'T&.J t . ! KB UNITED PRESS GIVES THE WORLD NEWS FIRST. THE HERALQftMM, i ' if, T1"WJH ' l,(l'.-' lUITIJKD HV THK llJfiTW I'HNMt NKWH NRHVIOK ill e pmina HcfaliX nt3hrM.ir: .. 7 '-"HfT ) ? Tmti :''. S KVKN1M PRIXT THB KKWI. NOT: ?--, j ,! , "rt aIW fv i Year No. B,OgS KLAMATH FALLH, ORHOON, HATURiv, APRIL IS, ltlg fashionable Chicago People Subpoenaed to Give v-fry.. Vl('. - .,7 ,.' hi.y -V,1',' I ,fi Evidence in Investigation, Following a Big Said; h i. '," fILSON STANDS PAT FOR FREE SUGAR, WOOL TUK I'KOI'I.K TO TWO DAYS MORE TO REGISTER IN HOOKM (LOHK TUKMDAY MUHT FOII (.11 V IIMIIHTHATIONMtr. MCII'AI. ELECTION TO UK IIKI.I) MAY A N. . Woman Seeks Alimony Those who havu not registered for, I.. Mat !. Ail S. U uloaaSlfa BM a ahS l . a ,111.1 lh 'WWII ur lli Tariff ""' "" u .i I liaf .. It ttiri t iimkIhv mat at It. fit WIMr..mHiClH.rAl,.rr. ' Lraa lluallirM IntrrraU ! Kriuti:.i. . ....l. ....I .i ...... -. .....I "" llliv liUUUf will linrau liu niu liu WonU hy iliehrxlatcred will nut bo permitted to I vol i) nt tho comlliK city election. Ho fur there are 1.0C1 roeUtorcu. 11 ward tttls li divided In Ilia fol- lowing manner: First Ward 137 Kccond Ward 323 Third Ward 377 Fourth Ward 169 fifth Ward 68 Willi Su llnrln WonU liy rmldrnl, Wlio KrmU InDuriira ut mt lairr!. lultMll'tMr Hcrvlca WAIIHINOTON, I). C' April 13. - is lwx afraid that builntw an tod Inlorcti who aro uneasy Ui lomctlilin to b wtteaiy about. Utftll'nn who aro talking ouo way a4 rotlni another aro going to be ittMMd to tho qulal of private life." Tib, rroaldoat W'lUon laid today u tU flaal word to the senate flnanl elm. lie Imbued that the Idea that ike paiMge of the revlaed tariff bill till be dleaatroui to tbo country U atterly falte. WIUoo U standing pat on the free tHM and wool clausee In the mea. r. IIU criticism regarding the tar II ftiht reached the senate and house reamltttee today. If necessary, Wll mo will urgo his views of tbo tariff qtMllon and the duty of congress In t direct spiral to the people, should lis find ll necessary. "Wbit the people put on JDRDAN ADMITS "IT .. BORROWING CALIFORNIA NTATK OFFiaAli TK1JJ HOARD OK CONTROL THAT HK WAM FINANCIAM.V K.MIIARAHHKI -J KKt. IgUHHiHHH SaaaaaaaaaaaaOBBB-V " ,'1,,r (faBaB II all.lWh'iVTW IB.'!v JJV& ' .11-a.l-aWKi IIIIIIIIIIHBR 'HIH aK9no..IH mHRWv' iMf.ii.ii.i CALLS IT 14 AGAINST 150 I FOHTKR HKXT OCT BY tROHR OP.I HMKI) TO IIOIMKFJUY IRRfOA TIOX IMHTRIfTT M AKHWKRRII IX IIO.NAN.A PAI'KR New Morgan Bank Building I"' The comment of Editor llamaker of the Oonanra Bulletin;, following tl.'o publication of thecircular by, Charles Klackus, Olck Ketchum, Ctinrlr Woelk, William Flackus. Illlain Ubrman, If. J. O'Brien. Michael llueck, Joseph Keessel, Hen- r Btochler, J. R. Welch, A. E. Durg ilorf and Krall Klackai, reads aa fol fel fol eows: "Hip! Ilangl Ordera from four-- 'lull tn nnai hunArmA mttA flflvl .I.V.. V WMW .MHV.W WWW .- , "Who voted for organisation? All of ynu except DIckT 'Who voted fori bonds? All but Dlckl "You're getting what 'you voted fori' "What la wrong? Must one hun dred and fifty be turned down fjr II? when the secretary. T. i. Rowne, alone represeata more acreace una the combined fourteen, an he wants It flnlshedt "It he can pay one-tenth hn Hundred and forty-atne o ane&n.Bay fht nine remaining ten thai" tiilifl i'ress Service I RACIIAMKNTO. April IS. 8ecre- thelntary of HUto Jordan admitted to theUsk for $50,000 a year alimony, Mrs. deorge O. Tfeye, wife of a well known banker, who has long been In New York society, haa begun ault for divorce, and It Is said that she will Mrs. backs and In their stomuchs must board of control today that ho "bor be made cheaper, no matter who suf-rowd" fees from Mrs. Ilrewcr. Ho f-n," Is the tenor of the comnunl- Minted that ho Is "foarfully cmbar- tttloa. assed." Chamberlain Gets a Stack of Petitions . v, Klamath Falls Man Among the List Handed to Secretary of the In terior by the Senator United presr Service i ' For United Btatee district attor- WARiiiMiiTtfiM i r i I noy Albert Abraham, Itoseburgji Hrre Is a sample list of appllcimta I " "'. J Hart' ,,M0 for fdi,rj in.,. ... . ,.,v8wott and Ogleaby Young, 1'orUands Qweral Mclteynolda tho other dayl"'""" .. Oregon City: Tur r Senator Chamberlain of Oregon. All of tho tottera and petitions of Bdorsement received by the senator on bobalf of each man 'were sent ong with theae lleye haa been accustomed to live at that rate since her marriage, and she thinks she ought to get the same amount now. "I'loase don't ask me to discuss these things," she aald to a reporter who.aaked her about her big alimony (Continued on t'agn 4 1 In another part of the paper la the following allusion to the circular: "There la aome matter neaeiac through the malls here that la getaf to get some one In trouble. The poe tnl laws are very strict on these lines, and strictly forbids the use of the malls for the purpose of extortion, i.nd like cases; also all profane and obscene language. All these are cov ered In aome matter that la going the lounos In the malls now." John Lowden of Fort Klamath la here tor a short sojourn. .tSllll.lll.llta- LraE maHaHallKBaJ ?ff faBall.ll.ll.llK J' GILDED CAFE VISITED LATE BY OFFICIALS ' V f .l : n- t-jf,- jl'ANKl RIHOJHt. AMOHfl WMTUW ,ff r" ' 1 ?fAR9 IMCVMIftRsVI 'Artioeioei the Faetef Has . FroMnk the White Man' I - r j It la Taw IK, mm i Match j V Bssae Wn., "". & q; i CHICAGO. April II. I armed wRh' suhpesnaaa raddsd' lioaabkj J. Plerpont Morgan. did not live to occupy the great bank building he had planned, and which within less than two years will hoiee the most Important banking hone Inthe world unless his death saunas, .change In the'itns The)? eitslleitaanhnnli baJidfiac ex S3 Wslstwet; hswn.as the Drexel building nt the southeast earner of Wall and Bread, has re mained while great skyscrapers and nwdern structures have .gene np around It. The last modem sky scraper to be completed near It waa the Hankers' Trust company building. near the top, Morgan himself had tak en oBoes, to get away frees tlM notes and bustle or WaU street The new hnlldlnc will bet avaekeMe of ths strength nad sfcaraetsr et Iks Morgan Irm. It wttl eentnan eMlr foSr stories; Bt that fenndsUeas will . deem sejesnty.lesCtavhsdrsekThe aUdwsJesefmasimrywl hsdrssh, nsueke aaany heavy In the sssns neaghberheed. Seme ot them rest on estssons whisk rsnsa. ts bedrock. It ths hnlMsrs ehoese they may have n eetlar seventy fast deep under the bank, in this large specs will be vaults that would defy all the diagonally across. In that structure. cracksmen In the world. George Deal Is In town from his Langell Valley ranch. Mr. Deal came In to be with Mrs. Deal for n Urns' who Is In the Blackburn hospital, re-J covering from the effects of n recent : operation. DECREE ENTERED FOR PLAINTIFFS served 'pn'psritem' n sssew eat, j. nwff pvvpvr vM tcTHI WW testify te,tlM.w&He:asiis);i The rntd thfww the, tiers into n pnavls. The". trie' were lirssd t i cf sa- ,( ' eafea here isst. sglrt."1sr",. ,: l . , i' - n ti rstlfsd f " fJ- MMflft, ItH'V au rMmsss fJk,-.) "tssMio," smd. warn hwntU, ' -IN i ' " (, Mm Imvmmi'' r . " In the eeelal evM.-. ' r :;. --., MkinL Msea'aaU-ttaB' nailW? l'' i -- -. f ,, nhsnlfH.,? rvHiM wjWIHm . BHi ner Oliver ana j. (Irande; Clarence I. ford. For United States marshal D.. Slater, La Reames, Med- "Night at Red Dog" Will be Long Remembered by Gang Millions Were Won or Lot on the Turn of a Card, Toil of the Bonea, or Spin of Wheel, and Skin Games. Fed by Suckers. Rivalled'Shearsfor Fleecing (SHERIFFS DW OX TAX SALK SET A8IDR BY MTUJM 09 JVDGK BBWBOyCAB M I TIED RY AOREEMENT -R. 11. lUontinued on fane I Japs Are Incensed Over California Law Ambassador .Chinda Instructed by Japanese Foreign Minister t Make Another Protest ' ea M V'K t UalUd Prsas Hsrvlss " Cl m TOKIO, April 11. National oM-1 eallt members of all political par '. and business men In all parte of ' nation are bseemlng Increasingly Inceusd over the prspossd anU-Jap-"He bill whisk the California legta- lature seeks to pass, Tho foreign mnUter today Instruc ted Unron Chlnda, the Japanese am bassador to the United States, to make, another protest lagalnat the measure to the government, pointing out that the bill la In dlrsct conflict with the American-Japanese treaty. Nover, In tho palmiest daya of vice, thlevory, gambling, strong-arm tac tics, pistol pulling and other semi clvllltod pastimes ot the frontier waa there ever assembled auch n horde of miners', cow punchers, lumber jacks, tinhorns, gunmen, thieves, dnnce hall girls, sheepherder and groasora as gathered In the home of tho Elks lodge last night, converted for tho tlmo being, Into the dance hall of Hod Dog. Never, evon In the Klondyks, whan thousands of dollars In nuggets wsre staked on a turn of the wheel, waa money spsat with such n lavish hand aa It waa by thla same aggregation. Tbey wsre all out for n time, nnd n time they did have, with nil Halt algna torn to bits. Several times the money on the line aggrsgatsd around the millions, and paltry hundreds were only resorted to In an effort to recoup enough lossss to mako one good play with. All ot the old time games were there, and Interest was so Intense that no attention waa paid to the mere shooting of aome poor fellow too slow on the. draw, or a UtWs tee) clumsy In trying to stack the paste boards. Faro got the Interest of a tot of them, and with Slick Robert son dealing and Boapy Hunter, keep ing cases, Faro got the money also. Nothing Faro about thla game," aald the sign. Crooked aa was this eeeablnatloa, there waa another aggregation In the hall that could easily hide behind a corkscrew. This was composed of John V. Houston, sa the smooth gam bler, with E. R. Reames nnd Mayor Nicholas acting as cappers. The game waa one of the smoothest swindles ever pulled ot, nnd Cap tain Lee, feeling that here waa the chance ot hla lifetime, staked his whole wad or, rather, he donated It, aa did many others who could sse their stacks doubled. The fact that Chief, ot Police Smith atood nsar Houston during his clever manipula tions may have lent ooaadeace to some, but nevertheless they fell. "Dee" Daggett started up n twaty one gamo with a wan mat would weight down a mule, hut he Just last' ert tor three hands before he wai forced to run for his ute, leaving gar A decree wss. entered Friday in favor of the plaintiff in the ens. f J. H. and T. I. Jensa vs. Ales Mar tin. Thla waa n suit to set aaMe n shsrlff's deed on tax aale on the IWK of 8EVi. 8BU of NEK, NK 9t 8BK of section II, township 37, nag. 11. The case waa settled by agreement; J. H. Camaham was the attaraey far ths pUIntUf. Hated La BMstotwiMI wag. probers ttt. part The MniasiTww'l t'-'V Wsesea'fettutlaearl ged the essssts 1. 1 awe waved hands Ml of iMHavlneik they pleaded hv vain. ' " ' ,'," When.tste.wluaeses Arrived-Lisa- tnant Oeverner CHnrn said: We ars Just tookJac lnte the V.H-. atlona ot the smutty snags nad ami-' taal dances." 'Natalie," 1 years et age. aa a, . dancer at Hesters. tsstMsd tkat she danced the Turner Thers'lc nothing ! danstng," Mrs. committee's Bfal WBwJaa IverlHV 1 Tret and Has Imgtspir taiiar r snea.," ( . -1. n sJskwakl.-'eaM as? the'- , vTwJW' aBanag' tVV . asaa any.' the wR- - -.;' - (' gtad tket , ,.: , y r,' '"" Sit '' msreermsd,, , ' aana."- ,?r ,t. -,. AM 'gagaVt-r " ,,TS? ; i- r, ( mm-.-za sailskagaaiw 1) Is net 'v I heard eas neea added.4 "that he wi Natalie wear aMk Ughta. '"I'm tired ot the eoachadcdOe Abe Frank, manager ot denied that the eeag Long," had been aaag nt declared that he, barrsd snea' sa "la My Harsa, "Ooady, Goody, osoc." -rfxi The eemmlttes took a W (ooutmueu era! bets unpaid. Dlacklack, poker and othsr card games were In aessloa throughout the evening with ome decks coatalnlng as many aa eight aces, and toward the last It took 10,000 to get la' at all. "Leave It to Dad to skta yen" wan the ,Ign oyer the chuck-a-lnek lay out ot Dad Wll-on, and the fact that the "old army game" ia as popular aa over waa attested by the crowds gathered around him. Dick Ktepper ran a game oa similar lines, the ehtsf difference being" that, as the sign above him, read "One chance In ten to get your money back. What tn hell more do you want?" No entertainment ot this kind would be complete without Sing Lee and his tan-tan, and he waa there in the person ot John Foster, It any thing' more oily and bund that ever, as' be proceeded with his work ot sep arating ths sucker from his pesos. What basa he did not garner war. aure to fall at the next booth, where Will Baldwin presided over sa ''odd-and-even" swindle that raked la ahe -'teoaUnued oa agV') At "I" iV .''.! ' 'Jh-UU'i'V.' r. ' .: t'-x: A. e-;'..?'. J A ' f ar ' ISKTP'rffi. l x, Mrc PAnlrhiirct Half AvaUlM dm faaVaftakJtftaaai gaaes aasMBaiaBi',r4': t.-'-A-.i QtarvA1 TjtfiifeM Jlll v """ T' 1 ' ' 'v" ")jV . "-rS VVJ.1 1.'. rA-' in Pri&ron. Suffragette Has Taken Water, afefiiinil Tnnitl zzzz -z?m aaaafSaaV wsHaaas-eH r''A. 1...M4 Va lllaaaa laaawsm Claimi IX mm Haeai''' ,A ' AVU111I0 HIV. 1UUV VajB.VHV.xw;, &.& -i' i e F'-V w. -vr v.'. .iftm ? ?iw', 'i ' are , iv-i'-'.k '. ' etlSSF''. M Mi. LONDON, April It. Utterly ex hausted and uaaMa to ataad as n re sult of her protracted "hunger strike," Mrs. Bmmellne Faakkurst, suffragette leader, sentenced nine days ago to serve three years on a charge ot lasttlng Ute destruction ot property, was released from Hollo way prison today.- ' . r" She waa met 'at the eatraase by promlBentsuffragettea,.wh. took ner ......4 ' V ' 'TA '4' 1 " 1 i. fi y . VA. ri ik fir ' "" During the. nine daas.'ss).; in jsii. Mrs. rs food, and oaty oaM, ersge.)AsKa,aaal.'( bar te" hot cell: I wlsoaer,,, after,, turnlag;oa.her'.eii :jv;lW!!v ";. ed'to'.'jail "(f 'c -' :,.- ?V: V age.i As;.a ,naal, :. r to': es4'srams)ltgMMll t f oastf beet . aadsgsthHi "ru, jgkt,oei'gkt:,si" i ' TflL,' -.'. y. .fit ii '.KJ li- A"'i 1 atV -''&. ,i. $& m v'i