PROFESSIONAL OAHIM 1). 0. A. HAMIMJ, Dcatiat Ail Work Guaranteed. Odd followi' Building. Hoom UK. '"" MAXWELL M. LONG (Mropatlilc piiyalrUa, Hulls 1M imd IV. Wltlto llldg. I'llllM INI wgOJ r : aaaaaB . . ot LEGAL NOTICES AMWUhAA Summon I'lTV AND COUNTY AHHTIIACT COMPANY AMrtrlt. iMuranrn Mrnibsr Oregon Association Till Mo. I MISCELLANEOUS I, EMPLOYMENT I Cull u COMHTOCK, phone 60, If jou wtnl any klad of IIKI.I'. i Iteglsftr at tba COMUTOCK If you at employment. i i I jou waai impiorasai. i nt ! uassmea toiumn ... 1 rvn hkat I ,. In tlio Circuit Court of tho Htate of Oregon, for Klntnntli County. Mary L. Maria, Plaintiff, VI, Joliu I Murie, Defendant. To John P. Meno, tho Abovc-Namod I'nrnndniitt III the Naino of tho HtnUt of Oregen: You lira hcrnby summoned to nu. i-oiir mill uiuHur tho curnplaltit Mod In iiiu nuovo entitled null within ilx wi-ek after tho tint publication of thin cuiuiiioni In tho Klamath llopub IU'mii newspaper; and you will tnka notice Hint If you fall to nppuar mid ,mnwer or plemt within nnld time, tho Plaintiff, for wnnt thereof, will apply til till) llhllVO entitled rnnrt fnr ll, r... Ilof duiimudnd In lha complaint filed In inlil iiilt. to-wlt.: For n decree of hl court forever dlsiotvliiK the !n,u of miitrlmony existing between the Plaintiff mid tho defendant, nnd for such other nnd further relief ni to tho court tuny loom meet. Thl i Ntimmon li nuhllihed nunu- nnt to tho order of tho above ontltlml court made on tho 13th day or Feb. ruiry, A. I). 101 3. and tho flnt ntibll. citlon thereof li mnda In the Klamnlh llvpubllrnn newspaper on February 13, 1913. KUYKKNHAI.L A FKIK1UHON, Attornen for Plaintiff. 13.20.27-6.I3-J0.27 Wireless Room on Navv Collier After Dynamite Explosion in Baltimore Harbor NICKI.Y furnlihed roonu at the Orn ion Home, With and Klnmnlh NICKI.Y furnished roorai with bath'. 1113 Main atreeU Mrs. C. O.Mor gin. Stf iTaNcTTkoH RENT All" under trrl gallon; uoar Merrill. Por Informa tion addreu I'. O. Ilos 1016, Klamath Kails, Oregon. 14-Jt MISCELLANEOUS Dressmaking. 137 V Mala 87-m WANTED Woman ork by the day. pltal. to do laundry Blackburn hoi-16-11 IIIXP WANTED Woman to do homework. Pnoae 110 or KIM 11.11 WANTED Representative to ioII tho toot accident and health policy; muit furnUli bond; loafer not want ed;, a liberal contract to tho right party. Addrcia 8. Htegor, 710 Hpald log bide. Tortland, Oro. 17-11 FOR HAI.K .Notice of Sheriff Hale In tho Circuit Court of Ibo Htate or Oregon, In icd for Klamath Cm. nly. Henry llnberinan and J. II, rtedmond, Doing Iluilncio ni the Comet Itealty Company, 1'lalutlfT. VI. James Wallace Yaudle, Defendant. Hy virtue or an execution liiued out of and under tho leal of the cir cuit court of the itate of Oregon, In and for Klamath county, upon that certain Judgment rendered the 28th of December, 1910, In the Juillce court for tho Portland dlilrlct of Multnomah county, stato or Oregon, and Irnnacrlpted to the circuit court ot the atato of Oregon, for Klamath county, In an action wherein Henry Hibernian and J. II. Hedmoud, doing business ai the Comet Itoally compa ny woro plalnllffi, and Jamei Wallace Yandle, known alio ai J. W. Yaudle, ni defendant; and wherein aald plain tiff recovered agalnit aald defendant the i urn ot one hundred and no-100 (f 100.00)) dollar Judgment, and the mm ot thirteen and 60-100 ($13.60) dollar coiti, and whereaa thero haa been twelve and 60-100 (f 13,60) dollan additional or accru ing costs therein, which aald execu tion la dlreclod and delivered to me 'aW wLHffBLBaya'Vg j aElnnasssnBBsEWrTj;.)., ? v -,: JafaTt JBlnBPl ''IBgaB LHKBBBBBViMBTflflHHvBmr'BBKJi " ' iaaWTLVZflaLwil V U"!ll9vJA4k. J ' 1 agMaami '-Ja I;iB 'H ' k " fealaBHK'laaKlS.' 'V " WO agagagal W WritfaagT,aggMlt- I i?7TLV -Taljmi' JaVSaSHaV''i'JjaaVgiH W.i-ifB&HtUr ' '.aWlaVKCBiaBalHagigiHI UaV'rf&laPvK' aWiaBaiil!a4aHaBgaH KbaHaWMk'r' Hli mgegnngegegegeH IHHwtjivgPBcaiglglglglglgHQ WEIGHT IN WAY OF SECOND MIX IIIIOWN .WASW ,1M .MKOMOJB, ANIIKIWON HOLDS OUT FOK THAT WK101IT AT NOON MAY iiraiTAi'niiiia lnltcd I'rcai Service IX)H ANOELE8, March 18. Dud A n do m on and Knockout Drown In a, twenty-round ring encounir will be tho attraction at Uncle Tom McCar- ay'i Vernon arena April 12, If aatla- factory arrangement can be made between tho two boxen. At preient tho question or welgb.t I blocking tho ilgnlng-of article for the return match. Kayo la demand ing 133 rlngalde weight, while Ander- iion declarci ho will weigh In at thl mark at noon on tho day ot the fight, and no later. ItlOHARO OLNBT, WHO DSCUNaaV POST O FANBAMADOR TO KNOIiAND Tho photograph ihowa tho nppoaranco of the wlrcleaa room ahoarrf ih. colljor Jonon after tho reconl dynam Ito exptoilon In Daltlmoro harbor. W. (lowen, Juitlco of tho poaro or the abovo entitled court, March S, 1U13, wild tho date ot tho flnt publication being tho Cth day ot March, 1913, and tho datp or tho lait day will ex pire on tho 17th day of April, 1913. MKIlltYMAN & DUNCAN, Attorneyi for Plaintiff. C-13-20-27-3-10 1) Serial No. 04730 Corneal No. BIS .Notice of Coateat Department of tho Interior, United Htate 1-and Office at Lakevlew, Oregon, February 18, 1913. To Jame 11. Henderion ot Swan. Klamath County, Oregon, Con Icatco: You uro hereby notified that John A. Detti, who give Hwan, Klamath county, Oregon, a bla, poitofflco ad drcai, did, on tho 28th day ot Janu- ADMIRAL VICTIM OF FOUL PLAY? KATO.VH DEATH WAS FROM UN. NATCIUL CAUHIC8 AIISENIC l"01HOMXG IILLIKVKD TO HAVE IIKKN CAUSE CITY COUNCIL TO HAVE NEW HOME OKFKIt TO SULb II A.N K FIXTURES IH HKItlOLHLV CONSIDERED BY COUNCIL RENT IS STUMBUNO llliOCK Tho city council may rent the quar ter recently vacated by tbe Flnt Truat A Saving bank on tbe comer ot Main and Second street. An offer wo made to the city dad lait night to icll the bank fixture In the room for $600. After aorno dlicuiilon It vu agreed to accept tho offer providing tbe room can bo rented for S0 per month, tbe! turn now paid by the city quartan, LgaaaaaaaW'gtLatflaaH gHMigk w-fi. jgBBjBBBBBvl EaaaaaaIP9KHaaaaaaaaaa! maaaP lEsffglH LHmUk- r- ?g)aaaaaVi k ivj 'jEEBEBKu law ' .' iTiK; . '-7gaaaaaaaW If .iirX. -'BfaaaamC taaaaaaaaamgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM amaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBV HaBaaartaaalaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT -amaaT Lffl PHONY IIN6S GET V ''it' mm MONEY LENDfAW M TAKE GLASS BfAMOfMMJt f. CUKITIE8 FOR HUN TO SCOTLAJTB Yi O Richard Olney baa declined to ac cept tho portfolio of ambassador to tho Court or St. Jame, tendered him hy President Wilson. Mr. Olney waa secretary or state In Clevetaad'a ad ministration, and waa tbe author ot the famous Venotuela not. It to claimed by his rriends that Mr. Ol ney considers blmseir to far advanced In years he I 78 to undertake the responsibilities or so Important a poet. KOH SALE Four room cottig In Hot Springs addition; largo screen ad porch; big high lot; elegant view; all furnished. Cheap U taken atonoe. 11.100, $700 caab, Inquire 904 Main treet. I-U-Ml nHTHAlTbljunlper"poU, II cents Per post. Enterprise ranch or J. N. Delimits. If-lm TYPEWRITERS New Machine Domn ami SS.00 Month KlaWMth FaUa Mualc Koiue. Hard Candies Such as Jelly Dean, Coeoaaut Dice, Oumdropa, Etc., SOe PER POUND Han Francisco Chocolates 3Sc PER POUND Our Own Make'ot Okocolatei, (Me PER POUND Tho ftJUmotsitu se Main St. Makers of Pure Candy MONUMENTS Wo hav Just received from the Kast a carload of marble monu- menu, all new design. We alio maauraetur monu menu to order lira Island MoRumwtil m. Stone Co, 41S El! St, FWI INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 1UKERL. FRENCH w main niiswr as sheriff of Klamath county, aUto orr 1013, Die In this offlco hi duly ot Oregon, and I have levied upon all or tho right, tltlo and Interest ot the said James Wallace Yandle, J. W. Yandlo, In and to the following de scribed premses, to-wlt: Tbe northwest quarter of tho northwest quarter (NWU NV(i) ot section ten (10), township forty- ono (U) south, range twelve (13) vast, W. M., Klamath county, stato ot Oregon. Notice Is therefor hereby given that I, tho undersigned, 'sheriff or Klam ath county, Oregon, will sell ssld premises, to-,wlt: The northwest quarter ot tho northwest quarter (NWi; NWU) ot section ten (10), township forty-one (41) south, range twolvo (13) east, W. M Klamutii county, Oregon, to tho highest bidder for ensh. Said salo to bo at publlo auctlou, at tho front door ot the court house, In Klamath Falls, county ot Klainath, state ot Oregon, at the hour ot 10 a. m., on, tewlt: The 15th day ot March, A. I). 1013, to satisfy said oxocutlon, togethor with Interest thorcon nt the rate of six (0) per cent per annum, and tor cost Incurred. Dated thl 0th day of February, A. D. 1913. C. O. LOW, Sheriff. l)y GEO. A. HAYDON, Deputy. fl-13-10-17-6 h In J. Publication of Summon tho Justice's Court, District of I.lnkvlllo, Klamath County, Stat ot Oregon. F. Magulro. a sole trader, doing business under tho Arm nnmo and stylo ot "Magulro Mercantile Company," Plaintiff, vi. (loorgo Wheeler, Defondant. To Cleorgo Wheeler, the above named defendant. In the nam ot the stato of Oregon, you are hereby re quired to appear and answer tho amonded complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or boforo the last day of the time proscribed In tbe order for publica tion made herein, to-wlt: Tho 17th day of April, 1913, and if you fall to ib answer, for want thereof the plain tiff will take Judgement agalnit you demanded In bli amended com plaint on file herein, to-wlt: For the urn of ilxty-ieven dollan and tea centa (167,10) being amount due and owing for goodi, ware and merchan dise aa In plalntll'a complaint al leged, and for plaintiff' cent and dU- buraementa herein. Tbla lummoni t erred by order of the Honorable B. corroborated application to conteit aud secure tho cancellation of yonr huuicstcad entry, Serial No. 04710, mado November 22, 1911, for the SWU ot Section 28, Township 37 south, Itange 10 east, Willamette Me ridian, nnd ns grounds tor bis contest alleges that you never either estab lished or maintained resldcnco upon said laud; that you liavo nover culti vated, or In any manner Improved the same, nnd that you havo abandoned said land nnd departed tho state ot Oregon. You am, therefore, further notified tlmt tho snld allegations will be taken by this office ns having been confessed by you, nnd your said outry will bo cancelled thereunder without your further rltiht to bo heard therein. either bofore this otllco or ou appeal,! U you rail to tlio in this olllco within twenty days after tho fourth publica tion ot this notice, ns shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meotliiK nnd responding to theso alle gations ot contest,' or If you fall with in that time to fllo In thl offlco proof that you linvo served a copy ot your answer on tho laid contestant 'either In person or by rcglstored mall. It this eorvlco Is mado by the d illvery ot a copy ot your answer to tho con testant In person, proof or such ior klco must bo either the i-ild contest ant's written uckuowlodgcmcnt ot his receipt ot tho copy, showing the date ot Its receipt, or tho affidavit of the person by whom the delivery waa uuido, Mating when and where the copy was delivered; It mado by regis tered mall, proof or iucIi service must consist ot tho affidavit ot tho porion by whom lha copy was mailed stating when and tho postofflce to which It wni mailed, nnd this affidavit must be accompanied by tho poatmaiter'a re ceipt tor the lotter. You should stato In your anawer tho nnmo ot the postofflce to which you desire future notices tent to you. A. W. ORTON, Regtiter. Date Ot lit publication, Feb 21, 1918 Dati of Sd publlcatlon.Feb. 18, 1918 Date of 3d publication, Mch. 7, 1918 Date of 4th publication, Mch. 14, 1918 J. 11. CAtlNAHAN, Attorney for Contestant. United I'rvsa Service IIINQIIAM, March 18. It baa been positively stated that Admiral Eaton's death was from unnatural cause. It Is believed that arsenic poisening: was tho direct cause. Tho admiral' widow. 1 expected to testify at tho Inquest. The Herald, fifty cent a month, AIIEL K1VIAT BEBEBEJE-?TpsaaEBEBeBj BBBBPr i- 'vBBBBJ tHp, :'v;fl :':bibbbbI I KgajjmgjBj&BjsjJBH i WMfimfm- gtBBBaa3HgW . TO OPEN LAND IN THIS COUNTY LOCAL PARTIES ARE INCLINED TO UELIEVE THAT ONLY SMALL TRACTS HILL BE AVAILABLE FOR HOMESTEADERS WASHINGTON, D. C, March 18. Representative Hawley has been noti fied by tbo land office that townships 38, rango S and 38, rango 6, Klamath county, will bo opened to settlement early In April. SIXTH STREET TO BE IMPROVED United Free Henrtee LONDON, Mareh II.- Yard I gradually acquiring a collection of "phony" rinse. edly of American origin, benajM kt by pawnbrokera who hare filiate1 beemtung. The rinse eoaWflaVatesn actually worth about 11.88 eaeh, tat by means of a ipeclal praratkm, Mm secret of which I knows to the po lice, they are given the aaeearaneo at genuine diamond, in a nnmeeret Instance the exaaperated pawnbrok er admitted that the ring had "hocked" for from 888 to IBS. MISS OLD-TIME POSTOFFICE MEET SO FARMERS IN INBfANA ARRANGED A RURAL ERY "OFFICE" TO THE PURPOSE COUNCIL INSTRUCTS ATTORNBY TO DRAW UP RESOLUTION Of INTENTION TO EXTEND PA VINO ON STREET Cut, flowers at No. lt , 1 West Main si To boost Klamath county send The Herald to your Eaitern friends, Abel Klvlat, the little New York tlyor, Is running In top notch form. Ilccontty ho established a new Ameri can Indoor record for tho 1,000 yards and won tho 000 yard event from a fast field on tho samo evening. Klvlat wears tho color ot tbe Irlsh-Amer-lean A, C and sayi that be 'la In hla host form, on announcement that tbe rocord holder for distance from the GOO yarda to tho mile must be pre paied to defend their laurel. Tbo land 1 In tbe vllcnlty of Buck Lake, and portion of It are heavily timbered. Local people are Inclined to believe that only small tract will be opened tor, settlement, and that the timbered portions will be retained In tbo Caa cade forest reserve. Hero From Lakevlew Ilalph Carter has returned from Lakevlow to take charge ot the phar macy to be opened In tbe lobby of tho Hotel hall by Perry O. De Lap and Dr. E. V. Morrow. The phar macy will be ready within a week. Harry Denson and wife are here from Lakevlew, where -ir. uenson la connected with tbe Baldwin Hard ware company. They will visit rela tive several days. Suscrlbe for The Herald, fifty centa. a, month. IN ONE MINUTE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN-COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH Stop Niwty DJacluurge, Clean Stuffed Head, Heal IntimmoS Atr Paaaagee and Yom Br the Freely Try "Kly'a Cream Balm." Qot a small bottle anyway, Juit to try It Apply a little in the aoetrila and Instantly your clogged bom and stoppod-up air pauagea of, the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache dkwppear. My morning! the catarrh, cold In head or catarrhal lore throat will be gone End auch misery nowl' Get the small, bottle ot "Kly'a Cream Balm" at any drug etor. Tbie aweet, fra grant balm dissolve by the heat of the noatrlli; peaetratea and heala the inflamed, awollen membrane which line the aoe, head and throat; clean the air paaaagee; topa naaty dischargee and a feeling of cleansing, toothing relief cornea Immediately. Don't lay awake tonight atrug gllng tor breath, with head eUKedj nostril cloned, hawking and blow ing. Catarrh or a cold, with R'e running noie, foul mucoua dropping Into' the throat, nnd raw dryneea Is distressing but truly needleaa. Put your faith Jui one la "Bly'a, Cream Balm" and your eold or catarrh will avrely dlaannear. j0 If the plan announced at the coun cil meeting but night an carried to a successful conclusion, the 81xth street paving will be extended to the city limit. By unanimous content of the alder men, tho city attorney waa Instructed (o prepare a resolution of Intention to pave tho street from the end of the present paving to the limit ot tbe city. This resolution will be ready for presentation at the next meeting ot the council. LOCAL MAN HAS WRITTEN PLAY United Pr WASHINQTON, D. C, Mareh 18, Farmer and country fork of an Imdfr- community have "Invented" a runl delivery peetodlce. The neat office department received word ahewt It today, and think the Idea to a good one. When the government abandoned (he peatofjee at Now Market, Clark county, Indiana, nnd lnetUnted tar rural mail service la It the Hooeien of that vlelalty wen set altogether nleaeed with the They mlaeed tho old-time aeetal torn of coming together to vlewi on tho crop, noUUea aad ftke) weather, while the noetmaotor totaan ly handed out tho varioa Utten asd package and read the poetal earda. Oscar Harlan of MiryarlU to tho rescue with an original i tiea: Why not have all boxes, for some little dlotaaeo rejaad, at least, centered in one anot, Una preserving eomethtag of the afirtt d the past The Idea waa eagerly eeaeed upoa and executed la auch a way at w materially aaalat the rural carrier am thl route. Upoa a tree atump, cut down to aa appropriate height, aa old wagea wheel waa act, a htg dowetl being left In the center ot the stamp for aa axle for the wheel. Mall beaca war nailed upoa the rims aad spokes. The rural carrier does aot have to gat, out of hie rig. Ho drivee ap, tarae the wheel oa Ito pivot, reaching each of the fourteen home ha tura. Whea his rig la lighted It serves as a eaU signal for the neighborhood. NELSON HAS RECEIVED ANCES OF ASSCR. FBOM BACKING PROMINENT CALIFORNIA MEN. WILL GO ON THE ROAD "The Price ot Love" i the title, of a three-act drama written by E. T. Nelapn ot this city, which haa beea pronounced excellent by those who havo read the manuscript. Mr. Nel son, who resides at Bhlpplngton, has been working on tbe play tor Ive year. He I In receipt ot letters from prominent California men, who ex press tbelr confidence In the play, aad offer financial backing. Mr. Nelsoa plans to go on tbo road with the ahow in tbe fall. CRACKSMEN FAIL TO BLOW SAFE POLICE ARE SEARCHING FOB THE BANDITS IN TBS SUTttO FORESTS RUNNING BUHL WITH PATROLMEN United Press Servtee SAN FRANCISCO, March 17. A police poaae, armed with Wiaaheetew,' Is searching the Bnlra ieat ler ft two crscumea waa were reaiea warn attempting to dyaamito the, aafa' af the Shumate pharmacy lata The haadtta encased alter, a lalng dual wKh two j f&Vj JURY LIKES WORD OF NEGRO BEST n HAMILTON Ml IN JUSTICE COURT OF OF SELLING LIQUOR INDIAN TO AM The word of a negro, li worth more In court thaa the swats estlmoay of two Indians, erea theag their teetlmoay to uhetaaUatad hr tbe teetlmoay of white menu ,,'; Thl waa the eeaclaatoa reaeaad If a jury la Jaetiee Qowea's eean Max night. The case was oae la J. W. (Ham) Hamilton waa with Illegally eeUkag Baser to aa In dian. , j J . - District Attorney Jury for, the flret time la hto capacity. H. M. Hamilton. It R'e wwtaB wwlatfli Mni ,iMHal b eattrng. See OMleeto. dmf MpJ. . Haaa4JS, ' ' ' j. , "-!---aaanaamaajpnaaaajnaaaamaxtt ,S 1 ,. .'' '' fl M Mf l ' - i r P,OLK'S stillitilSBl j$m 4- fZMi 'AirlSfeJ