& I'UUirKMMlUMAL OAHDB mi. 0. A. RAMH0. All work Ouarantssd. Odd f )bw.' Building. MAXWKU- M. MNtl Osteopathic I'liysJctaa, Hultc l nntl IP, Wblla Hldg. VlMlM INI Mfai W&J rWN" PWf'Ti' $r T0$ (2JWC i 3KtW rr,.frr . ' . 'Li::,ju...,;t.;vjL-L'-ULj.ii'iiwn'.'iJ 1 1 -TamBBBBmaBBrsrs I CliSfcaijaB rfcSsaaSwaiB l'Ti-' - lly Margaret Mumn YOHK, March NKW feminine Inevitability tin arrived. ivurlml Unit little trimming Is noedod Mllnily'M penchant for wearing iomt)-'A "'"Klo long feather, not nt un unlo IIiIiik tight lit lliu mnt(r of wi-nrlng 28, -Thatftchlng niul tliu dyo so brilliant and of Fashion's decree. Bo It's "a baa" with all your Hunty Hun and Peggy CITY AM COUNTY AIIHTKACT COMPANY Abetrarta. ItMftiM Membera Oregon Aesoclstlon Title Men. nihcki.mnxm;n ,KMI'IX)VMKMT Csll up COMHTOUK. pnono (!, II rou wanl any kind of HELP. Itegtsfer at (lit COMMTOOK If rou wait employment. I. itnrot, after hovering about the jwalst lino for year, tliou sinking to .lliu kneiii, onl) to drop clear to the Jiuiklv within tliu last year, bus now koiiii to liur head, Wo liavo lth ui Hi Ik spring lliu hobble Imt. I Of cmirsii IhU iinnio liui not been 'formally sanctioned by the Iluu do In J II..I. .... I..U,... LI.I..I. .... I... a I-. . 4i . ... . , in limp ruin iitviiuv! uui in every concoivauio coior except their what In a unmuT If you are plan proper liuo, aro mounted atop, tucked nliiK n spring creation you bad bent underneath or danglod over tlio edge ronmilt your Jeweler and rf If be of the little pill boxes In reckless fali. ran NUpply you with a ihoi horn nnd(lon, Or, If )our tnoto doc not run to n ran opener, to timtcb your lipstick npplr, you may bare your cbolco of and your vanity box, You will need. a number of pvrveriloni of uature. lo poke out tlio oyu of the paitscrby, or a tiny bunch of art nouvenu fruit Ik, like Mother Kvo'h traveling gown, not much, but aulllclent. And Npcnklng or fruit trimming, np plea (It adornment for a dauKltler of live Hcuiii destliiod to hnvo n tre mendoui vokuo. Wlerd llttlo pippin, coming in cluster, groon a grass, corlie, deep purple, royal blue, npplo KLAMATH NOVELTY WOHKH (Mil and) KUmmUi err. Marksmllhlng and general re pair work done Automobile a Specialty II. rOH.MHAHKO, Proprietor. the shoo born to cat Into your petit cbapcau, and tlio ran oponer to getjijuolsu blue strawberries, or inoit any nut of It that li, If you aro counting on something chic. Itcnlly, everything In the bat line aroma to bo struggling toward the Mich n burnt orange chorrlcs, tur- 1'uITb. The 1013 model cliopoiu Isn't built to cover a multitude of aim, o-o-o Don't wait for a rainy day. full out (Irnndma'a trunk today. If ihe wnst n thrifty lady, you will find tbo "dcrnli-r crl" for your wear today among her futbelow of yesterday. Perhaps the brocado that brought grandpa to hi knee may proro u ulToctlvo for your 1U13 awaln. Any way, the old rich ellk and velvet will bo a laving, for like material to day aro priced well up. You cannot iwnth yourself In many yard If you have to ave the price out of your bouiekcoplng allowance Neither will Mr. Wilson and her threo girls, If they (tick to that $1,000 limit un it thoy poneia a dressy anccktrus also. In more subdued taste are the crcpo do chine, blooming la tiny gar land and nosegays of old fashioned flowers. Tb ee are especially becom ing for tbo Ingenue type, but you bad bed refrain, If you aro veering to ward tbo buxom. In antithesis, Is the mod riot of barbaric color In the k'gyptlau and Art Nouveau silks. Just Classified Column of your favorlto fruit dono In a new complexion to suggest tho genius of a correspondence school colorlat or tlm maitcrplece of a futurist .trying llmluutlve, and at the present writing for a press notice. Tho lesa apt I'o- a liny turban witn just a Hint or animona hcrscir to rccognlzo these fruity upturned brim I loading. It appears fads, tho more llko their success. In tho most beetle of hues royal pur-' Hut If by chance your husband may pie, cerise, hunter's grovu, burnt or-'lhlnk Hint millinery by Uie atom Is align and Chinese blue any ouo of 'less expensive thnn on an average which may strike you favorably If basis, break It to him gently that bla a touch goes a long way. It you pos our complexion I flue, but lorrow .Judgment err. It's tbo ilupo he lies tbo gift of chlcncss, you can fash bo your If you're sallow. Aud If by pay for, and lest paying for the largo Ion a vest, a sash' girdle or overdrapo any chance you bo a moon. faced shape may grow mononous, Mile, tor theso and look llko tho original maiden, you may as well bid ra early Mmllxto will let hi in pay heavily for Mllo. a In Mode. Hut unions your adieu to nil hope of looking well itho small shape for a season. Conse- touch I deft, bewaro. ..J t. ! ntilt.Mlit In IIim MMfilM '.iii.i.iI I v IIiIh unHk.it. flit m t 1 1 m HimI fnklaii. nf tl...n lit M MVa wilt iHim IfVIMIfc . ,MW,V ... ... MM...W UVItll till. WVMHWM, I..V ..IV, W.V1 VUt.V W. W.VOV ... V .... n... Iini, Mini i no larger mo irico. ires saui-.iurn yuu iuio nu oiu rinv ur n uaau- Ing poster maid, but for Art's sake and your own, remember to bo mod erate If you would bo modish. bat tho larger tho prlco. Tre aam '. pie, N'cest co Pus? Of course, a llttlo Vt)H KK.NT 1- MCKt.Y furnished room nt Iho Or gon House, Hlitb and Klamath NICKt.Y furnished room with hath. 1113 Main street. Mrs, C. O. Mor gan. Mf FUIlNIHIliTlOOM8l7sTro7en suite, by day, week or month. Bath. HO Walnut IS-la LEGAL NOIICCS MIHCKI.iaKOl!N Hut U'a an III stylo Indeed that 'show no good, l-'or those with face thing like my lady's crowning glory lo fit, tbo shapes are so quaint and) cannot be allowed to stand In the way i-n- .. i i . ii rap r i' i i ii ssasgagg ' a centa (f C7.10) being amount due and owing for goods, wares and merchan dise as In plaintiff's complaint al leged, and for plaintiff's coat and dis bursements herein. This summons la served by order of the Honorable ii. W. Oowcn, Justice of the peace of the above entitled court, March 5, 1'JU, ;md tho date of the first publication bolng the Ctn day of March, 19M. and the date of the last day will as pire on the 17th day of April, 1913. MKIIHYMAN A DUNCAN, . Attorneys for Plaintiff. C-13-20-Z7-3-tOb All kinds of optical work doao at llifdtu's. Itoom 316, I. O. O. V. building. lC-tf Adnilabtratrli'a Fiaal Actouat Notice I hereby given that Allba Heach, administratrix of the etUU of John O. Heach, deceased, baa Bled la (bo county court her final account as such administratrix, and that Ue court has fixed Monday, the 71b slay of April, 1013, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. tn. of said day, at the court room of the county court, Ib Klamath Kails, Oregon, a the time and place for hearing objection to said account mid the settlement thereof. AIVTHA DBACH, Administratrix of the Estate of John C. Heach, Deceased. J. II. CAHNAHAN, Attorney. 5. 12-10-16 h Kon mam: KOIl HAI.i: 11. V. Itock and llhode Island Ited eggs nt 11.16 par set ting of IS; Indian llunnor Duck egg at fl per 12. J. W. Hryant, box 873, KUnmih Kail, Oregon. 30 h 6t rl I'OH HAM: Four room cottage Ib Hot Hprlng addition; large screen ed porch; big high lot; elegant view; all furnished. Cheap If taken atonce, $1,300, $700 cash. Inquire 004 Mala street. 3-11-4-11 FOIl HAI.K Fifteen room house ob 65x110 fool lot; right In the heart of city; paved street; bath room and plumbing; sower connected; bargain If taken soon. Address box S36, TYPEWRITERS .New Maclilnt-N ffi.UO IHim it awl gn.OO Moatli Klnmalli Fall MhsIc Mouse. Local nows appears first In Tbo Herald. !CB CREAM Our Fountain does not close, winter or summer. A dish of Ico cream will taste aa good now as In hot weather. HIKVITAI An extra fine bitter-sweet Chocolate at 76c the pound. Tlie- HhaMto 4sW Mala H. Makers of Fare Candy In the Circuit Court of the titata of Oregon, for Klamath County. Mary I- Morse, Plaintiff, vs. John I. Morse. Defendant. To Johu P. Morso, the Above-Nameu Defendant: lu the Namo of Ihe State of Oregen: You are hereby summoned to ap car nnd answer the complaint filed In tbo above entitled suit within six weeks after tbe first publication of this summons In tho Klamath llepub llcan newspaper;' nnd you will tnko notice that If you fall to appear and answer or plead within said time, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to tho above entitled court for tbe re lief demanded In the complaint filed In said suit, to-wlt.: For a decree of his court forever dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony existing between me plaintiff and the defendant, and for such other and further relief aa to Ihe court may seem meet. This summons Is published pursu ant to the order of the above entitled court made on the 13th day of Fob- ruory. A. D. 1013, nnd tbe first publi cation thereof Is made In the Klamath llopubllcnn newspaper on February 13,1013. KUYKKNDALL A FKROUSON, Attorneya for Plaintiff. 13-30-37-6-13-30-S7 GENERAL NOTICES Hid For Wood Notlco Is hereby given that tbe un dersigned will receive bids for fur nishing School District No. 1, Klam ath county, with 200 cords of 4-foot wood, cut from llvo pine trees, to bo delivered as follows, not later than iBeptember 1, 1913, at the following school buildings OS cords at West Bide school. 80 cords at Central school. 2S cords at Mills Addition school. A certified check of 6 per cent of amount of bid must accompany name. Ulds to bo opened April 1, 1913, at, t o'clock p. m., at the office of the clerk, nt the First Trust and Savings Bask. The board reserves tbe right to re ject any and all bids. Dated at Klamath Fall, Oregon, this 19th day of March, 1013. Uy ordor of board of directors of School District No. 1, Klamath coun ty, Oregon. J. W. SIEMENS, Clerk. 19-1 Jth PHVHICIAXH CliOHKIiY flUAHII PITS X. ' i 4sBsssBsflH: 1 1 V f i' sY U V ttX- ft I 3 rNN 't " " v s Eaton House at Norwell. Mass., Where Admiral Was Poisoned B i I Ai aa4g'SgBasnaeifBjssBiaBBBEsajbgaMQpj4i4 lmfjt' 'hlSl.' ' JSBBBBSSBBBSSBBBSSBBBSSBBBSSBBBSSBBBSSBBBSSBBBSSBBBSSBBBSSBB l- 1 mf VV .BBBBSaBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBW j lUir:''TlBSBraBTSBBSBBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBBBBSBBBBS m0mmm M0NT60IEKY U TMx.f " OUT OFPtlSMI i.ji FORMKR CAMIIHfl Of HI All OHKNY HANK, MIMUMVm lb i 10 VKAtM IM MIL, I Kl, AND M OUT TODAY Mrs. Eaton, widow of Admiral Jo- leph Katon, retired, who was found dead In his bed at his home In Nor voll, Mass., March 8, may never be tried for murder, of whlcli isbe has been accused. District Attorney Bar I er of Hlngbam, Mass., who has had tho caio In charge, Intimated that SSBBBHIHBBSBSBBSaBSBSBSBHBaMHBV- aBBBBBBBBBBBBBsMnilB ' BBBBBBS.nsmBBBBBBstH JsssSasssssF T rP)". 'BBBBBBsnJnwaVr 1W'-'''-BsbW. JolsJ' ssbTssV BBBk? i. IMltSSaSSSSSh. 1lfcLm 9JBU bbbbbbbW . 4m&w fBW. NSkSBBSk ' BBSBBSBBBk - BBVMh ' ' t tBSfjSJSlSjaL&iBSBBBBBPA. m. vin - f SBfeii?. J " "affsss"ssTasi PARSIFAL WILL BE ON PROGRAM KAMOUH KXOUHM MUSICIAN-LEO TUItKH. HltlCK GORDON KINOS l.KV, HI Mi BK HERK ON KVKN l. OF AI'RIL 2. Cnltrd Press Mervtce 1MTTSDURO, Pa., March II. Wa. Montgomery, arrestee and i November 28, 1903, to serve years In the federal prison, after MM failure tof tbe Allegheny Natl 4 bank, of which he waa the) saialir, was released from the Leavenwatth prison today, having been pardenei by President Taft on March 3. The trial of Montgomery waa great Interest beeause at hia ssllal and social prominence. Durhtg two years constant efforts nave bees irifilt to gain bis release. The astl of President Taft In pardoning Meat- goraery followed reeoauae4A(M hf the attorney general. the woman may be examined as to her mental-condition before the legal pro ceedings go far. Professor W. H. Whitney of Harvard, to whom the vis cera of the dead adinjral wcro given for examination, reported to the dis trict attornoy that he found traces of arsenic Tho district attorney was convinced that tbo admiral had been poisoned. Cut (lowers at No. 3 West Main st MONUMENTS We have Just received from the Kast a carload of marble monu ments, all sew designs. We also manufacture monu ments to order Bin Island MONHrflMtll Mi StOM Co. 41S Sieve sH. In J. Publication of tho Justice's Court, District of Unkvllle, Klamath County, State of Oregon. F. Magulre. a sole trader, doing business under the Arm same and style of "Magulre MercanUle Company," Plaintiff, vs. Ooorgo Wheeler, Defendant. To Qeorge wheeler, me aoove named defendant. Ib the name oi ue state of Oregon, you are nersoy re quired to appear and answer the amended complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before tbe last day of tbe time prescribed In the order for publica tion made herein, to-wlti Tha 17th dav of Aorll. 1918. and If you fall to so answer, for want thereof the plal. tiff will take Judgement against yon .. Haminded In hta amended com plaint on file herein, to-wlt: Tho Herald, delivered at your store, office or home, 60 centa n month. Physicians In attendance on Pope Plus X. have taken remarkable pre cautions within the paat two weeks to guard against excitement or atraln which might result fatally. Profess or Ettors Marchiafara, who attends him, even forbade him to receive Por flrlo Dlas the other day. The feeling tbat the pope will not last much longer Is so strong that most Europe Is considering the name of a successor. If U'a worth having,, K's worth In suring. 8ce Chllcote, Ml Main St. Phono 64. Suscrlbe for Tbe Herald, fifty centa a month. NOSE AND HEAD STOPPED UP FROM COLD OR CATARRH, OPEN AT ONCE What's the Matter With the Old Watch? It's not gcttjng any younger, you know, and once tn a while it needs a rest and overhauling. Railroad watches are cleaned and overhauled onco a year to Insure accurate time keeping. Why not bring yours In and lot us give It the attention that is necessary for good timo keeping. V R A N K M. V V V Watcliuiake,, Jeweler and Engraver. 8. V. Watch Isnnertoc WUUtU Untitling "Parsifal." probably the most cele brated of all tbe Wagnerian operas, will be given by the famous English musician-lecturer, Bruce Gordon Klngsley, at tho opera house on tho evening of April 2. This opera aroused Intense Inter est and received an enthusiastic re ception from the public when Rrst presented In this country some few years ago by Mr. Conreid, at the Met ropolitan opera house. New York. The bitter contest between Conreid and Frau Wagner, who protected against tbe production of the opera la America, will long be remembered. It almost assumed the proportion of an International dispute. Bruce Gordon Klngsley, who wan visiting New York at the time, waa then tbo musical director and organ ist of tbe Alexandria Palace, London Ho obtained permission from Mr. Conreid" to make n series of photo graphs of "Parsifal." upward of n hundred, showing tbe magnificent scenes and tbe great singers who ap peared In the principal roles. These were later colored by eminent artists, aud are now used by Mr. Klngsley to show a complete reproduction of this wonderful performance that nil Araer lea talked of. Tho triple decker projector ma chine, one of the three in use In this country, Is operated by J. Penrose Wallace, an autograph expert. This machine makes possible tbe most ex- qulslto blending of color. Anna Harper Mottram, a dletln gulshcd, appears as Kundry, wearing the magnificent costume appropriate to the character. Her One volco is heard to great advantage In her prin cipal numbers of tbe opera, while Bruce Gordon Kingsley, who baa few equals as a concert pianist, plays the beautiful "Parsifal" music, nnd re lates the absorbing story of tbe Holy Orall In a most graphic and Interest ing manner. nor taaa say uiai am the sealp Withy and Mir, ead, V are w aar Ika mot, aba lWlsssf My Cleansing, Healing Balm Instant Ijr Clean None, Head and Throat Htope Niuty Catarrhal Discharges.' Dull Headache Goes. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Oct a small bottle anyway. Juat to try It Apply a little In the noetrlla and instantly your dogged bom and stopped-up air paaaagM of the head will open; you will breathe rreeiy; dullness and headache disappear. By morntngl the catarrh, cold la hand or eatarrhal sore throat will be goat. End auch misery bow I Qet Ue For the small bottle ot "Bly'a Cream Balm'.' urn of alatyaveB dollar, and ten I at any drug .tore. This sweet, fra grant halm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the Inlamed, swollen membrane which line the Bote, head and throat; clean the air paeaagea; stops nasty dischargee and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief eomea Immediately. Don't lay awake tonight strug gling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed,- hawking and blow ing. Catarrh or a cold, with U'a running nose, foul mucous dropping Into the throat, and raw dryness la distressing but truly seedless. Put ' your faith Just ones la "JHy's Crsam Balm" and your sold or catarrh will surely disappear. Hints on Hair Health K yoa at eur treatment, ws wH either stop your hair from fsttag er pay for the treatment ourselves. Dandruff is a contagious dbetas caused by a miervb. which U not tetaoved causes baldness. This microbe nftca roais from a eaaab er brush belonging to semeoa da. If ni us Irauhlad with dandruff. &BSiBlttiP& ToniowUldoa torssaoveUi cjenn. make top falling I liU Ikft u I growm oi new aaw. We btlleve that ffiir P snt of tbe eases el balda. eould be overeoate if people would only im Itsiall "93" Hair Toole fee a seasonable time, es aires Ud. I We don't want you e take ent word for this. We want rji to tosl toe aaerlt of Resell N",Rab Teal at ou risk. Uwaaltaad It dose not sive mtbfaetfea. Jus eorae back to us and toll u. and we will hsunedlatoly hand back to you the money yon paid for if You We are dtpsadaet upon your eoa bmUbm and. patrooaet. and we would not make these clalsas, or make this the at we did aol baUore thelReS! VW' Hair Tooio k the venrbsst aak npsntioa you oaaus. Two else el botu, 40o and 11.00. You eaa buy, Resell "' Hals Toale In thJ oaaasnuattr only at awt stern STAR DRUG CO, INC. suunaia -' rails ""i fVW ATK The following realty recently lied with the eessAjr stark, are furnished by the City aad Cesmty Abstract i Got your eyes fitted nt Hayden's. Room 216, 1. O. O. F. building. 16-tt In our warehouse", lot of household goods, cooking utensils and personal effects and furniture. Above will bo disposed ot to tbe highest bidder for storage at O. K. Transfer office, 81xth nnd Main, on Saturday, March 19, 1913, at 2 p. m. FOUND To boost Klamath county send The Herald to your Eastern friends. HATCHING IGGS Barred Rock,$l per 15 White LctfhonM, SI" IB White OrplRgtoa, 2" 15 1LMER L. FR1HCH TlBMADf JHssmJbast Osesen Mftg aoMswj W MaWSSSr!LB IftelUaall I fj ! P.OLK'Si OKEOON and WAawaZNOfXON Business Directory Directory or seek City. Town and Uaask Blvbur SsmrliHv sfcateh i eaek piece, losatlea. population, tele- srapa. sm pwi also ClasslSH Mrecterr, eesapUed by ntuiBM aaa prenawoB. ' ' C IB, X. VOUK a OA. n u.m..j . T..K v . . nvmmwm mm vmi . msne, warranty deed, fl, lets 9, 19, II, 14, 16, 1, block 62, Oriadale. A. J. Peak at al to Klamath Hsaas- slte company, warranty deed, aH sc blocks 1, 2, 3, t S, 6, 7, I, 9, 19, It, 13, 14, IS, 16, 17. II, 19, SI aad II, and lot 1 to 6, 9 nnd 19, black 11, Irvlngton Heights. Minnie B. Wnrd to Mareta M.. Jami son, warranty deed, lie, NWH. Sec. 16-38-9. Chas. E. Wordea to at K. Forsyth. warranty deed, f 19, lots 14 sad II, block 4, Second addition. " Mr. A. . Cooley to B. K. ford, warranty deed, 19, IWH U. Sec. 31-36-16. U. E. Bassford to Chas. K. warranty deed, 19, WK iW BW , Sec. 31-36-lg. Wm. 8. Wordea to Aaaa rest, war ranty deed, 110, let IS, Meek 19. Worden; lot 3 aad 4, stock 9, Lakeside. Frank Ward to Siiaa Ohsashsla. ult claim deed. 10, undivided foarth Interest in WM 8EH. W IWH. Sec 23-31-9. Klamath Kerporation to anaeta McCabe. warranty deed, 19, lets II, 13 nnd 14. block 216; lota II aad 16, block 218, Mills Second nddMloa; lota 11, 12, 13 and 14, block 191, Darrow addition. F. M. rjarich to Chas. K. Wordea, warranty deed, 110, part block 44, N'lchols addition, in Canal street. The Klamath Development compa ny to M. M. Garoutte, warranty deed, 110,. lot 17 and 18, block 19; tots 19, 20 nnd 21, block 32, Hot fJpriafs addition. Wm. 8. Wordea to Geo. J. Fleeaer, warranty deed, lot 5, block II, Wor den. Bertha L. MeadenhaU to United State, quit claim deed, fl, right e way over lot 1, Sec. 2-40-11. United States to Nannie M. Paakey, patent. SB NE. NEK . . 30-39-13. Oregon to Wm. M. Pankey.-'deed, 1200, 8H 8BK. Sec. 16-39-11, Oregon Inland Develepmeat esat- paay to Mary M. Hunter, warreaty deed, fl. loU 23 and 14, Meek I, Or- ladalo. W. F. Waterson to Park Bank af Los Angelee, warranty deed, 119, Ms 12 nnd 13, block 11, Whitetake. Wm. M. Courrler to W. A. Coar rler. warranty deed. IS.999, -BBH NBK. loU 1, 1 aad I. Sec 2-lt-ll. Wm. 8. Wordea to Ora D. Fsrgassa warranty deed. 110, lot II, Meek I, Wordea, j wm. s. wordea to Jena warranty deed, 19, lot 14, Meek II, Worden. . Perry F. Ehereamaa to OwaB T. Sorrels, deed, f 10, tot 1, See. M. August F. Stankey to C. O. WMhsr, warranty deed, part lets I'sad 9, block 18, Flnt addition. X A. A. Bellman to J. F. Maatr aM H. L. Jones, warranty dosd, t M feet oa Mala etreet. hetac wft t loU 6 aad , Meek 40, OtiflMl Harry L. Joass to Ai A. warranty deed, 19, Ms II, 11 ll. block 19. ffoeoad FatnlMr tloa. aad WH of See. Ml M "was. 11-40-11. a, w. Whtto to Ohss. p. warranty deed, 111, sa M inches of let I, Meek If, town. C. B. House to B: F. rutyas4,l.BMl.A i M . i'.v labsslntsaTi to gtva r.vi Sl-tf ll. S.