,. ' ) 1 4 SELECT YOUR SPRING HAT .1 here. Now showing the best . , j styles in Stetson, Knox , and Thoroughbred Mats. ' A hat for every face and purse K.v- ft THE WALK-OVER MAN The sure sign of satisfaction In modern footwear. Let your next pair be Walk-Overs-fitted in the Walk-Over Way. 'Your feet will thank you" Men's $3.50 to $7 Ladies1 $3.50 to $6 r ; K. K.K.5T0RE Leading Clothiers vVi ELIOT DECLINES BRITISH POST COtXMM to jaxmn to not oMm or nr. u ANNOVNCttaXNT at MABC momMOR rvcw United Press Semes WASHINGTON. D. C, Marck 14. A statement ni Issued from tke Wki'te House tkls atttraeoa,to the fact tkat Professor EUat kad refus ed te accept tka appetatmeat at am bassador te tka eeart at M. Jai leu i t i nu r i.. c mai rapcrs in Dig icoiiy Deal, are Signed Today San Francisco Man Joint With J. F. Magulre of This City in Buying Conutock Hotel Property. Con fidence in Klamath Falls is Shown NEVADA FAVORS POKERPLAYERS LAW MAKING OAMBUKa A OKY JS RBPKALKw ANB TBN ROVNR JWXUffl MATCMHst WHX CARSON, Kar.. Marsh H. Gov eraar Oddte signed tka set repeaHag tka law permitting nlsk fights la tkls lUte. Tka act permits tea-round boning matckes oa tka payment of a Boailaal Ucaaaa. He alej signed a aew aati-gambUag act, wklak uaaeada tka law by making poker playlag a mis demeanor Instead of a fatoay. Par .eeattsje games ara made felony. (la'mbHag wKk cards 'formerly per mitted was made a misdemeanor. FOR 8ALK Plfteea raaai bease oa c IHI9 (eat let; rlgkt ta tka kaart of city; pared atraat; katk reast a ptambtag; aawar eeaaseted; aarsata it takes seas, Addrssa hex SIS. S BBBg ... rroai outside town, which the tor nado wrecked will probably Increase the deatha to more than 100, The scene here Ibis mornlaf re vealed detolatloa. The tornado entered the city from the southeVeet. Ilulldlngs were pick- net ahspe, dipped sorthward, sad wherever It struck there was deetrae tlon. Kverr undertaking eetabllehtaeat here'aad In South Omaha ia tased la the limit In raring (or the dead, Htate mllltla, aided by regular ed up and hurled with terrific force, .tro,, M4 the ollce are guarding A torrential rain followed Ike cv-ilho wrecked bulldlnge and searching clone. Then a ecore of fire were the rulna. started ilmulUtiooutly. Twenty.flve It I now estimated In aotae guar houses were destroyed by flames. Iter that there are 100 dead. The storm camo at ( o'clock last night. The roar could be heard long i United Iresa Service before the itorm ttruck. COUNOII. III.UPPH. March 14. A great cloud, narrowed to a fun-'The tall of the cyclone which created havoc In Omaha ttruck lkc or mw city Lit nltht. Mcmm, art dead and at leait Hvewm fc. jure, Hrl Cruet Arte United I'reaa Service OMAHA, rU Marca M-Taj , Ked Croee SoclMy at Waealsciet ka Juat telegraphed t drouth (U CaM Vttm to local officer of tba aetkty follows I "If nuram are ticdM far na work lake whatev.r artloa k i eary, and wlrr condltloai tad i through the United I'icm," Tka inal aaaera were gellrared to day for tka aele of feet ot tka Bell uan property am Mala atreet between Ktgktk and NtaU atreett. Tke pur ckaaera were H. L. Jjnes el CalUor nl. aa4 J. P. ktagalre ot tkla city. aa4 tk price paM was III.IH, or at tke rate of 1150 a front foot. Tke property ia ow eetwpleg ky tke Coaaoteek ketel, wklak la under leaae ts L. O. Ceaaaiaek. aa4 will be continued la operation for tka pres ent. Tkla la one of tke Urgent real eatate traaaaetleaa that kaa taken place la Klaautk Palla tor aaaae time, aad tke price pale ia evidence ot tke contdenee tkat tka pureaaaera have In the future of Ula city. Botk Mr. Jeaaa aad Mr. Magulre ara tkor ougkly famlllap wltk eoadlUeee kare. They believe Uat KlamaU Palla will be a Mg city, aad are backing tkelr judgment wltk tkelr money. Mr. Bellman atlll retalaa 2 feet on the corner ndjolnlos the property aold. He kaa been hero during the paat two year, during which time aw baa made a large number of Invest-1 meats In city property, lie stated' tkla morning that he waa very much pleaaed wltk tke outlook for the growth ot Klamath. rail, and that1 the money reallted from the aale of I tkla property would not go out of Klamath Palla. a b eg ..,. in,, ii i MINE FOREMAN MEETS DEATH SKID BRKAKB, LETTING A MALP TON WHKKL PAUi OX THOMAS MKYHMS OP THIS GOLDEN OATK MINK AT BAKKR BAKER, Ore.. Marck II. Tkomaa Meyers, foreman of tke Goldea Oata mine at WkHaey, waa killed yeeter day afterneea. Wklle superintend lag tka aalaaaiag of mlalag ataakia cry from a Sumpier Talley freagkt traia tke skid broke, lettlag a kalf toa wkeel fall oa Meyers, kVaaklag kia back. A special engine made n run for a doctor, bat arrived too lata. Meyers waa a wall known ember of tke Baker Masonic Lodge. V 1 fyr ,7u . I't GINGER ALE t- Wklte PeUcaa Mineral Water aad tke inset extracts are aaed la anakiaaT .Wkite PeUcaa Olager Ale. Botttod by an Expert Uasnrpaaaed oa tka Pacita Coast &it' - It. ..'.It. mA .. fit.'.. l . . .. - i t. juetiverea in auaaiKiea iraaa ana VV -VysJ-T. $ aosea plau to eases of afty auarts. n THt , r iMfo v & ff ' , ?i v-;H tts . - , J i a ' r, J WJTEP1UCAK St w m. ' it i . ih. ' W-r i A .f , K Jf ?- rt ' i -Mrw ''pHaaaffJaVaVasmaVapHaBaaaaaaWaWaBB , iapffBafBJJpaBfBaaBsssaaaaasaasaw "' NfntaiilssiilllM ft I ' "" , rf J ' PKIHTIXG STARTS BKTWKKN MKXS United Preaa Service DOUOLA8, Arm.. Marck It ia reported here tkat Igktlng commeac- ed at Caaaaaa at daybreak. Tke wires kave been cut, aad it la Impos sible to secure deaalte Information. Today's news today la Tke Herald Subscribe for Tke Herald, 60 ceats moatk. BOOKER LIS NEGRO EDUCATOR PAMOVS BLACK MAN TKLLS ACM KNCK HOW IT Hi PHOPOSHD TO 1IKING MIS RACK VP TO CIVIL IZKD STANDARD Explanation of tka newer idea ia education as they ara cscmpllaed at Tuskogee lastMute of wklak ke la president, waa aaade by Dr. Becker T. Washington ia aa address to public school teachers at tka Liaeola aigb sckoel auditorium la Portland. At Ma sakool. Dr. Wnaatagloa said, tke atnaanta ara aot merely taagkt book learning, bat tkey ara ratkor ad monlshed to prepare tkeswclvas for tke real prebleau of life. We ara skaplag tka destiny of a race at Tuskogee," ks saM. "Wo are a young jace, aad we are anaping tke young people ia the way tkey will grow. We have little past, bat our whole future Is before as." Dr. Washington told of the strag gle to bring tke negro race up from ignorance to a aigkar plane, aat of tke efforts to make the people ot tke race appreciate tkat la work lias tke greatest beaeiU sad Joys of life. Tkere Is a great difference." ke 'betweea setoff worked, wkiek ia slavery, aad worklag, wkiek is free dom. At Tttskegec wo 4oa't call It maaual tralalag, aad we doa't sail It domestic scleaoe. Ws sail it work. "We carry this fdea out la all branches, and even In the commence ment themes which are given by the etudenta at their graduation, wo have grown away from the Idea ot prepar ing essays on high sounding subjects ; that do not mean vpry much, nnd now i confine such papcra to subjects In) which nil are Interested, nnd which appeal to all." ANNIVERSARY SALE OUR RUSINHSN WAN MtTAHUWHMI ON A QUALITY HANIX. IT HAH CROWN HKCAl'SK WK ACT ON TMK HM.IKP THAT WK VAX MAINTAIN OUR POSITION JUST SO lOSU AN WK GIVK OUR CUSTOM. MRS THK HIMT VAI.UKS AND TMK RNST MCRVK'K POK TIIKIK MONKV. THKH:XMtK, IN CKI.KHMAT1NU OUR "NKCOMl AN.MVKK SARV" WK HAVK BKClllKII TO GIVK TMK PMCM'I.K OP KU1MTH PALIX AND VICINITY - LaMECMSKATKSTmTIM (Continued from Page 1) ty of reaidtmta of Gretna, Aahlaad aad LoalavHIc, Nebraska. A coaricr turn arrived here froan tke towa of Yartaa, north of here. Me ease the place waa dcetrercit aad Sftcea people kMled ami Sfty hurt. Kvery building ha the town waa level ed to the ground. AJcati for Notorial Review ratteru Called Press Service OMAHA, Neb., March Sl-Tha kaowa dead at S o'clock tale after aooa are aa foHewa: Omaha, OsameH MaffS aad Rat HVaVf Mi j Other Nebraska towaa, IS. BerUa, Iowa, S. f Terro Haate, lad IS. Marion, InaV, 8. WeodMae, Iowa; . Ptag nfasB,.aai, S. '. Caleago, S. Krie, III., d. Boaifalr, Pla., B. Museari Towa Hat Ualted Press Servioa DBS MOINMMarea 14 PUg Spring, Mo., 600 poaalatloa, wss de stroyed by the storss. Five bodies have been recovered from the rulna. Many peoplo Were hart. By United Press. wire. (Only wire working Into Omaha before 9 o'clock.) OMAHA, Nab., Marck 14. Sixty- Ave people are dead. 790 seriously In jured sad n property, loss of M.000,- ooq rssulted from cyeleae wkiek swept a strip ive .miles long tkroagk Ike, northern part of tee city last algkt. Pour more people are kaowa to bs dead in RsUtoa, a ssbnrb. Reports Areal opportunity to save money TOMORROW every article in our ttore will be reduced 26 per cent This la an opportunity to purchase the beat goods obtainable at cost price, and In some Instances nt leas than coat. Remember This aale laaU for one day only. There tea be no quci tlon, no doubt, no adverse argument about the treatment you will receive at this atore. Our line comprlaes Staple nnd Pancy Dry Goods, UdlcV Suits, Coats and Dresaea, Ladles Waists, Skirls, Belts,' Kalt nnd Muslin Underwear, Laces, Hosiery. Ircrythlati In the atore 20 per cent off CHFPHERD PIANO DEPOT M WmUJA t OREGON We carry a moat complete atock of Men's Women's aad Children's Shoes, it will pay you to lake advantage of these Baas Bargains, for we ars maklag you a present of our profit. I , i Olove s Silks, Ribbons, Draperies, Comforts, Blankets, Quilts, Llnena, Towsls, American Lady Corsets, Perrls Waists, ' , Men's sad Boys' Suits, Working Shirts and Psaer.BMriS, Neckties, eto "Men's nnd Boys' Underwsar and Overalls. ' ' em. a The Uta yoa pay; H -- tn,m um aowrc Mpncy jommvwih ktHi j 7 wil hi m 'Hi f! ,ft T. A Atkinson's 'X. i The Itore thM ia?at yon Mci M H I H T X