;f'fr", y n kV ; vi ?-" t r ''- ..( ri . ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE mtRAVAGAWfeiAtffiATimMi ' .ji "H '. .it. S . x ' uvifum nv tnb unitkii rntm mrw mrmvium gibe fttmittO Jiefaa , 'jt.-rVj inNirn , .. - i HcrrnUi Veer He. MM KLAMATH PALM, ORROO, SATlRDAY, MARCH 1ft 101 S MkA . ..; :... rife IMlMl'X ':v-v.j . ..! Bed Anderson Fails to Get a ' f ;-'?&' tf . r m m.w bl. -i v. 3t is ' sbhbbbbw bbbbbt -aBma- BHBwwaBBBBm' bbbbbbj "BBHr bbbbb bbbbv bbhbbb war -waBBBBjr tawnm .1 Fast Knockout Brown of New York. Battle Dra HUNTER SAVID6 E TO 60 ON TRIAL FOR EXTORTION MHK IN HKT H JUBUB RKNMON TMM MORMINU MumUf, Mare M, la Pate WM Are Mebpinaaid to He Here lie Neat Day Jama M. Wheclrr Will I'rxbaMy RWera te Thk City Prwn Caaede to Otte Ml Teall "iaeay Hunter Mavldge, preeldeat of the vavldie Mroa. Lumber eempaay, will be placed oh trial March 4th la the ilrrult court cm a charge of estertloa. Thl anaouaceaeat waa made by Judge Ueaaea tkla aerataf durlag tbe falling of ta ertattaal deeket When tke ease waa talW up Ua tourl epeedlly dlapoood et R wltkeat mlout objection mi tho pert af la dlttrlct attorney. "Tba aubpeeaaea I have leaned ta lata caaa," aaM Mr. Irwta, "tn fee March IGth." "It will probably remake at least a day to eecure a Jarr," replied Jaaaa Bt-nioa, "ao that wltaiaaia will aot CARROLL CASE IS CONTINUED JUIKJK HK..HO KKHJIMH TO AL M)W AN INDKFINITK CONTIN UAXCK, HUT HKTH CAMK OVKR H)H THK TKKM D Judga llaoaoB thla morning rafuaai to coaildtr a aotloa for aa Indtflalta continuance in the caaa of tba atata ngalnit J. I). Carroll, chargad with larcvar by bailee. Wlicn tha caaa waa rallitd during tha calling of the dock et In tho circuit court thla morning. Judge llenvon took Judicial notice of tho atlnulatlon betweta the dlitrlct attorney and the attorney for tha de-faaaa. "I notice by the aera that a atlpu- latlon haa been entered Into for aa ladenalt,o continuance In thla caaa," (Uor.Mnutu on I'nge it E CASE MAY BE A MISTRIAL JLHV IH KKfOHTKD TO MC UN- AHI.K TO AUHKK JUDGE OR. I)KKH JURV OUT WH FURTHER DKLIHERATIO.V United l'rca 8erlc KANBAS CITY, Mo., March 16- The llydo Jury la reported to be un able to agree. The court haa ordered tho jury to dcllberato further. It la rumored that the Jury atanda eight to four for coavlctloa. If thla reaulta la a aletrlal It la probable that there will aot be an other attempt to coarict Hyde. ALLIES' DEMANDS ARE EX RBITANT AMRAMABOM Of THH rOWHRS MKRT INfORMLALLY TO OOSfiKD. KM THE THRJMt OF lKACK OF- I--F.RKB TURI URREt i aagarrtea; 4, Marefc Jl6. 1 JohnTJeaur waa m Thurada vlallor In the county aaatt, omlagja from purp? United Praaa LONDON. Mara 16. Tka aatkaa- aadora of tke pewen met Infernally la a coafweaee today to coaaMar tha reply of the alllea. It la a'daUttect that the pewera eaaaot accede to the demaada of the alUea. The Indemnity depaada are eoiatd- ered eiorbltaat tt la proaaMe that tke powera will refwe to give Oreeee the Ageaa ialaada. I It la reported that tke aUiea war eserWtait la their hla ranch near Mid lead to ajHra lion to builaeaa matter. maada aa araar to Moveat aaaaa aatll Bewtarl aaA4rlaaVle had heea eap- tured, wklek wtH probably he e required aatll tha aeit day, Ue , tlth." Mr. Havldge waa aot repreeeated la rourt by attoraey. C. T. aHeae aad Thonma Drake, who ware retained by him following tke return of Ike la dlctmvnt, were present, but they an nounced that they were ao loager In the rate. No announcement haa yet been made of their eutceoeer. It la aaderataad that aakpoeaaa hare heea teeued far Jamee H. Wheeler aad Vv. B. Haraee, tke.two MltnetMa coaaldered the meet ! portent la.tka aaae. Rath are aow out of tke eaaaty. Wkaatar la aaw in llardaaty, Alberta, Caaada, aad lUrnoe, femerty aaarHt at Klaaaatk county, la la Oaklaad, Calif. At iker in Uw'a eHee tkla meralat It waa later that aa aakpeeaai la tkla eaaa hil yet heea turaed aver ta tkea. ,Many atorlee kava heea carreat alnce Wheeler left tke ally aa te kU future plaae. It waa deeUred that he did not lateada ta return ta tkla alty under any etrcaaMtaaeea. la lettera to frleada la tkla etty, kowever, Mr. Wheeler kaa freaueatly declared tkat l' a aubpoeaa akould he Uaued ke uld wlllhag ratara. (toatlaaed aa face" TT Federal Troops Treat Rebels to a Surprise General OJeda WHI. 300MfivSaU- lict Forth and Drives Iniargents From Hllli Surrounding Naco iiiltril l'rra Mervtce The rebel, under Colonel Cailea. NACO, March IS. Aatouadlag the S&O atroag, were drltrea from their tebel beaelgera, General OJeda, at tke poaltloB. head of 300 federal troop, tallied A acore of men have beea reported from Naco at noon today, aad aaaault- killed and wounded on both atdeo. ed the rebel In their poaltloB la the Oeneral Aubett la hurrying ta the bllU. relief of Oeneral OJeda. 4aaemBaaaBWBaaaaaaBBkasBBE;jLi& saeerss9ESaar Dttarra Judge Ileaaoa thla moralag great ed a dlroree to O. K. Taraer from Nina A. Taraer. Tha charge waa cruelty, K.-Ii. Hoeley, a Merrill haalaaea man, I spending the day la the eaaa ty aeat. J, Frank Adama returaed laat algkt from 1'ortlaad, wkere ka weat wltk a carload of horaee. Robert Deven returaed Friday from an esteaded trip through Cal ifornia aad Nevada. He will remain hero, aa he aaya he aaw ao otaer city with aa goad araaaaeta. Governor Burke to be Treasurer of the U. S. i "" nmaaaaWaaaaTaHi BHi BWevaaBaimamm President Wilson Recognizes Famous North Qakotan. Who Has Ruled so Long in Republican State fr- t'nlted lreaa WAMIIfOTOM, VC, Marek II. 1'rMldeat WMm taday aaaeiated Oomaar Barka at Mart Dakata ta' treaaaar ai taa Ualtad aHatee. The nomlaatiei will ta the aaaata at Burke, witaaahw haawladte or "weat; Waa aaaibuted ." Ki i did aat la nouilaatad aa. Ua dawawatla tlekat 'or goyeraar. -.4,&mmnlu4 n ieldiaaJ Mtoat, M. D., aad ',t the ,uaeMaeV5 aeaw eai deeiaad to hold aatae&Ttoaa.'U'aaaal- . - eir. i w f aat a ticket, merely to keep tke par ty alive la aa overwkeiatlaclr " tleaa aUte. Barke, wltk kU kaowledge or eoa aeat, waa nominated. He'dU aot ta tead to make aay tort of a eampalga, hat aaally waa Induoed ta make a few apaickea., Hw maay frleada aad admlrera throughout tke atate, how avar, worked hard. The reault waa that Barke waa elected, overoamlag a aormal, reaah Meaa majority of 11.089, aad ha.aMda Mieka good record tkat ke waa fwlaa i Otar PecMaee i;nliel I'reia Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Marck 11. Richard Olaey taday wrote ta Preel deat WlUoa, decllalag taa Britlak ambaaaadorahlp. SOUTH IS HIP ! BY, COLD SPELL " v. "T l..- NTORM VICTfMR ARC I FROM "EXraKHk lJ0 OF THK DRAB ANB UUVm IN. CRKABBS HOURtv DAUGHTER TALKS FOR HER FATHER MUM RARRR 1MWMW THAT KATHHR, RRTAVlVinrO ANT CAaaBRaV TRORt TO COM MIT BVtCIRR United Preaa Service OAKLAND, Mareh IS. Oertnida Baker; daugkter of tka defaaktac caahler of the Cracker Natloaal baak of Baa rranclaco dealad today tkat her father had tried to commit aal- clde. 8he did aot deay, kowrver, tka truth of tke ckargea agajaat ker fath er. Attoraey Bhurtle eald that Rak er would aot ight the eaaa aaalaet him, aad will make wkatever reetKa tloa I poealble. It la aaw aaM that Rakar'a defalea- tloa la aear f SOa.Me. DRAKE BLOCKS A DISMISSAL PLAN MOTION TO DRO rCAM CtARCNCR HARMB, MB TO, JtNB-OOfWr VNBHR AMaraar Tkamaa Draka ekaa tag madafa etalaaiaat ha taaaUeaK court wMah preeaWy had taa aReet af Pfeveatuag tka dlamliaal af taa of the etate agadaet-Claraaaa Marrla, charged with aarjary. the moUve af Dietrtet AUaraey Irwhi la aaklac far taa Wkaa the eaaa wae eaUed. Mr. Ir- wla naked tke coart U aatar aa are) of amealeaaL WkUe tka eaart warn coaejderiag tka aaetiaa, Mr. Drake PinaMaaaaaeMaaaaaMaiavaBaaaa,aaaj iCaatlaaed 9- nan i Aerial line for the , . 'v . - 'V Beaches in California vv Jl v ,-., . I 1 i". . i ft Jalted Preaa Service MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Marck 15. The weather la much colder today, aad great Buffering preralla ameag the atorm vlctlma of the Saathrj. Additional d eat ha fraem assoaare are feared. The lateat laforauttem la that 31 were killed la Oeorgfa, II to. Teaaee- , 30 la Alakama. Ira hi Teaaa. aeven la Loulelaaa aad eevea la Mla alaalppl. Six people are mlaalaT ta Alabama, aad It la feared that tkey are dead. Knertrensne' . '-, ' " r "t ger Route Running Both Wrti 1 From San Bernardino, SAN BERNARDINO. March IS. A Paclflc Coaat d,lrlglble balloon paeaeager aarrtee between thla city aad ether paUta north aad aouth oa the beach, la alaa aed by Roy Kaaheaaae, the aeraaaat, who baa heea the leader la tha earner IbmbU wltk aerial aavlgatlea am tka P. A. Nixes ot Poe Valley eaaat the laat of tha week ta taa eoaaty aeat., Oeorge HagaUtela waa ta tree hla Naylex raach Friday, afteraaaa. , Reclamation Service Sees a Busy Summer Coming Work Will be Commenced on Second Unit ExcafaHons and Enlargements of Adams Canal First of the , Month. Surrey Party Now in the Field Kaaheaaaa plana te operate, twa dlriglblee.. each capable of eerrytec tea naseeagera. Aeradramea far the dlriglblee are aaw hatoc haHt ' It h the belief af taa lavoater that loaded te their limit, tka dlrlalMaa will averaga forty melee aa haw. ( ' ' HIM Yte4eH.k retard yaeier day freta aa aateaidad trta taraagav Boahaer CaWeraJaaM Meeada. ,Bka wlU, reaaata with ftar aataar.-. Mra.' KHUelparaec Malaa. '" j "1 ? !' I ';'";"":" ' . :l 1 V Dr. Vright reaarta tka arrival eta aoa at, the kerne at, Mr, aad Mr. Harry Catta. Mr. Cartale laoal ear foreman for the -1U Preparatloaa for a haay under way at tha local oReea af taa reclamation aervlce, aad from aaw aa until the end of aummer the aagtaear Ing force wilt be kept acUve, laytag out new work, aupervlalai work daae under contract, aad repalriag aad em Urging portion ot tke preaeat pa teaa. Raglaeer William Sargaaat, wka la la ckarga af tka work katag daaa am the aecoad aalt af the Kkumatk ara Ject hellevea work will ha reeaaaad ta full force hfore ltke",ead, af Ue month. The. weather ta gradually warm'lna. ke aaya.' aad aay atorma oc curring cannot delay tie work far amy length ot time. Oae ot Bargeaat'a aurvey aartlea la aow. at work la South' Poe Valley, clearing up rlfkt of' way mattera. lo eating aub Uterah), eUrtlag croaa at. ttoalng aad getUagt tktaga Itaed aa far tke' teaaea'a wark. Tkey yaaort eoadkloaa are favoraMe far eeaMMme lng exoavatloa work, tha'araamd aa lac almoat rid ot treat, aad tke.eaew rapidly dlaappearlag. - Jack Kelleaa, waa kaa aaeerytalem of work la South Poe Valley far tke Mauey Brother, tke eemtraetlag trm, la here to commence wark. There are a-aumber of aub-eoatraetore am der kto directtea. , Mr. WUe, wae la aleo eoaaeeted wltk tka Mamay hraU era, will arrive ta a 'few aaya treat BateaIeako, where: he t tka wtatar. ' If ; " i. u' Maaey Bratkera have aomalatidld per eeat of their cemtfaat, waleh i'aaRa' far the excavation at the NeeHk aa Boutk Pee Valley, laUfaJs,, tha Ottt Rth lateral aad the Neat Lake tatarat tka fear mala artertaa, la addHiam ta a aumber of aub-tateaata.- Thar will cer.plete tke work taJmbr.. v Oa aeoaaV of taa aaky caiatedky" tke depth ot tne amaw, ta wwaai Mem nervier hM, dajMad ta: ailam tae'AaaaM eaaal.af taf'l I m iii.i'ta atead of by eeatmCil at tmtm- aeer-aVJtj, ataaalam, ta 'V . 'U, ckarga of tke eaeraUem aad aaee departaaeat, will aext. weak tloatag. ao tke work earn ,ha atartad aa aoo aa poeetaia.- "We wlU de aa aaem et taa wark ,poealbe,thetere taa .heammtag af the Irrtojatlem. eeaaem ta May," aaM Mr.Mayaam. 'The ramaladar win he WHecaRBampan aajaa Bwemjm, ajam myajajamaaj aa VvjUgmammm aaam ta-lte,.fajj' . , , , Tka, walafeoMtata ta ealarglagtae aTatAmVl ta?a aBBattaaaW H BaaNaamaHmflt 'aTaaNaaaaVSlmV. -amaBfaam , i-nr mear,awi,e'av ma mw mee"enr"e -aemf,tw,'1B' g em,,aeaoaat,af,-tM. lmaranMrta the aareaga Irrtaatedy hy vth"le . waterwair. 1m addlUom'te the dnpialag amd wtd- emtaf !-af y-tl.(ahammal,v; there are a aaaaber.'et, eeaeretaekeaka'amd etrmef tareatekeiHittealamctteatmal. i Work af refafarlmi ami eaaamtaf tka rnata eaaala wlU ke etarted ahaat Mm fret at April, or aa aoom aa tta Sea aBBBRBBWaj raaked thorougkly mere 1 i j i" i , f. AprU, or ae eoem M e aepw y ABoma; ,taa taar Med. luRiieatkr. Tale wiN te ware Uie tettavaM: i;.befata the aitca keaasi . W. ltteeaaAi gJwAttte,. 3 Tk eatke. aew hmaea af peataga Btamaa, haarlag the age, kaa eeea,wRkdawm. It euH to eaaeet tkeea wRaaat the Imperial Raaaiam Fred MaK Klaaamtk eHa a(, Merrlt;ia a a. v - .al i mmmw mmm Mm ,PMB)BJae9af " 1 h -" vw v. MmmVMBU lak. m.imkak ' , tamWAV fja)AamkBLu-kA drnW BSaa. BSaaai waVateTaffi aTBaTPaBaVafMaffS aaal aBHaa aVW -M z'iim2 . j , - 'aamml 9- ' taaa ana aa aaHafl aWMNV .IS afWBXaW ..i. ' t t" sanaa rreaa, enareaaw ''rmuiomj-'ctii'mM) amtered ite rtamlet :W aat aaa at aiM., a aaaat VBrnaaBmBBmYBBma Baaaam aaBmmmmafi aaaae Jrbbbk. "" aamaai rartOkMBif. ThaihiMaBjltUadttW. BoBjaBHtBHMBHPI BaaVniaaaaMBBBmVaaBBa. aa aeaw BaaA te the head, amdl tmar tnRat haffx B) taehedy. Bad 'seat a staf Mat I Hm eaai aa4 .teeka'kmrd tfajat OR MR) tarrMe rtamt awtaav ereaea. The erewd reaad. ' .'.' U :. -'( New' Taffkarm, JS&; riaMteteeABaaejdkfBjita te the meat aamhaR toBMiaBaRMk TImt traded koey Mava. aSan1alBBa uee4aJRtoaamaaa1aAtJIi; tb wm. ' aW raamal Bad aa hS leAteaaaa. lsBak h taaaoaaBaaV h '' ' -V. aaWojBammal VMbSS . Btaam aeada aM -raamt ta aaf left, be i eat teeata.1 atemaak'.'aad, rtamt .Mr.) faasit' far atomaak amm hard rl,-takta lac aa4 i whom VidJeaeadlettteaegai. Rrewa mamad a awtas rRaRat R ,,ai4laa4J;, f' ,. i t i j ihi nli Judric GakiKlrnt .ii'liV Ijlvfj : to tte ceitt Court 'V-?-, V ?fo! ' X Many old Cases are Strteif en Fo theBocketv Criminal Cdtsesva Taktn nmirr ftrtriasiriifnt '- ' & ' 'M, TTT "fTo,: MJ!)UiW Jl " ri& iy w t Tke 'Y' r- i v OoTMBVaVraBBBBBMBBBMal aoailriBya. Rfaja,1! SMM SbbbbI biaa amBR oi K 'V fiftke ! M ' v waa eerted ttJa ateeaimfl aad.tt af 1 the' M attara aye at eaaaiy hot wore ta' atoiadamiaj AI of aWt aa4 etvaataal Mok teve heea'aaMtag far were atakem freaa the eeakat: TaaJtaMaukbaaamj vart rmmm mawtwiaaaa la ottN eeeea aad wlU i" ' v i para aeareajamaBr.' ay; XSm eertataai Km; s '& AmVGbbbI