u ' -ft THE UNITED PRESS GIVES THE WORLD NEWS FIRST. THE HERALD ffM ?. V- !..' - HDITMKD IIY THR ' UKITKI I'lIMM NliWM NKHVIUR fpk f turning efaliV Driitli Year No. 8,011 KfiAMATH FALL, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL IS, ItlB Japanese Coolies Sing War Songs and Pray For (HINT TMI MBWS, IM MHNMRl ' ,"'. fc i iiiiii iiil imsimiaY t$hfj ""sssm. Aj . . r? Attack on America; Situation Becomes Serious L ?' lL V r to&v:? -V ', l r -i m,: MAYOR 10 SET DATE FOR BIG CLEAN-UP DAY I1IOCMMATION HMMJKD TODAY UlliaKM WOKK FOB "CITY IIKAUTIFUI." BENSON GOES TO LAKEVIEW SOON .MMOUItMKD MMIO,V WILL UK HTAUTKD MAY 0 HtitibLAH MAY TKIIM FOR LAKK COUNTY Ol'KNH MAY IVTM. Circuit Judgo Demon li busily delv liil Into niithorltloi cltotl by attorneys In cnf thai ho Iibi taken under ad- iiM'AT TIIK FLY" AND DKfcTHOY , Ueuieut. and ho will dliposo of nr- .,...,.... . etal actions bofura lil dopsrturo for hih imiiwiiMJ imou.Mi is oK.Ukelow o ,iui, Ui, ulmr ,crw of IIKH TO HKMOVK DAMiKIl OK ,B circuit court In Hint city. i Judge Hanson ntul Court Reporter llllclmnlion will leave on May 2 or 3. , On May S, a number of cases ad joumod from tho lait term will bo (disposed of, anil on May 12th tbo I rcxulnr term of court will open. TYPHOID FKVKH SflriMlld ItraulU of Ike Cif tc League' ArthlllrM last Vcr fur llie Health MANY ANSWER THEIR APPEAL HKVKHAL IIUNIH.KH OF CLOTHING I.KIT AT THKJIKIIALD OFFICK FOIt FAMILY IX HTHAITENKD t'lltG'UMHTA.NCKH Hardly had tbo odlcc boy arrived to sweep out tbo Herald office this morning when a bundle of clothing arrived for the family In need tinned lu Thurday'a Herald. EULALONA TRIBE ntTO i acio MAifcn 0UfllCU HIIJH HCHCKMi mUUM' HXKINO CUB CAUOm IN A SDDDKN DOWNPOUR, SKHW RKTUaK IN IIMI 8HANTY Speaker's Daughte is a Student Many were caught without um brella, rubbers and raincoats by the sudden rain Thursday 'afternoon, and raen-''many ladles, who had donned summer hats and party raiment were maroon- aal Appears of KUmaUi Falls: There are a number of Important (Itnl by Mayor aa an Kiampl oft WluU !i IU Acroma41alMl ThU Vrar by Cmrrrtnt Kffott cases pnndlnR In l.ako county. Ilrlil for liuuMlty I'eter Zlegler, a farm hand who has been employed at the llosa Sutton , ... ,.., ranch for a ahort time, was brought A tlm.tr ..P t.wd the Improre- o 8herff met of health conditions In Klam- n(, ,)eputy jjherlff llrowbaker, to be tlh Falls Is taken by Mayor T. K. (,nmlnod Bs to his sanity. Zleglar Is Nicholas today lu the Issuance of a'cr, or CO years old, and cams to this ...... , j- "tUaa up" proclamation, urging the " r-Tp and Throughout tho day othor dona-,cd ,ar ,rom hora UBt11 lh toK ot tlons of clothing wore received. Keveral telephoned to tho office that they had donations ready for the city officials to deliver. People to remove all rubbish trash from their premises, and thus Tt tCoaiiauau, on I'age It. K. Tuttlo returned to Uonantn this morning, after a short visit In tho county seat. Wants a New Ambassador in Japan Secretary Lane Believes Measure Will Pass and Oregon and Wash ington Will Follow the Lead l.'tilteit t'ress Service WAHIIINOTON, U. C, April 19. On account of the present situation arising In the relations of this coun try and Japan. President Wilson Is anxious to sond to Toklo an American' Hint ho Is confident that tho measure ainbasnador who can be depended up-, obnoxious to Japanese will be adopt- on to carry out the wishes Icmocratlc administration. 'trr situation. Kranklyn K. Lane, secretary of the Interior, who Is a native of California, told llaron Ynsuya Uclilda, the Japan no ambassador oxtraordlnary today ot tho. id lu California. also stated that he expects Ore- Thu president pct the Oallfor- gon And Washington to copy the leg' iln legislature It pasi tho antl-nllcn land bill. As this Is sura to malic Aino-iians most unpopular through out tho Nipponese empire, Wilson "nts a man there who Is thoroughly capable of handling a most delicate Illation. Kx-Mayor (luthrlo of Pittsburg has been suggested to Wilson as the man to handlo the Japanese situation. No action has yet been taken toward an appolntmont by the president. HIGH SCHOOL TO PLAY BASEBALL I'ltACTICK UAMK W1IX BK I'LAY KU TOMOHKOW MOKNINO WITH "HKINNY" O'CONNKIX'H FWATK i CRKW . . After an absence of two years, the baseball bug made another appear ance at tho Kiamatn county nign school this spring, and he has been bo active In Inoculating the students that plans aro already under way for n team, and the prospects oi mis or that aspirant for a berth on the nine has hogged tho cntlro conversation of tho students of malo persuasion. Merrill and Donansa will be met. say tho II. 8. boys, and It Is possible that a trip will bo taken to Fort Klamath and the Klamath Agency. It may be arranged to play outside high school teams. Among those trying for places on tho contingent are Mesnsr, Orem, Hum, Fecse, Haines, Boiler, Mc- Cluro, Noel. MoUchenbacber, Carter, Skelton, McCornack, Rlggs, Nail, Case and l'lel. M. A. McCall will coach the squad. A short tryout was held last night, and somo snappy work was" shown. To determine who will be on the nine a prnctlco game will bo played tomor row with a Yannlgan aggregation bnndod together by Maurice O'Con-noil. Cloorgc C. Clark Is here from Al gonitt, whero ho has chargo ot the extonslvo construction work of the Algoma Lumber company. ' SSTX IJ.H-L.il I I., .1.1 I 1 Petitions for the Recall of Worden Are in Circulation Following a Canvass of the City, it is the Intention of Those Behind the Movement to Circulate Petition i Throughout the County. Secrecy Maintained , Petitions are being circulated for tbo recall of County Judge Will Wor den, Thursday the petition was pass ed around In this city, and It Is the intention by those ;who Ipejsf: the movement to start work g'asasuj the farmers throughout the eeMMrtf be fore making it twraiReateMnptlgm t Klamath ralkt. .".' ' " -J The petitions are mate'oul u the county clerk, asking him to call a special election. Parties back of the movement state thaj they only desire to give (he people of the county an opportunity to oxpress themselves as towhether or not they are aatlsued with the management of the county buslnoss by the present county' Judge. There la much secrecy attached, to the 'circulation of the petitions In town, and Inquiries among Interested parties as to the charges made In the request for the recall do not receive satisfactory answers. As the attack on Ihe county court has always been along the line ot reckless handling of the .county's finances, and the holding ot the court house, It Is sate to conjecture that theso two feature predominate the recital of the alleged wrong doings of Judge Worden, the storm paased, but the worat ex perience waa that of the- Eulalona Tribe, a club composed ot high school girls with K. P. Weston proclivities. They were caught by the storm far from homo, and were compelled to seek shelter In a deserted shack. The club, chaperoned by members of tho high school faculty and armed with provisions, sallied forth early )cstorday, afternoon for a tramp along Upper Lake, traversing the sparsely settled West Side region. They had stepped off several miles when the, storm broke. The force of tho downpour mado It necessary for the fair pedestrians, ho, unfortunately, did not equip themselves with beets and slickers, to seek shelter, and atelfhtlng of a deserted shanty was the oesassosj for a general scurrying through the mud In the direction of the stricture. Her Kulatona Tribe held council, passed resolutions condemning auch sudden atmospheric changes, and prepared supper. After the rain ceased, the unduunted bikers waded hack to town through a sea of mud. Sheriff Low and Deputy Sheriff luewbaker, who went to the Sutton ranch Id an open mit'jraoblle for a man supposed to be demented, were caught by the rain, ana ueir naste to get home to dry clothes resulted In many perilous skidding. (-ifisi .smmmnMBsnmnmnmnl mmmmmmV M ?$"". ammmmni' KwlinH' nmnmnmnmnmmmnr wWT V VBtmgfgfgfgfgfH umnmBummmr Vemb V .smtuuumnmnmnmnmnmnmmmml 'AD IS FAVORED "t ammM TBll TTfUlfl dl I fit DtllUKb MICHIOANDKR AND MARIjAMITK WIIJj MAKE RfOHT WMGmT TMM KVK.MXO, IHKXARE TBK TRAIKF.BS KNIGHTS TEMPLAR ELECT OFFICERS I'nlted Pree Service OAKLAND, April 19. The following state officers were elected today by the Knights Templar: Qrand commander,' W. Mantel ot Los Angeles; deputy grand comraan- dor, James Patscott ot Yreka; gener alissimo, I'erry Wldner of Los An geles; captain general, Elmer Stone; senior 'and junior warden, Samuel Clark and Jonathan Beel; treasurer, Charles Field, all of Ban Francisco; record keeper, William Davis ot Ala mode. The session close with a ban quet this evening. Len McKensle and wife, who have a ranch near Olene, visited Klamath Falls Thursday. DYNAMITE LOST IN SAN QUENTIN HIOID SKAItCH IS tUHNG MADE IN I'ENAb INSTITUTION FOR OVER A HUNDRED STICKS OF THE EXPLOSIVE SAN QUENTIN, April 19. War-, den Hoyle Is leading n rigid seareb. of 8tn Quentln prison lor 100 sticks ot dynamite that ha v. been jtelea from the powder magaalne. No trace has been found. . ,. v Hoyle says he doe not bUy any one In the, prison stele the pewder but he Is making the aeareh a n.nr- MJse Oesumeve Clan, daughter of the saaksf of the house of ropresen tatlre. will sail for Europe In a few dnys to study government there, ah tays. Mrs. Oeorge Harrey, wife of Ilia New York publisher will chaperon her. Miss Clark, though Is than IS years of age at the time of the Balti more convention, was one ot her fath cr's most ardent champions In his am bition to be the democratic nominee for president. At one time she de manded of his managers that they send to Washington for him. She be lieved he would have stampeded the convention at the moment William Shlpp is here from ranch In the vicinity ot Dairy. hi Mrs. Taylor came la Thursday from Merrill. This morning she went to Shlpplngton. Albert Doan Is here from Bonansa. Me Is a veterinary surgeon In the Clover Leaf city. Police Judge A. L. Leavitt left on Thursday for Oakland, to meet Mrs. Ieavltt, who will return home In n few days. Mrs. Leavjtt la much Im proved In health. Early Arant was In Thursday from the Arant ranch at Pine drove, pur chasing supplies. PONTIFF SLEEPS,' AND IS CHEERED REQUESTED PERMISSION TO ARISE, RUT H DENIBO CHATS WITH RELATIVES AND TAKES NOURISHMENT " tatted. Press Rsrvlce ".ROME, April 19. Pope Plua X slep well last night, except for an oc casional ui or eougawg. , At noon be chatted with hut broth er and sisters for' some time, and tnnk nourishment. Ho la feellnc cheer ful, and, asked permission to arise, which, of course, era denied, The .doctor say It will be a wk before the danger' I passed, but they caution to avoid an eiflosism., , ' Jre much dlsMf. nited Press Serrte SAN FRANCISCO, April 19. Ad Wolgast reigns favorite over "Harlem Tommy" Murphy la their flght thla ovenlng. The odds this afternoon are 10 to 8. Both boxers say they will make the weight. There 1 doubt In soma quar ters as to Wolgaat'a condition. J. Frank Adaasa Is her from Mer rill attending to business matters! Mrs. W. R. Wilson cams ht from Merrill Thursday to visit friends. Dr. A. A. Soul. Pert Klamath practitioner, who ka been TlsRIng relative at Montagu far the past lew weeks, ha returned ts Klamath eewi; ty. He left UI morning tor the Wd River Valley metrepeM. Mis Beatrice' CI d alng was the guest of local friend Thursday. . She came In jrRhjMr fshva jLCtmv denning, who ha a ranch en the Mid land red. E. Rate and asm arc here free their ranch at Oklahoma, the growing community nt the southern end of Lower Klamath Lake. J 1 M W t AMERICANS ARE Demo ninmv ill mil' iii iisjuri kh " Winil MIVVLIlt -W..-W . : ": ... ! GUARDED T0i)AY n '" . .. (j MINMTKRS THR MTfTi ALARMCIM ? I' 8K.VATOH SANFO WANM '. INFORMRB THAT CAN ATTKNB TO ITS OWN AsV FAIHR, WITHOVr: Ur -'.. mM ,, r t r' f tv'smwsnne1 f Herrranr Rryais I sn CU'mSRi ' - fj.u . , - '- .'- iV -, ' , i '' ' Presldssit Wsmsm WMCiMm ISJah ' " L sa an " m " j0aMKttaataaaM ammaaaf Tnawajawwat u m f - 'sMssmi ' ' VUHsaHeSL AmnnHnl mssssflsnVm AjgMgfVjfemnnmnHnsi ewAHMPVel wWtmWU ,nHHfHfMTsTsHHHr m ' .;L v ' - w . j i ' f tcaatisned entree, y i' , . . .' .-' - Mexican and Japanese Ambassadors Resign if. .'i ' Delicate Relation! With Two f oraftt , r-. ' a ear . Nation Itemdcred Mo-e Con plicated fr the PretldeBt ji ;v uniifd pi WASHINGTON, D. C, April 19. American dlmcultlea with Japan and Mexico have become even more com plicated, because only temporary oH- clals are In charge of th embassies. ljirs Anderson, who ha bee th ambassador to Japan, has returned from that empire, and he I In Wash- . tagton today. Ambassador Wllse of jhfMle hw , tendered hi reslgaatlon to PresMent Wilson. No successor ha been named In either en. ' y' - The aatt-Aaaertean agkatieei ,ta ' Japan Is causing torn eoMernvk th, ; capital, but PresMent Wthw kwhvt that California I privileged Usijet - whatever legislation the state sleiirb. ; ;, caa i (, v A Going After Ankeny i-s 'jV-' 1 .i tvm i'. ft 'j ".I V I Ditch Matter Again Petition U Being Circulated for the Abatement of Nuisance Which Seeks to ShameHold-OnU" ,1 J , '(, v.rff A-- .--- .' " ' ' --' W . Another etort la being mad by tn cltlrens of KUmath fall to bar eh Ankeny dlteh clo4 and lllint beeor the summer advanese, ad a petition Is being circulated aaking the council to take action at oneo. The petition U being .freely Ujted., In, it there are ieTeral sujuMsttou that mlgbjt tend to espedtte the work. 'wording of 'TV, - th irT'iwW :umg w:m bMn m Mi f i 4, toward' eloe mg nuwmgHjJS vwsmHBjBrswejBjsmTi , Anksay'einiL'r-'X,, v 'Woul4 any ettewm fiem e 1 upyaW'rifht'vsidortnal ii- so (Ml pabtM AfH m I "SP I therefore, w Following la tho VV,, . tt, .. "Wo. the undomem rssidsnn tunir of .tho.yltir,ot.XlHl PaU, mpWtMIUjiaj'Ji;, f sTanDnmWawsl . wi.iai..i. xmiiin