iM ,";. " '1 ' ,' ' FYfl "-""V" ADVERTISERS SHOULD TNVESTttiAtknXTRAVAGXMT CIRCULATION '"CMlMS, r mm w eaw--w -. r -- i w w r --- aana. '- . ewanwaj ,, wiy ewam-n - - - , , tty k; 11 ' " . :Z ' --. ... - ,-- a,.. gUl'PMaW NY THM pWn PBMM MVtHB M)t 09PW h jtnemno neram. llv.-,j . . . " i?. ' - -y-A-i- !' rouw ram bhbwbl anw Hira i-y i: K v5 . '' . Irrteth Year "o, aVM KtiAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH X, 11 w Stabbed and Suarez Strangled r WOMEN LAUGH JIT MODESTY OF LEGISLATOR MWHT (IK 'FRISCO ASSEMBLY- MAX FOII PRIVACY FAILS I ScdHgbt lMrlet Meen U Canae of U-glhy DtwUMle te CMiferala Ktste AmcwWjt State Senator Mkum Mroaure lerraM I'm ky (or Crime of Rep- and larr-aa-IM Age of Coaxal. I Vailed I'f is Servtee BACUAMI-NTO, March I. Tb MHBblr chamber were Jammed wktn the consideration at tb Boha- tit (Irani redllgbt Injunction bill up (or consideration. Bthmldt of San Francisco urged tstt the bouse go lata executive ace- ilea, ptradlng (bat a Mora fre dU cMlon might be poulbl. .Women in the xallerle laughed at I tit San Francisco legislator, and the I Mtembly toted tho proposal down. The senate debated all day on Uut- Wr'i bill railing the penalty for tha crlaa of rap to CO yeara and tho act et foment to II yeara. Lawmaker Calls Bluff of the Wily Japanese Threat to Boycott San Francisco Fair Does Not Have Effect Planned by Subject! of the Mikado HACKAMKNTO, March 10. Cora-, Japan la ontjr coming to the fair be raentlag en a Toklo dlapalch to tho rauio alio want to ndvertUe her effoct that Japan will not exhibit at ( ware to tho world. No legislation tho 1'anama eipoaltlon In Ban Fran--hero will change tho country's pur cltco bncMuao of IcgUlatlon In Callfor-'poao In exhibiting In Ban Francisco, nla unfavorable to Japs, Hrnator Han-1 Wo aro going to fight this thing to a ford today said: , finish. It Is n matter of public wel 'That Is a typical Japaueso bluff. 'fare." HAD CHKCKH AKK CAVHK OF AKflMT KUOKNK. March 0-Arthur Tay lor, the psuedo lawyer who created a furore In Eugene last wetk by an nouncing that be waa the son ot a New York ralllloralre dry goods Im porter, and that be bad come to en rin In tbo practlco of law In this city, but afterward secured a sum of money on a bad check, waa arretted In California and will be brought gack to Kugene for trial. Taylor waa arrested at Dunsmulr on bla way south aa ho alighted from the trala to walk up and down the platform. Donald Says Anderson Can Make 133 Pounc Vancouver Fighter and His Assist ants Start for Wheeler springs to Get Ready for Next Ff ght TKV UP TWKNTY MINKKS HKLD ON HKKIOl'M CHAHGK ARK OIV F.N THKIK I.IHKRTV WOMAN'8 CAHK IH UOVWtVWJbr j CHARLESTON, W. Va.. March 10. (Governor llatfleld last nlgbt ordered the relcaso ot ten ot the twenty ta rn recently tried by court martial on (charges of conspiracy to murder. I Judgo Advocato Wallace stated that the evldonro waa not sufficient to bold them. This Is not taken to Indicate, however, that Mother Jones and the other accused will bo acquitted. LOS ANOKI.KB, March 10. Dlek Donald, manager, aid Earl Mohan, nil mam, ImIm, will start tomorrow for Wheeler Spring with Hud. They will remala at the itrlnis for twelve days. The they III return here to start training for the second battle with Knockout "Ml' Drown on either April 11th or loth. llud has announced that be will go to Mudford after the next battle. Dick Donald declare that Ander sen can do the required weight easily. He predict a knockout Inside ot twelve round. Ho ay that Bud re duced his weight too quick before WILSON SITS ON LID FOR BRYAN I'RKHIUKNT AWJUMB8 PKKHONAL CHAHGK OP THK DKFARTMKNT OP STATU DUR ING HKCHKTAKV8 AH8KNCK . IT iaMaMaaaaaaaiafMaBaaBfajaaaBi SUFFRAGETTES Mexican Editor BURMA HOUSE 4 - MANY AUTOS TO BE SOLO HERE COUNTRY MOMH OT WIDOW M DEHTHOYKP ijMOARDB POfJT. KD GIVE OffTiOBM P1RKBUGS CLUE TO J United Free Bervtea LONDON. March J 0. An Incen diary Ore, believed ta'have been start ed by suffragette, destroyed an un occupied country hoaie at Englefleld (Ireen laat night. The house waa owned by the widow of Sir George White. The low waa 110.000. Placard were Boated aa follew: "Stop torturing our comrade In prison." "Vote for wo MOTHER JONES1 PALS RELEASED KLAMATH COUNTY MAY ISSUE BONDS FARMERS ARK INTERESTHR IN THK lROTSlbXS OT JfKW.tAW WHICH PERMITS RONBfXO FOR ROAD BUILDING SsUaatdBldBi iHkA1aS SflnaS4 ! UeSeEaWftt M Hf UUALKRfl PRHMCt A HON DEMONSTRATION C, ARRIVE AND DMCVSCWNfi 8ULT Twenty per eeU more autetaobllea will be aold'la XUauth Palto thl year than last Thla la the contdentf belief of local agents for dlsTerent makea of car, and la aa ladleatkm of the prosperity of the resMenta of Klamath Palte. Most of the local ageaU have al ready received deeaoastratloa can, and the rivalry for keen. The merit and demerit of the dlfer eat make ot machine make the pop ular subject of dlacuaalM right now, oven taking a place ahead of the sub ject of crop prospect. Although tho county baadtag net doe not become eSectlve until June Etfa. Klamath county farmera are eag- orly discussing tbo new measure, and It I probable that during the auauaer tep wilt bo Uken to take advantage of tho provision ot the legislation. Under the act several ways are pro vided for calling a special read bond election. One-fourth ot the voter may petition tho court; which mart thereupon call the special eleetlen; or one-twentieth of the voter mm peti tion the county court for aa ateeuoa, which petition Is not mandatory am the court, and may or may mat b act ed uoen: or the county eoart may submit the boniNng propeeltlaa at Ita ALMOST. own behest at any general eteettea. Bend mar he Issued by any eouaty la the state for the purpoa uf rata- in moBv to be ued far the coa- i'rucdou and malntoaaaca of perma nent roada ia that county. A carboa glasaeht laeaadeaeaat lamp, kept burning inside aa auto mobile eagiae hoed whea H I stand ing Idle la a garage la wlaur will prevent the radiator freealac and keep the- eaglao warm eaough to he easily craaked. MANDOT FAILED TO OBEY ORDERS MANAGER FOR NEW ORLEANS LAD KXFLAIN8 HOW HIS ROT LOST TO LEACH CROSS, THE NEW YORK DENTIST WHITE PLA6UE REMEDY 0. K. WRKCTOR OP GRKAT HOSPITAL RfcTOUTH OPINION OP OOVKRN MK.NT FHYMCMN ON THE NKW WHCOVKRY SOLDIERS MUST SHUN NATIVES WABIUNOTON, D. C. March 10. Froaldent Wllaon ha practically aa aiimad Dnraonal charte of the state department during the absence of Sec retary W. J. Bryan. Hirtrr Tumulty announced to day that Bryan would not hurry hack because of the resignation or amik- ant Secretary of. State Wilson. Uulted 1'res Service NEW YORK, Marea '!, Dr Her Ma Frauenthal, dlreotor for the hoe JJtal for detoratltlei, aald o4y thai Boclon Andtrtoa and Stlaaoon ara Bflaced that Dr. ladaaaaa'a treat: w for tubereuloala U the "greatest UborculosU dlseovery ia the hkrtary "JMOiclne."' , Or, Praueataal declare that' the "out phy.loiaa toM hlat thla. i - iw ,i To make pereelatar froai aa ordl ry coffee pot a Naw, Yor karaaa.taf Tntd a stand whleh kmwU'ik ha ld with irouU Mt ahava J w llaa. , . ' "; "( aBBaBBajBwBaamaJBaaimamaaapw A i Aa oil tank ateaaMr wha4 lor Tlttah aary haa;4ei WllSSld with pump sad hoa to oaSU'R.ta Huter fuel to a wawhlp aV la "'waataar, . According to a recent oHetal et4e ment ot the United State aeetegieal urvey, "ao appliance, eiuer ateeaaa- leal or electrical, haa yet aeea de vised that will detect uadergrouad water la, place where ntala eeamoa sense and close observaUoa wavM a how iU presence Just aawott BAN FRANCISCO. March I. Writing from New Orleaaa. Tommy Walsh, manacer of Joe Maadot, who was knocked out reeeatly U the Pel ican elty by Leach Creaa of New York. la on deck with a carload ot allala for hi Siaters. "Joe." wrKea Walah. "had the Sght br a mile whea the ninth round epea led. but he igaored order from hie corner. I told him to atay away ana box. but instead ot that he got Into a aalxuu la a coraer. Thea Creaa whla- eed over the luckleet auach ever land ed la a prise Sght It caught poor Joe oa the potat et the chta, and when he fell he atruck ao hard oa hi head that he waa stunned for fully even seconds. Then Cross get hlat. Johnnie Dundee. Jersey City Praakle Burn aad Promoter Tortorlch wUl bear me out ia thl aaeerUea. 9B9masamnamnai eJSHSHBHSBHSBHSBHnw , BnuuuaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuBBj aaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaT aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamal ' awPMRnaaaaaaaaaaaaaam 1 faauuuauuuaauuuV y RULERPMB RIOOLJD Ml .i DEATH HAB COVE aawaaaBBwaaBV , .At, .,., -t WITH IH FAaOLY, BRBi'AiBl f '- " v ' "- ' i At man wummjUAimmt , . . ' M . - - - aa mu m a'V' swceja ) wa www sap it Waa br flsMMda, aati Oaap aavt t i- ) ago .waa aa alea 7aai aaaaaaa x aaa) ' - r iu , ' ' Maw Ha JaJtcd Praaa Baavia " , ,. 4 BAM JPKAMOaaOO. --t 7Jr, ' . ,. . . T , .' n the New .Bra, the BuareaM Court Jajie JaMaWat- aoa Gerard of New York U scheduled tor a foreiga mkwioa, 1 Bkely that ha will ha aaooUted ambder to Italy. Judge Gerard wm the larg est eontrikutor ta the Wlleea .caaa peifga faad la New York eity. grriag IIS.OOO. Mr. Gerard waa formerly Ml Mary Daly, daughter of the late Marcua Daly., gwwcr . CRy aawaaaaar, aad 'aamJaHBl '" charge ecamraJac th eata of . aaer PrMaat Ma4era 'am afet fflwj hara aa taa'aiMasMr AaameJaa aaw. YteaP-aa- fWaaaaala Madera waa atahhed deaf Baarea "waa atraagiH aa ta aa . m la' mlet:s4ahnharT' St-M'aaii i BjBJpBaaBsPv aaPaaBVw eiaavH Jamasai awaa tcpcawhaa-Aaa. The aaaaaW waa araaa. waaa ; aata waa :rd .aa-.taa' g ran aaap.. ' peared lead) kato ta dead hseie. a - aj Coloaal'. In dlaaulac to'aWaaa Craa tMawag Itae aaaataaUoa ot Hadsr: ( - 'AMh aaa am Criminal Cases Ordered ' . J-w Stricken From Docket - - !-' !l jS , After UTeagattoit, .Orderr Sofmi r. pfttiM:.&tt$'..:-- Melboarna HW a. Sk L.utr.-ta ?rz .r. Q ORDKRB ARK ISSUKD TO PRE VENT ARMY MKN FROM MEET ING FIUPINO BWaMSTHBARTS -IN PUBLIC PLACBS United Pre Service MANILA, P. I.. March lO.-Amy men will have to court their dark skinned native aweethearta In secret . tiu timo forward. The louow- i.. u I. affect here: "Mea ot thla command are hereafter forbWden to be aaea la puhllo with name woa-, except tho " ' " u such woman." . A Franch threa-handtd wateh Ulla both twelve1 and Hwoaty-four hour time, oaa hour hand being uaed tor aa kind oacparate dial, while a single plguU kd ea tor.hpth. a .nhiBatio& lock that encircle the haadla of aa umbrUn aad, pre veata It batng opened b? any paraoa ianVaat id tha combination, ta tha la- yaaiioa of a London cafe coat room anaaaaat. tiful Scenes Are Enacted in Front of N; Y. Hospitals Dr. rrledmanii laauea Mesagge w TuberculoaU Suffer- After aa Inveetlaatloa. Judge Baa- son ha ordered a aumaer ot artaaiaal caaea dkwileaed, aad ether, reoa. mended for dlemiaeal ay Dlatrtet At torney Irwin, he haa ethU wadar ad- vlsemeat. aet aVW-' bourne, charged wlU hfhag a aaw: dy houac, wlU aet hedkimkaied. al though a recommeadatloa,to thla et; fa wan made U the eeurt. Judge Beaaeai took, the aaate course, la, the agataat C. B. Fraaler; a aegro. who ia charged; with araoa. Tha.caae el the state agaiaac J. r. lfuna . akajaaa with murder, haa heca ordered dUmlssed. Thl ease haa heca oa the docket for about J5 yeara. The defeadaat. waa about ? yeara of age s-'j at the time, the eaee ItiabeMeTcd that he ia aew i ft ; aaa leag fertcRed.' , u '. V" , , Other caaea ordered aaaMd fkaV i Tr" ' , j . lew:. i aiaet AMK oharg-d with frgeay. , ; State agataat Btyle, perjury.- ., '. . k -y & ., V y.-'- eareww maBFwBmaT wyaawBBe PawmBBJBBBBjTS State agaiaet J. tf BeaL a wlU daageroua wsaaea:' ? SUU aaalaai J..W. Mt.'i ' State aawlaet Tea OaaaaaaA A V eaaraed vtta taieat te State agaiaet Jobs Dee,, erlaa. .-4; ' dsmnf th Land. Mothers Plead With Scientist to Save Their Infants From e Dread Disease NKW YORK, March 10 Dr. Frld- mann, the eminent Qerman acleatlat, who haa announced a' cure for tuber culoal. latuad a aUttmant today la whleh he advUed aulerera aot to corn to New York at thla thae. , "Have patience," aaya the phyal- claa lh'l peaaage to tha Nerere tbrouahout the country. "H WlU iet be long beforeyou will reaeiTe;treati meat; The railroad trip here will ex hauat your atreagta. aadaaay. your life. Furthermore, I am power lea. I cannot treat all of the aaaea naw raair for me here, f- I have ar ranged for governnieut phyaMuw te 5-. aaaaea In trout ot the heepitala vla- ItedShy Dr.. Frledmaa today were inoatipltlful.. Womea aarryatg eaaa- atated'aad" waitlaglataerala. ' if-.' '3' Aa W. Frledmaaa'aautearrhred a acere et woaaea fell to theU.kaee. koMlac up the atrlckca ehlldrea, eaatehiac rage treat Ue laAaa' aaataa aaa maalarlaa ue aayiHiaa te heal the twlated aad ewottea i.heejie expeaed to Tiew. . ) ,.. ;, The Iwomea toMoweo; r ue eetr who,: with,, teara, Kreaamc ea k eve, torced hl .wag; wreaga . eiew..ralai ptUem aad .aelar; lagthath would try to, eate all. :; Ta Walk to PrtM t- '. United Pre Service LOB ANQKLBS. March 10. Bear- iaa a from tha ataror et Lea Ana-elea to the mayor ot SaaFreaeta ao, the Mlaaea Qratee Brew,,aa4 Mar garet Cwboreagh,LLealAawM1ee- lege girl, tramped eat at Lea lige lei with the Oeldea Oate aa their ae tiiiaa aalat. aa . will aamaaat mml J ' "--' ta aafcaaiaia aha TOM WORD GETS aaraa. nNF ,4. I'amWjV''-V . Ta aaaala a araaiaa a eira jhatrv; ei; the ;aajattsaa. tae fwmaaeeutyw, aer-eyea w8m. " w" ?". ta-lEw Tark MM. aaW a'eleaely, Stttac aaa te furnase, mff heM. wlu aye hla ha 1Mb. ' Wfffr I Jt l jl it: i-rt mmsm "s aaam '.ima. rMjmwjgam ' aaf ' laaBV 'talBBW'BBaBaVaBamli eawmamgaj waeawaaw awmawmBBmv.jawamaHBBWM '( VeTnW W "ie-Br"a"' t'f'T ' wBlSMaaSlBBJ ' WegOMi ilBVKaHBaaaaal KfBCIMWai .. Vvi s.