1 . Si T , "? J . . . . ' t . . i J v'r ' ' - ' h THE UNITED PRESS GIVES THE WORLD NEWS FIRST. THE HBRALDPmWWfk SUPPLIED BY THE UNITED I'HMM NEW SERVICE Pe tomwtfl PefaUi. . i 44 U- tnmnKfl mnMMfHB),-' RIKT TR KINW,RMMRf IV i T ! t f v fe v i ' fttMth YearNo. .r KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 14, ISIS ( ' W , I "?r"- " U'i) Pope's Sisters Making Lace Shroud; Death Appears Almost a Certainty; Arteries are Hardening Fast a n'Vjiv ,' REGISTER 24 HOURS OR Y00 CAN'T VOTE I TV HWllHTKATION IH I.IUHTKMT IN YKARH ItrglMrelion llrgMlallons Cuartd Willi Mprrlsl Charter KlevUo Be llevnl lo Have CmfUMd Many. Ik at III VHf Hall Will CIun at (I n'dwk Tomorrow AfUt-aooa. Mu.l Itr ItegUlrrnl lo Vott Only on mora day remalna In blch lha voter of Ida city will be Permitted lo register fur tha coming MTrlerilon, Tha registration booka till cloia at 9 o'clock Tuesday night, ad all thnaa whuaa names hsvs aot beta ilacd on tha reglstrstlou vol ants will aot be allowed lo vote on May tth. "Thtre ere 1,116 Barnes on tha register thla moralag, and it la aatl t OeaitaeWe 'fig V TEACHERS WANT ANN SCHOOL HTItAW VOTK TAKKN UN TMK gVKMTION lir COUNTY HUl'KR INTKNDKNT IH 4H to 4 FOR HUM MKIt INHTHUCTIO.V FINE FISHING IN SPENCER CREEK KHADI.KY FAMILY CATCH TMK LIMIT, AM) HOUSTON, MOK IUV AND ItOIIKHTSON HAVK phictty ooui hucckhh TIio touchers or Klamath county' Klihlng la good In Spencer Crack, n e4 1st a In !! til am f Uf at It nt w.nt a teachura' lutnmer training . , , ' ... chool Inataad o( the annual teacher' i ,, . ;,. .... ... . Imtltutn. .. .. itwcnty pound each. After they An il raw roto on tho qucitlon recently . . ..,',. . ,. ,, .. IidIiI liv f'nnnlv Rrhnnl Hillutrlnlitnil. .... .... n, .u ... . Muck for the flrat time In hla lire, rnt Kred I'eteraon. Of the fifty vote , ... ... ,. M. formanco of hla parent, and alio caught a good airing. Fred Houiton, Dr. K. V. Morrow wxwiaVW ajajatiai WILSON FAVORS CAPNIANS & HAYH HK OAR OF JAPAN; NO VIOLATION TRBATY IN THR AM F.N LANB LAW TO RK KN ACTKDBOOR f rucehed, 4C favored the training chool and only four want the annual iMtllut. The recent tctilon of tho leglila tn re enacted a ineaiure leaving the matter In the hand of the teacher of the varloua countlea for their choice. In every caae where a vote haa been called for the teachera fav ored the tralalag acbool. 'oiled I'reaa mil WAMIIfNnTnM.In. n. Anrll ! "-- " I .. r.-......w..,.-r. wf BP - Mr. and Mr, (luorgo ilradley had I'ri'ddenl VVIUem'la itlll convinced no difficulty In catching tha Unit, 'that the California antl-allen laid Uw us drafted doea Mt In any way violate the Japaneea treaty. It I eipected that other natlesa will proteat at the limitation of the bill permitting alien to hold laid omly a year, unleee they declare Intention of becoming cltlm. Will Niwhin, wno retldea at Bwaa l-ake, la hf m a bualneta trip. lm L. Gallagher waa In OdriM Saturday and Baaday. froi Loop District Man's Skull Crushed to and O. W. ItoberUon alo flihed at Hpvncer Creek Sunday. They had good auccea. The road from Keno to Spencer Creek I paaaable for a buggy, but It I still too muddy for automobile travel. Pulp Note Scrawled in Polish Shows That f the Motive For the Crime Wat the Ruination of Young Girls NDIANS AND REBELS KILL OKNKHAL OJKDA A PRISON KR IN ARIZONA, AND HIS TROOPS ARK SLAIN IN WILD FUOHT FROM OARH1SON I'ntlnd i'reaa Service NACO, Arli., April 14 The bodies jot 200 dead Federal aotdlera are CIIICAOO, April H (leorge Dlelt. owner of a fashionable ladle' tailor ing MtnblUhment In the l.oop dla trlct, wn found murdered In his bed IhU morning. Ill skull was crushed Into n pulp. A bUcksmlth'it hammer was used lo Hike with. Heslde tho body was found a note, "rawled In Polish. It read: "Thla la n Ht fata for the beast who rulaed a young girl. Ha will ruin no mora. S. I. K." The polka have been working on the rase without discovering a tsngl-'tho border near here. Ha waa arrest SACRAMENTO, April 14 A cable gram, urging tlii Callformw leglela ture to pasa "any bill which will de nt roy good feeling betweei the Ualtad State and Japan"- waa received today by the senate. It waa ant by Ue Japan Ashl Prase, a Toklo lewefaper. LYNCH MAY BET FEDERAL PLUM PMOMINK.VT WORKFA FOR TMK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION SAID TO UK SLATKD FOR PUItUC PRINTER American Best Dressed Woman gSBBBBBmSBBBBBBBBBk gSBBBBBgSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW lgSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgBBBBBBBBmBHgsBgfl UNDERWOOD ILL FROM OVERWORK icif AIRMAN OF WATS AND IfltANS t.tiltrd Pre Bervlea WA8HINOTON, April 14. It la iitii1s.MinAii tliair Tataadha ff.jpfh tt la. scattered all the way from Naco, M,,. ,, w, u ,ppotau4 M UaUwl the federal garrison at Naco by con-, . . . mtmlmam, tm ,h. .-., stltutlonallsU and Yaqul Indians, ' , .. . . ..... m. ... .. ., and the attempted flight of General t , UUrMUoaal prart-ljouthful figure dent. OJeda'a troops. They were cut down by tho pursuing Indiana and rebels. In escaping Qenarnl OJeda croaaed I tie clue that will lead to the discov ery fo the person who wielded the ledgo. It Is thought that the guilty one may be related to one of the many Polish girls employed as seam streises In the Diets establishment. ed by troopera of the Ninth cavalry. I Thu rebels and Indians plan a' march to (luaymas. I S. C, Hamaker la hera from Bly for n short visit. Klamath Boosters Unite in Harmony at Bonanza Banquet Good Roadie the Important Fart They Will Play in the Development of Klamath County, the Beat Methods of Construction, and Court's Policies Discussed With more thaa 100 present, and all harmoniously preaching the goa lie! of good roads aa the means of sal vat Ion for thla part of the state, tha oanquet and booster meeting given at toe Ilarpold hotel la Boaansa Satur day night by Ui Boaanaa Commsr c'l Club provad to bi 6m of the most enthusiastic maeUaga aver held In tty county. All want home with a "good Many new point la their mlnda t aha jmt wast;a wanderful eoun fy Kltth Couaty Is, aad what can 6 eipwted an aooa as roads art built to hasten the development of thla re gion, j,- ' addtta Moatari fr'paa all l'rts of tha aanatM araund Baaaaaa. ,the memaerii if tai eoaaty court war I present, In addition to others from Impression on the Kaitern girls. Klamath Falls, and with Dr. Hitch cock acting aa toastmaater, many were called on for speeches, and all responded with ttfeesages of cheer and co-opt ration In tha good work. The work that haa been accom plished by the county court during the past two years, the policy that Is belnr puraued at present In this re spocl, and the plana for futun high way Improvements were told by County Judge Worden and Commls il.mera Merrill and Hagelateln. Sheriff Low and 8am T, Bummers at tested, to the truth of the statements made by the court members, aad even Rev. Oeorge H. Feese took occasion to point out to the Langell Valley bachelors tho advantage of having good highways to make a favorable J. O, Hamaker, editor of the Bo- nansa Bulletin, In hla Inimitable mauuer, told of the conditions throughout the "Clover Leaf" section, aad he called the attention of the aa somblage to a number of road Im provements necessary In that negth borliood, The method of road Im provement used by the county was hoarllly- endorsed by Frauds J, liowne, secretary of the Horsefly Irri gation district. Hi also spoke of thu alms of the IrrlgatloaJsU. Others making talks wen O. R. Clllatte, H. Q. BuHoy, Prof, taught, Rlllott, Oeorge Sparrentorn, W. P, Sedge, H, R. Winnard aad J. A, Mad- ASKS TO -HAVE DEED ANNULLED JOHN SHOOK COMMRNCRB IN JUNCTION SUIT A0AINBT BOS WIFE TKMPORARY ORDER MADK TODAY BY BENSON NEW YORK. April 14. Jaeaaee Worth, the Paris taller, who for a generation haa bee considered at least oae of tho two ay- tar .gnat a'ltw'imu ea women's etothss, haa surprised Mew York, by aaaeaaetag ho bolteves the America woman Is the beat dressed woman ta the world. Ho may have said K with aa en m future buataeas. but hi eald It "The exceedingly efectlvi appear ance of the American woman la die to perfectly natural causes," hi ex plained. But one cause k physical, another mental, and a third eco nomic. The tout ensemble of the American woman depends partly on her glorious figure, partly on her ex cellent artistic sense, aad partly on her well-Oiled pocketbook. "Fortunately our women an tak ing up golf. I believe that garni is excellent for the preservation of the southful figure. All exercise Is. of 'course, beneficial. Let the American I woman continue to lead her apleadld ' iCoatlnueu ea Page 4i (nil 1 1 flTnrrT irt HALL ollfttl lo STILL FOR DEAD COMMJTTRK STAY IN BED LAI TARIFF RhWWNsXBLK TO ON THR raMadPriss WASHINGTON, D. C, April 14. Clagressmsa Oscar Uaderwud, the chairman of the waya aad means eem- mlttee of the house, la III as a isnH of the strain under which hi has ben laboring white working est the Urttf revision bill. The legislator la compelled to re main la bed by hi paystetaa. He has a slight fever today, but K la net be lieved bis conditio la aerieaa. OLDEST DANK . ENDANfiERED bSisv wj v as .. . . . i er,ypissaiti,saw-.wwsm a saw C7AN Oar srOWsBTtaV lHaW gni dhnflSsV ffffttttWJtll WtJUBkttto'l&lf TACHHB FOVNB WIIMR TB9I sk ! '.. sssTSjsji. to aAiaaaaMla ! haM Sa aassaiaaaiasLaBSl BANK ,or BMWia-eWFVBA. c, TiwallsM. wdsa tJRl sMsRlv aKTTBs mm mimmj mtritmitmmmtm. ;. sWfsis ngS,asass vtsMmi lagMMa W agaBfjglBmSBV ,flsfjBMB r Alleging that hi audi a mUtage and deeded her his hMMStead, worth 110,000, Instead of property valued at 15,000, John Shook, a old reel eat of thla county, today commeaeed suit against his wife, Cora Shook, to i est rain her from executing the dud, or trading the property for a Port land rooming house. A temporary order was Issued by Circuit Judge Benson thl saftsraooa. In his complaint, Shook states that his wife, who lives in Portland, wrote him that she could trade a portion of the Shook holdings near Dairy for an apartment house la Portland, aad asked his to execute a deed in blank for tho property. Shook saya that in oomplylag with the request', he made a mlataki 1 the description, snd Instead, exeeuUd a deed la blank for the Shook home stead near Dairy, oa which hi has lived for thi put thirty years, aad which Is easily worth 110,000. This deed, be says, hi forwarded to hur. After learning his Mistake, the plaintiff saya ho wrote to Mrs. Shook, tilling her of the mistake, and asklag Max A. McCall, Frsd Bertaoldt, R. L. fter not to make the trade, Be) saya she has refused to return the dud, and threatens to make thi trad with, thi wrong irogarty. V "vv :? BUSIKST MARKKT IN THE WORLB PAVSHB IN KRHPKCr TO FIN AN CIRR SIMPIE. SERVICE AT TMK GRAVE , I'nlted Press Service NEW YORK, April 14. Oat of re spect to tho memory of thi late J, Plerpont Morgan, America's greatest financier, Wall atreet operations wan suspsnded thla morning whlli tho body passed through tho city its way to Hartford, Co., tor inter ment. The stock exchaage was closed all morning. The police guarded the streets through which the flower covered casket was taksa to Si. Oeorge Epis copal church, where private servlass wire held, only thi members of the family aad Immediate frleads being United Press Sernee LONDON, April 14. A law ea filled with gunpowder was fund la the Bank of England this morning. The can was discovered to have aa uallghted fuse attached. Suffragettes are suspected of at tempting to blow up thi baUdtng. Since the Bank of Baglaad was chartered, la MM, k has aever bun entered by intruders or Vobbed. and the dlseovery this morning la the cause of no little speenlatio. , 14 t'nlied PHILADELPHIA, AprH route for this port, thi " Uurma left Llbau today o Hi voyage 1 the sow eenriee Inaugu rated by the Bast Asiatic Steamship company. The Burma haa boesi ply ing between New York aad . , NT CRISIS COMES , - i, mm TwaKiew f,.- PHYMCIAN fWHTARaB 90 ' Ir A VMMUM"? " AHhesmh Ara Tracea f tri t Vi 'A. saw la 'ro , Mitew'PraM nervrer ' .-' ' gVB, AaeM'14 A I sadmsvasn sni Vssiss '-1W5. - I m M.MI SSPM attimed.to Pai(PHw'Z;.aga1 his lemssrssirs ha snsssnsii iawes 'KJ .V.' 3&Z Thi i hears, say thi pep Mrrtve, hi ssay Be i soBths. i.-'AH . Dr. Msrealafava, thi attending phy- alcian. wlU. spend the nigs a In skk chamber at Uw Vsiieaa. dilgdii his sasaraaei that hla hiBnsaa rail reeever. tm number ex gaarda and attendants In bee doubled, aad, two bods haw hoe prepared ia tha arts rsssn 'fir UM night watehees'at tha bilslds , , Tha poao haa stept but Nttti ssaai yesterday. AM trasia at hlair sasV Me bava goae, and Ah heart aahWB la a weaker, feat tho physateii as eamPF gaVRBi BJBv.sjsTBRBBJL BsyesWfl'BBnwBnvs . A bsHsilsig at tha srtarisa m asUeed thla BMralag. Thla haa gMirn wees. . ( i V, ' Activities at the Vatleaa isidteatst that Ue aituatlo is wry awewe. ;v ' , e ' "' W Allan SUasbie. who ia on Wilson's Flat, is a MasrtayvvlsKor In the couaty seat 4A zsaBBawEaaassaBBSsaBaBBSBaBBBawi dTBJggajsgs afgBaBBam . i (i I All members iaterested K-ihs) dn grei team are rigasstsd I ha at I. O. O. F. halt toaight flat B n nt Ik uabk ' r f Ct mt vw v mw www i - " .' CUI1 ':?, Must Not Use Street For Dump Pile A. V . vfr -,i nacatnt T, , '" HARTFORD, Coaa., April If Business was suspended, all over Ue city today in respect to Ue Into J. Plerpont Morgan. Practically tha sa tire populace watched the funeral cortege as It went past Morgan's birth vises, i The services at thi Morgan tenth ha Cedar Hill Cemetery were raid by Bishop Braaster. . v . , ' i Following' the iaternveat W party trVuraed to New Yark. : Mayor Says any Further Offe Kind WU1 be Proaecuted. Oty IJsasi 1asAwaaBitw 1a 1aifaeaksmsn , isi a. a virvi . vi ,- wymm t ; . -, .w X 3 ?r ,"VlUli Parties dumping tin cans bottles and other rubbish a tha city property along. Ue lake trant an Second strut will ha prosecuted, ac cording to a statement msaa hy Mayor Nicholas this morning. "Thi cRy owns ssvontsm lots in this section which, aeed tlUg.'.'jaaid the mayor, "and wo wilbi' glad te give BeraUaslon to parties deslrlng'to get rid of dirt and barn maaun te dump it thsro, but aH tin eaas, .hot uw, , no., asae aw waaiw side of the elty llasRs. Several of ti sans aadhottles aav hauled ,te 8ece4stetdai4c'.th past law nlgbu, and I deasrsb van tUoee, dolag so'; that, teer; staatsts ar UnV wlU b mui"LU . i' ' ' : ' .w' A lot of flUiag along Second, street front and with bar maaan, ana ,. T. . laha to tne mayor tae eey,wiu haverany; material Mai Mar alaeed on Uissjsgdf'attinai put ait perisMSMsarsng aa a flrst rseoun 'pirsilsalnn w h gvsBsy m&i&G t r&ajja i Will Bl hauled I . anan... htJ. W wy"j j J'bW'bwwpbI aayswlwV A for Ue.eiiy, s lslssiN f BJsweiV fJB u. !" 2bJj srst laapist wateaaaaM psfBBBj VBBJflBBBBBJ) BBBBB) -aVggH V'V6! theasl 4 ,. i t