'iXi o THE EVENING HERALD W. 0. SMITH. Tire Temple Theatre MATINtM DAILY AT t:M ALL LICENSED 11CTCKIM 'A Day That te Deed," Edison Drama "And Ml Wife Camo IUrk," Vltagraph Comedy "Saved by Mis Morse," rathe Western Story "The Leaaoa," Sellg Drama ' MAIN STREET Property to etwaya good. Jmt bow I have to offer SO feci en Mates wkh roIM ceacrete baHiMag., It'a near tit heart et U "cRy aad getting better all the ttm. Price 8I2,M, trrma. It will pay yoa to Investigate. Houses, Iota, farm land, Inwranrr aad aarcty boari. CHILCOTt Mate) St. PHotieM Published daily easept avatar ky tka Herald PaklteUag Ommu at Klsmatt Falls, at 111 Batered at Ua poetoBce;at Ftomsls Falls. Oregoa, for traasmteatea through Ua malls aa aeeosd-eleas attar. Subscription taraia by mall to uay ad draw la the United Statee: One year ...8." Ono month .11 W 00 D Dry Sta Weed, IS-tack. Dry Fir Stab, U lac. . . lS-lack Body Wead.... lS4acfc Lima Weed f.M Baa Factory 'Week, lead . .. KLAMATH FUEL CTX, (Sacceaeets to O. IVftea.) CMaea,IIMraM. FISHIN6 TACKLE We hate everytklng you aecd for that Kshlac trip; Hook, Hat, rods, rwli, haahets, etc. Wa rtnt testa, guns .and. camping, ctitlts. THE GUN STOKE j. b. ciiasibbm Fkoae SM Jacobs Mk. ABR ATTKMj k BSMtt Paartfc St BBBBBV DI. nffiTfm I I1BnI ' BHBBVIBBJBaTjjBBBMm ( BSSSBCaSKIBaBaj nmmmmmmmmmmmvH bw Wf3 R KLAKATC FALL. OMMON J BjB, MONDAY, MARCH 34, H Weather Ooadltlaas far Marak , H Date MaxMle-Weettsr II ftwt PKH 1 Clear M KfH CtMaT V RB CWair HV aBBBBBBBBBBBW II Clear V M IS Clear V H 14 Clear ff B aa mr aaaaaaa aaaaaaaa SI PCCVey H. H ............ .41 H daaa' BBBk BBBBBJ aaa'a) 13. ........ aa is aaiaw aaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaBB) IS. ............ .aa W BOW aaaaai aaaaaaaj as) 14 II II dear MkW bbbbV tl Claar mW fM I Oaar L 'f-ff 17... 41 IS Oaar r -H IS 44 II CUady kM BMK 19.... 44 II Baew 'BBBB. SO SI'S Baew JB , 31 .SS .. BMW .dBBBBaf mWIN HI ATTACKBD T n J DRAMATIC TALE TOLD BY CONVICT MKMIIKH OK FAMOUH HOXTAtJ. KVAXH BAND TKI.IJ4 OV KVYKCt OX FKLIANV I'lllSOXKH OK HANOINOt). Block Wood rra aa a kaada ef M, daaaata aka reaairt akat akara la ataaa aa lews. aMK, IMnnal aMI VVaMava aVaV 4aaHaWaV HMBalMlfa Green Slab Wood 16 inch Block Wood Dry Slab Wood 16 inck and 4 foot Limb, Body Wood 4 ft., 16 in. and .13 in. Leave.ordcrs at O.K. Transfer Co. 7 Car. eaad Mate) P. G. Carlson Grocery Buying Grocery kaylas aaeald kava earaful attaaUea. It'a eaey ta make a mtotaka. Wa kaHara (aeuer aToeertaa are we aa eater raeeriaa. Carefal kayera alae kaaw'tkte. Qraeery' kaylac la year H Ui Grocery 1 oaee mora aaajeet ta pakUe erU- lelam kaeaaae of tka actlrHr ef aar- aoaa who woald kara It appear Out they, are ate frteaee. U what par porta to aa a featara article la tka meralac paper Saaday, tka dlatrlet attoraay la kald ap to Ue pakUe saaa aa a medal af rlahtinnmea aad. Ity, aad at Ue aame time tried date of tka eeaaty are aavarely arlt- Mr. Irwla deaaaet aeed aaak aap- port He la aaw a aakUe eWetel, aad kte eatetel acta wlU eaUMtek klm la tka eaaaMeaaa.af tka Xlamatk eeaaty paklte, or will anadama atea. Aay crlttetem of Mr. Irwla at tkto time la lll-advteed. MekaakeealaedUaeaJy aiace Jaaaary lot, aad te aew trylas kte drat artmiaal aaae for tka atata la the dreaH eaart. It haa koea etated ky tka meralac paper that Mr. Irwla. aaa karaed mid alakt eU.( wkHe otaara kaTa dallied wKk Um wlae cap. Tate te aa estima ble trait, the kuralac of mMaltkt oU, of courae, aad Mr. Irwla to to be coa crataUtad oa kte kaMta. la Ue meastlBM, kowerer, there are otter attoraeya la Klamatk Fall, wko, ky their paat recorda, hare eaUklteked theauelrea la Ue coafldeaca of Uo realdeata of thte aectloa. Mr. Irwla te a yoaas maa, Hte fa- tare te before klm. Ha haa a record yet to make. He ahoaM act be later- fared wHk. by aeUtekudlrMaate. Lot him be glrea aa oaaortaalty to make food. 8ACIIAMKNT0, March 34. A dramatic atory of ttio effocU of execu tions oa the prltoucr of Ran Queutin waa told here before tho cnnte Judi ciary committee by KdwarU II. Mor tell, a member o( tho Sonlag-Kyana gang of baadlta, who tcrvcil fourteen yeara In the penltoutlary. "The maa, who vtaa my cellmate, worked In the ahoo chop directly un der the death chamber," .tld Morrell. "He uaed to hear the thump of the men dropping throuith tho trap Jutt orerhead, For daya afterward ho appeared1 to bo In a dato. The thing' grew oa klm until ono day, with a wild look la hla cyci, he ahook me roughly, and told mo I'd better get a new eell mate aalckty. ' Tkoae tkada are having a strange suggestive effect on me,' aald he. They make me want to do murder. If you doa't get away I'll kill ybu tome day.' "Ho died a raving maniac a little later ,tke reault of the horrible sug- geatlea ef the esecutlon chamber." The Herald , tkto evealag gives KUmatk Faato aaMte Ua Irst aaws of tka cycloae wklek sweat Omaka test alght. Had tkera keea a moralag newspaper kere.Ue bows weald kava keea heralded to, Ue iuMle Ute moralag. . a a e -r Tho boasted Asoaelated Press re port, like a cerUla boasted clrcuU- tlon, iBvarlably falls dawa at crit ical momeats. aoo Tbe oaee eat mlgkt kbva palled stuff out of Uo Jaaltor's waste basket as well aa. tae eatee dsvU. ooo la Ua meaaUme, wko te tbe omos devllT Aba Attell, wko teat Ue featker- welgkt ckamploasklp of Uo Called States to Jokaay Kllkaaa oa Fekraary SS, laat year, wUl try to "come kaek." For more taaa four weeks ke was busy at' the tralslag quarters af Dal Hawklas, tka former llgktwelgkt, la Ue Breax, aad ke lasteted Uat ke worked feJUfully. Blaee Abe lest Ue cbamploaaatei ke kaa feaakt Tammy Murpay twtes, loalageace ai tlag a draw la Ue sesoad eaeeaater. He later feaakt a as dsatelea eoatest wKk Mddie Marlaa la Taeama aad aa- eUer wltk Harry Taemas la New York, wklle ke drew wHk Jimmy Watek laBestea. It was la St. Loate Nevemker ITU, Uat Attell saddealy made ap mlad to salt Ue rlag. He aad sU reaBda wiU OUe JKlrke, Ua featherweight. He stepped lata Ua rlag atfer Uat aad aaada tae aa aouaeemeet that ke eoaM aght ao more, aad woald akaadoa Ue rlag. Hte New York Meade eoavteead klm he was mistakes, aad Uat te way as made the aecoad match wiU Klrke for teat Wedaesday night at Ue Forty-second Street Club ta New York, which he woa. "flUNHOAT" 8MITH -. BBWf Baaa-"--' ! W3;BWaaaaaa-. BaaBawfPr aaaaaaaBBU. awaaBaaaaaVfaBBi .saEs'dBsBBBsl CSIaHH BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBaaBBBBk.' i BBBaafaaiaiSBBBBl fUrff bbbHIbbbbbR W aaaaaE NO HANGING IN WASHINGTON WIFK OF TMK NEW SBCBBTARY OF TMK INTERIOR e-e-a' it - f 4 X LSi ', Ct'.K ft j r - ' ;ja;aa WeseU oaly aad wssell j' t dt Aad whoa are we to aaar Sammy's 'Swaa SoagT" " If aad auw.waaaaa; a aaaka a lew paise for cask, fc aster sea CSmteaaaaC'dBB SMf i AaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBam. iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBV ' BBBBBBBBaw9BaBa4aBBaB) - ' BBBBBBBBBBBBK BBBBBBBBBBaBBBa aaBBBBBBBBBBaBiif ;ft ' bbbbbbbbHbbKbG 00KRNOR UTKK SKJ.VH BILL DOINO AWAY WITH CAPITAL PVNWMMKNT FOIt MVRDKR CONVICTIONS 0L.YMPIA, March 32. Ooveraor Eraast Ltoter Saturday algaed tbe bill ahoUaklag eapttal punishment aa Us peaalty for Srst degree murder. Cap ital puntohmeat remains the peaalty for treason. MAHQUARD ABSKNT FROM TMK FOLD Vv tfros.l ff'.'.T "' Herald Waat Ads arias; mates. 8. I "lM"" WbM's tlw Wrtil tsaflMCm?: It's aot gitelag aarysBMar; kaow, aad saeeBB a walls K a' rest' aad irrnksaakig, BsJlraad watskss are' elssasd aad'erarfcaated oaee a year ta laamra aesarata ateaa plag. wlyaailwaiffywarsiaaad u --- "'-" --- tw- 1. (Copyright by Harris A Kwiag) Mrs. Franklin K. Leas, wife of Ua aew secretary of ths laterlor, Is wsll kaowa. la Wasklagtoa sostel sbatea. Before her marriage to Mr. Leas la ISIS sks was Miss Aaale Wlntermatt, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.; Pstar Wta tar mutt of Blmlra, N. Y, Mrs. Laae te very f oad of social gayeUes, aad asasily ass layltatloaa which ossapy slsiost every koar.of sack day. iiiiiHUaaBaBBBKlBBBai BBBBBBBBBv m SaBaBaBBBBBalaBBBBBBV BBBBBB sbbbbbbbbbV m bbbbbbbbbbbT BBBbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbb! bb bbbt bbbbI "Ounboat Hulth claims the heavy weight rhamploaahlp of Kaglaad be cauio'lic knocked out "llombadlsr" Wells In two rounds at Madtooa H'luare tlardea March II. With a tett swing to the stomach, followed by a right awing to tbe Jaw, Smith toppled the clever Kngtlshmaa ever la the second round. Taking aisa sec onds the llrlttsh Champion rose to meet another right swing to tbe Jaw and he went down aad out Smith thereby became one of the most popular heavyweights la the United Htatea. He took tbe place of Welts In popular estimation. The athletic Drlton, by his gentlemaalr qaulltles, had won tbe regard of the tight fans, even though It ana doubt ed ir he had stamala for hard Ightlag Smith is bow coasldtred ths logical opponent for Luther McCarty. Should he win from the so-called "white champion" he will probably claim the "white heavyweight" ckamploasklp of the world. HERALD KEEPS PEOPLE POSTED IHMAHTKR IN NKBRAHKA IS TOLD filUPHICALLY HY THK UNITED PKKHM HKPORT ONLY ONE WIRE WOIIKINU Rubs Marouard, wko was married recently to Mlsa Blossom Seeley In Sea Francisco, la aUII a wanderer from; the Olant fold. Tbe tall rural gentleman reports that ks te eajoylag the salubrious climate. of Ue coast, snd vouchsafes ao iBSermatloa as te his future plans. Klamath Falls residents ware gives the first newa of the cyclone la Ne braska by Tho Herald bulletins posted on the street thla morning before 9 a. ra. Thla once was beselged with Inquiries from realdeata here ion cernlng tbe safety of frlendi aad rela tives who reside in the atrlckea dis trict. Uecause of she failure of tbe wires It waa Impossible for The Herald to secure accurate Information concern- jlng particular communities, but every effort waa and to atill being made by The Herald to aecure the information desired. It Is a notable fact In con nection with the atorm that the Unit- , . . .w(. nW nil no wumiBB into Omaha before 8 o'clock this morning, and the boasted Associated Press again took second place aa a medium of newa. If It's worth having, U'a wort . ouriaff. See Chllcole, aa Mate) St. Phoae as. -- - - -v - ,Tka Herald, Sfty seats a meatk- HARDEN: SAGE DARKENS GRAY HAIR SO NATURALLY NOBODY CAN TELL Restores Its Lasers, aVsreats ItcMag; DaadraaT aad Fatt ftaf aaaaw V !,'F.'Wi SeVVFau 'I To aUVKUTTUCSaKKS II I head aateaVaai a sseiatets U,' II lleWUJaV, U P-EB Diamond Chkk Fod w '. f"i $". Taat beautUal, evsa skads.of dsik. gtessykalr caa oaly as ,kd by brew. Ma" mixture of Saa Tsa aad Sal pkur. Wklle it te(a smsst tedloas task, It wsU repays taasa wkass kalr is turning gray, faded aaa strssked. Yosr hair is yoar skarm. It or mars ths faee. Wfcea it turn gray and looks dry. wispy sad eraggly Just an applteaUaa or two of Sage aad Bulpkai.sakaaass Its ap- Pearaace a hundred;fsld. , '." uoa potasr to pngari u teals: you ssa get from aay draaatara a II- ceai aottis of ' 'Wystk'S Bag ag4 pkur Hair Remedy." ready U This can always be depended upon to bring back Us natural color and las trs of your kalr, and Is tbs beet thing known to'rsmovs dandruff, stop vwuuB scsip ens laiuag hair. everybody chooses "Wyeth'a" Sags snd Sulphur because It darkens so naturally snd. evenly that nobody aaa tell It has been applies, Yoa simply dampen a sponge or soft fcru.t. ...i draw this through tbs hair, Uklag pas small strand at n time," whlck re quires but a few, momenta. n ku at night and by morning tks gray kalr lias disappeared, and after aaoUer application It becomes asaatlfaUy dark aad appears glossy, lustrous aad abundant. certainly helps folks look years younger aad twtoe as. at txoetlve, ssys a wsU-kaawa a... town druggtet ggfggfggfgTgfjflgajgaHV BaaBBBBBBBTBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB . aaaaaaaaawBpaWr KliAMfrt, -... . J... " "Mid f I Sole lleinM-nlaUM tl aw tHe4away nn, t(fr . Isaee. Ulhw im ? rta prices. Tuning 7sT" Agency frMIN1,rtJj7-5 fHlag Slarlilnea, OllZa-?. arllew, Victor aed Keaaaw' Oltla ami Maililnra. Z1? , tloaery ami I'lfiurea."1' H, MAIINCV, Prosrlskw Tl,, -, . l,..t mow, KdtwM e-mtaate Itovatils, Nlri S-mlnui itr,,, a wa-dawV. 'lannasa w -wav iswa ' ' - BBBBBBBBK BBBBBBBBBraBBBfsBBVCl9H ' "aaaaaJi EVERY I'OSSUll CUIIKTESV Consistent with sound aaiaab oilMnleil to ciisiomera aTm!! Firs! Trim nnt Hatlam aa? '.v.! SSBH mnslderAtlon with tstasajS lions fur Umiii upon i recuruy nm treated ana riuindeiilUlly, tka Us win i. i. aaai . m aian ill Mf( y,. sun ii oil any financial First Truit and Sarlngs Buk suaaiiia rail, urcgon W: . m a j PROMPT SKRVICMRCASONABLt PRICKS W. . SMITH PRINTING .Jr. """AHBTtAUATM FOURTH ST. Ill H mi IMIN J. XIMHAI.T, IVeeteVat. If. M. BURR, Vlce-I'rrs. asd IIKRT K. H ITHROW, Hmvlary. Klamath Couaty Abstract Co! ABWJtACnNG Svrreyari aMl IxtigplM Eaftiueers map, pmnm. HitiPKiNTft, tv. Klaicath Calls, Ortawt s rl.. jjKfKBjjEklKf' ( i -f'f g- T RtPAIKS MK. NOT NECtSlfwW i. -h. t i.iitiiim lius bees wtftiw ascordlng to bIis meUaas af saaKatlcn, c2'3 fttlpaMe sarsteasatss on tbe aws lervaata t etfcsrs makes It m" ( uv ,. work dsM.aj' Itaraeter aad It will be, right, or I palfsdawt torsa et skilled Bj7' eased ,waaMa are si yo - KsREELEV ,.n -r-j . " J i .., ..... . i ' -'." ., ,. ts tas iiata ta taaa a Map la tka right dirsciiou - ougkly eteaasa the systewof lapwHtes asesmnialed durlot ,P1 ur moBths. Mart tka sammar wRk a aew easrgy and TitsUa7V traagtaea up yea, Mood sap, ! R aad laereass 1U W7 lag rower-sMmslate Us irm.'kldaeys sad blasder-ld "j. thrawlaa n , . ..! - : ;" NYAL1 irailia SAMAPABILLA M Was devised far this very parpose-it eleasiss aad wW2Jij blood iBoraaaaa tk, '!. i.t.': ''' w foundaUTjJ It wlU'maka you feel more tike yoarft, yea w(U Ha up n ( ONE MUimmmm rvr. sirass mmmrtmm tlOLLAH .v Ws sipset to ha kara'la tMljimj tao4' ataay ysars. Tb way fa saa.da U to by tmUagevaryayt. , Thata our polkfj UNDERWOODS - -,.' " ''-'J n;rin.''H 't.'v illtlM..