Wfr j 'O ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CIRCULATION CLAIMS .if HVITMKI) HV THH ,TW MIK NKWH AMtVICH gibe ttrnina efaliV t evening Htm PRINT THK NEWS, NOT v Si ,w tlBUi Vest N. KMMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, fit al High School Students Thanked by Mayor Dahlman of Omaha for Potatoes Shipped by Them t , . & -1 It ' '' i V I .t ..', aWi a nla DEATH CLAIMS OLD PIONEER MRS. WEBSTER DIES AT WEED Wll'i: OF NOTED JL'IIIHT DIES AF- i:iV.Itl SULLIVAN VUOHHVM THK TKII MANY VKAIIN ILLNEHH.' miAT DIVIDE AT .MIDNIGHT juikjk iiknho.v tiii: funeral WILL ATTEND HEDMANN IU 6IVE THE WORLD HIS SECRET klllirATIW FAVIfRAHLF HE- i-oiit v treatment . ... .i .j aa U',11 A... krMM WirWlM rmjm iw mil rule Through Regular CtMaarU t ItiKrntil to tltla effect vr received f the h..,..llng of All llriMHy t'y Circuit Judge wh...e w d , u T Ifain I ha lime been III clone friend- u.ii,i.lrlui Willi Hie Mrnim rr ',.,.. ' w.i..i... ' """ ,"n,"" " " ' (BII " HV .- It Cur of Vlithwa ol llm Whim tUtw I'UNEHAL IS i;ii(ji;vooi) iii:li today at Ruins of the Diamond Theatre in Omaha, Where More Than Fifty People Were Killed Mr. Webiter. wife of former Coun ty Judge Lionel II. Webster of Port lam). died last night In that city. A l.'ilwnrd Hulllvnn, one of the plo iirer rculilfiilit of Northern Callfornli,' nml for ninny yearn the owner of thu land on which the town of Weed as built, pnaicd awny nt his homo In Tuenday, following a was burled (it ' dcowrood thin afternoon. JmlKo Benson will leant In the Mr OvorKu J. Walton and Minn iiinrnlnR for Portland, accompanied Klorence How en, nieces of tlio de-' by hi daughter, MIm Loulno Benson, rettt,t cft for Kdgowood thl morn to attend the, funeral service. lnK ,0 Bltcnt lne funeral. Prior to becoming county Judge of litud I'fii8crlc S'KW YO ItK. Anrll 3. Anllcltiat-....., .,. ....., ...,. ,,...., ,i I " lll,,lltMlllt luuiiifi ,imkv nwf.ivi U i fatoraule repott by the govarn-lroito thu Koutbern Oregon circuit In Let bjlclan on hi treatment for'tlit- ''. with other lawyer of tlio tartnlosU, Dr. Frederleh Fried- Ma dm announced that within a Ink be will giro the secret of hit krtle tulturo Injection to the Amerl- medical profession. i naklng thla announcement Dr. rMatan said "I ihall not tell the erl4 how to make the liquid lor In- , a that would be loo dan but I ahall arrange through Ur cbannela ao that all reputa- pbyiltlan. will be able to obtain rimedr. and treat tuberculoaU kr;bu In the country. There w but one report. The entire time, and he nerved at circuit Judge, of the district from 1884 to 1892. At thM time Iho dlatrlct was composed. of Josephine, Jackaon. Klamath and Like rountlee. Mr. Webster bad been In poor health for a long time, and for many can paat ahe waa virtually an Invalid. LOOK NG FORWARD TELEGRAM IS RECEIVED DY M.R. PRISON TOW.V XKAU JACKSONVILLE VX I)!. It KOflt KKICT OF HATKB One Lever la HotdHHC Itack llart ef i J Floml at Miawnectowa, Bat m Par lion of Hie Town la HabmeraH. ' There Are So Patalltlee at Hhaw- I lu-flowB, lint at Naples Many leo- pie Are Homeleaa ! "We gladly accept the car of a italoex neat to Ma by the Majti TO WAGE ADVANCE U. K. Lemon of Dairy la among the Thursday visitors In the county seat. WIIIKLKMtf OrKKATOWl ON BBJPft OF THK PACIFIC OCEAN ARK KXI'KCnNQ.A DftFlNITK AN HWKIt THI WKEK Culled Trees Service 8AN FRANCISCO, April . Wlr U'oiiiiiHieil on rage 4) If L nlillttA whn ! I.A..M In Ihft ,.- A.ka,A. .... attln tilwln nut. city since Sunday, ha returned to his ward from the Golden date expect to nonncia uuiue. .anow oeiore iue eoa ui iuv w ju what to eipect from the Marconi Wireless company In the way of ad vances In salary. Petition asking for a minimum wage of ISO a month for a twelve I hour day were recently submitted, but no response waa received. Talk of a atrlke haa become common, and I It Is reported tbat the company la re- UMM,-. .., l TjUnat 1wa4CTultlug strikebreaker from other VilllCr liUVallUn Ui UIC rilOl XlUOVUitM on the coaat. rirat operatora &r t j m r it. ww 11 I""- receive 140 and 45 a month for SaVinill Bank ll NOW GitV Hall. . tbirtcen.hour day, and .econd oper. )ity Offices Moved to Much Better Quarters! Bank Fixtures Purchased ator recelvo $35. Work of moving the recorda and pralture of tlio city from the old lo tion downstair to the former home tbe First Trust and Saving bank 1 been computed, and today l'ollce lfo Leavltt I laboring In a much r cheerful city hall. ID addition to beln mi Iha flrat lr, the new location la better light- nil there la moro room for the ""ling of the elty'a butlneaa. The ptlm. used by the bank were pur chnaed by the city, and these are ueed to partition off a apectator'a room from Iho office of the police Judge and the big council table, 'in tbo rear are additional rooma, which are to bo fit ted up for the police department. A large aafe waa purcbaaed from the banking house, and In It la ample room for all the elty'a documenU that are not kept la the fireproof filing rnhlnel. Thla makea It noastblo to i. ,. - ., j. , . Keep an 01 ine roturua iron icuui " danger of destruction. Golag to lorUAatd Mr. and Mr. Charlea P. Stone loave Sunday morning for Portland and Salem, whero Mr. Stone will at tend a session of the state fish and gamo commtaalon, and attend to legal matter. They will be away aeveral day. W. I'aul Johnson, bead of the 8. 8. Johnson company, la here from San Franclaco for a abort visit. While here, Mr. Johnson will arrange for tho aprlng and aummer real eatate I campaign. More than fifty person wero at a building waa crushed Uke paper, and many more were Injured. moving picture show In tbe theater wnen tbo tornadp atruck Omaha. The many of those within were caught In the ruin and instantly killed, while SEEDS FIGHTS GUARDIANSHIP LOCAL RESIDENT, AT ONE TOT. COMMITTED TO ASYLUM. SEEKS TO REVOKE LETTERS ISSUED TO HIS WIFE Ihe fight of Joseph Seeda against guardianship by his wlfo came up for It Prst hearing In tho county court Wednesday, and a few wltneeaea wero examined beforo the hearing waa con tinued until April ISth. C. C. Drower is one of tbe attorney connected with the case. Seeds waa committed to the In sane asylum from here aeveral yeara ago, and his wife, Sarah E. Seeda, waa Issued letters of guardianship. Thla enabled her to glvo attcnttoa to Seeda' property interests here. Last winter Seeds waa discharged from the asylum, and be baa petition ed tbe county court for an adjudica tion aa to hi sanity and the revoca tion of the letters of guardianship is sued to hla wife. Ho la opposed in this by Mrs. Seeds. WOOD AND FDEL GERMAN SOLDIERS ON FREE LIST. HELD IN FRANCE IT IS GENERALLY ACCEPTED INTERNATIONAL COMPLICATIONS THAT THESE COMMODITIES THREATENED AS RESULT OF A WILL BE LISTED OPPOSITION I MISHAP TO A ZEPPELIN DIRIG- TO WOOL IS EXPECTED ! United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, April 3. f I- n...1l. .MMAn,A !. llA aI- lowing commodities wilt go on thoj freo list, In an endeavor by tbe dem ocratic administration to lower the cost of living: Coal, wood, fresh meat, fresh Ash, breadatuffs, biscuits and pastry. Free wool may meet with strong opposition In tbe senate, while free flour, butter, eggs, cheese, sugar and poultry are still undecided. The members of the ways and means committee are preparing an Income tax clause for the tariff bill. JURORS FIND Mrs. Pankhurst Sentenced to Three Years Penal Servitude Pisses From Assembled Militants Greeted Pronounce ment of Sentence by Magistrate. Ten Minutes Required for Jurors to Arrive at a Verdict l.ONnnu in . ... ..- --, nyrn 0 aw KKSBeune 'nkliurHt, loader of the militant suf "Mttos, mu.t aarvo thre yULn at fal aorvltude. Bho w found guilty by the Jury . t6n minutes' time. Tae verdiet tt accompanied by a plea for mew, " Probable that this afeete tbe "Unco of Justice' LMh, aa he . nouncod the minimum aentence. Hlases broke from the hundreds of wornon who attended the trial at Old Halloy, and the pollco wore compelled to restore order. Mrs. Pankhurst assumed a defiant tiiiudo. and declares she will start a hunger strike as soon as she Is Im prisoned. Thn Pankhurst woman was charged Jwlth malicious inciting to destrfctlon of property. She waa convicted ol Instigating the bomb plot tnat Diew up the home of David Lloyd George, the chancellor of the exchequer. Other events leading to her arrest were the burning of tbe county seat of Lady White and the demolition of Kew Gardens. FOR DEFENSE M'MANIGAL GONE; FREDERICKS MUM COSTS OF ACTION PUT ON THK SHOULDERS OF DR. L. W. CHIL TON AFTER DELIBERATION TODAY Following a deliberation of several hours, the Jury In the action of Dr. L. W. Chilton against A. J. Lyle re turned a verdict In favor of the de fendant. Chilton sued for money he declares he advanred for tho main tenance of the Blackburn hospital. Attorneys Merrymuu & Duncau an I'ccred for Lyle. H. F. Dorsloh Is here from San Francisco, giving attention to busi ness matters. He is connected with the San Francisco office of the Ham burg-American Steamship company. Sam Dixon was in Wednesday from his ranch on Lost River. To Install OHcera The new corps of officers elected last month by Klamath Falls Lodge No. 1247, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, will be installed at to night's meeting of the lodge. The In stallation ceremonies will be followed by a smoker. IIILFS CREW LUNNEVILLE, France, April 3. French authorities today seised and detained several officers of the Ger man army in full uniform when they landed on French soil In a disabled Zeppelin airship. The Germans declared,. that they were not apylng on French territory, and Insisted that they were alight where they did on accouat ot a broken propeller. The matter has been taken up with tbo war office at Berlin, and the af fair may give rise to International complications. Nlmlrnta. Please extewd luetic thaaka. Ttila la Uw aytrit that keeps a nation great." The above telegram waa received this afternoon by E. L. Merries of tbe Klamath County high sefceel fac ulty from James C. Dahlman, the cowboy" mayor of Omaha, Neb., seat by him la behalf of the resbteala ef that stricken city for relief seat thesa from here. The ear ef potatoes) waa leadoo last Saturday by the students of a hkfh school, and the ranting seat It te the stricken city without less ef time. W. Frank Arant and Charles F. De Lap furnished the tubers for shipment. Sliawaeetowa Love United Press ServMO CAIRO, Ills., April 3. Tho mala loveo protecting Shawaeetowm from the Ohio Is holding, but the east and west levees are reported. submerged. There were no fatalities there. Levee Breaks at Naples United Press Service JACKSONVILLE, Ills., April 3. The Illinois River haa broke through the levee at Naples, a few miles from here, and the greater part of the town KiT iCoauaueu oa TT Thaddeus Yorke is Worse Off Pardoned Klamath's J. Rufus Wallingford it Released by Governor West Only to Face Illinois Peace Officer Homer Roberts, who has a ranch on Swan Lake, spent Thursday la tho county seat RUMOR IN LOS ANGELES TO TMK EFFECT THAT CONFESSOR HAS GONE EAST TO TESTIFY AT INVESTIGATION United Preaa Service LOS ANGELES, April 3.Ortle McManlgal, the self-confessed dyna miter, has disappeared from his cell at the city Jail, and his whereabouts Is kept a mystery. The Jail register Indicates that be was taken to the oflce ot District At torney Fredericks. As yet he has not arrived there. Before leaving the Jail McManlgal stated that he was going out to be sentonced. It was reported here that McMan lgal is going to an Eastern city to testify at another dynamite Investi gation. This the district attorney re fused to discuss. Thaddeus E. Yorke, tbe smooth confidence man, who was sent to the state penitentiary from Klamath county, was the victim of aa April Fool Joke at the hands of Governor West, which he did not relish. He waa given a pardon only to face a sen tence In the penitentiary of Illinois. Yorke was couvtcted ot forgery la Klamath county, and waa committed to the state prison In January, 1911. Not, long ago the federal authorities learnod of his whereabouts, and sought to take him to Chicago to Miswer to a federal charge. Governor SVost granted him a pardon, aad made arrangements tor tbe federal author Itles to take him aa soon, aa he was released from custody here. I.oarnlng of the purpose ef the par don, Yorke refused to accept It. He said bo was 'sentenced to serve from two to twenty years la thla peniten tiary, aad tha.t he Intended to serve It. Ab there was some doubt about the legal aspects, the governor, revoked the pardon and Superlateadeat Law- son put the matter ur te the atteraer general, who held that tho geveraer could grant the pardon and let the federal officers uke the man, whose recourse would be habeas corpus ace ceedlngs against the federal author ities. But Yorke knew nothing of thla opinion. In the meantime the ttll nols authorities again asked for aha. wanting him for conducting a eeal- deaco game aad swindling a maa est of 3900. After he thought the federal au-'ir; thorlties bed deeided to let hiss re mala la the Oregon prison, Yorke ? gan to make osmaatts tor ate reseat, saying he had. bee Bertoe'a, therefore, was being aeM He sent his demands to the Tuesday the goveraor,' Ir, response, issusd a asw psamsmsT game be bad Uy4 0 te J ciais waea as wetnee ease use p ease of the IIUss sJl, mU la his haa a wMirnm pay am :" -' -TV'.-- A tiQ t '- t . ' 1 4 " zp ' ; M S v fcv