ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CIRCULATION CLAIMS HUITMKII IIV TIIK VXITKI VMM NKWM HKIIVK.K Bflbe netting avJH iMk KVKNIXG NRWMArM I'lllYf TIIK NKWH. NOT HMTOWT tenth Vmi : nm KLAMATH FALLH, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL , If I j Price. Fire Oesrta Wet" and "Dry" Factions Will Figure Strongly in U)imng uty Mcctiom Political Pot TRIKERS STONE MISTS WHO MRS. BAILEY NOW .FLOOD BENEFIT i A DEPUTY CLERK: AT MI, HEBRON Bridge Menaced by High Waters in the Northern Part of New York State 'popular i iiht.ntv HTKMMJHAPIIKIt Til I'lHXLKIIH OK GRAND HALL AMI1 I JUDGE HWIlltX IN TO' Him:i:i mkoiuik ciiahtai.v, WHO HAH NEW HIHITION SUPPER TO in-: hunt TO Tut: STRICKEN MIDDLE WESTERN DISTRICT " ENTER FACTORY hi:itu. i.vjrnt:i refoiie io- uti: oiti.l rimtuhiianci: HliU HiinM li Hri'itn of Tttliif "wirrv hirikc, ami .im wm or- 'tho work performed by Deputy Clerk n( Unit city neit Saturday night. Tlio (Irniu Kill If .rrry lo I'mtnt '"''"'"'" CIimUIii, who noon brcuiiies proceeds from tlio nffalr will ho clonal- rlerk of tlin circuit court. Nd to thu Mlilillo Went flood vlctlmi. ii I'prWmc Llki Tlml oC Yctcnluy f MrBi a ,, btcn C()fC,,., The Mount Hebron Club lias given lllrrniMiii. WIumiTmh IVpl Wrwjwilh the court house for thu past lo number of successful affair thl kitira fits HlMiifiitrniitiMt tit tti fwniftf v . U Irilftr titnl Mtirltiw lutl ttt lnt imaih. if. .1 I I " " " " PIIIU(lllrim ' "'MW I '"!. . IIIIH l'Mliri HM HIV IIUI IIIVHI k illnl In tho 1'iilim r . . ... . . . . . '. ...... .. Mm. Initio I.. Ilalley hn bvou ap- (Julie u nuinher of lorn I proplo are pointed deputy county clurk by Coun- planning to nttond a benefit ball to ty Clerk Da Ijip, and nho.wlll take up lot given by tlio Mount Ilubron Cluu LK1 1'irti Hrnliw ttlUltV. .V. V., April fl. Two ml l ciiiiipjiiilr of ntilltla mpto turned tmUy lit al4 in palrul- ill tli;. m III h frarnl dial III Mrlkrra may pi tu mi'iijip lltp killing of wmi IhHr autiilxr, n woman, yratrrtUy, (otirt. and ho U well and favorably burn Intend to make Saturday's ovent known by all who vUll tho court jitirpai all previous effort. Excel- Iioum. ' lent intiilc has been engaged, and nr- .,,., ,..-. raiiKemi'titfl havo been modo for a A new fuel for Internal combustion l"ll,nKhl upper. I, Indented In Houth Africa, ls nmiln from tiarafiln liv a clitimlcnl msi llir vnr nm I proccM, and la claimed to bo upcrlorlllllV UU A I Uhlf hl In KRUolIno In (hat It leave uo cor- fflLffl IILIlLU bon depoalt. Sav tEKMlt r' BaftTK 7T7 aM!?gMy?CSBPJPaaaaaaaaaHaaaaMaWaWiiaBa1 M aawiBaMaaBWBaaaWaWtaaBy t t". ..t j--:'.Ar'jimm " r'H3l3R3ft!f H " v. . v '3jkii s2rfc""iiiJV" MHVKi4KftMa4BBulBXIu!JCMaK) m 1 "xjt v p ATcVdfaTa4P74b-11 i J y frrBaaffNWaaaaaaaMBaaMaMaaaaBaaaaaaaMa Boiling "Bl PETITIONS MUST BE FILED BY 16IHF APRIL I'lCOIIIIIITIONIHTS WIM. .VAMK TICKET J "Klanialli Dry" Fartloa la Oobac tit Xante Man In Karli Wanl lrti Hon of Leonard In Tlilnl anil Mat thewa In Heronil Are llcing Clrcw lairil ITpp and Towbik-imI Mention eil In Seronil Want. The world'a moat powerful auto mobile, an electric tractor, U to .be uicd lo pull freljht car from a rail road terminal In Jeney City, N. J.. over i pur that are laid In itreeti to factorlea. klltd I'lti' Henrlc Ul'lll'IlN', N. Y April 0 A mob lit miking twlno worker llili tiolni bombarded tnarlilnlita and klti trkcn atlomptlm to enter i flint of the International liar- itier company and the Columbia na uoriiigo company. Dlacillon proceed more rapidly In fcwal of the trlke breaki.r wore mcn Hhllo In a recumbent position Jvrnl by the flying mliille. but u,an when orcct. according to a im mlouily, French iclentlit. becauio. In the pro- Ifiir half an hour's deraonitratlonlc.M of evolution, tho itomach ha not iicciinueu uu I'ugu ' , advanced a rapidly a other organ. TO MEET FOLKSi 'OlttXiON I.MHJHTUIKH FIIIHTV MOVK TO UK KXIIiAINKO BY FOHTiaND WOMAN TO UK Tt:.MF.ltKI IIKCKITION Thl brlilEo. nnntns tfcp St Hegl Itlvcr nt Helena. N. V., was In danger of going down any moment. The St. Hegl lllvcr, Ilka thoie of Ohio, had overflowed Ita bank for the first time In many year. Throughout the northeaitcrn part of New York itate, up and down the Hudson Itlver and aloug its tributaries tho hoary rains havo swollen the stream till leveral towns wcro In danger. Italian Ranch Hand Inherits Big Estate fas Contentedly Working on Klam ath Ranch Until Informed, That He Was an Heir to Money Mr. Kdyth Toiler Weathered, rep resenting tho Manufacturers' Assocla-j tloti of Oregon, will nddret tho peo-l plo of Klamath Kali Monday evening at the Chamber of Commerce. At that tltno die will oxpialn the Importance ' of tho "homo Induttrles" movement I to tho cntlro commonwealth. i Tuesday afternoon from 3 to C. tho Tho debating team of tho Klamath Womon' Civic League will glvo a re- county high school, champion of (ho ceptlon for Mr. Weathered at tho Ho- 'southern Oregon District, post Its iei nan. which every worauu iu mo r,,BnPn , Pnmnt for Ihn.tit. rh.m. Klamath- Debaters Lose to North Bend Team Anti Naval Enlargement is Poor Side of the Question in the Flourish ing Seaport Town in Oregon ' Clerman electricians have found that snow never collects on transac tion lines that carry 100,000 volts. or I more, evea when they are not charg ed and cold. A mall box the bottom of which drops In such a way aa to shoot IU contents Into a receptacle on the front of a motorcycle without requiring the 'carrier to alleht. ha been Invented hr 'two physician of Washington, D. C.J I With the lime for filing petition drawing nearer, politicians In the dlf- !'fcrcnt wards of the city are beglnalag to bestir themselves, and the meeting of two men from the same ward la in variably the occasion for a duicuMkm as to the best available alderauaie timber. So far, only two candidate have circulated petition, but others are being urged to make the race. O. D. Matthews, a plumber, la tke .first man In the Second ward to aa nounce bis candidacy, and his petHtow, Is being circulated for signatures. la tho Third ward, Dr. W. A. .Leonard la an avowed candidate. Both of these men were strong supporters of ta commission charter. It has been rumored that Frank M. Upp, joweler, will make the racaN against Matthews, but tbia has not i Continued on rngn 4 1 city I urged to attend. Mr. Weath urod will addreis tho meeting, and threo mlnuto speeches will be made by local men and women. An Italian rnmli hand, who has. thl afternoon, on his way to 8unny B WOrklnu for nmn Hnm nn tlitlllalv In rlntm hi Inlierltitncu. ranch noar Teolers' Landing.' Ho has boon working In thl coun Informed today by a lotter from 'try for several year, apparently con- old country that hb la one of the' tentod, Isnoraut of what fate "" a Inrgo citato, and that Ills held In store for hi m. Ho wa great-! that both tobacco Julco and smoke aro ' lll amount to between S0,000,ly surprised to learn that ho was one 'excellent germicides, killing a large "1 175,000. ()f tho missing holrs so often doicrlbod I proportion of all disease germ with Ilccauio eel migrate only In the dafk, tho Danish government pre vents them from leaving the Baltic Ram fni Itin nrnmt liv cnifwmdtnff a lln eof Inrandoscont lamps from bX h Klamath debaters, Ed cablo In the strait they froquent. ploushlp last night, when at North Ucnd, In Coos county, tho Judges de cided in favor of tbo North Bead high school's arguments. The vote was two to ono. The question was, "Resolved, That the United States Should Maintain a Larger Navy." Tho negative view waa I win Cox and Forrest l'icl, and their Kxtenslvo tests by an Ohio phy sician havo provod to his satisfaction Tbo eritwhllo ranch hand loaves In paper-backed Action which they como in contact. argumontt, according to telegraphic advices, wero remarkably good. I The Klamath lads were unfortun-1 ate In being aslgned the negative' sldo of the question to debate In a! seaport town, as the residents there are naturally Interested in every man ner of maritime, expansion. The two local debaters and Princi pal W. E. Fought oMhe high school, who accompanied them, leave Marsh Hold this evening, going ta,San Fran cisco by steamer. From San Fran cisco they will return to Klamath Falls via the Southern Pacific. County Court Will Meet Bonanza Folks Monday Matters Pertaining to Future Policies and Improvements Will be Dis cussed at Banquet Monday YE6GS ROB BANK tizes Will be Awarded for Biggest Trout Caught Here ted. Reel and Line to be Given Fishermen Who Can Prove That They Landed the Largest Fish Caught in Klamath County Between Now and July 1st AUhongl. the fishing msoa Is oaly '" day gOUo there ar alraadv "M tola "X ome of the fishermen " o whalloplng big trout th.y w whllo out on their lsit trip. ' from now on to the sad of the ""nor these stories will be dragg.d KI.,na;,""''n.fMiue0Jr- . iv. i -- j siroaisa nave ai "' "ton notad r. h. i...... .. lm trout R tB, Wst, so these . , . i ' " BBiatla sre by ao ur letohsd. Howovor, It Is the Intention of J, II. (Barney) Chambers of tho dun Storo to settle for good and for all the question of who land the biggest flsh thla year. Ho has Just announced that he will award threo prises for the threo largest trout caught in any Klamath county waters from now on until July 1st. For the biggest trount landed, Chambers will present the lucky fish erman with a 1S rod. The angler making the second largest catch will bo given a 16 reel, and the third prlio will be a 18 line. In order to be considered for prises tho flshormen must have witnesses as to tlio weight of their rod and the wolght of the flsh, as one of the pro visions of tho contest Is that a tele graph pole with a rope tied to It can not be considered good Ashing tackle. The rod used must not weigh over eight ounces. There Is no ruling regarding lure. Spoon, bait and fly all are permits-able. DURING MORNING UAYIjattT HOLDUP AT ALVARA- IH IS HIUHLY SKN'SATIONAIi. IlOlltlKltS ONLY GET 19, BARE LY MJH8INQ 1UQ HUM United Press Service ALVARADO, Calif., April 6. While two yeggmen with rifles held off an armed crowd of citizens, three other members of tho 'gang set oft even charges of explodvca la the vault of the bank of Alvarado early today. The last explosion wrecked the door of the vault. Jamming it against a receptacle containing 917,000. This foiled tho cracksmen, who secured only f 19 for their work. The quintet escaped to the hills In an auto. Posses are pursuing. F. O. Meloy, whose ranch, ''Broad view Farm," Is on the Merrill road, Is here attending to business matters. E. O. Eastwood Is In from his reach oa the Merrill road. He Is glvlag especial atteatloa to dairying. SUGAR MAY LEAD TO BIG CLASH WILSON AND SOUTH ENGAGED IN HEATED ARGUMENT, WHICH MAY SOON WAGE THROUGH CONGRESS Members of tho county court, audi held by the Donania Commercial possibly the directors of the Klamath Club. Matters of general Interest to Chamber of Commerce, will journey lnU u, '"ldents of the upper part of . w , . .. . itbo county will be given atteatloa. to Bonanxa Monday, where that even- Spoechcl w e ma6 fcy a ,,. Ing a big "get together" meeting of Dor of local orators, and the oBeUla I , residents of Poe, Langell and Yoaaa valleys will bo held. The program of the evening Includes a banquet at the Big Springs hotel. The banquet and meeting are to be United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, April 5. President Wilson was today Informed that bo must recede from his atti tude regarding sugar, or fight the senate. In reply he Issued the sugar men an ultimatum that unless they accept a reduction with free sugar In, three years, he will declare for Immediate free sugar. Wilson suggests to the Southern sugar interests that they accept a duty of a cent a pound on Cuban sugar and 11.10 oa all sugar, this duty to run for throe years, where after sugar would be free. For painting wires, a Pennsylvania man has patented two stlf brushes that revolve against each other as paint la fed to them by compressed air from a reservoir. of the county court will tell of the future Improvements In that section, also of the policies of the court la re gard to matters of Interest to the en tire county. Brief in the Pulitzer Action is Filed today Newspaperman Seeks to Convict New York's Mayor of Criminally Li belling Plaintiff's Father ' ,v. ,c 3 V - i United Press Service NEW YORK, April 5. Whether or not tho mayor of a great city can libel a nowspaper publisher' not only as a publisher, but as a private cttlsea Is finding the mayor ,wha the. '.V .. ..-v 1 ' ..J,' J.- ' - w '71 him of winning a fortuae by aslag bis paper as aa agency of blackmail and " Indeceucy, , l C AM Home dimcuity was exaerteaeaa .j- , mllnfir fh namvnr whan fthA aaaAM . tho Issue In the criminal action bi ought by Ralph Pull tier against Mayor Qaynor, briefs In which were submitted today before Police Magis trate Kernocaaa. ruutser charges that during a speech at a Brooklyn banquet the mayor attacked his fath er, the late Joseph PulHaer, accusing weer issued. However, the easeaUwa counsel accepted service (and .the hearing weat oa before the " trate, evea though the defendant Up self was abMBt. " ---'- t llmiaary testimony taai'eoalss speech had bH 'girea ta ttM aMfe3 papers by the mayor's seeBBv'i1 - - - - ,-ii i ' a ,;., u & 'i.-. ll. iTaAJk. vSf??"