ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CIRCULATION CLAIMS -7 v. HUPFI.IKD IIV TIIK DNITKO I'HKHH NKWM HKItVICK Up gbtmna titiib. MVMHIXa mOTanrV PRINT THK NRWS, NOT Hctciilli Year No. JliOM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 87, 191S Pries, Mr. Horrible Scenes Witnessed in Dayton, Ohio njrrw.i i'-i ni " " " ""T"" " " "" ' By United Preti Staff Correipondetn Dayton, Ohio, March 27-Charlci H. Van Horn, one of the rescuers who has gone further in North Dayton than anyone, returned this morning completely unnenred. He is the first one to disclose the situation in that section. The story dictated by Van Horn fellaws: "I hope my eyes will nver be punished again by such a sight. This awful happening cannot be exaggerated. It has been said that 3,500 people hare met death Jr. the fire and flood in that section, I should say that there have been at least 2,500. . "We went to Third and St Clair streets, which is farther than anyone has gone before. Twice our boat struck whirling human bodies. They turned like spoolf on a machine in a whirlpool. "We went as near the fire as we possibly could. . Some of those penned up in the buildings must hare seen us because we fceird their cries for help. I looked p and saw people standing in the windows and then saw them fall back into the flames. All of Dayton will probably burn unless the fire is soon extinguished.' RAINSTORM IS SUCCEEDED BY BLINDING SNOW HLTinilMJ IN HTHICKKX IIIK TltlCT IH INTKNHK tl U lliiinoml That Uin Kiitoro Town of l'Jiu Ha Itrrn Drvtroynl The HmxU In Indiana Art RrHitrd I" lli SulMlnK A Number of Tomii Air Mill I 'ul Off From I'omiimuiiI rat luu Chief Who Died in Washington CUI.l'MIII'H, ()., March 27 Condi tion! are woro licro thla morning than tail night. Ilaln fell until alter mldnlKht, and lliru rlinnrril to u blinding snow itorm. Tlio teiinprraturn dropped nplillx Tim suffering of tlio hottioUaa la In ttnie. It li uieles to osllinslo Ilia dead. there nru no dellnltn facta on which to banc ll. It la bollovcd Hint It will In days licforo n dcllulto rstlninle will to available, Tim dead Inlhla ell)' aloiio la call waled o iu 100. II la rumored tlila morulUK that l'l(iui lina been destroyed, nnd thnt many deaths occurred thorn. Tim report thnt Kanoavlllo hna been demolished la untrue. " 'I - sbbbbbbbV "JJSi. ' bbbbbbbbb ft SmBBBBBBjer Y eamBBVcMmBBBBBBBBBBB VaBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSL J? '.sflKi BELLAMY CASE ANOTHER LIEN WITH THE JURY A6AINST SAMMY NEGRO, CIIAKGKD WITH HIIOOT.OMM """. TAKKS .Via UIHTMIAV. will. KvmJ HTKPHTOGKTMOXKYFOKHKH- iiin fati: MK.V .MtUUMEKTH AIIK CO.Vtf.UIIKI) Tv,.' AU? ta .-s iFM lMi'4' '5a ULAJM 6? ssslaj1 1 I'lIIIU. March 27. Tho client of tlio fatalities hero aro nut yet known. Modi,. nru hourly iuoii floating lu the itrcut. oKnuaport reporla that iimiiy poo- Mu perished there. Tho reinnlna of-Chlcf Hollow Horn 1 1 on r, moil prominent of the Sioux chlofa, who died of pneumonia In Washington on hla vlall thcro for tlin InniiKuratlon, linvu reached tho Rose hud Agency In Huulh Dnkotn. For ninny yvnra tho authorltloa of tho treasury department hnvo honored him by placing tho head of tho chief on tho fS certificate. Tho funeral aorvlcea over tho chief In St. Paul's Catholic church In Washington wore nut only attended by all the visiting Indian chlofa, but by ninny prominent olllcInU of tho government. Tho testimony In the Iletlmny caao as completed before 3 o'clock thla nfturnoon, nnd following tho arjeu menta of the attorncya, tbo jury ro ll red to deliberate. Tho dffeme caso una preenlcd by Horace Manning, uhllu Dlittrlct Attorney Irwin argued for tli' atuto. Juror Straw, jutt before tho taking 'of tcatlmony waa concluded, naked permlmlnn to aak Zlon a question. 'IIiIh Haa granted. Tho question waa whether or not tho witness hnd heard tho shnta first or tho breaking of rilasioa. Tlio witness wn unable to iHtntu positively, but ll waa his lm pri'slon that tho two sounds occurred !nliout tho sumo tlmo. (loorRo (I. Ward waa tho Ural wit- . ll.'OlltllllllHI I'll I'AWO 4 1 PLOWING GRIGSBY STARTS RANCH VWEH IlK.MIKItKI) IX fliKI'AIU 1XU XKWHl'AI'ICK HOMK Tho beauty of 8am Kvans' new building waa slightly marred again this nftornoon, wbcu another me chanlca lien waa plastered on It. TbU tlmo It la K. II. Otda who wants money due him for labor, and tho lieu Is for (220.20. Mr. Olda Is n painter, and It waa for work In preparing tho building for the occupancy of "Southern Ore gon's Great eat Newspaper" that the morfcy Is duo. Not long ago a mechanic Hen for 1750.20 for a plumbing bill waa at tached to the nowspaper home. lJlto this nfternoon suit was start ed In tho circuit court against Evana to forvcloso on tlio lien. Judgment for $100 for attorney fees la also asked. Kuykendnll & Ferguson are attor neys for tho plaintiff. INDIANA FLOOD IS AT CREST (illKAT KUFFKRIXa PREVAILS BK CAl'HK OK THK 8HORTAGK OF FOOD AXI) FUKfc UKLIKF PAR TY' RKACHK8 PF.IIU INDIANAPOLIS. March 27. The floods In Indiana aro subsiding. There Is great suffering In the Wabash Val ley, where there Is a shortage ul food and fuel. A relief train reached Peru last night. The members of the relief ex pedition wero unable to reach Lafay ette, Kokomo, Wabash and Logana port. Seventeen people perished in Drook vllle. Fatalities are reported In White- more, New Trenton and Cedar drove, Dowager Queen of Greece Harrow Moving Weat United Preaa Service LOS ANGELES, March 27. Clar ence Harrow will leave for Chicago next week to arrange his affairs there Ho will return to live here. l,liuor lllll Piusml United I'rrs Service i hai:iahi:aiu. Aiurcu d 1UD LIMA, March 17, The grand res- tato aounto today pnssod tho Owens' bill prohibiting tho salo of ll'juor. I (Continued ou Page it Supreme Court Sustains Judge Benson Again For Second Time in Ten Days, High Court Hands Down Decision Gon li&l firming the Action of Jurist Tlio supremo court of Orogon haa ninrmod tho decision of Judgo Hon "i In tho case of H. R. Duntap onaliut Arthur O. Lewis. This caao ns decided by Judgo Ilonson Decern JW 27, 1011, against Arthur U. Lewis jor the pnyraeut of tlio paving of MihumU nvonuo aud Bovonth atreeta, ovvorngo nssossmonta aud Kouornl Mes, mnktng a total of $3,500. Tho ulsputo was whether or not the con jrnct for tho salo of the proporty from ''"'ilftp to Lewis Imposed the obllga un on Lowla to pay all theso Hens, l "dor tho drat contraet of aalo for tlio Iota u waa conceded that Dunlap md not bo bound to pay the Iteni or tnxea nnd city ' Improvements, but uiidor u later contract it was stipu lated thnt Lowla should pay all taxea and nssossmonts. Tho Question turn ed unon whothor or not tho lator con tract had boon dollvored and ncceptod, and consequently whothor tho origi nal ngroomont had boon modlllod to this oxlout. Tho lowor court dccldod that It had. nnd tho supremo court, In nn opinion dollvored by Judge Dean, hna ntllrmod thla decision. Thla enso waa nrguod und submit ted to tho supremo court ou tho 19th or thla month, nud a copy of tho opin ion waa rocoivod in Klamath Falls to day. 0. F. Stpno was attorney for Dun lap, In whoso favor the decision is. FIVE M.M1I.E TEAMS AXI) ONE (UNCI PLOW AT WORK OX 800 ACRE TIUCT JAPANESE ARK OPERATING IT Tho Orlgsby ranch, which li one of tho Inrgcst In tho county, containing over 800 acres, has llvo slnglo tesms nud oiio gang plowing. Three moro teams will bo put on Monday. The eutlro acrcago will bo put In grain nud potntocs. Two hundred and fifty ncrca of this ranch Jias boen leased to Jiipnueso nnd will bo planted In potatoes. Food Supplies Will be Carried Free byN.Y.C. Mayor Nicholas Receives Telegram From Representative of Eastern Road Offering to Take Food bbbbbbbHT'H BBBBBBBM ' IBBBBBflBBBBtfBBBVl BBBBBBBBB BPB' OBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl! IsbbbbV ..:: :'-bbbbbbbbbbbbI 'sbbbbTs -ObbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI iBBBBBB;? SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ KCaBBBBaBBBBBBBBi ,P l-, 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH bbbbbbbbbV Mf .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH bbbbbI. 2 W1 IV-SHbH BBBBBB.''1'' aBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWH bbbbbbbV IobMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb I Sn ' MiiiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBfWi aPJQ!rTiESsaSSLl HOLOCAUST IS ALMOST CERTAIN TO DE A RESULT THOl'8AXM OF FatOPLB PKlflfaa IX BUILDIXGs FaUllUca Caa Xoi Xow Be nl, atat It la Cetteta Tkat anda of People Have Lest Their IJvra aa KcmbH ot the Flee aM the Fir Whkli 8tarte ward United Press Service IUYTO.V, March 27 "Wenaa rhililrra Mrat" la the order of the I rucnt here. Hundreds of mea have bee left he- lilml in Uie Hooded homes, faehmg death by lire. The bodies of doaeavs of Jstra we men and children are visible aa the? Moat awiflly along. It la awt expected that wany or the bodies will be recovered. OPIUM N IS AGAIN ACTIVE KVIDKNOK IH SKOURKD IX SAX FRANCISCO I.WOLVIXG WHITES Als WKLL AH MOXOOUAXH. AGKXTH ARK KVKKYWHKRK Mayor Nicholas this afternocn te- l olved n telegram announcing that the Now York lines would handle free any food, clothing or other supplies Intonded for tho flood sufferers ot the Kast. While no dotlnlte Information has yet been received, it la believed that other railroads will follow the exam ple of the Now York Central, and that a shipment ot potatoes will go for ward from this city In a day or two. United 1'resa Sorviie BAN FRANCISCO, March 27. Kvldeuces of world wide activity ou tho part of whlto and Culnono opium smugglers wero unearthed here with tho soUuro ot thirty-olgut tins ot the contraband from tbo homo ot Cuing Foo, an Interpreter, and the receipts ot knowledge by the todoral authori ties thnt tho poppy extract haa drop pod from $00 to 17 a pound recently, Tho "opium ring" has representa tives lu all tho big coast cities, and- umong tho employes of the Paella merchant marlno, according to the authorltloa. Tho telegram to Mayor Nicholas follews: j "Owing to disastrous and appalling conditions In flooded districts, the I Now York Central lines will handle free any food, clothing or other sup plies contributed tor the relief of the flood sufferers and consigned to the mayors or relief commutes In the flooded districts. (8lgned) "H. C. KCKENBEROER, "Commercial Agont New York Cen tral Lines." ELEPHANT GETS ROLL OF BILLS VISITOR PUTS BISCUIT IN A POCK- KT WITH SOME MONEY, AND KLKPHAKT PERFORMS PICK. POCKET ACT LONDON, March 27. Feeding bis cuits to an elephant at Usk, Mon mouthshire, a visitor dropped one In his pocket and turned away. The ele phant roached out his trunk for the biscuit and also extracted a letter containing 1 100 In notes. Notes and biscuits were swallowed before their owner could move. YOUNG MEN TO FACE A TRIAL D1UG8 AND OAMJNKTTI ARK HELD TO ANSWER IN THE DISTRICT COURT TO CHARGES OF WHITE SLAVERY (Dy Underwood ft Underwood) Queen Olga of Qreece, who now be comes queen dowager by the assas- ination of her husband, King George, waa a alatcr ot the late Alexander II. of Russia. She was the daughter ot Grand Duke Constantlne, brother ot the emperor. She was married to King George In 1867, and since then flvo sons and two daughters have come to her. United I'rets Serve j WASHINGTON, D. C Match ST General Wood aad Secretary Uarrisea will start for Ohio this after. Presldeat WiUoai caay alee fe. Moral Squad Acta MUNICH, March 27.-The bead of the Munich police haa organized a special squad knowa aa the "ball and dance" police, who have been assign United Presa Service DAYTON, O., March o'clock this atteraooa. i aad Sre are still ra4s-. of the dead is still Isapessrble. srT-Ai United Press Service COLUMBUS, O., March 27 Mre men report that there are Ifltt bodies la the United Brethrem ehwreh oa the West Side. DAYTON, March 27. The buela section Is still burning at 9 o'eleek this morning, and a biting bllaaard to ed to suppress the turkey trot, bunny sweeping the flames toward. the the. hug, gristly bear and other American dances which have become popular In tho Munich resorts. ends of men, women and children who aro penned up In the building. iCoulluued on I'ugeii Embraces His Friend; Her Neck is Broken t Girl. Anxiously Waiting Her Lover V Return From China, is Hugged ' too Tight When They ',: -vj United Press Service 8AN FRANCISCO, March 27. Dlgga and Caminettt wero today bound over to the district court for trial ou charges of white slavery, Their bonds were fixed at 210,000 each, -The two men, both married, recent ly eloped to Reno, Nev., with two prominent young Sacramento girls. United Press Service GENOA, March 27. Passionately embracing his sweetheart on hla re turn from China, a young French oat cer of powerful build, clasped her to. tightly and broke her neck. Te girl was anxiously awaiting her lover on the quay, and the mo ment the transport waa moored, the equally eager ofletr sprang ashore 1 and clasped her In hU an. ; ThfeajK lag hla arm around her Mdt'ita Mp edrter fondly, but hardly M (Mr lips "met than the glrl'a,;eei alMi and her form lay. heavily In Mi ntmjsv iter nee waa ? h ii was obit wiaar tee QuKy that the yea strained, from thrfrvtapjH - .SV! -, WfwT ,?.