tome' t i y. f -'! 4l 1 1 1 ! ' "" MS. ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE mTRAVAGANtCIRCULAW&mAl i . .vVi f fr 'l hv HUITMID BY TMB VNITKU I'KMM BWS SBHVICH gibe fbrnino Hcfalft V"H' s i I -- MW " vtuwtitw mwm, warn i iv - rrir ir a f Inmili -- " KLAMATH PALM, ORBOO, FBJBAY, MABCH 14, ltlB '? i-y s l O f ( Blizzards and Cyclones, Sweeping Over Middle ,y '"wjeV et A SB V., . ) M i V H' f FJT Jy tJ Ah V .r 4. & w and Southern States, Garner Toll of Human Uvea JF CHURCH LEADER, NEAR DEATH, IS SHORT (100,000 ANNUITANT OASHINft OF 'FBHICO HANK IN INVOLVHD Mlgh IlicW of That Crocker Naoieaal Mm Mm Hrcn llubWd by tB4eye of Large Hum Sureties WIN Protect the lUak aad Proaecalloa Is Not Now Kipwteil HAN KIIANCISCO, Marck 14 J. J. Pasta, vice preetdeat ot Ike Crock tr National beak, cealraed Ue re ports that Charles F. Baker, assist ant cashier of tke baak, la short over 1100,000. Baker U lylag t the petal of death hi hli I'M moot ktM. Mo waa a a4l Ur la tb Tint Baatlat kar to OtkUnd. Vnn tald tkat IIm kak waa ar uctl br Haker'a aarailaa. Praaami lion U not ceaaMr4 llkalr. It ! ballavcd tkt Ur laat Ua mow In Hock aaaculatla. -U WJHEA' S I LOBSTER? SIR THOMAS TO CARROLL CASE GIVE DP RACE IN WABNaW BY BM: CAPTAIN THAT TO OMH TBJt ATtANTiG IN NINRY'VOOT BOAT WOCLB IMl'KJUL UVM NEW DISTRICT IS MAPPED. ODT I'lTIIJI I.IVINO NKAB TVLK LAKK ON CAUI-OKNIA HtBIC OV TBK MNU, WILL KNBOLL AT KHKTT I.AKU NCBOOti A bow ackeot atatrtt kaa baa era atad tjr tka eoaaty koara of SUilrea county, Callfariia, aaaklac a 4latrtt on Hie atrip of Uao katwaao, Tula a4 Uwtr Klaaiatk Lakaa, jaat aeraea tka California Una. Tka 4latriH will ka known aa Kkatt Uko latrlet, tka former nana of Ttilo Laka. Q. K. Iiradaaak, wko la koaiaataaa ll Ibare, aaa wko eoadacta a kval atM hara,la akalrmaa of tka uw dlitrlct. Ha aaya tkara aro at leaat alihicn pualla raaar to aaroll. Tbo dlatrlet w'lU aoo eoamaeo tl ortctloa of k.kolMiac. Aa aooa u tlila la coatatataA a taoakar will ka Mured, and tana of aakaol aoa Mnea4. Home glv affidarlt circulations which alwara racalta tba atory of llio retired admiral, who waa returning upon a ablp to hU ooykeoo"') bona In Nantuckat. 4 On Ibo atamor ba met a Bar and told lilra what wy big lobatara wero caught In Nantucket. ) "Why," ba aald, "aoma ot tbem are three feat long." The man doubled thlf, and ao a bet waa made between tba two gentlemen, tho admiral agreeing to abow hli friend aome three-foot lobitera when tliey got (o Nantucket. . a i Well, tliey looked all around and couldn't find a alngla lobtter tkat ''""cd I'rew Service came up to tho required length, ao tbo admiral went to aome of bla LONDON, March 14. It la keUar- bojrbpod frlcnda and got tbom to make affldavlta that when ther were od that Sir Tkoataa Llptoa will sot boya there were plenty of lobatera caught that meaaured three feet. ' re-challenge for Amarlea'a cup, The admlral'a friend declined to pay the bet'upon thU evidence, so ' "Captain Netll waraa me," aaM fMr a) the dlipulo war referred to arbitration. JTbomaa, "tkat to creaa tba AtlaaUe la a Tho arbltralora mot, calmly considered tho caio, and rendered tkla 0 ninety-foot boat would Imperil tka a) verdict: a 'live of tka eeamea." "Wo decide that the admiral lose, for. In our humble opinion, e affidavits are not lobiteri." Home give their circulation at thoy would like It, rather tban aa lt0 a) artunlly !, Newapaperdom. to oa GOLD MEDALS ARE AWARDED TONIGHT Morajaai ta Hrtlar t'nltnl I'reea Hervica ROME, March 14. J. Plerpeot Morgan la mu'ch Improved today. Ha slept well last sight. He will lu seclusion for several days. George Caproa, wko kaa been ae Journlog la California daring the wta- HKIH Ht'HOOh HTV11K.NTN TAKING tor months, returned last alght HU flHraTlNTKKIWTINOItatWrS0 Preceded him aeveral days: AVVIfil. lilUf AUITflV aTVV. ' TKNT Mro sisH.tiAiATtu.i w.v, Mri r Nt garnum left Tkaradajr ffor Montague, wkero ake wlU TioK . 'relatlvca for a few weeks illnrnum realdea la Merrill. Moro than uauat Interest la being! MANY KILLED IN SOUTHERN STORM WIRK BBBVKK M BtBtOBAI ANB BUT ABE AVi IXNMI HAN BKKN OBCAT Jalted Preaa Kervlet HKW OBLBANB, Maaek 14-Wlra aarvlee to the regtea daraaaatoi ay a cyclone yesterday la demecallaed, and kut meagre reports kayo keen re ceived. The lateat reports atate tkat tkere wet'e tbirty-tbrce people killed, aad the property damage amoemta to aev eral hundred thousand dollars.. SIDE TRACKED kBTTBiOT ATTOBMKT CLATKMf WITBT OXBMX FOB THE PfBWWITB COiTIH;1 AXCK Q TBB OASB A email seaaatieo oeeorrad at too court Booao tkla aftermoes waa M beeamo kaowa tkat Dlatrtet AUeraoy Joka Irjvla kad lied a eUpulatlea ko- tweea klmaelf aad C. M. OneUl, at torney for tke defendant, to ladei nluty coatlane tke aaaa of tke atate agauat J. D. Carroll, ekargod wKk larceny ky bailee. . Tkla, It la beUared oraetieaUy meaaa tka dismissal of tke aaaa. No action waa takea today oa tke stipulation kaeaaaa of tke ake ease of Judge Baaaoa, wko la at kerne Us. Tke Carroll ease waa to aave boea tke Irat of Ue eriamlaal eaaaa to be tried at too present term of eoarL Aa a result of tbo aotlarn of too eJatrtet attorney, Ue Irat ease wlU bo tkat of tke atate agalaat Haater .NavMge, ckarged wKk extertJea. Loala Konot of Toaaa Yattar, wan hero Tkaraday far aororai H V MANY ARE KILLED, IN HARD FIGHT - IT M sBgrtMA1 LtHT w4 'MOBAUW' wax KKAtV I WBUJt MOBK VaUK WEBB IJUVBHB r t Halted Preoe bottmo -NOSALBi, Marek 14. AU la ejaaot here tkla moraiag. It ia aaBfjatosl tkat 10 wore kHIed la yaaterdafa battle aad SO wooaded, aiaay bmt- tally. Cho eoasUtatloaatieU hoM Negalaa, PRANTIKOS JOES TO HIS DEATH -. VBAMCkttjb;, i " v v- WUHaaa 1. flak aad Freak, left Tkaraday far Dorrta, are attoaaaag to Akaor Weed eaaaa la laat adajkt i i i ,, r:v " M f'rtm Porvler NAN, QVWKTW, lea Praatlaoa,, a flraak; kere at It e'eteek. tkla ', , "I T -r..7 iO kaaeek lt.-Pao- iff, toe tnketi In the annual declamation con-1 . . lest of the Klamath county high' James Taylor Is amoag the Bly ree- school, which will be held this oven- ,uonl" wno nr' "w ing In the auditorium of the school. ),tt- , ,, ti niAiint nt I tin mtinnti nratnatif thttt wis aavwHM wa eeaw nm bhwm . Frank M. Upp, a local Jowollor, Is to ' award the two winners with solid' gold medals. This Is the second year that Mr. Upp, who Is Interested In this branch , ot public speaking, baa niado the of-, fcr. Undoubtedly Upp gold medals will be the annual awards hereafter, aa theie awarda are stimulating mora i ,'..- Interest In declamation. ' w -. y.a n..1. B, llltA.t. AMA TlLi.Al Thto year there are Ave coateaUaUrrOIIlinCni IOUOB JTCUUIC UA VfIAIUriUa fSTC XAKUTCfCU Daisy Hayden, Clifford Revile, Donna -. . .. . . ma ,ra- 'sva j a a J, ui.ioM.rkw.rdt .nd wi.iiam. Liviiial Quietlv in a FaUhioiiable Bunglilow in from Fort Klassatk, where he aaa the murder et PeMeamea Caator aad beea laapactlag kte raaoh. . Flaaelly at tko Ferry baJMIaa; aa Baa Praaeweo November II, lill. Mr. and Mrs. Frod Holey, wko gave Praatikee died aletly aad aaaMy, a ranch aeer Altaaaoat, aro TlaUteg KUataU Falla frleada. EloDinrf Quartet are Now f a- - I 4M nmrxAir Af 4ttk D14m hi vuoiuujr ua uic; x uiim; f Mr. aad Mr. Fred Fleet arrived la Haw city Tkuraday from tketr LaraMa koaw. Mrs. Fleet wtH remala la Ue cUyfer-a Ua, hat Mr. Fleet wttt re- tara home tomorrow. W. w. Uwla, who baa a raaoh oa lost Illver, la amoag the Friday Ttelt ors In tho eouatyeeatr '""l II- vy - . nft . llagelsteln. All have selected aplaa did elocutionary uumbera, aad have beea practicing faithfully. la addition to the declamatory numbers, tke klgk school orcbaatra will render music, and there will also bo vocal numbers by the klgk school chorus and the girls' glee club. At Ue conclusion, tho wlnnera will ba pre sented with tke medal by -Mr. Upp. .1 Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wllllts return ed to Klamath Thursday from Oak land, where they kave visited for tko past few weeka. Blizzard Causes Two Wrecks in Nebraska Passtnger Train Crashes In o Rear of Another. Train, and Later Two 1 Freight Trains Come Together Reno. Nevada. Wiil be Returned Home United Preaa Service KKNO, March 14. Tho culmina tion .of n sensational dual elopamaat which has shocked Sacramento aoot- ety to lu foundatlone occurred here today whaa the four youag people were arrealad by Chief of PeUee mm house. key were fouad llvlag to gether In a bungalow oa Ue oataklrta of the city. Ono of the men la Maury 1. Dtgsja, formerly atate arcklteet at CaUferala. Tke other la Draw Caartaotll. aaa of gaantor A. CmtaettVeT Amador county, and a clerk la Ua eaaaa of tho sUto hoard of control ot CeJUerala. Tke two youag weeaea aro Miaa Hartha Warrlagtoa, daughter ot T. H. Wairlngton. ageat of. tko Saata Fa rallioad la Sacrameato, aad Lola Nor- rla, daughter ot W. H. Norria, a real aetata dealer ot Bacram'oata. CamlaetU kaa a wlla.aa4 two eall- drea, one a baby oaiy gvo waaka old. Dtgge ,haa a wife aad yeaag gbrl, I yearadd. Uador tho aajtoa ot Flaaor aad Whltsaaa, Digga aad OaaUaettt had paid atteaUoaato Uo two gtrla for aooM tlato, Tho aaroata ot Uo,glrla believed Uo two mea to ho aaiaar rlea. , MU Warrlagtoa waa aearatary of tke Omega Ka aororlty, to whieh .her chum, oU Norria, a o Howard Bagwell, aaaw aatU of Bray, was la KUaaaUFatta Thara day atteadlag to aaoiaooa awtoraTHo leoha for a baay lameerlag' aeeaoa i. .., " ' ! I R. R. M FIC IS , 'i f itraMtm liUTPUW; ' V ? - -' . - ' .. v. "t. , ' J , ?" f- .1 J f J. '' m1mmlTmmMmmmm ' & aaa; 01 ,eko Poor') tjaBaaasB ' Aew Oiaiaaa aaaaaaaaaahHa)a m i v f- r ' - p, -v , t . , , , ' lMProaaNerateo .. 1-. . Qoao atM iaUA aa .4 , WawassdawtWotag. Tm a4sTW ' la B saw ,ae mvmajoa aaa Bav aw toaaa. ..-.' , At 4M .. f.rt TraJacBkadty ? i-itA. kvv -. JT T" Tho. here fat sffrTHP. aao aaa at at, a J' h t w ' fA !fl M OOUIlaWJaV Qa., eyeloao today Moo tfevofal etfaaV aad asaay posolo haoo Aterriao rota wlad. UaModProaa ap today. HBIawaigaasaA aHBl Pf aa Bl asaatatma ssf-. prV9BBJtBfAaf' aT-a-apaV tatfal ttyaBaTJtBsafB mt aas-aaBaaWaaBBsB- 1V1S r , Oiangcs in Auto Laws Hf cctiyc Soon LQ i -. w t. ,1 Counties Will, Benem by Sunrfiis ta Pee rmO. Amaaat Witt be DWd- -I k n "W - a'niied Praaa'aorviea"" v- . CHBYBNN- wi Hu is. a. ' flare hlm. 1. ,' . ..-.... I Wyoming. Tko Umporataro la drop ping rapidly.'- 4 '- t'ut(adrMaioPtaa m i".r?e ?at?M plunged late Ua rear ot aaotkar trala at Ooaad, Nob., at mldalgkt, durlag oka ot tke woratbllsaards ot tka win ter. ' ,., ) August Meyers aad wife of Long Beach, Qallf., ware amoag Ua killed. Aa engineer aad tramaa aad two atookmaa araupaoaod to have beea krUod la a eolllaloa botwoea two troigkt trataa aear Horadoa, Koh. ' A Mtaoard wm Ua eaaaa of, tka wraak. TURKS DRIVE BULGARS BACK I.ANT. ATTACK ON ADMANOP-B 8HOWN THAT SULTAN'S FOeOH AHK MILL ABLK TO FleHfT--ALL1WI BBCITB TMU. r ;'-' ,'.s- wK - tmited.l'reaaaervlre CON8TANTINOPL-, arh 14.' The Bulgarian again attacked Adrl anoplo today, Thoy wart rotatttd after sustaining heavy looaea. ''.' ' t ' . ' ' ' Unted5 1'reaa Service - v ' SOriAMarak 14. Tho aUlea tor- mally replied to U powaratoday.' " The Balkan aUtM laaaat that Tar-' U , i" key Inalat tkat Turkar aarroador Adi'laaopto aad SeutaH, aaao tat Ageaa lalaada aad pay. a aaaa tadaav alty of 1300,000,000. " The alltea will agree ta aiaama a portion of the public debt of Turkey aaaeaaad agalaat Ua territory de manded by Uo alllee. ilw Five Psapla United Preaa Service ATLANTA, Oa., Maroh'lt. of tko atorat territory 'at, tata w wolatod. Five poaato art aear kere, aad K la keakvrod that tktP are dead. ' j. ,S . I ir JAOKSONVILLI, 1U ChtrleaQllpla la dead t-4 two pie ;ae aerloualy hart at a aaaakt tf a toraado whieh awee ate ahia aoatt last night. . S;r , ' a ,Mnih. Htaaiev;Bn.aa. Jtftty aaa Ceaa aounUea ,wojeiwatt hp aaa atorat. ' " " l ( U V , t REBELS FOLLOW ON OJEDA TRAIL PALL thF NAOO WOili BB FOLLOW BB BY BBCIiABAWOW OF UrBBJ. PBNBBNOH FOB TBB'STAT- OF td in Proportion to Ck4iectjpO&s , Tkroo teaortaat aaiaadmaaaa wore per .eeat.' waBt lata ytar B aajg tJaaBt awdo U the motor voatesot-lawa of IB.aor.oajatat Uaeoal apststJ at! ' . s. . 1 - ! 1- -a - -- ' tke aUto ky tko reoaat legWatare aad they will baeom'a eaoetlve Jaat 4.'lkr ' . . t -'' I'aKodP .rr ' v f v a. Protahly Ue snoot Imjerts-t Jatao BurgessblU, wklek prorldoa that tat balance of the automablle fasid, attar tko deduotloa of tko eapeaee of taV mlaUtratlag tho autoaaoolle dtaart-' moat, akall'ba apporUoaedaaaoag tka counties ot the atate la lrsger tloa to what'Uoy eoatrlbatod kvhV eenaefeea. Whoa taraot aar It tat otaaty troaaarera ot tat vartoat toaa- tloa Ua moaey to, to kisaaaa a fart ot UoAeaoral road toad,-aad ho by tko otaaty km tat baiMtag tf gjtttl aaa. '-? " ' oBWasaaaj BHavaB aBB'tBtBaaeBasa; SBt . Bga) tB of tdjsjs-otjrattoa thtro waa a Ua thai toad teat year ot ItDtt aaoeed Uat by a the tha !. anrti at aa ',B aBaaatBapasaaaaaagai BaaaBaBBaajBBBasaajV oa lBBawoaaaar' a n-b k. " ' ; DOUOLAi, Aria.. Marek ;i4. five kuadred rttola aWved,ro Agsaa PrleU today aa tat trail at Baawaaltaagt thai year, hoafpw 0aa ' tkaHls la utanlad it laatt fadlsaiaUiig tllfhal !' QaroaHateat a staaaaut tvoaal osaawwom a owwo war aaeaewwivavv eswaawaL' NhBsaa-l It f-UI Itt tl-ft aalt: Swi JBMkaL al t------k. a V'' w - epvaw y Lij 'JmBr' BJBBB aanaaanaBmnaBBw lBeaj m'tertaKrtattatatiaantBSBBwm . '"l4 .. 1 I J ' U lMAMa-aHm StW afffsMftB Wall IuMHHMbbf9 af the taU ot Nata, . x - - ' -Jat't-. WKOT'.,'.' i?Tt: '. WL a, 1 ' ' 1 H - " f t J ajsaajakamhJBHMHBBt fBBsa. 'gaajgaauagaaB-ja !mb1m3:- ora to aaa' Heretofore a daaatr fct ertTtf aF: ply with tho law. waa raaaea ft ap oat a Iteeaee for every oaatrated.: Uador. thai aaa atoaro Ut.irat tat of tloa aunabera far lit, ag4 seta for t tot ot aiailt Uat Uoaa aamaara asaooa-srai eaaarw eeewp SBBtareaaoarawa aw need oa artvatt slra fl eara'airot tat. vJTattmraJ eouUy.elafk tf aauMnVOMlt attat tor thamat. at I that - -. -'- VBtt "?3