ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CIRCULATION CLAMS w ' ' ' ' I -' "L v; 'V alll'I'MKD MY TH CHina ww "" hviub $e Hitting Mefato '"J isr KVRN1NG PRINT THE NEWS, NO '- -if J Jn ftrrrnlli Vcar No. . KMMATH FALLS, ORBOON, MONDAY, APRIL 7, ISIS Session of the Sixtv-Third Complete Control ARIFF BILL IS SWEEPING REDUCTIONS As the New "House" Looks Today, Following Extensive Rearrangement rHOVIMIONH MORE DRAHTIU THAN IMAUINKD iM wl Hircl IMtlro Are HUalirtl, mm! lit" Nrccaelllra of Mfo Are KHhrr I'lawl on the Frro Mat or lb Itallra Am Heateweel ta Mia basai Hutlra Tambltag In Every Wmtlon IlilnJ 1'itu Kervlc WASHINOTON, D. C. April 7. RUIal (o Ilia extreme, and providing for lb mutt sweeping reductions, lb Utll rttUlou bill u Introduced In Ntcreu today. In Introducing tbo Munrr, the f rasters stated tbat the Uae hid arrived for American maau rutorera to meet "honest competition til devitop bualstea along Ibe beat uJ mot economical lines." Tie backers predict tbat ibe bill III ttM the bouse easily, la the hd- tu II It believed that there will be aaa difficulty attached to block- Is- It Chtlraau Uaderwood of the waya Iud mrini committee aaeerU that Ibe Mil will materially reduce the coat or llTlOl. The prorlilona art eves more dras tic than anticipated. It (Ires free en Uj to raw wool, and rlddlee the chtdute; cuts the sugar tariff and provide for free augar la three years, nd the cotton schedule la given a tap cut. Italia are free listed, and til Iron and steel dutlea are slashed. Lumber and sawed boards arc free titled, the only exception being aawed cabinet woods. Thfe. are reduced from 12.16 pr cent to 10 per cent. Household furniture drope front 16 to per cent. Sweeping cuts are made In the duties on agricultural products, some (blch are: Lemons, 6I.IS to 14.03: live poul try, to M7: cltrua fruits, ltt lo 1 cent; olives, 36 to 16 cenU a gal lon! olive oil, 60 to SO cenU n gal Ion, tots over 6 gallons from 40 cents isllon to 20 per cent ad valerem: "Ulns, 2 to a cents; prunes, IK to cent; rice. I to 1 cent: ean are pitccd on the free list I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmMBKBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMRBBmHRL gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaQHgP TMaiananjsni InmmmmmmmnHmsKZ. '' 'f2T: r Bnp9aV'BBBWBBBlBBBBh3BMBBBBBBBBBj lKmmmmwTVIiValmkr 1U L:aBBwv"fc u alBmaBBBBBaBaanflaBBBBBBBBBmBmBBBBBBBBBBBWaBBM gggvTW'MB WM LbbbbbbbbbtbL ''"lianHmmnmmmmmmmmmmmHmmmnmJmrKm ''" EIGHTEEN DIE 1 WHEN GERMAN ! BARK SINKS! 'ONLY FOUR RECOVERED PROM) I WATER NEAR TILLAMOOK . Sew Congressman "UNCINATE" GETS PRICES IIKEP ANIMAL HKLLH FOR 9M.S5, AND FOUR PORKERS, SEVEN MONTHS OLD, NET PIONEER GOOD MONEY N. 8. Merrill, father of the city of Merrill, and "Uncle Nate" to resi dents of Klamath county. Is here to day from his flue ranch near Merrill, attending to business matters. Al though 77 years old, he Is still active In farming, and has one of the finest ranches In the county. Mr. Merrill just sold n three-year- old beef cow to Stukel of Sacramento. The animal weighed 1.996 pounds, and brought Mr. Merrill 19I.9B. Pour hogs, seven months old, and averag ing S60 pounds In weight, were sold by Mr. Merrill to a Merrill meat con cern for 6 V, cents apound. Indian Agent Kdsoa Watson and wife have returned from Rossburg, where they were called last week by the Illness and subsequent death of the latter'a mother. SHRINERS TO BE HERE IN AUGUST PILORIM.lGi: OF HILLAH TEMPLE NOIII.KH IS 1-OSTPOXED BY MU TUAL CONSENT OP LOCAL AND ASHLAND MASONS A chanf o has been made in the date of the pilgrimage of lllllah Temple of tho Mystic Shrine to Klamath Falls. InUead of visiting here In June aa originally planned, the visiting hosts will not perluglnate In this direction until the latter part of August. On account of vacations Interfering with the trlpa of many of the Ashland Shrlncrs, as well aa with local shrln era and uolvttates, the matter ofpost ponlng tho visit has been thoroughly studied In both cities. A letter from K. D. Urlggs, Potentate of lllllah Temple, baa Just been received, desig nating August as tbo time of the pil grimage. Thero will be a large class of novi tiates here at that time for the jour ney across the burning aands. Ursat preparations are being made for the entortalnmont of the visiting Shrlners Postal Receipts Show Gain During Past Fiscal Year Receipts for Last Quarter Amounted to $4154.61, as Compared With $3803.76 Last Year. Total Re ceipt! for Year Paat Show Material Increase ChHoaaaa Faar.paked Arthur L. Thomaa Md Mlse Rom A. Qlbson were united In marriage; Sunday afternoon by Rev: eVaVBtao blefield, the ceremony being Bateau lied at the Presbyterian manee. The groom haa long been a resident of Klamath county, and Is living at Chll oquln. The bride formerly Uvd at La Molne. Ilrnsc Fog Envelops the Sceae of the Wrpclr, Interfering With React Work Steamer George Voeberg llenrnrw Four From Making Veaael. Two llodlee Come Ashore lashed) toKlgglng I'm fsrvttr nitlOllTON. Ore., April 7. Eigh teen sallormen are believed to be drowned In the hull of the Oerman bark Mlml, which capslsed Jast off thla port Sunday moraine. The boat had Just been pulled off the shoals to deep water, after strik ing the beach In February. Pour men, Captains Weetphall and Fischer and two natters were reecned by tb. steamer Oeorge Voeberg, which returned this morning from the eeeae of the wreck. , A- fog enveloped the eeeae of the wreck all last night aad today, mak ing rescue work dlslcalt Two dead bodies were found tasked to the rig gins of the vessel, aad it la believed the others were washed overboard during the fog. 'anaBnaBnaBnaBnaanmaBnaBnaV naaaaV 'isaWfJaaaaaBBafl 'gaggggggggggggfVgaggggggggggga CHAMP CLARK AGAIN NAMED AS SPEAKER CEREMONIES OP OPKNIXO COM. MKNCKS AT NOON Hear Familiar BsombMrai Paeeav Is cladtaff "UndeTjeV Csaaew aa4 Nkk Leagworth, Mssati Fold Victor Bersjer, tho Coagrieemaa, te Alee As S. 3. Slanott of Wasco County, Repre sentative of the Eastern Oregon District. Five are Said to be Assured of Plums Medford Man is Looked Upon as the Next Federal District Attorney. Burke Picked U. S. Marshal PORTLAND, April 7. Juat what Oregon men will be named for federal oBcee tomorrow Is causing bo small amount of speculation In th. etate. Recommendations for Iva of the principal federal Jobs in Oregon have been made by. United States seaators Chamberlain and Lane, accord m to a rumor, supposed to be well founded. Ther are: ' Poatmaator at Portland Frank 8. Myers. United States district attorney Clarence L. Reamea of Medford. Collector of Customs Milt Mil ler of Lebanon. Collector of Internal Revenue- John Montag of Portland. Unite States marshal T. 8. Bark. of Baker, The recommendations have been banded In to President Wilson, aad h. Is expected to send hla appolat menu to congress today. From the senators thamselves tittle or no inkling haa beea blvea oat aa to th. recommendation, oa th. ground that It th. recommeadattoaa wer. known In advance ther. would b. a storm of protests. If th. foregoing list la correct ther. wtl be load lamea- MarrUge Ucemse A marriage license was Issued this nornlng'to Warren C. Bennett and Mrs. Anna Sltaby. H. H. Edmunds, general superin tendent of th. Algema Lumber com pany's plant, aad W. B. Simpeeo). who la eeaected with' th. same coaeera. re turned to Algema today after a abort visit In Klamath Valla. Called Prose Serrte. WA8HINQTON. D. C, April 7. With progressive democracy la roll control, the ranks of th. repubUeaaa depleted aad their old leaders fan. the opening of Preetdeat WUeoa's apo dal seedoa of th. Sixty-third isaTsaa today was eloaueat of traaaUkw frasa th. alneteeath to the Twentieth sec tary polltleal geveraaMat, Maw force, war. la th. assaadnat; aaw phrase, passed easily from to la teagae. Newmeaaare. aa J Coatlaued oa Pag. )"" . r- ''.- Visiting Joi Are Much Impressed Mrs. Weathered and Mr. Tozier Re turn From Automobile Trip Much Enthused Over This Section "Th. couatry tributary to Klamath Falls, la used for dairying, aad fruit, brery aad potato ratelag, will support a city ten timee the else It to." Thla opinion was expressed by Mrs. icua AMir nnwnm iuw iTotier, aner a inp inio ta. vauey Sunday. An opportunity to study the char acter of th. country, th. IrrhjaUoa and dralaag. projects, and other fea tures upon which residents of Klam ath Falls base their faith, waa afford ed Mrs. Weathered, her. la th. later ests of th. "horn. Industrie." move meat, aad Mr. Tosler, r.pranattag 'Oeaunued oa Pag. T CHURCH FOLKS TO OUTLINE PLANS 'Another evldeaea a Ikiwmlh af KUmath Falls la shewa la th. In- ratl ( toe posui reeelpU far th. Warttr Just closed, aa eomnared with tb flrt Quart.? of 1911. For tb. "ree months Just ended, th. reeelpU f the local postoBee amounted to M51.61. i... (h -aflalntM for !h Co"ePondlng,aarUr amounted ,oM,80j.7e, i r The racainta . k. .i. ... " pot tma amMBtad to l.l. "We hevsr kept track of the re ceipts from fourth class postage be fore this," said Postmaster uiyae k. Tirandenbura. "as th. amount waa figured from th. sale of ordinary post- ago stamps before the establishment of the parcels post." Mr, Brandenburg haa been post master for nearly two years, and he produced figures for two years back to show th. gain that la steadily be ing made In th. receipts of tb. local office. For tbe fiscal year ending March SI, IBIS, th. reeelpU amount ed to 115,818.73. During th. period of twolve months following, the local office took la $16,11.91, or mad. a gain of 1348,19. A notable fact In connection with tho report la the difference In the population. Two and three years ago a largo percentage of the postal Busi ness affected employes of th. hallway construction crews, construction par ties working for the reclamation ser vice and other transients. Within the past two years nearly all of the tran sient population haa disappeared. ANNUAL MEETING OF TERIANS TONIGHT TWC YSAR WILL BE STARTED RNTDABLY FRKB FROM DEBT The annual business meetlag of the First Presbyterian church congrega tion will be held this evening at th. church, at which time trustees and elders for the ensuing year will b. elected and future policies discussed. A musical program will b. readered, and refreshments served. The present fiscal year eada with the congregation entirely free from debt, and a small aurplua 1b th. treas ury, MANY WOULD BE SUPERINTENDENT FOUR KLAJdATsl OOUNTf MKN ON LIST OF CANDJDATM FOB AF POINTMENT AS OaUTMt LARK PARKMBAD United Prate Bervto. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 7. Senator Chamberlala haa transmitted without recommeadatlea th. Barnes of th. following eaadMatea for ap pointment as superlateadeat of Crater Lake National Park: Captnta W. F. Arrant, th. preseat lacumbeat; Heary R. Momyer of Klamath Falls; WIU O. aHcel of Portland, W. R. Thompsoa at Yoaaa, aad Wm. WhKlock at Klam aU Falla. th. Workmea's CompeaaaUoa commlaawa, when they wm through th. valley by K. B. HaU. Tha visitors returaed from their aut. trip gently Impreated. "Surprtoa waa trst exprssssd at tha excellent coadlUoaa of Us roada," said Mr. Tosler. "Aa oar oar whtrlaa mil. after mil., w. fouad th. high ways to be very creditable ladsd. 'Th. mounds of potatoee yat'ht tha fields attracted our atteatlea. I aaa tead that there is nothlag better tar dairy cows than potateaa. At tha at.. received for last raVi tabara tsiar (ContlDMed on Paaje T Sparrcntorn is Freed of Noxious Charge Bonanza Merchant it Arrested and Put to Big Expense Through the t' 1 .' t ' t Perfidy of an Indian Witness To be arrested oa a chars ot Batt ing liquor to Iadlaaa and take to Portlaad to face tha federal eourt; ta stead th. expeaae of a trial aad aa through th. tedious aad oapeaatv praparatloa, oaly to (ad that there waa ao actual charg. agataat him this la tha wperleaee at J. L. Sparrea torn, a Bonaua merchant, who for th. paat tweaty-two years haa beea ooasldered highly I thla county. Mr. Sparreatora haa Just returaed from Portland, whara tha ahara agalaat him waa lsmlsssd teat Friday. Oa of th BMttan .brought atst Ib V"J - A" the total ot Aadstasa Fawbfal. , a Klamath Iadlaa aoeassd at BwHoraag his wife, waa that h. waa arrw h Jmg ot whteker by Qssrga Milter, Indian. Whaa. Mister for. th. federal graad )ry k to th. autter, tt waa aaaimni that am suted that th. lateadaasd wiu aM him by parreatetB.:. Upaa moay th federal Jaoytpiisted raatenu s H. wu areaeai aad tejaw H lr aad MtvM.N te BfaaattemUt rerw , f . ?. . '"?!..aa WeSBfJH M' )'. fn , -j '," -Vi' W-rX n. m tri l