v., ' " 'TV ' ' ' ; l THE tfJVITED PRESS GIVES THE WORLD NEWS FIRS?. THE HERALD 'Mfflfo ' , J " AiSS4 -,v "1 ltf A '' fj fi!B jr 4-. t -, r 'yy-'i,,.JL. , ,. 1PV SUPPLIED HV THB UNITED PRHS NRWS BSBIVIOH $be Hentna efaUi. BVKW1HI PRINT THE NEWS, NOT ? I" R?;; Hefcwlh Year No. V . ." 'Vji. a ., .v; ,ft ! ' :'. -.an. KLAMATH F, Alls, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRILS, ltlS "We Must Abolish Everything That Bears Even if .,- x y the Semblance of Privileg e.w President Wilson DIRECT CHOICE OF SENATORS NOWjFFECTIVE 1HNITY-HIX STATUS RATIFY IN. I1IIITANT AMENDMENT The CiwnrrtirMt legislature Pells lulu l.la Willi lAWwakbu ItoSiea J irf IMrlyPive OUirr HUtee This Make EsTrrtive (he Most Progro. site Change In Um Enteral Con-Utalion Citltsd i'ress Service IIAHTKOltD, Cord., April 8 Kite tloft of United Rial senators by the direct vote of Ibt elector of their tltttt li made possible by the action of ths Connecticut legislature today, k It ratified the ameadmeat to the I'Blttd State Constitution for tho dl rrct election of atnatora, Connecticut la tbi thirty-sixth state to ratify the amendment, which now smsM effective. MEXICAN SHELLS CROSS BOUNDARY TWO AMERICAN CAVALRYMEN AUK SLIGHTLY INJURED HY STRAY MULLETSFIGHTING IH RESUMED IN MUNOItA POPE PIOS IS SERIOUSLY ILL C Werderman la here from Dorrla ot a business trip. United I'ress Service NACO, Arlt., April 8. Flf tiling be- I ween the Mexican federal garrison troops under (leneral OJeda and the rebel of Honora lUte commenced to day a mile aoulh of the International boundary line. It U reported that sereral have been Injured. Two American cavalry troopera were slightly Injured this morning by bullela falling on the American aide of the line. A SUDDEN ATTACK OK ACUTE IIIIIGIirs DISEASE RAISES PON. TIFF'S TEMPERATURE VISIT. OHM MAIMED United Press Service ItOMK, April S The pope's coaJ. lion l rvixirtal m growing; worse thla Afternoon. ) At :t o'clock (local time) hi pti. Irian wa luullljr summoned to the Vatican. He remained at the poaliaT's bcdsiilr for ovrr an hour. President, in His Message Takes Up . Square View of Issue With Congress . ? , 1 President Woodrow Wilson IVacii lxTpra Hobnob iiilil l'ri 8rvii NKW YORK. April 8. With An drew Carnegie presiding, peace lorera today beard Alfred Noyce, the Kngtlah ' loel, deliver hla lecture, "The Or eat, (Ireen Table," at the Hotel Aitor, un der the auiplrea ot the New Yaefc I'eact? Hoclety. Thla waa the poet'a I at t public appearance In the metrop- oil.. ItOMK, Atirll . I'ope Plua X. U again III, tbla time In a daageroua condition. He waa itrlcken yeaterday with a audden attack of acute Uright'a dli- Councilmen to Draw for Their Work Pay Attendance at Regular Meetings to Entitle City Fathers to Three Dol lars for Each Meeting "Tbla U the Drat time that all the councilmen have been pretent for the put Ore months," remarked Couacll uib M. It. Doty, after Police Judge Uavltt had called the roll and re- ttWed rponee from, ten aldermen. men, waa Introduced and pasaed to the third reading. Under the provi sions of the ordinance the members of the council will receive S3 for each regular meeting they attend. No re muneration will be given for attend- . ' :. mt?nV &L -J' v., gaW -.'agmV.Jmt. ':" eL'V ' llmmmmmW gfclS, jgggggggggv . .r't'T "t If I9sg8888meaw i am rzmam " I HW UmiamlmlmlmlmHalmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmkmlmV IRaV HeKgggWssvjQBH iriTg-''--T'"1vi njSH-r gm te Jaagggem lCgaBBBmVnBBmaV ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmflamamm Jki' V9gmV IZjlHmRnmmmmV .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVSmmmml Mf'jg ' li3iliSigllllMg ' -i?4" "'IBn' g m ' -HEX ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg J-' -lVgwalHlni g n ggiKainmlmV gW V 'r lmmmmmmmmm. snmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlemvgenMBWAiwrl ,' snmllllllllWggMBWS i u vR: gK:gcH I mUzwt Address Delivered Penonally at Joint Meeting of Congress, Fol lowing a Meeting of Cabinet LONG SICKNESS ENDS IN DEATH JOHN- MARION OOKDON PAMiRK I.KYO.ND AT FAMILY KOMK IN WOROKX, APrRR TWO YK.MM Ot HUPFHRJXa , V Sole mt lk tfatw btvfWfHiwa Party Owes la Hw tie e eke Natitm.,1 ttrcWIwAaaafer v I SaaSHml iMfW) ,. tmet k United Pi k WAtMINOTON, D. a, Anrtl Att4e by a eJker. Preeideit i . 'o , lllaeee, Jetaileft tke Wkhe i. ew.Ylee : , After two yean' Marlon Qorden, aoa of Mr. and MrsJ after' at eaataet meettaf, DeaOerdon, pesied awygeiinrae5rieeelVe4 to ta spialier'aies morning at the family heme hiWePreeMeak Marshall aa4 den. Death waa due to taherenleele. t Clark. Immsaiatsly afterthe resided la thla vicinity Ue greater, hers of each heee eeeeeteel Wihtea ' ' -' j part of hie life. A sister, Mrs. Thee, (the roetnim. , . " vr'' '"i- Orubb. resides la thk city. 0r The revleien ot.the tartff a eveer ,' The funeral waa held at Werden InsUaee where It leehed aa theagh ' Sunday afternoon, and the remains special privileges were bslag gives to wore laid to reel In the family ceme-.manufacturers, waa anaeeiec far vety !tery. A large number of Klamath i forcibly by Wileea. who dsslarat tat ,FalU poople Journeyed to Wordemtbe special session of congress was' that day to pay their last respects to j called solely to fulall the duty the' me aeparieu, wno during nia Wetime democratic party owes to tae aauea: waa a highly respected cltlsea. The probable reason for the full at-'ante at special meetings. lindanes was brought to mind by, Thero was much discussion follow Councilman Melhaae, who suggested. Ing tho Introduction of the ordinance, lUt the city fathers might be prepar- some declaring that the council lug lo work under a aalary, lyhould meet oftoner, In view of the !ter In the evening, aa ordinance, reward. One member wont so far m providing for the payment of council to advocate six meetings a week. I'OPK PIUS X. easo, and for the past twenty-four hours ho has had a high fever. Dr. Marchlfava, the Vatican physician, stated this morning that last nlgbt thn potlfT's temperature was 100. All visitors have been barred from tho Vatican. The pope's sisters visit ed him this morning, and left his chamber crying. Nearly Eighty Million Feet Timber Will be Sold Soon Two Immense Tracts of Trees on Klamath Indian Re servation Near Chiloquin Have Been Prepared for Disposal by the Government Officials Twit nl ik. ii . ...-- .i ik. . ... rfalBiialarf anil annroxt. 10 Jne history of ladiea Umber die-1 malely 80 per cent ot the merchant l0l will be made here within tho able live timber, totaling In the neigh borhood of 18,009,000 feet boara "'It tWO muiltha !. u "' n"rt 80.000.QOO feet Of timber on "" nismath Indian reservatloa will' o d to bidders. The timber la In "'vicinity of Chiloquin, wltnln easy lllng dlsUnce of the railroad. The first sale will he held May 1st, wmn bids will be opened at the oMce wind .n A...4 ..... . .. . it. a wniee at tae swsa- iim Une'' Th rWMat 47 itments, comprUlag aa area of ap wosimately 4,000 acres, which Ilea Flnly botw-i. tk. ..n.s . rihii. hVi. A mim) g VI Mlty saVsTVaalal,- f M- timber, sUadlag ar dowa, VI- ' v- ; measure of Western yellow pine. The second timber sate affects ap proximately 61,000,000 feet of tim ber, mostly yellow pine. Bids for this pill be .opened June J. The sale includes an area approxi mately 4 ,480 acres, to bo plainly des ignated on the ground before cutting begins. It Includes all the timber whleh can be feasibly logged to the railroad between the south line of section 84 sad the north lines of sec tions 1, 14 and 16, township 84 south, range ,7 east, sad section 18, town ship 84 south, range 8 east, Tho southwest boundary is formed by the upper edge of the steop slope townrd Sprague River. The east boundcry Is on the ridge which ex tends north and south practically along the section line between section-! 1 f and 18 and 19 and 80, town ship 31 south, range 8 east. The sale Includes all of the mer chnntcble dead timber, standing or down, Upon the area designated, and approximately 76 tier cent ot the merchantable- live timber. The timber may bo manufactured either o or on the reservation. J, U. Bedford, deputy supervisor of forests on the Klamath reservatloa, bos been in charge of' the prepare v,uuuuueu ,ou I'age j ASK BANKS FOR NEW STATEMENT CAM, TO NATIONAL BANKS IS HUKD TODAY HY THE OOMP. TltOLIiKH OP CURRENCY OF TRKA8U11Y DEPARTMENT CHURCH MAKES GOOD SH0WINGlHome Products Get Big Boost in City FIRST PRKSRYTERIAN CHURCH COMMENCES THE YEAR EN TIRELY FREE FROM DEBT. OFFICERS ARE RE-ELECTED United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, April 8. Tho comptroller of currency today Is sued a call for a statement of the con dition of all national banks at the close of business April 4th. MILITANTS USE AGAIN POWDER "VOTES FOR WOMEN, DAMN THE CONSEQUENCES," IS PAINTED ON WALL OF CASTLE JUST DY. NAMITKD United Press Serves DUDLEY, England, April 8. Mili tant auffragettes today attempted to dynamite the ruins of Dudley castle. They succeeded In shattering tho walls ot the koeper's cottsge, but did very little harm to the castle walls. "Votes for women, damn the con- sequeacet," was painted on the wall, Another sign bore the following le gend: "In honor ot Mrs. Paakhurst." "jrATBushong wis a Mondayvlslfor la the county seat, coming ta from his ranch purchase supplies. Highly encouraging were the re ports road at the annual meeting of the congregation ot the First Pres byterian church last night, which showed that although the year was commenced with the corporation J slightly In debt, It ended with a sur plus In the treasury. The Ladles' AM Society officers announced that the treasury of that organisation contains 81,000 for a building fund. The advisability ot building a new church, was discussed, but no action was taken at the meeting. Dr. George I. Wright waa re-elect ed eldor, and the board ot trustees, composed ot Arthur R. Wilson, I. 8. Voorhets and Robert E, Watteaburg, were also again chosen. Other oHcers re-elected were Clerk, W. S. Slough; anperlntendent ot Sunday school, J, B. Mason,; as sistant superintendent, M, D. Coatee, Firemen to Peee Members of the volunteer are de partment who have not posed as yet for the department's series of "action pictures," will meet at the Are hall at o'clock Sunday afternoon. The pho tographer will be there at that time, and the firemen will be snapped clad In tghtlng togs. An almost pure white light h been obtained from mercury Taper lamps by a German eleetrleian, who has added a small portion of cadluaa tothe mercury. , , Frank Hartley cams la Monday from Fort Klamath to attend to busi ness matters. He report thlaaje live ly In the flourishing Weed River Val ley metropolis. i "I am very glad. Indeed, to haw this opportunity to address the two, beusee, aad verify for myseK the las-. preesloa that the president of the' United States ia.a person, net a department at the gevemmsat, I ' .cenBnaea'in Pais v saBwaaKnnnie1 Much Enthusiasm Shown in Move at 'T Last Night's Meeting Local Con- ditions Were Also Discussed ( ,.i-r.' U ,. .' -- . a $ The Intermittent downpours of rain by no means dampened the spirits of the Klamath Falls people who made up their minds to attend last night's mass, meeting at the Klamath Cham bor of Commerce, and all felt well re paid for their trouble by the excellent i-i v i'?"1 1 (- l '. .- Relief for Owners talk on the "home Industries" : ment given by Mrs.' Bdytk Tatiar- I ' Weathered, reptwaeating the facturers Association .of Oregjen. A 1 1..A 1 ., 1 .Ul. !.' m. ayicHuiu vMMiiew as vsae.nes .." tory and bent of the movement waa,. t'i: '.' tOoatiausJ on-Page ''M&W:? A mm :JM. -f.V).. v" (, Ii. i' ''.fc'. A' '" "', 1 y of Alkali Acreage kr.r"?i .tft'-J' ': ,) ,it. 'sjf. . 'I1 New Ruling of .Secretary of Interior ' .- - . . jLJirlmi'-,ri h'.-i'TrtiA rrnwinfii mr vgifflaT awdsiiTgiiiriia ,,-."?! Wt AVAMfVl 4U Ji UUHU 4B - ? Over use. of water; drainage systems, aad the. rise of. al kail after Irrigation, oeeaslonally ren der areas t form land vnl fair 'the productlen of arc4tahe er'opsV The; remedies' lor Um;imlHN:ntt known, a their spUoMlen retvliree time ana aesse expendtUre'ef money. T eneanrasa Ua'SflejsjuilajataBjh 'TT.-1 t?A1 ' 'A 'it-it' IsadMusU tlea.of .dralnssje.sstfts ' ot aisan arwssaiaf m r.tary of the teJSIsf 41c,o4ieslaIS r'w"?.t! land' are ths i UsertsM i reelaanMsmf aayste If ; '., ,'W f H-' ., ,V mm