'TWVfW1' nfrvi tjvt( ' MfiMk.i th. u.7" 1 '"h,,,J ! I.-i1 l ""fit g. Mo or u, J ,n Iff It. 'Hn. , 4. ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CIRCULATION CLAIMS SUPPLIED Mf TUB ... biaitllil a ftfla atlflSTVBaV IL'XITKN I'llKH" "rVn """'" P5 pr ittttg r rfali. kvbnino mmmfi PRINT THR NKWfl, HOT Urtb -. MM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNBSDAY, MARCH 1M, 191B Prte Fire Ire Joins in Completing the Destruction in the Flood Stricken Section in Ohio and Indiana A $L h DRIANOPLE IS CAPTURED BY BULGARIANS King Constantino, of Greece ) . . ......... i kill.!' IIT PAI.LM AFTER MMIK III' MONTHS DURATION ( ItJtkl'li ! ft inlet- of llm CMr Com. milt hulM Wlicn IMrat I Crr Uln Tmk Itjuamllo llir Puwilerl Magailnn ami Set Fln to llullit la Willi llimrulljf I lie llulgar-' Uni Mo the City. I lBltl I'fwi Service LONDON, Mutch 34 Bhukrl Pasha U- Turkldi defender of Adrlanoptc, ' torarnlllcJ iiilrlda when the city fell j Into the lumli of the Bulgarian. BOKIA. March 3D. The war offlco toJy announced thai Adrlauopto had lien. Tlili will probably end the ir. The Third Utilitarian dlvlilon haa Uktn poMciilon of tho city. The defeated Turka dynamited tho fotttt uiigaiine and aot flro to tho touira. It ai with the greatest difficulty (bit the llulKarlan preventad the da itructlon of the city. SNOW ADDS TO F LOOD HORRORS hTUHU PREVAILS IN CENTRAL AM; .NORTHERN INDIANA. HfOltllrt OK SMALL TO W.N H ARK im)i,ti:i INDIANAPOLIS, March l A ter rific mow itorm added to the horror of tho Dooil In Central and Northoru Indiana tlilt afternoon. Tho water idem hero It out of aervlce. Tho gas plot Imi shut down, and no atrcet rar nro being operated. Wabash, togansport, Kokomo, I'eru, I.nfnyctto and a acoro of small- tow mi In the Wabash Vatley are lioUtod. i iii i i .. alaSwr-" 4UA avaawjBu.?b f rjgjjfiagMsfl """A VjB'' 'tnmmmY ''mmfLmmmV Sa4 &?X sltsmmmmmmw V'' . ttmmmmmmmmmr tJbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW la- ' i5 JammmS - fvv3ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmflfc 1 BaBBBBBBBBBB.BlBalHBPBaBaV aaBBBBBBBBTaaBBBVTBV VV TgtBBTgtUBBTgtmY m JbW JH k . . YsBBBtimmmmrj . w bbY ' LmmViaHH " i W B i " HM ( yPBBBBBfBBi Tho now kliiK of tlrecce. 4C yeara boon popular with tho Ureeki. Four old, wan born In Athene (Wo yenra yeart ago, when ho waa commander after hU father accepted the crown of In chief of tho army, there waa cfcn- liritM-n. Illi i-arlr education waa ro alderahlo fctillng asalntt him. Ho celved from forcUn tutor who taught Rao up hla command, and wai on hi him Oerman, Kngllah, French, Danliliiway to Bt. I'cleranurg to join tno and Utln. Iln I comldored n much nrmy or 1110 ar. men wie vin-o. trongor character than tho Into king. 'relented, and ho went back to hi who for tho paat fow yeara ha not place. Hlka to Daaco lAKal i:ik and their who j Mr. U. M. Davl will learo thla oro- 'N nlng for San FrancUco, where ahe -!., ..-i.. f.Ml. nil Tim. u.nce r r.u, '; "" " 'V' "elc '" .r lUter for evcral month affair wa to haro been held a week illmm,mmmmmmmmmmmm ago, hut wa poitponed becnuxo of tho death of Mr. Don l.ytlo. Dayton, is Afire and Fl Victims Are Being Roasted to Death in Ruins Death Roll From 3,000 . to 12,000 in Dayton STUDFNTS WILL SEND POTATOES 111(211 SCHOOli I'UI'ILH WILL HEND a hr.VKKAIi CARIAIADH OP rOTA-TOI-S TO THK FIXK)D HTIIICKEN DIHTIIICTH Tho student of the Klamath coun ty high ichool took atep today to te cum acvcral carloada of Klamath couuty potatoca to he tent to flood re gion of tho KaL . Telegram were tent to the general office of the Southern Pacific for can mid tramportatlon for the potatoes, und a number of rcddenl wtro Inter flowed concerning the plan. R. A. Johnson of the Klamath Doretopment company agreed to furnUh ten ton of potatoe. Captain Arant baa donat ed 200 tack, and other Indicated their intention of co-oueraAlng with the student. J Tho following committee was ap pointed to cccuro donatiens: J. E. Nail, Robert Hlgg, Hardin Carter, Leon Roller and Tbeo. Caae. I'ortona desiring to make dona tion may loaro word with C. T. Oliver In the Wblto building. Warns Girls of U.S. " ' liaUaMOPVIVI WM AtBlBVBwMMaitaw.f m Lm aBTfBmWiW rAW flBMMMr J BaaBBBBBBBBBBBBW Vt9 HBI gMBBVr aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSLBBV Et''4VV i Basssssw a - . assssaavs BaaBBV?'?- 'r- W SaaBBBBSKWM I aBlaMHI' MH HpH I BBBBBBBBTBtk .- ySBBBBBBBBBBBBl 1 BBBBBbTBH ;' BBBTaBTBTf SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBftVBbBBBBBBBBBBBBS IBbBbBbBbBLbbbh V Disaster Follows Disaster. Preti- dent Wilson Sends Out Appeal for Help for the Victims GOVERNOR WEST COMING TO TOWN KTATK KXECCTIVK ANNOU.XCB8 HK WILL VISIT KLOUTM PALLS DURING gUMMCR WILL OhTT ACQUAIXTKD Governor Oswald West la coming to Klamath Falls as soon as the turn- "For the East It the East and the " ODen- He will not bring with a It was reported soma Dai-row Can Postponed United I'rcsa Service I.0S ANOELES, March 26. On on iWet I tho West, and never tho twain ,l,m iI0V shall meet." blithely sang the Prln-it,rao nK0- but w,n come nre 'of cess Ibrahim Hassan, as ahe reached urlef vacation. the United Stales on her way to visit t Since, the sensational threats of the relatives In California. The princess governor's friends lost fall of placing namo was Olga Humphrey, and sho Klnmnth PhIIh under martial law th !waa born In California. Dut she went. ... ,ClnclBaU by Prakleat Patteno ( d with Mel-I"""" VUK"" "" """ "u""u "' tho Natlosial Cash ItegUter coma-ay. United Praoa Berries) PHONETO.V, O., MaMk M. H la reported here that Dayteti la esi sW. Scorea of baraUac. CAUPORNIA TO MELP Halted Press Serve SACRAMENTO, Maid eiaoi Johaeoi baa appealti ( paMIc for aid for the flat MANY ARE DKAD Onlted Press Service) COLVMRUS, O., Marck Rarbax, Ooveracr Oex'a filrata retary. this aftevooti wired m Iowa from a point atear Daytesn "DetMba aaay nam ay t9,M. (Umage wUl be fie.MO.eM." DAYTON, O. (via direct win to Cincinnati), March SK. Five haav drrl coaUw have bceti ordered traaa the stago and played tho fallacy of the charges made, and Judgo Willis today, postponed 'later going Into "Tho Man From Mcx- now ho proposes to mako amends by the personal request of Clarence Dar- bourne MacDowoll In "La Tosca.", row, tho Chicago attorney's next trial Juno 16th. to Mr. Richard Shore Smith of Eu- geno will arrive In the city this even ing on a visit to Mr. Don J. zumwait. Sho Is et route homo after a visit to 8nn Francisco. W, 1. Johnson, sales manager of tho Klamath Development company, arrived In tho city last night on a brief visit. Local Concern Buys Lake County Garage Southern Oregon Automobile Co., to Operate in Lakeview as Well as Here. Service to be Improved Jury Fails to Agree in W. H. Marcho Case It is Reported That Nine of Jurors Favored Acquittal While Three Were Favorable to Convict Aftor wrangling all night, tho Jury in tho caso of tho stato against W. If. Marcho reported In tho circuit court thl morning that thoro was no possl- bio chnnco of nn agreement. Tho case 'km then coutlnued until the June term, following on the calendar the Icnsn of tho state against Ferris. ' About S o'clock last night a request Icnmo from the Jury room for addl- itlonnl Instructions. Judge Denton! conviction read hla previous Instructions, and then the Jury asked that tho testi mony of Wm. Griffith bo read to them. This request was granted, and, fol lowing the reading of hit notes by Dick Rtchardton, tho Jury retired for further deliberation. It was reported around the court houte this morning that tho Jury stood nine for acquittal and three for The Southern Oregon Automobile ("iiU'nny has bought the Southstone Urotliom' grago and machine shop " l.ukuvlqw, and will operate It In connection with the Whlto Pelican nornKo In (his city, The deal waa closed Tuesday by Zlm Baldwin, who ' now in Lakeview. 0.8. Crosby ""I lonvo In the morning lo take lmrio of the garage, and .thu com I'ony win tend oyer ono of tholr men 'rom hero at foreman of tho machine '"!. Tho other help will be nmploy 'l In Lnkovlew, With tho local garage at the ter minus of tho, railroad here and tho now garage, at the tsmlnut of the orugem, Nevada and California road ' Lnkovlew, the Houthera Oregon company will be In a position to han- illn all of tho travel to the Interior, coming Into Oregon by either ot-thete two rallroadt. Lator In tho acoton1 connections will be nindo with tho, Rmitlinrn Pacific und Illll ronda at llond for both Klamath Falls ami Ukovlew. IllKVKKBR in aauiuon iuo cuiuimur " . i passongcrs for tho Southorn Pacific from horo to Crater Lake If It Is tuc-i cossful In tocurlug a permit from the secretary or the Intorlor to run Into tho park. Application has already been mado for a pormlt, but the Cra ter Lnko company, with which Wlll;0( BELLAMY TRIAL IS IN PROGRESS OF NEGRO vVlLL BH THAT HE SHOT WARD BECAUSE LATTER TRIED TO BRAIN HIM WITH MISSILES 0, Steel Is connected, hat been mak ing a flglit to tocuro the exclutlvo right to travel to the lake, and to pro vost the park being opened to the general public. The taking of testimony In the case tho stato against Bellamy was started lata this afternoon, after tho Jury had visited the Comet lodging houte where the defendant Is alleged (.Continued on Page 4) 'FRISCO PLANS TO GIVE HELP aaBBBBBBBBBBSBBBB FLOOD SUFFERERS WILL IIR AS SISTED BY CALIFORNIA CITY, THEATERS OFFER TO GIVB BENEFIT PERFORMANCES SAN FRANCISCO, March 16. Mayor Rolph met with the publlo wel fiiro committee today for the purpose of preparing a plan for the aiding ot the flood sufferers, Different theaters have offered to give benefit. A pub lic subscription will probably as mad iro." Prlnco Ibraham Hassan, n cous- comlne here as a friend of the com In of tho Khedive of Egypt, saw her,muntty. and wa conquered. Ho pursued till ( To several Klamath Fall men who she married him. Then her troubles ijiavo recently talked with blra In Sa began. The taave oriental, who had hem, the governor baa Joked about the been nothing hut politeness and con-' situation In Klamath county, and has slderatlon before marriage, at once I Indicated that he will come here to let her know that the was to assume enJoy a rest and get better acquainted with the people. (Continued en Page 41 KUteea bodies) have already found la the flood. Tawy ware i to the East Daytaa schooL Employes of the cash register ess pany are Btaxiag 8M roeisjh fcosea. The Deckel hotel. Third aad Jo soa, I burmiag. Other Area are hreasr- lug out la the tmalaee district. COLUMBUS. O;, March M-At 4 tcuutinueu on rage 1 1 Darling is Very Thoroughly Posted on Railroad Rates Local Hardware Man is Elected a Director in Chamber of Commerce. Will Give Members of This Body the Benefit of Knowledge of Railroad Matters With the election ot H. J. Darling an a director ot the Chamber ot Com merce, It Is hoped by other members of the chamber that something for the benefit ot the peoplo of this tectlon In the way of reduction la freight rates In and out of Klamath Falls can bo secured. Mr. Darling It recog nised as one of the best potted men on railroad rates In this tectlon. Ho waa formerly a member of the Reno, Nov., Chamber ot Commerce, and Is the man who was responsible for the passage of the Nevada atate railroad commission law, which was ot such great financial benefit to the people ot the entire state. Mr. Darling stated this morning that he was elected a director with out his knowledge, but that It would give him great pleasuro to assist la nay way In the development and up building of Klamath county,, "Our greatest needs," aald Mr. Dar ling, "Is to secure better freight rate in and out ot Klamath Falls. There should bo a greater differential be tween carload and less than carload shipments, it Klamath Fails Is to be come a distributing., center for this groat Inland empire. It we are to build up wholesale houses here to supply tho markets ot the Interior, vso must have a lower carload rate, aa at the present time the difference Is so small that it leavea ua at the mer cy ot the wholesale houses In the big cities. Another thing we need la a more equitable rate on outgoing ship ments, so that our farm and mill pro ducts can be shipped to the outside markets." Robert A. Johnson, vice president ot the Chamber of Commerce, believes that the organisation has found the right man In Mr. Darling to look after securing better railroad rates He said: "I think the greatest work tee Chamber ot Commerce could do at Uln time was to get some one who knew something about railroad rates to compile data showing a comparison of rates In the Bend country; also Mad ford, Ashland, etc. Do you know that the rate from Medford and Ashland to Chicago, on lumber, la much cheaper than to Klamath Falls? Why should thla be? "If a comparison ot rates were made up showing Just where Klamath, Falls gets the worst ot It we eonld then shoot this at the Southern" Pa- clflc. asking them to let w know defi nitely what they are going to d' 'J -n ' , V" 'W1 . 3- i then take It up at onto with the katof-' ),,- atmttt MiUBiru '--' "' bring all the prsssare pasalMa" to bear. Railroad rates and rattrfiaCas)'' velopmeat are our f itnre. '',-Thh) i$ the big workrbefefe;too VatltMrfV THQKk M ( ting armeM.M'tmr sand WM'tWabtotoaeUtoe . .. .-.. l?t--AU ... L tmrnrnM BBUBBBKT" - " -TV' T . Jli "J-. ' v , tt ? 1 - & . V 1 sw P i i Jawr-s j. y ' P'ri.: .. "!,!.' fiiltJAJ fa - v A , .. w A iKtiOA- 'tATWtWfflFF-ftltnWJitJW- Aarl