,-.. vs Cvi ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CIRCULATION .CLAmS efalo. B...MKI V TIIK ,,TKl m"" NMWH nMtvw She fttciiirttj Q.lfBl v mnM MntR NBW", 0 is Aj iniwvHinBHpi , a . V iVr-No.,0l KLAMATH FALLH, OREGON, TUHMDAY, APRIL 1, 1018 nLVMSe) WW nvew ,, ihioRiver is Rapidly Rising, and Hickman, Ky., 1. wr rm AWNEETOWN IS j UBMER6ED BY BROKEN LEVEE , j-uu-LrL)""ii ! Dr. Friedmann Operating on Patient in Bellcvue Hospital LvCrMKNTM llVNAMITKD TO lift. I.ICVi: PIHIMHUHr! 1 Mll '' t'MHltf Mnbmrrgrit by Clcr, Hut Tlirrn wcrw rin Jllw, m (lie Pcili Wiw Warnnl. I'awl Huppl! Arw HmUMliitl i: hisilnl M IMjIon, mill Fuel ami V4liln Am lUilly Xwlnl i!Ud 'tu Hervlce Mitw.M:i."roVN, Aihi aii l f( Ml In HlMHraec4ot.il KM nl at wii ami We levi-ee la SHlr wr hi iirrc) wren - Mid. Irak irllruil IImi rrMMra of wnler I all Hie Irvcca, KI many Billce I lh IUI luunlrr are atimerKetl. I there wrre M fatalities, bclla Jur M-irntl houw In order U 1 1 ltd" irde. ('amino I Threatened lti Vtttt Hervlce HAYTON, 0., April 1. Tho relief lorWn craallv uudott.lllU'lltd lllO 9PaWmV. n.BBr v 'anVnnYaW BBnnYanYeVaE. m ifi''.',Sll','t'V KEfllft WfV! ct 3ES32aZ 'S rB f, yrk' . Ai. nwnaCalBMBBKjKJeW, , .rmm sSsRV 1J IV .. 'K a nnwmnmmamnmnmnmjmnrinjFit i-- ;inm imw fj mAr vIe SBWBK'BTBWBwAaBm mr :f ' !fnff rlil Mtf a'Bkv Jf iKjVa JPyj'awnaal SPENCER CREEK IS NOT CLOSED TO SPORTSMEN (JAMK OPnaALB COBRKCI KR- IU)XW)UH KKPORT y Only HiiuiII I'ortlon of Kamoua Tri Htrrjtni In Clewed About For llumlml WnlUmllM IUe TaJieu Out Ur-nc, and There Wilt lie m Continual Huali From TliU Time cmloperatlDK tho two planU. .di,.Mb, . The rolllf to be operated BARNES TO RUN TWO SAW MILLS THK COMBINED OUTPUT OP TWO PliANTH NKAR CHIUKJUIK WIMi AMOUNT TO FIFTY TMOUHAND FFirr DAILY Onorntlon of tho Clarke saw lalll niar Chlloauln. which he hat leased, and of hit own mill at Neva Sldlaf, near tho Clarke mill, will be com menced Monday morning by William It. Darnci. Mr. Darnea eipocU to cut C0.000 feet of lumber a day by by the "The artlclo In tho mornlnx paper to tho effect that Klamath iporUmen will not be allowed to enjoy the iport with rod and line at Spencer Crock,, their favorite trout lUeam, U not correct, according to local game om- renoyeo claU. Tho portion of the stream that , . former sheriff are In a splendid belt inf timber on the Klamath Indian res ervation, which was purchased from tho government by Barnes last year. Tho timber Is purchased "on the stump,' and one of the provisions of tho sale Is that the Umber must ne Ithln a speclfltd length of GOTCH FAVORED IN THEJETTING MINHOURI BPORT8MEN BELIRVR IOWAN WIIX WIN EABIIiY IK HIM "COME BACK" MAT MATCH TMIH KVF.MNO United Press Service KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 1 Uopeiters favored the chances of Frank Ootch here today In the Amer ican champion's "come back" mat bout with deorge Lurlcb, claimant of the Kuropean wrestling champion ship. The match will be stage to night with 115,000 as the Iowaa's neeined share of the receipts. Lurlch has defeated Hackenschmldt and Zybysxko, and Is touted as one of the irnnii ilrfrnilva athletes In the game. Strain RECORD STAGE , TO BE PASSED1 THIS EVENIIfi waaaaaaas MILITIA AND NAVAL R4MHUTM HURRIKB TO CAIRO Every AMebodieJ Mm U MeM to Is cloicd Is between Fish Expert I BpraKUo's nib racks and the mouth of the Creek, amounting to only 300 ; yards. i.. a. West was In the county sent Monday, giving attention to buslneas. n.it.ra lla haa flna ranes In 1( Sportsmen will be permitted as us-'lost River country. uai to uin iuuii in iv -sourco of the creek. The Klamath Hlver, Into which Spencer, creen ea , tics. Is aUo open to the desclptea Isaac Walton To laetall OaWvrs The newly elected oHcera of Klam ath FaiU Lodge No. 1147, B. P. O. B.. will be fermaUy Installed at Thurs day night's meeting. Past Exalted Ruler Hunter Savldge will net an tto Installing oHcer. Uatly PatroHed -The Frewi the Ohio Rrhftge the- Mem etf the Wnhneh River to MlwRilaW, Woaaesi imA CMMraa LeMmc OMf United Press Service CAIRO, ML, AnrH 1 Udce have district aetth of ttaea Uireeujai wteh raeh ,lu.jaiK. u. .. .(.cuius. In the lllulratlon. Mr. Hprogue. who i. -e- r-nVrarVMmann. Iho O.r- l.r. Friedman,, Is .- --;tt 1' ( ..,.., ...! th.t wmil,! ! ro. mill Who l0 0VCS 110 lias n euro iui ..."..., .n.- , ..-.. .... . . .. ..... v. ,vw ...-. -- .-.. .!.. n.n.iarrnf 1,1 ovuo. It i the first are picnuiui mis jeor krW for the flood victims here, and .um-rcuiosii. --""-"--- , .. ,, ,, ,. So far about 400 anglers' He t mull a famine I. threatened In by Uin largo " '"'".." ... .1 " '.: ..Zl ,.v i.Bn issued by County Clerk s. .1.1.1... .i .i i iiiiirlnlc lio item in iioneiHo - j''-n . .... . j. ........... u .. .-- ---- - !., "I .m .,!.. ..I In linitr H.nt limn I ' I.nD OnU HIS UCIIUIIW, nun 0"i - Chilriiun I'allerion of tho National pttal, New "iorK. ,arcn ... .... .-- - - - nmw more Issued. A - ... ... a i..B.i.rAA ennnra nnvn iri'iiinn iiuu inunii luunuiir- i"viw MM committee (.sued tho follow-. iWicinna w.u ".---"-":" " ' ,, ..,., , ,,.v mB1, nn if lUtrratnt teday: cd at tho claims oi uio ucrrann, ..,........ .- - -- i,uinunitkuu;i I . . ... ,. .. ..., ...... rllm Hint Imnrnvnniont nroulil allow . f-a.upply.s practically -x.'of em ry.,g J----- ; 1,,,, . That take, time, In ,.nd I fear that mousauu. - -- - -- -- ,o,o cacs month.." illl to hunsry unions wo recnlvo In,- '" turiioerum, " Aedlslcly largo shlputents of food, - ..-,i. . i nd other fuel and plenty of umrn. . , k,lhln. KM,M ' rc" ""V .. i "1 ... In ......1 In 111. MnarosltV WAMlllMilu., . .. I... .. !' .." ....... 'ii,a.m .if i ho Inlcrstato Commerce' ri me miioii, lor wo nro in m serioua - ,.n. ,niunr .. ... ' ... .. r-nmi.iii.inn Klvlnc Indiana minors an ruirnmsn n vi rai aaa.iM. . Haiaaaai -- - H Revelers Run Hotel Despite Morgan's End big ru.h I. expected tho latter part of the week, as many Dullness men are already planning to spend Sunday In l whipping tho waters of Spencer. Body Embalmed Prcpiiratory to Ship ping to the United States, to ne Buried in Connecticut State nmnllBtely to bo of benont." ? a. .. f i and grain dealer, equal rates anu mllllng.ln.tran.lt privileges with com imtltora In Ohio and Kentucky be- Ktinsi I laser as an L a nasi l.m Bhort I. the latest Klamath, r"' offcC,tvo i0"y lit to tioaiei. a Ford car. lie has Boil imrcliniod a rivo iia.ienxor car kron (Iforiu lllehn, tho local agent. A NeW Daughter Dr. Chlltou reports the birth of a daughter Monday to Mr. nnu rs. r.ri ,! nf tho AUnmont ranch. ItIio youngster weighs seven pounds. KurmMvniMi IVMaLrhft Kwauna Kncnmpmont No. 40 I O. I. P. Vtlimiu Im vaaiilas mAsllntl tea 'tht In tho east hall of the Odd Pel-1 8. John Mooro, who ha. been so- lo'. building. Vliltlng PatrlarchsMournlng In Collfornla, has roturnou tordlally Invited to meet with u.. to this city. , Teachers to Vote On Training School Now County Instructors Will Ballot Upon the Advisability of Supplanting the Present Annual Institute Klamath ,1ms boon overwhelmingly 'vor of J tltute, or tho change. Inseveral of tho rnoro Returned Klamathite is Strong For the Town Former Sheriff Declares Cos of liv ing is Much Lower Here Than it is in City bv Golden Gate ROME, April 1. The body of John (globe, who are vUltlng the nwlent ... .. ,w. sn,.riMaiat of Dower, kept up n continual i-ieruom nuiiw, . ... . . financier who died early Monoxy morning, Ilea In sUte In the royal suite at the Grand hotel, whore tho capitalist died. The remains will be kept there until arrangements are .. .-J A. .V. ltl. ,made to convey tne oooy u w . led States. While the remains lie In state, gay. ety continues uninterrupted at the hotel. Revelera from all parte of me "Tho co.t of living I. higher In every way lu Oakland man u ,s m Klamath Falls," saya formor Hberin William 11. Ilarno., who with Mrs. Ilorncs and dnughter MI.s Haxel haa been sojourning In California during tho wlntor. "Oakland has a splendid winter I climate, of cour.o, but there is an- other difference between that city and Klamath Falls. Hero you can uvo and make money; there It you want to live, you certainly have to spena money." While In Oakland Barnes was anuc tedr with tho whooping cough, and It was several weeks before he was nble to bo cured of the juvenile malady,. din of merriment all last night Danc ing continued noisily unUl dawn. It Is probable that the Italian laws, imnoainsr much red tape la connection with the removal of bodies from tho country, will be obviated la this ease. The Anal resting place of Morgan will bo In the mausoleum In Cedar Hill cemetery at Hartford, Connecticut, beside his parents. United l'rsse Service CAIRO, III., Anrtt 1. A thannad militiamen and ive hundred BAVal re serves arrived tain marafrg to In ceclns: wKa Seed eead and to protect life and arefeftr. , Kverr ableeedledma to save the levees.' wheee naaRlam la a menace to the eHy. The Ohio River thle aftoraeea reached a stage of 5 J. J feet, watoa at 8-10 of a feet below the high eat re corded mark. It la feared that taa river will pass taa 64-feet mark tka evening. The Reel Foet district, JaK betow Hickman, Kentucky, Is la the great est danger, and with a naertaae 9t labor. The wasnea and ehlMrea are getting away aa fast aa aeentele to nlacea of safety, while the mea of taa town are working algkt and day to save the Uveas. It the Hkkmaa Uvee breaks It wlU relieve the Keseare aa the local levees. It Is exneeted that taa rise at taa Ohio will coatlcne fear days mere. There are few women and ehwarea left la the city. Hacktoc late Wahash . .. v CARMI, III., April X.Tha WaJpia "tConilpned on Page k T Local Humphrey Brothers Have Unusual Experience MANY COMING TO NORTHWEST SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS MASON George and Charles are Believed by Some of Their uuji. ur..u. wiiMfa tn h tne tieoroe ana-is- miUUlC niviu Km.uw w . - Charles Who Were Hanged Last Week .1 tat Do tho nodncosuM of founty wunt tt teacher'a Institute would they change It to a training IChnntT 'i'i.i i- . .. it., .k. .. .mm n a maitor iiiui m chr. nro to decide for themselves, I& Conillllanx. will. . kill nan.. it hv , " leslllaliirn ,..vln ll.o mull.r In ' " hands of tho teachers In each county, 'jf'i 1'he quo.tlon of changing the an nil Inntttuto to a summer training "hoot will bo submitted to the teach er. n Ul. ....... .. . ..... j ...minim county in a iow amjw "y fiuporlntondeat:rad PeUrson. . rerai counties have already vol d on the qutatlba, and sentiment OVKIt a00,000 IIOMIWTKADKRS PAHHKD TIIUOtOH 8T. PAUL i.iiik unvrll ACCORDING. TO tllO Cliailgu. m.Biyi. -. ....v. - , progressive stntee.the tralnlntt school J AiUOAI, MKN lias token tho place of tho old-fnsh- Idnod institute ! HT ,,AU, Mlnn April 1. More To tho ambitious teacher who wUh- t mor trnlnlng hool will oiror srent oi ii.iii.i. ' "w --. .. ... """'"ML""' , ndulu to ilgurcs given out by rnuroaa mi. asinnnia iii ! luuiiij v- i :IllgVtrMod teachers, nd ro wlIN olllclaU hero today. lug to pay tho price ir moy "" " ".r: T"," ncr day. The MVlCO. . ,, . ,,nra pnrrvlns yettlori' at- few days. JtlRures. 4UDOMKNT FOB $S,4 IN THK ACTION OF MASON VKR8B8 FllKD MKIiHASK IS 8USTAINKD IIV HIOHKR TRIUUNAL Special to The Herald SALEM, April 1. The supreme court today affirmed the Judgment of the lower court In the case of W. H. Mason vs. Fred Melhase, appealed from Klamath county. ' The above decision settles one of the hardest fought civil canawMfrt "" ' (Oouklnueu on Paga ) Hardly a day passes but tome little . . . ... .. .. a case of misianea ineauiy the front, but one of the most unus ual, as well aa most unpleasant, la one that haa affected, two .Klamath Falls residents, Charles and George Humphrey. The Humphrey brothers came to the Klamath country with their par ents In the 80's. coming from, the Middle West. They have resided here continuously; aad they bavo long ibeea recognised among the best men of the community. Both are carpen ters, and one owns a woodworaiag establishment. Tn nantan county there rasiaea tor BtanTyeara two Humphrey hrothaw, whose family formerly lived la the Middle West. Another feature in eeaneetloa with Meat waa that thatr uames. were also Charles aad Oeorge. Some time ago tney were coavwea of murdering nn elderly woman la aa atrocious mauxer, and they were tear tenced to be hanged, which aeateaoe was carried, put at the saiem peaitea- tlarv last weeK. Tnere were a sa ber of notable featuree In conneotloa with the case, which were prlatod all over the country, and attracted con siderable attention. Now, of course, the laeta mat ue Humphreys seateaced to die were named Oeorge aad Charles, and that they lived tn Oregon, aad that they and their parents wera formerly treat tho Middle Wast naUraui.,aataeo the Interest taken la the ease there. Jt was ao time at aU hefere some of the Oldest mnaoivaam, fee.ewy just eaetlyy who fkHfr-H ?? a . v -y u '?u P '. 1 , -' :11 - thought they did. "' ' " The local Humphreys wera aweh surprised to aad coming to theta from oldtlme acqualntaaeea lettata at condolence, tottora beaeeealag ehapa to he at peace with thatr Mace a: the end; letters teUiac at aeamjif : fered In their behalf! lettoia WtalmJ them fervent farewtaf,i"MUWf aaa in the land beread"--ta IM. m kinds of letters that waaM ha a'l fort to two man aheat to aa into Ara,ttv a the haaaa not od, but decidedly puaaUaeT to tvra km abiding eltleeae - ' , The two lefal Maajahyeaa f H:i " if. "r"'r W ways been of the" orderly of the uwn, aM ea HajaajajLaaig iaaU MaffewntMiU nrww rweTOeww V m.m "B-lkh ana aam.ma iaamm)m tj ' i :fV4waBrw glaWalBawa '.wHBmnmaaai