bi mmmmnr i ?e Women's Apparel Store The smartest features of the newest fashions are to be seen at our Easter Showing E ARE NOW READY with a copious display of fashionable Spring wearing apparel. Women's Gowns, Dresses, Coats, Suits, Waists, Lingerie and Easter ilillinerv are here in a comprehensive showing; remarkable for style, beauty and "littleness" of price. With latter oily a few days away it la incumbent upon you to aelect the Baiter wearabka aa aooa aa poaalble if yoa would take advantage of full ruortment. Toall be agreeably aarpriaed at the exceptionally low prices. J,. Hi 3 1 - I . t v'?" M New latter gloves and leckwear, new rlbboni In a won derfal variety of pattern! aid colorings, new spring hos iery, lew parasols, dalaty under muslins, corsets aid lingerie. G. Q ..ATKINSON'S iisfaiVv :4 ! jHBUW BAKER WAIVES AN EXAMINATION DEFAULTING ASSISTANT CASK. OCR OF BAN FRANCBOO BANK 18 NOT NOW IN A SERIOUS OON-DtTKN United Pkm Service SAN FRANCISCO, March 17 Acting on the advice of his physician, Charles F. Baker, defaulting assist ant cashier of tbe Crocker National bank, baa waited a hearing before Federal Commissioner KrulL Tbe bearing waa to hare been beld tomorrow. Baker'a condition U not serious. Sheriff C. C. Low returned laat night from galea, where he west U charge of Shelter Natre, who committed to the penitentiary. Frank Llghtfoot, a well known real' dent of Bly, U here for a abort so- Journ. f . OUR SODAS are guaranteed to be PURE , We employ a blgb-claea chemist to do our mixing. Tbe pureet lagredl- enta coupled with tbe well known White Pelican Mineral Water Make our output absolutely tbe beat - " on tbe market. OUR REPUTATION 18 STAKED ON THE gUAUTV OF OUR GOODS ! w Wr delivery to all parts of the city WHITE PELICAN ' - ' Minaral Spring Company JACK LEWIS MAY SCRAP ' BUD PORTLAND LIGHTWEIGHT ANX IOUB TO TAKE VANOOUVKR LAD OVER THE TWENTY.ROUND ROUTE Jack Lewie, for several yeara tbe lightweight champion of the Multno mah Amateur Athletic Club of Port land, and since bla debut Into tbe professional ranks one of tbe fastest men in tbe Northwest, Is anxious to meet Bud Anderson or any other light weight here. Since finding out the the days of tbe twenty round goes here are bye- gonee, and that the Marquis of Queensbury rule book baa been sup planted by "Tlt-tat-toe In a nutshell," Jack bas cast bis eyes 'toward Med ford. He wlU try to get a bout with Anderson while tbe latter la resting up over there, preliminary to train ing for the return encounter with Kayo Brown at Vernon next month. DOCTOR WILEY SCORES PREVALENT ATTITUDF PURK FOOD DISCIPLE DKCiaitES SEVERAL STATES SEEM TO VALUE ANIMALS FAR AHEAD OF MANKIND " t .efJssfJssBBBSBBnfBBnsKSBm" i'.U M r J " !" ' ' ' ' i J ' k ii, i - " MMa4ases)M4es)S84vww444w44w44 ," v ' - (II Card of Tfcaaks We wish to express our sincere appreciation to all of those who help ed us in making out eighth annual ball such a great success, both social ly and financially, also to Mrs. L. H. Batb for ber kind presentation of flowers to tbe firemen. Volunteer Fire Department. STRAIGHT FRONT CORSET DOOMED United Press Service PARIS, March IS. A new style In corsets here Is said to mark the) de cline of the straight frost. A model wearing tbe latest gear at tbe Auteuil races was all curres, and n well known dressmaker "declares stylish women will soon, forsake) straight lines. If It's news, The Herald has grist- . -1 A- Sh. United Press Serrlee TACOMA, March 18. Denouncing the commercialism of the country which makes human life "tbe cheap est thing In America," Dr. Harvey W. Wiloy, former bead of tbe pure food bureau of the government, spoke to a largo gathering here. "Utah appropriated 135,000 for killing coyotes and f 10,000 for pub lic health," he declared. 'Iowa gave 150,000 to light hog cholera, and $10,000 for public health. The same conditions prevail In all states." Wiley thought tbe Utah Idea that one coyote was worth three men and tbe Iowa Idea of one bog being worth five men was the result of n commer cial spirit. FRENCH PEOPLE TO 60 BICXJO THE FARM HGIIAVAHD MOVEMENT IS PROMP TED II V THE DANGER TO THE WINE SUPPLY ON ACCOUNT OP GRAPES D. Kilts Young was In Monday froi tils ranch. Mllburn Knapp, who has been In tho city for several days, left for Chit on it In this morning. The Herald, delivered at rour store. office or home, &0 cents a month. Son I Horn Dr. tleorse I, Wrliht wore) tt birth of a son thl morulas to Mr. and Mrs. Will C Utoll Mr. and Mrs. Charln R, are farming near Merrill. ipeatMef day In Klamath Falls, ths tee Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hunting- BnBBSBSSBBBSBBBBBSI"""l"SSSSSmSni MEN TO CLIMB THE HIMALAYAS United Press Service OENOA, Italy, March 18. Attor ney Placenza, one of tbe most famous Alpine climbers In Italy, has left here with an extensive expedition to ex plore portions of tbe Himalaya moun tains hitherto untraversed. The work in a way will be a continuation of the Duke of Abrussl's explorations. Tbe particular range Placease proposes to explore lies north of .the glacier of Baltore and Includes some of tbe highest Himalaya peaks. Aside from the "coolies" who will accompany the expedition he will have Dr. Lorenso Borelll for a collaborates Count Sae- sar Calclatl for the making of topo graphical records and several expert Alpine guides. Assistant Protect Bacinaar I. St. Voorbels and Hydrographer Leland MoUIer of tbe reclamation service went to tbe Lost River diversion dam on a business trip Monday. I'AKIB, March 18. A general "back to tho country" movement bos beguu hero, following reports that tbe grape crops are declining on account of lack of sufficient help. Officials here declare that beforo Franco's re nown as a vintage producing country Is Jeopardised, soldiers of the ranub. lie will be put to work tending tbe vines. Reports from Hotuhern Franca state that many vineyards are being deserted because of tbe desire of tbe country populace to aeek more urban surroundings. It Is also declared that farming under the Southern Brit tany skies Is much easier and more prontable than grapevine tending. WOULD CUT DOWN WANACQUITTALS FRENCH LAWMAKERS FRAME A MEASURE TO ELIMINATE THE DANGER OF GUILTY ONES CIO 1XO KCOTT FREE PAIUS. March 18 A hill .!,.... lated to loosen the wldonrari ..n.,it. tal of persons on trial for crimes of passion is introduced Into the cham bers hero today hv Dnmitv i.... Tbe bill Is an Indirect rosult of tbe acquittal of Mmo. ninth kn .. and killed Mrs. Minnie Brldgeman, an American woman whom Mme. Bloch charged with having stolen the af fectlons of her husband. Following her acquittal, however, came a wave of leniency so great as to cause a pub lic outburst of which was bora tbe ujii. me Din DrnvM n.kt . tence for such criminals. CHEPHERD PIANO DEPOT J KLAHATH PALLS, OREQON 1 Chapped Hands? Now is the time you will need ' WITCH HAZEL ALMOND CREAM A lotion unequaled for chapped handa and sore lipa. Try a ' bottle and be convinced 25 cent! Whitman Drug Co. LHMBKiamsssssssssKasKsssss-