h w ,'.. 9 ' ik Waaaaaawanwawaea- MM - i Brr l ? fttorrow,THE LAST SHOPPING DAY BEFORE EASTER . MflM vntlH WANTS CAN BEST BE SUPPLIED HERB, THE NE WSUIT8, !!',.. ...--..-. ...a. -A-nrKT n TnunRR ,w. VOU MAY COME KNOWING THAT YOUR WANi wn i. a, t ; TH,STOKitii5JAuA'vii-rRi-Kw . -- ..ltMn in KLAMATH COUNTY. A PERSONAL INSPECTION OF THE i ' N.WCOAT., NEW SK1WS, AND NEW DRESSES ARE THE MOST CHARMING AND ATTRACTIVE TO BE J",,,, AND BMT aEA0Y.T0.WEAR GARMENT. . y. 1.1 -M ...- - a a. attwa w Tint amine HAS BROUGHT TO YOUR VERY DOOR NOTHING BUI IHfc wnwawa, m KAIIfiRn MAKIMilOBI AWVMlIiuirw .....-. r MANUFACTURED. AND AT PRICES NO ONE CAN, OR WILL DUPLICATE OUTSIDE OF THE LARGE CITY STORES. WAIST SPECIALS i Ha. IF ff Msw mi 1 Fully (our hundred new waists have been received the past ten days, and for tomorrow you may choose from a large assortment at less than regular values. You will find a number of excellent styles priced at $1.29, values some stores would consider remarkably good at $2.00. $1.50 Special Don't fail to see the new waists in all the leading styles of today, including All Pure Linen; also Hand Embroidered Voiles, White and Colors, that" will be offered tomorrow as a special inducement for Easter shoppers at the low price of $1.50. $3.90 for Silk Waists worth $5.00 Compare the Silk Waists we have to offer you at $3.90 tomorrow with others you will be asked $5.00 for in other stores. Note carefully the class of work manship, the new and attractive styles, and we'll ven ture to say that you won't be long in deciding that this is the one place in Klamath County to buy your new Waist. -. u ,F V. 411-13-15 Maliiatrect Silk Petticoat Special Forty-three new Silk Petticoats just received from New York City, most any shade you would desire, and at our regular low price of $2.90 each arc excellent values, but for tomorrow only you may chose from the lot, and as many as you want, at the low price of each $2.50. aBaBaBaBT Sy pl NEW EASTER MILLIN ERY HERE Your Easter Hat can he bought here with the same assurance of style you would ct in any city store, and, as usual, you won't have to pay as much by fifty per cent as you would when buying from an exclusive millinery store. Remember, don't fail to visit the store tomorrow. Take your time and look through the many depart ments. You will find a larger assortment of dry ijootN than usual, and you'll find the prices no higher, in many instances less than heretofore. V 4 XfBaVaV Mr Am XVtaBa V New Skirts, New Coats and New Dresses received yesterday, values that should and will appeal to you when taking into consideration that they arc every one a New, Ninetcen-Thirtcen Style, and that you could not find better, values or more up-to-date styles in New York City. ffHsWE , X-JEWXV SWICWEH NOT i Ft xmwm wmmrm.' lMmmWmmmmWmmkmm IMBaBaaBaBaBaBaBattasa i" awaYBaBV flrHjibasedi V awap "!- 5 it w ngciim to sown griev ances to bsumian concilia tiok board rbprb8enta- TtVBBACT e tmltti fPraee Sen-lea '!, CHICAGO, Mare ll.Bapraeeata ;tlve,ot the awttaaaea save averted .aa, laaeiHal etrtko. -Thar havo do eMod to. sakaK their grtevaaeee to the Brdaaa wwMittn board. Am latoreetac hmUu Ktaaatk Lotao Mo. 117. V.O. O. .. Witt so lM(MWtmkw- for MM la U MfTM ikon who aro working he tout wklak wlU go ord wUt practice tonight after the regular lodge work. All of the several part axe pretty well worked out, aad it is expected tkat tko critic committee will mob aake kaewa iU selection of awtan of tke team. WANTED To bay nUto poay, gelt ed. yeaag aad geatle. Apply Her ald oaeo. tl-H gkwif Low art Dapwty Brawkakor waatoi MiOa UaM Tfcara 4 aiuraoom art algkt la Mkywa aMlag jarora la tko Marako aaio. aataaaaaaMia a ( 200 Men Will Be Working SI - 4 At tka Skpiagtoa aUUa wKfcaa , 4ays. Tkaaa workaaa raaawa atoaa to thatr worli. A ran toaJtr for tka aauOl laraator. IiAKRVDEW ABvmoir c OnCNVORRAUC y LaJtarlaw Aa41Uoa la attaatoi m , tko Oraaoa Nortkaaatara railrart, art la aaJMMt to tko Mg aula at : "P.- CORNER LOT0, . . , OWN lVOM, . . . Fayaoata Eitort Otar Tkno To Ko ! If'V- i- Tko akoToJ ot koMa fart far J. . h il l- III V. ! tfmm f wu ww auvs mwwwm- fpi'MI' "ak' laTaataaac atiM: WlMMi'- liaaitl -tJRaaaatl Gl ' " Tt? wa'HIPr ilS4FiTwWSl Bw'aBBaTaraVV VV , ( mwR : -. . ' , ' v C;3itSi2JaiksaLs.'-. - - j -x aaoa avl!mSaDKXi9twow(r. " -.., at BmsSaSana.flk,-': .-..' .- lWr SCHOOL DEBATE FINAL MAY 8 hLAMATH FAIX8, NORTK BKM), BT. JOHN8 AND HPRlKOriELD ARK BTIlJi IN THE RUNNING FORBONOat EUOENE, Marah 1-Urtar tko atowaraakip of R. W. Praaaatt, aaaat aat laotraator la pakUe ipalrlag at tko Ualvaraitr of Orogoa. tko twal eoataat of tka Oragom Hlgk akaol Dokato Uagao, at wklak tko okaat- ptoaaklp of tka atato la to ko aaaMrt, will ko kaM at Eagaao Tkaraaay ora- alag. May Stk. Tkla akaaploaaklp eoataat wlU ko eao of tko faataraa of tko prograa of Jaator waak oaa. All tka gala 4aya at tko UalroraKr kava kaoa plaert la tka Jaaior wook, wktok wklak la aaaaally aekoialaal for tko aMalo of May. BaaakaU gaaaa, aa wtareeUogiato traak aoot wlU tka Ualraralty of Waahlagtoa, art oao la wklak tka taaaa froa an tko klgk aekoola of tko atato parti atpali, aro aaoag tka oroata of tkla fprlag. Marotoforo tka praliaiaary ookataa la tka Orogoa Hlgk Moot Dokato Laagaa kava laatrt aaUl lata la May. provoatrt tko koUiag of tko faal eaataat aarlag Jaaior wook. Tkla yaar. all kat tka aaal-iaal ookat kava kaaa kaU ail rarty. Tko kat prallaiaarlao wul ko kaM at North Bart art. SpriagtaM aarly la April. Thar will ko kotwoaa Xlaaatk Faila of tko Soutkora Oragoa aJatriat, art Nortk Bart of tka Coos Bay awtrlat, ad ft. Jokaa aa IprtagftaM of tko ColaaMa Rlrar art Wlllaaatto Tal lay aiatriota raafoattvar; Tho wlaaors of tkaao aoatotto wiH gkiifor tko atato akaaptoaaklp hi ELIOT MAY NOT ACCEPT POST PROFBS80R IH OFFERED AMBAB BADORfimp TO GREAT BRITAIN. THE DIPMMATIC LWT MAS AlV MOST BEEN COMPLETE Uattoi Praaa Barvtca WA8H1NQTON, D. C, March 11. Tha eaktaat aat todar art 4laeaaai appolataaata. Delalto word la ax- paetad tkia aftaraooa aa to wkatkar or aot Profaaaor Eliot wilt aaeept tha BrltUk aakaaaadorahlp. Whaa tola post la Iliad It la reportod tha dlplo aatle Hat will ba coaplata.. MRS. ABBIE LYTLE PASSES AWAY WIFE OF WELL KNOWN CON. TRACTOR IH VICTIM OF APO PLEXYFUNERAL ARRANGE MKNTH NOT ANNOUNCED MayDaaVao Ualtoi Praaa Barvtea CAMBRIDGE, March 1 -Profaaa or Eliot daetlaad to diacaaa tha prok- abilltlaa of kla acccptlag tko Britlak aakaaaadoraklp. it la aataorlUrolr raportad tkat ka will dacitaa. Mm. Abblo LytU, wife ot Doa J. Lytla, dlad at tha family bona la thU city thl afternoon at U:00. Bhawas trickeu with apoplexy Thuradar raornlna. and haa bea hoverln b. Itwecn life and death alaca. Arraaga- menta for the funeral have not yet beea announced. Mri. Lytlo waa S yeara of age. 8he leavea three children, who re aide la thla city, and three brotbera and a lister redding la Indiana. tko- Baal ookato at tko aalranatr, Thar haw ahowa taoaaatraa toho tha kait of tko thtotr-tva klgk aehoot taaaa oatoroa la tholeagse. Tka Oragoa Btoto Hlgk Bokool .Do kato Laagaa waa foartoi throat tha oVorta of .Profaaaor Da Cob, .kart of tka aopartaaat of aathaaatlaa at tap Uaiyaraity of Orafoa, 1m yaara ago. Tko aahooaj wtaalag tka atato ahaaw ptoaahlf haw kaaa aa fcllowa; Lah ia 1M1: Oraata Paaa la lift, Pertlotoa ta art Alkaay La Ahartaaao oap la, ajraaa 'fm JOKY SELECTED IN MARCHO CASE CHARGE OF STEALING A BTBBMt WILL BE THRESHED OCT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT--MARCBO DEFENDANT VNilll KaHEI IF MUM Coatlauad froa Page it A Jary waa secured at lo'otoeh thla aftaraooa to try tko eaao of tko ttato agalaat W, H. Mareho, akargrt wRk tka laraaay of a atoer. Jeha Irwla, dlatrtat attoraay, la appeariag far tko atato, and Fred Mills for tko defend aat. Tko Jury aelected aro Charles Thoaaa, 0. 0. Pearaoa, W. A. Moras, J, 8. Mllla, H, N. Woode, Bart North, Joka Bparks, E. A. DuakaaiO. L. Court, Glea Johaaoa sad L.;A. Will. , :' ' - 0 WANTED Party dealrea ueo of plaao for storage or at saslt raaiL I7IM. Il-lt 'Cat Bow'srs a'trNo. I WakaoBi'st. "Did ho say anything about a job being put up on Mr. Mareho?" "I don't know about that. Ha said aoaethlag about whea cattleaea take a notion to take a itear tha an it and beat a fallow out of It." The witaeaa atarted Into a detailed account of the converution wh Judge Benaoa Interrupted, "la order to save time," aald the court, "l will eicuae Mr, McDonald." (Coatlaued froa Page 1) wrtlco litre Is crippled. Meagre re port from Kattcrn Arkansas Indicate that tlm storm has doao mora lhaa a million dollars damage. No fatali ties ham linen reported. Wire Hmlro Cripple United I'rrts Hervlca CIIICAdO. March 21-Wlre Krv Ice In this section Is crippled. 8 treat car traffic In the city Is demoralised. A blinding blltxard la raging. There haa been a heavy fall of snow, with a high wind. Wire east are out of service, aad but fw wire are nvslUble Id the CM cago dletrtet rt fljg JUw Wratlirr United Preee Harvlc MINNEAPOLIS March Il.-Ta temperature here Is down to There Is two Inches of mow. Traac Hlwrknl United 'rn Mrrvlie MII.WAUKKK, March Sliaav fall eomaeared at mldnliht. faar iachea fell here. Blrcet car and rsaV read traffic la blocked. CHEPHERD PIANO DEPOT 4J KLAHATH PALLS, OREGON f fHaiBaaaBWaaaBHHIIIHIiHHHJHBBH Chapped Hands? It Is feared tkat whaa the timh lines are restored to service It will bo shown that asay deaths have result ed. A score of people were hurt la tka storm here. Trains an hoa late, and a bllstard la sweeping over avary state east of Montana. INDIANAPOLIS. ifah m gala la sweeping Indiana today. A fraakfort cab driver, O. vice, was killed by tka falllag of a roof. A alga i-i ornsnea Henry Walters to death. MEMPHIS, Taoi., March II Wire Now Is the time you will need WITCH HAZIL ALMOND CKBAM A lotion unoqualsHl for chapped handt and ort lips; Try a bottle and be convinced , 25 ttBti j. Whitman Drug Co. MaHMaBasaBaHaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaV e B - j.' " ,; '" ."' M