rMOVJUMIOPAli CaHOi PH. C. A. HAMBO, Dealest a Work auarantd. " odd t-eSlnwe' Hulldleg. Mow HI. tfAXWKIA M. kVONfs Osteosalhlc I'hyelrisa, Suits Id nnd II, White IIMg I'iMISJS) WEEKLY SERMON The Easter Lesson lljr f Jo. M. Vmm, Pastor of Owrc McUiodlH Church CITY AMU COUNTY AIMiTltACT COMPANY Abetrerte. IneurSSCS Members Oregon Association Till Mm MlMCKlJiANNOUS c I .uninVtlVII gSII U) UUIDIUum ihvh v, you want any kind if II KM Register at tbe COMHTOt'K If yea wast employment. Moses did nut arbitrarily originate this law, flat limply recognised1 a law Inher ent for the observance of man as any law in the physical world, Tim moral and physical benefit da rived from the true observance of, the law are Inseparable. Jesus utry clearly, ihowe up tble fact In the elatement "Tbe Sabbath waa made for man, and sot. man for the Habbatb; therefore the Bon of Man li Lord alio of the Habbatb." Tbe oplnlom of great men with reference to tho Habbath are not un-foumlod, 'The Hunday li the core of otlr clr forgottlng, before tbe end or tho week thai he le a ClirliUan." "I never, knew a man or woman who steadily avoided tbe house of prayer and public woriblp on the 1-orU'e dny, who did not come to grief end bring tbe other people to grief." "Uod'a altar staada from Sunder to Hunday, and ths seventh It no store for religion tbaa any other. It la for reit. The whole aeven are for re ligion, and one of them, for reet; for Instructions for social wonhlp, for gaining itrcngth for tbe other six." lleecher. Thu modern Innovation make great Inroad upon the aanctlty and true -1 , I- if iii mntm . . . .saamsaaaw. ''i, m- -y i ,i gat gAMaMajgH,, YgfffMBBU wTSafMsananaMH ImSb- val4 W7f?0aaaf aua NfJW cfai 4aO0BltlrlB j s,iixwv war fr-.to-JvirwrnT'' iirirr ai a, .aMiaatei I ..5? w llliatlon dedlcatod to thought and rev- obiervance of the Habbatb. There la , i. .; I .. .... ... KMMATH NOVKLTY WORM Mh and Klamath are. Illackimltblag ant general re pair work done Automobile a Specialty II. tOR.MKABKO, lYeseletor. KMKKI.MON A liACHTEI.HKHO ,Vrw ami Heroaithaatl Uoode IllJti. Wool, 1'elte, Itubber and Metala g7 Mai M. Tel. VI I J orenco." Kraerson. "lie who ordained the Sabbath lovoa the poor." Lowell. "Where there la no Christian Sab bath there la no Cbrlitlan morality. and without thle free laatltutlou can not long be sustained." McCloan. "The etreama of religion run deep er or shallower an. tbe baaka of tke riabbath are kept up or neglected." "Hunday la the common peoplo'e great liberty day, and they are bound to no uueitlon an to the doraorallilna effect upon tbu people. Hut call at tontlon to them and tho cry of "purl tanlim, bigotry, Intolerance, aid the Hunday law li railed. Aa a rata tke peraone Interested Indirectly In an In stitution or bunlneii tending toward the destruction of tbe mala purpose of Habbatb obiorvance have little la terest In the Habbatk aa Interpreted by the church. Kipcclally U tbla true h 1'VlA ' i i., f i"i,uizr u9 W-fcJ where a monoy-maUIng eaterprlee U i-e to that work doea not come Into Involvod. IU' lleecher. Ho It behooves all Christian people "To that which Is secular and aal to be waloui of the Sabbath day. mal, Hunday aaya rest; that which Is moral, Intellectual, social One of the most enjoyable social cventH of the week waa the Oriental tea given Thursday sfterneoa.at the home of Mrs. Robert E. Watteabarg. Tho tea waa i gives for, the Ladies Aid Hoclety of the-Presbyterlan. Charch, and tho hostesses were Mrs. W. II. Iiobertson, Mra. Karl 0. Camming, Mrs. A. A. Mekafey, Mrs. 8. P. Low- Deltell, Georgia OelaeU, Jeamw Dei toll, Msfgaret'IUrgas, .gphaiHigiaw, Jean Itogers, Ballard Stahlmaa, Ba ford Hargus, Burge Maaaa Jr., a4 Joe WhlUt HI Mrs. Robert A., Johaaaaii ad -Mr. deorge left friday for SaaiFraacieeo, where tbey will remain fen a short- time, visiting frleada. ' Invitation have bees leaned for an entertainment at tbe Hotel HaM1 on Thursday afternoon, to be gives by Mrs. Egbert B. Hall, Mrs. I. Jay Kaapp, Mrs. 3. Fred Ooeller, Mrs. ery ' Mrs? M.";. Ev'anV, ra .'ZV "' " "J" u.V . u w a bi'...i. B M'ck. Mr. Thomas Hampton. Five "., " . w.wwmj mwrnmi As others cannot see the Import- grow.'" nnce of a rlgbt observance of tbe day, Classified Column FUll HKNT NtCCLY furalihed rooms at Clic (irr gea liouee, Xlith and Klamath rURNIBIIED ROOMS Magi Ml salt, by day, week or aiMim. Balk. 110 Walatit It-la .S1JIA.'1XW iTi". mhm:ki.i,am:i;h All kinds of optical work done at llirden's. Itoom 111, I. O. O. r. building. Kim nam: roil SALE Hotel French range. Hotel Houston. 16-tf portable WHITE OKI'INQTON CHICKENS I ralie no other kind. A few select cockerels for sale, II to II.SO; eggs 11.60 per aettlag during May. 'm W.Mendenhall. lt-Ct lleecher. Christian people, through the ea A corruption of morals usually llghtment of the Word of Qod and follows a profanation of the Sabbath." 'Christian experience eurely can. Aad Illackatone. !tho observance will prove a great lllitory has over shown this to be .light to the world. Many Christian people are much to blame for the disregard of tbe Sab bath. They make tbe day one of con venience, or whim or emotion, Instead of representing a strong moral force; n telling conviction; an abiding earn Mtneas; a devout spirit; aa intelli gent understanding of the purpose of tbe day. "Remember the Sabbath day to keep It holy" should mean mor to the Christian' than aayea . ,i true In Individuals and nations. "Ilreak down Hunday, close the churches, opon the bars and theaters on that day and where would values be? What was real estate worth In Hodorae?" To these Influences can also be add ed the Hunday baseball game aad tbe Hunday picture show. "He that remembers not to keep thn Christian Habbath at the begin ning of the week will be In danger of lEGAL NOIICES roil HALE Aa I must remain la a dry warm climate, I am offering my Klamath Pall properties at price that bara competition, soaslstlng of nsw rooming beaee, modern, 'Tke Argraves," a C-raom modern cottage adjoining; 4 -room cottage, 716 Math treet, Hot 8prlaga addltloa tot aid two Mills addition Iota. Address B. ". Argraves, El Ceatro. Cal. 7-tt COWfl! COWBI COWSt I will have 16 carlqad'a of dairy and stock eat- tie at the 8. V, stock yarda on Satur day, April Uth. Bom of the choicest' dairy cows that could b purckased In tbe itate of California ar Included In tbli herd. Now to tk time to set a good town cew. Leave order with U.T. Oliver Jit tke Klamath Baehange, oil Mala atreet. '' ,4-10-lt lY'PEW'ltlTEHS' New Machine SS.ee Down and S8.M a Month ' Klamath Fall Mnatc Monee. You may Cotumu. tad It In the Want JCE CREAM Our Fountain da n', wlater or aumaMr. A dton l e cream wUI taat na ajeig now as In hot vtter, SJ'aXJITAX-.,, ., . An itra 1m "bttUr-twnM ' ObocolateatTlatlMFauad. Tlntt Mliionrnttm C Paum OnndaT 'mx mvja ..v MiiyA INibMeaUoaof In the Juitlce'e Court. DUtrlct of I.lakvllle, Klamath County, Stat of Oregon. J, K. Magulre, a sot trader, doing dullness under the Irm nam nad style of "Msgulr Mercantile Company," IMaiaUf. va. Goftgo Wheeler, Defeadaat. To Qeerge Whe)er, tk' ar named defendant. In tk nam of tk statu of Oregon, you ar hereby re quired to appear aad answer tk nmunded complaint filed against you In tho above entitled court aad cause on or before the last dsy of the time prescribed In the order for publica tion wad berela, to-wiu 'fa Uth day of April. 1911. and If you fall to so uniwer, for want thereof tk plain tiff will tak Judgement against yn aa demanded In hie amended com plaint on II krln, to-wR; For tk sum of auty-Mvea dIUra and ton cents (117.19) betag amount du and owing for goods, war and aaereaan- dies aa in plalatil'a eeasnlaint al logod, and for plaiatlB'a eot and dis bursements herein. Tkia aammon ta served by order of the Honorable ie. V. Qowen, justlc of the nae of tk above entitled court, March 8, 1911, ,.ml tbo date of the. Irst publleaUon being the lib day of March,, 1111, f.nd tho date of tbe last day will ex pire on the 17th day of April, 1911. MERRYMAN A DUNCAN, Attorney for Ptalatl. a-is-to-37-a-io k hundred will be played. MMMIIIIMI 1 am making an a Ret of Irrigated and wW ambtteh a deacriatl cd one in emaU folder. If yam want oer land en tWe list, please ktin; r tend me 0i haformatlen at one. CHILOOTK ForrDrYamjanaJmt nryeai ewer isaaai asM'eai'.tnr easr eesnaa mreus eeert aT tt faela. Te prove le yea that iadismalen ead driprpel be itnwinily fe lUrad tuXthM. sUeaTMeia TabbU viU do.it. we wttl rwalab the medirliie abaehMalyaMe at M i u aire yen W la due te the drtTM of sHtatiAe ebnl aeed la ril tktlr foneule ea weH ea le ear esereiMd la.lhea ThafaamifcaMe I DrpMlaTaUUi wtMTtbr v wtu-kaewn BteMMim et HMMMita4iibeiwei ead. Feaatn bat bwa pfopeitjr earn Weed wtei CanabuUvee ead ether tenets. are niBttlhJmhniSjele aad e eoMUntiy emplayeaaad eiesdbr the eallra aeeakei atefe elea ea tavateaaw la the Inianiij of taflqajjoa aad 7ejejsla. Tnejt KSSuable sar iiamsSaSnl We era ee-eerlam teal there le aothlni to goad fee stimtihnm as tUiail DvnpTeMiisiielmefge you lo uy wb uwrsH, J" W 35 etala. 60 cents, aad KM. You ran buy Retail Pyepiade Takfcdj la taw maisseeiireanraeeeei STARDrtUQ CO, IPrtX wtb w vane ennnmal raw li a Hml hw b tmumrf ateej n4 MU'ta'tt Oafcaa aetlanJDaMat eel 5,,Jlu,,to- . M aTeBnteta Bejel tMI II9III9MHHMI9HM PROMPT SKRVICCPteASOMAalLC PIIICCS I, ' i ' jjy it.y ' w y -' W. O. SM l print;ing :j j , f . C: ' k i :v(.,v,j- BKTWCKN MAIN AND KLAMATH FOURTH lm'mmwmwjmsw E. Watieaburg, Mrs. MaxwU LaneT. Mrs. John McLean, Mrs. C. Pi Stew art. Tbe gueet Includes Mrs. Fred Hhcallock, Ml Vera Houston, Mrs. George Chamberlain, Mrs. Era O ravei, Mrs. Charles, H. Word), Mrs. Leslie Refers, Mrs. Marry Ca- den, Mrs. B. B. French, Mrs. A. M. Worden, Mrs. R. C. Spink, Mis. J. J. Maebl, Mrs. Fred T. Baadersos, Mrs, 8. A. Loose, Mrs. O, Mrs. Job MeClure. Mies Marjori McClure, Ml Faye liogue, Mrs. C. C. Hogue, Mrs. Bert With row, Arthur D. Hay, C. 1. Stewart, Rer. i. 8. Stubbtefleld and wife, Robert K Wat tenburg, Edmund M. Cbllcote, Mrs. Thomaa Hampton, Mrs. R. B. Smith, Mrs. E. Phillips, Mrs. Barbece, Mrs. Willis E. Faugbt, Mrs. Loomls,Mre. O. D. Matthews, Miss Alice Peel, Mrs. J. V. Gilbert, Mrs. W. H.i Mason, Mrs. William 8. Worden, Mrs; W. T. For rest, Mrs. O. Illeosael, Mrs. R. Vance Hutcblns. Mrs. C. Chandler, Mr. F. J. Williams, Mrs. Louis Gerber, Mrs. G. K. Van Riper, Mrs. J. B. Mason, Mlsa Olive Carletoa, Mrs. Curttia Holdrick. Mrs. Fred Ooeller, Mrs. Geo. R. Hum, Mlea Restore Franak. Mrs. William E. Pelley, Mrsv hV C. Lyon, Mrs. Sid Evans, Mrs. William H. Shaw, Mrs. W. C. Towns and, Mrs. L. L. Heecock, Mrs. R. J. 8hU, Mrs. Wi E. William,- Mr. D. F; AneM, Mrs. H. H. -Van Valkenburg. Mrs. Mae C. Mason. Mrs. W. T. Salve, Mrs. Chester Avsry, Mrs. William Whit lock, Master Fraddl Ooeller, Ml Julia Pelley and Mlas Margaret Cam mlage. Tke pretty Wattoaksrg ral deace had n dKldedly Orslntal air for tbe occasion, and this waa canted out In every way In th earring tj Bally Brows tbo tea. The hoot ease wrsibeeom Ingly attired In Japan costamee. and In the room where ton waa served there were no cbalra to alt upon, or no eugar or cream for tk tea. A nrettr collection of Japanese curios. gathered by Mrs. C. P. Stewart while traveling is Nippon, was shown, sad the history of each article waa highly Interesting. In addition, Mrs. Harry Cades eanif, aad plans selecUoae a ere rendered by Miss Vara Houstos. Report fran both tk aiairs'ladi ato'that.tk ermMsc was a sjey. able for tk ladles sttoudlnc thaea sa R was lr tk men present at th Kike' saeeker., CaMIoaearn was tk prlselpei dlehio the ktM.tifsrsft tk party giveby Mesdsm Carey M. Rsamby, Charls Martin, Bert WMkrav, O. W, Robsrtaon and Fred Kssston whleh.wae attended ay Mrs. Tsoma j Connors, Mrs. Walter Cfer, Mrs, 'Clsud HDscdwtt, Mrs.Frsd Saksl- lock, Mrs. K. B. Ksnry, Mrs. J. .P. fe, Mrs. Willlom LW, Mm.rFrel mum, Mr. Kibert B. Mall, Mrs-tLyl O. Mills, Mrs. Roy Hamaker,v Mlsa LouIr L Mm (Bdnn Well, Men. I Karl O. Casmtags, Mrs. R.C: Sstek, Th Fir Hundred Club .1 belag onterUlaed thle aftemssn by Mre. W. E. WlllUms. AucUen bridge will be played. oo Tbe cuitmnatlon ot.(n pretty ro mance of mere than n years duration took plaes Tuesday at t the hem of thibrlaV.daughtey Mr. Orovor R. Nell of Fort KlamaU, whom Mr. Anna R. Sllaby becam th bride of Warren Bennett, who 1 srseldeat of th CKlaena'. bank sbiPnM Reblee, Calif.. Rer. J. W. Worrsll performed the ceremoay. Th nwly wadded couple ar making a tow of Oregoa, followlsg wklcb they will Ukeup tketr'reatsene la SMtheen Csll- torsta. oo' Mrs. Qeorge Nolan will entertain th Brdg Club at kerkome In Hot Springs addltloa ,tkia attornoos. in, In honor et her mother, Mrs. M. S. Cornelius, friends of, Mrs. Qtenn Johnson were eaUrtsbwd Saturday afternoon. The time was pleasantly pant in social chat and fancy work, fellowsd by a spleudls dinner and several after-dinner speeehes by th follewing: Mrs., Amanda Kamaktr, V.rs. Dells Arnold, Mrs. Thomaa W. Stephens, Mrs. C. R. Milter, Mr. D. V,' Kuykendall, Mr.) RssseU A. Al tord, Mr. Cornelius, Mrs.T. D. Tal bot. Mlsa Blteen Stepaen. -o o.s The fourth birthday ot llttte Innla Robert. Wedseadaywaa ths oeeaslon for n party lit, hi honor, givsn, that attrsoon.by,his mother, Mr- Chaa, I. RobeirU, sndAfor, arraUaoura n marry party of youssstor romped, on ths snaoloua Uws,, nteitnf Jsmlls game and. posing, for,: numser si kodak pIctUMS. Fottswtas; tie thegusetawMsaervHte cake,, and asch.WMfnjs,st wHh prtyify4r. ismirswi, PajsMy With every type of echolar imssin sbl represeated, and th ludlerou relgalag supreme, "Ye Deetrkk Skawl of Huckleberry Corners" was pretested st tbo Metkodlst charch last sight la a maaaor thstwss ' highly credlUbte to th tors east,. ana brougbt u uiesee win potnt W. BsberteosJ bordering on hysterica by the eestls- ual brosdslde of fun aad Inaallsms that were eprasg. The perfermisre waa given by latermedtete Lmujs of the 8usdsy aehool, aad ths. east preeiatlag K was eompeeed ef: SKBWL KOMfTT Dr. Perkins (ckalrmsa) eeeee4eee Ce. sHnnnVMr VtpnFsl Jacob. Blltekar. ..Howard Clarland John Smith B.K.Chltet APUKANTS Mlas Daahawsy Fern W4 BeUnds Bhsrs),. . . . Mrs. Bate Arnsld Bailie Simple Bs Bsmsit Mrs; Mhttshto)PndrgTas. . Mr Htlsn Tarntr SKOLARS LuclUa Snokha (dsH) hthstr Matllda BlUlsgs (sstoi, tad- OIMJ f ' CWsTsi Fsithful Ssooks (lleplns nhrl) Samasths Piper (glggyss; girl) eVmsmV UarasnsVnsnmn Jerssks Dkkson (tslhs tend) MernMttter Clorlsda Qeyser (gutet, stodi- oua) ...Darsthy Ruth Ketckum .Duteh ntel) . . MMIMMllllli TIM ueaa Crawford (ntlMhterten) eeeeeeeoeeeeeeee OT TSTa (the girl whs usee ear ot e-yar in Luther) Asdrcr Rsbsrsi Dorea Doolittte (ery baby) . . eeeeeeeeeeeeee JrTatftQM WanMrOB Hexekleh Joae(toaehr pet) eeeeeeeeeeeeeee eVstWsM UtfOBUsmtaJm Luther Drown (baby scholar) eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee daVTU WfOf fvjfll Bllllo Crowfoot (tleesy) ... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lerTM aMasV Sammy and Xddte 8noeka(Uap . . . Howard 'Orsaa as4 Jess Ssm ' lag twins) Howard Orson asdlass ' Summars. Steven Tucksr (Irish) i Mrs. Charles Matsrua .guests esses :garbsd , tm W fumes, andiaiasingjesny carda helped, to. msks tk. highly esteysbto to aU i 4 ill ' Mr. Will Bsldwks, Mrs. and Mrs, gave a Westers ssrtr si''ths.'Bstdwsi hotel, an4Watern tsatamea oratlesaipredeaatsatid. Ths was stoaasstly aaent'ln danctag, ssd"ehsek'M ws ssrrsd at s late hosr. , Th gste war Mrs: liurge Maeoa, Mrs. Oaasr Skrrs, Mrs. Charles I. rtosefi,tMr.' Wtoesr.O. Rmlthr Mrs. Dtok Rleksrss , Mrs. Orb Cmpbtl, Mrs. Mlas Msud BsMwIn Leonard. li. Mr. nad Mrs. Frd Osrrmk AfPs ovnoo ' . A IIMIMInsns IMBIhnnmB 'B iiZMMtLMMmHkW Antiis. h '; FORT KCAsUTsV.tos Wood Bivsr TsO'BJ' very' beaatlfal sprlag, be on grass In afww' valley aad ampte fd tsthnt winter wkiek hs Jest, useuual amount sf ' laiiea ise atesaeacse aamttss smbss j ' - ath eonaty a bsmei this ssss -. J ing eessoa. . ytf-. ' i n iasnN4, flm ? ssww thai an tr I 0,'.- J. L' C.. Sterner kift jackeon eesntr; wkers hi m ated bsslssas hras, pecU'to.'retornwiik a laesjs hast C dairy eowa;. Mr. r7rai "Mair- ksMsaas sf ,vsrrssh 'auaA sa she. esssteaisaA wm -..M.., w. . k t wMf adapted lr saery, sssssge. Mfadav L prassat 3 oaim'-' -'--'- -1- -'-- - ' , "r . jj raz 'TJ''rT..T T.-zr rrr ";. . . i wM'sw-asesstsnas; jbbsj at aaa sjasr. ;. " - - - !',.(.. Jf remlak Jeakeaa (atew) Iris Tarasr Dobbl O'Le (atosuMrinc) . . esWJT JKtsmf SlmDIpay (bad hoy) Ira Orsa n VISITORS Mtrands Dlpssy .... Mr. Lea Lewis Mrs. Snooks -. Ida Mmyr 00 With mors Jtksn on ksndrsd wo men la atteadaaee, the reeeptten giv en Tuesday afteraooa In honor of Mrs. Edyth Tosler Weathered by ths Women'a Clvio League proved, to be on ot th moot ueeeasful afatr ever participated In by the woaasn of KUmsth Falte. Th epeoteas lob by of the, Hotel HaU waa prettily b decked, for tk oecaatos, and dainty refrshmnta wr served, ineludlng; delicious "made-ln-Oregon" oooktos, from s Portland concern. A epleadid talk was given by Mr. WcsUered, whotwaf hars.tn th istrt( ek bom iaduetry" movement, gars a splendid talk on the part that woman must .play In th eempslaa to-krlas about the preferesee et hoats pro ducts, suo tne psrt an atsst atsy la local masters Her talk was fsUowd by aa equally tatersatlat rlght-to-the- polnt address by Mrs, Hary Rabbss. who thoroughly ummd up s'ssm ber of loeal ltuaUoaa, nad pointed out steialy; ths dshr tTsry wi who has U Ctrl "weUar ot ath Falls, st hsart Othw who brought out tsterwtlsg war Mrs: Mary A., Jaehsoa, prssl- aent of ths Langs, aad Mrs. C C. Hogue. uurisg7tss snsrnooa sows werrrd by Mr. Harry Cadsa; Mia Loutee.Lee ss Mrs. J. . QU- Uka completely by ssrprls Taasdar eveaiag whea eliteeaet taslr frteads, Udea wlU rofrseamsam, Mlted at tkelr hosM ta epead th masnf. Pre huadred was pteyd ustll a late ksar, when-refreebmeate wr serred, st lowisg whisk th aasembteg dav persed, after s highly ajysbte alag This psrtlelptrsg la ths surprise were Mr. aad Mrs: s'Sraas, Mr. sad Mrs. John , M. MasMatea. Mr. in Mr. Fro cfr sad Mrs. CsansS navi. Mr. sad Mrs. J. Dtesa. Mr. snd Mrs. J. J. Parhsr, Mr. asm Mrs. I.. M. Bradford. Mr. sad Mrs. M. Coseboem. Mr. and Mrs.- Jssssh 'S. Ksa Tueeday vatag satsrtalaid Mr Mrs. Ilirssaa Fr sad Mr. aad B. R., Warns.. Card sad othsr dtrr tieements IBwl ths TMiag. s s s Mrs. Frsak'WsN, Mrs. Kir Haas aker, Mre. X, J. Parksr, Mrs. Cwaas Daggett, Mrs., Carey Rameby, Mrs. Charles MeUrum. Mrs. L Jay Knsss), Mrs. Thomaa Hampton, Mrs. Orb Campbell. Mrs. Fred Methane. Mrs. Robert E. Watteabarg. Mrs. C. C. Hogue, Mre. R. B. asttth. Mrs. Tssa Connors, Mrs. Bert B. Wlthriw, Mrs. O. W. Rossrteaa. Mr. Maxwell Lag. Mrs. Henry Newsham asd Mrs.Bsrl Inrtn Cala!w1l,UoeK WM Wsdaeaday afternoon, when Mrs. Fred Bohanooh waa hoetes to th Leteur Hsar Orsb. Tbs aftsraeea was pteaaaatlr assat playfag sards, asd refreebmeate wsr served. Mr. Fred Melhaee ha returned from a three-weeks Calif orste trip. Mrs. Methane epeet meat at th ttes visiting relaUvee la Osklssd. ssi v The 1911 Needlework ash was a- tertslsed Friday stterasstjt r Ms. O. K. Vaa Riper, aad the ssssl good time was aaloysd by th Needlework sad eoaToraaUea pled ths sftemsoa, sad retreah: wereeerTed. Ths :;"iH' A.?',r v' j ' r.".. -. W Wesd AprM 9d.. Ths ssi MsffA K V.wRk tag, ". (V tr at tk a new BMseker rsrtks asanac "'-""'.'T7.' frl rTftrl anrr '' l good sbaso, sad wttk las sgsgmjgh) "" of a prssperea year ahead, 'nil gasav ' geaeral ataiaf st tk ssssastahav '' . ? v-gikssi-:. ,- 2 , a. W; Lar sad 9h' tsajansai stwdawaasiVaiaaaasas4BaC ' te Mwetegas, Caakt, wkr a ssa rs- ' Mtes. On Mr. Lisa! ays ibb kg eeM Oe Leak a nsm nK BJst i tetaemi -, i- ' :tt Mweessilte. Seag'Mnaaa' ' . c . i. " ,1 ttpffSEL - Is right, at ksa, a istsm bert oo i w .. it Klamath. Falls Lodg of, Bibs 'was no aloa titlte Wstern 1 frty las eveaiag, tsr.sdRlSBV'.tksff w'r' twevtaUatM,Btas'Wajg.ta tangWiji f UM OfV iJWiaH aVMVtVaMto a1 nkM RtTat r,Vn ' .-.-,- . "' I ,.v annnnnmnl fjfsmmggggm f-r Hi Bsukaak la, 1 But if y mi, aad 'tis neya; That eertowe Udnai fellow ; ,, That drossy r Bfigat Kb i St 6 4- i; Yes win so lowisg "Tto UMk L""T.' Jeaa asyst' ' ed with waa vary vvi,r. i. Sr' eeuld ast 14 klad tired ate. saw I magi aerves.; 'Tk I ed too fregsently gt aajkt, sa4 I g tleed sedlmeat to 'thsav, gassganag. ago 1 bessnwalsg Dosns V Ismaf tnaw aad they gave ass pramgt psglgt1' ; ot teteay aM dtefa. Prlsg M' New York, ssbt' ry tsksai aaanw ii. 1 saat ii1. SAGE TEH BEAUTIFULLY ' THE HAIR WHEN Mixed WUk BsaavaaT The ss of kaas aa4.amlga fsf reatorlag faded, gray hair to Ms nat ural color gates hash to rUsM. i ksthsr kakr ksautl s ewpei meewv .mnarmrw fully daxsaasd, gtoaay nad asaadant wKhabrtBasjTsa4Slshur. Whesevsr hsr hair fill oat ,r,tok og that dstt,iladd or trahadagpea- anc thlaaampte mhrtsr waa agfdtsd wUh wadrtul eBeet i .: ' .ast.saa.srswiag g nssa m asmas FJbt, Ws? wJfBjsjass eRBBaWBjaBBJ absaiktta da this iliattat tana Br aahln st aas diMetovs tsw tan asm ana gnlannr anur awaaagav" ana lWsh. bss a aaram assms nsr ssamg ggji 'S? V5 V wrnwm cats." bm druggtets asta tav wateh to snog gettisg Wyashv. no dasaassA nasg kssggks Bgi BfsV ''BaBajr 1ggBBBg BBBBavM' sma mmgas BBBamar te spieadid m assmraB; dPF) Itehy sealg and lalkhnf MsM :A.,wi aaTO.-gs)smssmmi ay ak) w. .ss: K derhea to sgaSBgMp that usasdv asm ana m I w awmweni sam psenv s j annaVnanseaansnaVte ssma gagMtgasT AgW BwPaT",af a?m tVsgaVr t aswatasiat'i 4t cs&- yr (. I- Ml, )