;V! ' - . hV ' i.?V i TfTK UNITED PRESS QTVPS TUP. wnvfh 7VRU; PTBSir TTTF. HFRALD MASJTy f, a i.rtAAys'li,'r" - VtW "5 1A" fiV T Lr - nTwmlT. IT1 'V HUITIJKII HY THK UMITKI M" w "wvicie Pe M - M H gmmm m efaliV mmthtmr Ady No., KLAMATH FALLS. OMCOON, WEMJMDAY, APRIL M, UiM is to Attend Reclamation Service Hearing at Washington; Engineer Patch May Also be There . I V l(l-l' -1 fc -V-TallJ WILSON WANTS TO SEND BRYAN TO SACRAMENTO T. B. AIJ l'HV WITH THE TKI.K. (.IIAPH WIRKM LOITERER SAYS 'MARSHLAND MEN HE WAS CURIOUS TO GATHER HERE MUMPICIOl'H ACTIONS CAUSE l0- J0WM:itM OF MW.IMP ACHKAOK LICK to AKRNHT NEWCOMER, FINK HIM, AMD OKUKK HIM TO LEAVE THK CITY When Mayor T. F. Nicholas noticed AROUND MJWKH LAKE WILL MEET WITH I.OCAL COMMIT TEK TUESDAY .EXT MONTENEGRINS CAPTURE CITY LONG BESiEGFD VtOHTlSa MOM DftsTKHATE OF i MODERN WARFARE Girl Refuses to To be a Duchess ItiiHuwowr Wlrre to III U(p u, I'm IIU lflwr Again! . . l.l nj.if flli liniia until mlilnlffht. ,j rrllrtit In AMI'-tllm imi--; ....- '' i I mImIi Iim miktt wmb Brain n ll -Y.M ..W.H A ll !! tiatii tf flli tijiiiaA(4 JUIUI UIILUI4IUII Ul IUV iflWVWWU, . . luatl loltvrlnc around til home of 'ii.rlainkllnn of fiO.bOo or mora arrca ItuMnlNft-Mvill wilion on Oak atreet Mondar !.m,.n,i iu.r Ki.m.n, iv. m ha'KInn MrlioUa Uaaaarra Hta Cotwiry! nlihl, and ndnavorlnc (o look In tha ,d at Tui-tdar'i afternoon' miet-l mra Will HeM ItotaUrl Aaaladt Hie w-tikdaw liaa Atfiimil Itiat IllA 11 IO V . . !.!. f ... ' Ma.art J-m llutrniMiriil la km worh w.,ch,lf ,,, ,, k,t ,'Mcmbera of the committee appoint, j 1mI Willi m AIIIUmI Takm .ye on Hie furtive traner, who atar- ftt DorrU and owner of awamp land Kill tin liarn to talk nt that time. I In order to get their data In thapu the local committee, l.cwli Wyldo. Oeorie J. Walton and K. U. Hall, will meet Haturduy evening at the Hotel llnll. C. C. Ilocuo will meat with day ago to work In a local hotel. them In an advliory capacity. When questioned as to hl motive Matlrr HrjaM liivllrd to Allrnd Tailed Vim Hanrlc ttotlred near the Wilion home, and ho was arretted tr I'atrolmaa Orten wood. He gave hli name aa Arthur NKW YOUK, April 13. Editorial Ulrd, and lays ho came here few llltthra of the Outlook admitted to tty that Colonel KooMvelt haa wired Uoerrnor lllran jonnaon or uaii jamli, urging hlrn lo prevent the tttMg of Ibe Impending antl-alle liud bill. WABIIINOTON, D. C. April SI. I'age tWUnllDUaU 7; on rage i for staying around the Wilion horn two nlghU In succession, Ulrd de nied that he planned to burglarise, and said he vm "Just drawn there by curiosity," Ulrd waa fined 116 this morning by Pollens Judge Uavltt and ordered to leave town. mi-.i Jury Justice Court Acquits Conley Boy Second Trial of Alleged Game Law Infraction Results in Victory for Defense. Case Hard Fought Chris Conley was this afternoon agreement of a former Jury, a fine for contempt or couri, iwo onuu for a chang of venue and several days of court. Conley and hla two brothers, who also arrested with hla, bold their arreat la the result of en- tcqultted of the charge of having seer meal In bis possesion out of seniun, The Jury returned this ver dict after a deliberation of over si; hour. Members of the Jury were Al Mel but Kred Noel, frank aullford. Jsiper . llennelt, Joseph Kvaiu and Ueorge Heed. The settlement of the case today brings to an end one of the hardest BS mlly on the part of "Bias" Bpencer, mid this point J. H. Caraahan nought to establish during the casa. To this District Attorney Irwin objected, and there waa a continual war of word. Yesterday afternoon the remarks lil battles ever fought In a Justice of tho opposing counsel necama so court. Included in the feature of warm that Justice of tho I'eaca flow the caso are quarrel Innumerable en Imposed a fine on Caraahan for between the opposing counsel, a dU contempt of. court. SNGLEK SHERIFF SHOT BY BANDIT JACKKON COUNTY OTK1CIAL AND KIQHTKIC.V YKAH OLB PHWkB ADO DCKL TO THK DKATM IN A LONKLV CABIN United I'reaa Hervlta MKDFOnU, April S3. Sheriff August V. Slngler of Jackson, county and Lester Jones are dead as a re sult of a desperate duel between the pair at a lonely cabin last sight. During the fight Jones, aa 18-year-old deiperado, was killed by the o cer. but Slngler sustained injuries that resulted In his' death this mora lug. Slngler went to arrest Job, aad finding him la the cabin commanded him to surrender. Instead, Jones grabbed a gun aad commenced "ring. Over a dosen shot were Bred by tliv sheriff aad outlaw. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Dennett have gone to Oakland , where they will make an extended visit. D. Ellis Young returned to hla ranch on Lost River late Tuesday afternoon, after a, business trip to this city: Jack Johnson Fined $1,000 on Two Smuggling Charges Rnrw RisMr in pieaied at Gettlntl Off to Easy. "Big Cinder" Will Next be Tried Under the Mann White Slavery Act 0?er Relation! With a White Girl ir-uitg th. m... wht. wty'tFlJl H t rowers, and Katvaeaa IXptoeaaU Hrgln to Fear aOMtiaraUl War, I Involving Kve7 VaUoai Eight ' " i Thousand Kllleel ( mifil i'riM Service CETTINJK, April IJ.After the .Tost, dciperatc flgbtiug of modern times, during which 1,000 men war slain, and clubbed rile, sabers aad bayonets were used, the Montene grin forcea entered, Scutari Ui morning. Kssad Pasha, eosaauaiaat of tha city, personally avjrreadared hla aword to Klac Nlekatea. Twenty theusaad Tarka war aa- tured lata yesterday aRacaaaau aad last alght th taalJasiH waa Thhj aioralac th Meartaaasjrlaa a- tered Um dty, aad far twa hoars aa gaged la Mm frt aa4 hlooMMt band t hand gM th - mandment woaM aarremder. , Knives, sworde and haystMU wr used, with both armlta. tghUag dee perately, and blood poured Into the gutters. It Is estimated that 6,000 Turks and 3,000 Montenegrin wer slain la the final assault. "We have merely retakes our own," said Klac Nicaeu, alter in capture. "W will hM 8cutarla against th powers aa courageously a we fought th Turkish hard." Diplomats throughout Burope fear that hostllltlM against MoaUaegro might bring about a aaral Euro ptan war. ; aaaaaaaagaW tafSfSfSfSfSfSfSfBBjBBBBBBBkw , SaaaaaaaagaV BaBBBBgtB 1 ..mM' MAIL ROUTE IS TO BEJHANGED STAR ROUTK FROM BONAN1A TO BLY WILL TRAVKL OVSR COUN TY ROAD AFTKR THK fTRwT OK NKXT MONTH .A chaag la the atar mall rout be tween Bonaasa and Bly haa Just been announced by th poetoHe depart neat. .Beginning May 1, th mall. Instead of going over th mountain road, via Royaton, will o over th county road, by way of Yataax. Th new rout la loagr, but there Is less mountain road to be traversed. It Is also beloved that mora patron can be served la this manner, Mk Nancy L4haua, daughter of tho American ambassador to Oar many, Is reported to have wdded ti Duke of Cray, 34 years old, who haa Just come Into the family aetata la Westphalia. She haa ba on oC th belle of th American eelsla whar yvr diplomatic ailaatoaa hav earrtod her father over Hares. Oa Masah 36 It waa announced that th wad ding would take puce AsrU 11. Th fr.mlly of the dak object. Them ambassador Lelshmas dealed the a- gicement, later to admit It thlj, however, th altuatlos haa am rounded with mystery, and ther wai no one to say If th marring had tal.en place or would take place. DANCING PARTY GIVEN SATURDAY 'A.V TO MEDrOHD" WAYS AND MKANS COMMJTTKE ARRAXGK Afi KVKNINO Of ENTHRTAI.X. MKNT AND MIRTH la order to swell the fuad for a pioper showing of th local Rebekaa delegation at the Oraad AasemMy la Medford next month, th Medford Waya aad Meaa. commltte vhT ar ranged to hold an estertaJameat Is I. O. O. r. hall. A assail admiaslea wilt be charged. Dancing wll be oa ef.the hl fea ture, and aa excellent uithaatria haa beea engaged. For those who' de set trip the light fantastic, there will he C00 aad brldgcaad refreshment will alao be served. INVESTIGATION "tv I5 0M0W SECRETARY 1 : ' W . r '' - - . :. - t j'.j" ; ALUl'hMMHCm WIIX Ufa RHHKNTATlVRi HAfl. ,?,-, i - a, - ,-. T Urievi T . ef a . WaMRe a,- w as awe) irsesar .p- efsaw Norman Laraea, a. former Klamath resident, la her from Grants Pass. attending to business matter. Charlea J. Ferguson returned home lust night from a visit Is Tuacas Springs, Sacramento and Ban Fraa- cisco. He waa away tea day, aadi return much beneflted y hi vaaa-tlon. ACsretFi George Bleha, the. leeal aawat, re ceived a ear load of Ferae latarday. most of which have already beea aeM to Klamath FaMe neeyle. The ahH- meat eeatalaad Its taarl three ruaabeuta. The ltll to s much aero attractive asm better built ear Una that ef mat year. Mr. Bleha saneuaaedahe sale C a wv pasisnger tcuriadt ear thai' to Mrs. F.T Th tsUewteg aubceripUeaa saw bees received.' for the reHef eC Mrs. Roe Geddard. whs wRh fewr amaM chlldrcs, la la seedy slriamams; HOTssM eeee f lie S UrlafBOX eeee X ja c, oBita X Caan '' The Herald wlU receive ceatrtba- tiona of mosey aad proviateaa for the stricken little family. PreeMest Abel A4r of. the IWBJl Water Uaers AaaeciaUes will !& ta Waehwertea te rsarstk the waar lr. IN MtaBBB WUSB a-. the.taveet Igatles ef acrvle to he held' by I lalerler Las. .' ;-'lPrit Hsalasir W.'W. la. all nnhahHillaa ata i g ha UM'easUal, aa the mattes aervlee daalrsa alt ibe : tude. - Mr. Paesh I est l4tft BjSsHaMm mrvF wasmaj amaamamsBdavFeMHgHmBHss SHJsvHa Uf.B j. aaayay s4tt ) SSaht , SSSaa hlm.'te alae amh eh tfl. '--, Ti aiiaaamas-af A4r'aa)mms. made at a aeW meeSmc 7m) da- ef the foresees.' 0 ' . " The iavcetlBatlea- waa eraerea hr Secretary Lase la order to ' cosaldcraUea to. a anmber ef: eoaj pbiiata agalaet tso ssrvtaa Mai kf water aeera on th i The sesferesee will 1st; The Jeet wbcglTes fstt. IT rthterest iradgaej. deleajat trees ' cams M asfMaejsmlr ts ynllcil Press Berrtee CIIICAQO, April II. Jack John on. who wan brought up for trial to day on a charge of diamond smug lng, pleaded sella eastesdar. Judge Carpenter fined the pugilist ir.oo on each of th two eouata, aad loiiniscated the smuggled Jewelry. Johnson seemed pleased with1 th flhtence, Johnson, under ladlclmen for tea' eirale ofcaaes, west to trwl oa "' first charge, that he smuided a $5,000 diamond seekUoe Into Amer ica to aiaa. gw auleld wife, HMa Puryca, a whit woman. At tho cos luloa;of,thi trial he will, os May (tb, aaaww'io sis serges vle- ,'t transporting as 18-year-old white girl through aeveral etatea on the vaude ville toura that sttd him thousaad of dollar. ...... Harry Parking, assistant United States attorney, who appeared to prosecute the black pugilist, baa a reputation for auccesa la white alave cases. Many "white laver" today are serving terms in the Fort Leaves worth federal prlaon through hla ef fort. Johnson'a first wife waa Etta Dur y th dtvorcd wlf of a wealthy Long Island clubman and horseman. For her. It la alleged, he smuggled tho necklace from Paris. Thoaah aha hamiv woman louna nerseii ,w pletcly ostracised by her own race and by that of, her black husbaad. There were charges by the white girl's mother tbat Johnson's kinds at first later turned to brutality. And then one night the woman murmured a little prayer for forgtveneas and hot herself through the brats. Johnson gave her a costly, showy funeral. He professed to be greatly saddened by the deathand within a week It was paying such ntUatloss to Luclll Cameron, th 18-year-old daughter of Mrs. Cameron Faleosett of Minneapolis, that the mother ap- t Continued oa tage j , Rchehah Degree Teas Teslgat Members of the Rebekaa Degree team will meet tonight for. practice In 1. 6. O, F. hall. By order of the captain. Mrs. Wlllard Smith of BakerssoM Is visiting relatives her. Prior to her marriage Mra. Smith was Mies Morgan. Her husband was formerly connected with the local breach at the reclamation service. , Mr. aad Mrs. Floyd Patrick ar here from San Fraaotaco, as4 the former will again be eesaeeted with a local aarag. H la a brother of Mrs. Joe Moor. . v, . v WILL DISCUSS MINIMUM WAGE CURRENT QUESTION WILL OCCU- PY THK ATTENTION OF MEM BERS OF THE KLAMATH UT ERARY SOCIETY "The minimum wage questles" will be the topic at Tuesday sight's meeting of the Klamath Literary So ciety, to be held at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Stewart. Rot. J. S. Stubblcfleldla leader for the avesisg, and h haa arranged for s sumher of talka oa thla essential problem. The Panama1 Canal" formed the subject for laat night's meeting, and under the leadership of Mr, Stewart, many Interesting point were brought out. The history of the canal, data la connection with tta cosatruetlos were outllsed by Mrs, Stewart The advantages to accrue to the United States by th oempletlea ef the canal, aad especially, to .the Pa die coast, were recounted by Rollo C. Qroeabeek. Mr. Stewart. tM of the aetulcitlba of the Paaama strip, and the sart Blared by the '!! I" Is thawnit. V " . As'laterea'tlsg feature was, a de bate as to the attHude of the UsHed States cosceralsg.tse free toUaJU AawleasAesHwls .shlpplag.-Tlu Britlshvii)0'lsV of vlow was takes hy if.Stewsift as the ,Amerlos Stet was supponea py v .. .''.Vt' ' ' aia.ii ii ia.na.iaa n i n i i i .aaaalMaiaaaaai ,. ifjamuacMMoarsas Making Question i ' mVaff " '' ' mm' 1 sen "si sslas' Solved by t !. V Hereto Introduction of Do Much Towaard Eiimiiuttag i " .- . --.'. . :. , .-.r tal Dairyini , jA- ,, s " ... y k "" - ew"caWca, mMJKf' withU a -mtt abort time the. tead-V W. H. Je j i r '.'!. '-. - - ' Ua a mtkAm- Ine dairy mes ef Klamath cossty Willi iw r- ; F .ipus . k. u...,a auk . ,-ii" .ii-- I, aeawTMeirv, ThU. It U beUeved. wlUde store to. ward overcoming the objectless to tbc data huslsess, and reeuK is the rapid developmest of Klamath eeua ty aa ose of the great dairy aeeuoss of Oregoa. The ose great drawback to the dairy busiaccs heretofore saa sees the help question aad the dlmoutty of Hscurlng and reUUlng good milk, era. The first meckaaieaT milker, t be Introduced. Into Klamath eeasty will V tried out at'thcRseU stock farm. Mr, BaeU, whole preeldest of the KlamaU Oousty 'DeJryN Aaseeis- ilon, loose of the moot susssssfsl of the dairy SMcl-at tak seetiea; ss4 If Ue test to bo made at hla peso Is succsesful.'U wilt prehahUr mea the meeaaslealmlUer wlU be ted by all, or the datrymea tarougn- out the eea4y. ,7 To ealrymea asV aiasy , of farmers' Ue4et:U eeasty who ar costompUUag, saasslag .toila dairy busts; tho dowsaetrallos St the, rM8achlsn wilt hj. e''seM: a tercet, as os Its ssaaea wui the resk aevilnaaisst of the hse. ea .. - ," it;, ' r tr kiTCferever a,1wsalr, hec4eartereat. wart awca 'M mn 'aiw'M lag dairy mea of tho taraatad tkaaa' Js' th w mmFWW-mi w-mf'ay-eme wwa ,iawBaBi ehaaleal mUker, wstes Is he ose of the manufactured. Four of ttrnw mm' ehlaes have bees shipped, hsts, SMf' the'SratVos Is to, he tsstsWai s tac) Kaau ranBc .. r u; WWWm "'k ,wewJ cam om Pa dor. another sweslso. will b J M tte a(IU AeteaM.'nMSa..assp HR rill. Mr'Adejahashad -VVatMNP i 1B,, ( aWfy.mJ aRJpmsjg "M"Mry ' aa waa hleestarm;- UM; fl fh ?k:r of J" I ho.sMasi hit sctSt at 'i K stety.') Oaeof ttoi ImiseealMiii try. bat Rial at-Rf ommjaHa sasamsBmrss s httspa.i t ,( ' 1 1.