i. -v., f t kl 1 rffi UNITED PRESS GIVES THE WORLD NEWS FIRST. j i u iVrs&iL V "' M VITUKU HV THK VXITKII I'HWM NKWM NKHVICK Ibe THE HERALD ffitfSlft --- - . n - ... , - - ry , ftimma tftelft. ITWIM PRINT TMM raw MOVJ i o .1 4 v V- IV , i 1 K- i 4 ? 4, IkTMifi Vr No. aOM KliAMATH FALLS, OREGON. WKDNMMMY, APRIL , lfla A orris and Klamath Falls Business Men to Work for the Reclamation of Lower Klamath Marshes y A- -? '. v , :wJ?H MATH GETS NEW CRATER' LAKE RATES IH I'HOVIHitis wii.k uiiKATi.r iikm:iit tiiim mv Henry Klotz, who Sent Out , Bombs 4ml ' 'MrllltiK Ticket to KUlii. tlh r'll llnly, Houlhrnt rrlllr .trttligr Hound Trip Hall In I In btr, Intituling Trmufrr Hrriirr, Nmr Ihwl aikI Auto Hlitup Vntfn U l-IM hi of TourUU Aa innouiicement of ureal Import m to lh dutelopmcut of the great inntr playground or Kiamain latt; U glu out by Ilia Southern idle In ttia slalomcul Hint spoclal Km art to be mado this summer tin Francisco to Crater l.ko SI llsrrluan l.odge, also thai tho rwlloai of (ha Klamath country J9PHH1IHHEI MUCH BUILDIN6 AT AL60MA NOW IN AIIIH'ilf;.. 'JO IIUNMALOWH FOR OFFICIAL, A MJ.MIIKH OF COT. TAW AUK TO llrf ttUli.T FOR KMI'MA ..H MAYOR ISSUES PROCLAMATION FOR ARBOR DAY AM. UIU1KD TO WORK, FOR THK TITV HKALTIFUL" SijWW Colonel James Hamilton Lewis the New Senator From Illinois Wit 1. 1, i b, mills of u busy sawmill KiiiiiJii only n low day distant, AN Komn, U'n mllis from hero o'n trio Obsertaiiie Will 11 Ucnrral Through- Henry Kloti, n draughtsman In tltu topographical bureau of tlio bor oiikIi president of tlio Bronx, Now York, dlsd, confessing, tlio police any, that ha had vnl two bouiba which killed their Intended victim unit u It to be featured In tb poster dvr- third which setercly inj.rrd nnolher mi of lb company thla summer. , iwrson. Ilo was Wiled with bla next TW Information I contained In the ipcrltucnt. . llolc Uttor, written to Lewi Tl(0 ro 0 ut of bomb makt pwf, secretary oi mm anawa ,. , ..., Vnrlr. ll.ni. .ncl. ... ... . ..! " - 'I w - tw or commerce, ny cnariea n tratral paaaenger tramc man (rtillrt.kd, bint homo of the Aluoma . l.umbiT tompaiiy' IiIk tawtnlll, l the moii' of Lit aclllty. For tlio re mnlnilvr of Ui mimmtr, iho noUo of tliu rnriicntcrV hninmer and mvt wilt inliiRlo with iho h n in of thu mill ma ,ihlin'ry. H'orK of orectlng two line btuiKn ilowt hit Ik en commenced by J. I,. i.'iinmiipi.iim or inn city, wnen nil lil.td llicy will bo occupied by J. S, (.rant, tecn-tary, mid II. II, Kdraund, Ri'iivrnl lutierlnlcndent or tlio com paur. . In addition to theie aernl of the t'tiiptoyrj Imv't announced that thoy. will build and bring their famlllea to AIro'ihi The community, although but u Slttlo otcr a year old, bat n, atotf, im-totrice and school now. In Addition to a arml-weekly train fcrv- "Aftln referring to your communl- ktlon of the 19tb ult., wherein you for Information aa to what tho rUt rile will be for Iho coming on tbrouih Klamath Valla to Cra- it Uke. "You will bo Interested to know Mt It hu juit been decided to adopt ituuuuuru on I'uko 1 Ice to Klnranth Kalla. JUSTICE GETS MANY THREATS!: era lu New Tor, I Klott and tho Ulaok Hand 1MB. Tht ICIoUi bomb waa nude of Iran slpo rilled with oiploalxcj and a buttery tp ktl them off. The lllack Hand bomb U usually a cumberaon affair, raado of twine wrapped about dynamlU for many thlckneeiea. lllack Handera aend bombs only when their demand for inonoy have been refused. KtoU gave no very atrong reason for send-.. ,,.r...rjirrx ur-Atiw utniu. la bombs, and Intimated that one ' ! out lliv KtliooU of 'tlic County In f-Vronil Trrm Will Ilo I'lantcd 'and (iiouuiU Ik-aullilrd, In Athlltlon to Aprorlatu Trro and lllnl ln Kruius by tlio I'uplbt v V Arlmr luy I'rocUmailon , To tho CltlzcniLor Klamath Kails Thla bolng tho season of the ear best suited to the planting , of trees, lnee and shrubs, for, ornamental purposes, It Is Ottlng that u day bo act aside at this time, according to custom, In order that tho necessary stcpa be tuken to beautify our city by tho setting our of trees, vine and ! shrubs. ' ' Ing his of them was an experiment. Imoke if You Girls,' Says Judge L. ft i In Opinion Today, Denver Jurist S ys Women Can do Far Worse Than Smoke or Take a Drink THATK WHO I'AK8i:i 8K.TK.NCE ON I.RillKIt MltS. IM.VKHUK8T IK HT1M. HTAUVI.Va lnlird I'ross Service LONDON, April 0 Justice Lush. who sentenced Mrs. Emmellne Pank liurnt to servo three years for Inciting destruction of property, hi receiving anonymous letters, threatening him with death. A bodyguard has been appointed. Mrs. l'aukhurat Is stilt starving. Her condition la not aerlous. Therefore, I, by virtue of the power Invested in mo as mayor ' of the City of Klamath Falls, do 4 set aside and declare Friday, . April 11, a Arbor Day, and I call upon all of tho cltltena of Klamath Falls on that day to plant a tree, vino or shrub. In order that our city may be made moro attractive. (Signed) T. F. NICHOLAS. Mayor. Klamath Falls, Oregon, April 9, 1913. B SgflsigflsW gggggggggnV aggggggggnnW aggggggggggggggnT tmWWWWWWW mWmm ggggggBBBBBBW ..SBKtKggglggggggggggn . HgggggH ggggggVxggggggggggn agggggggggggggga' Tho above proclamation by Mayor Nlhcolas Is tho opening gun. In the renewal of the campaign for the City Colonel Jamen Hamilton Lewi, senator from Illinois, took hi scat when the senate convened April 7, and Is easily the most picturesque member of tho upper chamber. Sen .-tor Lewis has always been pictur esque. Uorn in Georgia of a good South ern family, he went to Soattlo nuny years a'co. FinWlng nothing to do. and being under the necessity of i.lnlntf .flMftllllllB tllAt ha -Jaltfhf It. Lewis worked aa n 'longshoreman. It liouilnued i'nge T FIRE OVER LINE TO BE RETURNED Woman Ureaka Arm Wflill a aitAntiillnie mt mAiiMt hnA court added that ovon a wlg at the eterday afternoon. Leona St. Clair t.nin.. u nut it token of duuravltv. iw! thrown to the ground and her AMKIIICAN TROUrKHM WILL RK- OBNVKlt, April . Oo on -and 00. ye tender malda! nlti the irktluiictu..... ... .1....- ii... .i Judso John A. Perry of tho dls ' -"7w. M..f ..)..., - - .,,... .i,,.,,!,!,,.. MUe-whlto wreatha toward the Wi'1 nnnuea aown mis uceisiun utfti . !...... . . .-. nn.l n liuttf.. lArrv'i linnil ttlil "tin ... uvuiivrunMiM an your oouaoir ". For tho court has decreed that "oilni Is not degrading. Denver's Irons are still ahudderlns: over that Pft decree, particularly when the loft urm was badly fractured near the and on Judge 1'erry'a head tho "no, uncertain tones" are still dripping. I T F. Nelson, a well known Kenolte, The court explained, however, thatg ,oie today, attending to business personally ho thought smoking an- i.wttois. Ho I accompanied by hU 'daughter, Miss Nelson. oiMlliiiiin mi I'UK) rs. Whitman's Assailant is Stiil Eluding the Officers 'olice Are Unable to Locate Man Who Ransacked Hot Springs Addition Dwelling After Binding and Gag ging Woman Occupant. Others Give Version TALIATK FOR ANV I)A.'GKR TO XACO RKUKL8 U8IXO MA CHINE UN8 TODAV i ulleU I'rvsv Service NACO, April 0. Colons tiull- foyle, commanding the Nlntst Caval ry, late today ordered tlio border mt trol to return Immediately nay lira into N'aco, v was not long befors a had a law office, and soon ks found himself a prominent cltlssa of Washington- Ho was sent to congress, and there he came a national character. Yet he waa not content with neing a big clUiea in on state. Ha moved to Chicago, and within n faw years had become one of the most Import ant cltisens of Illinois Importaat enough to be com the choice of km party at n popular, primary for tho United States senate. COMMITTEES TO WORK AS UWI for mm s ',5' M'l 'I p "H - :, ?-r HI.TVTtHHIaUNACRMAiNIAr. ,;t vKcrmmvrhAH . I'rrwct Btmtrn of the) n Siil smd w vtwi iMsgrnvstosi msmmsmas sjejsmsjasi w cvsasi v mfmwWWt MOV SiiB' VMrdr Ai .Inked to Assist '1 With a nnashor of Oorris) In atteadaaes, an wett aa rs of marsh lands am Lower I Lake aad UM.dstoMara mt tao Xlaaa.. ' ath Chamber of Csmaws. a amasiag juv waa aaMiat the Caamkar Aim. , ... meres ' aflaraaaa la amasaar i r, h' I liuiled I'resa Service NACO, April 9. The attack on the federal garrison at Sonora was re kiimod this morning. ( The constitutionalists aro using ma chine KUU8. During tho llrst exchange of shots itwo federals were klllod an four I bounded. Al'hough the pollen oncers and (SUerlff's Office hsv. Iimk illllvant. k... ... -.-.- --.- ........ ""King slnca tha oeeurrancn. no rjjf has been found as yot of the ". J. no ntered tha hoau of A. 1 hitman In un o...i.' .j ji.inn r'f "t evening, attt aHari Wading C ,,u"'" Mrs. Whitman? f-cV- ... UUUH J.. eutMa. .-IB. ieing wsuhed'aad a aaauty ahaf VK'WfW4 )rf went to Dorrla thla mornlug to look around that city. According to tho description fur nished by Mrs. Wultuiau last evening, the Intruder was about live foet sis luvhes In holglit, smooth shaved and dark complected, with the little linger tnlsalBg from ''one hand. A man answering la a general way tht description of tha robber was mm Si-to ' i'V',v'?4 4, u one or Uio Oak street houses( ac cording to Inmates, lleliovlng him to be tho party wanted, an attempt was ninde to notify the polios, but before (Ills could bo dona the suspect, evi dently scenting trouble,' left, appar ently, going across tha tule bads. ' SUty-olght dollars, bslinglng to MIM Christina Stuart, a telephone op- iriTi t .1 rri "tC " "I" Judge Wrlivter Here s Hon. Lionel R. Webster of Portland came to Klamath Falls last night with Circuit Judge Henry L. Benson, and he will rernnjn here several days, ra nowlng old acqualntanceshimf. In the early days, Judge Webster "rode the crlcujV' lu this soctlon with ether laWy'cfa. and he nerved is 'circuit jlidgo of 'Josephine, Jackson, Klam ath and 'Lake counties from' 1114. to 1802. After coin- to Portland, ka was e'iectea county juge of Malta-' mis oouktT. ' " I V V K , MONTENEGRINS ARE DEFIANT SAY THEY WILL ATTACK SCU TARI IF URIT1HH MAR1NKS ARE iaM)Kl 8ITUATIOX IS MORE COMPLICATED l ultcd i'resa Servlio CF.TTINJE. April 9. The Monte- grln and Servian troops are still be sieging Scutari. They threaten a new assault upon the city it tha Brit ish admiralty fulfills IU threat to land marlues. The situation is considered grave throughout Europe. War Is probable, aa Montenegro la determined to resist to the uttermost. Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Zang ot tha Klamath Agincy vera among tha ar rivals on Tuesday's Chllo.ula train. They will remain several days. Harry Acklay and Tom Kinney have gone to Kaao to attend to mat ters In connection with' the Acklay Bros.' logging camp. Dance Halarday Much interest is being taken in. tha benefit dance to he given at Meant Hebron Saturday sight, aad, maar from here plan to attend. The aaaea will be given by the Mouat Hebron Club, aad tha proceed will he donat ed to tha fund for the relief mt the flood victims. " -Sha VWmm apaWaVaV) v mmtmmmmm' MaW swMaamalka ejam- J. wraiamleidasmac aad amslaasremt Magma mt Urn) aakadtaaat laaal aam- p t Mr. and Mra P. C. Klaksaaa, waa have been sojourning hare a few aaia. left this morning for their homo te Malln. John Lowdea freturaed to Part Klamath today attar a, short vlalt In the county seat. tha riilaiaeJiB'af tha . . ammo.. ''Wtymt ssaaaaa j. at.ta meaUag that atk Palls vtM wars veramaat aM ta Darrw aassasWsm eammtttaa U aet ta B. . Maa. Oaarm Uwla Wyhe. tha mf tha Caaaaaar taaywMtaMetaam aettea ta addmlaa ta of the laad awaara their atUtaa. C. O. reclamation aarvla wi la connection with tha mlttaa. Attorney W. I. WUer. with tha reclamation aarrtoe, gnv a compreheastv statement mt taa tasjal , qacttlon to a mat In kandatag taa mattar. and nlaa taM aC taa rtgnai mt taa Van Brlmmar Dttch aatawaav. la far Irrlnatlan tram Urn UwerlCmsaatk Laka. proaent that If soma nam aaatd ka aat forward, ay wklak could be reelalmsd far meadow, aad taa frawtk mt kala and otaer stack food, R smitchattartaaatotrytaattkam for ganaral acrleaKare, at Keaaat; Mr. Magna, in aaawer ta taantrta. said Uat aa aad a alan wklak.Hko aaUeved, eoaM he oarrUd taraagk far. leaa.maacy than taa ariglnil Ha aald it weald laka toa'mnak ta present It to tha It the movement went 'forward kav would mt gted ta talk R orar wRk ka people latereeted. '- ,i' Ha aald that R weuld not da ta aat' '. . tho water off from taa laa4a,'aswaW -& ' uaaonrwgasV'""" -. IT lV v. T y:. o'l 0, V, i ) r Sugar Causes Secret i. . Meeting of the Caucus . mirlL ' u iifr( ' . -, 7J3 i !.!. 1, ( - d'1 V O. U, Warner was among the ar rival on Tuesday' Lakevlew ataa. ile left, the, following morning for Portland, to' be away for some time. Charles Grave waa' a Chlloquln visitor Tuesday, going tkara to at tend to tkalnUresU of , tao Mutual MlUUc eamaaay. LOS ' j - ' afr4wanmnt(i tf gVVjkdh flhiaiain Tnil4jrlm' Xpvratvaaa vrn .' aaaaa)ann JUMvaawnaw Many From South. Colorado. Gal-i ifornia and Michigan Alo : r . a United Preas aantaa WASHINQTON, D. 0., April , The demaeratle house cauaas mat la secret seeslon' today to discus the tariff revision schedule. HI ax aactad thafthe WU will jm approved i?. it m unaersjooa mat a mrang aaax vrtl aasHrt'inBay opponaat af tke .. M. .. KUM.M . itnvn M war, mmmt , ; J CiMram'tnin' Brouaaaar of nwamaAggfkAfl gk , MagfgOgamuaan b t it c MV,..." lag tha suar asaU, waten'ealna, aataTtka falaloaitnr frna smtaw M the and af throe Mns -ajaa ngW ,.j-- j,'i - km- . . v. . p ' i j. pose) adaty af cent a 'aaand.'); TheeaUrad aad'ataar font Braasiard.Ctoi i ft a ir ;yj. ft raUladU : v f i- , x A if iVte: V-fa .:k &