m ft HUPI'LIKI) lit THB imrrKi) vnwm nkwh service mt s irHi efali. THB UNITED PRESS GIVES THE WORLD NEWS FIRST. THE HERALD i& Vf4m PRIST TUB NEWS. NOT, fj " "J . ' y U ItfrnOi Year No. B.OM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 191S ewe.;' ' -&- 1 j : in itf Power Trust Attorney Declares Old Franchise is " - 't """t . J' .'. pfli Still in Effect, But City Records Show Different: ii . ri . "u .". REBELS HOLD UP TRAIN, KILL SIX AND TAKE MONEY IIH.I.IO.V OWNED H VAMKHICAV MIM.NU COMPANY Ihii i:iirr Mi riigcr unil Kl( I'm rincrm Klllu-I In Klglil In Hit I'm trolim of I ho Kapreaa Car fctwi llutulml Tumpe Uwlrf Punrlio' VIIU 'iinllirlrl Ihr Itnlil on tlj !-iiRr Train I European Dancer Returns Disgusted CMlH l'ra Hrvlc CHIHUAHUA, April 1 . I-oU by Ctniril Panchu Vlllu, a lotto of 70U UBilllutlouallsta lo.luy held up a lutagcr train on the Meilcan ami f.'ulhvMtern railroad, niar Hon An ttu, To nru ninaongor and six piMKttivi wir killed during the dl jt fur poikmIoii of tlio capreas car. The irbvU took 1S3 bar of gold billion from llio Iralu. TliU was tbe Moiwrty of llio Dolores Mining com- par, and was being shipped out of thciauntry. T -trdjV JVgfgfgfgfgfgfg'4 fV iaeseH?' .-Hl T'. VJIsmaal AIT KLAMATH RED KEEPS F. ftiTH COURT ? WILLI M MOOIIK .HAM .HUGH HOUGH TIIKHK OX TIMK Ruins of Country Home Burned by Suf ragettes Frlrml of Confi-Mtd llooUegift'i .laked l-a(lrr' Ittlrasf, I'roinlslag to llatr Him In Court When Wanted. I'alr Arrived In Portland This Morning, Willi Hough In Hand. ruff. L'nltti! i'rro Hcrvice l-OUTl.ANU, April 11. William I.Moore, an Influential Indian from tbe Klamath Keiervatlon, kept bla prom-' in, to produce llio man In tbe federal Ulatrlct court when wanted, by ap pearing before Fedrfil District Attor ney Johnaon this afternoon with Hugh Hough, a confessed Indian bootlegger. The man was sentenced to serve of dancing, has gone back to Paris nine months on McNeill's Island and insgusiea wuri me people or ine unu-.par not m tiuu J. Im Naplerkowsxa, the European dancer, who baa Interested many per uana In New Yorn wno lore that kind led 8tates. Madame did not have suf .flclent clothing during her danee at ' . W L. Ik....- ...l. k. It niw i rR inviivr w mi bluocoat who saw her. 8be was hauled off to court. Hut there a magistrate who had a greater eye than the blue- coat for the artistic, let her go. The Xaco Murrotinital I'sltod Pi cm Karvlc KACO, Aril., April 11. Oeneral Obrtgon's constitutionalists ars sur- rouoaini oaco, mciicu, huu vusra m iwt iui tun amain. trlik firing between the outposU all .feelings of the dancer, howerer, were nlbt The Sonora federal garrison Is lirrparlng for battle. Mrs. Whltmore, who has been visit In-, her son, J. 1). Whltmore. left this Morning for her home In Salem. so badly hurt that she at once an nounced that she would no longer danco for the Americans. Tbe humil iation for an "artist" to be dragged Into court on such a charge was more than alio could stand. Democratic Caucus is Thorough in its Work Consideration of the Tariff Revision Measure Continues Very Slowly. Metal Schedule is Up Today lilted Press turtle .slon several days, will probably con- WA8IIINOTON, D. 0., April 11. tlnue all of next week. The consideration of tbe tariff revl-1 Today tbe caucus took up the dls- llough was brought to tola city from Ited Muff, Calif., by Moore, and he waa fettered with leg Irons and handcuffs. Doth were exhausted. Home time ago. Hough asked to be roelased from prison In order to at end to some business Interests. Moor promised tbo court that be would see that Hough would be In court when wanted. Although Moore made no comment today, It Is believed that Hough was attempting to escape, when he was approhendod by Moore. The utter ex haustion of both men and the Irons on Hough Indicate that there were re peated struggles. Hugh Hough, referred to la the foregoing, has figured In a number of escapades on the Klamath reserva tion. He waa arrested some time ago on a charge of Introducing whiskey on the reservation, and he entered n plea of guilty. 0BeBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBlflBsaegegeai&rf - ,vt t33 mTt smBmBmBmBmBmBmsmBw VsES?! I jgkBSBBXBnaMmsmsmjejsjsjsjpsmsmmwiA i K9 ? .inggggggggggggggggtBL vil JssssssHBHngraaBOtag .fggggggggggggggggggggggtV &M KGm$BBm5Eium$&j jLLHelggggggggggggV xv imBSmmK&StMm gggggggggHiiaggggggggggV. i; sggggggggggS 'gggiSaPlggggei ' '':Gm!-W tggggggiwlggggggggggggggi eHsigH h ggHnL'gggggggi ' ,3iESj HR VggggHB SBv.': 'vBHra;iiikH. wmm gFlgirUsggggggggV IH8esggg'-''' 4xggggggffiP' slgggggggggHWh '4islJggV HsWZllaeggggggggggV sssssHsMsssssEtggg eSHgegggggggggggggflslggggggggggixs T " " " ' FAILURE TO PAY! CITY TAXES S i TROUBLE CMM I t o CAUFORNU-ORKKHI roWMI CO. I . H :i i JH Vlek ef leml Wiaarissndal.fi ,'et Csy ' cera Vyeeni fMM, Vfeaaelaee). AfejeaMe Much Hsenelaeleei its Is) Hte QMsJssV ' A Proeefty, ef the Tinifinf .Mtasjf ' dt' Levied Vsm. tt HseHseaeae U MM " --- t' " ' f if ' ' t-' .5. Just to show wbst they dared to do, the duffragettee of England burned TreVetkan. ffngledleld Oreey. near Htalnes, the home or Lady White, a few days ago. The home waa one of U finest country pueee la England. In connection with atUcka of this kind Mrs Eramellne Pajikhurst, leader of the suffragettes, who admitted ahe nad counselled tbucourae In.connectlon with 'attacks on other propertytwaa eentenced to threeyears' penal eervHede on April d. ' " - VvhV " " "- Anderson Again is KING'S YACHT Favorite in Wagers; FIRST CAUGH Northern Lightweight Will be on the Long End of Bets as to Result of Mix With Kayo Brown MM 'I afcgejttv. BCdn ' By MY DAVMMN LOS ANQELE8, Anrll 11. Bud Anderson U fast dereleplng Into n very robust favorite ever Kayo Browa for their return match Tuesday night of next week, and lndleatloaa are fa- tglaeer May Locate ivoraoio lor a lopaioea net oi oaoa or Uernhardt P. Ilutenlk. receatly of ne time mey enier tee, nag w Ion bill by the caucus of the demo cratic members of the house of repre sentatives Is to be thorough, accord log to the leaders. Bo far only twen- the meea- t-slx of the 217 pss r have been cos Tho caucus, wl LaF( Bi 'Battle ment of Gallini MAD1B0N, April 113 dllorlal In La rolletU'i ator Robert La Follett ments upon President ' ng John Bkelton Wllllai ant aeereUry et the tre loilewkat avwaert "Now, atoath after Ms 'V.' cusslon of tho metal schedule under (ho new bill. This cuU heavily lato the former duties, and Includes all metal ware. Deckers of the low tariff principle are resisting every effort to revise this portion of the measure. Cleveland, Ohio, la visiting Klamath Palls, the guest of bis uncle, Cap tain J. C Rutenlc. He U a deslgalag and constructing engineer, and may dectdo to locate here. K. R. Iteames, Alex Martin, Charles a. Moore and B. P. McCoraack, the board of directors of the First Na tional bank are at Merrill today, Tie Itlng the First National baak of that city, which Is controlled by the leeal Institution. n M Ltf; e savs wuson nas Duped by Wall Street iigned Article Bewails the Appolnt- is as Assistant to Head of Treasury. tool of Interests, Misrepresented pre asking: 'Are representatives of big Interlocking directorates to se cure a strangle hold on the treas ury department?' " The fact that Robert Dooley of Vlr- Inla was not named (or the position given to Wllllamr Is lamented by La Foltette is hU editorial, The article toncludes with tho follewing: "Williams has qualifications which would be recognised anywhere on Wall stroet as admirably Ittlng him for the position, "It Is believed that the president has been Imposed upon la thU la stance, Let him beware. The special Interests never sleepl" the Job they started last month, but did not complete. General opinion among tho fans Is that Anderson was shy of condition, stale or overworked. aud therefore was unable to put the flnlahlng touches onto the Qermaa from the Atlantic shores. The nice rest the Medford clttsen has enjoyed stneo that Battle, aad the manner la which Manager Donald la NORTHERN MAIL GOES QUICKER NKW ARRANGEMENT WITH THB SOUTHERN PACIFIC SHORTENS TIME OF DELIVERY BY SEVER AL HOURS ROYAL CRAFT CAPTURED AT THE MOUTH OF BOVNA RIVER WAS TOWING FOUR HAHGBS OF FLOUR going about tbe task of preparing him for a, better battle next .week hate Impressed the observing faaa to a considerable degree, and aa a rata) Anderson Is credited with betas a log- alted Pre Iwvee ANTIVARA, April 1 1 The private yacht of Nicholas I. 'filar ef Mease: negro, woe the first vessel to be sea-J tured by the warships of Austria, England, Germaay, Italy aad Praaee m Vm !! . klA.baillB km lfiinl I leal aad legitimate favorite. That he' "' --- - e. will be In better condition, probaMy!??"1 e" to ,orc the beet of hi. crar, aext T-dayiJ'Bao,n t0 wUMrw trow tre night appears certain. . ' . A . . , A. i..I a., k... M.M.. n . The yacht waa picked up at the healthy lick la training this week, aad imouth J lhe RlTr f1 will keep It up until next Moaday. Blx --7 fc - " " j... 1. ..?. . hi- . -ki:i.i- J with '" bargee of Soar. days Is sufficient for him. to whip him self Into condition, says Donald, and that is all he will do. Perfect condi tion and a knowledge of Browa's tac tics gained In their first aght, should iConuuueil ou I'uau 11 I The Austrian anay la rteaelaa all trains from entering Motaeaegre, to thta country U still teolated. t Haa the CaWerala-Oregea ia fraaeatee to eeerate satheeNr t ' Klamath FaHe? Thle la a eaeeelea 1 .there appeaea to be sease daaiati. '. A. J. Reeeberg. Sea FraaeeM'astenMtr1 - aeea' tha4e eeaaaaeV'aae ', ehlee,wbMi ppeiisaa-ta'ajspsi ef. tbe prates ef the eeeaaac tkA Ik reteraed to the etty ia taa'ilHM C finr I '' U ' ' .t mm- faaa to'sbew thai iba ever atade aay rotors to taaMffV it ie Impeeilble to fat ha tba where the eeaaaaay baa at alt - ' 4 A . Mr, ktoeeheeaaei-a vMt to Faaa at-torn Vmkm. mm' m mystery. It la hectored that he earn la order 'to devise seme way by which tba toeabte. betweea the eeaaty aad the nmnar 1 relating to taxes might be settled.. It appears that the power coaaaaay haa neglected for acme Usee to pay lis taxes, aa other coccraa dacaa; buelaeas here are recjaired to 4a, asat? the problem cow seafreatlai baa eaav paay Is to get eat ef aayias atalL " , . ., It haa aeea Ureatoaed that the eempaay spssdlry aata Mm dee, aartiealarly tae'eeaeel toi, lbatj law, will be allowed to take Re 'mm the, preaerty ef taet aeveyy.aaaa-" taay will be levied ape. -'jaatpW.. 6rtld be the ease if the offeader ware ' aa erdtaary eitlaea, '. rJ ' 4 Mr. Roeebrough arrived to tba eRy -luM night, aad since haa beea ia al uest coasUnt coawHattea with- aba . local attorney for the Ughtiac Feeav blne. " ' " ).J, . -f- t 1 v Through a new arrangemeat be tweea the poctofflce aad the Southern Pacific,, mall for the, aorta leavlag here' in the afternoon will go through much more quickly. Several bean will be cut down from the time form erly required tor sending a letter' to Portland. Instead of waiting at Weed matll the 'following moraine, the mail Is thrown on passenger trata No. II aa the mala line. The trala alewa dewa for this purpose. PUPE CONTINUES TO GET BETTER IS ABLE TO KIT UP FOR A WHILE. TEMPERATURE AND PULSE ARE NORMAL, BUT.THB HEART 18 STILL WEAK Suited Prase Service ROME, April 11 Reports from the Vatlcaa are to the effect that Papa Plus X waa able to alt up for a walla this afternoon. He u steadily Im proving.. The pulse aad temperature of the patient are normal, aad a rapid coa vaiescence U expected. His heart la still weak. H. V. Chapmaa.ls here treat Wor den on a buslaeca trip. '. VIENNA. April 11. Despatches In- icuutinuea on rage ei ;j : 'I George Keefer aad wife reteraed la their ranch near Mldlaad ' TbwarX4'" afternoon, after a visit ta'Weeasjey;' .' "Z 2i ' T' Parrish is Named for Ml"- u .V". ,r & ' A.r iv w. fC'17 New State Committess ' ' -, '.ui- Local Man Appointed by West as a ?:tC Bi. ., WiLM VTmhar tt them ' fitsita HfmA.rkt,Wt dmTeBaVremeaeaaaVaVflffe gfcaa VdeVelVga BBdFvAsl VaV aJBawa' VmV Wafja sr'Sb Accountancy. Will Y$ T"' h '? . Chartea Parrish. who la' experttag the books of Klamath) eeaaty, today received notification from Governor Oswald West that he haa beea ap pointed a member, of5 the new state board, of accountancy. The, other membera of the .heard are W. N. Waaa of ;Medferd aad Jeha Y.,Rlehardaon,;Arhur BenMaa aad A.,Mc, Ball.? aH (if PoeMaad. Tba sMaieers wlllvbaM a mnla .tsmV'ca K short time, whca;they,ai,aa)(Bt iff- awa h I af m S i B1HU. yj,, ,4. The beard af x, 1 la aetwdaaee-.lar.pabMe Iiuyj ur aaei'Wec' makes H aeescaary tar. ate. ,m pace aa.eaa cure 'al'jjertfllsato.'; named will 'cciiaaal ; . Parrish yeere ag4. atat ato b 5-fc. ,:ifca