THB UNITED PRMSS GIVES THE WORL gurrMM) BY THB UHITKI) I'MUM NKWB BKRVICK Hevrittli Vtr No. B.04S t a ' gr t or NEWS FIRST. THE HERALD eftld. KLAMATH FALLS, ORKGOjr, TMOhMMY, AFRIT IT, 11C "CALIFORNIA IS FOR WHI1E RACE" KENT NOKONSTUBLt j ,'IN THE VILLAGE fAUWIIMA COXUHKHSMAN ANA I.Y.KH I'MH'I.KI VIKWPOI.NT lap Japaurae Value TtmH' Mure Offraalv to th Mortal AtU CBJp Tohlo KraUrata Aaa Itlgtit In XaiuratlMtlua tor Their C'oua- Crimea , No protection for Klamath KnlU leoplo- nave thn shorirf'a duputlv. mid the tollc department-no pro. cess server for strong arm of the law HTHAXUKIl .(or j.inkviiio district, , 'I hi In tho state of affair, brought about today by tho resignation of William Huow aa constable of the lo rn I Jimlltn district, Snow waa elected ut tint November polling, and waa elected on Ilia socialist ticket. Mr. AGED WORKER LOSES REASON REBELS START FOR GUAYMAS i:mpi.ovki o.v hut. TON HAXCH HIIOWH HIOXH OK IXMAXITV SHKIUIK'H OFFICII XOTIFIKII WITH CANNON Leaders of the Tariff Fight l lt i "'V1 ? ic " ;,.: ; ?'- v , !i,"' ' r.vBiMi rirvvh jr ,i , a PRINT TH MKWB, NOV mWNftaa? Ji V ' " mm"mmBBms, " ( "i; rj TWO FIKLI MHCKH AND TKN RAPID KIRKRH INCLUDED ( An old man who hai been employed . la le aa KcobohiIcHow I. connected with Iho American' for ,horl U,no at th "0M 8ulu Mfcnet! (M,r-o. t-hta-.a.d I..I-KI. d W. Untie- Iber. ar I Low I'""",0" ' M,"1l rod -"owaalgua 7" 'M'- rpiilrlu ao much of hla time that he i; "", """' ccorain io in- " Attack 1 . .,.. i..n mi Miui.ii ui ma iiiuo mat no , ., . , . . ; haa found It lmpo..lble to give thof"m"llo1l, e,cP,,0,1"1 e aherlS'a proper attention to the dutlea of wn-l!!. i0?" "tTlt ,MW Bd D,Putr .table. III. rr.lgn.llon haa been ten-T.T" " r " ranch' dered. and In hla milttln. nfflrn J..-.!"'" "'"rnoon. tlrv (low ell loiea a most couaclentlou. officer. Notlilnx la known 'that he applied for Aa yet no .ucce.ior haa been named l";a "nch ovet, dfl)"' ruiera new dred tUmUHmHtm alalia HUH tor' dmrrUomr-Himorm Oev' rrnor on Hla War io Waafchactea r ekYltebel KerrM for Hnow'a Tacated poiltlon. Until an appointment l made a deputy iherlff will attend to the constabulary liillfi. ' ' Ullrd l'ft Uervlta WA8IIINUTON, I). C, April 17. Tb follnwliic Interview regarding Ik proposed anll-alleu land law In California waa given out today by I'uDfTvuman Kent: The Chlueee excliialou bill waa Mr.'ntJ Mra. II. (I. Ilrown ha left Uil upon social and economic r.a- w,,h th,r fmlly for "y'"0"''. Wash. obi. He kept out white labor by ., ... . ... , . fprklDi at a lower wage, and tbua '" W '" A,url''. ""' one of iMiDrallird the aoclal atatua. . ,h', ownw of n Mlckler A Albright "p,a same objection apptlM to the rnc''' ,B,t wa'",)r tor visit In JlMBrie coollo. He I much li val.'8"n rntheo. tukl alt AinnntiilM oiiBHllly IkaM " WK" ! ik I'hln.m... .hii. ,- . i.i J tney was among the Klam- tllltttde he Is much more ofeaalve. tallfonila, Unas far la a whke avta's ruunlry. It la Uto latvaliaa cat L MMitJji ftf t WUfitfaU io bM A 4 ".T.;cur,oua. h. way -I ' tJi."" SfS ho rsUieatly d.ay that th. rac. - SUSrS i Coii I Inuml on i'Hh'i ulrcn work. Iut morning his actions been 'luc-or. ath county farmers who visited the county seat Wedneaday. Ha ha. a 'ranch near White Lake. ' , tended visit here Merrill is to Hold a Good Roads Meeting Maw Meeting Will be Held at Opera flouie There Saturday Night, and Large Attendance is Expected FISHERMEN AND POLICE BATTLE KIM.I.Vn OK ITALIAN IIV DKIMJTY OAMK WAKhK.V hTARTM KUHIL. tllK AM) W.tlt AIO.VO KIHIIINO OHOUMMi I iw Loarer Mr wailMwl Fern of the man ..v. I WH,, h, J employment a( JTv iya ago, and was , V night and thla' f are said to hava' , WA8HIN0T0N, p. C, AprU . 17. Major daBeral Leonard United KreM flame OAKI.AND. April II. Kollowtag the killing of Salvador Baleatltri by Deputy Qame Warded Browa la a bat- Ife w lh water Uat algbtrth that 'and a party of Italian Baheraaa clash led today at Rleaaaead. Two ItaUaaa are aald to be badly wound. The police oflcers sat th ItalteM who figured la laat algat'a aaoctlai as they attempt) to lead. BHa aar tie opeae flr. aad two of U tak er rnea wer lajared rr their lauaca coald gt eat of ramg. , C. Wood, chief of staff of th l . army, left today for the Mexican border. He will make a rigid Investl- gatlou of conditions. DOUOLAB. Aril.. April 17 Armed with heavier artillery than ever car ried by a rebel fore, General Obre- gon and I, GOO coaatltutlonatlstaa left Naco, headed for Quaymaa, to attack thtf garrison. Tho rebel equipment Include two Ijeld plec and ta rapid lr plce. In addition to a auaber of auchla guna. Tbere Is ranch apculatloa aa to how th guaa eaaa lato th po. lion of th rbla. It la eeatoad4 ekeyWer' hlHSU luoauaaeei vn Paae.41 (8peclal Correspondence) MKItltlLL, Aarll 17. A Qood Hoads Club to th Uteat orgaalsatlon for this city, and wKh a view to taala- Llnlng In good coadltloa all th prt Dt good roads, and th Improvement of hlghwaya near here la Bead of re pairs, clilient of this city will work flflit and main to keep all Interest ed, and to denoBstrat th advent Its of good roadways. The tlrst big aveal la couactlon with tho organisation will be held on Stturday night at th opera house. This win b a big aaaaa meeting . At this gathering the preaent atatua of road Improvemeat In Klamath fouuty win be dUcuaaed, and th alau of ihu county court (or furthering th Improvement work wilt b dUcuaaed. "wW.nte of this vieialty will b call- led upon to tail of the advantages that improvea oignwaya uave orougav o Merrill, aad laataace where Improve ment I necessary will b called to tho attention of th meeting. T. M. Durham has beea named a. head of th Invltatloa committee, aad ho haa sent Invltatloa to all aarts of the county, asking all to attend and bvcome Intoreated la th spreading of the good road, gospel, County Judge Will 8. Worden and County Commissioners Quy Merrill and John Hagelateln have accepted In vitation, to apeak, and they will dis cuss tb matter rrom in county court's point of view. Th Taxpayers' League has ba asked to send delegate, and thee will also be asked to address th meeting, Tb meeting will begin at o'clock promptly. ASHLAND MAN STILL MISSING MRS. 2INK ROT O .- IN THE FIGHT I'KTITIOX OP WOMAN CA.NDIDATK ..KHOM FOURTH WARD 18 NOT ACCKITKD IIV CITY BBCORDKK LKAVITT aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa r 'sHsaaHsaaleaSPliwisBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBatv ' saalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala 2saalala.alalalalasBaHisBalalalalalalalalalalV M SjiBlalalaH.BavsBalalaVBsBalalalalalalalalalBaf saalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaH 4 HalalsBalalalaAaalalalVJalsBalalalalalalalalalBBaf 1 BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal JrTalBaaVsBaWsBalalalalBK' '' i saalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalBal m laBBaaaaaalaBaVaaaaaaaaaaaVI:''' HHaSslalaH HHBi BaaaaaaaasaaaalSrjlgggaaaaaaaaBaaaal gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaam aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal' -!BaaaaaBP)BaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaam saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBaPTI BBaaaKi SsaaaasaaaaaaaaaV CalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaam I' BssaPi' .aaaBsBaaaaaaaaaaaa sBaaaaaaaaaaaaaafl.Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaf aB3S -sgSBH ggggggggggggggggBgsgggggggggggggggl vfssaaara jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar sBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBaaal I HJaaaaaaal elgaaaaalalalalaaf saaaBaB?aBHnc4iaBBaBaBBaBam ' saaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaar BBaBaBaBBBBBBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaH'sBaBaBaBaBlHalBa I aBaBaBarliBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaBaB - IsasBaBieaBaBBBaBaBaBaBaVVrVV'aBBHaBBaBaBaBaBaBaBBBl rMrnaBaaaaaaaBjeai ' 1 PONTIFF SHOWS signs of much: improvement i. in ' I'lUH QROWH MORK rillMMrill " VITALITY IH AMAJIWrSi.' k ' i- ... .. - .. '.''' ' ,. v- nwwr iMNf n lata 'of HtMHi Revive,, aart That' M U ty-Kc ,Tf-'' MTIIWN lltl.l'r-MrH . 'to a ROMS, f Aprtt 17. Th great deal mr ehearfal tedaaV thaa he has beea at aajr tsBM. ba"hea flret relaaee. .Hie vlUHtr hi - - , The geveraateaf this mad a direct eaaa4 sUtaeat et th a' tlaaatlac that th M(ei to a greaser la la Igaeraae el th tra aeaAe tt ''af faire exletJac wttata tai.Yi Th aayseaeaae fekttsi abatat te tweaty-fears Ui aresraeea the aeaeaael a a w a.twr eaaae taaa at aaw Msa ti' .i-i r1 (Copyright by Harris it Bwla.) Speaker Champ Clark Senator F. M. Blamoas, Seaator Joha W. Kara itatlre Oaear W. Uaderwe Speaker Champ Clark raast drlv th orgaalaaUeat the beaas of rx reeentatlve to th sspport of Oeear W. Uaderwood aaytlau U leader ef th deaweraUe awJorKr gets lata f fleatttos over th tariS IghL The Atabamaa will bar the braat ef the B)ht oa his shMMws,' bat h Kaetes support from th spaaker, who Is atroagty committed to th 'aw tartC Kear bUL v Seaator -Jaha 4V. Xeam ,.Iaaaa, leader ef the d.meeraU. malar lir;! th aeaate, aa4 aaater T.iM. gaai meas of North Carette. ebalrmaa of th laaaee eomsaUt, whM th Ua4nr4 Mtt ketradae la th hease reawaae theat. ItwNIb referred to the Slav Meaa. MM waa hafaatat waat haw Saaat weaM brass, be tat . 17 i1 i vrtthea the laat atety ,hsa. . ' Hearty hyp.aenaaa hsjeettmai m N.thberc. , 'T. jUf9mmmtmJJly- " I aaJaaWaaT 'aaaaaaamaaT "slsi aaa aaa r maBBaaaBBa(laBtaiVv 'JVaaaarT. aVVaBw aa7'VBaBBBBaBaBaBaBaV FartaV'awM tW W Wifi 44''aW'ha-aa'-pisaeigfae dgaj FAMILY NEEDS liafH STIRF K " iniiniivi ivi iv. SUMECLOrtltSl Detweeo sickness sal lack of em- ploymeBt through the winter moatha, Holding that h can had aothlag la la local family with Ave children to la .either th city charier or state elec-! straightened circumstance, without Hon lawa auatalnlna tkalp vl.wnnlnt '.uffldent clothing for IU brood Of HAVK WOT HKARD n,.- p-,d.r a L. au .'youngatera. according to Chief of Po- i. . . J . T. ..... Hco Smith aad City Physlclsa Traax. niUM atiN ix thhkk waUCaUl, puraeo w m sociaiwi iswi iseir pe- Thege 0fflcala sUte that tho chll-, AXD WORRY 'm,on' Mk,n tht Un- Unh'sidren are aadly In aoed of suMclent! namebepUeedonthaiaaJcraltlck-clothlnaT. and they aak doaatloa oft garments tor tne youngsters, wool RKLATIVK8 Of BOCKNTRIO OCTK- UKXARIAX A VERBAL ONE ( KHMATIOV OF HOavrHiRIaa) 8AID TO hUC MASK FOR 1 PUHFOSK OF RURYIXO OK ROTH 8IDR8 ASHLAND, April 17 The family of K, K, Watera of thla city are badly worried over the continued abseaca of Mr. Wallers' father, J. A. Klem, who disappeared from their home la this city a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Klem to about 80 years of ace, and somowhat eccentric, being la the habit of leaving wherever he happeaa to be stopping vary suddaly aaa I Continued on Pag ) High School Teaching Staff Remains Intact; Boards Busy Willis . Faught Selected as Principal for the 4th Year City Grades are Designated, and County Districts are Selecting Their Pedagogues for Next Term et aa a candidate for the council from the Fourth ward. Thla seems to ellmlaate the only woman candidate, and the only avow ed soclallet candidate la the fleld. Den S. Owens to left uaosaoad for a second term of offlco. The petition was filed by, the social lata under a provtoloa of the state election lawa. which, they hold, ofr tltlea them to nominate a coadldat by convention. ' ooiectioB of iBstruetera for Us KUmath county htojh fchsol hu heea , "'"""'a oy m coaaty high school Uord. Without aa xcptoa th fac ulty wilt b the same aest year a at Present. During the preeeat tern the ma.. "era of (h, imlty kKTAlroYt4 thai. vvm highly eaaabU as aaU)itonf fd they have 'coaa atash to IsiuNreTe ) .Uadwd of U. asaaal 'M4'eoto 'Merest In atudU aa4 aeaeafPeHs.' WIUto'a.FahVwaaeitotoi again for principal, has been named for this position four timet. Previ ous to hla selection aa principal, Pro foiror Faught waa a member of the high school faculty. The hlgh'.ohool faculiy comI.U of the follewing: W. B. Faught Prlnclpali Bcleno. 14, 1), Coates Mathematlea; De bfttr. Mies B,'1 B. Applegate Xaglkh. Mtos Kl H. Cole Latin i Teaohw's Trataiac.OeaMol ,, Miss Abble J, Carpenter Domestic Science. Mra prnest Rddy aerman; His tory, . r U. .Morrison Cpmmerclal De pnrlmenl. H. V. Hawley Manual Training, M. A. McCall Agrlflultuie. (KA,Wlrts Music. Work of assigning the teachers Just selected by the pity ichool beard has u uruir-r.ajiiii mi ai'ari nrn'ifi rnr riirMiaiiri(ssn iCoaUaueu on Pace ', BOOSTER BODY, ' 6ETS MEMBERS RIGHTY LOCAL PROPLR HAVK JOINKD THK KLAMATH CMAM RRR OF OOMMERCO NNCH THB FIRST OF MARCH Interest la the Klaasath Chamber of Commsree to steadily lacreoslac, and since the l.t of aMreh M aaw members hare Joined the asaoclattoa. Other applications aro belag reeetred every day. 1 Much credit for the sew atember- ship, la due to the efforts of R. H. Smith, George J. WaJtoa, LewW Wylde and Bid Evans,, the'aieaiber. ship committee. They have beea aa plaining .the alms of th arjahWay tlon with good result, aadataeh ea tbuatssai la belac'thavwefk of truthfully xploltlac the reaaareea of th Klamath. Basic., . .w ... 'but was unable to effect a capture). LONDON. April 17. DmrnatehM from a news agency at Bphla eay that the reported armistice betweea Tur key and Dulgarla Is a rerbal ace, made by the commaadera 9t both force at Chatalja. v Thn tamnnrarv raaatioa at kaaslU er haa secured employment, and toMtlea la to give the mecieal eeraa ef able to provide food, but after a win-1 both armies aa opportaattr to bary. ter of aicknesa and enforced Idlenese, those who were.slaia la aettoa. The It will be some time before the moaeyjdoad bodies have beea' left where they range In ace from 3 to 8 years. The . donations, It left at the Herald oBcfe, I will be given to the etrlcken family I by tho city officials. j Slnco work haa opeaed up the fath-, can be used clothing. for the purchase of BEAST- MAN TO BE HUNTED OUT KIGHTH KILLING RY MAN RUN NIXG AMUCK IN WASHINGTON AROU8K8 THK KNTOUB OOUN-TRY-SIDH TO ACTION MONTK8ANO, Wash., AprU 18. The kllllac of Loula Blair and Charles Lathrop la the Wyaooch wllderaeas by John Turaow, tb "beast moa," who Is terrorising that section, brines the list of hie victim, to eight. The countryside to thoroughly aroused at the depredation of the wlid man, and Sheriff Matthews aC a posse left this morning with the avowed intention of continuing their hunt until Turnow Is killed or tured. v Deputy Sheriff Qulnby engaC la battl with Turnow late last eight, fell, and th armutlea la tahea la or der to avoid daaber of peetjleace. V th aadttai af the aem, peaemrapea th ROMR. April 17 PyeaaUry i kwt algbt's'erisla la the aaaea Moa. This haa eeatlaaid Ihli'miia lac to, a Uaser aaare. The) taipat-. claaa aamHC this aRaraoaa toat taar , feare4BA4MUMWaMltWtaaa but they aaasUtei that ha aaaM at far a week. ', I. i (,J Howard H. TaaTalhaaharc WaeV aeaaay Crave a baaahof aaettai Merrill to the vMaHy s hi near Keao. Th eatU baT.-aa feedlac at MerrW aU wkator. aaC are . la ffae ehape. There'' were 1 1 hi the i her. ' - fr' vt. "i . 4. Clay Barker, uar'of tha acrtoal turnl Instructor oa the Klamath taa- ervattoB. to here ntteaduc to 1 natters. . P. L. CarUoa ef Fort Klamath la among today'a vtoltora la the eeaato eat. -ORj .. ', 'c- Hawxhurst Loses in ' Supreme Court Gase i i t : 1 i ' l 'CI i v ;? ' J: 1 i'-'iL , ' ,.! m Circuit Jndge Benson is Again Sus- : : tained by Higher Tribunal Ac-.;, ; J' tion to Recover a Meat BUi:; ' V' ,:: .' ; Xi ', The supreme court of Oregoa has affirmed the rullac of, the, leeal elr cult court la the aetloa of J. W. Hawxhurst against th Meadow Lake Lumber company. Interested ,ttr neya have Juat resolved word from Salem .that the, appellant was uaabl to secure areversal of the deetoUa. ' The case was commaai.d la th olr- cui court by Mr. Hawxharat to rim er ioririia meat alleges loaav been 'purchased ay1 tap' lumber eoa corn, while iHawsmcret! was enadaat ing ameat marhai '&.. $a--' I ',?P " -' "i, V"? IMW V,A- 1, ' '- ,''4 'J " 't t.) At,h.U-wa.arl; meat hod actually bfc aatrWr4 hp . the KtomathFalto'Tlmberaac Laa '''' slog company, bat hae) 's'aawrfai o ta. Meadow Lake Lamber aejaiav ay. r, Judg BaBsaa. wae heart case,' heMlthat ,t)to ovM tbU traaweUaa'.vrac'cjeC' bind the towstoisaml ta ilamV au4.t.i :' ' :.tV. .' , "Tzr, - , ,w , ,v . , , , MAWsheret , thaa MHIl.t " . ' '""IJafc v' if si VLjc L