fHB UNITED PRESS tilVES THE WORklD 'NEWS FIRST. iVrffJf'Cti -rr frS HUPPLIEI IIY TMK t.HITKK I'JIKNM NKWH SERVICE foe .11. 1 THE HERALD m$M . ' . 'Wi $$&'. :X craw. . i'i 'i RVIMX print the xm'iwi attest) Year No. aVMi JAPAN IGNORES 1 CLAMORINGS OF STRFET BATTLE OOVKBNMKXT TAKES VIEW THAT MA It IH IMPOHMIHLK KLAMATH FALLS, ORKGON, HATUMMY, APRIL It, If IS grsspsprr nu a wmm Maati WHIi the rUeeallvo, Eaateaelag mi Optaloa That Mm CaMfarato Meas im If PmhnI, WW Net II Hlgsa- KADEES WILL TACKLE CALE HEAL ESTATE MK.V AM) SPECIALS WILL PUKMHH THE AMUSE MK.VT FOR HASKIIALL FANS It). MOIIItOW Tlio competing teams lu tomorrow' LinnnbMll gamo nt Modoc Park will be Oliver's Hpoclats and tlio Klamath De velopment company's nine. Aa each team g(Na on the Held with tha avow ed Intention of administering I (a op ponent an awful walloping. lot of If Knfurrwl Street Desauastr incitement U expected. Hum Continue la) Tealo I'lKtd Press Service TOKIO, April . Despite tha per- tltont clamor for war on the part of ike frewled people, the government Ms Uktn a conservative aland In the Utter of the passage of tlio nutl- ttUa Unil uivaaurn In California, sup pied to aim particularly at Japanese. Ttt nwipapera lako tho stand that w with the United mates la Impoa IMe, and tho clamor of the people Is . Isaored. .So mention Is made lu the lartl papers of (be at reel demonstra tion. Tfct omclal view of the matter la Uit If the measure doe succeed In jIb the California legislature, It will not t strictly enforced. "Shorty" (lullford. the Kedee'a elongated phonom, will dish out the slanta for the real ostate men. flhlve will he tho atabater for the Specials. A TRIBUTE TO THE DEPARTED OLD KLAMATH ItKHIDKKT TELLS OF THK UPHILL FIGHT OF KK.NO MERCHANT WHO HAH JUST PASSKD AWAY PEOPLE DEMAND LAND LAW, SAY LEGISLATORS Two tyew Congressmen to Make Names for Themselves "r Mreet meetings continue throng oil the capital. Police and soldiers tit keeping a watch on then gather Ian. Oer-ge lHal Is In front hla Langell Vail some this afternoon. Mr. Hal. wao U In tha Illackburn hos pital. Is rapidly recovering, and It U Hpetled that she will soon be able to rtUrn home. MERRILL TO SEE RECALL PAPERS IT IM UNDERSTOOD THAT PKTI TIONS ASKING THAT WOHDK.V UK HKCAI.LKD UK CIKCU!.ATKI) Til Kit H Merrill cltliena who are opposed to ltn county court will be given an op portunlty tonight to sign the petition asking for the recall of County Judge Wordtn thla evening, according to a rumor In circulation today. This source gives It out that the Petitions will be passed around at tha good roads rally to be held at tha Merrill opera bouse. ' Many from here will attend, Includ ing member of tha county court and the taxpayer league. fly IIOUKItT A. KMMITT Henry I.. Smith of Keno, Oregon, wo born In Malno on Auiuat 10. 1850, and died April 14, 1913, being G year 7 months and 24 day old at the time of hi death. When a small boy he, together with his parent, moved to Siskiyou coun ty, California, at a tlmo when pioneer life, ruffianism and lawlessness was tho rule, rather than the exception, ami yet, with all the coarao and roagh surrounding of aocloty he developed Into manhood with such fore of char acter a made him one of the moat honored and respected cltlten. About thirty year ago he removed io ncno, wnero ne naa maintained a residence, and from which time he hk been my Intimate personal and confidential friend. He ha been In my employ, and I have been In nu; nlwaya fair, Just and prudent. I have known him In proeperity and In '.adversity, ever retaining that name even temperament i- He waa my friend, and. I waa hi m s a a i ' , .. 1 iriena.'in irum ma Bine.' ti HANFOItl) HAYHIHMR8 ARK TOLL OF URGING UtTTKRfl PruteaU That Arw Oaejnjng la W1M Be or So Avail, Aiisidsng to Teedaw, WIk believe Poofda WiU Resort to the InHlaUve rstsilasi, MmvM the fttlatr "LaV Owwb" era IswMeauNsrs 1 f. Hired I'rese Berries SACRAMENTO, April If. The protests against the aaU-eJIen Land laws will not have any weight with me iwamaKer, seeerging to every solon who will discuss the nendlna: legislation. i. Not one of these will admit that he will oppose the bill they say that the people generally demand the measure, and that they'wlll resort to ttie Initiative In order ts pass ths law., should the 'legislature' become supine. According to Senstor gsnford, lbs desk of all the members of the legis lature 'are filled wKh demands for tlio passage of the exclusion bill ''"Phaaai JambbiIh i C V aiavsiv uvussTaHHsl CVM" ITUsU WYVTJ ammjammamMnrnmaVH NlftsWsaisRsl '' l '' ; ; trie; '',.' l' . M' ft . '; ' .? BaasajsmsDnt:asxsmaBS')1 ',., , 'it o4 'WsSw; CJaml . i' BgggfV--i KH2nWaWaWaWaWaWsBnr TfPJvmBwaTcMHeaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWa !aa9BiBlaBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' : jtSBflsBvlleaBBBBBBBBB lgtffgSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBsW ''IWbjUlSiSSSSKBL raMVHIi,l "THKHSLTBBd fBMPJPBBPjMBJMrtTfc';' -jlBsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM BWSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB -zmimmmMmam nuc WAR SCARE NOT if BOTHERING MR. wilson Arm -1 . f' - V - . PHKHII)K.T HOLM TMK MMU ' KIOHT i.NoArUonWMtRe AHe i- Abput fifteen yeara,sgo'he became f1'" ,n the. t"' " H0- - Shaft Beats the life Out of a Millhand Oiler at Algoma Sawmill Catches Hit Clothes in Revolving Shaft and Dies Shortly Afterwards (Special Correspondence) AMIOMA, April 111. (letting hi tlothlng caught In a revolving abaft I company this morning, B. A. Dodsos, looping aged 40 years, was whirled about tbo'sUtcd tin .hour later. Dodsea died shortly af trr tholr arrival. Nobody aaw ths accident. Dodsou, 'nrlnr In liU ilnnth. iLstail that hn at t the plant of the Algomn Lumber tempted to go under (he ahaftlng by when bis clothe caught, lis that tho comoany could not be nut until hi clothing was torn from held responsible for tho accident. Is body, and he sustained Inlurleal Tho remains will be shipped to Utt resulted In hla death. tKlamath Palls for preparation by Cor- As a result of hU terrible expert-'oner Whlllock. They will then be ore. Dodson' back was broken, and sent to Ilornbrook for burial, one side was horribly macerated. The1 Dodson had been working at the -ecldent occurred about 7:30 this Hy moor mill for two weeks. Ho Is sur taornlug, and Doctors Truax and Tay,vlved by a daughter and a son, both lorramo up from Klamath rails two 'of whom live here. totally blind, which a llctlon lie bor with marked Wleaee sad cheerful ness unknown to other. J While attending the blind school nt Hatem, Oregon, be made the ac quaintance of MltaJsUdle I), Bristol, who was also blind, sad In 190S they we're married at my house. To this union one son waa born, who still survive. They were generally famil iar and pleasantly known as ths blind couple of Keno. Usually In such cases of blindness, the aid of charity is asked for and, expected, but to the contrary, they were lucecssful In business, and the family I fairly well provided for financially. His clear In sight foretold of hla early passing, and consequent settlement of all his business affair to the satisfaction of relatives and family. In alt my Inti mate associations with blm, never a word of reproach, In my hearing, against n single Individual, not even under the moat adverse dream-. stances. A wsrm hearted, tender, kind and Indulgent father and husband; a gen erous, upright, public spirited ciuiea, grateful to hi Creator, faithful to hi country and loyal to hi friends. It I to be hoped that Providence and tho people will be kind to hla rel atives, hi brother, hi wlfs and wid ow, hi son and orphan, and that all,1 both rotative and frteuds. 'In their bereavement, will remember that Providence haa decreed that all living bring must pas away and sink sub missively Into the VIII of inat power thnt "knnWeth and doeth' all things wiill." May he rest In peace., I uk to act contrary to laslr wishes," sand Banford. ' V It Is bellsred that Vtlon.1 on the measure will be taken Meaday." PRACTICE DUILL OF ODD FELLOWS TKAM FOR MKDFORD WILL MEKT TOMORROW AKTF.RNOON TO PRACTICK MANEUVERS U.VBKR NKW CAPTAIN Bgegm? agegegegegeH LH'IBgmB malnBBBBBBnB T fluH LfssgHtK. 'MmaaaH amlTmnmenBK f rjBBBBangsl r' an. J L- - Rtsnlnv Bowdln of Cincinnati, tha heSi. ". VTSwe man who beat Nicholas Long worth, son-in-law of former Presisetit moss u vclt, In tbs'race for congress last fall, 'i I expected to become more famoua than hi predecessor., He can talk and he haa a fine line of humor which Is likely to convulse the, house at times. 'Heaven scalped Nick Long-worth," sold he on the atump, referring to the held head of bl opponent, "but I am going io skin blm." " He won largely with- hla hamer. His friends say be will soon bsseia one of the most popular men of the) house. Peter G octet Gerry, the new mem ber of the house from, Rhode Mead, ut one, of the wealthiest men In con gress. He Is also a representative of KeWTcrk; Newport and Washtagtoa society. Gerry Is said to be a yesng ofablUty. Mrs. Oerry waa Miss Mauiiaa iowsmss, uigster oi wuw. Tpwnsend of Waahtagten, oavo of theleadera of society In the nstieaal oan iuu. n-l- "'.-. . PPHWMi -" 1 "-'- , , ; $' VamssjtaafesjAsmV '' v Pi rMtimiVtmn'thitim iami'sr' " ' KareesMnwater.fMgjfclg. as ajansja. ' - . i' " ii sbst ae Meseer Wms OssMbsrbsbsi mm '.' L " 'l CosNnrsss) Mtesnmiss) msssst ii mmmmmmmmm''' i ' - J X. . it 'rsesTMenrles " '.,.'' Mrsms, o I'nlit WA8HINOTOK, D.VC, AgfM state's rights are, This Is the ncBklea takes fef I-MtnV y.L ueni wwesia n sllea land legistaUea Ifornla legialetars.' bt Iw , avoid as open break, with : ktOat- M inley James Larklns of Chlloquln waa among the arlvals oncrrlday'a trala. May Sue District Attorney , ; -on Breach of Faith Charge :h Sisson Attorney, Formerly Judge in California. Comes Here in Answer to Telegraphic SummonsHas Not Agreed to Take the Case -"jpn Jet 1XX Holding that District " AttifMy, f"" irwin aoUd In bad faith with mn while connected with aa asttsn PPealsd to the suprsms court, Chas. wnrt and n. sarlgsbyws said to) - -uvriiig sringsagsuii sgNMC vf'ln to recover .foc breach of faith. "nould they susoesd, R.ig said that iiney aty brlM Hf4t charges ctlut the attoney, aa4 seek hla wrmsat. ' , ' " tM ! I! -- ! ! IH f Judgo Henry McQulnnl, a wsU momber of the California bar, and formerly on tho bench In that (tat; arrived here Friday from Slsaon. He frankly. admits that he was summon-, e'd 'by telegraph to oonslder bringing action against Irwin. Further than' that Judge McQulnness refused to dis-, ous ths matter, , . , ... i.I'.il.' '..'i;i.ll.i -..II vi navs set seen nuuuiu he said, "and for. that reason I do iMw(m&ux$:si -. aksi tt i i a i ran t i ) i that I can talk about the not think " the mattor'ls said tb' have' originat ed' In the ault of R'ausch'and Stewart against ;Poaart, for thf vosaajiloni ot a. huHdlngoecupUd by Deaart;s a nool room. The natter was appealed to the sa'prsme court, mid'lt held that Irwin acted In bad faith with tha two complainants la wa'rd'ti'teplpsal bond. ' -'-" 4 si Tti i'tt tint I va "' " Owing to tbo fact that. Perclval Sholl. captain of the degree team of Klamath Lodge No. 117, I. O. O. F, will be unable to continue with tho practice of the teen owiag to his being employed at night In the, power house of the Csllforala-Oregoa Powor company, Captain Psll waa last night chosen o lake charge of the team to complete Its preparation for the exhi bition drill to be put on before the arsnd Lodge at Medford la May. Captain Pell has called a meeting for 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and desire all' Interested, whsther mem ber of the team or not, to be on hand at Odd'Psllow hsll promptly at that hour. It will be necessary to begin the work promptly In order to ac complish anything, and the captain respectfullyrrequest ail to remember ths hour, 2 o'clock, sharp. PERRY WEBBER KILLED Bl GUN BRYAN ASKS FOR CHANGE TKLKQRAPMS GOVERNOR JOHN SON OF CALIFORNIA AWONG THAT 'IN-KUGULK" RB OUT FROM THK RILL United Press Service SACRAMENTO, April KILLS TWO DENS OF COYOTE POPS The presMentsaw ne Tlsra te ,day. sven Bryaa was, JHe devoted the stealer, nasi a . dsy to the aaatter. ' Mo fear at war leieMs;gsj'WM.n isoa, Is detarmmed these wal'b sj Imstukeau.- ' ;-"''"' f .The antl Asssriaaai ssJMmssi t Jfc Penaa4tkas4taiiebstwac4i 'will km at imK that there Is smr for a JanasM tlsw today whew ka dadid to gssmtaV fdsVsgatiesi of 'Cemasrsuama?'.Tsm.awsi' . a' to -' taetr tissimi imT wratwgthetasjslbiUi WUseai la with dev1spmsats ha Tenia ami .1 roaaeau. The. .state' ssfaaanhi. "" ft p . 1.'"' vt sessw. . . l'Sl MERRILL MAN'S DMCOVKRY NMM HIM THIRTY DOLLARS IN ROVN TV MONKY FROM THE OOCNTY COURT Two litters of coyotes. t. 19. 8eer-,BlBteen coyote' pup, were to sad la Mr .' " ' i r FORMsslI RMUDKNT OF ' I CITY nun at CALIF. FATHER WITH KLAMATH PRtMBOT ITJEKM IVBTAKT K- TURLAOK. , , H i Word ass .been received la this city at tUe death ofsrryE. Wsber at TleekCsMf. Th yoa ntaai. was InsUaUy killed by Us aooMeatal dls- chargs of a shotgun; ii ti Young Wshbsr wasths son'of Geo. W, Webber; who was coaaeeted wlU the reclamation service asrs forssv-' ersltysars. ' - : CHIOAQO,' April 19. Otto Vredls, agadio6year," waa killed Instantly! to day by, Jailing afty feet.wsth hla bi plane. Hs fell nuy-nve feet and.waa crushed jsader'tae'saachlnef-Tv fc i Thetrs4idy,cM)cirrsdVt'tlsstton4, ardavlattonAaMoatanstoawta. ,- ' . 'if' IT REPEATS THE EASTER SINGING MUSICAL NUMBERS WILL aUD REN .DKRED AGAIN RY CHOa OF THE CHURCH Of THR sVeemer tory of Bute Bryan telegraphed to Governor Hiram. Johnson today, ask ing, that the words "Ineligible to clt Ushlp" be not Included la the hud law. This, he says. Is urged by Pres ident WlUon. The telegram was read la the lagto- laturo, and ordered printed la ths Journal. No comment waa nude. Governor Johnson refused to. make any statement regarding the telegram other than that he had not answered It as yeU .' - 44 .Tha, choir of the Bslseopal oharah will tomorrow reseat' tha ataaleal numbers rendered Baster, La ordsr that those, who wstr a aaable to ho present on that day 'may1 aav'ssa op portuUy of hearlngtae music. -The soloists nn this occasion wfcli be hirp., , Mamie, Wagner,, sopraaoj Miss-Maud: Klppey, coatralto; Mr. O'BrlsB.. tenor; Mr,, i Arthur D. Oar, r."i y .'' A"!.1 i .... .,;'1 i ' ' J. A. Mnddox s la, today frost hla raashasarMsrrllU ' H j- i .... . I, T' the sagebrush near MsrrlU earater this week by Lem Reese of that eJty. In addition to killing the pups, Ross killed one of the mothers. The scalp of the mother and the pup were brought to Klamath, falls' today by Bees, sad he will .$1.50 for eaeh sealp. ' ... " Wlleoa haa agreed to aosHlea to Raker 'of tha CaUtotTaaa coagrssiiinali dsUgausava 1 catea the war" scare i From the tread of the matter It la certaJav that Ito '' 'not Interfere with the lasasastonnC' ths Saeramesito Ww mshiis asMstJsntt' Uoroaghly aatlalad that the i Uws are la rtototlea ol the eoastltatleau ., .,'.'.". srmiy seneveeja; of state rights: aaA has asked aha CjgsV' Horamna to. harry torewnm taw'ieanV v tvSMIsaNUVala Va9 arw SsBaa 99SBhv jR i ones whether aot Im shsaU rst)n dlauthem. v A" vP A marriage Ucease was Isaaed Uls afternoon .to Thomaa lOaornsj Wilson and LUUaa EllaabeU, Watts. The couple were united by Justice of the Peace Oowea a tew minutes. .later. WlUon la tho son.of CaUerlse Prahat of this city. Ha haa a hosuetesd near Boaaasa. f'o CENTRAL SCHOOL , A , 1 " IHM y t Eighteen to ssveatssa, with t East Mors oa the long and af It, aiaa i r the rewH of. Friday's sjagsa. bsAejsjan' .,-, '. the ball teams of ths Bllto nasi 1 v , CeatrsJ seaosls. Thls'was'ta avaw ' ! game the two teams slsjad ttml iajaf. "'' ' ' In the ninth ImIsw the aaata aa ';f .lf: tied, 17 to 17, aad anVeattmaMmat ' tn necsssary to' settle ' a wins, .. A .mm tendjag Barnes BiiW of Chi second same win ha atsasd tsaarn' i: ')., -r ' rAdy la here I to business L.VYli salmV.V V&.!:';' r .tf??r Mill dhTsTbeWalv ,$ $V AVf.v : -.,.. ,"ti" . W.U J VMMH K-JS. .mmMmtM L - SS ' . T .-' 1 runner anerui ana 21011 now' . .- k 4-f - (Ti m. Two Sawmills, ting fifty ThoiMWtnd . Tm l liC 1 y,v xi t, X&'lmyXVi i.-., '; A deal has last beoa closed; la lam ber circles. 'whereby Wml , Bnrnsa and;hl.son.,faifon kjassv have par Chased tbe, totoresU ,ot; J,.w. Kaps hart ad,W. I.' Clarka U Ue psaatet the ChWeejuln Luavber somaaayt at Me stsAtoa, gtofcfft &&& fesvnnar.' JnJftHr'A Hsrsavtor U .eaaaera wal -ha kaowal'na? tan, Barnaa' lnacraasa.' a-' "r S " 'v- I' ItkVwta.aaVavA ' (Hsrsaaasar.tjnfaars)as nvf) 4 av, snort'. 1 ,f XX ',! ! . v i'J..' - J-t swt-i w.aes .waa sshp saj isaallnil toafemM iMAdm w ' ; ,'.' "nsaajnw ;$' lvWlth.th;ta.aaia 'fj mi', JW1 Mr at 1 uv 1 Vflj