THE UNITED PRESS, GIVES THE WORtD NEWS FIRST. THE HERALDHX$ HWVUtCl) BY TIIK UNITKD I'HIWN NKH'M RKHVICK mt 1 jbKbbw' tunitto ItefaliV KVMX1HQ i'bikt tmi mm NO gevrati Year No. , KLAMATH FALLS, ORKOON, WRBNKSDAY, APRIL It), IMS - c' T ;' ; ro- , RmrtfM" ; .; " ) ') sssaE-3jBBBBBRht'' t Mm. Mm bRbsW' Servants of the Vatican, Weeping, Surround Bed L"S fl of Dying Pontiff and Receive Last Benediction OFFER REWARD FOR ASSAILANT OF LOCAL LADY (OU.NTV COURT WILL PAY aaoo roll ARHKOT OF CULPRIT (verr Filed Today la Couaty Clerk's tMnrr, hprrl'ylng Mmiii to llt I'alil (or Apprehension ami Conviction of Mm Who llouad, tiagged Mil Mob bed Woman la Title City About WrahAgw MRS. ZINK NOT CANDIDATE YET IIKIi PhllTION POI.LMWKO THK ACTION Of HOCIALIKT CONVKX- "TlO.V, WHICH NOMINATKO II KH Hilt OI'FICK A rtward of tCQO will be paid for Itformatlon loading to the arrait and (oatlttlon of (a party or partita en Utlm Ibe homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Whltnan Tuesday evening, and IiECbi the house, afUr binding Hi Uttiaf Mrs. Whitman. Th offer waa nada today by the couaty court, and la Mra. Maud Kink, caodliliilo for council from tho Fourth ward, and ithe tint Klamath Kail woman to ntur politic, to be allowed to run fur oltlco? Till I a queitlon that li holm decided today. Mr. ZlnU I n i")i. member of tLu local HoclalUt parly, and (he wa nominated for tho council by that body In the Fourth ward, liar peti tion I filed lu accordance with the provUlons of the ttato election laws regarding the placing on the ballot of a candidate by any political party polling 6 per cent of the total vote cast at the last election, Including a certificate of her nomination. Just whether these provisions ap ply to the preaent municipal cam ualcn Is a matter that I'ollce Judge an order to that UVU nM not MCertalned as yet. MEN ARE SHY IN REGISTRATION JUST CLOSED MANY APPKAIIKD TOO LATK TO CJKT NAMKH ON CITY HOOK 9kI has been riled In the county sihI the rndeutUU of Mrs. Zlnk nro twrk's oRee. 'not yet accepted. Bitty-eight dollar and a gold) . watie. were atcured by the Intruder,' T10 u, Aid of the Christian ae made aa early call last Tuisday church will meet at the home of Mrs. traalag at the Whitman home In Hot a. Ilalnter on Lincoln street, Th'ure garlegs addition. After looting the day arlern0on. All ladlee of the '" tCbcbaueu on Page it church are requested to be present. Dirt is Flying From Second Unit Ditches Earthwork on Griffith Lateral Will be Finished in a Month, and Big Progress it Made Elsewhere Work on the laterals and sub-later- 'service have beon notified that the to of thu second unit of the Klamath '' "ork on ,h ar,ffltn I1'1 '" ,.,. . . . . wbe nnlshod In a month's time. 81m Project Is progressing nicely, now! nH.d hv th. r- that the weather la settled and all of ' co nion n tno flclJ t tll8 Nortu nd (he Dub-contractora but one are work III full crews on eicavallon. Herbort a. Wells, a member of the firm of Money Urotbers, which baa the contract for the construction of the lateral, came In laat night from Kolie. He will remain hero until the work Is completed, local officials of the reclamation Bouth I'oe Valley laterals aud the Nuas Lake lateral. Tho aub-contractora have made cen better time than was expected when tho contract waa awarded to Maney llrolhors late laat summer. 1 ho excavation work will be complet ed several weeks In advance of the schedule time. lU'glitratlon of Me la About Two Hundred l-4-na Than IjmI Year. Ctmfuklon Itrganllag Cliarter aSlec tlon anil an Indifference oat the Part of Home Are) Ulaaaed for Uw Hliortage Thirteen hundred and tea voters, men and women, are entitled to vote ul tho city election Monday, May Stb, according to the registration books, which closed last alght. The regis tration by wards runs aa follews: Women Men .. 69 lot ..147 1ST ..168 Xl .. (4 lit ..IS 70 First ward , Second ward Third ward , Fourth ward Fifth ward , Total 161 IS4 4B8 S1I 6 Orand totals ...491 The registration of 1 819 1810 ANDERSON AND MANDOT WILL MEETjIN MAY MrCAIIKY TODAlT ANKOUNOM a The Last Two Presidents Who Have Directly Addressed Congress NKXT LIU MTWJnW HTCARD lUtm Will He HeM at Vi I Araaa on tlioKveettsuf May SOU Tcet Utlve AgrreaMa,"Ja for Pair to Make IM That MfeaJaf, aacj Hcraa) Twraty-Roaael Battle May Be a tluuige la the Weight CUaeeu ' "titled I'reaa Heme LOS ANOELM, .April 16. Bud' Anderson vs. Joe Maadot will be Ue m xt attraction at Veraen area. Announcement (a. this effaet waa ,- mado this afternoon 07 "Uaeto" Taa I McCarcy, aatchmeker for taa Veraoa 1 Athettlc Club, foUewhag taa daaWva IaaawawlSfaaamlMWjrWaam BBBBBjBBBBB. BBBBJWBF-k, Tfr ??, nfafjflB aWmF 'KMQM$!i$kTa MMWaWWato x "" aBBBtvgi. 5 i.yJBM BafaafaBaBBBHr Smti.k' G&JE??trf' dTjFM Bbb9bbbbT' 'awsj'-i !' K IVJKH 4Cjbb1 BBBBBaBBBar. ea3!V BBI Wt i B7 ' " & BBBBI BaWliBafb' V! 1- W I WiTj ' & S jiBPII BBTaMBLsBk ' ". Bl2i 'A iv'VVEl BalBKJ'Sntt' ? '-JTrT BbHKv' afBafl BaaBaaBaBBEC - . J2i IBry '- tfaViTW BBBBBBBBHhju, jaaaiBvi BHav; ri'''ijBTJBflll BBTaaT " ym 1 BBaBBVSBW&JBBaBaBlTJ BBBBi BBBBBBBBBaL w ' BBBBBBBBBS .BBBBBBBmBI BbbBbbJ? BbbBbbH. BB8TsPv'BBaBBaBBaBH BataBBBBHRlBBamBBalaBalsBalH BBHBH0'Ui' IIBbIbBbBbIbBbIbBbIbBbIbBbIbBbIbBbIsBbbI POPE PIUS IS AAlilllsinrii ;t-amaaJL1' 'Lll uunwimiLD '' M 1. p Woodrow WlUoa.918 Had Tnomaa JeCersoa beaaB era- :t: defeat of Knockout Brown by Aader- son last alght. , tor. Woodrow Wlkwn amlght aai have The coming batUe) wUl be Ue reg- startled the member of congress aad ular twenty-found af air. It wit be interested the country by hla personal staged at Veraoa a the evening of appearance before the Joint seesioa May 10th. I it .April 8tk. Prealdeat Jena AeeordlBg.UJtafmMBLBM.wIt Use than It was laat year, warn Me claim' to De ea the laaMe, Ue llckt-.imatoa, the feat president, appeared voting atreagtb was aooui 1100. Taa weignu are to weign u at 111 nag derrcanj Is largely due to the fact'ulde. that voters who registered last year' This Is not credited by many, wke, were entitled to vote at the charter 'noting the difficulty Aadereem aad ax 1 lection, and many thought ft would not be necessary to register again for tho coming polling. ' Several realised too late that they would have to register agl, aad thoy hurried to the city hall today, only to be Informed by Police Judge l.eavltt2 that the registration books closed laat night, and they will not be entitled to ballot on May 6th. 1 Continued en Haaje 41 efpre congress often torn was settled. Little waa thoaaat of It. Out Jefferson was a very peer pub lic speaker. He knew that he would . . Joha Adaaw, 1891 not make a good appearaaee la euea a role, and be adopted the ptoa tt errltlag his eommaaleaUeaa to eea- gross, to be read by proaale elerks. No other prealdeat aaaerteek te re vive Waahlagtea'a naethed after Jet-leraaa- dartag elaht yeara mada-aa other awttar. Fear wan have aaaa fought by tho Ualted Btatea aad elvtl Itatlea has advaaeed frees the atage coach to the aeroplsae ataee the eae torn,- aow revived by rreeldeat WH soa, waa forgettea. Miss Kllsabeth Pickett, who re sides with her parents la the Tulej Lake Uasln, U visiting Kiamatn raiu, the guest of her aunt, Mlea Lorlada Sauber. , All Are 1'lowtag II., J. Lester U In the city today from hla Lost River ranch. He re ports all farmers buay plowing. The round I now In fine shape, and. In every field tho work Is bolng rushed. Ilu waa accompanied by Mrs. Lester. Paul Keller, son of Mr. and Mra. J. J, Keller, Is kept home from school today on account of Illness. T. C. Williams of Merrill la hare attending to buslneaa matters. T Wilson and Cabinet Talk Anti-Alien Land Matter California Legislation is the Home of a Great Deal of in the Capital. Japanese Ambassador Renews Pro test Against Measure, Says Aimed at Japanese i, . . I ,,H,wo t'reea lervlae WA8H1NOTON, D. 0., April li. 1 'rsl(ient Wilson has arranged a oon- (trenco with Secretaries Lane aad jloutton and Senators Work aad " '0&M to discuss the Oeliferala altua- i ion. The poslUve statement 'rom the White Howe that no , uociaratjoa aa te Ue peltey af the t 'y,rnt rHa'rdlng Ua aUe UM "HI now,m)a la tats warn be forth coming at this time. Japan has renewed ber protests against the California bill, and has frankly Informed the government that dosplte the attempts to disguise the fact. It is realised In the Japaaeae government circles that the measurs Is aimed directly at Japan. A formal protest la eipected later. Wllaes) does not believe that nay action they way take can prevent the paasage of the bill. Bryan aad Wil son conferred this morning, aad de cided to watch the situation closely, and If necessary to send a represen tative of the atate department to Sac ramento to got first head Informa tion. The president holds that tho state's right to enact dealred legulatlea la paramount. It Is understood that Japan la al ready planning to boycott Amerleaa goods. Californians Talk Over the Future Senatorship Some are of the Opinion That Raker Will Seek Toga, While Others Look for Heney or Johnson L'alted Press Service .WASHINGTON. D. C, April 1. When the California statesmen In Washnlgton have nothlag of mere pressing Interest for dwraaaloa, they swap opinions as to whether Governor Hiram Johnson or Fraaela J. Heney or a democrat will win the senatorial toga to be surrendered two years hence by deorgo C. Perktaal The Srst popular election of a aaaator la the Ooldea State la already tearing loose old political ties. Prleaaahlpe are strained; a new deal all around la predicted. Senator Works, who dees not aa- plre to re-election three yeara from now, will promote Heaey'a candida cy, coagreaamen utopneae aaa oeit are for Johnson. Congrsasmaa Kent, leader la progressive Caltferata poll- BARRETT SEEKS FEDERAL TITLE FORMER BXAMATH PAULS AT TORNEY, now nuonouffj w PORTLANB, H CAJfDWATB POR DKPUTYI ' tf j WWWMr ABBbVb ... f . eratiisif: ;s poxTivr iNawca om jkhjum tl ' S s FAtUIWaBLL TO, rallaaWMI ' 't. -v I, 1. , " PrtparaUeaw at aha Vaeleaa aat AahV Hie e AB Whe Have Vaweei Sssk' k stbsvbbI sbbmICbmS WMW mNQJawaaawjf vvHi ' .Net aarvtve the JHgai Bulhisw V J aad neateta flay ahai la Beat a ejaaaw ,f '5. J timmrtVmmm ,$ ' t.ilied PreaeSerree , ' ,! ' . " BOaBt. AyeB aV leaeraaa X at , aytag. . , ' "M Theew4 as a a ta aliped fcaeapa, ,' " sitweheaa aidl aaMam. f j wke haea heesi at law heeawdav w4BwajBmi as ewaweaweei aaaa fSf ilrsasss aa a lew hejeaw te aaeeeBswav gkjkAga mma BBbbB) aleBaBBBBa. BBBBBaaaaaaBL. aBBaBBBBBBhsi aBBBBjap BBflBBBBj bbwSB' VBBBBBBbj BBIVgBBBBJBJw . BBBJBngejgejBW -- WaW jMBSaBBm bMbbbbBI BBBBBBr BBBhahaBBsSBB " awJwawf BJBJBJ eVSBJ fJBejBJ BBjBJBBJJ WBJBJBJ VMMB"fBV t wR&aWk Iwe WewaBe WH yMMy W VN eweaN KHsBBte Jasper J. Barrett, formerly a bmi ber of the Orm of Stoae Barrett ef this city, but now located la PorUead. U a candidate for deputy United L. lumraU tics, U expected to help Heney from the start. Congressmen Kaowlaad, Knhn Cutty nrt Hint, ranlar r- publicans, are not yet reeady to w J state. dUtrlct attorney, aeoerduu te k.ihn. ih.. m k.v. . third ... nnnouuceaie!. m dldt at th. nrlBiarlM. sr will ehooao ' v;obw"" ". umw nlthnr Hanav or Jnhnun a thn iMrfdatee BTe: C. C HtadSSSB, J. BfajMh of two oDDanent. Tho rDrauu. Docock, B. 8. Martin, Jehm B. Beech Uvea of the conservative press la nUB w H u, J Washington devote a good deal of and Cart '' Waagerl. hostile attention to Heney. - Since Cona-ressmau Raker haa fall- ". Nolan-of Medtord la a Klamath ed thus far to secure a promise of the federal Judgeship la hla state, he Is looked upon aa likely to try for the democratic nomination for aaa ator. The aamo ambition la cnerieh ed by several "original" Wllso mea. Honey's friends promise that M Raker Is nominated against their man the graft prosecuton will make a big raid Into the democratic vote. LEGAL BATTLE IN OLD ESTATE HKIlUt OF G. W. OBKNCBAIN TO HAVK ADMINISTRATOR 8. O. HAMAKRR RKMOVBB FROM AU THOKITY The county court la today busied with the bearings la the estate at the late Q. W. Obeachato, la waieh the admtatstrator, I. 0. Mamaker, has been oUed to appear aad ahew FaUa visiter. asaam cause why he should aot be removed from tho administration of the alalra of the estate, aad a guardian appelat ed for the minor Oheaoaaia ohUdrea. Fred H. Mllla aad Thomas Drake are the oppoatag council, aad there have been maay verbal claaher be tween the two. Obeachaln died la 1808, aad Ue minor children, represented by hUlk, allege that Hamaker has takes ao ac tlon In connection with the estate. Kiev Seta United Press Serylee ROMS. April M. Kias la ao eeaeeraed ever the Pope Plea X that he hourly kuUeUaa treaa the rfV. tn kwMai aAAm gejBajrt BrvfBBFFBBB BBbBBBBBBbrbb hollaese 1a ottrsmsly wah, v.1t 4'V Ualted Presa ROME, April 17. Dr. Amlei waa hastily summeaed to the Vatican tale afteraoea. and fouad that the Peaew fever waa much higher. The eeadd- ' tloa of the patleat Is regarded aa most erltleal. - $ Tho announcement of the death et Pope Pius X Is hourly last night crowds ef Italian Cathellea wateaed Icaa aad prayed for the usav'etyief their leader. ' t .-" vi X Caat Barvtve the IHflkt )nlted lreee Service ROMS, AarU 18w The ea4ef ,-Wluued ee KX r . 3 ' Court Takes Action for Carnegie Offer - .. . ...-......fai Reioiution. snowins ine inteniion wwm the Countv Court to Provide fori vj . . -.-, J .. '..J'.WZi Maintenance, is ordered ,; ?y vj ,w. . , va T"J bii. ULJ! r ted. AM .;: Mm YM- '' '5 C ' Ik ' t la" K .,.,'jft it f .! Ms i' SB fMrw .. ? m, ' n. R. Merrill of Merrill Is here at tending to business matters. , c. V. Looaley, a well knowa heat deat ot Fort Klamath, came UT ea Tuesday's train froak Chtloqula te attend to business matters, . , In order te give legal jpreet ef the Intention ef the couaty to provide funds tor the mataUaaaee of the pro posed 180,800 Carnegie library, tho county court today ordered the prep aration of a resolution aetUag forth that the county , by ateaaa ef a ,tax levy of IS ef a mill for library' P":, poses, rtlaec annually faada la eaeesa of'the'auual mabiteaaawe fuad aah ed for by. the oommtatloa. , . ' "v' ThU la beau preejrediy X)aitrlat Attorney Jeha Irwuu Wa 1 ed and algaed, R wlUhe to Secretary Jsjaea MtiajR Carnegie CerFeratlet) af Bye.i rnia aewea e leeeemret receipt of a letter Corporetieei, 'la alr4 to glveMvM ereeueavoffva nswasy Klaiaath'Fatta. weuUlunBti nevMaMeteej UavaJSV . , wi !'?'.