane any questions regarding the Klamath project that might arts. IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE LODGE V sais 1 XKW POWER PLANT, SEVERAL NKW OOTTAQES, A NBW BOAT KOtSK AND CASINO AMONG THE ADDITIONS Ion that the gold nuggeta an la these formations. He lateada to pros pect thoroughly. NEGRO'S DEATH MOST GRUESOME w- jltOPK HO LOXO HIS TORS TOVCH ' KO THE KLOOR--VNFORTIJN- ATK MAN WaUTKOat BMHaTsmX MINUTM RCPORC MEATS In anticipation of the summer sea son, Harrlman Lodge-on Upper Klam ath Lake la the scene of much actlv - 1 ' aaaagsaw BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW. 'I .amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam 'Vswtwaa lH sad won jBHHaaaaaaaaaHssaRaaHI. Oataraor - STAND OF STATE OUMOFfllir 1 V 1 J tultad Praia Sarrea UNIONTOWN, Pa.. April 14. "Pwalked dowm IMa avwaa New York ths other day," 1 the writer of Setloa, toM a Bsvtsm re porter, "and It seemed Uat I awsat have afaaer draaa'aaal ta a hiaatte aaylam. Thf' the craafaet aad most Sartaff aatotsv I feH as If I had fcee tookiag ; at s X. '- v 'yT ;; m i. 1 HlffllHTW friWnvB sfoM' that mamii ISOIs)CstM4NATraA4UIMiru A t , l." isles ssstwaatsl TWaa fAatg' ftf ; Actaag Was4 W BBll ii'latg ' "'- " vrt k ,s "--, ' 'ii ' A u Ciittasl Praat r aUCsUMaWTO, waera Caltfenta Ha . 'r.. .i-11 j i'v' . ,-1 .-AJ'i-'- -;- i, Aatfl I Mania ss)a m g gajga, "t rrfcs) , t MMtsaMgsto law aaM Jsassiam kg pwt.'' CuWst pletare. ' I have ao deaat tkla aaTeeta the aale a teaeaA ta vatesi When the death. trap dropped to aaag lt tey aftar T John Harris, colored, tho rope was J. We aaed to aadsrstaad taaV aa found ta be too long, and his to.'s jctvllUatloa progressed the teadsaey touched I he floor beneath tho trap. WM rr " to cover ap the4r condemned maa writhed ta----- -- ucin; eerna 10 do raTsraea. law The Ity at preaent. and la addition to theUrr,b,e nf0Bjr for f0ur mta"t"-- "d Js.udy and wlerd ctoUIa, wora ty lUintinuou 11a Page 4) bttacked him nnd manufacturera by tho coro. Some of the latter have made tho statement that the rigid enforcement of law advocated by Mr. I'rarion would throw 10,000 per- tons out of employment All thla work haa been done, Mr. Pearson mild, with the expenditure of not tunro than 1200,000. lluys a Car W. C. Dunning, Merrill furniture dealer, Is tho latest to Join the ranks of nutomoblllsts. He has Just pur chased n Ford runabout from Oeorge lllehn. Five-Year-Old Indian an Expert With Lasso Young Redskin Will be a Feature of the Coming Rodeo. He if Said to Have Judd and Verdugo Beaten Another child prodigy has been lasso stunts, covered In Klamath county In the per- As n result of this practice the on of the C'year-old son of George 'llttlo Indian lad has become an adept "'Idle, a Klamath Indian, residing 'at spinning tho rope as well as throw on tho ruMMaiin. ... urhuw.u'inu 11 nml (linaa who have watched the prosecution of Eugene V. Debs, socialist candidate for president, and Kred Wsrren, editor of tho Appeal to Iteason, have been filed with tba de partment of Justice against Federal District Attorney Done of Kansas aad II, Duebolg, apoclal agent of the de partment. Tho charges wero preferred today by J. I. Sheppard, the attorney who defended Warren. Tho government will make an Investigation. POWERS ASK THAT CITY BE QUITTED AH YET NO ItKPLY HAS BEEN HKNT 1IY MONTENEGRO WHAT ACTION WILL HE TAKEN 18 NOT KNOWN rono exnert who starred at the Rodeo It Is not known what action will be hort. won tho first prlio at Salinas taken in case Montenegro to and made good In vaudeville, haa 'surrender tne cuy. nothing on the youug redskin. Crelc. Although Just past hla fifth! him say that John Judd, Oklahoma's Vknowledged. "nnqay, the little fellow haa at tained a wonderful proficiency la the ''e of the lariat, and It Is said that 'hero are few la the county Who can compete with him, Bver alnce he was able to pick up a tick horse and toddle off,, the tad ' shown a, fondness for throwing te rope, and while other children ro wont to play with marbles, he found plenty at enjoyment In evelvln- United Press Service VIENNA, April 24. Austria is awaiting a reply to the note sent to the powers last night, aaklug them to compel Montenegro to surrender the city of Scutari, captured yettor i!oy from the Turks after u bloody battle. A similar note baa been sent to Montenegro, but this has not been Tho youngster will bo one of the attractions at the Elks' Rodeo to be United Press Service PARIS, April 34. It has been de- hold July 4, 5 and 6, according to 'elded that the meeting of thV later- members of the committee. Hla fame has spread pretty well through the county, aad young Riddle will be the oejeet of much Interest. national Commission to adjust the Turkish debt, following the termina tion of the Balkan war, will be held here May lltfc. v men who are busy cleaning, up 'and I ttempted to climb the rope. beautifying the grounds, there era a Sheriff Kelfer aad four deputies numoer 01 carpenters ana otner cbaulca at work. Extensive Improvements are pun ned for this year, on aecouat of tne Increased number of guests. Among others, the Klamath Development company Is putting In n new power plant, which will generate electricity, pump water and operate the refriger ating system. The plant used last year will be removed to make way for the larger equipment Four new cottagea are aeartag completion. Each of these wilt ac commodate three families, and they are complete to bath, electric lights, etc. A large boat house la also under course of construction. 'This In addi tion to having piers for the Harrlman Lodge fleet, will have berths for oth er craft and for rowboats. Thero are several skelters being built along the shore from points with good scenic views. held up the rope for eighteen min utes before Harris was proaouaoed dead. PRESIDENT GOES TO THE SENATE IN REPLY TO CRITICISM, EXKCU- TIVE SAYS HE MERELY WANT- TvD TO SAVE TIME FOR BOTH HELP AND OTHEIW WASHINGTON, D. C, April It. President Wilson today went to the president's room In the Capitol aad conferred with several senators re garding appointments, to federal offices. In many cases Wilson wishes to appoint his own men Instead at tne choices, ot the senators. There was considerable ertttelsm expressed about the president going before the senate In thla way, He, said he merely wanted to .save his own aad the seaate'a time, ANDERSON HAS GOOD PROSPECTS MIXES WITH MANDOT AND HAR LEM TOMMY MURPHY WILL NET HIM GOOD SUED ROLL IV HE SHOULD LOSE PORTLAND, April 14 Witt pros pective matches with either Joe Man dot or Harlem Tommy Murphy hi sight, and, with a roll the else ot a young bearcat to, snow aa the result ot their campaign In Lea angelea. 3ud Anderson, Dick Donald and Fred Anderson don't .have to eome home to have the fatted calf killed tor them. Orantlng that Anderson la net quite ripe for a match with the light weight champion as yet (and ke would be foolish to make lt right now) either Mandot or Murphy should prove the best ot trial horses for Bud. aad the chances are that he could dispose ot either, ot the pair. Mandot la not the fighter he gave promise ot being, and If Bud can hit him,, nnd there seems to be little ques tion on that point, he would surety beat the New Orleans bey, Murphy, on the otter hand, has proved that be Is a tough nut, but he doesn't seem, to hays the kick which would put the Vancouver boxer out ot the way, although he is a rlag yet-. eran, ana aa ciever as any o ise lightweights ot the present crop. But Wolgast'haa reached aim In both of their encounters, and there seems to be no quetUen but what Bud can do the .same, aa Ad's bump of cleverness is so small that it couldn't be detected with a nileroseope. . men kills everything except their fig ures, aad wltt their hats obscures whatever spiritual quantise they have In their faces." Mrs. William Fish, who wlatered la WWceasia aad Minnesota, haa re turned to Klamath Falls. Baa will aooa move to Dorrls, where her ana band Is Interested In Umbetiaff. " 5: "r ,' "We wm be very asad W " rj i-.-wi 1; "While Mm. lirtssstm hrreperlr saasatalned the) sage ff fa stated to leWae a. ssBttsr jggs fta ' dearly wKala the jarmalslsni Ifi Hat atate, there la a daupesstBen to snV eroack on the fanstlsna at the) J goveraateator to wenai ta) bllltlea of any other aattoUK "Ww hm. la j t" "VTr ena laatlon to wkleh Jected. This la upon the 1 that aa action that weM ha 1 ed without demur jfta'aeher nines hi offeasire. K even diseuemVfr OnaV feralana. - , ' -i 'I asa net predtettac thai J tature will itier: terms el, aay..: netod. I ant merely 1 right at CSaNfarnsa aals,BasassBswssaBBBaaasBkiaaMBaaartaaaBBSBBSBaUsni coaUaaee ea Faje 4T srdts4iM thM Jgm Isgns take any, aeetonlki nhfej W am 1 iiim,rtn nne Property Owners Will V ' ' Give up Ditch Several Having Titles to Waer In the Ankeny Canal Are Turn Over Holdings to Gtty u' ' fA .&.. w At least ten persons owning water, rlghU under the Aakeny ditch' are willing, to turn their titles over to the city, according . to CeunelUsen Melhase, Gbeller aad Savldge and City Attorney Rutenlc, who ara at work conferring- with water right owners, la the hopes of bringing about aome means ot closing np thla waterway! which haa lone been a source, of complaint. , Thla morning Mr. Melhase eUtod that the following owntaff, water rlgkts under the canal aaa atfisied agreemeata to turn their, tltlea,eer to the city In order to feettttoW the work ot llllac the eaaal; John UhertlsMC. f M" ". Charle Ji Parrlsk, n , asorgeJ' Baldwin,' " ! f. x' - ' L.F.Wttiets, ' ,'ff .' '. CiK.D?Lap. ' -prM Sam jr.- Bummers, ' ' rf ' MA'akwis5V ; ". In addition to taees.'ttsre are ass eral others, whe have n ysaaan Interviewed. wsWrt U believed, wftfl glyo up their rightaluader the dtteh, Among tt are hBMssei,M Oth- wVm sMM sJgaRigBjBBjBj fmh rVsWsMnBben. WVgBjH ' by ' ' JJ --Jr ' Ww The feUewli'fernt,ac;'asMsaM is being signed br theee m immh fc: I ln. Urough Mask sairM. aJIsMh 'i ; tWr rtaim. M.mM the SZ fh ear saauu: a, laeoMlderattoaotthe; done by the honorable 1 ell ot the elty of ton. In eadeavortng to the gorerameat of toe vmUA a trauler.of res' rlfhto hi MM commonly , known1 aa th) ditch, fermstiy ini If sth Falls ifrsBsltnB tnnBihl into' n4 peyOy threnjh fija j KlamMk Falm. OrenAVssMlil emtton at hn sjaxsaWtf llnf I rflamatb rum Ogn GZMffl 'WsmwM rf suoh taersyastrlaBbjai o(,bett4 sondes) gay 1 tulartyhi , A j