The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 15, 1913, Image 3

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    - ,."vMr."
. .-"VTT "VW
:' .,"i ' T' .:.
i ." ' o ',ij3 v ,, ,
" ? ",
f! "'-
"racnlx, Arli., Marsk ?, Ml.
rlltridi i - .
i-illn Hie itatossewvat JMgo
I" lh0 NorthwH4ni of rob-
t llth, wai paper p" "
,l,w had boo Messrs.
,, Martin ana useneswie;,
Hid t "An effort WM Mil 10
! . ... - .lift.
a llllllnr IBIWIWW WIWi V.
Bl - - 4.. - . U .. I-
r, Uo iinmvti in J usee "
fM but tlio lauer w "
irit.. ami n siaiom "
i b? t U dfrn4." Aad to Its
torUI on i'" " siTwr,
aklag of tlio NortkweeterBi aateag
Iter thlns !! "A" '
In to prim o - -
1(rx matter "l,on WB'e" tke ows-
tr louche. i" noniwpwni
given columns aaa pages ia
L,t Wnillell's statements, am tke
lo thing nienliwiea IB me uswve
potations are tint Iking imi an
itscr "great tiowepapers" Iff to do, I
intd lliRt H really waaies B WW
II from me, ana weum reaiiy ee
I to print tho (ruth, M stated.
Accordingly I wrols sb answer to
M Warden's statements BMer
( February Iflk, M MUM
1 1 the Norlbwestsra frets aero m
osry :M, wltk request to oak-
TbU ihould hevs rwM KM
i rlli on tbo 261k or Ittk, bat M
l Ittd not been iukltOtio4 M tote M
:J, snd havlag M aekMWl
ot that It had keen resolved, ea
i swing of Marek Itk I seat Mr.
i Evans a night letter, oekleg klm
wire tu at my espease If It1 mm
i received and published, or If he
i lolnic lu publish It, mm If ko de-
to print It to head It to Us
lint Natlonnl bank, to wklck up to
tine (afiernooB of March 7lk)
aatt itcnlvfil no raplx froM whlek
taatludo that bo la aot e aailoua
' a itattmenl from mo, mt "tor tko
Irilb on all mattora upea whlck tka
rtftpcr touchra" a ho theHght ho
Ho, In order thai tha ooepto of
Kkaath counir may aot ko doorlvod
taa truth by tha actios of thk)
IfTNt Bitnpr." I will thaak tka
tM to publlah tko artMo, of
h I enclvio barowHk, ' NbotM
T, a cpy, Yoara tralf.
Pkooata, ArUoaa.
i la Clltor Kortkweotora:
I hm boforo Uaaaa ef tko
laNtrn of tha Utk awl IStk.
alnlns Judco WoNoa'a roawrka-
i ttort, kitlitcd ky you, to oroato
atby and divert tko attaaUoa of
iptopte from lila Botorleuo aa4 ua-
fl mlimanaaaaiaat of KUautk
r' btiilncaa affalra 4urlac tka
I two yrari, which kaa aarar koro-
re Ucn tiulod by but cauaty ta
lahoUitaloofOrMoa. Iftkarata
Xtfai elto ho caa think ef that I
tier thouaht. aald or rfaaa
lh by wholly mlatallaff, or, what
i om, itatlnc oaly tha half tratk,
1 u to change tha aataalai to klo
oiir, I would Ilk apace la year
r in which to rtply, awl la 4o4ac
' m auuro him that U la with m
nil tcollur or III will wkataver
' bolly for the auroaoo of-aotat
lout hli ratio and Meaa'tac aUta-
an. mat no votora or'taiaarara
y be foutod tharobr. bjU tar tka
arlhtr purpoao of Malatlaa la rfe
fH tha county of 'kla aalraaawai.
"IUI nuil unlawful
nu euttlng it kack late
handa before K ki i kaurayt.
not and fault wltk ki far
Itlag to tura tha iunkUkl But
kla o'mclal acta trfaHtaia'aoaaoi'iat
grand Jury, la aoaae ether 41-
". a u doubtlaaa kwu. aa It
"4. tut tho little keek eealalalaa
grand Jury raeert.wUi.iuU4 it
ncrc, and It auy .kani 4eBer
"n vommlttlac wreaaekl aaia
! ganarnlly try to rtilaal er aatiar
li' mid ahlft k'kl..
Adam, father ef eur talbiaf
aiaan, Cain. aaaaHlaahu lir.
tk co"imco It. ajM ae it 'kaa
from him oiam t 3a'4
faNia. if ho hmd k l.k...
. facta, I woaM Mt' ho abv
to hut' kaa Wuhu
J-crto. ha kao aieaUa eae.
mcana. whlek ----'-s- t.
" Jo tbo Peonletoiirkat'okwa ko
a-w, , ao that wkoa Uf- roMef
Ul . 0R H WMI ko
s1o fU knowleiee eftk aUt
them, ana fat 'aala 'taU. tkmm
1 uombor tkiiu bki.-,u.i,i.
1 "! for hi. imSSTiSTii
private life of Malaaaa atarlie
' Tha lliilW'&Umal' ilu
"Mthy, by claletfM'tkai'tka'laMa
nnd tlaiiio r ut.k. .
"" him. but tkaY'STiaTSS
hr It a tm ,- tiiu -
i'OUaht ir. i X!pAT,.-?Wt PP ,-w
win t wa,, m m'nmm
tk, " "JeF.wewaieawroi
half a ajlUiak aWLaTZiui Zm
tr fK! fataiilWM,
llttla book and aeo ft.
Mr. Martin, na repuiled In your !
bho of tha llth, nimlu n lirlof nnd em
phatlo reply to tlio only mattor of
much Importance In hi whole pag
article of thti llth, vli.l Whuthor or
not ho and myao.lf In our Interview
with Major Wordan claimed to have
"aufflclent liifluonce with tlio grand
Jury to alop any procvedlnga before
that, body." However, aa the Judge
earn to hnvo n Died habit of alatlng
only half triilha, aa to all occurrences
that ho ran lu any way twUt Into.hla
advantage, 1 will relatu all that dm
occur at that Intervlow,
Wo did aak Major Worden to intot
ua, and did tell him that we worn ad
vlaed that tlio grand Jury would re
new it investigation of the county
court, with poialblllty of Will bolng
Indicted, and If that did not occur th,
recall would he Invoked, and that he
would bo recalled, and that would
make a long, dliagreeablo fight and
that h ought to roalgn, In which
event our Influence would bo exerted
to prevent further effort at proaecu
lion. No word waa aald about having
Influtuce with or trying to Influence
Ike grand Jury, the aola Idea being,
that with the main factor lu tbo coun
ty'a recklea and oitravagant waste
of taxpayer' Money out of the way,
(here would bo no further Incentive
or activity oa thalr part to aaakt In
gathering evidence on which to base
a proeecutloH, and that the Interest
would lag and anally cease for want
of support froaa them, which we
would encourage and help.
lie further aaya that wo, In the la
lervlew with his father, told tbo
Major that (luy Merrill had "promis
ed" to roalgn -that Is another only
halt truth the word "promised" Ira
pl)lng that wo had asked him to re
sign, when the fact Is tbat I said "Uuy
Merrill had told mo he waa going to
resign," which, by the way, waa un
solicited on my part, and wholly vol
untary oa bla part, he having raised
the subject himself. Ask Ouy,
The Judge, In the first' paragraph.
after relating what hi father told
htm about our Interview with him,
1 did aot know whether or aot
the pretentions of Martla and Moore
were baaed on fact. I knew, of course.
that U. V. Kuykendall, former dis
trict attorney, who had Initiated the
proceedings against the county court
before the present grand Jury, waa
attorney for the Klrst National hank,
and handled the personal bualneea of
Merlin and Moore." Wrong agala.
Judge, aa you knew nothing of the
kind, aa the fact la Kuykendall U not
bow, and aeter was, attorney for tho
Viral National bank or of the old
Klamath County bank. I don't be
lieve ho has over handled any of Mr.
Martln'a personal business. He baa
done some business for U. S. & It. 8.
Moore, aa have several other attor
neys of the rlty. Only laat fall he
beat the Klamath County bank la Its
ault against lloaaata School District
for tho payment of a school warrant,
he being attorney for the district. I
wonder If, the feeling snown by tne
Judge In lila lettera agalaat Kuyken
dall, aad the high regard aad kind
consideration eapreaaed for tke grand
Jury Is Inluenced In any way by tke
fact that thu former la no longer
proaecutlug attorney, while tke latter
U etlll doing buslneaa at tke old
stand, ana baa not finished tta Inves
tigation of the county court.
la tho Judge'a article of the llth
aad In former letters he puU great,
stress oa hie claim that he waa elect
ed to move the court 'house. 1 wish
ke would tell tke people, tken, what
ho aieMt to have tome voters uader-
ttaad wkoa he told them Just before
tko eleetlea, at wklck e waa elected,
tkat ."we kave discovered tbat the
court house eanaot be removed ex
cept by a three-tttha vote of tko peo
ple." Did ke aot waai them to un
derstand that It.waa aotaa leaue,and
they did aot need to vote agalaat him
en that aceouatT
Again, waa aot H. K. ritek a Wor-
dea man, who had been worklag wltk
kin la aecurlng the Modoe Nertkera
rlgkt of way In the Merrill country,
nominated la the aaaembly for eon-
MieetMor by practically tho aaato del
egate! aa the Judge, for the purpoao
of kavlag him for a team mate on tke
hoard ia moving the court bouse, aaa
waa ke aot defeated la the election' by
Ouy Merrill, then agalaat removal?
IMo. It oaa aa wall ho olalmed that
Merrill's eteoitoawaa an laatruoUea
agalaat. removal aa that Wordeaa
election waa aa. Instruction for H. ;
2,1 TOM Bring " Htmrmwmn
kalt trutk eontalaod la kia aupple
nteataLaiatemeat.of.the, ISth, aa;to
air latervlow with kim met aprlag oa
tWrkou'ae queeUon. aneTUU la
wiuw-ooearrodc hoa. I returaed
Klamath' FalU last, spring after tko
oart koooe eaao kad beea tried la tko
etroalt oourt and bafora the deeloloa
kM Maea'roBdered. I wad naked ay
bo effoctod, and waa told that a recall
petition had been circulated, and was
only short ti fow uamos, which, could
easily bo secured, and believing then
as 1 do now, that the proposed re
moval of tho court bouse bad boon
the wholo causa of the split and In
harmony In tho city, nnd that If that
CMU wna removed, peace and har
mony would Immediately bo restored,
which otherwise would take aeveral
years, I consented to tnako tha effort,
nnd railed on the Judge and othora
near lo him, and toldMilm and them
that In tho Interest of harmony and
tho good of tho city, tho court house
row ought to be slopped, and aa the
puoplo of tho West Knd had offered
of road workers aad others employed
by tho court during the last two years
will likewise be expected to stand ia
"bocauso they got sowo of tho pork,"
nnd some of them may como forward
In defonae. i
i no juugc runner aaya mat "we,
tha county court, kave been owned by
no one." The people will bo glad to
know this, aa it le generally supposed
that he weara a eeHar,-bearing Ini
tials, other than kla own. Ho further
saya that Ktamatk eouaty owes noth
ing to Mr. Martla or myself, wltk
which wo heartlly'agreo, and to whlck
we will add tbat neither does It owe
him anything, hat,, en the contrary,
ho la ytrr greatly Indebted to the
the Halo block, and the K. D, Co. had (county for his notorious waste of Ite
offered the Hot Hprlnga slto, the thing money, and the big debt ho has piled
in my opinion to do was to try and up against It, aad I believe be caa
got the K, 1). Co. to withdraw lUlcome nearer aauarrktc It. rlcht bow.
- '
"v CCOUnF k avav ' .- el' w 1 UAJ -:-(' t', kiitt natjkf
' memaai aTaeaBgeareai aaga gejaaej i geaag gigaea gamaaa naji maiasiai aaoeasm
l tko; ae If aomeoaaKoatlao oouw m
offer of Us site, and build on tbo old
Ho anld "that there would be no
compromise," and "tbat he waa com
muted o tho Hot Springs silo," etc.,
an ho states. 1 then asked him "if he
would bo willing to put it on the bal
lot and let the legal votera decide ItT"
Ills anawer waa: "1 would like to do
I hat, but our attorneya advlso us that
It ran't be done." (Note bow this
agrees with the advice he claims to
havo had Just before he waa elected.)
ko that Interview ended. If he felt
scared then ho did not abow It, aad I
bopti he la not having nervoua ehllle
over It now. 1 had learned from peo
ple near the Judge that n compromise
might bo effected on the Central
school block, if the people opposed to
removal would agree to It. This I put
up to the people who asked me to
Intercede In the matter, and they
had a meeting of the Commercial
Club called, which voted It dowa,
which ended that matter.
I dislike to tako up ao much apace
with tho court houso question, aa at
lor tho decision of the aupreme court
I havo considered It settled, aad oaly
do so becauso of Judge Worden'a
stating only the half trutha In the
matter, ao aa to distort the facta,
(Note particularly the parte ho omit
He aaya, In substance, that If the
banks of Klamath falls had stood
back of the eouaty court, aad helped
to keep tho warrants at par, they
would now be at par. aad how alee it
would have been for all to have work
ed together in peace aad harmony,
and what n showing the county could
havo made, etc. No doubt, aad kow
beautiful It would have beea aad
what a hilarious lime we, could kav
bad, and costing nobody anything hut
the taxpayers. Why, Judge, dot t
you remember that the beaks went
right on taking warrants the aamo aa
they had beep after you came iaco'
office, until they commenced coming
In ao thick and faat that even if
many of them have not been Issued la
titter disregard ot law that even the
Hank of California would not kave
cared to have such bulging walteta ot
such long time, low Intereat paper. A.
bank'a money belongs principally to
tho depositors, and If It stays la busl
neaa It must not have too muck alow
paper, and no bad, If It knowa It. Aa
to tho ahowlng the county could kave
mado If the banks kad of atood be
hind the court. It would have, prob
ably been In the ahape ot a million
dollars debt, instead of oaly halt a
million, and the superintendent of
tho poor farm might have had laatead
of a 362 wagon In which to ride to
town, n 11,000 automobile, with a
chauffeur. .In fact, we might kave
surrounded "the court house lot with
nutos for use of county oBce reread
The Judge assures ua that the debt
of 1367,000, Incurred la the laat two
yoara la "a mere bagatelle," aad that
a debt of a million or n million aad a
half would be "within good buelnesa
tinea." Doee he know of aay eouaty
or tho state kavlag, or tkat ever kad,
a million dollar debt, not'exoepUag
the wealthy county ot Muitnomak,
with an assessed value ot over' 1190,-
000.QO0T And does he not know tkat
the state ot Oregon, la Ita wkeJe ex
istence, waa never In debt a mlllioa
and a halt dollars? And do the tax
payers ot Klamath eouaty, wko kave
It to pay, think a debt ot 1367,000 "a
mere bagatelle" ? Aad do they think
thla "Napoleon ot finance," who talk
to lightly of a county debt of nun
dreda of thousands, up to a mlllioa
aad a half, k proper man to kayo
charge ot the county bualneea? Ia
considering how thkKl367.000 waa
added to our county debt la tko taat
two yearn, tke taxpayers will leek ia
tke little book, wklek I
the careful eoaeWeratlon of every
voter. It -I remember rightly, oar
eouaty tax levy thla year kr II atlUa,
aad kalt tkat amouat la Lake oouaty.
Do the taxpayera ot Ktamatk fool tkat
tkey are getting 190 per cent better
service tkaa tko taxpayers of Lake?
It;aeema unaccountable to Judge Wotv
dea that Mr. atartia, eeewae wo na
of Harrlo Co., la wkwkfke la !
tereated. had the work MJHUtdlag a
krldgotasM tko court koaoe toaaieV
lion, eaeuM ao ee, w wf;wii
oourt,ynotwltkatajdlng tke eipeae of
tke graad Jury.' Iauppoee tko amir
oy promptly resigaiag, man in nny
other way, Agala ko aaya, "tkat I
don't think that it weald be wise to
let cither of tbeat (Martla or Moore)
or their representatives secure la aay
way tho managotaaat ef the couaty'a
affair." Wketkor-wieo or not wo
neither want It for eareetvea or otkera
or to have any tk lag to do wltk tko
management of tko ooaaty'e affaire.
All we aak la tkat It ko ran wltk seme
degroe ot IntetHgeneo aad common
sense, nnd regard for tko law, aad if
he had of doae tkat, tkere would
havo beea bom of tale lavestlgaMoa
by the grand Jury or eeatplalat of tke
taxpayera, er resell.
All tkat sortie of kla statement,
which constitutes three-fourths of It,
giving tke life kwtery ef Mr. Martla
and myself la Klaanatk Falls ia wkol-
I)' outside tke subject, aad has noth
ing to do with It. Don't forget that
tbe queetloB at lesae la: "Has Judge
Vorda proved hlaneelf a prudeat.
asfe, competent aad careful official, or
baa be been a reckless, laeompeteat
spendthrift wattlag the people's men
cyf" And whether or aot Mr. Mar
tln'a homo la la CaUferata, and that
he la seventy-four yeara old, and has
amassed a fortuae, er whether I for
merly owned the Klamath Tails Ugkt
and Water Works, aad kave la con
junction wiik Best aeuiag built a
building la PortUad aad forty otkor
clmllar Irrelevant tklage kave ao
nectlon- wltk kla mlsmsnsgemeat mt
eouaty affalra, kave amy bearing aa
tke queetlea, aa BoMker Mr. Martla
aor myself are holding, seeking, or
would kave aay pubUc eMce. We.
however, pay some taxes la Klamath
county, nnd kave a rlgkt to knew
tkat It will aot ke Improperly eapcM-
ed aa la tke last two years.
la one ef als co-called "Jotters ot
ecplaaallea." wklck don't eaplaaa aay
thing, oae of the reasons givea tor
awardlag tko eoatract for ateel te tko
Nertk west. Meet company nt a kigker
price tkaa tko kid of tke Paella Roll
Ing.MIU eompsny, waa tkat tke mens
urements of tke sled of the Utter
company would not be true to aeeas-
uremeats, and could not be pat la
place by nny one except skilled laker-
ers. while tbat of tbe Northwest ftoel
company would be true to moasaro
ment, and could he put up by;uaekttl-
ed local workmea. Tkle sop'te local
workaaea. aouada like a. Joke. WM
told him thU? It mut aehve
the Northwest Steel compear.
without knowing naytklag abewt HI
will venture tbo assertloa tkat a steel
structure like taat ot tko court keaee
caa be put la place,, whether thoateel
cornea from the Northwest
or aay . other company, by
workmea la tkat line for one-kalt ef
what t caa be doae for by uaakllled
laborers, ko tkey otherwise "over ao
competent. "Every maa to kla trade."
Tke Judge says ia substance '.'tkat
It Is aa old saying that tko ckwgtag
often and twelve per cent Uteresita
what has held back tke d'evelepaseat
of KUmatk JTalls aad Klamath coun
ty." Does ke or aay other living per
son In tke county know ot .o4
stance where twelve percent latoreet
has beea charged, either directly or
Indirectly? If so, don't delay fca' kav
lag tke guilty, party Indicted said seat
to' the pea' for. usury.. Thla Is oaly an
other mletateneat ot hU, saado to try
to get the graad Jury's searcklkfkt oe?
kliaaolt. Si'
Nei woader ke winces and aeatrme
uaderlt. Wkowoulda't? ' '
la all'tkat kaa been said by Jadge
Wordea oa this aubject, there lo only
one thing true", and that Is "tkat, tke
Moore Bros, eaased'tko eoaotractlooi
of, tko Keno caul to cease wkoa M
had reached their power hoaso. What
difference would It make to as? Oar
quantity of, water was axed, hat ao
Jthla latter lasinuatloa kaa beea bum
beforo I will tako tkls oportaaity to
say that it is as satire fabrication,
with not a particle of. foaadatlea of
truth, and that aay one kereefter re
peating It will be guilty ef a willful,
deliberate and malicious faUekeod,
and the same will be true as to tkokr
having anything to do wltk kavlag
cut out the pump or otkor leads any
where In the project. For proof of
all I have aald In regard te tkls ia
qulrs, at tbe reclamation office. It to
on Judge Wordea's road between his
house and the court house, nnd oaly
n couple or three blocks from the
Northwestern office. Lincoln said,
"you may fool all the people part ef
the, time, nnd. part of them, all tho
time, but aot all of them all tke
time," aad I tklnk the time kaa come
in Klamath county whea Judge Wor
dea can. no longer fool nny of the
people nny ot the time, notwithstand
ing his soft soap palavering metkoes.
Speaking of tkls, kave you noticed
his high tribute te Captala Leo aad
tho Cat sad Ore. Power Co.?-fcetk
deserved, ao doubt, hut what kave
they to do with klo ease? Ill tell
yen. Captala Leo kas numerous vet
lag f Heads tkroagkoat tke eouaty, "as
kas been demonstrated at assay ejec
tions, nnd nsay Bet seme ef tkem ko
Induced te vote for tko great friend
ot tkelr friend? A. good assay voters
are also connected wltk tke power
company. It won't work. I kave Just
received n statement of tke taxes Just
now due from C. 8. A ft. 8. Moore,
amounting to II.MJ.IO, as against
1742 oa tke same property last, year.
Just a little asatter of 60 per coat
raise, "a msre bagatelle." I hope
ocry taxpayer will compare his tost
year's receipt with this year's, aad
ask himself It ke ia getting value re
ceived In good koneat service, wortk
oaa kuadred coats oa tke dollar.
Heaving out tke Impropriety ef
tradlag poor farsas wltk a member of
his own family, without public ad
vertisement, do the people believe
tkat a 130,000 poor farm to aew re
quired to keep sevea er eigkt te
states at a eeat for sulateaaaee ef
1131 per atoatk. wkoa, as tke graad
Jury says, ''tkey eeukt be kept for lees
aaoaoy at tke Wklte PeUeaa kotoL" I
doubt It aay ether eouaty la tko elate
kas oae costing so" muck, saeopt tko
eouaty of Multaomak, la wklek Port
toad to situated.
Coast Usees riasliaiiha
Tke folly of trying to carry ea eea-
atreetloa work ot nay aasgaituee fat
Klasaatk eouaty la tke winter Usee to
apparent to aay oae kavlag spent a
wlater tkere, aUU ike work goes ea
by day'a labor, Judging from recent
mention In the papers of the auditing
ot a pay roll over the protest ef Com
missioner Hsgetatela. What ought
canal was built by the. n
service aa far as tho Moor
pewer.ptoa." Tke farmers' a the
project kave never paid oae) eeat
towaW tta eoaeuuetloa,. a prob
ably Bvor;wlU, It to aot tmo "that
tke,dry,laadf'la'tae project wore" eat
out because Moore Bros, owaodi tko
aeyowpee? waw
county," aa the goverament kog I.tOO
horse power la tkls same KeMasjaskl,
What ke steaaa.wbea kesaya: i-'Tkaf
(tho, tarsaers) know wky tka
.roieot j (Dairy, taoaaasa asg
geil ValWrsJad tko pumplaa)
wu also ollmlaated." Idoat
nod) W-
tko SSBM
i 'H
-rlskleaalee aaea
osreji aaaaaaasa) easavofgesB aaaaajaa
. f '
'ft '
to be done, nnd what anv prudent
board would do, would be to aot do
another Ikk of work on It by day's
work, but kave speclacatloas aaade
up and take bids nnd let contracts for
It's entire completion. Tkea-we will
kaew what it to going tokeost, aad
tkat graft aad waste will ke eUatiaat-
ed, wklck we cannot kaew la aay,
otkor way. Tke Water Users ea-
preesed tkeaasetvss oa tkat queetlea
In tke work.oa tke KlaasaU project.
d It Commissioner Hegeieteia oaa
accompllak It'a eompletiea by
tract he will be eaUUedto Ue
gratitude ot the
ThoB, why all this, kaete at. don Me
coat, in vlotatloa of law, to ko
Immediately,1 ,by the. taxpayers,
of whom are burdened with wator
east other charged of; all tkey oka
hear? . I sahnsft to ike people,. if tke
Judge's, rood policy, kas.keea wtoe or
prudeat. "
If 1 may ko pedoaed for it, then
to' oae or two things la ths Judge's
personal history of my -life, tkat
whitohavlag ao kearlag oa the ques
tioa at tosus weald like te ascutiea
on account of, a kHtie persoaal prMe.
I kavs attributed wkat IHUo saeeess I
have bad to ketag semswkai prac
Ileal, hut when he says that! am aot;
nor Is Mr. Martla, aad proves R, ky
Mating to tke Uvtng evldeaee la
those cement celumas ia treat af the
First National bank, It bnrta say
pride, nnd nukes ms n Utile "aero,"
and to, only tklnk kow easily it could
have beea avoided, by geitiag tke
Judge to build tkem. Tke oaly trou
ble about that would be tkat tkere
would ho ao money toft to ran tko
bank with, whea M got tkroagk.
But, sever mlad, Judgowo will pew
ter themups seen as peesiMs, aad
It woa't cost tke taxpayers a seat.
Tke other tklag to wkoa ko says;
'Tkey never ceaetrueted la a joiaw
neat maaaer," aad calls sAteatlea te
tke Lakeside tea, Brick store aad aeV
Jaeeat buildiage, hat forgot (saaao
old baktt) to assattoa tko West M40
sawmill evoeted ky -C. M. aad aV B.
Moore at a eeat ef M.0f , wktak la
as good' aad apHo-dete BUM ao tkere
la la the eouatry ef ks
Moore power, pkiataad
lines to Merrill aa
by, tke same Ira at a.ooot et 7C,0M,
sad I doa't beUeve tkere to a
power pleat of lu also aaywkero la
tke Nortkwest. 1 mlgkt aay tkat tke
Moore sawmill ea Liak Blver, abevo
town nnd at tke preseat alto, were op
erated by.a from 1171 to 1110, aad
I yeature to aay tkat. arior to
building of tke atilto sad boa f eo-
tories ea the Upper Lake oaly a tow
yeara ago, oar Ira paid eat
oy as wages to saea tat oar aaUto
aad leggtag oasapa tkaa alt
aasnufaeturlag ootakHokmoate la tea
eouatry cembiaed.
those la tke Fsbegama eeaatry. Laav
f rem ear ariilo waa dtotrtkated all
over, tke eeaatry. from Bey,
KkUBata, Isagell Tatter, Clear aad
Tula Lakes u ICJeatatk Baltosw
33.1-3 per eeat, lower
prices at tke asUta. Wketaer,
tklage kaye ooatrtbatoi
tke beaeat aad develepmeat ot
eHy aad eea'aty wU4eve to tto
pie. and wketaer tke wages paid
aided aaykody, wM leave to atea tlka
John. BurreU aad Lam amort, Btsre
Low, Billy Haaea; CD. Wilsea. Joaa
Cabler aad dosses et otkor old resi
dents, wko worked la. oar mllto
logging camps, aad will, else submit
o the people It these thlags have beea
of an much beeelltto the eouaty aa
selling an occasional alleged Iowa lot
an the sage brush oa a side track bear-
nBsatgSssisila y
rHO.XH or
A V ."
' -; ..?.-". I
' (.', 'I
United Press Service ':'-,'
SACRAMBNTO, March 11. f
adoptlag tke FltsgefaM smsadmsat
to the preseat act reUtlag to work oa ', v-, '
..- WIV . .1. (Lii
imviic nwawu, tmm Mwtii.rMe , ,, . ii
decieree tkat none but aetive, eorat
aa'aaturaliscd rtllseesef tho"Vswodl'iV-'.-'
aisles shell be employed oa aaywork ' ,
ettker done sHroetkr'V.t.'otoea s" '
eennty. or cities or uaderitkojap at ;-.
vtoloa ef these pelitleal eajs-dlvssisBa. '"
This kroadeao tke' law 'to ,ap' "; .
sub-contracts for pabtte work. Tkbl " r V
ky a Veto at 71 to I. , K.' '
Aoeemklymea BeaeeHei Faaata aad "
Jokaeteae, all et Los Aagelss,' wora f'h v
tke eaes deetortag aaataat Is. ';'V '
tiii -': fTt" , j 7. .-. a
ia tke Iret Mae ot year adltareat at . .:,
tke ntk,ye,ay. 'twotem ecaM to ;-.
tke pswtia et tkiwaes'la.tao a!- O ," ,M
fain mt aTiaasatk eo-aiy," and na tka , '
aak. - "The Bao aad'. '. :V-
.. - . .- ..j - -. ...
Be.envwBU'wswme.eweawy seieassws - - ..-.;,' 7
be. Mr. CeeaoM
property ef tha haakii
Tke Iret; seats
erreet.r We kave traty.
partlag of the .weaw, kat:i
la.'aot'-M stated ba. rear
W. 1 MM..M . ii .. " '- .
, ! hot tmtm wv " ;i t .1
We are all agreed tkat Ue
kaa' come for better aad more
aeat roads, which doa't nteaa tkat K
all kas to be "doae ia a eeaple et
yeara. or at n Ubm ot the year wkoa
coats twice aa mush to de It, aad
not so good aa It1 doae at tke proper
time. Wttkla tke last two weeks. I
heard aa' eagineer ot tko UaKed
Btates good roads departmeat lecture,
Bad he stated that Ue time to bnlM
good roads was te the spring of the
year, wkoa' moisture was. yet la Ua
grouad, aad If doae at otkor Ubm tke
workwouM ke largely wasted. ,Tkla
everybody except ' the coaaty eoori
to know; Tke aaase goyera-
meat engineer said '.'tkat statistics
la, tke good rosea deaarataat'i aaow
tkat 10 per eeiat of tka roads la Ue
eouatry carry 09 per coat1 ot the trat-
fle, aad It yen will pick out aadl'lat-
provo that ievperi eeaVot Ue roado
you will kayo aseemmeaatod to per
eeat of tke travel.
MHoa at road, good tko year roaad
aad IHtie traveoM. Mv beea.wesked
wklto otkor, ptoses otaiuek traveled
road kavo kooa lett alsasat Impaasablo
ikewkolesusMasrr laaet Ike ooeaty
ccart'ta;s a laoae-otUo'woU
algk Impaasabto pImms Just soaU'
rtarlea'tootwiamer " )K
,id,iuj ,j i .. -f. ..- .. . , . r - l-
'aaotaor taiag. wua ue wiaasprsaa
aea'ttmeat' 'ter-'good roads eatoHag
Ureugkeut testate" ir.'was ;oaira
qaaittoaof aakorttlaiewk
---ii---- w-r
Wl ""
tag Ue Judge's
Ia concluding my sUtsstsat la an
swer to Judge Wordea's atataauat
and supplement tkereto, will say tkat
It ia muck loager tkaa I weald Bhe,
wklck to made accessary byreaosa mt
kia auaaerous
statsBMats,. aad U ke wUl,do,
about , awtters kaviag;M direct
lag oa tke ckarges agalast klaa aad
made aa before stated f oir Ue sola
purpose ot crea'tlag aymMUy, praja-
I dicing .voters sad diverting Ue ataea-
tva,y, un fmW' uni'Mm
caa any dependence, waste ver ko
placed oa naytklag ke aaye-akoat
asatters directly kearlag oa,or, af
fecting tke ckarges agalaat kiss, as.
for Instance, kla BUBMreas.teag at
tempted eaplsnatleas ksretodsrs paa-
llshed, of the charges agalaat sJavkt
which he talks about imsrWmalagot
iron Culveru being setter thw ststl,
aa wortk almost twice aa mask aad
Ue atructural Steel ef tka MerUweot
Steel oompaar hotac tree to messure-
meata, while that at UeeUer ktdder
to aot, etc .The Ulag to keep ta saiad
Is, tkat taafooaaty eeart, aa oaMal
body ot wkisa Jadge Wordea to. Uai
reapoasibie keadi kas beea'caargea
ky Ue 'graad Jury, aaoUer ooMal
kedy, wHk aagraat mlsmsaagemeat
ot oouaty, business nnd waste ot Us
peoples' money, whlek ia my optaisa
has aot aad cannot ke disproved, aad
will tkey, after knowing it. sit Idly by
and let tkls wild aad reoktoso estoav-
agance continue In vtolaUea' of' law
aad all rules of commeaaaaae'aatU
tke eouaty la hopelessly, la debt,- aad
let tkelr moaey be speat la a war taat
would make a ''draaket
Uka a aatoer? Or wttt
couatr at, tkJs lasaeas:aM;sW''aSMs;'
aawOsV aaaap gBasjqB BaBBaa asWsavBJggf BBBBBBBjfaa) aaj
413, J
w. ' t.
j aoe)vavaaat jaaaff.
orkeaprN eaami
, ' . -r. '. ' .
', i
' .i - .TM '. ft : .".jv! -JAf.
asMaBaaas BaaaF M mm wmMM Baa samVal l,i
BfBFayBBawwarawf gats assw cawsre ewB, aawjaWfll faBBSByvaBjapee) '
Apply tko "seU test'' to waat k aad
I, as wsH as tka graad yery,
aHspBBj Bjaaaji pa, aBsBJ sasBFBs t BjgBBJg j sbHsb
':.'!! .
-V) '
MMSWv " '.' II
"-. I J .
aBmBsaa ssavaBaajsBB saj aasgf qpasBjwjPWxp
!'-. '.. -
. '. i
fal,aad( prudeat,
wtoe vote for a
ckaages kto mlad skoal
pat," aad dssldas to reader tke
ty Ue greatest servlee.keoaaevar
rsaer It, by preatatly reelaaksg.., x
,So muek fer tka esa'atyijaeeas'aad'1 j
gTaamaasnjmSjBaj , eaaW ABftsm
mMWmrJWmm9,uWWl e-
aaoeodv akaTsIa
- - - - Sa mhw a
.vs nwi eaaay. v .i
wklek tattkssr
lottoaof att
er coauBoa aeaae?' Or eaaM tker-ke,
eompeUed 'to kave i eeaie lagard - aad
coasideratlsa feetke tksaarar..
money they ars Hneaderlag?
Very respectfully, k .
) .;
what tiie mtm-
a.- - .ae.l'i.iJal.i-' ''.
vsase vSssV' sssm . vsavpBjssv ..
nsBet BnwaauKiaar
know, aid oaeo'-ta'a':1
a..reNeaovafaosaaBSL .ssaaassai.
watokoa are rleaasd-s
ayearto fcasaro
tWay sat awtst j
totvus.glva'tt sM'attoBttoa:taa.lB.t.,;:
as'- ,- - i.'
PliNIEvrp, -'P
.jt:.- .a? . ?,
T? . ., -Yfi :,
V ' '1
ejejmb'M adadav '
Boosaajkp a1geai.''. i' '
b. r. w
1 ii m rw t rtlsWni I
I. TIB MAW aWwaaaT : " W
BfJ . Ji , VI - . Bf
jrr... .., ' ...... r. ' "r. 't'Av.
' 'r' ',J
.-,.. .r"
.? L J: it y
..'T.. .- rr- I
'", ' , A
';. "
t . asaaawr. j seas
too late? It to ap toUeai. aa Ike?
Uove Uey wttl ao Uo latter;
Hard Candies
ttaek 'as Jetty Besas. Oaseaaot v!
4 f;--lii
POVNBs v. v
,-j. r-.
- Oar Owa Make of Okneolatsa; u,
- eNasa,BMMsnam'K '
' - .F ?&!'
Ttltt sallaa-smtam'i
r r, -tt"- r. . ". - r. t t - .
X -mmmCmB:
.'; ..v$
" i .,
."i.' ';
a." vc . '-.i
. ,.!..i .i &
:,:-- .
v 1i.f" v r'. .. !
V -.5
oKoatUat Ueroaro ;yatata-g tlkat tsglslttara mw la asmlea kaa piroady Ue
eouatfrM' koaesto got by aawtaa oiao so) ;aoUe eouaty
tnemheUoye tkat aeawot Ua
agalast klm Mvo.ktJared.Ussju
.'oa .toag
for ra4 bulMlag.: bisasag ru
IHUwl aaaaaaVsasTafJla MsM mf amaa' aMsaant.
lwaaoF sayaaBPaweBaaaaasmassy BFOSVey ea'wwaas.wssa sbbbbp wasaapo
,r,;.... - - - r- . -
A f .
' talaga' " ta- ,thti ataja gloat
are' aot as tU aaUoy.skaaW ho,' or
Itttte'aay.aaHtasOar: mC 'aawaiatatv
oorreot. tt tf kasaase I kava'aad to
vrlta tt troea saaaaary. "wot m data
(meeaeae "tkielatker tkaa tka Htam1 kaakuassae
to. m t to. ha. kat I
bars eiM saaaty eoart, to be keld
ttW "tr 1 i -'..
t Wo.kava foot taalsd ffagj I
"" 'aiiiil bH BaW
i ff - " -TT !
We akm auiaafsstoto
k' .v . 1 ..IS
" .. 1 .
- m
e -cm m jli
'"' 'ft,2TB
r'. ' . .. , v
IP " . V.
: 1A
:.. v.m,vsi