'" '.5-', . it - r", .T r ,. '.i v r i - r Jt- M 0JV GLAMS rJ ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CTHCTJTlAth .' nf 1. -'" JTa ' T J v.'l MiAl , y nQjmk. a j ja. . JilrBI ef seawBedBei. 'BB JBnV 7""rrnHP!1!W! pining ittrruw by mi tjnrcD " bowkw gibe Na aavmtli Year !" KLAMATH FALLS, ORKGON, MONDAY, MARCH M, 1911 Cyclone Cuts Path Six Blocks Wide in N Death and Destruction Follow in Wake MO DEFENSE STARTS; STEER OWNERSHIP tiimO.V FOII DINMINNAL OK THK tJAMK IN iknii:i Ailcwst Will PruewMy He Made li tfiow That There la CVmeptrary u te 'lUllnNMl" the) llrfrwiMnl hV- Wrs. Francisco . Madero and Sister-iri-Law's Children ml Mil Am CallrU la lU. , MrnlMlfnllesi of Animal by KUIo' Wllsv Afer a modem for dlamlaeal bad been denied by Judgs Benson, the de fease of tlio case of the iiato Bgalttst W. II. Marctio, charged with the lar ceny of atcer was started In the circuit court this afternoon; ;.' Attorney Kred MIIU for tho de (teae Introduced teetlmony apparent If with a view of showing that the tint In dlepute actually wu the pfowriy of Marcho, prior lo hU hav leg told It lo Dalten A llosley of Merrill, and there km, throughout Ut lamination of tha witnesses for lie defense, an Indication that It would be attempted to show that tiers li a conspiracy to "rall-oad" the defendant. ud. W. Ofllold waa tha Aral wltneaa called to the aland thla morning. He testified to the Identity of the steer In question, hut could not swear that be bi dactually bought the animal from mete Urlfnth. Following the testimony of K. H. Terwllllier, tho atate reele.l. Then a format motion for dismissal waa made by Fred Mills for tht defease. Dur Isi the argument of tha motion the isry was excused from tha court room Judge llenson, after taking under advisement tha motion for dismissal, dtaM It, and tho defense proceeded. The first wltneaa called waa Hay Mar rill. He lestlRed aa to tha brand on the steer In dlepute. Mr. Myrtle Olle waa neit called. , she was follower by Prank. II. Ktster, a4bBBBBBBBbV - llgtatVTgatlllll BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa. MtV flaieagngnl aBBBVPsaBBrnfflflBBBBBBBeV PBbV BBBBBBB gm'ffcsw'BWBBBBBBBBn v""' ''.BBbW AYennBBBBBBBYlPBBBBBBBBBBBBVanBBBBBBBBBBBH AWsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPlBBBBBuaSMBBBBBBBff nfjfBTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBBBBBBBBB. - JBBBbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW mKKSfCtK ffmvXrM wr amaaWtaBvmmmmmmmmV M-l( 'bm W" ammmmmaBvmmmmmmmmml gmW amflBvmmmmmV I MMU 17 MH !BmmmmmCaBmm9lRBta?aBVaBHgaH' ---aBBsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVr 9EbsbVVw VjaA'rBmT-9kBmmmmmmmmmmmmmZZ-.afaaB BBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgnmHgCvS "' HgV aBmmmmmWWWgaVttta n ---- -Mstaa-aatMnataae-----. Big Wind Starts in Florida North, Wiping TERRE HAUTE IS HIT STORM TUKXTV-FIVK FKOPLK ARK lKAI AND MANV INJURED. TWO VILIiAOMH CXMI'LiCTKLV WII'KD OFF MAI' Jaltod I'rnaa Berrfea TKItltK HAUTK, March Twee liSCO SENDS, OFFER OF HFLP MAYOR HOLTH WIRUM TO MAVOR DAHLMAV OF OMAHA OFFKR ING TO DO AXVTHINO POtMULK TO HELP Man ! " - United Proas Harrtea SAN FRANCISCO, March 14. I Mayor RolnU todav seat Mavar Dakl .uh- .r xt. m-,n. .nw. -,-, of 0BaB1, tg, f0jlowln irrrrfcaicc licr-. It la retlmatcel Umk thirty HTpl killed here. lulled I'rcsa ?ark TKIIRK IIAUTB. Marcn'24-Twati. ty poople weta krHa4rand 15o iajare4 during' a cyeloaa hare last nbyht: Three hundred henaaa wero wrechad. Tho villages of Perth and Papertoex wera destroyed. TaafaUUilet are not known. "" "Our cltlteaa faal daaaly yaar aa4 mUfortune. Can we help any way T We aro ready to respond on tha hotsr of call. Wa aro aver mindful of your generosity to ua In oar how of trouble." t - ' - Mrs. Lottla Batley, eUnographof for county court, ratunwd heaaa Sat urday eTenMrfter a'two waaka' Ytslt In PorttaSd. . -avBawai -----ata---ae----a '::. niana of Storm AMil aaO CrttatamP"' "''" k'". V i - "t n eavr -'." " - i ?- .sr.a.aaj OQUml d- ;. - Si , , SWid8tL A ..' " P. X'l ' j TaT J 1r EfUkDH f,majv' . .- am - ."-.WKiBa LIMBLI F'.N annRn . -,;' ' ; sV,i J'J y Towns Wires Down and , . ' " Vrf, Lis t is Not Yet Known rropenyLoti wiu KeK into tM MillioMU Utc IJrt of Jojw Dead U Over Two Hwtfrtd WUSON OFFERS GOVERNKNTIIB ItaVhUHCVT aWNM MAVOR AHMV K.N'UINKKR MJMtK FOR RIlMt As an adranco guard of tho gorem "Hat forces to arrUa hart thla sum er to carry on tha work et Improve menu in tha Crater National Park. Lieutenant 0. H. Ooodwln, U. 8. A., I In the city, Ho la aecuring from wl saw mills prla M lumbar vblch will be needa4 at tha park tale summer. There la now available for Crater I-nke Park MI.AM. It la vftaaiMt llt an additional appropriation of f 76,000 may he made by the present (Copyright by Duuerwood Underwood) Mrs. Francesco I. Madero, widow of tha murdered presi dent of Mexico, and three chil dren of Heiiora, Rntaol Zlrlon, sUtor of tho former ruler of Mexico, aro tho roost Interesting rclntlvca of tho stain president now In tho United States. They Hod north on tho steamship Montorcy. All tho members of the party say that tho president of Mexico was inurdored, and that they have tho proofs, which will be given publication In the future. They have no other nrrungomenta at tho pres ent tlmo thun to retoaln In New York until they hoar from more of their relatives yet In danger In Mexico, James H. Wheeler is 4 in City as a Witness Former Deputy Sheriff Returns From Canada to Appear in the Gate of the State vs. Hunter Sayidge James H. Wheeler, one of the moat next congress, although dorinlto about this. thero Is nothing MKM. DON' LYTLK'H IIODY HHIPPKD Funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Don J. Lytle were held at Whltlock's undertaking parlors Bun day afternoon at I o'clock, About 100 members of the local lodge or Elks attended. Rev. 0. II. Feeae con ducted the services. Following the aervlcsa the body waa shipped to Valpa'laso, Ind., where Interment will occur. City Attorney Drake to Leave City Employ Well Pnown Attorney, After Sue-; ' cegefully Carrying on I4tlotlon, Will Tender HU Resignation '' City Attorney Drake .will, tenaer ' rNlgnatloB at tae'nexi meeUag of the city eeuiiell. whtea wlJKbe .the .MondiyjnU. ., .JTV .". ,- Judge Drake arrived ii UU deelaleo veral days ago. ' Ha oaly aeeepted the position aa a taver.to tae'preaet dmlaieirettM. awl.he now beUersa wat thsrala u lomaer aay parUeukur -" -.-,ISU ..jtn't ft t.Vr 3,- need, for his services. At the time of assuming ocs the nitv waa In a bad. legal tangle. The most important fraa the oily charter, matisr, Judge Drake successfully represented the olty In litigation In relation to the charter, and upon the adoption of a new charter hi. believed. tkatla task had bean completed, I I T" . . . ' " ,. -, .. . hxjtr ,,V!: C 'i: f w JUDGE SENDS FRIEND TO JAIL CONKKtWION OF IMMOKAMTV W A HUHPRI8R TO JURIST, BUT HK FKKFORM8 MIS DUTV WITH? OUT FUN'CHING . SEATTLE, March 84. Adam J. Mayor, a well known mission worker, startled Superior Judge1 Jeea T, ndnald and n crowded courtroom by a dramatic confession of Immorality. Judge Ronald had known Mayer for upward of twonty yonrs. They were neighbors, living within 100 feet of each other, and when Mayer conclud ed his remarkable confession, the Judge asked h'lra: " , 1 "Are you sure you nre your right mind?" ' " Mayer' did not hesitate. He answer ed premptly: "Yea, I am now." ' ' Judge' Ronald settled back In hie choir with a sigh, and after a few minutes' thought said: ' 'I see no pther way than to Impose sentence.' You will. beconnueVl In the state urUon at Walla Valla for not leas than eighteen months or more'than ten yeare." ' 1 Mayer, was arrested lent week and chargeY with mtretluL.hki: yowuijBH aleeetwb years ego. Important witnesses la the cae of the state against Hunter Savldge, arrived In the city last night for the purpose of appearing In the Circuit court at a witness. . Tho case waa to have, been called up this morning, but this after noon Judge Demon announced that H would be Impossible to reach the case for several days. following the Marcho ease, now on trial, the caao of the eUte against Bellamy will bo taken up. Then the court will hear the ease of Obsnshain against Claude Daggett, at)' eeuaty treasurer. The Savldge eaae will be Mr. Wheeler left Klamath Palle soon after the Indictment waa return- ted against Hunter Savlege. Me has been engaged In. business In lUrdesty, AlberU, but when he heard that his presence was desired here he Immedi ately started for. Klamath FaMe. Bellamy, who la nest to appear m a defendant In the circuit court, la in negro. He la charged with shooting n white man. $ iTbe case of Obenehaln against Dag gett la one of the moat Important to be taken up at thla term tf eenrt. The building of the new eenrt ;heae la Involved. . ' - MANY MEN TO BE EMPLOYED SOON HUILDiNO OF TMB sUUJbOAD TO COOS BAY WILL FVRX11M MM PLOYMKNT FOR !, MSK WITHIN A WKBK i k li m l KUQBNB, March U. Oeorge P. Crowell, local manager of the Manley employment agency, of Portland, hkh haa.epensdan omee In ttla elty, la authority for tneaUtement that this agency alone will send lM workmen to the camps along the;Une of'"the Kuiene-Cooa nWvrnllren4 within n week. 'Porter aWotjMra,'no have the contract rom htoeArthur Perks Co., the geneml aentraeters, are said to have recently rssetred to- structlona to push Ue'..e'M;re4e ly aa peeelble,espeetenaeitithe stretch of road between OnMhnw Marshaeld, whloh wiu hnVeba be aWteebefera' November. -T, . . ' .' .. -: i.'ti: c . i ' rsvz ."r' :r- FLORIDA IS IN , THESTORM ZONE ALABAMA Ml MtnMMbTBO.TO MAVB BKKN 8WMPT BY OYCtVONB, BCT ISO kDKFINRB Hi .' ' AVAILABLB NBWB M NOW Of " .- 4T ? ASKUM IN WHAT. WAY BsnUt CANBsXOIVBir ' (totted Prose Bervlee WAnWBOTOM. D. C. MannTi.--Preeldent Wlleen hna offered a)evern ment nfd to Omaha. He sent the fol lowing telegram to Mayor Dahlman: "I am deeply distressed at the newa received from Nebraska. Can we help In any way?" (Signed) WILSON. At the request of Wilson's aeere Ury, Tumulty,, the United. Press: de livered to Mayor Dahlman President Wilson's massage after eBerta lo reaeki Omaha by rommsrelsl wtrea ban failed. " Dahlman replied aa follews: "I deeply appreciate your offer of aasletanee, but our pe-p4e are re sponding nobly., I'beUeve that we can handle the situation. The people' of Omaha desire to eaprees their ffni Itude for your message of sympathy." United lreaoieree- U,, OaaAMA, Neex,, --nTitjd !,! rE vsr::m:mimi tmmmmmm v-i, ( , c llnHeslPi OMAaU,XeeW Mm. ,, " .... -,; ,.: Laeei ispwte feean Cemawsl aBsMm stmemkJ ft. eBmtetnM M lMV4rv9 ' iv- t;-iL-,' --.--- ..i-Jlaeg-m,- MWtV' MeSMaS 'flsP'sBBatfeMtBaBBaBlaBBBV "mW ftmlk selaoewX ojiili iL jl i1 'g mta tt ipsrm leeen JMnrlny teMnnt Ml BPamanBml nUhn emnaatnmVaBsmmsBml gmtdaf BaVaani enamBaa drnmBfmiBMrr' nmmjsjsjsmmmmmjsmmj nmmnr nmmmj BBJPB ..' S3 & tOWHneee on psuje IP MikeDooher of J. Defense -sn . "a Gomes to Kiiidbi& i . ' .': 4, s ; ..'. - Pioneer Timber Craiaer Retenta M m tack on a Well Known KUnatli raliaMaSe Tells of Career 12 B4ltor Herald: ,o s j Tor the purpose, of correetlng state-; meats made, .in' an' attack by the Northwestern on t eraiae of .eenjitr timber by jr., Kimball and nvaetf I would ask. the uee of yenr pejaer. i I Taeerulsereferree,te WM'na4ehy Kimbeu aa Jjoener nneur, JACKBOHYILLB, Fin:, Mareh it I U . I ' ' JJ The cretoee atrnek Boalfnr. Fla Three pereoe we known to have De4ma4 la 1M with the eeenay eonH of Kisjant eoeuuy, aeMMtttf vng Judge BeMwtn an4 OeenmBelsniatn M, ingiptetee '-WiheN S9 V as kllled.and there are Jl Injured. , Atabanu waa aweot by the storm, The wire are dewa, an4.no dsinHe Hwl ewj waTNvBgfg)afBe Loeal membera. of theitKnlghta Tenuatar attended Beeteraerrloeint the Presbyterian'' ehureh aiAny: mornlag.j The KnlnkU left, their halt In n body.. Her. Dr. 'Bvana' preashed theaermon. ' In.aof'.Ue.lneleni eut weather there wis noe4'a4tes)e aneeueJU. the aemon' ?.. oatrojmt aU tn'tke essaalen, ,; 'V J s" ''; i s -& . Y"V ' " )v - UbbU .VBaABaAst cMsnUBBaBBBTBBel Muft nnnmrep wnmyj pMgakj vrejnemnnmBmsmmnm) nmmny tt la now, a there warn mm market. nid:lt wooht nm Injuetiee tothe;ownen f ae ekoe an M MNmwmwJkwR ' sMnW.Bf' neeeeanry'te s)o senee cmb afejwvcti 8. Merrill ao4 Prod Melhnae. 0r te- nHI3MWNgsni Mef ffr wMWC i nHnV 'WsJ , tka J ilmli. 'ikVmX-: mot aogBBAMr "MHti v"T",,n asnjpan) emTVnnarejsre) ( saasy BeweB llanUMaf MllffMnmnm iBVeanBnBS BU. tM aBttMsaVi W;oM .ewrwoiaeefirdtas'to' tM eat)nas'vastttft,B. iaatfMaatonau'nnsl owseeaw f f sw w" seeeeBpnLssv p honeeUy and folrtr,;, i$- ? ' Th wm tUiret, time thai iVl weeWef 4w"BjmJ Kimhatl. with waoon I 4 BatBttanialgl Sttef gggUgBgft wweaeB aweT nBebe najsmevsji nnawea; a trtogoMttbs) mtny. Ho no tsaMMt of Mtt'eirnnlf not thai ndurnaea m gg eamnmOrejajijni g&mun. asagi na ner name aA iheM cannmii ex wnjmmj fen me.'mwea kmnwaammmn n PBnBBeBjBBr BB ""nnB.BBBIBBl rr1 i hVlhta I our i !.