"SSFF-' - r ' I , i-t. ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE MXTRAVAAmmicWkfi&:&AIMS. - '' S f l iHiVn 'TMA 8VL as.. , .. . i'rtSAv'iJi.r.;1.. '. L mMkMMi gtgr guenina girrruMi t, ma VRITKI' MM "" "VICH aBBl 1 II BaWaWi 4 BT r w K ' BBL BnBHBI BnBBV iteraw. I .. .WFM morr nwnwii, : '7$. Btveatii Year No. bS1S KLAMATH KAMA, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH SB, 191ft o " tt . . ja. n vBweam-iy ., Blizzards Predicted For Pacific States Tomorrow Death List of Storm Victims in East is Growing REALTY DEAL OF MAGNITUDE CONSUMMATED (tHWTOCK HOTEL PROPERTY IM mill) BY MAOUIRK ward Price of SSSe Prr Front loot h Paid lr Hayere, Wheae Nature Save Not Vrl llrra Ultra Publicity. ' Ileal Paprre In TnuHHMilon Will p Ummii Up for Hignaluire NcU MaUy. Humphrey Brothers go to Death on Gallows Drop Without a Word. Were to Have Hanged Yeiterday, but Were Re prieved for Another Day The piper are belag drawn up tbU afternoon fur the cloriag ef oae of tat MKeit deal In Klamath Falla really (bit hi takrn place during tbe paal year. Ttio deal waa made through J, F. Mag ulre, (li local real eelatc mi, tt'outlnued on I'ain l HAI.KM, March 2J, Chnrlc and Utiorcn Humphrey, brother, ware haiiRrd at 8t0& In tlio ilatn peniten tiary Ihli morning. They were ronvlctnd for tlio brutal aanault, murder and robbery of Mra. Kill (Jrimtli, need Gc.ycan, near Plitlomah, Junu G, 111 1. Ilotli men dropped to death with out a word. They were to lmvo been banned yraterdny morning, but were reprieved ono day by Governor West became tlio day waa Oood Friday. MADERISTAS ARE AFTER REVENGE PROMINENT MKXMAN FRBKRALS AKK EXRCUTBoi-FORMKR SEC RETARY Of STATE OF CHIHUA- ii va ih a vioraii Punrral Ha aaUy intormont will be made. Funeral eervlcca over the remain. ' Mcrobore of tlio Elka Lodge will of the late Mra. Don J. Lytic will bomMt ,t tno , ,t t O.clock ftnd ,t. pield at 3 o'clock Hunday afternoon at teni) tlio aervlce. vrnmocK unapei. Following tlio rcrvlrea Mr. Lytic will leavo on tbe evening- train with the body for bla old home In Valparlio, Indiana, where! (1. F. Bovlta Ii In tbo city today from hla Keno ranch. toit'cl Pre Service JAIJItEZ, March J I. A refugee haa brought a letter fram I'aral la which It la aald that Maderlitaa hare executed 1SS federal prlaoaera, 1b eluding Gulllcrmo Porraa, accretary of tlio itnte of Chihuahua when I'or fcrlo Ulai Waa prealdent; Rudolph Iteyea and Itudolfo Cbavea. THOMAS MAY BE AN AMBASSADOR I'liAYWKIQHT M OONbMIIKRbW AS MOST L1KKLY OAKMIIATR FOR r TMK POM OF AMBAMABOR TO FRANCE Marcho's Liberty is at Stake in the Circuit Court Today Question of Whether or Not Poe Valley Rancher Stole a Steer That Had Been Runhing at Large Near Merrill For a Long Time, Up in Benton's Court Whether W. II. Marcho, a I'oa Vat- Uy rancher, iold a atr he 4M sot own, or whether Merrill eattlemea have entered Into a coaaplracy to drive him out of taa eouatry, aa la claimed by the defeat, la Mag lerailned In tba circuit court today. Four wltneaaea aa4 aaea ea)U4 up to a lato hour tala afUraooa. Tha Int waa It, I.. I)alto, a Merrill atoak an and butcher, Ha teatMed ta kav M bought tha ataar Ih dlepata frew Mertbo. Tha wltaaaa aUta4 that the tteer had araaed arauad tba atraeU M4 vacant lou la Merrill for a loaf Mae, and that ka aa4 uadar the Imprcttlon that tho animal had belonged to tbo defendant, later h had defended a ault to repiovln, and haa loet B. U Hoaley, Daltoa'a partner, waa neit called. He waa followed on the aland by Fred Stukel and Ki Cald well. . From the teatluony Introduced to- day It appeara that the atate will at tempt ta afcow that It w.ia ouly after Mra. Marcho had been Informed that there waa a atray ateer running around Merrill and bearing Indiffer ent and Indlatlnct brand that Mar cho made any claim to tha owcerahlp rf tbo animal. Soma teetlmony waa Introduced to ahow that Mra. Marcho had etated, Juat prior to hnr hue- band' claiming owaerahlp of the ateer In queatlon that her huabaad had not mlaeed a ateer, but had loat a heifer. District Attorney Jrwta lntrodueed n certified copy of the Orlmth bread, aa It waa from Grlltlth that It la claii td Offlcld A Stukel bought tho ateer In dlaputo. Yeaterday afternoon (ha Jury ex amined the ateer, and the branda on tho animal were made plain by ehav Ing off the hnlr. WILL R. KING TO GET APPOINTMENT RUMOR MAS IT TBAT ORKOON XA TIOXAL COaOaTriBfUCAX WOL HK NAMED OaaaW JCirTfCf: OF COURT OF CLAIMS United Prea Service WASHINQTON, D. C, Marek 31. It la reported that Preetdeat Wlteoa and Attorney General McReyaolda havo decided to appoint Judge Will It. King, national committeeman from Oregon, to be chle! Juatlce of the court of claims. ialted Preaa Service WASHINGTON. D. C. March 11V Aa a reautt of the flaal decllaatlea of McComba, Auguatua Thomaa la re garded aa tbe moat likely candidate for tbe ambaaaadorahlp to Fraaee. President Wlbon'a private aecre Ury, Tumulty, admKted today that prominent ambaaeadorlal poeta were till "up la tbe air." FORGED TO EAT, GIRL IS SICK MILITANT SUFFRAGETTES CLARE THEffi LEADER M IN A SERIOUS OONB1TION IN ''ROUiOWAf PRISON 'aaaeiaeaaaaaaaaa Ted Meredith United Preaa Pervlcr LONDON, March !. MlUtaat eaf- fragettea declare today that Sylvia Pankhurat ta la a aerloae eoadltkm aa a reeult of being forced to eat by tho guarda In the Hollowar Jail. 'amamaP 9 BEr aERvSEBSSSSSSa EESTa aVmaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBim aTam" amaBBBBBBBBBBVmaBBBBBm Rami' BBBBBBBBBBaVjEmBBBBB ' aBBBBBBW BBeBBaMej mSmaV aaVmEmw'' ESSaEJ gjBESSS EESsT Emaaaar ffeaftEa' TafaEF '' PamEml BkBamw - f M' i BBBBBBBTaameMa B aWaBBmBBM ''"! BSBkTBml ' J I "eBmBma! ' M- BBtBpBaBBBBBBBjBliW - The ptograa ahowa JTa ditfc, the wesdertal aekoctaey martN..MredMikeMetawerM'a record for the Ma-mater event, aa4 track aharpa look to Mm' to aaag ap new Mgurea for tbo kaM alia seat eaa- Lake County to Help Forest Pests Will be Subject of Investigation i,, ,, , Experts Leave for Northern Klamath County to Secure Information About Western Pine Beetle flllbert AndareM aad'H. H. Ogle left Friday (or Bear Plata aad tha ""er Uke eoaeAry, tasara taer will veatlgato the prevaleaee of tka 4ae Metle tn the Umber of that eoetioa. Tba Intectloa of tka Umber a Kiam mb county by the wU alae beetle become aa aterrnhMTtaatthe Urn "r owaera win be feme, to atead a "w tmeuat of, ny ta rM taa t of ottkiapt. -; ,v .OfaBjtoaMs worlc.WM doae aloag Mm Uai yer, but It waa aieeUy tite aature oi as vlaveaMgatto. "wra. Anderaoej aMOila.twlM are 5 th piojr'ol taa Klawatk-Lako uatie, Porogt Mran AioHarlea, ZILT !k" ' "A, --.., UMtf f ajeajerameat bwom of etomology and are coaaldered eH cleat experta. Aa eeTert will be made by the tim ber owaera to aecure the aaetotance ot tba government w a eampalga for protecting tke foreaU of tbe ceuatyr At the preaent time the tercet aervlce haa so appropriation for work, of thw nature, but It Jc hoped that It will be able to aeoura a apeelal appropria tion. Tho Infection ot tbe beetle la ao acrleua that It Ii eettmated that It will coat la tka neighborhood or lOA.eeo'to'rM tha Umber ot Klam ath county ot the pact. It eoeta about $1 a thouaaad feet to treat the troea, aad ai practically the entire acreage In the couaty'le eaid-to bo infected, it will be an eaomoua anjcmntork'tovwnll the plnci Umber efUlaaon.' '- fi FRIEDMANN IS GIVEN CHANCE UKHMAN HCIK.NTWT TREATS m CA8KH IN BKIiKVUK HWaPITAL. WILL TREAT ALL WHO ARE READY " r -J. j United Pre Service NEW YORK, March IS. Dr. Freldmann treated thirty pulmonary tubcrculoala caiea In Delevue heapltal today, Surgcona ot the United Statea army were witneaccc.. Doctora Stlmaon nnd John W. Bran nan ot tka Belevue koapltal etaf, In vlted Dr.v Frledmana ta adect tac pa tient. Tke German doctor repUed that ha waa wllllag to treat -all who were ready. BVwvBOjBmBnmwBPe elewcpejaejayaaj Elliott A Elliott, the. ftttorncyc. have Juat laatailed In their omce one of the tateet typea ot'dtetapkoneo tor iaklng dictation. TMe la tka eeeone, maeklae ot thla kind ttf nee In the oHjr. Court Reporter Rlehardeen.hav- lac laatailed1' a dlotagrapka (few mentlM ago- '- a; i . Klamath Work Roads Wilson Will Assist ta Minimum Wage Fight Connecting Highways in Two East era Oregon Counties to be Bene fited by Actions of Neighbors Lake county will co-operate wltk Klamath county thla year la Improv ing road connecting the two eeua tlec. Already the Lake county peo ple are getting buay and n call far all road aupervUora of the county baa ro- aulted In the preliminary etepa being taken by the holding ot n meeting- A new lyetem for the pay ot em ployee on county roada wlH bo laaug- rated la Lake county tkla Beacon, wktck will doubUeea prove aa Im provement over the former war ot handling each clalma. 'HBoeh'cupor- vlaor wHl .be provided with aa hook, aad be will furnlah at every week end each employe wltk a cer tificate chowtag tbe another of komra worked, together wltk tke rata and total. Thece cerUaeatea wl be Sled with the county clerk aad acted upon by the county court at tha regular aeealona. Heretofore aome little frlcUoa ana artaea out of dctaya to prevent blUa tor road work, and It la believed, that thla certificate ejetem wIU eliminate any euch trouble, aa tney will 1 bo made oat and preeeated weekly, walla the work la actually being done. United WASHINOTON; D. Ci Maraa It. Prcddeat Wlleen J received Licaica ant Oovernor OVara aai afamacra ot the llllaota cociaVcvll probe ooamaW too ta tae.eaecaUve ooaceaftMa alter- REEVED, MOORE RESIGNS JOB MEAD OF THE WBATnTJES BUREAU "THOUHT MB SaWCLD VAVB BaWN APPOINToBt OF A6RICULTURR RT BLBOIt jjf t. wr -. "-s"- -' ' United Preaa Service , - ,, r WASHINQTON, D. C.,' Marek l.-- Willi Moore, chief, ot.tne wontaer bureau, haa tendered kl realgnallea. It haa been accepted -by, laef itary Houaton to teke effect JWrllv it w reportee mm petal aoeaaaa ao waa not apaolntod reoiasH cuUure waa the cauc of aMOfo aeriag aw 'NMaaacwoHn. v t s J .J 4, . r r s . MERRILL EDITOR TO BE WEDDED LICENSE ttlhcSUBfr TBOSAPTBR- lKXMrt-bMlflW TO MB H Mil fwere- ampamjaswrnai r a " emmeanow ABA , TVRNBB. WBLL KNOWN Loala M, Bean, editor, aad Bfoprlo- tor of tke, MerrW Recced, wl aooa become' a benedict.' , A nwriago ,H ecnae waa .leauei thla attcrnooa an tnortalnginlm.to take ,'ae-ala arWe MlacAteTnrner: ,, H , v Mr. Bwn rccldedln hUamath Falla for come time, aad ta well known "ejBrfBa ,, BBIeBem) Bj PAf oBcBC) BE) tBJ.! CBmiaBBJcBlaBmf em . 1 It " m:;lUi u -. .ruHi'' -M,i Uk.i;onatata.; . Jfo ; Salt waa atarted la tke circuit court thla afternoon by Edmund Craft agamat Ed LaughUn to recover for rcat Keceeo A Grocebeck reprcecat the plalatlff. IVMW OFFICIAL Alt? Tl SKI '- f rt ARMY flCJWBBOMS AN NiaBB - SPjafT TO PEnYtBRPBBB -' r 1 eneMBmnaaocmec -' wo aaaaa aa Bajeevpy anaacmcanaT sajajaa t A -r . r aha iachM mi laaWoaB - w miww wm vecviBw aoaoan en wut icedkteoaJtod CJaahW ka aaaa . "r wa ae BOToomcaw . ' - ' ' to mat ako PaoaSe Caaat Scene Mpat t. .m vv '. United Preaa SetTtoe - .! ,l Tko vceWeBaraiiaa pjoanaaa aaBiami, r i"i .j. UnMod Preaa cmcAOe. aaawear awBrwawaanaT iimmaaliaMiahaSamcnlnnt free. eOarat Bl BW tko fotaaWee prebaMy reaea loo. epic were hnpared, aad Eta waa.abooA gi.oot .too. :,. Tracna'afl) aoora lace. Tc eompanle daclaro tao leaa baa tko greatatt ta yean,.. ,' , Rcpocta from, Alabama are ana at leaat thirty people won killed la taat (Coouaoen emrago "- ' " vi t Illinois Probers Are Receired by the President and haS"ilijtw Papers Bearing on Queation IK- T. 1 ' s .- O'Hara urged ,a aaUoaal .confer oaeo tOibonoM ta Wnekiagten to ar- raasoa ptaa to eendaet a aatleaal jatarted eempalffn tor tao Satac a :,t wage ecale for "I apprceleAolwaly tao tke uceUoa."eM Prnllaat ;i wwh yon woM leavaah aa yon hare proarca.'aam I yen that tao matter will eneadoat end I attention." " -'fc , r 'Tf Thta cUtcaacat I takaa ta naoaa .", that a aaitenwate eanpaeja w a X ilT. rkm gBBBt t Lawmakers Heed Words i -i 'jr., of Chicago . n ' " -f li t-a -Hi 4 Clarence DbT1wsI r, ispajkje (be Peaaafje J MKb ' ' .iX i i. i X. -.jv,f v;. SmmWmmBmm- $ gAPRAMSrm);MarehlI.4Ai vaaa atr tao, otfi le1alotttro;tolkiwi lag alleetate.kofe ky.qiareaae DJ roW' taAccatea tnat antl tag Hal lehmeat bagWctloa wIU oanry artaaTJkB ' VbbA SBataBBaffaBma? taBmaW wtteBBal . ""7" Ttw,jew!Pf 1 J.VV..".. " t- i&m, Mm h