tfl liy VXrexxcre anuULIJ IJS V tiiillUA It, MXTKAVAGAJST VIRUULATIUIS MAIMS v - : Htll'I'I.IKM HV TIIK DNITKK I'HKNM NKWM HKUVK'K lie emm tralti. Kvncitt mnnn PRINT THB NEW, HOT 'f it Hi Hcrrntli Vmi N. il.WII K I, A MATH FALLS, OREOON, SATURDAY, MARCH 90, 1918 Prise, View President Wilson Learns That Reports of Deaths in Fl DAYTON 18 HANDS OF UNCLE SAM'S OFFICERS imvi:iiMit t:o.v makes m:gui:nT or ii:ii:iiai. visitors Mia Districts Have Bee a Greatly Exaggerated Accused of $300,000 Frauds DRUNKEN M INDIANA TAKING i i i gggggXuKV - 1 I Mm? .;,, '.HtH i - -' vHmgeaaaB IS A FIGHTER CARE OF PEOPLE WITHIN LIMITS police chief and pou.vdmas-, Tint IIAVi: A HARD TIME KS- OHtTIXtJ HTKAXUEIt TO THEl l.'ITV IIAhTILE BULLETIN ANOTHER KING REPORTED DEAD I'lilllp Mualra, eldcat noil of Auto till) Mitalcn, the head of tho ('tilted Cl:lirii' I'oiiiMiluliHi I Oruitiilrl ami tin Cuhilutt of llin A If it I m of ItinMlrltkrfi 1,'lir Will Hn (NmiliMl iil lllfTrmit for a Tlntr Pellr-raoM of('ali llniMrr Company l llrn trnIMIIty ('titled I'm Hcrvtrs DAYTON, March IB AcIIiik on dm ttjuMt of (lovornor Cot, Secretary ul War (larrUoti lina taken rlinrge of lb iltiutliui here. Army ilottora will Uln charge. The city will probably bo divided Into fire health itUtrlcta, with r. fed eral offlrer In ctiRrin of pitch. A commUiloti government tini been orntilied, Tho oxUtliiK noveriimoiil tm been atiroKnlod, I'lillllp U ninyor Ktnlva llnlr cominiiy of Now York, nor In tiaino only by order of (lover- nan ruticht nl Now Orlean with oth nor Cot, Tho mllllla I abject to r mntnbcr of tho family on their tho order of n cltlivna' commlialon.Viiy to llnuilurni with nboul (00,000 I'tlttnon, of tho National Caah ItrK-'lho frnuiU of (ho Muilcna, for which liter company, recently convicted of ihry have been Indicted In Now York, roDiplracy In reatrnlnt of trade, U urn bellnved (o reach at lenat $300, I'retldent of Ibo commUilon. ooo, pcrlinpa twlco Hint turn. (Urrlion, Wood, Khoadv nnd Mc-j They caahed bllti of Udlni; nud Coy arrived at 12:30 today. They borrowed largo luttu from Kuropoan conferred with 1'attemon, ami tho clt- haiika. I'lilllp Mutlca wait ono of the lirm' comtiiltteo and (lieu Impeded victim of William I.oob, Jr., col li city, lector of cuiloina In tho Now York Vhn on nmumptlon of that olllco bo- (larUon'a ltrrt Kan n vlcoroua cnmpnlgn ngalmt WAH1IINOTON, D. C, March 30.- muKltr. Mualcii waa convicted of Recrctary of War (larrlion'a rvport to'iinilervaluatlotu In conuectlon with I'realdent Wltaon from Dayton U a 'tho Imporlutlon of choeie, and wai follew: 'actitencvil to Kltnlra reformatory, "Major Normylo and Imkau havo from which I'realdent Tuft oardonod it.'otitiiiupii on rasa i hlra. g Tumulty is Wilson's Right Hand Helper Irishman With a Large Family Has Helped the President Through Many Hard Political Battles - Thn huakleat drunken mnn who haa nppt'iuvi In Klntuath Fall for many tnooiia Kavo Chlof of Pollco Hinlth and I'ntiiidmaatur Itnlpli Vnuglin tho fight of their live thin nftvrnoou. In aplte of IwUIitk nml othfir weapon known to penco oinrer, tho drunken man from ilmo to tlmo liitorriiptcd tho olll jcera In their efTort to eacorl til in to the city Jail, and, Incidentally, at tracted moro nttentlon thnn woutd a flrt'. Tim prltonvr, apparently n logger, acquired n nolny Jag In n Main atrcot wet good emporium thla afternoon, and proceeded to herald tho fact to tho community. Tho pollco wore llnnlly called, mid tho start to tho city Jail waa ttiado. Twlntem only acctned to arouaa tho drunken man' anger nnd Incrcaao hi 'ctreiigth, and tlila In aplto of tho fact that It aeemed every mlnuto bone I would bo broken. Finally tho prUoner waa lodged In tho calabooio. All) I.H Mi:i.V HKXT TO M-:iailHOIt IX(J HTATK , Only Mot Klliimy llouant In Went IinllaiinMilU Have Itoen I)ctt-oye0. TIicmj Art', However, Uninhabitable IUtjium! of CimdltlonIK-ntli Holt In State Will .Vol lie? Over IOO, U Hie IWIef KL'I.KIt OK TIIK MOXTKXIXilUXS IH HAIII TO HAVK KXI'IHKU. COXHLI, OKXKKAIi TO KXGINU CAX.VOT COXFIItM IIKfOUT New Counsellor to Chinese Republic L'tilted l'rca Service INOIANAl'OMS. March 2D. The receding water havo revealed the fact that only tho moat flimsy homes In Wett InQlannpolla havo been de al royed. Thcto homes still remain, and nro filled with mud and aro un inhabitable. Tho fatnlltlcs In Indiana will be about 100. Tho situation has greatly Improved. This ttuto is caring for Its own. and Ik sending aid to Ohio besides. (Jolted I'reis Service LONDON, March 29. Tho death of the king of Montenegro Is reported here via Paris. No details have yot been rocelred. Tho consul general of Montenegro hero declares that he has received no confirmation of the report Chamber Commerce to Met Tho regular quarterly meeting of tho Klamath Chamber of Commerce will be held In the Rcldy building on Seventh street Tuesday evening. April 1st. An Invitation Is extended to all In terested In tho boosting of Klamath county to be present. An Interesting program has been prepared. aaSBSBa'' 'UgflBBBBBBBBBBBsW W gsisis Vgjj ; LufliJaaaH EVjgMgfgPr laiBIBIBIBIBl! )P!- !gssaasiBiBH County Officers Probing Marriage License Affair Young Woman Writes for a Copy of Her Marriage Cer tificate, Which Has Not Yet Been Returned to the County Records. Investigation is on The Chinese republic recently lected Frank Johnson Qoodnow of Drooklyn, N. Y., to act as IU legal I adviser In the reform of the constitu tion of the Chinese republic Ills par ticular duty will be to shape that in strument In accord with the best mod ern thought and still avoid untried experiments. i Professor Qoodnow U 54 years old, 'and for the past thirty years has been a member of tho staff of Col urn 'bin university. He Is Internationally known as a student of constitutional government, and of economic develop-1 ment. He U the author of numerous IgKCIlKTARY OK WAR ARMY books upon governmental and eco nomic questions. He was educated at Amherst, Columbia, the University of Berlin and the Gcole Libre des Sci ences Politique. UNDERTAKERS CONVINCED THAT MORE ARE DEAD KMTIMATK8 OF YMTKRtiAY ARK TOO LOW, THKY BAY Onager of l'cstllesice Is New cretl Orel Am letaawm of Osrtssste Kxprrt Is .Vow CoetsMered Import antWater ! Dayton U Pott! ail Pile of Debris Carry IHsewsi United Press Servlw DAYTON, March 29. Quick wtfk, will he necessary to Igat the threat ened pestilence. The assistant X outside sanitation experts la require. All of the water In the eKy to pal luted, and the heaps of debrto are breeding disease. The estimates of the dead are u certain. Undertakers assert that there are 800 dead in this cltyxaloae, nasi de clare that the estimate ot ytsitarAar of from ISO to 200 la too lew. FLOOD REPORTS EXAGGERATED I Who performed tho marrlnRO cere mony which united Marion A. Clern ;rnt nnd Itlta llycrlyt I Klnmnth county officlnls wuiit to know, nud nn Invvitlgntlon It now In proKrcus. Ou February 19 n mnrrlaga license tinu Uinml to tlio votine counlo. Tho girl gavo hor ngo as 17 years, but hor fallitr, It. Uycrly, signed a statement giving his consent to the ceremony. Nothing moro was heard of the ninttor until Frldny, when County Clerk Do rccclvod a letter from tho young woman nsklng for a copy of hor marriage certificate. No" re turn has yet been ruado on tho license nnd tho young woman was notltlod ot this. Tho law requires that return must im ninde on a marriage ceremony within thirty days, and a penalty Is 'attached for failure. It Is considered I possible that tho young people were not married until some time after the llccnso was Issued, but In tho mean tlmo tho county officials aro Investi gating tho matter. United Proas Service WA8IIIN0TON, D. C, March 19. Everybody outaldo New Jersey was urprUed when Presldont Wilson immed Joseph P. Tumulty to be his 1'tlvftto aocrotory at tho White House; M everybody lit Now Jersey would Imve been aurprlaod It ho bad named anybody oUe. JorauyUoM who had boon watching Tumulty know hi nppolntmont was a JfrcKouo conclusion for Tumulty, r (wn yours, hnd boon the mainstay, J'rP, comfortor, counselor and cap t In of ti,0 Wlion gubornttorlal ad winlitrntlon. Tho kind of a fellow Tumulty (nccont ou tho first sylnblo, Pronouiicod as If It.were "Tumm") Is wt hown by what tho prosldent nlmaelf gays of him "Tmnmty Is my other solf." for three years boforo ho became MVcrnor, Wilson had had his eye on urtimty, who was elected to the nouio of nsaombly for his fourth term ' lfiin" W,Uon wai eot overnor in "W' Although supposed to ho a col- 'recluse" Wilson had been study '" conditions in New Jersey closely. Ie had aeon young Tumulty, who ,ul to tho legislature when he waa tand on the floor ot the house anil rnvo about tho corrupt political conditions which ho was powerless to ruincily, hut which ho uovor hoaltateu to condemn. Tumulty had boon preaching all tho reforms which Wll hou Inter made as govornor, so Wil sou grabbed him out of tho liotmo and put him to work with tho tltlo ot soc- uitiirv nud tho duties ot assistant chief executive nnd gonornl political ciimimlgn nianngor. It was Tumulty who got tho Infor mation that formed tho bantu for Wilson' rofortu program in Now Jer sey. It wob Tumuuy who muuu m Wilson's shoulder with his mouth close to his clilof's oar w'hou tho pres Money bUBluoss stnrtod, nud It was Tumulty whom Wilson louuod on moro honvlly and found absolutely tiustworthy nud wlso when ho ran for tho domocrntlo uomlnntlon, when ho run for eloctlon, when ho stoorod tho Now Jersey legislature through Its Inst Bosslon. That's tho rensou he brought Tumulty to Washington, to help him through the blggor job at tho Whlto House Tumulty is a natural born lighter. Ho is Irish through and through. He loves a scrap, and he eats, drinks and (Uuutlnueu on rago PORTER BROS. TO BUILD ROAD CONTItACTINd FIHM STAHT BUR VKY KOII IIAIDHOAU TO TAl' OIIKAT IIODY OK IN IIK.Ulr OK UAHCAIr owned au enormous belt ot yellow nlno on the oast slope ot the Cascades and tho logging road up the South Fork ot tho Santlatn would be the most accessible outlet for the timber on either side of tho mountains which could bo delivered nt tho mills on down grade in either direction. Surveying pnrtlos operating for Portor Ilrothors, railroad contractors, who nro planning tho construction of u rnllronil from I.obunou soutiJenst- wnrd up toward tho hoadwntors of tho Rn.iiinm nro taklnc tho Held ready to w(. .... - .-. w wm run nrollmlunry lines. Thli Is in hooping with (ho roccut nnnounco- mont by (ho Porlors that they had purchiiBod sovernl million dollars' worth of timber along tho santtam uttd on tho western slopo of (ho Cas- cudos. From an authentic source It Is re ported that tho proposed line w(ll not atop after reaching (ho limits ot the locont timber purchase, but will be continued ovor (ho summit of the Cascades nnd extended on to Motoltus nnd nond for a connecdon wl(h the Oregon Trunk and Deschutes railroad lu tho Interior, ' N Porter Brothers tor yeara hare DALTON TAKES AUTO TO HOME & WKLL KNOWN RANCHER STARTS FOR HIS ItANCU ON THF. CAU KOUN'IA LINK UKLOW MKRRILL. ROADS ARK GOOD W. O. Dalton, well known rancher, residing on the California line below Merrill, loft 'this afternoon for bis home in his automobile, which he has kept in this city during tho win ter. 'Tho roads aro fine except In the Immediate vicinity of Klamath Falls," said M Dalton, "and I do sot expect much difficulty In sotting home." BERRY JURY IS READY FOR TRIAL KOllT KLAMATH WIT.VKSSUS FAIL TO AltlUVK IN CITY, AND CON TINUA.VCK IS GRANTED UNTIL MONDAY Tom Richardson cane In from Poe Valley to make Snal proof on his homeslead this afternoon. A Jury was selected In the circuit court today to try the case ot the Btato against J. H. Derry, charged with gambling. The witnesses in the case, all from Fort Klamath, failed to arrive In the' city today, so Judge UeuBon ordered the case coutlnued uutll Monday. The Jury selected Is as follews: William Whltlock, S. T. Summers. J. W. McCoy, E. R. C. Williams, Archie Henllne, F. L. Applegate, Chaa. Thomas, R, A. Emmltt, Albert Johns, Al Melhase and V. w. waxenoiu, MANY PEOPLE ARE ON ROOFS I IN CINCINNATI AND SENDS SAGE TO PRESIDENT, TatLUNO HIM NOT TO LEAVE CAPITAL MILITIA COMPANY HURRIES TO MIDDLEPORT AND POMEROY, WHERE CONDITIONS ARE RE PORTED TO BE GRAVE Unite Prese Service CINCINNATI, March 29. Seere . .tary ot War Garrison's special train arrived here this morning. aarrison wired President Wilson tho situation here, and urged the president not to come. The secretary 'sfld the fatalities had been eisgger la(ed. ! With General Wood, Major Rhoaaa and Captain Frank McCoy, the secre tary of War Garrison's special tnla auto. United Press Servca ATHENS, 0., March 29. The local militia company is rushing to Middle port and Pomeroy, where the Ohio River flood has broken all records. Three hundred refugees are on the roofs ot houses, and they are in great danger. J. W. Leslie returned last eveaksc from Los Angeles, where be spent tho winter. He wil remain In Klam ath Falls for a week or so, and then will probably go East. Ouy Leslie, while engaged la a teat of strength with a woods una latt night, had one of his lagers Jerked out of place. Attorneys Fail to Get Together in County Case . -r Court Will Order Taking of Testi mony in the Obenchain Case to Star Unless Attorneys Agree Suit waa started in the circuit court this afternoon by the Peck Motor Re pair company against W. I. Clarke. Keesee ft Qroesbeck appear for the plaintiffs. Wa. Drotherton la la the city from his Poe Valley ranch this afteraooa. Although the opposing attorneys have been In consultation at dlKerent times since early Friday afternoon up to a late hour thla afternoon an agreement had yet been reached aa to 'the statement of facta to- be pri tented to Judge Benson la the ease ot Obeaohala vs. DaaaeM, the cane ia which Is .Involved aae whether w'a'ipaaak have a' new eeart Imagf, Judge BsaaeaajMaalsst aeya farther tlajf fM tempt to reaeaaa. beforealgkt the eaart iy H