! 4 V W 1 tU fa "i : ' - M ADVERTISERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE EXTRAVAGANT CIRCULATMAMk anassBfeWlaa . - ".K Ai ' i fiSSPlL tf"lfca tfaWar-saV.. L fat 4 , ,.V . ' fc .. ,C NUI'PLIKI) HV THE UNITED PRHml NEWS HBHVICB mm drmno JUfaUi. SevratH Year Ne. ! KLAMATH FALLS, ORHOOff. lHVRSDAY, MARCH 1 ltlS BROWNED ARMY STARTS ON TRIP TO SACRAMENTO rokmkh ooxry aide again in limelight Money King Realizes JBENEFIT DANCE ueam Close at Hand: TICKFTS smn With Twenty Mm oa Foot h4 Kteve I A Ml ABIWBPBf VMMipMyVV Follow Thetr Leader to California Capital lo Make Mt'preaeBtaUuas lu tha LeaUUtare Now ta Hsaslua In Ttiat CRf J. Plerpont Morgan Starts on Fare well Tour of European Capital!. Will See Rulers of Europe u iilM I'iiw Bervlee HIOCICTON, March lit. With 20 ii ou on (ool aad eleven ta aa auto-j mobile, Carl Hrowaa'a army of ua employed atarted fur Sacramento ati lu o'clock till morning. Ilrowno wee Coiey'e chief ajde In the famoua marcli to VIiIdiTod Id 1193. Uier llrowao married Co.ey's lout, liter. lulled Proa Smlic, BTOCKTON, March 13, Clad la a vltrd looking gown and a red "Wood raw Wilson" cap, Carl llrowne, chief of trie "Army of tha Unemployed," list arrived litre, aad la nobllltlag bli form preparatory to moving on Hscramcato, Tlmy are going to tha capital to lobby for the Seett-Gatea bill, provld- Ins lodging aad aatlag houses for tha unemployed. They will cook a big "Mulligan" tew In the Stockton eeurt houae pUia, which Brewae kaa secured per minion from the couaty to use aa a ramping ground for hie array during their atay here. Bale of tickets for the eighU aa nual ball of Ue KtamaU Patts Tet- uoUer flra Deaertmeat waa eem Bjeaced today, aad tkla atteraeea a Urge Buaiber of ticket had been dto- poaed or. Iratjr public spirited asaa approached persaaeed a ticket, aad many purcbaaed more than that number. They took tha Tlew that the dollar donated to the Ire department la tale way, whether they attend Monday nlght'a dance or not, la uoaey well pent, aa It provide a fuad for re placing clothing damaged by the !- untcer firemen while working to aare property from destruction. A notable fact In connection with the local Are department la that Tory few of tha areaaea nroaaftir nn. IIUMMIIIANM HOPE TO OCCUPY AIMlirriON OP NEW aiAKTKIt HAH !ora. None of them are guided by scl- 'JiiIUmI I'tKM Hi rvlcr ftna King Ueorga In loadon. Ue aald N AIM, KB, March II, J, Plerpont I that lie realise that be will probably Morgau arrived on the Adriatic thla "ovtr ngoln r,,lt Europe, and waaU morning. Herbert Hattcrlec urged him!!" "y, r"0"cU to lht . ., .... . ;U frlenda In Kurope. lo continue on to New York aboard! , ,, mucJllllnB.r. . BB. llio Adriatic, but he refuted. penra very foeble. He leaned heavily Morgan eipecta to ie the King of on hla cane. Ilia face waa anakea Italy In Home, the kalier In Uorlln(nnd drawn. ALLIES' REPLY CITY WARRANTS DELAYEO AGAIN; GET G000 BOOST F1RKMXN AJHC flllKI HIO.V TfCWMM VO NUAL MALL TO aWMNl AND Johnson Would Make Successors' Job Bad California's Governor. Determined Not to Run For Of f lee Again, is For Gutting Off of Patronage ADltlANOI'l.i: IIV TO.MOHKOW, AT TIIK laTIMT, IH THE HVU', I'OUT ('lIlCUUtTKU l.l ,4 . , t, . . .... OOOI) KVVKCT ON MAKKtrr FORI. ,ai"mn ' "r wor ol aroieci- idk propeny, ana mey receive bo CYCLONE HITS SOUTHERN TOWN I'ltOVKNCAL Ii MMTROYKD BY flRKAT WIND DI7TAIL8 OF TMK DMAWKR ARK MKAGRK. YUHKH ARC DOWN lulled I'rni Scrrleu LONDON, March 13.Tlio reply of the alllra to Turkey hai again been delayed, presumably becauae the Bui- garlana hope to occupy Adrlaaople by tomorrow at the tateei. WASHINGTON LAW MAKERS ARE BUSY TIIK WAIUtANTH OF FAI.LM KLAMATH 1 ho paetngo of the charter haa had a heatthy effect on city warranta, aad today 90 cents waa offered for them. Prior to tlio adoption of. the new char ter rlty wafraala brought but SO crnta, with aa occasional sale at IS cent It Is reported that a conalderable amount of outside capital haa been I brought here for the purpose of buy ing up city warrants. compensation whatever from tha city for their work. C. D. Cleadeaalag U a Klamath Falls visiter today. He la bow raaeh- llng In the rlelalty of Mlduad. Couaty Cemmlealoaer Gay Merrill Is m coeaty neat vtotter. Prlaeeaa.Mary ef Kaglaad to to be a bridesmaid at the fortheomtag wad dlag of Prlaaaaa Victoria Lulae ef Prussia aad Prlaiaa Braeet at Case hartoaa. 7 gACRAMBNTO, March 11 Oor- erabr Jehaaea declared today that he la determlaed to aeeare the maaaji of a civil service bill at tha aroeeat session of the togMaturft. Thtoaaaaa- ure will cat eaT much patronage now attached to the geveraer'a oaaae. SBBBEesaaaaaeBsasaaaasaiaaaaHammBBBKaaBai MRS. HORN SUES FOR A DIVORCE FORT KLAMATH WOMAN MAKM SOMK SENSATIONAL CMARSaM AGAINST MKR HCSAN aTW ADDRBM IS NOT KNOWN "I am determlaed aa thai." aaia Governor Jehasoa. the atataaaeat aa "Yea may atreaja; ae It la reaatteel that Job cided aot ta raa.fer aad that 1Mb fact aadaeed km aan part tha MTMaervtoe saaaNa.;4? "WPP; mmmmtH XI MEXICANS m FIGHT AlOIGTHf B8RHfit(if8.1 Suit for dlvfree waa tied hi tha district court thla atteraoea by: llora agalaat Charlea Hera. tlonal chargea are made. Mrs. Hon rsataaa at Fart Klamath, but the areaeat addreea ef Mara la aot kaowaA Mrs. Hera charges her hi with a atatatery affi H. L. Velt ef Wordea la a KlamaU FaUaviaMar. WILSON TO TALK r TO U FOLLETTE THE FBWStPRNT WILL CXNtaWLT FKWTINO BOB HBBXAFVI OONCKRNINO aNMBaWCTKMr OT PLUMS IN WISCONSIN Ualled Froaa Servlea WASHINGTON, D. d Mareh IS.- It waa aaaeaaeed tedar that Freai- deat WUaeawlU La Fcdletto viewa. The weak ta ' M71 ;m MIMML'M WAGE Illl.L AM) MOTH- i:itH PK.NKION IIII.L I'AHHKH HY l,l'JIHI,ATL'IH: i()Vi:UNOH FA VOIW IIOTM United Press Service OL.YMPIA, March 18. Tha Wash ington IcgUUturo today paised the minimum viago bill and motliera' pen sion bill. Uoth wait the slgnaturo of Governor Litter, who favors both measures. The minimum wago bill provide! for an Industrial welfare commission of flvo, who will probabto set the mln- United Preaa Service SIIIIEVEPORT, La., March II. Provencal, a vlHage thirty mllaa south of hero, was deatrored by a cyclone al noon today. Imum wago at f 13 per v.cok Three people are kaowa to "be dead The mothers' pension bill provtdaa and flfteea lajured. .for a pension of 15 per month when The wires are down and tha details It horo Is ouo child, and f& more for of tho dlaastar are meagre. 'each additional child. County School Track Meet May be Arranged Much Interest Being Manifested in This Line of Outdoor Athletics by the High School Students A county laid aad track meet may be one of tka features of commeaee ment week at tha Klamath couaty high school, aeeardlag to atudsata and faculty members Bremlnent'la nthlaile elrslee at tka local lakHu Uon. The high teaook at Merrill nd Honaaaa will be lavHed to aead track teams, aad; arraagemaaU may alio be made for eatrlea by grammar ehoolg. 9, S-j "Track work hi eaualag a great deal of latsraat at the high achbol thla year," aald Prac. I. V. Mawley, tacul ty msmber ef, tha atkletk cabinet, " Us aommeaeemaat'ot tralalag "Walta oaiy the'1' eemlas of goad weather. Already tha oiaseea are ; gettlac IIjmm taalr msa who" stay "re amoag tb aatat wkuwra. ' . "That there la mieh good material ,'or trak athlates.ta the alfh aeaeol ! ainaatraW ai , Ue,, little SaU and track meet we held at the high rcIiooI campus last spring. That waa tho first time many of the students over saw a track meet, aad the show ing thoy made at that time was re markably good. Now that they un derstand something of what a track meet Is like, Jbey know mora about training and preparation, "aad each man has some Idea of the eventa la which he had beat specialise." "There la ao scholastic sport that can ovorahadow track work," con tinued Hawley. "It Is the only athletic- aport where the athlete works entirely aa an Individual, aot aa a portion ofV unit.'' ' Whether the county meet Is held or. not, the high school will' hold a sec ond Interclasa, meet 'this year.; Sev eral good marks were 'made at the flrtt Interclasa meet held laat year, bat It Is expected that nearly' allof these records will be aurpaaaed. Legislature is Braised by the Anti-Saloon League Attention is Galled to Moral Legislation. Many Bills Urged by the Moralists are Passed by the State Law Makers. Among Which are Liquor Laws -. la tka ataaa smarter ad atv thera to 17,711,1 emce at Parte, walla tka aaarter aa l'Bareaa 1 ninety-fear. CAYALBYBHtUnrVO IraWcaBBaT ." Wham aaa awsaaaaai 'tfaaaBmaaaami Tr."" aaaS aaammv sBhHbp. i i r y . " , v. , atsa aa a-aweaa I( " j.i; . MMAJLaeSMswefc 1-W htBsg ggflBammmBaaal kstaaVti aaatBBBaBaaai aaaBam ggflBBBaaaBammmai RSWBBgrBsl BBsVABBhf IsWaTBaBBBBB; Vamw WtltttfKfr ftstosMsasatlB aBasaaml laaaaft 'toaBBBttsBaaal ttfM Ja t, taftttaar basaut tada aaamlga Has rebecs eee Ire fMaitlMBdBesaMaB , tioroatiia Inderal'' aessMaas aaa klHed aad etovaa wiaadid earsy la 'Wntr aeasembataad , ami masafjnfJsJaaVAataM atjaam -- jw eaaa-BBk. BlWarf amaBBSaBBBBBrmmBBBB aaaammajB-azB' ami pigfK pared- ta atevaa Stsaf tmaasa tm . Oleda'wUk Ma IMetad aaldtam) to tweady mttoa away aauj to Tha rasmla haw aaa a MRC8LMLBT TOSEMAOE m That the laat Oregoa legislature wan most responsive to moral leglala tlon Is the declaration of the oBcers of tho Oregon Anti-Saloon League la a circular now being distributed. Attention Is particularly called to bills relating to tho aale of liquor which wcro passod by tha legislature. The bills aro aa follews: 8. D. H Prohibits sale of liquor outside of municipalities, and closes thirty-nine aalooaa In the atate, with seven counties not heard from, aad makes all of the state outside ef municipalities practically prohlbltloa; except that the couaty court of any county may, In Ita dlecretioa, oa pe tition algned by a majority of the legal votera of the precinct gnat ta any bona Ode club of not lea fifty members, net ergsaUed far profit, or any hotel with aeeoauaeda tlons for not lesa thaa fifty gucete, the right to furaJah liquor to Ita members of guests.. S. D. 4 Require that each pack ago of liquor ahlaaed late prohibi tion territory ahall be alalaly marked with the same of the eoastgaor, con signee, kind aad qaaatlty of liquor oacloaed, aad that all eatress aad railway companies ahall keep a "bcose" book, ta whtea there shall be kept a record of tha ameaat aad Mad of liquor received, tka same ef person to whom ahlaaed, by wham aad to whom delivered, aad a Mask aaaca la which tha aeaahjase ahall algii his aaaae befatw-reeerrtag aaah liquors. Such book' eaall he etaa to SKIDDOO GOES TROUBLE IN 23 LOWER SWAN LAKE BtaffRiOT ACCEPTS BUILWNO, AND SIX MONTHS' TERM WILL OPBN ON FIRST OF APRIL After argumeaU pro aad eoa ataae work waa eomemaccd oa tha atraetara about n year ago, the dlreotera e School District Nd. fit, In -Lower Swan Lake Valley, have at laat aa cepted the building. They are preparlag ,ta furalsh tha building, and Louie Rabla, ehalraaaai of the heard ef the directors, wha ta here today, states that the six meath spring term will sommease April S, When the new esheei taUdlac was completed by the eaatraatar, the di rectors refused' to Meeat H, holdlag that all the spertlsatleaj were sot carried out Thla matter waa held ap far several montha befera K waa amic ably settled. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D, 0., Marsh II. Preatdeat" Wllaoa- today appclatad Joha Skeltea WIHIaasa a Tlrsjlaia ta 1m asslstaat seeaetary a tka .' ary. tinned Pres Serva i , t BYDNBY, N.aV''W.V,Mrek II. Udy Scott aalled tar ataad aheard the steamer Mealaa iedar,- United Praia Servdaa , ,, a , , BOSTON,' Maseh . "II; Braadles deSaltely stated toatof tkatha waaU sat accept aay pM adaea. Ha fused ta tosue a facaaat aeatemaajt. K , the InspectUaef the oStoers, aad ha prima facie evidence 9t the facte atat ed thoreta. . This law lecatee the beat ligajsra la dry territory, and shows haw aaack liquor they receive, aad wUt ha a great help la liquor praseeatleas. S. B. JM Provides that whenever In the opialaa ,ali tkausavaraor the crlmlaal laws of the state are aot be ing faithfully eaioread he, shall lay the facto before tha elrsH eceirt or any Judge thereof, who shall without delay ta a summary msaaer ceasldsr tho facta so preaeated, aad It the court shall flad that tha etlaUaal laws are sot bdag.falUfullyv eaforeed. the governor may appolai far alaety days special oBiers to eaforea tka lawa, i (Continues oa Paaal YEGfiMEN BLOW STRONG BOXES THE sHAMONB BUMS. a YIELDS SBM 0 a MSN StoOTS RCTNO.ONR ' '. Halted I'resa CHICO; CaHf., Mareh IS. tax yeggmea Mew the sales ef the Hat field Smith store. aad tha Dtomcad Match eompaay at Brignm toet abjat. ?raak CaradaC TtTniBgii wltk tka robbers. The safe 9t the, Dtaaaaad company a4 ABrta 4sUad IIMfer Ue baadtto- f fXI Cai i r The 'asarmew' hurrred te Ortdtor. where they Mew the safe ef tka aaassh apaay there. , Thar, sot' aetata-. aad escaped ha a raaalas sasC T r BBVW ttMknemm f j.-a, .J," .. wmmam amp aayaaaaar WBSBmlAa' BaBmmWJsT eaBaaBBBBamBMBSBaawBl mTaaaaBBB sanHcaUl WSBwBBV caaaaBBBVBwBwBBBasBvaf esaW m aWSBaBBBaVJasV "BF esffB ssfBssffsBwaVeBmBmefaT , MBW W&OOMHn- ammmT'ePBasBBi' mmft', HERE FRUI FORI WOOD RatsaR VALLEY BOOtTsHt TBLLS OVOOifBrTiblM ABOVE POaW aaiAMaMm-VOVB fWlff O sBMrW, ' l ' ' " ? I Joha Brlto, aaa at the awaara'ed the'faaseas tr.Mtle ranch, Is tka Weed Elver TaMer. arrived ta the city laat alaht, aadwlU aaass sar ; "Wa'had aboat rear, laa,af m at'tha raaoh.Ull wlaUr." aald - - savapsr . SarveeeL Caked Preaa NBWYOBJC, ll-Br. 'Vm B'WsRS'WBBBt that aa Dt, treated Vpeatke er tsMsaMMH. .wfll ka &'mmiKt 1 i iiia WBSttVl S CBA, . ' failed WAsMlNeMTOMbJeV 0 rraahlj-i easeAatf' at. tka aay OallewayotWi s b savtokmm atai sJeBB; iahlBSiBsahaaaBf aat sesrstary at sdwtaaBsra. ' .m . ' J 'B-asaaarbaPwa " - : vc MMdJCBamsjsaj-4 fl-i aJA WBV"iaBW i 91 IVA. C. B. Breaaer; a : la.Ue Srat of tha Paftlsauj cw t o toad n the pea ed gattty; aad waa sjtcaaaa I waSJ W SBwajaHwaBBwa sa BSjWgBBSa teggmj mp yara. r v " - i mm-im Anderson FaitWul k - . . . " -V ' - Freed by Judge W, '!' t Jurist Refused letrial of Mm . . ... L ' - ' V J ' "' " Case After the Mtefl Had ftaeat - 7vR?l H- "fl: wf . ' I., 'A -t' Deaaty UaHedT Mates Marakal Oett- U, ,wka raseatly .laarradi larr-s)a eahpiiBii oa wjtaemaa hi the Aaehar aearaetatul mardar aaaa, hai alaiad ka waaay adsmttVlaa- that tha aatlna kaa ansa ana wswsrej wsas saapwwaaeaa easwaaa wbbiiws SbbbF'j .vh !ut Fr' '. tH4UfaLatiaattlad,s.iB ..in - retrial takes east. J , AmBBB ammmBaanmlBBBsssssiJ t- 'BBTPIbBBsF afcaalafBPM PBBaSHHSJmBj SBS SJBSBBJB V"BBk' 'JTBJI triad la my. U aaaaaajBI aaa fltaaeJN Tka aM M. a4by a sraa4imtY la lNhaw. 1ML that a hut wara aavac vshat.aaT. traaa wltk kiektaat kto wtfa to) deata wals lalsafal v f . t .... .. i .. --- - w" ' " peasmuaisuaa.wma viM.--awaaat aaa lay oa ta saMH af tasay WSn waaiaaaaaa tasaap Baja)mma)fBaaaaaas ,0B VaaaSayli ajsaap opea ta Fart Ktomath-aad tH aaufchW Baeaths aa Jat aaa mall regularly iwtaa a. weak.".. - ' mmk IMaR -taa-TEsW i .TVTV uwJllTaapfasl f ammSBBCWaBBtBBBBBBBBBBBBmi -V v r JT -rj- j"" fr