ppyp!wt7,,'"i,''' ' r y II. ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CIRCULATION CLAIMS j- HI'II'MKM IIY TIIK DNITKD lltCMM NEW HKHVM.'K Me tuning rtaliV mvmtana rawst, PRINT THB NEWS, NOT 1 1 l4 2 I n"r Hetrnlh Vrni No. 11.01 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MAItUI 17, 1913 PrlSSt Wtf9 Mexican Federals Receive Aid of Bloodthirsty Yaquis and Many Atrocities Are Now Reported UNDIS URGES PROBE INTO THE OFFICER'S ACTS OI.KO FRAUDS CANNOT HK KAMI. ,V WHITEWASHED Voters Must All Be Registered This Year Provision of the Charter Requires All Who Have Not Registered Since March to do so by April Alt voter of I ho city who have not 'a)U tlilragu JurUt laalrucla Jury . . I irmUloriM this year mutt 1I0 o licforo I t IMMrg.nl the rMllrineal Effect-1 Apr ,6 f l(oy J(J (),o l l.jr th Taft AilmlnUlnillou on ,, mc113 election May 6th. ThU the i:i of IMIrlng From Public one of the provision of the now Mh Munufariurrni of olro Are 'charter, according to I'ollco Judge I CALIFORNIA MEN TO FACE WHITE SLAVERUHARGE FEDERAL ATTORNEY ANNOUNC KM WH PLANS Leavltt. Thniiu rcKlntcrltiK slneo March will no tint required to register again, but thoso who toted at tho charter clec-l llnti nn llmll ,l.(pntlnn lt VMitt' in ml again bIrii tho book. Tho books will romaln open until April 15. AlfatiM. J Hrnaltt Adjourns "" ' llltut l're Hrrvr I'ulltd l'rr Hervlce j WAHIIINOTON, I). C March 17. CHICA(U), March 17. Judge l.an- Tho sprclnl nomlnn of tho svtialo clos dli, hlle Instructing a special grand !nl at 2.10 thin afternoon, when an jury csiiru 10 proun 1110 ii,jv,uvv olro frauili, ordered an Investigation not only Into tho chargo against tho asnufatturrr, but against govern adjournment was taken elno die. EXAMINER STORY TURNS INTO FAKE Kidney Hprout of Eureka, chief, vnglnoer of tuo CallfornlaOregon Bent officials, who, It ha been report- Power toinpnny, mid General Huperln-lMI'lt'lDF. td, mitred Into n conspiracy with tho tctidcnl Walllier of the Mine com nipufacturrm to defraud tho govern- any, aro hero attending to business utnt. .matter. JuJto tandl Instructed tho Jury to dUrcgard tho settlement made by tho Tsft administration on tho last day of offlc. 1 Owen French and wife camo In on thn train from Chlloitiln Saturday. They will vlilt horo scleral day. Of AHHIHTANT CASHIER IIAKKH IH POSITIVELY DENIED. RANKER I RECOVERING HIH HEALTH Uncle Sam Has Power to Fix Open Seasons The McLean Bill, Recently Passed by Congress, Gives the Secretary of Agriculture Power to Set t'nltcd Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, March 17. Tho lentatlonal itory printed In tho Ex aminer thli morning announcing the ulcldo of Anlitntit Caihler Baker of tho Crocker National bank ha turned out to bo a fake. Dakar I rapidly recovering hi health. Hereafter tho foderal government may tako a hand la filing tho, open Miiom for tho hunting of duck, liennd ihoro bird. Thl I a re mit of tho paitago of tho McUan bill by cong-rosa recently. ThU meaiuro enables tho aocroUry of agriculture to regulate tho hunting I of all bird which mlgrato from, itato to ttato. . It U lint believed, howovor, that federal officer will Intorfero eiropt In ttato whoro tho gamo law aro not comldrod adequate. STEER CASE IS AGAIN IN COURT ANIMAL WHICH CAUSED THE IN DICTMKNT OK FOB VALLEY RANCHER IS BASIS OP SUIT FOR MONEY Tho rod atcer, weight about 800 Hunds, that figured In the Indictment ' W. II, Marcho on a chargo of lar ceny of a steer, and tho legal battlo Wlweon n llvovtock Arm and a Merrill butchor ihop for tho possession of tho nlmal, U again In court. Ha I at (ho bottom of an action agalaat Mar cbo by tho butcher, Dalton Hoiley, Mch U bolng triad today. Tho unlmal waa aold to the butch- by Marcho, and later an actios for "Mm and delivery was atartad by Offltld ft Stukel, cattlemen, who thargod that the ateer belonged to (m, and Marobo had bo right to 11 It, Tho caio was Ur led la the Juitlce wurt horo, but the Jury failed to ireo. Tho plaintiff la the oaie be n tried today ask the recovery of tnecoit of the trial. " ". flhaw appear for the plala- Marcho i repreieatod hy Fred 111, GARRETT CAPTAIN OF SEATTLE FIVE CLOSE PAVILION FOR SUMMER ItUII.DINO IH I.EAMEI TO CLAW AUTO COMPANY, AND WILL 1E HKMOIKI.KI HCITAIILK VitU A (1AHAUE On account of tho waning popular ity of roller ikatlug, now that tho weather permit other paitlmoa, Mau tiKor II. H. Illuilcy of tho 1'avlllon Ukntlng rink ha clo.od tho eUb llhment. I Tho building has bcon loaiod by the jciupp Auto company. It will be uied 11 a gnrago n oon a It I remodolod. (.'mlnrill and Digg. WI10 Eloped Willi Karnunrnto Girl anil Were Arn-iiUfl In lleno, Will Ho Arreatod by the OovrrtuacMl la a Day or To Father of Camlnctil U DU-trrel Friends Claim Bud Was Poorly Advised in Ring Instead of "Laying Off" in the Last Round and Winning on Points, Bud Was Advised to "Mix" Unll'd l'r c Service BAN ritANClSCO, March 17. United State Dlatrlct Attorney Mc Nab announced today that ho Intend to proiccuto Camlnetti and Ulgg for lolatlon of tho whlto slavo act. Ho aald that federal warrant would be it worn to today or tomorrow. Father Orievea United I'reaa Bcrvlc SACRAMENTO, March 17. Sena tor Camlnetti arrived here today. He wan much dUtreaaed over hi aoa'a predicament. Ho denied the report that 1'rcaldcnt WlUon bad offered to him tho poit of Immigration commbt- loner at Wahlngton. WOMEN TO HAVE OUT LICENSES NEW LAW UKyUIHES THAT, IN OHDEH TO FISH IN OREGON, L1CENHE8 MUST UE TAKEN OUT IIY WOMEN AS WELL AS MEN l-OHMKH HAHKETIIAI.I UWAh INSTITUTION IH ONE OK THE HTELLAK PLAYEIUJ WITH gUEENE ANNE HK1H HTAH OF I John Noubort of Swan Lake waa among Saturday' vliltor In the coun ty oat. aioun Oarrott, formerly a etudent of tho Klamath county high ichool, hn been choaon captain of tho baikot- bull toum of queen Anno high ichool nt Seuttlo, tho couch fludiug Jt moro bcnullclnl for tho toam to effect n chango In loaderahlp during tho ioa on. (larrett I alto tho atar forward of tho toain, which ha long hold tho lntorcholntlo baskotball champion ahlp of tho Evorgroon atato. Whon In Klamath, Qarrett waa ono of tho crack baikot totion of the local teanr. Ho wa alio a moraber of the baieball team. W. V. Wbltlatch, a well known roildont of tho Merrill dlitrlot, waa In the county ioat Monday, paying taxei and nttoudlng to other biwlnow matters. Indian Agont Edaon Wataon la here from the reservation, attending to builnewi matter. Ono of the Inconveniences of the ballot for women I the requirement that women muit ecure fUblng Ilcenvca In order to enjoy the iport. Thl 1 tho result of tho pawage of a bill by tho lait legUIature. Heretofore women have not been required to take out fishing license. Tho now law, which become effective Juno S, put women on an equal foot ing with men, to fur as Ashing la cob corned. The llcemo feo I $1 for realdenta. Foreigners who have not declared their Intention to become cltlieaa, are required to pay au extra fee of 2G, United Press Service LOS ANdELES, March 17. Dud Anderson will start for Medford to morrow. Ho will romaln In the north until ho I re-matched by McCarey. Friend blame Dud' second for sending him In to mix thing In the last round whdta he bad a ant-cleat lead to win on polat. It la also cUIm ed that Dud wa overtrained. White no definite arrangement has been made, It I expected that Dud and Drown will be matched for an other fight April 6. FISHERMEN AFTER A FISH LADDER Strike la Feared Tho Weed Lumber compaay face trouble with Ita employes, who are circulating petition demanding aa eight-hour day. A machinist circu lating a petition was summarily dis charged and ordered out of town, bat (refused to go. IT IH FEA11ED THAT DAM IN THE ' i John T. Cox of Merrill waa KiaMATH IUVEII WILL CUTur(lay Ytoltor , the cunXy a Sat- DOWN NUMBER THIH SECTION OP FISH IN Mrs. Thos. Martin aad her daugh ter, Mrs. May Anderson, of Merrill, are HI at the Martin hoate la tala Idly. They have been sick for several An effort will be made by the Ore gon stale flih and game coBmIsloa.daril( but toiv they were resorted as INDIANS KILL ALL PRISONERS! TAKENIN FIGHT OENERAL OJEDA DSNIM TAIM UNO ACCUSATION Arfaafeatea Is Made That Tknw Mekel, Meet Were Execate- 1 Other Hoarees K Is Loafed Tea Others Were Lifted Vp . a Wall aad Shot at : ! United I'ress Service LAREDO, March 17. Twe haav dred MaderUta crept lata Near La redo, Mexico, this atorai-c aad at tacked the garrleea. Aftertwal long range akinalehtam the withdraw. It is reported that were woaaded. United Press Service JAUREZ. March 17.- 1100 rebels are advaaeiag 1 city. They are bow tea atUea west sf ea Paaa i ICoatlattew to aecuro the co-operatioa of the Cal- 'much improved. If ornla commlislon In forcing the Cal-1 Ifornla-Oregon Power company to w 1L LT -L. makeprovlslonfor aalmon topassthej lllf lllOn lrlAr laf J-l dara now being constructed In the HVtel UM.MJ W O Kiamatn mver anout torty miles irorn thl city and on tho California side. , Tho dam, It Is expected, will bo completed late thl year. It I feared that unless a fish ladder Is provided thcro will bo a notable falling off In tho number of flsh in this part. WARSHIPS MAY START A BATTLE Chief of White Slavers Sensational Developments are Ex pected in Investigtion Now Un der Way in Chicago. Illinois Dob Dalton la a Klamath Fall vis itor, coming up from Merrill Sunday. IF REVOLT STARTS IN CONSTAN TINOPLE, OFFICERS HAVE OR DER8 TO IIOMUARD CITY FROM THE SEA Unltod Ptesa Service LONDON, March 17. It U consid ered possible that the foreign 'war ships In tho harbor will bombard Constantinople. Dispatches say that another revolu tion I imminent. Foreign commanders have been or dered to open fire If the revolt starts. L'nlted Press Semes CHICAGO. March 17. Blair Coan. a member of the white slave probe committee, declared today that a prominent Chicago politician In at the head of the white slave orgaalsa- 'tlon. "We know his name," continued 'Mr. Coan, 'and he is now under sur 'vollance by detectives. Hs will be compelled to testify before the eoaa mtttee. It he resuaes ho wUl he ar rested and placed in Jail " Lieutenant Governor O'Hara said that the Investigation had resulted la Promise of Home Rule Adds 0 to Fervor of Irish Celebration Each Member of the Irish Guards is Presented With Shamrock by Mother Queen. Unusual Interest is Taken in Parades in London. Dublin and Belfast United Presa Service LONDON, March 17. Although St. Patrick's Day li tho occasion of great obsorvnnco lu Ireland, especially In tho Catholto countiei, tho celebrations this your are moro entbuslastlo than thoy havo been for loveral decadea. Tho occaslou for this unusual ex huborance by the Irish la the certain ty that the Emerald Isle will be grant ed home rule. Loaders are sure that this will be granted within the next eighteen months. Taradea were hold today In Dublin, Cork and all the other Important cities, while oven In Belfast the popu lace entered Into the observance with a fervor never before noticed. There were a number of parades la different parti of England. The Irish Quardi, stationed at-Wel lington barracks, were on formal a rade In honor of the Patron Saint of Ireland In the presence of Held Marshal Roberts and other Irish notables. At the conclusion, each man in the regiment was presented with a sham rock by Queen Mother Alexandria. aa exodus from the elty af g4rki frasa the country. Their pereato have called them home. United Press Servtee SACRAMENTO, March IT. Mia. Charles Edsca of Lea AaelM. Mis Helen Todd of San rraaeteee aad Labor Statistician School appeared ba fcVe the senate committee teday. Sheel said there were 1.171 waaaaa In San Francisco and 1,111 weeae- la Los Angeles who ars worktac far 94. a week, when It U impossible to It) for less than 4.50. Seaator ? tasked that Immediate aetioa a takes. RITCHIE WANTS PACKY AT 135 LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPION DE CLARES THAT UNLESS STOCK- YARDS LAD MAKES WILL UE NO 11ATTLS WEIGHT ..MILWAUKEE. March 17. "Wa are through with Packy McFarlaad," said Willie Ritchie, lightweight cham pion, today, "It he will aet make 135 pounda ringside he will not get a chance at the title while I hold It." N. Epstein was among the arrivals from Boaaaxa on Sunday's stage. SPECIAL SESSION STARTS APRIL 7 WILSON ISSUES FORMAL PROCLA MATIONTARIFF WILL NOT M THE ONLY MATTMR OONMMsV ED BY COGKS ty United Press Servles f WASHINGTON, D. C, Mareei IT President Wilson today Isaaad a naaa. tarnation calling a speelal afastas, af congress to eon veae, April 7. r , The preclametlea Urn aet Malt the extra session to the tori, had m ables the presUeat to hftag ft W, iPaL-ft fjguaita-je. si V : Mr. aad Mrs. R. E. Hosley arrived Saturday night from Ashland. The following morning they left for Mer rill, where Mr, Hosley has assented the position o foreman on the J. Frank Adama nuMh, urgeat matter. A special . t- v ., x. The tortsT.w4U.lM prehaMy swage wttl jto W.T. esuatMref, wt a wMt vMh uiiiaafai JalJ