z 4 V 0 -'rl'-i i 4 f -&,, ;.: -ftffi UNITED PRESS GIVES THE WORlib NEWS FIRST. THE HERALD HA&dffift'' HUPI'LIKD HV TIIK ' uTKI ,'nKHH NKWH nlcuv,clt 2-he 'Mrtitli Year No. ,0 toetiiitg flf efaliV mil M ' ' KVBNIIM HaT PRINT TM NKWlt.lNMF.flMMMr. ''V KLAMATH FALLS, ORKUON, TUmMAY, APRIL IB, ItlS mt ' i ouncil Takes a Step Toward Getting the City's 'ft. Business on a Cash Basis; Bend Election Soon A. UPS Fill THE NEW BRICK ON DAIRY RANCHER GALLERIES AT ; MAIN STREET WANTS DIVORCE LEGISLATURE MAYIIKW WILL IIUILD AT KICJHTH 'JOHN SHOOK CO.UJJKXCKH SUIT kllKIU IHSIPATCIIKM INDICATE A I'KrWIMIHTIPVIKW NTIIKKT COIINKH MTHUCTUHK WILL CXiMT IN TIIK NKItftlllOH-, HOOD OH atl.tmo. FOR NKPAHATION AfJAINHT CORA MHOOK, WHOM UK HAY IH NKI.FIHH POPE SINKING; END BELIEVED NEAR AT: HAND I.AHT HACHAMENT TO BK ADMIN- 'Fiery Kansan to Lead Progressives i IHTKHKD I.N' SHORT TIMK ,nt AIIvkIiik thai slip li sottish, over- bmrliiK and avarlcloua, Johns. Shook (it-lapu Came hi a wealthy Klamath county runcher, A brick building U to be erocted tlie corner of KlKhlli and Main Lie. Mlnl.ltr IMarnwra llm Cull- ,.,,,,, 01,pouu tliu Klamath stable. i t....... tt-i.i. ti-i. A imrmlt fur Ihn itrctl(iti tif ilin build. ,. IJ....1 .....- -..-,- :::"- ,-... i,in m.i ...u tnr ,i , ..ir.i 'IIlK was tratueu uy ino council nt uiai , - . -( 'nlRlil's meeting. Coru Hliook. Ho la represented by a iiiu building lit to bo erected by D, I'ortlntid ntlorucy. Mnyluw, and Cofer llrolhera havo; The illvorro suit follows (he InJunot been awarded Ilia contract. Tho build- on ult ,tnrtcd Monday, In which 1 Inc nil) bo ono story IiIrIi, and will Hllook p.ki (0 riilran 1,1, wfo from' coat about $0,000. Work will bei0MCU,nf a ,lcctl ,n ul(Ulk h8 ient bor cummrncpil In n fw wcoki. accord- ,0 trnilo for iortiand rooming' iiir to WrIiIo Co,, who drew the hou,c. a tcranorary re.tralnln or-. plnnt. B drat WIN"", llul Su AniKmnrriiimt 1 (, Uih" Arnuinmt on Mruum Mill t'unilniip All Afl'-riiiMiii, Kny Ihr HuIuim liultfj I'rtM 3orlrn . 8ACRAMKNTO, April 10. fllncc oil;thli moriilnK crowd of Jaau- Mfrom all imrta of California have iAUi Into the icallorle of the ai- un.klr room), lu order to hear the ml action taken by the lelilature it lb aatl-nllrn land bill. At the Ut moment thla mornltiK, piirggnitnt wont over until thli af- luraooa, 10 It will be lata tonight or iCcbiliiueu on I'nfe 41 TM After anil AM Hcfatlvca of tite Htrlrkt-n I'oiitlH Mve lleea Hum-' inonnl lo Ilic Vatl'ctia ' Home ami Vrnlrp I'lunsrd Into MmirnlnpT tor ( I'lun t tilted I'reM Bervie f UO .Ml.", April I. I'ette I'lua, who (In lo llarriman Ixxlgc (dtr wn liiuod Monday by Judce Hen-l""""1 " ot "rMjUiroiiitiiout ion. I tlir day, Rudilentv relapafil thl cvra- I Tho Hhooka were married In Tort-'lug, Ilobctil A. Johnon and lien K. Mor- inl,a i901 when 8nook wnil mem ruoltue Mamatn i)ovoiopmenicom-ber of , fBuuture, reprctentlnf pany, nod II. K. (lllma or weed leu for llnrrlman1 l.odxe thla morning to 1 11 pert that beautiful property on Pelican Hay, preparatory to Ita being opened na n aummer rcaort later In tho year. They are expected home thU ovenlng. Big Reduction Made in Range Cattle Rate Thirty Per Gent Gut Made by South ern Pacific in Emergency Rate on Carload Lots from Calif. thla district. He aak full title to alt hla property, valued at about $30,000, and altuated near Dairy. REBEKAHS TO 6IVE A PLAY WOMAN WOULD BE ON COUNCIL HIHTKH ODD FKLLOWH," A FAR CIAL COMKDY WILL UK RKN DKHKD TIIUKHDAY, KOLLOWKD IIY HANQUKT AND SOCIAL KVK. In order to ralao money for defray ing tho expenso of the degree team to be ient to tho Grand Aaaembly at Medford next month, member of Prosperity Itebekah Lodgo have ar ranged a aoclal evening for Thuraday O. O. K. hall. A 1C cent A rate reduction that mar Increaae, "Wo have Juit named emergency lh niimt.. nt .MH. ..,ii attlmiA.I r.ilAa nn nnM pnllla from San Joa.iillif nt I - HWM.WV. Vt IHIIP (Hill iMIIWillM" ----- . -- --' her annually for winter feeding baa quln Valley polnta to KUmath Falla ndmlflon will be charged. Juit bcu nunounced b tho Southern that may be Interesting lo you In thla "Bitter Odd Fellowa," a ludicrous itclflc. Thla la a 30 tier cent reduc- cotftactlon. Theae rata wore maao tukoott on fraternal Initiations, win on In tho emergency rata on single I effective April I, 1913, on range cat-, to the hoadllncr, and a caat of a docen carload lota. itlo In single car lots, being amended wm produce. This will be followed Th. inf.-...i ,. , 1 1 effpctlvo May 10th. to apply only In bv refreshments, cards and other ...iwiiuniiuil IIIM UOVII IVVftlVU - . ' ty C. T. Oliver, who wrotn for a 20 ! ' Mu clir" rrora ono nPPer amusements. to 0110 consignoe; To Klamath Palls, (per 30-ft. car): From l.os llanos $73.00 Dos Pnlos 77.00 (Continued ou ragu ) lr cent reduction In the rate for 'Mpplnn enr lots of dairy cowa here. 10 reply r, A. urauani. asslatant frelajlit traltlo niauagar , sent Mr. 011- ma roiinwing utter; Draili seetas mumr, a eyre ally betatf cnly ' HraUoa of 'Mtt m few liowra. Cardinal VaaaMteUI Is) at the Vat Iciti rreuly t any moasMst t adaiiB Iflei the lart sacra wi unte to the atrirk en head of the chsbreh. The brother of Phae hare Illy eaanmoned to the hfrteUf . . - ... l -sS3saaHBBUaHMsMha 1 .IIH 0 M 1 m I llBiBiBiBiBiBflBrtVlaVsWl I !flg aBa. TENTH STREET TO BE IMPROVED NOW OIIDINANCK WILL BK AMKN1HU1 i j AT (l.VCK. AND ACTION TOWARD MACADAMIZING TMOHOtOH KAKK WILL BK TAKEN ISSN E TO TAKE CARE OF Clin UNPAID CLAIMS WILL RKAavVBftTMMC ClW KALL 'A 1 X I AND PIKsC APPAKATCB BOIJBM Onllaance Pref Mtag tmt tlw of Twety-Yestr th? nWIMM MUM. MAUDE ZINK OF THE KOUIITH WARD IS THE FIRST KiaMATH FALLS WOMAN TO ItUN FOR OFFICE The first woman to run for oBco In Klamath Falls la Mrs. Maude Ilak of Mills adldtlon. wife of Oeorge Clak. who has announced that ah will run for tho council from the Fourth ward, opposing Ben 8. Owens, tho, present Incumbent, and Charles Tkemw. Mrs. Zlnk will run as a socialist candidate, and she plana a strong campaign. The Fourth ward polls a strong socialist voto. Victor Murdoch, the road -headed, epresentativ from Kansas, the orig inal Insurgent of the house of repre senUtlvea who started all the trouble which led to the overthrow of "Uacle Joe" Cannon. has goae'asten further. He has become the leader of tho pro gressive party on the' floor of tho house. 1 Three months ago Murdoch was not certain of the position he would take between the republicans, with whom he was then acting, and the new party, llut with the opening of tho now congress he baa come to a conclusion. The Kansan is brilliant and daring, and he may make the new party a power on the floor, where others would fall. He la prob ably the only progressive on the floor who could match John D. Mann, the republican leader, and Oscar W. Un derwood, the majority leader. Whether or not Tenth street Is to be Improved will be decided within a short time, as the property owners nnd Councilman Doty of the Fifth ward have brought the matter to a point where, it it is decided that the street shall be Improved, work will be started in a short time. City Attorney Rutenlc was last night Instructed to amend the ordi nance providing for the Improvement 'so as to have a date set at onee for , hearing objections, and for the settle ment of the manner of improvement. Some ask that the atreet ho maeadem llT.d fnrtv tmmt la width, with ten feat lr i,..wi. j ai4watk m mk I treduosd en OTllMSlSO l.W. n.M.H WMW -. w - , side. Others think thirty feet of as-'1" 1- rro- nnjSH say -The first step to be taken under taer. new charter toward tetttn, tt J--'v fairs of the eKy em n taken council, at last ulftkt's msstlng of th I, whWCounsilssinPohr' he-' of twsnty-yoar Icadam la alt that Is necessary, hut all Uk5'lA2il f),,,M ,? want the street Improved. jtanC InlihtiiniM ' m . "j.'.Hm. " The proposed improventont r of ThoueriiMiM mhM Jwji see it .1. -., . .Ill mmtmm trmm, Mai. roadtog SA lOOt awSUttl !!! Jl T. C. White Is hore from tho Klnm nth Agency to attend to business mat-' tern. Ho camo In on thU afternoon's' train from Chlloquln. Thousands of West Side Acres to be Irrigated Keno Man, Whose Electric Plant is Lighting Keno, Con tracts With Farmers to Furnish Power for Pumping Water to (Their High Lands. Poles Going up The Weat Bid tt. I.'b d. an nrn. llvo whou farmed by'"dry'' meth . are to become double so, aeeerd ln lo farmorn In tiit vicinity of Keno, Allowing the announcement that rk toward irrigation for these '; ,as been started. ' " K KorilS. Who rscnatlv lniUlled n eloctrlo power plant en the Klam V "Ivor one and a halt mile below "no, una taken the Matter up'wjth , "fmers on the Vest tide from "r this city to tho vietaUy of Dor '. and he has, nammsnesd erecting win for carrylnff-owerru the 'dlf 'rent farms, kf Tho plan adopted by the farmers Is, property, . .a 1 Villi U to pump water from the Kiamam It Ivor to tbelr farms, using a centrif ugal pump und a 8,800 volt motor. A number of outflts of this kind have been ordered by affocted land owners from tho Huldwlu Hardware compa ny, after a careful study of tho needs was made. llobort Kniinltt of this city has Just completed the surveying of the pipe line arid ditches for Irrigating the F. T. NoUon farm near Keno, and the In .tuiutinn for the Dumu has been com- ' ':..1l' M-I..I. atlll nil menceu nerei -Nelson will raise the '4 water fifty fsst In order to irrigate nu I !,, - . .,l Fully n thousand poles -are ready to be erected for the power lines, ac cording to Mr. Hmmltt. He says poles have been erected from Keno to the old poor farm site, and that stakes comu -further this way. A line Is to be built toward Dorrls also. The oloctrlo plant Installed by Mr. Kerns will take caro of a good many pumping plants, but be has arranged to enlargo whenever nocessary In or der (o meet tho demand for electric power. In "addition to using electric ity, for pumping, many of the farmers will llght'thelr homes by this means of Illumination. ffi ,VC 1. w. w:s PUT IN BULL PEN INDUSTRIALISTS SWARMDfO TO WARD DENVER TO "SHOW THE POLICE" THAT THEY OANT EN FORCE ORDINANCE United Ptess Service DENVER, April 16. As a result of their defiance of tho ordinance requir ing persons making speeches on the street tp have permits, stxty-uve'In-dustrlal Workers fit the World are to day locked up in a bull pen nnd, kept on a bread and water diet. From thirty to llfty others arrived today to curry on the fight for "free speech." Announcing tneir intention ,oi "showing the Denver police," the In dustrialists declare they will fill all the locnl jails unless thoy be allowed to tponk on the street. : Chief of Police O'Neill has ordered the arrest of all attempting to make speeches without permits. Oeorge Stiles Is here from the 8 wan Lake Valley for a few, days. Claroace H. Underwood la In Fort- land, attending tc business matters. ENRAGED WOMAN KILLS HUSBAND SKKINO WIFE HORSEBACK RID INO WITH ANOTHER, HUSBAND PULLS MAN OFF HIS HORSE. W1KK BLOWS HIS BRAINS OUT Tenth street wlU estead frees Mala street to Prospect atreet. Qradtng and maeadsmlsutg wwso-Khselpoi features of the work, and the eeet has been estimated at f le,3M. Mrs. Sola Rohlnette an son ar rived In this city teat night from Eagle Point, on their way to Fort Klamath, where they will spend the summer. wilt he up for aispMsoi as eeesi na th' esmet.anionnt of the sMsMUJMMffcT known. After Me adoption, the) saMcr: be submttted,te1,thevtere savitt cml election. The ordinance deslaree for I yeartbeeds. weeed for fl.few and bearing Interest at per sent. (CoeUnuee on rage i t Dr. Smith is on Trial . for Murder of Wife y Second Wife of Accused Phjstelw. Whom He Married Six Months V After No. l's Death, Is Loyal United Presa Service NEW ORLEANS, April 15. Infuri ated because her husband pulled Ed ward Deeler off his horse and thrash ed him, Mrs. Jessie Stroud today blew out her husband's brains. Stroud, who was vice president of the Vivian Oil company, met hla wife riding with Deeler on a publte road. He dragged Deeler oft his horse and pummelled him. His wife fired, at htm, wounding him In' the side, and the second bul let from the revolver broke Beeler'a leg. Enraged at this, she placed the gun to her husband's head and pulled the trigger. "After I am acquitted, Beeler and I will wed," said Mrs, Stroud in her prison cell thla afternoon. IianfiH buys Horse Arthur LangeU, a well known resi dent of Bonansa, Is here attending to business matters. He purchased a number of horses tor uuy Merrill, who makes a shipment to- California tomorrow. Fred Noel, has accepted a position at the Tower lumber camp In Keno, V V ii E. W. Johnson, a wU known Ma- Unite, la, vwung-tne county seai. Cilted I'recs flvrven SPRINGFIELD, Ohio, April 16. backed by tho loyalty of his yew wife, formerly a nurse, whom he wed ded six months after the death of hla drat wife, Dr. Arthur B, Ssnith fee trial here today tor the alleged mur der of hla first wife,- Mrs. Florence Cavlleer Smith, In Mareh, 1818. State and defense have nude elab orate preparation tor tho trial, the accused doctor himself having spent r' h the months of hla eonnnesaent ha Mm county jail in studying psiseas, at, the attempt to prove that spiaUi 1 a potassium did pot cause tae eeatn et Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith dlsd suddenly ea the morning of March IS, 1818, alter aj slight Indisposition of a few. emf. She complained of illness ea that morning, and It w aUeged taint her' husband brought her a eaa of T - K. -i 1 centinue: on '' At Anderson's Chances Better in This Bout 1 ,( b ''i ', ,ii -i v'. i...- '.. -' ,1 Fistic Experts Artree That Northern 0VAM TJaTlll VMA. Ua Vlwai Piif OUMi niu suiui tut A1149 ,iiT,'fy'j v,y Night Without Any Stalenea Tne loiiowing oy jay uanoeea w er aaswiti ae e. nawsaw. m the Los Angetea' Herald la a good ea- preslson of the opinion of all the Southern sport writers regarding to u'lght's twenty-round encounter, at Vernon i Bud Anderaoa looks and asta better In, his training for the return mateh with kayo Brown than he Wer looked before. There la only one serioas question Involved In the tank of haad leapping tela scrap, and that Is waeim- take off surplus weight ae;'i he figures. , , ,,v, ConsUermg ale sf isaaw It seems IntnrolntMf thai seriously 1 asisetsd ay, agf be may he Istssd, ta get 'down to the raai eldsakHhttwwral redaelM h4W.sCaai ft ssanwiaa aa aa . 9 mmm - mmm - s.: s ,.MelHawHaaaV '''?' U7 iam)Jsm-A,m.:L 3mm .it. .V