f ti I ri" ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CIRCULATION CLAIMS i r i. HlI'I'LIKO MY THE UNITKD ntHMNMWN SEKVICB She ttrning (Mb. ' n- VMIKI imm PRINT TUB NBWS, HOT -- tovMth Year Ho. Ml KLAMATH PALM, ORKOON. TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 191B FINANCIERS ASK I AVOR AND OF WILSON HIS CABINET WANT OOVKKNMKNT TO SANC TION CHINA LOAN l or Dollar nipleeaacy la Believed lo lie In Hlht Vacle Hani Will No Luagrr .Ut m a CoHrcUan Agvary la South awl t'eatcal Americas) R pebllr for Wall Street Oaareraa awl (Mlirre tatted I'rees Service WAHIIINOTON, U. C, March 17. 1h announcement U expected soon that the aomrninant will not eUnd fcr MulUr i)lilotncy," and will sot iiisrsutto any more Wall street loana lor act ai a collection agency la South and Central Amerlcaa re- publics. Thla afternoon tba cabtaet discus- id the rtiufit of Morgan and other IstBcler participating la tba six- power loan lo China. They want Uia Ule department to aanctloa Ua loan. so the ircurlty will ha uaquestloaed. The money la guaranteed by tba Chi aeae cuitorai collactlona. It bat been laaraad privately that WlUon la adverse to tba ptaa of tba Sunders. OVERRATED CAMP IS NOT HEALTHY LETTER FROM IIOCHKHTKIt, NKV., ADVISES KliAMATH FALLS I'KO PLK TO KEEP AWAY PIU)M THERE A letter received here from Roch ester, Nevada, the new mining camp, report overyllilitg overdone there. There arm about sixty men at work In the mines, out of a population of I, COO. There are ality aaloona, and aa many dance Italia and houaei of) III fame. Much alchnve la prevalent and many deatha have reaulted. In fact. thn advlco la aent to alay away from ! Itohceater. The First Session of President Wilson's Cabinet REPORTS OF RICH IISTRIKNtECEIVED I M'MOK HA IT THAT A SKVKN- FOOT 8HUTE HAM BEEN KN. COUNTERED IN PROPERTY OP THK HUNMHINE Encouraging uewa baa been recelv i hero from High Orade, tba new BlolBg camp aouth of Lakevlew. It U reported that a aavaa foot abuta ' very rich ore baa been encountered la the property of tba Ruaahlaa com ptay, and that the formation la aolld. Ith talc on either wall. While no confirmation baa coma to tbtte reports, It la aald tbat tba Sea Ma proplo are purpoaely kaeplag " matter quiet. In order to buy uo u much of the atock aa poaalbla at a Biure. A number of local people ' Interested In thla property. Unac Cacka. a Ualin h. la the county aaat Unndmv m !! acting of tba atockboldera of tba Cooperative Supply bouaa. REBELS ADVANCE ON NACO ATTACK FEDERAL OENEHAL AOAIN PACES DESTRUCTION HEIIEL CHIEF TAINS OATHEHINO TROOPS Itlll A IIATTLK United I'reea Service NACO, March II. General OJada la again facing daatructloa. Oencrals Callea and llracamonto are gathering their forcea aoutb of Agua I'rleta, and will move on Naco tonight. Obregon la sanding 600 Tag u la. S7r"' ' ':-J . ?vt i-jujsjjiaaaacssassssarT-?r , ammmSSaaSLalllSigiiBliaiiiiiH -"T! P anCrVamBjaaVBaBnBnBnBnH 9 2ZLSSmt9lHiH & ? ibKSsIsbHsbsbwsbsbsbsbsbHI jBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBHf' aaiiiiV v9vka0aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBaaVaaV'PaiiiiiH BnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnmi. 't BaVJanVJ -. .. jflaaiiiiiiiii(aBaaaaMiaaaaaaMaaaal BBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMf - 'BBBJBBBBBBBBBWgmBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBV.BBBBBBBf BBB fBaaaBNB9aV9aHI....V.VaiaHH BaaaaaPMaKaaaBlaaaVlaaaafflRa aBBBBBBBBBaBaW''dBTBBBaV LLLVLVlaBBHaLiiiHBfl mjr.mmtm BBBBTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBW:aBBBYi:BBVIB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH wg&BmM mmmmmmmBsSBmaL Lr J&bs5sssez KING GEORGE IS REPORTED KILLED UNfXINKIItMKU DIHI'ATCII ItKACH KH U)MN TIIATTIIH KINO OP UIIKKCi: HAH 1IKK.V AHMAHHI.V ATKI IX ATIIi:.NK United 1'raaa oarvlca LONDON, March 17. An uncon firmed newa agency dlapatcb from Salonlca aaya that King Ueorge of (Ireeeo haa been aaaaaatnatod In the city of Athena. - -AmnKsesatwrrwotyMttJtwtJimm Vbaim ltfa ak Btlti Aaaja. alw aavl fBMi.ia aavia. vat aaa a . m & . riuu uu iu iiiui muuihi un uvn, i niiucui n uaoB, w. u. mcaooo, aecreury or me ireaaury; j. u. McKaynolda, attorney general; Joaaabaa Daniel, ocrctary of the navy; D. P. Ilouaton, aecreury of agriculture; W. IJ. WlUon, accretary of Ubor; W. C. Redfleld, aecreUry of 'coatatefea Franklin K. Lane, aecreUry of the Interior; A. 8. Burteaoa. poatmaater general; L. N. OarrUon, aecreUry of war; W. J. Dryaa. aecreUry of aUU. ' CAMINETTI AND DIG6S FACE A BUNCH TROUBLE rROMINKNT YOUNG MJR AM Bf- VOLVKO IN LAW Releaaed ea Owa llavaajaaaaa Oiarsea of CoatHballag la qanary of OWa, Tbey Are 1 Be-ArreeUJ ea Ckaraja af Walla Hlavery Are AfraM (a Laava aba lrlaea United Praaa tferrlaa SACRAMRNTO, March It. Tba plan to take Caaalnettl and Dlgge to Stockton for arraignment on charaaa under the Mann act haa beam abandoned. United SUtea Marshal Kcraaa at San Franclaco arrived this afteraaa with warrant, and the aaea ware promptly arraigned by tba caaaty autboritlea oa chargea of esatrtaaUac to the delinquency of two glrla. Thar were released ea their ewa rmgata ance. Thea Keraaa imataa tbaaa aa chargea of wbiU elavery. Thar Wall be arraigned bafara Saverier Jaaaa Hagbaa. TAXI SERVICE TO a BE STARTED HERE LONDON, March 18. The king of (Irecco waa aaaasalnatod at Salonlca whoro ho waa at the head of a divi sion of the Qreey army, according to unconfirmed dlapatcbaa. Tonlgt King Oeorge bad no Infor mation 'concerning tbo aaiaaalnatlon of the King of Oreeca. Mt. Mazama Was the Highest Peak in West Government Geologiiti Hold that Old Volcano. NowCollapied Into Gra ter Lake Waa 15,000 ft. High WIIITK I'KLICAN GAIIAOE SE- CVMM TWO TAXICAtW, AND NKW UVKHY HKIIVICK WILL BK STAUTKD HIIOKTLY A fnvlftnti 111 ash I li Jt I a I sa I innM. . vatlon for Klamath Fall, aa an nouncement waa mado today by Oor- uua e iiaiuwiu, uwqvii u& uv n una I'vllcun garago, that they will com mence a aervlco In a abort time. Two caba fitted with Uxlmetera havo teen received at the garage. One of thvie will bo operated from the garage, and the other from aa uptowu aland. They wilt be In aer vlco until Into nt night. Tlio taxlcab charge ure mado by thu mlleago traveraod by the car, and llio longtli of each trip I registered by tho taximeter, which alto abowa tho amount due. In thla way the cus tomer can tell Juat what la due, and after It la paid tbo amount duo for that and nil other tripe during the day la computed aa by a caah reglatar for tho Information of the chauffeur aud garago owner. Thoro haa been a great daaaad horo at all time for auto livery can, and It I to meet thl that the aervlco I being started. If the patronage wnrranta It, the garago will place ad ditional taxlcaba In aervice. 8MUl to The Herald WASIIIwnTnki n . ........ .. Th t.i I "' v" area e. y lJ'.hMt roowtala In OragM l...i "l ',oou' . fat above aaa to it Co,u",r with Mount Whttaay t.i. ",u,,, ,n c"orala and Mount "nler to th .... - u..i.i ... lot. i ill nHiaii LM.rl,'.nt .00 feat. ak... "" B0 Maar aa a lea .'?' ,,oww. ceor4laf to i ,ol!,',u of tB tlM 0 ,UrV,,r M Ur MtaWtl- ai. k , " H " ) proaa V Dtfora h. j. . .... ' A. ". great volcaao which towered Motm. ovo Mout Hoo oana ft hlltr ThU w- , "uu Maaaaaa, Jtattbouaaaaa - lata poarod Into the bowel of tbo earth and all that la left today la the huge rim around Crator Lake, Crater Lake la the caldera of thla extinct and collapaed volcano, and la nearly all nllea In diameter. The in side walla of the rim of the ancient mountain are la place nearly 4,000 feet high and almoat perpendicular. Tho lake iUelf la in placea 3,000 feet deep and parta of the wall rise above IU water another 2.000 feet. A res toration of the mountain In fancy, ualng aa a baala the anglea of tho lower alopei, which atlll remain, abowa tbat tbo apex could not have beea far from 16,000 feet la belgbt, ao that Mount Maiama waa one of the moat lofty and majeatio peaka lu the United SUtea. STEPS TAKEN IN BONDING PLAN CITY COUNCIL INSTRUCTS CITY ATORNEY TO I'ltKl'ARE RESO LUTION CALLING ."OR A SI'E Cl.tL BOND ELECTION As tho first step In the bonding of tho city to take up the outstanding wnrrnnt Indebtedness and put tho city of Klamath Fall on a caah baala, tho city council last night Instructed the city attorney to draw up a resolu tion providing for the calling of a special election to vote on the matter. Tho resolution will probably be ready nt the next meeting of the coun cil .and every effort will be made to expedite tho preliminary detail. WORK STARTED SECOND UNIT HKVKN OF MANEY HROS. OUTFITS ARK AT WORK ADDITIONAL OUTFITS WILL HE l'UT TO WORK SOON Seven of tho Maney Broa. outflU aro now at work on the second unit latorala of the Klamath reclamation project, "Just aa rapidly aa weather condi tion will permit additional outfit will be put to work," aald L. A. Klrchaner this attornoon. Mra. Bertha ,Clopton of Boaaaaa la the gueat of Klamath Fall frleada. PHONE STRIKE DECLARED OFF LOCAL UNIONS OF TMK ELEC ' TRICAL WORKERS VOTE TO AC CEPr WAUK 1NCRKASK OF 85 CENTS A DAY WILL KODAK ALL COUNTY SCHOOLS SUPERINTENDENT PETERSON IS PREPARING TO TAKE PICTURES OF EVERY SCHOOL IN KLAM ATH COUNTY In order to have definite data from all of the school in Klamath county, JCouuty School Superintendent Fred JPeteraon haa made arrangemenU to 'tako kodak vlewa of tho achool bouae M .1 .A.I I. iui.Ii JI.,bIa, .knwlKB ,Ib jauu jhiu ,u vuvu uisiuti, auvwiug wc pupils, teachers, interior and exterior of the buildings, etc. In addition ho will have informa tion as to attendance, etc., compiled, and this will bo set forth In tabulated form on a large chart, and surround ed by tho photographs of the district referred to. These charU, one for each district, will be the property of the superintendent's office, and they will be nn Interesting adjunct at the varioua educational Institutes held each year. The picture will be Ukea by Mr. Peterson, and In anticipation' of a busy aeason, he baa Uld la a big supply of "Three-A" alio aim. He la visiting the Henley achool today. SACRAMENTO. March 17. UaK- ed SUtea deaaty marshals are lagrrt ed to Uke Camlaettl aa Dtaaa to Uiilted 1'reas Service DAN FRANCISCO, March 17. At tho headquarter of the electrical workers today it was announced tbat all danger of a strike against the Pa cific Tolephouo company was paat, Korty-ono locals lu Oregon, Wash Inrton, Idaho, California, Nevada and Ariiona voted to accept 25 cents dally Increase. The now agreement la elective from January 1, 1913, to January 1, 1914. Mra. J. J. Hales returned Monday from a visit with relatives la Califor nia. Mr. Hales remained In the Botitb to attend to business matters. Alex Cheyne waa here Monday his ranch on the Merrill road. trim Indiau Agent Watson left thla morning for tho Klamath Agesey after attending to buskeaa maitera hero, Ho waa accompanied by L. M. Holt of the Indian aervice, who oaato In last night from North Yakima. JOHNSON WANTS INVESTIGATION DEMANDS THAT SENATE COMMIT TEE UK APPOINTED TO DKLVB INTO WOMEN'S WAGE CONDI-TIONS Jultod l'rea Servlcr SACRAMENTO, March 18. Gov ernor Johnson thl mornlag made a demand that the senate appoint a committee to Investigate the relation ship between tho wagea paid the wo men of California and the white alava act The executive sUted that ha waaU an Investigation made that will be thorough In every detail, and ha want a report before the termination of the present session. FIREBUGS WILL BE UNDER ARREST WARRANTS WILL BE ISSUED IN CHICAGO ARREST OF PROM INENT MEN IMPLICATED IN THE ARSON TRUST CHICAGO, March 18. The aUU'a I attorney announced today tbat war rants tor the arrest of higher-ups, merchants and insurance adJuatera connected with the arson trust, will be issued today. Thirty-five alleged ftrebun will ba placed In custody. Some of them re- Mdo in other cltlea In the aUte. Tho confessions of Ben Fink and John Daniels form the basis of tba prosecutions. Stockton thla aftenoea far meat before a federal The two mea hav. t of ball, fearing that If thejr war. at liberty their UveawaaM a. aa aaawar. Because the trial wlH a. aaaar thai Maam act, the glrla will ha reaalre to tell their experleacea la oaam aaaft. They are out of Jail aow em fl.Nt bond. Neither haa left home alaee returning to this city. Louis Wampler and John Ryan. who nre hometteading oa the Upper Uike, are here from Woodbine. ur- chaslng supplies. ELKS TO DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT INFORMAL MOT AND CAJMM WILL BK DIVERSIONS OF "AT AT THE CLUB 'ROOMS OT LODGE Members of Klamath Falls Lo4a Ne. 1247. B. P. O. E.. aad their ladles will enjoy a social evening at the Club Friday evening. Cards dancing will be enjoyed, aad a quet will be served. Farmers May Form a Cooperative Warehouse Rumored that Inveitoro in Defunct Concern are Considering the Ad visibility of Such a Plan F. O. Eldred of Boanaxa la a Klam ath Falla visitor. According to persons Interested, there la a possibility that Klaauth county may havo a co-operative sup ply house thla summer, despite the disastrous effect of the representa tives of the Portland firm which aoM stock to local farmers, weat tat. the hands of a receiver without earrylag out any of its promisee, and la aow seeking to collect the notea given. When the farmers gave cash and notea for stock In the concern, they did eo knowing that such an laettta tioa would be a great beaelt te Klam ath county, it proposed to ereot a central warehouse here, throaaa which the, products of Klamath coan ty farau would, he marketed, and mj piles purchased at wholesale prleat. Thia waa to have been aaa of a abate throughout the state. Although they war. aafraude to a certain extent, the farmers eaaaet feel taat tney were entirely "Ukea la," aa the Idea la one which. If carried .art, would do a great deal for the ae4 cultural Industries of thla -aaeMea? They will contest the payment el the notea aent here for eelleeHaaa,hej ground that the eoneera failed to ear- v ,t vl 01 1 Ik ;: , S TJ .&. K 1- . ry out IU promisee, l At a meeting of the faisaan wt signed notes, It waa Itoraid Meat ak least IIQ.oeo wu eeeer4 fcr I farmer here for.eteek tot. concern, if tata smanal alejt,t subaeaibed for; a Faraaera' ' Wareheeee wawfJP BjajalfjfjPav ajsa, ffjwflPasBBJHVBBB era! at thoe.( latstielH eae4UlteaUeawiU. 14 eataeMea.a Judloloua maraatrag t pareaaatal ad aaatoratJaV .H A- " i -i " V w c niHa wff mmmmm mm isi SSSmmm llMsBiHilBafdt iHaf , V?IZJ "JaJ"amBp 4BBHf l ' ti -J tggi