ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CURCUlATlON - I., .,"T1 r s - w- a, , , ' ,, i" l - . -- U fAll. 1 I V - rY.. ,. aaU j'i-JTi- J'- " 4 U BH . Jl .. VLAimm M SUPPLIED HY TIIK UNITED PHWW NEWS SERVICE Ik tomim rfaUi. .j. r ' i"' rift " 9hP i PKMT.TMR.ltWNIJMf tr Hrvrnlh Year No. ,0il7 KLAMATH YM.IM, OHEOON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, Itll MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE IS VISITING CITY MIIH. IMIVTII TOZIEH WEATHER i:i) TO REMAIN HOME TIME Atlantic Fleet Plays "War" in Chesapeake Target Practise, Submarine Drills and Naval Maneuvers Will Occupy Attention of Bluejackets 1'orllitinl Woman Who I Touring tlin, HOUTIIKRN 1)1111.1. (HIOUNDH, via i will ftru nt Imaginary torpedo boats In .ho Mimii of II... "Hm-i0'' Vn'; J" .-ohblng a and d-iroyers. mile out on the sea; Idull gray against (liu background of a their search lights will Haiti through Industry" Movcmmt, Will Complle-Jchumlng ten, tho Atlantic fleet lay at 'tho darkness nud from wldoly scpa- HiaiUtira aa to tlto Manufacturing "lienor today, rcaoy tu begin Its an- rated points tho drcadnaughts will .mint unr hlnv In (MinaitftnAlfA IImv. iwii.iiio. or kuh...i, ,,nr otl( ,(B Bbcc1 of mMl9t phow Mini lff-tuiw un That Topic lng KUll llko nliovo tho wave, swayed . jihu target food for tho Ami day' For the purpose of compiling data long rangv firing. Aa to tho manufacturing resources of llila city aud county, and In other way furthering tho great Orogou "Hume luduitry" movement, Mr, (Myth Toiler Weathered U hero from I'urltnnd In the Interest of tho move ment, which la being enthusiastically carried on by the Manufacturer As- uclatloii of Oregon. Tlio aim and object of the assocla- lion U to create a demand for all icundi manufactured In Oro.ton, aa well ai to build up bigger pay rolls for all part of the state. To do tbla latter part of tho campaign, tho or Kanliatlon Is compiling data from ev try part of tho atato which will be of Interest to Kastorn manufacturers Mho are considering locating In the llraver state. Mrs. Weathered' mission In the campaign U to visit ovory county In the state, give attention to the re sources of that locality aud report to the association, systematically Intro dure a plan of work among tho local i tuba and organltatlon that will mean a better patronage of commodi ties manufactured In that place, and to kWo every assistance to tho estab lishment and maintenance of local factories. Hho works upon the plan Hint county prosperity means the financial betterment of the entire state. Whllo In Klamath Falls Mr. Weathered Is tho guest of Mr. W. T. Forrest. During her visit Mr. Weathered wilt address tho Chamber of Com merce, tho Women's Civic league and other organisation of tho kind. Is probablo that an address will be given by her Monday night under tbo auspice of tho two mentioned soci eties. Thursday morning Mr. Weathored will address tho student of tho high school. At that tlmo she will lecture on "Hawaii,' but she will also discus In her Interesting mnnner tho Import ance of tho "home Industry" move ment to every resident of Oregon. I unleash their 10, 12 and 10 lneber at the flimsy target that Imaginary foetimn which, unless destroyed, mriin death end destruction for thoso on hoard tho battleships. j United Press Hcrvlo hTo dny practice, which boan to- WASHINGTON. 1). C. April 2 COMMISSION IS GOING TO SHOW UP PASS GRAFT INDICTMENT OF MANY BIO FIRMS M DEMANDED I Interstate Commerce Ceanmlssloaers Make Hurtling Disclosure m at Re sult of Their Investigation in Colo rado Legislators, Judge aad HLate aa County OMcUls Were Supplied Tho war game, which began today, nud which will last through several; ck. will to reality bo a mimic bat tle on an Immcnso scale. Through tho l""ko llay wn t'l'cn as tho drill night ships, steaming at full spcod, ,v miiiiiuril oil i n. n Last March Was Colder and Drier Than Usual Precipitation for tbe Month Just End ed Was Half of That Recorded . for Preceding T Wo Tears ALL AT WORK ON THE LEVEE (HIOCniM, rilVNICIANH, IIAUIUtH, Dllt'OMINTH IIANKKItK AND UK I'OltTKIW Alti: AM)VK F.XKMf- n.u nv ctnto omciAM SCUTARI ABLAZE; FALL IMMINENT lay, consist entirely of long range .-.,., ,. ..,. firing and fast skirmishes. Cbesa- i....i.i .i. lilllllV;V tU IVklttltUI VMa W WE graft In Colorado, havo returned a re-1 port, demanding tho Indictment of tho Colorado Fuel and Iron company, the Victor American Fuel company, the Colorado Portland Cement company, and tho Urcat Western Sugar com- jpauy ior acccpuug passes, ana against I tho Itlo Qrando and Colorado South ern railroads for granting paste. Tbe report show that Judge, state officials, legislator and county and municipal officers of Colorado gen erally used passes. Tho mean temperature for tbe month of March Just ended was 33.3 degrees, according to tbo record of the local meteorological station. This waa six degree lea than for tho cor responding month last year. Tbo precipitation for March, 1913, waa much less than In former yean. The record show that tho precipita tion amounted to .CO of an Inch. la 1911 and 1912 tho precipitation waa an Inch or more. Tho highest point reached by the thermometer in March waa 60, on laat Sunday af tornoon. The coldest regis tered was 11 degree, on tho morning of the 14th. A aummary of tho weather condi tion for the month follews: Temperature Mean maxima, 43,3; mean minimum, 33.3; moaa, 33.3; maximum, 60, on 30th; mini mum, 11, on the 14ta. Precipitation Total, .60 of aa Inch; greatest in 34 hours, .09, oa tbo 2d; total anowfall, 4 Inche. Number of days with .01 or mora precipitation, 11; number of daya clear, 12; partly cloudy, 9; cloudy, 10. LAVEY MUST PAY' FINE AND SERVE YEAR IN PRISON ACTINO INDKI'KNDKXTI.V, RKIt- VIA.V POllt'Krt TODAV COM ,MK.Ci:i A ItOMIIAHDMKNT OK Tl'ltKIHII CITV. Reaaine IfcarlauM United I'res Heme WASHINGTON. D. C. April 3. foiled I'ress Bervtc CAIItO, Ills., April 2. Every able- bodied man lu tho city who U nut de tailed to do other work Is kept nt ;l of the Montenegrins, the Rervtana work on tho lovees In an effort to this afternoon re-oponed tho bom keep the swollen Ohio Hirer from bardinent of Scutari. Arumorofthl breaking through and InundatlnK the mornn(- or tno burning of tho city country. un af forwards confirmed, and the Tho only men eioniplcd from work , of ,,, Turk g,ronf hol(1 ,, now fy. at tho lovoo aro grocers, bakers, phy llcCe,i -t any time. lloarlngs were returned hero today bo Hiiltod I'ress Bervlco foro Ul0 JnUriUto Commerco Com- CFnTINJK. April 2. Independ- mission to obtain Information from express compsnle aa to rate and DIRECT ELECTION OF U.S. SENATORS THE KEYSTONE STATE PALM) IN LINE WITH OTHER PROGRHB HIa AND RATIFIES DIRRCT ELECTION OF TOM OaVOOT business conditions. The hearing will conclude the investigation of ox press rates. United Press Kervlca HARRI8BURO, Pa., April 3. Tho state senate this morning unanimous ly cral constitution providing for the dl- WILL DISCUSS NEW TREASURE PORTLAND NEWSPAPER MAN M HERE IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSA TION ACT PROMOTER WILL M COImWTVaV) j TO JAIL TO)aXftROW t j Ileal Estate Mass WoH Raws a ar !!' raJ OperafJeaa DofrHroal of lJlmrsy, J aa a Reeats of Vosag tao aaaaW.aa Fraadlaeat Paryeao Tao 3aaaam Crow Oat of Voaooa Laaol "iilir! ' of Newyaaar Faaao , i - - ' Albert Toiler of tho Padnc Farm er, and representative of tho commis sion appointed by Governor West to draft the Orexon Workmen's Comaea- ratified the amendment to tho Ia-!Mt(on aet p.Oed-by the hut session U com of tho legislature. Is visiting Kumath Irect election of United State sen- Falls. He la here to consult with PORTLAND. April I. C. Lavey, ex-real estate awa aaa moter, ha heea eoataeo4- hy United State district eoart to i a year la the county Jail and to nay a One of 11,000, tho maxlmam. The Jail seutenc waa the targoat that could be given without eommKllai the maa to the pealteatlary. Ho was given .until tomorrow moralag to got tie up his buslaes afalra aa maeh aa possible. M Lavey thirty daya ago leaa'oa i-U-tr to a charge of ualag tao matto tor fraudulent purpo. Hi eaoo w one of tbe many that havo growa oat of the "hoodoo" Ptereo Maya-JoMa school section lands, la whMk aWI ously Senator Mitchell aa4 .'othoia wero Involved. - ,, r X'' ' At the time of tho plea, Lavajr ' given the thirty-day eiteaalea tf I la which to repay aosjo of tao ' Incurred la tho alleged fraaa i Aa Interest la his ease was v the Portland, Realty Ittee of Uat reported favorably la his week, it was aaaoaaeea Uat Uo Deputy Game Warden Mrs. L. H. i ators. T .. M-. V .A. - , . . The amendment has already tepreseaiauvo wesiey u. iwu, wno would be fought. aiuea m me passage oi wo oiu. i Lavey took a contract la ltfl la Hath returned homo last night after a pleasant visit with friend ia Cal- passed the house. ! Pennsylvania la the thirty-fifth of "It la the desire of the conunllon sell the school lands, then that all people In the state bav an, to John Veasoa, 37,090 asrao la aU, slclans, druggists and newspaper ram. all othors caught loitering aro placed under arrest. ' This morning the Ohio Hirer at thla rlty reached tho highest stago In his tory A further rlso of a foot Is ex picted. , Wutor continues to flow throtmu a It gap In tho HIk Four lovco north on here. In two days tho low lauds will I bo covered with from ten to twenty feel of water. Ui.iiiliafrn Mliinnrl has been warned that tho grcntcst flood slnco, 1S1G Is Imminent. llfornla. Mrs. 0. C. Cofer left this moralag for i visit with relative and friends In the Itogue Hive.' Valley. "Tliey'ro OT' Again Oulted Press Horvtia WASHINGTON, D. C, April 2. Tho luro of rtho pontes" struck Congress is Asked to Make $600,000 Appropriation Chamber of Commerce Adopts Resolutions Petitioning Congress to Make Additional Appropriation for the Improvement of Highways in Crater Lake Park ,the states to ratify the amendment, .understanding of the'new taw," said located In seventeen coaaties. Coa- Mr. Toiler, "so that If prior to tho tracts for drawing these leads vara holding of the next session of the (sold broadcast. The territory 'legislature there are found any de-,vided Into 3,086 farms, and I 'fects In the measure tbe attention of .that number of contracts. Tao Baa the commission can be called to them, (was for these contract buyers to gat .The commission that drew up tho act .together and have a drawing 'represented the Orange, organized la-1 Some of the farms eoatawod aa ,bor and employers." ,high aa 640 acrec, and from that i Washington aud Ualtlmoro horsemen' Resolutions nsklng congress today, when the race track at Upper 'mnku additional appropriation Marlboro, Md,, opened for meet. Doak Ranch is to Be Improved Extensively to of ten-day ; $000,000 for tho Improvement of i roads lu Crater Lake National Park r-rr Iwcro ordered prepared last night by 'tho directors of the Klamath Cham bor of Commorce at the quarterly meeting of tho organisation. Tho resolutions will bo presented nt tho extra session of. congress aud local cltltcns aro hopeful that the na- Owner and Foreman Meet Here for a Discussion of the. Best Methods to Pursue. Work Progresses The Doak ranch oa the Upper Lake will be the scene of much activity this summer and fall, as a result of the Immense' amount of Improvement work outlined by D. P. Doak, who own tho tract of 1.700 or nioro acres. Mr, Doak, who is a San Francisco architect, came In Tuesday afternoon (or a conference with James Doug la. foreman of the ranch, as to the work to be pursued this year, He will return south today. Heretofore the Doak place has not hoen worked extensively, n much of the property la marsh land, but iiiulor (ho able direction of, Mr. Doug la (his is rapidly changing. He plans (o reclaim the land, and to plant a largv aoreagc to grain and hay crops. A portion of -ke reolamaUoa tlonal legislative body may take some.mencement of tho road say that the ncilon beforo the end of the summer. 'roadway will not bo made for tourist There was some discussion as to the temporary road to be built to the park. Park Superintendent W. Frank Araut held that the Cnlloquln route waa the one that should be followed, as the scenery was much prettlor than If tho road was constructed on from Kirk. Those favoring Kirk as the com- travel as much as for the easiest way of handling the road building ma chinery to be used by the army en gineering forces In their road work around the lake this year. The matter of a choice of routes wa finally left to the committee named to draft tbe memorial to congress. In addition to being a newspaper r rw w " man Mr. Toxler has a ranch la the "" eT yrwywm waw Hood River district. He was oao of B cout " UMat rotara- the five members ot tho Orogoa elec toral college who cast their ballots for Wilson and Marshall. Tosler is gathering data oa the Um ber sad lumber industry of Orogoa for the present calendar year. Laat year he compiled data showing that 71P timber product mills la tho atato employ 3,000 persons. Tbe trial of Qeorgo Sparreatera, charged with selling lienor to Indians, wtl come up this week la Portland. ed against him. Lavey waa deprived of tho ooatfast to sell these Vo other concern took tho over. Lavey k said to havo ued the sale of these coatraeta after he had no right to dlsaooo of tho land. Attorney McCue admitted Layer's' technical violation, bat. said that at' was done with no criminal lateat. Ho said that Lavey was a vtetlm of .Ma iCoaUnueU oa Page vl" xn f Travelogue is Pleasing to Klamath Falls Folic scheme Is a canal through tne rancn to tho timber lino. Through thla ca nal tho low lands can be effectually drained, while a dlko will keep the wators of tho lake from encroaching upon the reclalmod acreage. In addition to forming a drainage for tho Doak rauch.low lands, tho canal will be of great value as a log way for getting the timber out on the Uoak high lands, and on tho nearby timber claims Into the Upper Lake dam ftt Wllson's bridge and Into Tule Lost River Channel Able V to Divert Water From Lake ii i i i 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' Only ZOO Acre .Feet Passed Over the Diversion Dam and Into Tule Lake During the Spring Flood This Year. Last Year 29,500 Acre ft. Entered Lake v Tho only portion ot the spring flood In Lost River to go past the diversion with a minimum amount of handling. A portion of the canal waa dug last fall by tho Adams dredge, and the work will bo resumed In a short time, In tho meantime, logging crew are at work cutting .the timber for ratting Into the Upper Lake through the canal. Lake thla year was 700 acre feet. All of tho remainder ot the flow was diverted, through the Lost River di version channel Into 'Klamath River. Last spring at this time the amount ot water passing Into Tulo Lake over the diversion dam amounted to 3,00 acre feut. The diversion channel waa not In operation at that time, as It waa not entirely completed until the 1st ot May. In connection with tho diverting ot the water, Tule Lake slaco January haa only raised a tenth ot a foot. Last year the rise at the tlmo ot tho earing flood amounted to halt a foot. The diverting at tho taw of Loot River from Tule Lake to the Klamath River ia part of the work of tho plan ot tbe reclamation service for adding to the Irrigable acreage la tho Klam ath country, , " With Its source of sunly shut the water level ot Tule Lane Is grad ually receding, and la a tew years at least 35,000 acre ot Its tao bottom land will bo thrown open to ment. Illustrated Lecture on Fault to be Given This Afternoon. Parsifal -to be Tonight's Attraction Beautiful hand colored laatera slides ot point ot scenic beauty and historic interest la Saglaad, franco, Italy, Qermany and other Kuroaoaa countries, explained la a eonversa- tioaal manner with many tatorestlag aad amusing aaeedotes, and supple mented with eharaetorlaUo songs of the nation and a alaao readltloa from tho nation's most famous composers, were greatly appreciated by a repre seatatlve audleaco of Klamath Falls people who attended the Srst ot three lecture to bo glvoa by Bruoe Gersea Kingstey, English globe trotter and nianlst. Tho vocal renditions of Miss Jaetfc ram were eateadldly eissntid she proved aetsell to ho tho of a rich soprano vomo, properly roaderlag from airy folk seaas to, heavy numbers, - , '- " ' KlualUv'a Bvm l l-S-ls n feature of the evealag that Vat bo remembered, as R m such laosss Is tho gift of taa He readered. een that were reaaeoted, sag Mil ed that thla aJUraeea. VtmsV will bo the leotura evening,, when 'ho fal," ho wltt quested, by tho .ThotMlUl saiaf - L?ff5 4 v A, I' J.'f . r, i.Wlii!