THE UNITED PRESS GIVES THE WORLD NEWS FIRST. THE HBRAtmilk MUITMKI) MY TMK UNITKI I'HKMM NKWM NKHVILK wht ftirninc 1 cfato. Mreutti year No. B,t4i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL !, IMS Northwestern Urges Young Girls to Forget Their ;? c. '"Tnft3fl WWInaaaBaaal J ' .-. '."', - if , riv-M tfc 'VH uiUhib "'! pane. (HINT TU )TBir,-,iov'aMMHI i 4?,3 4 - " ' ''. UnnJ '''&J -"" Hi . If ' j' - J ' saw pan u c. t' if t) Early Training and Go Forth With Money Pleas SACRAMENTO IS SCENE OF FIRE; LOSS $300,000 mtihk iimhjk im dhhtiuivk.h, ALSO HIHl.NKIi WAHKHOUHK ANOTHER WATER SANTRY QUITS SUPPLY FOUNDi FIGHTING GAME HTHONO KLOW HTItUCK AT IMXItKHCKNT IIOTKI. KKKPKR, KOR. FOOT KKITII IIV DRILL t'KKW MKKLY WKLL KNOWN I'UOIL OK Till: OALIKOIlMA-OllMJOVi IHT, IH IN THE CITY ON, WIM Itm'K.II COMPANY j tiKHtt TALKS OK ANDEJattOM KcUilo Hantry, a former top User la the Miuarcd circle, U In thu city today from Crescent, where he conducts a hotel. Ho appeared beforo the county volume the Huw of Hock Creek, The court Hi In afternoon to arrange for a , flow waa (truck at a depth of ICO feet. license uuder the new law to operato It U the Intention of th company a bar. Kantry waa one of the fow men In country who waa able to hold I la being done In order to derelop a 'down the atrenuoua "Uatttlng" Nel i future water supply, when the tonn ion to n draw In the early daya when 'grows larger, aa two other 'walla are 'the Dauo waa working hla way toward aii ,l furnishing ample water for the cily'iithe lightweight championship imfina. Itf buildings In the block bounded by ( mMmmr . m Pn!, 8cond, I. and M atreeta aad, . ,.. h.M ..., , ,, . ... ... ...-,... ..-- ...-..- . ..--, i A ktrong flow of water waa atruck in tlin llnnmea nlnrn list weak lir thn Nr and Cltlsrtw AM llic Klro lie. l(:aii0riila.Oregon Power comuauy'a aartmrnt In I'rrvratlag Hpreail of drilling crew, which la aald toe'iual In foeftagralion MoHtlimi I'arlHc Hbrd ami H'arrhowara Kmlaagvr t llunilmh KIm Khmm llntrl and l.odgln II 21.- MONEY AVAILABLE FOR COUNTY FAIR AlfyilUA TIOX KOK OOVNTY AMUUXTH itvAiiiaiK i la, to routlnue work on thoaamo well, In , the h'lpra of Increasing the flow. Thli'the 'nltiHl l'rna HrvUr 8ACKAMKNTO, April tCoailnueu on I'age ir after a abort vlalt.ln tali city. J JTJL i.' First Trout Eggs Are Sent to the Hatchery First Consignment of Rainbow Eggs From Kiamath Countv Waters Sent North by Ramsby kpar Dlitrlct Game Warden Car 't M. Kamiby Sunday made a ahlp uent of trout egg to the atate fliu Utchery at llonneTllle, where they lll b hatched. Thla U the nrat ihlp mnt of Dili egga to be made out of KUmath county. The -ig wore taken at Spaaoer ("'" " J. oiraue, aiaie - Hrt, who here securing ratakow fry for distribution throughout the atate 'tiMBii. Aa the egga reach the "eye" stage of development, they are ahlp pi'd. Buuday'a shipment constated of 200,000 egg. Other shipments will )Hor follow. , In addition to developing the egga .U Hpencer Creek, Mr. Sprague will nlto hatch out rainbow fry for distri bution through Klamath county. Thla will eliminate the necessity of shlp plng eggs to Uonnevllle and reahlp plng the fry lo Klamath county. Mr. Hpragutt will be here a month longer, ,At least. Reclamation Service to Be Investigated All Water Users Associations Will Send Delegates to Conference Called by Secretary Lane , WA8HINOTON, D. O., April ll. It there Is anything radically wrong with reclamation, aervlce aad If there Is foundation for Innumerable com Plaints on (lie agtlaat the manner la hlch the national reclamation law It Mug enforced, BecreUry.Lane wanU to know It, and kaow It Immediately. o that end he will hold a aeries of ronferencea at hla omee. beginning My 1st, which will be attended by AnclaU of the reclamation aervlco and lr represtntatlvea ot the water uaera' ""elation on each governmeat pro Jt. Invitations to attend thla confer ence were lent out last week, and Mh water UMn' aaeoclatloa la ro Muosted to aead at Itaat one repre sentative to Washington by May" lit. At the conference Secretary Lane will o Into the iltuatloa oa, eviry govern aent project and where aettlera have conipUinU to make through their del Kate tent to Washington. The see !"y wu then aad there confront 5f'tlon omelaU'wHh.chargea aad lM whether ar nM eompUktU j k . .". Kach delegato at thehenfefeeea Kill huve full opportunity avrsjeat' ila statement, and, If he haaeom- dlcd aro Justified H h plaint to lodge, wilt be given trtaeto present hla case and have It answered by reclamation officials. After that, Secretary Lane will determine wheth er or not reclamation hai been at (Milt, and If In the wrong, will direct tho correction ot acta complained ot In thla way. The secretary, by get ting at the facta, hopes to put aa end tn widespread complaints which have horomo chronic oa many projects by changing government methods where reclamation service Is showa to be In error, or by eiplodlng complaints where they can not be substantiated. It la Bocrotary Lane's purpose here after to deal direct with water users, thinking thereby to produce harmony between the government and settlers on Its various projects. Western sen ators and representatives will ha In vited to these conferences, and will have full opportunity to present any facta they deem pertinent. weight which he will never he able to dispose of without greatly weakening himself." DORRISITES MAY ATTEND MEETING HI'KCIAI. GOMMITTKK K.XI'KCTKD HK.IOC TOMORROW TO UIHCUH8 j I have quit the righting game," de clared Sentry thla afternoon. "Natur ally I am Interested In events pugil istic, and have been watching thla boy Anderson. I do not believe that he will ever win the lightweight cham pionship. It does not appear to me that he la a natural lightweight, and in a short time he will bo rated aa a writer. Anderson Is a man ot exemplary habits, and the hari mork ne le now putting la saeana thai a to tahing -Jhaawreths viae-.Klamath MTATK KAIR KLAMATH TO OVKH JUNK SALKM, April 11. Although the secretary of state Vnd the attorney general have glvesuout a number of statement showing that the money provided for county fairs In the law enacted by tho last jieglslature will be nvallable In June eX thla year, con fusion and misunderstanding still ex ist In many parts of the slate, and In quiries continue to pour In to tho office of the secretary of state. Secretary of State lien Olcott has Issued another statement. He points out tbst the law enacted by the last legislature repeals all existing laws providing for district fairs, but au thorises a county fair In each couaty. If a county fair la already orgaalsed or an agricultural "society has been holding county fairs, Ojb that organ isation or society la to be recognised aa the omclal couaty fair. Out if bo county fair la aew la existence then the county court la authorised to ap point a county fair board. county amounts to ibij.i. a war rant wilt be leaved later tn favor of the county treasurer for the amount, I'liANH KOK RECLAMATION OK MtWKIt MAKHMKH In addition to attending to routine matter, the director of the Chamber of Comiuorce expect to devote some attention to the feasibility of the re claiming of the marsh lands around Uwer Klamath Lake at tomorrow night's meeting. It is eipocted that the committee will attend tomorrow's meeting, and that tho two committees will get to gether and outline their work. WIGHT RESI6NS AS PRINCIPAL iKAVKH 1-OST AH HEAD OF MBit HILL 111011 SCHOOL ASSIST ANT KUINCU'AL WILL ALSO LKAVK (Special Correspondence) MKHRILL, Ore., April 21. Prof. O. W. Wight has tendered bis resigna tion as principal of the Merrill High school, to take effect at the end ot the school year. He has not announced hla future plans. Miss Bertha A. lleacock, who haa boon assistant principal of the high school for th past two years, will also leave at the end ot the present term. She will teach In California, where her parents reside. Restore Lick Observatory SACRAMENTO, April II The sen ate today passed a bill providing a 150,000 appropriation for the restor-, at Ion ot Lick Observatory em Mount Hamilton. , V SUNDAY SCHOOL FOLKS TO DINE OKKICKRS AND TKACHKRB OK M. K. SUNDAY SCHOOL, TO HOLD RANQUKT AND MKaTMNG FRI DAY KVKN1NQ Kor the purpose ot getting better acquainted, aad mora ee-op ration for the success of the Sunday school, a Sundsy school oScera' aad teachtra' banquet rill be held Friday evening at a race M. K. church. Judge Ilea on, who haa charge of the Bible class, will act aa toastmasur. The program follews: Opening remarks George J. Walton, Sunday school superintendent. "The Possibilities ot a m-h.-p. Bun- day School Class" Dr. W. A. Leonard. Comments oa the Sunday School Ac counting Department Mies Bee Summers. "The Most Popular Books, Exclusive ot Nick Carter Series aad Peek'a Bad Boy" Arlle Worrell. "Should Corporal Punishment be la . . troduced and Administered In the Sunday School!" Miss Fern Wood "Would Rag Time Improve the Inter eat In Sunday School Music?" Miss Louise Benson. "Echoes From the Cradle Roll De partment." Mrs. George H. Feesa Dtacuseieaa "Shall Ws Adopt Some Contest Scheme to Increase Membership?" K. M. Chtlcote, Mrs. Arnold, Miss Momyer, Frank M. Upp. "Should the Entire School Assemble Together tor Opening Exercises, or Should the Primary Department Meet Separately?" Miss Kaaal Summers, Miss Sue Burnett. Dr. Leonard, Mrs. -Lewis. Are There Any New SehoUrs?" Rev., George H. Feeae. . Circuit Judge Henry L. Benson and Court Reporter Dick Richardson left Sunday morning for saim to attend to legal matters, The7 will be away several days. Three Cardinals Who are Men tioned as Successors to Pius X. i : '. li .IjwT--- .: NmaaaaaaaaasaaWBnCvHIeBaaal -. "- saaaaaaaaaQsisBaTasBal aBssPiaaaaaaaaaaaaaV IsaaaalsBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaam asaBJaaaaaaT saaaVI SBaaaNssBaaBaaeaaaaaaaaHSBaaaaaaaaaW EHIHbBKp iUHlMsf AJsnV LnBSBHSBBBBBBMSnttnSBBBBBaBBV SBaaHsaaaaaaaaaaanaaaVPitH SBBnVP!tgfjXgeS. BnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBBaBaaBHlBBBBi saKslsBnnnffiBnnaaaaai nBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHiBW SBBBBBBBaBteBaaaaaal ' BaaaaaaaaalBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal I BaaaaaaaaaaffiBlsaOBaaa! snsBUUUUUUUUUUunuuuuuuYJ I Buuuuuuuunnnwr 5' rBnnnnw CONTEST MEETS WITH LITRE A , LOCAL SBPPOff i DANCHM TO YOVJHI KNOWN BY Pil UHgfjagan ' '- ;-' , One eiT the Caewee 4 eaatassai;Sii AtCsrawMMeSeS av Hle9 MSHeanaren saanaaWefSV or a Newaawtw to Heeeaw 'm 'dsrest'' f Clrcalallaei Vaeaest FMssb 'AMts'-' KeM Fwtli ae'a Maet to' aae. IJsW- ' waey. '.. .i .( --iaaaeaaaannBigsaBl aaaaaaaaaal Bnnaaaannnaaasss MH jBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW BBHsBBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. JSBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal IsBaaaaaaaavQBBaaaaaaaVBBaaaaT1' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafaaH BBnnnnnnaaviiBaannnnnBBnnannaf' 'Bnnnnnnnnnr JYvBanaVaBnnaBaV' BaaaaaaaV''4BaVaBaaaaaam'''. BaaaaaaaW' naWjaaaaaaaaal?' 'MBsaaLiLlljBUBaaaaaaaaa aautettl ipolla Cardinal Faleoalo The aamea of three well kaewa car- dlaaU have been awatioaed aa passi ble suceeasora to Pop Plua X., Caral naU RampotU, VaatueiU aad Falee nlo. Noae of theae ssay bo ehesea. for on the death ot Loo XIII tho car dinals moat prominently mentioned as his successor tailed to wla samel oat yotea among their, toUowevu PoaoJUas waa Utile theaght ot aa a eaaWdate.. Cardinal RampeHa waa secretary of tate with Loo XIII. CardtoaJ Vaaao telll la aa aged saaa, be aant- ted bow by lalrmKy tor the alaoo. though he was considered at tho Uaao Leo XIII died. Should Cardinal Fa conlo win, which Is not coacUcrod likely, there would be an American pope. For, while he waa bora la Italy, he lived here for many years. He waa president ot St. Boaavoataro College at Allegany, N. T., forty years ago, aad while there took eat hla pa pers aa aa Asaerieaa eKtoea. Later ho waa transferred to Newfoundland, and later to St. Anthony's church In SalU yan itrttf Ntw Yerk. Ketnrnin to Home he wss held there, and later re urned as papal delegato to tho United States. Since he waa elevated to acardtnalate by Plua X ho has boon a very Intimate friend ot tho church. ''a aon. T s ,- y .' . ' ;.?" lEJBB ak Cardinal Ta Cardinal Raa DOCTORS WANT DITCH FILLEO ALL THE BU81NHB8 AND PROFasS- HIONAL MEN OF TIE CITY SEEK THE CLOSJNQ OF THE ANKENY DITCH When the city council thla evening considers the petition for tho lUlng of the Ankeny ditch, long a source of menace to the health of the commun ity, the governing body will know tho pleasure ot nearly every physician In the city, and every buslnssa aad pro fessional man. Never before waa a petition circu lated here that waa signed so freely by all as the petition to bo Introduced In the council this evening. That the Ankeny ditch la partly responsible for much of the sickness In the past Is the general belief, and rather than take any chanoa on having another epidemic, the people Intend to keep up the Ight for the nbatement ot tho nuisance until the obnoxious water way la tiled. ' Tho petition to be presented tonight aska the council to take ateps to pur chase the water, rights at a fair tgure, and If the owners then refuse to re linquish, to purchase the amount "of water they are entitled to from the CalltoratsriOregon Powbr ipompany, and deliver it to tha owner ot tho wa- tet right free ot coat, ae the dlteh oea be abandoned. John Knott, ta hero from Crater, the new township In the northern part of tho couatry. Oscar Farao la here from Derrls for. a short visit. Am. .Im j w.b. --' ..-"- - --. MOT WMW1 ,tMMl ' W"ri travagaat slslms of If by ao dots there to to UlaaslehtorKtosnarhFalmieMeasto , : aad rain for Klamath Vaow nnn- is P about to bo atado br ta saoAsgali Mweoooor. , BanonBOsoassstoa aBBaf Sunday that' a voting eeadoat && shortly, bo laaagoratod by 'Vwimf woetera. and, aa a bait to ysjenaf ala to go fnrih amnat-straaaers at fal repute wRh tbetr for tho paper, attsnotlTo s-nwaaV-KT- FWtfsttsaaSstSly va wHh bat MtUe have been aditsod.-fof, awaRlag a yoaag girl who a contest, nasi there wMI he) Eculty for tho leapertod eapovto ed bb morning paper la aomrlnc'eeatoaV ants who wUl s forth- wUh' tho aaaa Iforrnla " ' j -V Some etatee have poosed lawa nte ' hlblllmv h. hmmIIui ml ----. ' coateeC The porneee of each laUoa haa iavarUMy boon tho namely the dsagor haa coateataatav ... -, .,J Many girls a'.Mialr swealasl ff- their seal la aoot erne aoirapapar, cauaea of tho aeetoi otB; tho contest Is given n ptoenlaesat and R Is enaoeted UM wannn) a Hm years pregresslvo not only aot eaeourago m Ib adepttag aoh msthseXaad, aV legislate against IC v r, - l-,i Klaawth Falls pevesM to no aeja rtnr- -.i r.."f eaaa-NsBkBaaJieB itouaaeova PssJi 2- Riot, Not Roads, is Feature of Gattiertag m i ji Hisseso Applauses, Denials, Speecke Groans. Stampings and Stouts In- termingle at Meirm JaUetlng n 'j (Special Correspondeneb) MERRILL, Ore., April II. Court house construction and destruction and argument "for and f erolnet" the ounty court supplanted the schsdulsd talk on good roada at Saturday sCht'a meeting at me opera noaso. ana in the battle, of words between Caajnlir, Judge Wordeniiand hla supporters, and reprsieatotlves oftaoTanisrors' League aad ethers soeklag tao recall of Wordea, tho couaty oaMal easae off victorious. ?; This, at nay rate, sssaasd to bo tho opinion of Merrill people, aa they ap plauded Uundroualy oryHtalk. of Worden'e, aad hissed and hootod oth er speahora. There , waa no mlneang of wordaoavthe 'part 'of any of too speakora. Mid severai ttaica R leoawd as thougk'the two aMUa aatoht senM to flsueuBai-" ,Va ;': ."" a BBBaBaBBaBaBBBaWam sFaWoffofpHJll Tho fact that tho'miiHag moao ta a direct attack on,adsja Wevdem van aot kaowW to ta matorlty o lasatii people who were prsatot. asj 1 waa much surprise when. couple of talka on Otl Oroeebeek of lTamato FS-... ': newcomer iatatoaoMtoa. cjMriafttll', an atuokoa Jadsje Waaiwa, Ifegfal M Btrm oathe fM taag lntonUoaof criraatie agalaet' the ,soart hatsao, I Clalmed,:M MttM, and g bulR.lalBtoti ln,ronto(ta flriiilgaa. 1 taattnei hall that of,- the ojart dowaasstanaamtj ., '"'fVjS that F.I tif