ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CIRCULATION CLAIMS Hlll'I'MKU IIV TIIK ..... jaaj an ui tu tau IiMTKM I'HiwW iiivMn nmifiiiA Ik twitig flfif ttnih. y " i i KVENIXQ IflWW I'llIXT THK NKWH, NUT Uralh Yrr. . KLAMATH FALLH, OIIKOO.V, I'HIDAY, Al'ftIC 4, 1011 Prtea, riw cones v ; 'J. o Avenge Conviction of Mrs. Pankhurst, English Women Resort to Dynamiting of Public Property LOWER LAKE RECLAMATION TO BE TALKED Ltitm.tiiii.iiv of private mo. JMT IXttiMIIIKilKD It Wink of llrcUlinluaj March luil a ltvtrr l.k Country Cannot Ik1 Carried ii by Itip Oovrmnirnl Ml TliU Time, ( Immbcr of Commerce Ml l-aml Owners Will Oct Togeth er en l'niMllloii After iIIucumIiik thn matter of guv- tuistnt aid In I tm reclamation of tlio Uer Lake iiiarnti lands, nutl learn- Itj that at thla lime tlio reclamation unite ranimt k ntivnil with tlio oik, members of tlio Klatnnth Chamber of Commerce ImYu decided to like up tlio matter of a private toJt to drain n portion of Ilia land. TMi will bo talked Tuesday afternoon tt t nutting of tlio directors of tlio (timber ut Commerce ami tlio lAiwor Ut land oMior who aok tu havo iktlr marches reclaimed. Tt reclamation of tlio marsh land round l.oer Klamath l.ako waa one of the nrt matter considered by tlio I board of army engineers when tho Kltmaih reclamation project was nrstl tontldtrtil. After n long Investlgn tlcn It waa considered Inadvisable furl Ite ork to ho iluno for some tlnio, ' io all tho prhato land lubicrlhed fori lh marih land project was roleaiod. I Tte report of tho board of army Mincers follows "It aa proposed orlxlnally to Irrl- tale tho reclnlmed marsh land by atatii of tho main canal, which was llun sufficient caiiuclty for tho liur- i Bullmoosers Meet to Organize Congressmen Third Party Prepares to Carry on Distinct Opposition to Old Parties and Smoke Out Halfhearted lly lU'llTON K. HTAMIIHII Today's conferenco had tho "O. K." (Written for tlio United I 'rem) (of Colonel Itooaoolt, who has Inalat- WAHHINOTON, I), tt, April 4. ,"! that tho patty born nt Chicago Ttumpel calls of tho bull monso wcro should retain Its Identity, regardless sounded today to tho political herd !"' '' outcome of tho November dec tho progressives of tho noit houao of H". "Conferenco" not "caucus" representative. Tho urbanization In tho term applied by tho progrcs tho hmiso of a dlatlnctlvo opposition If l0'1" to their meeting, which In both tho democrats nnd republican J cloied-door affair. Thoy ex formations was tho principal object I'feMed dlatoato for tho word "cau- of tho conference. Nomination of n cus" becauso of alleged political Inl randldalo for shaker or tho houso."-1'1'" committed In past political and other officers, and a demand forlC,l"ctu,'" representation as proKreaalves, and Today's conforenco was designed to not us minority members on tho smoko out soveral half-hearUd pro various homo committees, was au0i:iMshwi. Tho slmon pure members planned. ELKS INSTALL 'Arbor and Bird Day , NEW OFFICERS to be Observed Soon H. II. HALL FOR THE HKCO.VD time ouideh dehti.weh ov OIUMMZATION WILL MAKE AITOINTMENTH NEXT WKEK Appropriate Program Will be Rend ered in Local Schools. Several Districts are to Plant Trees it'ontinueu on I'aico 4 STRIKERS FIGHT HIGH WATER IS AND MANY SHOT FEARED IN EAST With stirring speeches showing' . tho progressive work that bag been' Arbor and Illrd Day It to be ob-( In the local schools, programs per carrled on by tho order since It or-!rorvod by all tho schools of tho coun-ita'n'cK t0 Arbor Day, also to the MMnl.iilliin VAn. m v t m ma. iiii.i.. ' . . . limlUir K.w. ......... .... ii -, ..v.. w.. ... ncceniina: to county Hcliool Huuer of ofllcor. for Klamath Fall. LodKe vllntcnilent Kred Pclenoo, Th, .,, iiLiieiuiiiu nnu iroiccmu uruor on Klks, was Installed last night. Past!" " legislature. U LTtlted itulcr lluntor Bwldge waainoxt Friday afternoon, and many tho Initialling officer. ischool yards will be cioaned, treea The now staff of elcctlro offlcee 'planted and appropriate exercises rcn- co.nstits of the fullewlnat: dered nxaltiwl Tulnr K. n Unit. Kttcoucd Loading Knight Will Isbado trees will bo planted, following jture, n contribution on bird life by W iintdwln. 'tho program, and in nearly every ,Statc Game Warden William J. Fin proper trcatmont of birds will be ren dered, Kach grade room will bold It own program. In order to assist the teacher, the department of education for the auto has sent out an Arbor and DIrd Day manual, which contains a number of ...v.v-. .w. 7 .v.w.... lu m- There are several districts where jdltlon, there are articles on tree cul- Ksteemcd Parker. Knight J. Mi:.V AMI WOMK.V IIATTI.K OXlWIWT IIICKMA.V I.KVKK IIKKAKM. TIIK HTHKI.TH WITH ItllJCK. AXOTHUt ItlMK I'ltlllUCTKI. TWO WDVMIH i tin: FitoM iitJM.irri ItAI.V AT IIAVTD.V H. MAUVrt i.i:vvi:k thkkatk.nkd i:nltci! t'ress Service iIuIIliI l're fierr AUIIUHN, N. $., April i. Six ' DAYTON, O., April I. Itnln fell tuliiu strikers, Including two women, "Kn'" this morning nnd a fow dls- trlcts were luundatod a fow Indies. wcro shot and seriously wounded In n pitched battle with tho police on tho ' Iheru wero no fatalities. Ki as fsr as constructed. Tlio drain- ,(roo( near tho Columbia llopo com- Hickman U'Teo tlono It lo bo effected mainly by tho1 lnul. , ronitructlon of the Keno cut and tun- , ... .,,.' ..... uUnn.hlmMnv.ilon In tin Klm. ""-"..--,..,;,,,, -.cnn.. April i.-ine ath Itivr t.. !,.,-, i.. I-.V.I ii. i.. from tho wounds received. iWcst Hickman Lovco collapsed nt Hored rhnutiel tu lend to a tunelj ,no""' , , . , rutting through tho bond below.j II. N. Wood left Thursday for Oak-, Oxer 500 housos wcro domollshod l'oer wns to bo developed nt tho nml to nltend to business matters. byn 'J10 forc of tho Vj!":,. lowir ..n.i nr it.. . v .... .... Thcro wcro no fntnlltlos. as the "A. the-o plans proved, on morolhuorc.t In the Klamath Tub and Pall town..oo.lo left soveral days ago, "company lo Hporry llros. J. i ilBMatfMHiB9iH LL, Mtv'fliBIIIIIH BfBfaBfj V r B JiP ' Culled Preaa Senrlea LONDON, April i. la aukta a demonslratlon ralnit tk rAaittaa country district tho observance wllt,lty. who Is, perhaps .the foremost or- nn(1 mprj10Bment of Mr. EaaauUae Iia ! ah nsi an njtialnn e KamiiI I fts i 1 1 hrtlisvla t tti K a W'a mm A Asia a I . . ? ""'. ""- --""... " " -v.., .uu U.M "- pankhurst, suffragettes tody dBS- mlted the railway aUUoa at Ottos), SUFFRA6ETTES . USE BOMB TO GET REVENGE HTATIO.V AND PA88BNGEK TsUDf WRECKED BY BYNAJaBm Clockwork MMhtaea Ara V4, aasl ItacanW Are I'oated, Tetttac Mm Work of HusTracetteo aasl i lac Mrs. Paakharat H co Wocacai Head a Tileayai to tbo Coavlcted Worker. tho school grounds In every possible gardlng forest fire protection and dan Way. Igfrs by Stato Forester Elliott PASTOR SUPPLIES MONTENEGRINS ANOTHER PULPIT! WANT SCUTARI lll'.V. J. W. UIIKXDEL AND FAM-.KlNG DECIiARES HE WILL DIK ILV LKAVB OX THIS AFTEIt-l KIGHTIXO BEFORE. HE GIVES .NOON'S THAIX lOll PATTKItSON I CAI10BKD CITY TO ALUES CALII-OltXIA ! Oltl-OWEIUI iCiiiitluiiitd on I'ngb t Western Night Stag to be Given by Elks Thursday's Event Will be Greatest Event Ever. Chaparajos. Boots and Sombreros Right Attire Til ore Is a ureal liurrvln nnd scur- Olng around on tho part of Klks and Jwlr frlonds for boots, chaps, om weros, iiunnol shirts, and tho like, Jo lowing tho nnnouiicomout thut Western Night," tho big stag party 10 uu given by the Elks Thursday n,llit Is to bo "westorn" In every nse of tho word, and tho costumes .,,' bo "trlctly of the period whon n iillod" shirt and a stiff hat woro "joked on with mora suspicion than "'Join In these parts. Tho younger generation aro not tho ly ones who are ngog over tho an nouncoment, ns sodato old' business of tho Cty( ong ince p8ra of :". cl,urchc8, havo caught the Cover, M thoy nro digging around the W woodshod In an effort to exhume "' shooting iron and holater thoy "'carded when they quit punching Ho on tho Klamath range to set " down here, it la reported that tliero uro throats of sorlous breaches In HOornl fnmlllos over tho disputed ownership of sundry nrtlcles of wear ing uppnrol genornlly affected by row gntitlomou, minors, lumberjacks nnd others In tho days whon this soc- tlon wns In Its Infancy. In charge of tho nrraugomonts for tho nffnlr are K. II. Hall, Harry H. Ackloy, Charles J. Forgusou, J. E. llodgo, Perry O, De Lap and John Houston. Thoy hnvo been working on tho proposition for some tlnio, and from whlsporlugs that go out, the oc casion will bo tho greatest ever at tempted In Southern Oregon. A set program Iibb boon arranged, jammed clear full of unusual stunts, nnd this will bo onllvenod by tho "somothlng-dolng-every-mlnuto" stylo of affair that tho Dills will glvo. Novel Invitations aro being prepar ed. They will bo sont out within a fow days. ' InglcNlilo Under Water United Press Service KVAN8V1LLE, Ind., April I. The louo nt Inglcaldo, west of hero, col lapsed today, and 200 houses were flooded. Thoro woro no fatalities. Itlso Is Predicted 'tilted I'rens Hervlie CAIUO, April 4. Tho district fore caster today predicted that tbo Ohio will rlso another foot. The only fear now is that tho high wind will drive tho wiocs against tho levees. Winds Ttioatcne Itesenrolr Vnlled Pros Servlco ST. MAUYS, Ohio., April 4. High winds aro threatening tho east bank of tho Ornnd reservoir horo. A com pany of militia Is lualstliiK lu strength ouIiir and patrolling tho banks. E. II. HALL Now Exalted Ruler Esteemed Lccturlug Knight Thad Mcllatton. Tyler J. E. Dodge. Trustee Harry Ackley. Secretary L. H. Oath. Troasuror Leslie Rogers. Tho appointive officers will bo Rev. J. J. Ilrendel. who for thot'"lt,'1 ,'rM rv past ton months, has been pastor of, CKTTINJE, April 4. "Scutari Is tho First Ilaptlst church of this city, to be my future capital. I Intend to has accepted a call to supply the Dap- keep the city now that we havo cap tlst church at Patterson, Calif. Ho turcd It," Is tho quotation mado te le ft for that community, accompa-'day by tho King of Montenegro, tiled by bis family. I "We aro fighting against poverty I for our national life," ho conUaaed, Uabica Are 111 h'nnd you cannot grow grain on Uie The Infant daughter of Mr. and 'rocks. Montenegro has tried It long Mrs. Leland Mosicr, who has been enough to know that It la better to Surry. A clock contrivance, atallar lo that described by Ortlo MeMaalfal. the American dynamiter, waa iao tyoo of bomb used. Placards posted aronad the scene of the explosion i that the suffragette woro ble. "Beware how you treat Hra. Paak- hurst," was tho Inscription oa soaso of the posters. The railroads aavo Is sued warnings to the public, and nave placed strong guards at tho staUca. Two young women woro arrested this morning, carrying suitcases con taining explosives and ceanbusUMos. TLe kuitcaaes also contained placards birnllar lo those used ut the wrecked fctatlou. critically ill for several days, Is grad ually recovering. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lyle's daughter has been very sick for the past few days, but a turn for the better Is ex pected shortly. dlo fighting than to go on living as wo aro now." )C Mr. und Mrs. 8. K. McKonxio left Thursday for Rlvorsldo, Calif., where thoy will visit frlonds for some time. Frank Llghtfoot Is in from Oly, giving attention to business matters. C. K. Cox of Merrill is a Friday vis itor In tho county seat. R, W. Towor, a well known Keno orchnrdlst, Is horo attondlng to busi ness matters. Bwlss opticians have developed an nro light In which tho carbons are im pregnated with Iron salts, producing a ligut ncn in uuru-vioiei rays, tor scientific purposes. ', - ; "T HRWsH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsH BBBBBBBBBBH JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi 9!JHbbb1 aSBBBBBBBsB' SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl ' Attorney C. C. Drawer left this morning for Portland to attend to business matters. Home Wrecks Train STOCKPORT, England. April 4. A bomb partly wrecked a London and Northeastern train near here today. As most of the carriages woro emp ty, nobody was Injured. Railway men 'blame the suffragettes. lUy City Women Arowsod SAN FRANCISCO, April 4. "Wo men everywhere forove" owe you a" debt of gratitude and loyalty En franchised Women of California." This cablegram waa seat to Hra. Hmmellne Pankhurst today hy Sam Francisco suffragists in behalf of tho Tom Conner returned Thursday from a trip through Eastern states l nnd California. He has been away ! soveral months. DHlgarlans Movlsuj United Press Sen Ice LONDON, April 4. The ambassa dors discussing the Scutari and Con stantinople have received telegraphs women of the state, believing that to tho effect that the Bulgarian army 'Mrs. Pankhurst's sentence of three Is withdrawing from Chatalja. years' penal servitude la unjust. It Is not known whether they in-. From all parts of tho stato oro- to Join tho Montenegrins and. teats against the sentence have eooM before Scutari, or plan to ,to the suffrage headquarters here. A end tho war by accepting the peace .mouster protest rally may bo terms the powers offer. here next week. tend Servians rmsTHon HUNTER SAVIDQB Retiring Exalted Ruler named next Thursday oy Hall. This is the second time Mr. Hall has been elected to the highest office in tho local order, as he was chosen at the time the lodgo was organised. Ho has always been active In promot ing tho Interests of the lodge, and has taken a prominent part In all of tho ordor's activities, W. L. Luckett came In from Dorrls last night. He will remain several days. MIL Truant Rnirc t Saw W llllUl1 '"J V fcaTWW tfVVU, Girls to Stay After School Faculty of the High School Has Its Inning in the "April Fool" Episode, and Wood BUI at Institution Will be Lessened by the "Student Activities." Students of the high school who figured In tbre wholesale half holiday epidemic Tuesday afternoon have como to a stern realisation of the tact that "every ploasure has lt pain." This follows the pronounce ment of sentence on the truants. The fact Is brought home very forcibly to the ten or more boys who "cut" school on the beautiful after noon of April 1. Before they can consider that they have fully atoned foir. their misconduct, each laddybuek In the party must convert a cord of tho high school is proceeding aurtity. four-root wood Into slxteoa-lnch length by the use of a bucksaw. The girls who figured In tho tru ancy are also serving a sentence, aa they wore informed that for the next two weeks, they will bo kept after school. In addition to the punish ment meted out to them, tho truants were given severe. lectures at school and It la rumored that several beard of the af air at homo. Tho work of sawiajt tho wood at blistered hands and aching I withstanding. If l agured that tt, money saved by tho school In havtnf the students subdivide tho Into desirable lengths will i soveral dollars, possibly purchase a nag, should Of no, I Although thoy aro . bod In" on svery hand, thrj who aro "In bad" w 1 under .their, JContVaoT 0AS 1 m 41 Q w fi m .V ' -5 i-,AjAi