r- - "VTP7jnp -nw-ft -js. Y IT t ' ,r vviif'wKji Vr ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CIRCULATION CLAIMS is f SUPPLIED HV THE UNITKD PURS NKWM NKHVIOK mt mt mm tUh. V f V mvmmnm mnrw. I'RINT THE JfBWB, HOT r, j .vinlli Vrsr No. 0 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH M, 191S "Let Unfortunates of Ohio and Indiana Come to Land of Nod9 is Plea of Klamath County Residents OPENING OF THE PRESERVATION IS PLAN SUGGESTED COLUMBUS HARD HIGH BY THE WATER It May be Sam's Swan Song IQAYTON ESCAPES WITH FEWER LUST THAN EXPECTED Ti:u;i'in.i: manager tki.lh of MUCH MUFFKHING (Vromr uf Orrat Clly IMIevro That Many rmnlllr Have Horn Com .rlrljr U'IhmI Out of Eilstrar. Hall of IHm-ovcwI lcad in Culuw Iml llu Item Identlfled aaea tlllo I Almost Out of Food. Vniud I'ff Hervlce Ull.UMIIUH, )., March a. Fifty U!lr iirm In the inorgwe hero at Si 1.1. lUlf of tlMm Imi been Mn unci. (Wuiirr Dennett at I o'clock rail liulnl Dial Hie dead would bo UOO III IliU t lljr alone. Hindu fnuilllta art report"! lo be ilrml III kollto ImiWTO. Tlir kImxU are thronged with peo ple Making loat relative. h. K. Mitchell, eMprrlateadrat of llic Ohio MiHirtc railway of Zaaro tlllr, reached a telephone four wile wnl of Zaaratllle, anil telephoned lo (ioiminr Colt "W have food only for twenty-four liomv" liu mIiI. The faullllra have lu ht-aty, Tlio clljr 1 under water for Hiiro uillra." Called l'reaa Service INDIANAPOLIS, March 11. A search of the house la moat of West liiillaiwH)IU failed to dlacleao elo tic ilratli. Hnm Kvana left Thursday night for Kan Francisco, and rumor are cur rent on tlio at rents today that another n ectnculnr newspaper venture In 1 tntimtti KnIU Iirm about reached nn inl. Probably never before lion money been no extravagantly waited In a imwspaper enterprise In tlio West u the Klamath KnIU public has been privileged to witness durlnjc tho pait sucti'sa, but l.o made bli fatal mil take when ho entered tha ilald of journalism. He camo to Klamath KnIU nboul n year ago and acquired nu Interest In tlio Klamath KnIU Nortliweatern, n mornliiK uewipaper. Tlio plant of tlio paper wai amply iiltcd to the necdM hero at tha time, but Mr. Kvans had aomo "llroailway Ideaa," which ho proponed to try out year. Hut It would appear Hint tha Ion tlio Klnmath Fall public. Init act of thU newspaper drama la nrarlnK nu end, nud that sauo moth-' odi will bo adopted from IliU tlmo on. Mr. Kvans U described by those who know him beat na a young man with n hubby newspapers. A n magailnn writer he achieved aomo With bncklnK not yet Identified, he proceeded to buy nn entirely new plant. Ho aelected machinery calcu Intnd to servo n city of 100,000 pop ulation nml Installed It here. Al though tha morning paper with the K.KAMI.VATIOX OF PLOODKD Dig TRICT PLEASES l Continued en I'tve 11 JOY RIDERS TO BE PUNISHED CALIFORNIA 1-1 W MA K KIM ARK RKTEHMINKD TO l'IMTKCT THK OWN KltH OK ClltO WAOONM AOAIN'HT CARKLH OXKJi intied l're ttervtr HACItAMKNTO, March 28. Joy. rldera who itoal automobllea "Juit ORIGINAL "VOTES FOR WOMEN" MAN A WAHIII.N'flTO.V COXGHI:hHMAN hays that hk hah kavorku mi:ahuhk from thk start. I'ltOIIK WIM UK MADE United I'rear Service WAaillNOTON, D. 0.. March 18. Albert Sidney Jobnaon, congrewman- for a rldo" will bo guilty of a felony, elect from Hoqulom, Waahlngton, with n Duo of IS00 or ono ycu a lm- prlinumcul, It Aaaemblymnn Mouior'a bill U favorably acted upon by tlio wto houira. It haa been reported out of tha committee. t continued on rnco it It l Not Relieved That Reatli Roll Will Re Anywhere .Near aa Maay am Ran Kern Reported Crcat of Ihn Flood Haw Arrived, aad Water In Now Recedlag People Wade Out of Danger United l'reaa Mnrlc DAYTOX, March M (Rnlleda) At a:UO tlila aternooe. reporU froaa all aectlona of the eky Indicate that Hie deatlia here will not eiceed 909. There are but US bodice now hi the morgue. United l'reaa Service DAYTO&, March 28. Tha dead Ik Dayton will not exceed 100. ThU lUtemeat la baaed on aa in vestigation of every part ot the city. Tho part expected to produce the grenteat number ot fatalities appear to be free of deaths. -.tlnueu on I'nge it Rotcrmund on Herald Stafi Krcd G. Ilotermund, well known from San Dlcgo to Vancouver, II. C, o an advertising expert, haa joined Tho Herald staff, and hereafter will be in charge ot tho advertising de partment of this paper. He comes to Ktamcth Falls well recommended, nnd Tho Herald bolleres he will "mako good" with tho Klamath Falls public. Mr. Kotcrmund's experience hould bo of great benefit to Klamath Falls advertisers. Ho has made a life study of publicity, and ono ot tho arrange ments under which he Is working U structed by the management of The Herald that he Is not to accept ad vertising except where he believes the advertising will prove a beaeflt to both parties to the arrangement the public first and then the advertiser. No false statements as to results will be permitted by The Herald. Mr. Ilotermund will not be authorUed to promise any fictitious circulation to the advertiser. Neither will he he permitted to accept from any adver tiser any copy which promUes Impos sible things. The Herald believes that Mr. Roter- tlint ho shall consider the public first, Imund will be faithful to his trust, and and next the advertiser. In other .commends him to the public as well words, Mr. Ilotermund has been ln-as to the adrertUers. KILL LOOTERS, IS AN ORDER OHIO MILITIA COLONEL WILL TAKK SO CHAXCK WITH BPOIL ER8 THOUSANDS OF OHIOAXg ARE MISSING United l'reaa Serve COLUMBUS, 0., March It Theaa- ands ot people are missing and hun dreds are known to be dead u a re- (Continued nn Page S) HAMILTON SAID TO BE HIT HARD KSTIMATKS OK DEAD VARY FROM ONE HUNDRED TO FIVE HUN IMIKD MANY PEOPLE ARE RE PORTED MISSING I'oltcd Press Service INDIANAPOLIS, March II. It U the bullet here that relief baa reached II of tho refugees la Central and Nortlitm Indiana. Tho lower ond of tho Wabash River L mit ha arrived, and the troubles ap pear to bo Juat commencing. Krom I'oru comes the report that POTATOES ARE SENT TO EAST DE IJiV AND ARANT GIVE SPUDS TO THE SUFFERERS OF THE EAST AND HIGH SCHOOL STU DKXTH LOAD THE CAR Students of tho high school today tlio fatalities there will number 360. 'nro loading a carload of potatoea to ; Court House Question is Now Before Circuit Court Question of a New County Building Will be Disposed of by Judge Benson. Probably, on Evidence Agreed by Stipulation Between Attorneys United Press Service HAMILTON, O- March 28. leU- niatea ot the dead here vary from 100 to S00. Fifty corpses have been Identified. Hundreds ot people are mUslng. The streets are piled with debrU. HOMES ARE WAIT1NO HERE FOK VICTIMS OF FLOOD N President WUsoa Wall Throw Open Indian Acres Am AvaHahte fa fioae of SetUeaaent If Km Pi-isll a WIU Imm the Order Fred Oatllaea P!m Efforts to submit the case of Oboa- chain vs. Daggett, as county trcssur- a. a a Ate etw iiiiiiaiinn bibi llrookvllle estimates that the dead ', , , ,,, ...i.i,.,, .ii.trirt Df Ohio '.!- 1...1 nn i..un mmninini un to a niero will bo CO. I The sltunllon everywhere- I1 better, tliough It will bo months beforo It will ho normal. It Is estimated that the state has len dnmngod to tho extent of ISO,-000,000. II. II. Van Valkenburg left this morning for Merrill on a business (rip. nnd Indiana. Tha potatoes were furnished by Charllo Do Up and Captain Arant. Tomorrow a car will bo loaded with potatoos furnished by tho Klamath Dovolopment company. Tho Southern Pacific railroad com pany has furulshod frco transporta tion for the cars. Big Cattle Firm to be in Business in County Swanson & Son,of Sacramento.,Have Leased Luke Walker Ranch on Sprague River. Raise Cattle Hwnnion ft Bon, the big cattle buy er of Sacramento, will enter the tock business in Klamath county, through their superintendent, Fred Mol, they have leased the Luke Walker ranch on Sprague River, and vor 2,000 acres of hay and grailng ami. About 500 head of cattle will ho shipped hero from the Sacramento Vulloy, and In addition other cattle wl he bought here. The entire ranch will he used aa l"ture, where these " cattle wlU ba graiod until fall, when they will prob ably be taken to Merrill to be fed tor tho California markets. C, Swanson, now dead, the original head of tho firm, was one ot the plo noor cattle buyers In Klamath coun ty. Ills Arm has been buying cattle from this soctlon tor the past twenty flvo years, and It U estimated that during that time they have bought and shipped to the California mar kots 10,000 head ot cattlo from Klamath and Lake counties. Into hour this afternoon, although the opposing attorneys had boou In fre quent consultations. In tho moantiiuo tho witnesses In tho caso bavo been present In tho circuit court room dur ing tho entire aftornoou. Tho plau was for the attorney to agree on a statement ot the testimony which would bo given by the different witnesses, end by so doing bring the caso more rapidly to the attention ot Judge llenson, upon whom the aues tluo of providing tor the building ot a new court houso appears to rest. Tho Obenchaln case attacks the right of tho county court to create a special fund for the building ot the new county building. It Is contend odl that any money paid by taxpayers for court houso tax must be put Into tho general fund, and warrants of that fund taken up In tho order pro tested. Kuykcndall ft Ferguson appear for the plaintiff and District Attorney John Irwin represents the defendant. MRS. 6E0. DEAL IS OPERATED ON QUARTET OK MEDICOS PERFORM DIFFICULT OPERATION AT THE HOSPITAL ON WELL KNOWN liANUELL VALLEY RESIDENT At tho Blackburn hospital (this morning Doctors Truax, Merryman, White and Wright performed aa oper ation on Mrs. George Deal ot Langell Valley, and succeeded In removing a number of gall stones, which have been a source ot much Inconvenience for somo time. Mr. Deal brought his wife to this city early this week for medical treat ment, and at that time It was not thought sho was In a serious condi tion, but the strain ot the trip from tholr homo to this city was so great that on their arrival Mrs, Deal'a con dition was so serious that Dr. Truax called Into consultation Drs. Merry man, Wright and White, and It was decldod that an Immediate opera tion was necessary. She was removed to the hospital Thursday mornlug, and this morning tho successful operation was per formed. At a late hour thU afternoon Mrs. Deal was reported as resting easily. and the medical gentlemen were con gratulating themselves upon their success. 816 RIVER IS ON AJAMPAGE REFUGEES FLOCK TO CAIRO, AND PREPARATIONS ARE MADE FOR RISE IN THE MISSISSIPPI THE LEVEE IS REPORTED BROKEN CAIRO, March 18. Refugees are tlocklng to this city, It Is reported that the Mlseiaslppl has broken through the levee below here. The city Is preparing for a record rise. SAVID6E CASES ARE DISMISSED DISTRICT ATTORNTV DECLARES THERE IS NOT SUFFICIENT EVI DENCE TO WARRANT SPEND ING COUNTY MONEY The cases against Hunter Bavldge, Herbert Bavldge and J. F. Qoeller were formally dismissed on motion of the district attorney this morning. Promptly at 9 o'clock, in open court, District Attorney Irwin made tho formal motion which dismissed the Indictments of the grand Jury. The official county records show tha following preceedure: "In the Circuit Court of the Stat, ot Oregon, Jor the County ot Klam ath Klamath Falls. Oregon, March 88, 1911. "In the Matter ot the State ot Oregon vs. "Hunter Bavldge. Herbert Savidge, Continued1 on Page 'iiiUmI Press Survlcr CLEVELAND, O.. March 28. The receding waters have greatly relieved the flood situation. Cessation ot heavy rain makes res cues possible, but reveals great de struction and death. A conservative estimate ot the dead In Indiana la as low as 600. The worst danger now la pesti lence. Tho clear, cold weather conditions are bettering the situation. Commercial paralysis prevails. No wires are available except for the transmUslon of press dispatches, It Is believed that by night every homeless person will be housed and fed. "Let's make a plaee (or th. hems leas la Ohio and Indiana." Today thU Is Us slogan of thee, who hav. at heart not only the hater eats ot the Klamath country, hnt at the farmers who an teday wkhent homes In the fertile valleys e the Miami. Wabash, etc The plan la to brlag Keaswr. to bear on President Wtlae, ea that hm will immediately opea to settlsameat the vast Klamath India resvatieav It is said by those 'who are pasted that there are almost a million i half acres of fertile lands la the 1 vatln, ot which !esethaa oao-thlrd has been alloted to .Indiana. Should hU land be thrown opea places would bo easily found for th. unfortunate (people who have lest their all la the istrlckea districts of the last aad would do more toward allevlatlag the suffering, both physical aad moa tal, than anything else. Fred Mills, a well kaowa loeoi at torney, who la credited with the father ot the plaa. la that President Wilson wlU Uk. 1 on the suggestion. Maay pceavkseat cltUens have been latervlewed, aad It appears to be th. prevailing etav ion that la the Klamath oouatry Heo the salvation of the unfortunates of th. East. United Press Service COLUMBUS, O., March 18. Ar rangements have been made to put CO bodies In the general morgue. Crowds are awaiting the arrival ot the bodies. PERU ESCAPES WITH MtA Penalty Raised United Press Service ..SACRAMENTO, March 18. The senate today passed the Butler bill, raising the penalty tor the crime ot rape from 10 to 60 years. Uultf d Press Bervte. PERU, March 88. Relief parttea have arrived here, and are now etoae enough to forward supply heats to tha needy, so that the susteriag la re lieved. The fatalities her. will he I. Dr. Moraow returned last aright from Donanxa, where, assisted by Dr. HarrU ot Hlldebraad, he perforated an operation ea Mrs. Graat Blake. " Sunday Matt Delivery) If You Have P. O. Box iffl M i New Order Gomes to the Local Fort Office. H You Have Not a Box You Will Be Out of Luck 11 'v. . 1" "1 .r ' cv. v- Poatmaater Brandenburg announe od today that beginning this week mall would be distributed to all of the boxea In the postoace. This will permit those who have boxes to r celve their mall oa Sunday, tha aaxfto aa oa week days. The general dale? ry, however, will remala closed, aa R haa Been la tha naat. tifeA-i JjJfr The, Instructions from Hie) department haa.beea to i no mall doMvarlaa ha atoatt em except' to hotels,- ht naMatBf Hi Meat laeoaveataaoato MM 1 tha elty la aot Miaajta.ap j mall oa exBWexfaaajy g sbjbbia BBvaHSBBBssaj ssaMNslfg xflsw1' gfaxprafaWIP aMPPHVfi "-" iuisim swBta sssassistas. 3s