THE UNITED PRESS GIVES THE WORLD NEWS FIRST: ilt . ? 'i ft ,V "H ,tl 'H .- - tVi vf ,rAfi ." .. -rr " ? M Ut 4" t.v. , SUPPLIED MT THM UNITED PRESS NKWH SERVICE mt t fftimtefi . 11 at! fttt. r"ii' ' V 'tt.v.'3fia. rne HERALpfimMim . KVEfrlitSl PHMT THE NgrWaVrXO . J HI ?f, Vj vn I I J. ;r'(Vi t' 5 Bevttttll YMUo-No. COM KM MATH FALLH, OltKGON, XHUItSDAY, APRIL 10, IBIS V $20,000 Available for Erection of a Carnegie 15 . A i" Library in Klamath Falls, Says the Commission i.i- i i. . ii u uimw aMMMMMMt .ma MMMMM" " -- i ii ii i vur-wxnsrVJ-9Jt-nM-iifWit -stwi -u'm-ii i iiia-i i " - - . m . .... n hfcaahw .a w aaanwawaawaann M FOUR SEEKING ADRIATIC PURT ANDERSON MUST OFFICE IN THE ; NOW BLOCKADED CITY'S THIRD STAND A TRIAL HAW IM MIWT CANDIDATE I.V FIELD FOR COUNCIL mam Utile lloger Will II Uaoppeaml In Hr.1 Ward, awl W. (). Huao mi Far I Alone In Asking fur Ui (MBrv of Councilman from Urn Fifth Ward 4Julatet of Petition l tlia Hrroml Ward. KMJI.INII, MKIIMAN, FIIKNCII, AUK.'H'I'IV' "' IMHTMOT COURT IX IMtl.VX CATTI.i;, PURCHASE cami: ih ki:vkiisi:i itv u. s. hu : rtti:s;; finur TIIIAX AM) ITALIAN' U'AltHlllfM fOMIII.N'K WITH THOOI'ri TO HO. LATE MOXTEXKUItO I Whee Morgan's Body Will Be Laid r H ACTION TO K TAKFIAIM TOWARD PURS V k i uiiiiimi rrodu Heme , WASHINGTON, D. C, April 10 ANTIVAHI, April 10, The king-J'11'" "'Prmo;court reversed the Unlt- Jliom uf Montenegro U practically Iso- ou li,alc district court for Oregon In laid a. a mult or Mm demonstration !!' ?"U f ,,," U!"l"J J?'"?' ... "" '" vriur ihKUiimt v. l. Aimcriun X l ! m I I d h. .. u I .. . t. .. 1 ' "l uiiib uy iircni 0f Klttinntli county, for tlio nllfBed lirllulu, Franco, Oornuny, Italy ami violation of tlto Inw prohibiting tlio Auilrla, follewlni: llio rafuial of tlio ' Jmrcliniip of tnltlo from Indlnna. A Announrcmeut by till frlunda that W. II, Hhaw, prominent young local iltornty, lm Un ixrauadod to ruu for councilman In lb Third ward, krlat Iho number of candidate! la Utt prtclnct up to four. In addition UBbav, Dr. W. A. Leonard, John II. Hamilton and Horatio Ore are In U race for nMarmanlo honor. lonrd haa filed hla petition with tit city recorder. Hamilton, who Mai to aucceed hlmaolf, will Ilia hla jutHJea tomorrow. la the Hecond Ward, where there art lo councilman te be choeea, lUn are Ave candidate. Councll- C. II. CrUler and Pred Melbaae, vkoat terma of office) eiplre, are aeek lI another term. Alao In the race art 0. D. Matthawa, C. 11. Townaend ni Prank M. Upp. Uillo Itogera I unoppoied In the l'lttt ward. He la coaaldered aa tbo bwt arallablo timber by all the rtal lnu of that part of tho city, and re will b0 no candidate agalnit him. Thlt appcara to be the caae with W. o. Ilttion, retiring councilman from lh N'tn wrd. lluaon haa bton orfid by many to make the race, and so other candidates nave come eat In the Fourth, ward, Ilea Owena. preient councilman, will seek another crn. no U to be oppoaed, It la rumored, by Cbarlea Thomaa. liiiitencgrlu nrmy to abandon tlm lro of Kcutarl at the Initanco of tlio powera. A blockado began at S o'clock tlila demurrer, auatalned by tho lower court to tlio Imllctmcnl of Anderaou If ratcmed, ly tlio court flndlnga. Andorin, who la known locally ni mornliiR, and warahlpa of tlio po era ,""'"!(." mid n rcaldent of Illy, woji are patrolling tlio Adriatic coaat nti'i't'aieiHutornl ycara ago on a clinrgo Una country, to proiunl vcaaela of nuy '"' dickering with tho Indiana for cat. , rt from approaching or leaving tho!"f nllotud to them by tbo govern. ( .Montenegrin coaat. Imcnt. Ho n Indicted by tlio fed- In addition, Auatrlan aoldlera nro!"al granij Jury at Portland, but when holding up all Iralna en roulu to."1" camo up from trial In tho' Montenegro. Unltod Stales district court, h waa ,, reloaicd on a technicality, 7 , i u . s ieaH v jt .iBre eneeeeemeeKa? m a f. ui j fniiMMI Wn inrTBagtaWaWBBWgtBgtagtaWaWe T IMl T' ' ''iLJif famtamaaguBganaaBH 'eaMeagagagaHBgagaEBgKagaVaTagagaB aaaiawoaaaavpBaaawa aiBaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaai4BaaaaaBaaaaaaasas rgaMoVaaagaWlBilgagagagaBgagagavigaBaB ' , . 'gawirangagagn. iTfTaTaBganaenwBBPeBaBraamB W!m iBfKIS4sSBKtSKttKtlSfs9tff9 i 9MMl'OeveaOaae:BMfeBi I, .gaemauajKiBfkBwYMannpTvgamBmBmBmBmn wmt wm nvnav I'KPJgHgagVJrLvthiaBBgagagaB !JPIalgggtLiBBBCaigtagta Imms aM ? lea- Ma f ' ,, TfflgtHTlmfBeVeTaaVaBffJgtaffeffeffeffHIaffeffe gTaiBBXr!aagtaHgtHVB3gaBtaVg wfTp, HtvpV "WWW BSeaaJBJjMMHMH AToMabli latatantantantaWaMntaatantantantantantantantantantanafaatan ' .nggtaffTTTrti. mP-.rj:W7w"WmnnmHr 4 ' ' "t j0fAMwwmmi ILB '' ' - 7 I hn.fc.-Wl TJgaglagtMgMglagaaM WfM W J fHi tfWf, MaWf , r I ?r H"TrraBWB'.J,SMsr'-V- I Tn-nV"mmfmfamfHm'vrmTmPrnamamamamjmnBBBBBW-m lanj VI mmw .. gmjmiami leflarmjarinHnraramnH mani 11. 'ff f JT ' Vq Ift V ' J Vl1 "M " WV J JTanMjgtaigtMMfc uBHOHajABaBmMBBtmgnaWBmagaHnnBamm oaaBgaHHmmekBBaVtmamaagmtaafaBMaB ( &BBBTattagaBlaT CeB fJetJnW BaMaamnte. 1gmgmHgtmagtmaH,gmgm VneAnlC et tTa tl OempB, , i " rTTtaTraBaBaeeaaaaaaaannnBaBaaanaaaaBnaaaaananaaaaBeBe A new electric drill la held firmly In place agalrut a metal aurface In which la la working by a ring abaped olcctro-roagnet that la energlaed by the aarae current that drive tho drill. THU point waa higher trlbuunt noy, and today i .. i ..."i"" ... . ... . . .t Hartford, Conn 1 "f:lonil" John V. fjithrnn l Ii r ' l,kt f.nm t.f. .t.l,l..M .akA f TUo tomb In which tbo body of J. hIto. and la as Impreealv aa ,th man and hi career. Tne oaae conauiia 01 gniatjiloeki Iqt marbt and, the plan, seem, muat have been tne worn or nppealed to lhl'UTnt. Alorgon. perhapa the reat- il by the dlatrlct aUor-eiC of nnancJer. will teat haratrant 'a decision follow. h.n built In tho Cedar Hill Cemetery Morgan blmaelf. P The funeral of the moat Important man In the finance of the world will probably net be apeeUeular, been e hi family. I Inclined agatatt ajaztklas of that kind, but It ja certain ttat every banker and broker In New Terk will conalder It a soUms After a long research a French phy sician haa decided that tho uae of to bacco la harmful only under certain renditions, and that It la n valuablo tonlr and nn antiseptic wbon properly hnrmnny with them and operate ttu used mcrlitinlim electrically. I . I' I ' Tf A London electrician haa Invent ad n.aafo that I unlocked by a tuning.: fork, tho vibrations of which causa a wlru within tho savo to vibrato In 'HORSEFLY FOES MAKING THREAT County CommlMloner duy Merrill ' htr to attend court. From among 1,574 Invention uh ""tied an Kastern railroad selected tut tu as worthy of thorough teat compotltlon for n 110,000 prli 0t an flUtOlnatlo (rain atminln d. He. Gold Medal for Best Earth Roads Story WILSON NAMED CURLEW STARTS AS SECRETARY! RUN ON MONDAY 8A.V THUY WHJj KNOCK KOXAXZA QOUXTIIV AM OVKU UMTK" ( 81'ATKS SIGNED POSTER TU ll OJKCTBUI'l'ORTKRS IV Foul, teen landowner realdlng near wno nave aignea up m mv Irrigation dUtrlct, haro la-1 iDalry, v a'Vl t 1- 1 ri.11 J a WY 1. a m.i HlnraoflV imi acnooi vnuurcii m unuea aiaies;u;da circular notice m which ih.y icondwna tho IrrlgaUoa project, and imnko man" tbrcats to the director land othor l,nd ownor under the pro ject In caso thoy are not releaaed. The' notice wfiicli U printed In poat !or form, la aa follew: Can Compete. Novel Methods Adopted by Government IIOMK UU1LDIXG ASSOCIATION HKLKCTS AU8TRACTER AS SUC CESSOR TO R. E. SMITH. WHO HAS RESIGNED (ODESSA WILL EREAFTHR HATS I MAIL SERVICE DAILY, ANR UP. I PER LAKE POINTS WILL BE EASY OP ACCESS The Austrian war datiartnant haa rdred ton machine Invented by one "Ml onicera with which It will be possible for twantv-thra workma to uinufacture 1,600,000 rile cartrMgra compoaltlon v. A gold modal to the school boy or girl between tbo age of 10 and 15 year wko write the best composi tion, not to exceed 800 word, on tho repair and maintenance of earth road, la to be awarded by Logan Wnllor Pace, director, oltlce of public rendu, United State dopartmant of uurlculture. Washington, D. C. All uit be lubmltted Mr. Page before May 15, 1913, and' tho modal will bo awarded' oon! "To tho H" "" '!""""": I .i . .. ... t.'f ,i, iinranflr Irrigation district.. iiiuiuiuiur as wio CMmpoSIUO) 1 sob oo . . . ,.. graded. Tho co-mpoaltlon may be 'Wo, tbo uralgned. Und owner., based on knowledge galni d from nro unnltornbly opp o.e4 to Irrlgat on. i.-i .I...."-"" f.'. .., t.ronaed by tha Howefly Irriga- tlon. ahould bo made. Uu district. The oot of con.truc- After many year' tiuerkmce la w a. , "-"" :ttZ: doalliiK with tho public road altua-j tltnt wo tninK 11 louy - -.. r- . -. .. ... . n - ,. .MiiltA nnv nnvTOimt. uon or mo -country, u y, nr. rage a,'" , - ,., to U'llof that Ignorance or, the 'subject 7 At a meeting of the Home Building; and Kcalty company' board of dlree-i tors, held last nigni, Annur a. w-Bprayt Daily vlK will be son was chosen aa secretary. He anc- the Upper Lake port, and cccda It. E. Smith, who recently re signed. The company' once will hereafter be with the City and County Abstract jcompany. Beginning Monday, reenter traffic on Upper Klamath Late watt kn resumed by the mall boata Curlew ad to wW E. P. McCormack came In test night from Salem. He 1 interacted in local real estate, and la one of the director of tho First National bank. 1 1 "on 1 1 ii u imI on 1 "nn- M Supply House" Operations Caught Victims Everyv Mere Klamath County Farmers Not the Only Oner , Duped by Clerer Scheme, According to Research Work by the Official Or j Jan of the Oregon State Grange no roiiAVfiMM t.,.A . . . .... i ..... i, a ik. iai. I fun., "-"" iiwiory ot me is-.niii ins tiruuuu umm i u ,w i vi co-onak-tii.. ........... li.l Ma KtemV; -rf"": fc , - vuuavy (armera lino rfl?l!M ,n,Ubt,l i0 '" 'r(We- iuw uuiieiini -1 rerai month, .i... . i..-' - w war.h,..-vi:: tl..ttt. ct.. ln strn n-i "y the ClufinrmHm a..tinl , it out a .: Ji: . v.:.;;' i """ wwwi aiiuK tUd adjoining. It oponod up fine otflcea In tho Selling building and proceeded to do buslnos. What this business was Is Juat well fin sight now. It proposed to handle- the farm product of the state and furnish at wholesale prices goods of nil sorts to people all over the coun try. U started a branch, vhous la Spoknuo ; othor lu It now business1 ;tock. chunks' statu thoy Local "J and nromlsed to start n (lnmath county. ! develons that the principal, of tho promoters was to sell) Poople bit this off In tetge1 , They sent agents all over the na sold shares t face value, If ould, at a discount if advisable. bankers were taken In v and "tCou'.luueu on No sensible men wltk anything to lost, will como In heronn buy land, wUun ho realizes wnat nuruen u. will have to take unto Wmaelf. Wo know that irrigation will oe a benetlt after It is rlde.Kt f do not want to uffor for the beneflt.of rtrioho'r man's grandchildren. "Therefore wo ask tne airecior nnd land owner of the Horsefly Irri gation dlatrlct to4iot usni oiue oi- ganlsatlon by changing'Win oouuuary line, or. It they preter.vby dlolu- itlon of tho orgnnliatlon. If we are lei out poacqably. well and viooa, we will wish'' you all good luck, In ease your decide tbr continue the organlaa- tlbnbut if youinsut on.rorcang anu keoplng us In tho organisation, we will give you notice, tuat we wm nev- or pay n cent of Interest, ,and if In Ninsnnnimc wo loso bur land we ....nmUn vnu thnt we wH write to ev ory agricultural aper'taTt!. United Btcte. anu worn me iarair aui.rtu come here. Mr. and Mr. Charles S. Moore re turned to thla city last night from I'oitland, wharo they- have srcndlng the winter. 1.K r. ii i t'age T) receive regular dally mall for the re mainder of the year. Several attempts have been. m4e to make the trip by Captain Calklne, but Ice ha Interfered. The lee in snf flclently gone now to warrant aaTltav tlon. r The fettewtef letter nasi Jsmt received by Covatf Ja4f.WIs1ftBi ft,' vrercea rresa js tar et the Cnrneawi New Aerlt: , tta lbeaK eC Oteajsm. if tste,eMir ,,, , mnem w hm senawy sewn U) nvMsV ism " fre pMtw Itntexty aAn'1tf - Mr sate fee .tev CrnMleme(I4erTrkwffill to aire twr,H ffium ( dottatw to treat a 9fn MM) I rer niamatn emtr at i "It IbmM be ameneU indieatod t to i f that Hbrary ready for oeevpaney and fer tlto i pose Intended. "Before any eipendttare e feejli." tag or plans te inenrred, the angwaj of proposed plana by Carnegto Cejcyat alien et Kew York akeM 'to , cured, to obtain watek pliane senat ketch pteaa for list ssitesi " County Judaa , Wernei thto mernlac that no aeitem taaMleeUeansttotartatol wwald betal had bee drawn and app.syid kr mi commtealesi, s. - -' There te new available 1W sjaty library pnrpeeea; tMII.71. Thto to the amount reallaed by the leijsai f a special library tax far the peat tw year. The tovy.anwHinte to .M f a mill, which will amount to i It.eee.naaual matetenanea i quired by the i keep ot the library. laatestosY for the t M t Wester n Night Stunts WiU be Hair Raisers Y X r., 'V MERRILLITE IS IN FEDERAL JUG tOHMER KliAMATE COUNTY MAN MUST FACE A CHARGE Of BEND IXG OBSCENE LETTKRS TO A MERRILL WOMAN ' rH' :, V XAJHA evn1 IsTaaIaw PaaHinama. . msttowiYwal ww iiu atiu ww wsvj huihw Ti fZlb S '! r v ' " elude a Lynching. Should w White 4m nn m i enm a F w fi w f , isUiiOT inatkc iu Appctvajavc . come iiniD.. , , , "Vvory few of you Vant to use the water yourself, you vpied for it' In the hopo'to sell out. aid'ou' don't the hopo enro a Damn men that buys your tend ... . what becomes 'et tbe Now, t you a. PORTLAND. April 10. Under in dictment for sending obscene nutter through the "malls, J. O. Reed, a for mer1 bartender' of MerrlH, Klamath county, haa, been brought to Portland from Helena. Mont. He was arrested at'DUlori. Monl.-two -weeks ago. Pa- tal inspector an over m ttsw ? iimm on the watch for htm. ' Reed wrote seme scurrilous letters to a woman In Merrill almost two i ears' ago. As soonas be hear that ofllcera were on kte trail he (V.uutiuuuu ou Jt'age i i.l "It will be a Western night, and to stay away if they, Wtehod' toJM4' you are requested to wear clothes ac cordingly. White shirts strictly pro- bibltod,: Tht N. B. oa the invitations sent threat that he "wbuld'new betoken alive." and dwautped.1 ,A 'i 'i v- ' tni ' t i -j out by the entertainment of Klamath Falte Lodge No 1147, B. p. d.tatratepelted all doubt oc what' are the 4 proper duda to wear ; to to morrow1 night's big frolic. Many who were of the oplnloalhat they eeU skip upbearing "Wted" shirte and vhard'!eoitera are now sure that um te anotaar ease of Vwhea In Reeas,'' and' they are eeamperiag around 'sav semblinc wardrobes similar to thotw ot eew" person, misters, treeh-etotsi kulsjMg. oourdoatdte aad etker , frsayi tter'.eharMter. ( Mnsur vteltlat are eapoeteeV. -U'j ii't.y It.weaM be eaay eewasa lot; - WW T lirj thla te not the attitodo token f saSr lutaif. lu W BHh nr luTlta aaaatj' rll - . '. -w.T-rs"'r'-T:rr-zsi nave eeea woansg lecwara sa. n alght with MJSHsefc lintag Mbt I uteitoa a the avso mmWm, to elrousitey.aad aB ltaawawl one Jinks wiM retogato to wm ftl tsBcw, alirireatyf. iwaS July ,a4 c4her Mf ttotoe WJP-. tlmertoieomo. 7 Taa gtV by,Blkdoat wlQ Maw; arHtortoa,ifar Nure,' eCerte atonf ttM tortsramiat v Wi Aswjanv m$ lerrt QDaU n H. :Ji :?' V- fV5V A. A . 1 J.B, aWapmm smai smap 4waawaai toih'sjsas-1 "W TflW'T' . i aEi ?