ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CIRCULATION CiM&S$i BaBHfeBaC 'saw ... . , t y irr pt " . HUiTIJKD IIV THK UNITED I'llKNM NKWN HKHVICN Mrnlli Vr N. ,W ii ni .nttjif.,'. rfalfl. Hvunramnrar. PRINT THM NEW, NOT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MABCH 81, 1918 n0t Vlfl John Pierpont Morgan Succumbs to Prolonged Strain; Passes Away Quietly at His Hotel in Rome News of Financier's Death Held From News Agencies COMPLAINING MANY GOING TO WITNESS GONE; SUIT DROPPED IICMII WARRANT ISSUER hTATK'M INFORMANT lOlt AMrr Jury I Eiupaarirtl fur tlw Trial of Jk Hrrry, Fort KliNiMlti Man, lliv hull l DUiiiIiwmmI by JuiIkc ItriiMin, mul Effort Am Now Ht-liiu Made In locto MUalng .Mrxlinu, llm Complaining WltMcaa ARRANGEMENT ARE COMI'I.ET. Ell FOR A LAUNCH SERVICE O.N Friday evening ham:k Hi: A GRAND AFFAIR TO NN' 000 BULLETIN MILITIA SIEZES THE GOODS OF DANCE AT KENO NEWS FLURRIES WALL ST. MARTS a nance mat it attracting mora than usual Iniorosl licro U to bo glv- rn Friday evening nt Padgett's hall nl Keno. A good orchoitrn ha been tiixamMl, and In addition to dancing a tipper will bo icrved. MANY FRACTIONAL LOSSES RE. PORTED AXI) INTENSE EXCITE MENT PREVAILS M).NIIO.N RIS. CREDITER THK REPORT 'nltert I'rm Service Ni:V YOltK. March 31 Follow. I Arrangements have born mndo with !uk tho rccolm of the tmwi of UorJ IVIford Brother to oporalo n floot of han't death, tlio itock mnrkct opened I iniiiuruoaiM uciwron nils city and 'In n flurried condition, and lnt,.n . Keno hriday ocnlng for thoro wlih. cltenienl iranllod on llm floor for ....... l - . - - --, . . iiik in attend tlio hop. Whre U Joo Monti, tlio complain lac ltnr ugalutt Jack Horry, whof i tlmrxed wild gambling! Nils li n tirllou tint ha boon In Ibt mind of court attache here since Mi morning, when Monti failed to Iptar at tlio trial of Horry Ho U etlltud to havo loft tho country, and a Until warrant ha been Issued, fol IomIdk tlin dismissal of tho clmrKo (itlnil Horry by Judgo Benson thU tiornlnx. i from Information given b roil dinti of Kurt Klamath catlod hora ul wltm-ucs, tho disappearance of Monti VU for frar tlf hi own anfetv. ni tlmv I tUrr thai til accusation of tho Fori I Work of (election of a Jury to toit ..umiiwj laioon Keeper I anolhor DANK ON TRIAL IN LOCAL COURT m:i.i:ctio of juhy GREEDY GROCERS ATTKMIT TO TAKR AHVANTAUK OF HITUATIOX FAIM 'Mlccrly Houl Woald Adraaco Price ' on All Food Hlaff, Hut Gorermaieat Coiiflncatew Kntire Mtork and Tmrtm It Over to IMIef Coiiinilltcoa Tho Orocrm Will He I'ald IltUaite I'riro Home Tlm In Uio Future SPRAGUE TAKES MANY FISH EGGS Mimu time. A ntimbor of fractional losir wore teported. Thcro la no Indication of crlou loiic. . over ino.oeo kai.nbow egos IIAYK HKK.V GATHKRED HY PIS. CATOIUAL RXI'KHT WOltKI.NOl f AT 81'KXCKIt CREEK I United Pre Service DAYTO.V, O., March 31. On ac- Orcr ICO, 000 rainbow trout off have been collected at Spencer Creek Financier is in Coma When Life Departs Wife. Son-in-Law and Family Phy sician are at Bedside. , Pujo In- ' vestigation too Great a Strain .hv 1a. Hnriiariiii. that flfth AVtutrt. whn biJkamat amaamam && -count of grocer. r.UIng tho price. horo to MCuro r.,nbow ut f ,or ! I S 1 1 I ' I-U I HIIHIILIJ Culled Pre Sorvltc j0" '"od atuff. to an exorblUnt flg- dlitributlon throughout the .Ute. He UUIluLn I IfUITllILn LONDON. March 31. It u otI. "ro tho entire itock of groceries In I having remarkable aucceaa wlthi iuoni ni ma 0ening 0( ino inarKL'l IIIU ,,u -"' """ iu7 cuniiscaieu uy lao.ui luiiiruiuiu uioiuuu ui Becuriiui iob Kl I.N ACTI'JX OP AOAIXHT AMERICAN HANK AXI) TIUMT fXIMI'ANY jmornlnc that tlio death of Morgan military nuthorltle and aoldlor. were tit dlicrcdltcd. placed on guard. The aupplle. will be j Tho Morgan Usuca opened ullsbtly ( truileU over to the relict commltteea ueukcr. Thcro wero lovoral frac-for distribution, and an accurate ac- apawn. WILL BE FEATURE Dona I. Alexander, who haa beeai vUttlng Klamath Fall for a few day., I TRUSTEE, uonBl lone, but they ero early re- count win do Kept or an gooa. m au jteft Sunday for the Malln IUttlct,,"',JM awiujw ahu vucai covorcu. (Continued on l'te 4) Iwbero be I. teaching acnool. (au u! tho "pot and the kctllo.' Scv ral of thom doclaro that It wa. tho locution of the dofome to provu that WodIi had hatchotl up a caio agalut lltrry, and that Monti I guilty of In tfoJuclnn liquor on Ihu Klamath re ertnllon, of gambling on the rotorrn Hon, and of mutilating currency. It li tho declaration of Wood Jllvur mm that Monti, after furnUhlng liquor iu an Indian and getting him Istoikntvil on tho reservation, won ll Indian' chaparajo, aaddlo and Irldlr, hislde over $100. Tho lu lu gao Monti a check for the mount. It U nllogod, and thU mm (Mlird at Fort Klamath, following Mch Mont bocamn "rlproarlng" Ifunk. Ho dvclarod that thl money won from him In a pokor gumo by Herry. i minuay afternoon Monti met tho I nuinn he had won from at poker, and asked him It ho would testify In tlOlllflitltiil ) i'nxo 4 1 ' " I ho merit of tho action of Harold C. Moromau, trustee of tho citato of O. ; M. Hector, bankrupt, against the f American Hank and Trust company! to mold preference, wa commenced i Into thl afternoon, following tho dlj Klamath Falls Praised by State Food Commissioner REXMTrONH WILL BE A.MONO THE NUMBERS AT THE Kl.NGH. LEY EXTKRTA1.VME.VTS BOMB, MawHi 1. ttm NsrisaeMtoari Tkeeaai e4 Us. i rcMcfal, m Im acieaw Hi wife, ka i ailwl algM Mm Graa kweal. Mia destlat feawwa wmk i m. kal UbacM. H. Iwi htm iaialaiB MaKoawcloe). asatee Wje)aw. anaHaf. IM. w easwr BmtU laUl asl Br. ttewr. Ma i4M.aa) m llaul nt t( A ll.lau oa I 111 l Pit I VI tllV ! VAIVt VAT W W V bbb a.. tm a -- -- av . ISUl III hi complaint Merryman allege. W. P. JinHCan JieClBreS lniS lAly XiSLS IDC DCSl JtlOieiSllfflcuUPotlon. each evening. Hint tho banking houso collected. In' jmart Vkij j i ,n dd,t,on Mr.. Mottram wll res full a ..,.io for about $1.00 from' ana Markets Between Portland and San Fran- W? i number.. 8he Poee. . Hector within four months of the ,!, .... i,. m ,., luyiMUf. Splendid concert program axe to! jbe a part of the enterUlameaU byj 'Bruce Gordon Klngsler at the ODeraJ (liouso Tuesday and Wednesday even-j)rMt Inis. Mr. Kingsley la a pianist of1 Anaosmcraseat of Use deUt f Mev considerable note, and he will render w" wMiaeld freea Um tsforteaa uatll private caMea were tee to Mm Morgaa heaaea lav Loadua aad New aajraJcsaa, aad , Xarajaa aaHj war. at ate I taalaat. For aevetal Moraaa waa la. a ataaa at Starr ilrrlarad hte to Ute atrate aacideai to Mm I naaeartaff aefere Um JaJa laveaUcaMea ceataUttt. tlmo ho went Into bankruptcy, Mor ryman nik that tho money bo return cil to tho estate, and tho bank receive Its pro rata ulth tho other creditors. William II. Shaw I attornny for1 "Klamath Falls ha ono of tho best Mvrryman. Charles F. Stono and creameries In tho state, and Its botela Jasper J. Uarrott nppenr for tho bank. al..i limrkuU ttro ,i10 boat 1 have seen , , , ,. 'betuoen Portland and San Franclsoo. Charles Hnowgoose of Keno Ma , iinniiK this mornlnK' visitor In tll0 "" ' u, qK'rau ,unuu '" county cent. 'moinlng by W. II, Duncan cf flutoru, deputy dairy ami food coiumUolonor, Cisco, and one of Best Creameries instate ' -r.JJJIa- Says !.. II. C. Williams, who I horo its n just beforo hi depurturo for Salem. Juror, spent Sunday at tho Williams Mr, Uuncttn ,, 0MU hero -overtl York. John Pierpont Morgan waa bora at Hartford. Coaa.,.AarU 17, 18S7. Ma waa educated la the Baalish Personal Work is Needed at Present Frank Ira White Says Klamath Falls is Falsely Represented to Many. and Citizens Must Get Busy ns tho condition of dairies, market., hotels, etc., nro concerned. I waa greatly surprised nt the thoroughly dny Inspoctlug tho hotel., slaughter ittnitary arrangement at Straw' which Is up to standard la every way, tho new dairy and food cominlasloa ha. made a market for Itself on Itsjwith condition, throughout the .Ute,' merit In Portland. The dairymen and I must cay that my visit to the and farmer ho supply the creamery i Klamath country ha. been a revehv express themselves as highly pleased Jtion to mo," continued Mr. Duncaa. with tho treatment accorded thnm. ("You have an Ideal dairy country "Generally (peaking, thl I one of i hero, and It I destined to become the tho cloanest towns In the state, so far foremost dairying center In the state. "Tho farmer, and dairymen of tho county are to be commended on their determination to .tart right by u.lng Tho Klamath country I. u region "t Is much mlsundorstood by Port nl pooplo, according to Frank Ira wnile, this city' moat ronowned , oner, w" returned Saturday evon ''' from n visit of soveral montha In ho Koso city, Kugono nndTancouver. '. Whlto win return In a month, n. . . KonorBl Impression prevails u oca realty value are nroulbl vo, hut gonorally aponklng, thl. I. " "." said Mr. White. "It I. true . '' " very placo, that certain rlorty u held nt too high a mice by w ownor, and the sooner this I. "Mjieil tho bolter off the olty will be. Klamath Fall, ha. been ureatly " under.tood by many uonweekera, nu to correot thg muoh pMionBl " of education I uecsary. There houses, dairies and markets, neighing butter, etc., and gottlug acquainted with local conditions. "I find that In this city you have ono of tho finest creameries In the state, and Messrs. Mills and Johnson havo ovory reason to be proud of their establishment. The building Is Idoal for a sanitary creamery, and It Is kept spot loss, whllo the butter, dairy when I visited It, and the other dairies I Inspected were also In fine condition. I was Informed that the dairymen have decided to raise the percentage of cream In the dairy milk uppllod Klamath Fall people, which la already up to the atate require ment. "Thl trip was largely an educa tional Journey, in order to acquaint. only the best strains of dairy cattle. An Investment In Inferior grades would only be a hindrance In the de velopment of dairying, th. coming In dustry of tho Klamath country." Mr. Duncan stated that the comala aton Is ready to co-operate with Klam ath people in any way possible. He expressed a belief that another in spector will visit her. within a abort time. Is much Interest shown In Klamath Fulls by desirable pooplo, but they hour In tho North of the luck of dl loct transportation nnd of oxcesslvo ronlty values, und this, of courso, do- tor thom. A soon as the main lino Is comploted, there will bo n groat rush for Klamath Falls, "Tlioro Is unusual qulot in business circles In ovory part of the country," concludod Mr, Wlilto. "And ANOTHER POTATO CAR 1 LOADED HKCOM) SHIPMENT OF KLAMATH TURERS TO START SOON FOR FLOODED MIDDLE WESTERN DISTRICTS Work of loading a second carload from 'of noUtocs fur the relief of the flood what I loarn, Klamath Fnlls I by far land tornado victim In the Middle tho liveliest town on the coast nt pres ent. At Portland, Tacoma nnd Scat- tio no rostdonco or farm proporty I. being sold, the only transaction, be ing deals In Inaldo buslnos. pioporty. This Is tho natural result, of course. of n campaign year with n change of J admnllstrutlon, but mutters will soon adjust themselves," , West was cnrrlod on today by the students of tho high school, Tho potatoes were furnishod by El inor Applegate, who announced that ho would donate 600 sacks to the cause, Home From the Sat-fag Fred Melhuio and Gus Melhaie re turned to Klamath Fall. Saturday night from Tuscan Springs, near Red Hluff, where the former hawbeen un dergoing treatmeut. Mrs. Fred Mel hose went from Red BluB to Oakland, where she will visit relatives, Mr. Melhaso' declares that the springs have great curative powers, and he will return there In a short time. Iloth brothers say that condition. In tho Northern California towns are de cidedly more quiet than In Klamath Fall, and, as usual, they pin their faith to the future of thl. city, , Mr. Will Adams came up from I Merrill Sunday for a short visit. Palsma Leave Hospital Ed Palsma, who wa. shot through the leg aome time ago, waa discharged from the Blackburn hospital this morning, Palsma waa practising tar get .hooting with a ll-callbre pistol In a Worden logging casap when the weapon accidentally exploded, Injur ing hi. leg, MRS. SUNOS CALLED BEYOND WELL KNOWN LOCAL WOMAN SUCCUMBS TO PNEUMONIA. FUNERAL WILL UK HELD TO. MORROW AFTERNOON Mr.. J. J, Slmonds, for nine year. a resident of Klamath Fall., passed away Sunday afternoon at the Black- bum hospital, death being due to pneumonia. Mr. Slmonda waa a na tive of Georgia, and waa 67 years old. She 1. survived by her husband, who has local property interests. The funeral service will be held from the chapel of the Whltlock un dertaking parlors tomorrow attar, noon at 9 o'clock. Rev. J, B. Grlt- ath will conduct the aervleaa. Beside the concert number, view of European center, of music and of vchool of Boston and In the Ualvenlty me ceieorated alngera of the day aa they appear In "Fauat," "Parsifal nnd other, productions will be shown. These will be supplemented by Mr. Klugsley's conversational travelogues, which are highly Interesting. The larger cities of Southern Cal ifornia have been delighted with the Kingsley concert, and a number of return engagement have been neces sary, and he haa been greeted with tho same success In all ot hi .tops northward. Klamath Falls and Medtord are the only towns between Sacramento and Portland to h. favored with the ap pearance of Mr. Kingsley. or aottengen, Germanyr . K. his business career In the l.aaklar houe of Duncan, Sherman ft C, New York cKy. In 1810 he bseam. the agent aad attorney In the UnHad State for Oeorge Peabody ft Co., aad later member of the Arm of Dreael, Morgan ft Co., of which his father waa also a partner. By tha death of , , the older members of tbo'arm he he came the head of the arm, and Ha name waa changed to J. P. Morgan ft Co. He alto controlled the arm af J. S. Morgan ft Co. ot London, and had a partnership Interest In th. arm of Drexel ft Co. of Philadelphia. , (Coatlaueo. on t'ag. 4 Mangel-Wurzels Will , be Raised at Malta Root Crops to be Planted by Many Bohemian Farmers. Settlement is Busy Preparing Ground W' l Although th. spring season haa al ready started, residents of Malln, the Bohemian colony south ot tyerrlll have already commenced, the work of preparing the soil. On every farm the thrifty farmers are busy plowing, discing aad harrowing, to be In readl nesa for early planting,. "Th. Malln farmara are perhaps earlier this year than an other Na tion or in. county, and they wHl.aa In readiness tq plant at th. earliest possible moment," saps Ceaaty aWpsr intsndent Fred PerOBuwa. Ttettsd that section last week. "Several ln formed me taattaar art pUat a groat deal of root sraaa, aast as oeei ana mange wMSia," v tfft ine mangei warn M OM'af tM Ji mot nutritious foods far eattla, as the planting of Wg aerejagaa ladstdB that the MslialUs ara foaj to asm. tlnue tha work of pureasasng slkMsl dairy cows for their farms, , Ths BMn gel wurssl la also saM Is) naa a s tb'draw.oat any tnwas af al kail a sail may faasaas, :; . ,v quit., aamser af Igajta tmmwW, aav. pareaasa eattle this yeaV her t new th naw tejajf kMhjsjsmst. 1mWKRGRKMmi m.Mm: i