a n f f r., . ,, , SWORN CIRCULATION OF DAILY AND WEEKLY NORTHWESTERN IN COUNTY IS MUPPLIKH MY TIIK UNITED I'llKHH NEWS SERVICE .4 Ik unim tMb J Wis' vwnxA lrewMMi PRINT TIM KIWS, NOT ?' Hotrnth Year No. ,00 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNEHDAY, MARCH 12, IBIS SHERIFF'S FORCE BUSY ATTENDIN6 TO TAXPAYERS OVKIt PltHI.UOO HAH IIEEN PAID INTO TREASURY 1lin Morw Rass In Which lo Pay anil llmhe Threw -Per Crnl Ik-bulc, Many Am Waiting " I'ay Half Thrlr Taini, Mo Tlipjr Can Pay lint llriualndrr In Orlobrr Without IVtMlijr. Tii Ui collectioa fore of HIiorltT Low's office ta about tho busiest ag gregation of clsrks In Klamath Kails, owlnjt to Iho rusk of tho past week on llio part of those wishing to pay tlielr tain In tlmo to benefit by Ilia 3 per friit rcbato. Tlio relialo offer oxplro Haturday afternoon, anil any paylus taxes after that llino will pay (aco value. After April 7th. penally and Interest I ailildnil to thn atacssmonta. Persons paying half tliolr taxes bo twrcn Monday ami April 7th havo un til October In which lo pay tho re mainder without gelling on the de linquent Hat. No penalty or Interest It charged those taking adrantago of this method. "In round figure, 1101,000 haa brfii collected ao far," aald Head Dep uty fleurgo llaydon today. "Thla in cludes aereral thouaand dollars worth of county warraata." If Man Kills Another IFAMILY HERE TO in War is It Murder?! MAKF THFIR HllMF Case Against Miners in West Vir ginia Brings Up a Unique Point. Mother Jones Still Defiant PAINT CHKKK JUNCTION, W. over happened were net. of war. and Vn., Mnrch IS.- If n man kills auotli- ciimnit bo Judged by tho ordinary er In war, la It murder? , rules of tliu law of morality." Thla la tho laiuu In the military Three week of confinement I court trying Mother Jonea and forty breaking down Mother Jouc. Kn iiIiiii miner on n clmrgu of conspiracy route, to Odd Fellow hall, whero tho to murder. Attorney Matheny for trial la being hold, alio liana hcarlly the defetiao declared: on tho arma of hor companion. Her "The initio guarda wore alnln na spirit, however, la still unbroken, and representative of a system. What- alio la defiant. SMALLPOX SCARE MSHSHMII EMPLOYES OF THK STATE, WAU A.M NAVY DEPARTMENT AUK VACCINATED SECRETARY (lAltlllSOX IH FIRST L'nllrd Pre Service WASHINGTON, D. C, March 12. Aa n reault of a aruallpox acaro era ployra of the state, war and navy do partmenta havo been vaccinated. Sec retary (larrlaon waa Iho Drat to bo (mated. Frank I,, llura. a prominent Fort Klamath lumberman, la hero for a business visit. J. Waltor Call la hero In the Inter tata of a Mcdford firm. COMMERCE COURT TURNS DOWN LAW HILLS AltRlVtilAHT NIGHT FROM ! IDAHO ARK PLANNING EX TKXH1VK IMPROVEMENTS TO HEAMES IIANCH Mr. and Mr. C. A. Hill and family arrived Tueaday night from Idaho Kails, Idaho, and are making arrange merit to occupy tho ranch they pur chased here. Tho farm la twelvo mile south of Klamath Palls, on Lost Illver, and Mr. Hill bought tho property last year from E. C. Ucame. They plan extensive Improvements to tho ranch, among others, soveral new buildings. Tho family Is In Klam ath Falls, awaiting the arrival of a car load of household goods from Minimum Wage Bill is Favored by Wilson Governors of 14 States Hare Re sponded to Letters Sent Out by Probers. Promised to Aid tONfllllttH HAH NOT Till. POWER to itchie.VATi: rii'i: lines ah COMMON CARRIER, IH HKCI- hio.v iii:.i)Kitt:o I'll I til Press Service V.'AHHINUTON, I). C. March 12. I The commorco court has decided thut congress I not empowered to makol plpo line common carriers, and that I tho autendraetit of tho Interstato com-1 merco law to that effect Is Invalid. A preliminary Injunction restrain ing the enforcement of lb. measure has been Issued. Probe Conmtittco Appointed HAC'ltAMCNTO. March 12. Llou tenant (lovirnor Wallace today uam-.tliolr former home. d dates ns chairman of tho commit- tt-o created by tho Hebnn resolution, to InH-sllgato tho connection of low tho Adams ranch near Merrill. wncca nnd nrostllutloii. Knlioe. It a-I Ibari, llutlor and (I rant nro tho other C. I'. I'arrls of Olene enmo In last (mombers. flight to attend to business matters. Hob Adams was up Tuesday from United Press Service SPIIINOFIELD, March 12. Stacks of iclcgrams and letters confronted tho starvation wago probers when they returned here today. The governors of fourteen states, In response to letters sent out by Lieu tenant Governor O'llara, promised to make Immedlato recommendations to tho legislatures. It has bees learned authorltlvtlr that President Wilson Is la sympathy with the minimum wage principle, and will bo glad to receive tke prob ers and hear the summary of the evi dence already adduced. Tho probers will probably decide tomorrow when tbey will go East. Oa their return tbey expect to probe cob 'lltlons In the sweat shops and factories. Austria to Have Dirigible Untied Press Service I1ERLIN, March 12. The govern ment Is reported to bavo Count Zep pelin's offer to build a military aerial cruller for Austria, under considera tion. It will be the first Zeppelin baa sold to any country. Mills Start Soon WEATHER WILL EXTRA SESSION TO BE APRIL 8 GOVERN 0PENIN6 PLENTY OK MATERIAL FOR HAH' MILLH. HUT ICE HTILL MAMV KltH ALL PLANTS WILL MAKE II IO CUTS PELICAN BAY TO RUN TWO SHIFTS 'hHIPPlNGTON PLANT FMURa ON CUTTING TWENTY-FIVE MIL LION FEET UEFORS REASON IS CIX)8ED If tho weather la what tho aawmlll men hopo It will bo for tho next few weeks, lumbering will bo In full blast early In April. Ice In canals Is hamp ering aomo of tho milts, whllo others THE TARIFF FRAMEHH WILL NOT HE HI-ADY TO REPORT TO CON- OHIMH IIY APRIL I, HENCE l)K-,lll hold hack a whllo in order to x- ,w ui'ccmv avoid any danger of lumber becoming h. m hukjiu j, mined In pile boforo tho weather """ - " Is fuvornblo. Culled Press Hervlco Tho II lg llasln Lumber company ex- WASHINGTON, D. C, March 12. pi eta to begin operating Its West Side Pramers of tariff measures today told mill March 20. Thcro aro plenty of President Wilson that they would logs hero from tho Keno camp, and rot ho ready to report by April 1st when tho mill starto, Itwlll cut 00,- .. I . l-..,n.l Ik. .i-j.-l.lArt. urlll (!( fjuil n iMv. ' l( IK lllllivroiuuil nu '.vn.MVM ... vww w m. Twenty-five million feet of lumber wilt bo cut this season by the PeHcan Hay Lumber company, according to 11. D. Mortcmon, bead of that con cern, who returned Tuesday from a business trip to Los Angeles, San Francisco and other California cities. "Tho tlmo of opening the mill de pends upon the weather," said Mr. Mortonson. "At present there is eight inches of Ico In our log pond, and un til this Is melted we cannot hope to operate the plant. We figure on starting tho lat of April. "It I our Intention to operate the mill twenty hours a day, In order yto ALGOM A AWAITING BREAKING OF ICE NEW DOILER BEING INSTAXLED AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS MADE IN THE MEANTIME AT THE RIG PLANT MINIMUM WAGE LAW FRI6HTENS CHICAGO RETAILERS MAY RAISE WAGES OF GIRLS IN ORDER TO DEFEAT MEASURE FIXING THE SALARIES United Pre. Sente) .CHICAGO, March 12. Big mer chants may voluntarily raise tke wages of girls, hoping thereby to stop the passage of the minimum wage law. The State btreet Retailers Associa tion today mad. overtures for a con ference with the prober. cull tho extra so.hIou to coqvene on , It Is tho Intention of the Illg Daslnicntch up with our unfilled orders," April 8th. Reclamation Attaches Don't Expect Aeroplane Motorcycle, Automobile. Wagon and "Shanks Mare" Will Continue in Vogue on Klamath Project .....I.... ............... ...111 - 4 AAA Aft ..I.U.I llA.t.H.An Udk awmaa- t. IftV. .I.UIIlUVr IUUI1KIII lu mill tUVVVVVluuuvu hui ivuavu. nw s&,n)v iw m- fcotof lumber at tho WostSldo plant. 'orago 140,000 foot for each double Tho mill will bo operated ton hours a shift this summer. day, but lator In tho summer a double shift may bo used. Logs for Ackley Brothers' mill aro being put Intho water, and win be rafted to tho milt when neede'd. The ownors havo not doelded upon tho I tlmo tho mill will open. Thero are plenty of logs la our ponds, and sovoral big rafts are ready for delivery, but all la .hold up on ac count of tho weather. Aa soon aa tho Ice molts the mill will open up full blast, and will run Bight and day all summer." s. "Just as soon as the Ice leavea the sawmill will be started, presumably about the 1st of April," says H. 11. Edmunds, general superintendent of tho Algoma Lumber company, who Is visiting tho county seat today. "This year we wilt cut eighteen or twenty million feet. We will run one teu-hour shift,, and expect to cut botwoen 100,00 and 125,000 feet a day. E. J. Grant, secretary of the Al goma Lumber company, will be here from Los Angeles Monday." Workmen are Installing a 72x18 high pressure boiler and making oth er repairs at the big plant at Algoma, preparatory to the opening of the mill. The machinery for the box fac tory will reach Algoma In a short time, and it Is believed that the big box factory will be In operation by the 1st of June. It Is believed that the force at the box factory will be greatly Increased this year, notwithstanding the dam ago, to the crops in Southern Califor nia caused by frosts. 1.0S ANOELE8, March II. Engl titer u, A. Ensign of the government rtdnmntlon service, plans today to reriimmond the use of aeroplanes In tho exploration work of his depart ment, Ills decision waa made after a thorough teat, during rwhlch he flew about tho environs or Los Angeles lth aviator Leonard Bonnsy. ... "I hardly look forward to the re ceipt of an aeroplane fleet for use on tl'o Klamath Project," said Engin eer W. W. Patch today, "as I do not know of what use they would be, un- lens to show visitors over the pro Jed, and even then, all would not enro to get such an elevated view of irrigation methods In this section Mr. Ensign la the chief electrical en Klncor of the aervicb. and It la Doaal !to that the work of Inspection for htm would he greatly facilitated by me use of an aeroplane." l, i. .iiwinminnil that Ifvdrocranher Loiand Moslor wanted nn aeroplano for uao In his work, but his wife flatly oujoctod, stating that ho would bo taking sulllclont chancos of get tinir ills nock broken while racing ovor tho country on tho now motor- cyclo tho government baa ordered. Piirchnalne Aaeiit Oohler Is also snld to havo ambitions of being a bird mnn. but ho will havo to contont him- golf to riding tho old motorcycle. Anaiatnnt Kiiirliiocr Cloihom statou that ho had absolutely no desire to uso nn noroplnnoj traveling on an automobile or buekboard being mrfro to his tnsto. Assistant' Project Englneor I. 8. Voorlioes and Fiscal Agont Hoguo nnd Cadon rofusod to bo Intervlowod on tho question. "Whnfa the uset" they snld, "In coso an aeropiano comos, Mr. Patch will bo suro to use It all tho time, providing Mr. Mosler does not see It first." First National Designated as United States Depository Reclamation Service, Indian Service and Forestry Ser vice Will Hereafter do Their Official Banking Through Local Institution, Not by Drafts SOCIALIST VOTE IS OVER 200 AS UNIT FOLLOWERS OF DEBS VOTE AGAINST THE CHARTER. THE WOMEN MAKE UP A DEFICIENCY COMMISSION IS PREPARING TO GO AFTER ROADS REPORTS OF OWNER OF VI SRLS ARR sKMTMsT Pswsmms I to Be Prepare! to CVmgussliaaal Pr.vssl HeUroad Owaed Vessels ') i , J FetetsmVeasMls, tm WeM as) to ofDeaneetlc United Press Senrtee WA8HINOTON, D. C, Marsh II. The Interstate commerce eommlselesi today Initiated a aweepiag prebe eC tho steamship Interests of the rail roads, ordering the roads to subsaR Ani-ll I eih alilMula iknalu Ik n. J 1 latlon of the shipping compaalss, axHk foreign and domestic. The stateasMts of the coastwise compaaJesj wMt be received June SOU. The object of the InvssUgaUoa Is) to ascertain what roada operate steamers, so the cesamlaele will fee prepared to enforce the coagrssslssjal act barring railroad owned veaeets from the Panama canal. CHARTER MAY GO TO COURTS ATTORNEYS DIFFER AS TO 1 PROPER PROCEDURE AT 1 TIME PROVISIONS MAY CHANGED LATER ON The socialist vote In Klamath Falls on the charter proposition was over 200, according to a prominent follow er of Eugene V. Debs. It is believed that this vote went as a unit against the charter. "We have lost some voters from our ranks by change of residence," said a socialist this morning, "but by women voting we were able to make up tho number." Loral attorneys differ aa to the need of testing the new charter la the supreme court. Many arc of tke opinion that there la net tke slightest qusetloa of the legality of Ue aasev ure, and that the delay laeldMtal to the taking of the charter teto tke courts would work a great hardship on Improvement work tkla sua The provisions of the are no receiving coastderaMe i tlon. There are portions of it ' it appears to be the belief should be, changed, and thla may be done after the charter haa been thoroughly tested. Alec Shovels Ice in Street; Wins Seventeen Joe McDonald and Two Friends Each Contribute Five Spot for Making Wager With Cattle Man That" "early bird" adage waa lag that the man wltk the skaral wh brought home to Alec Davla Joe Me- doing more than Davia eemld de. ver Notification that tho Institution tins boon designated as an official de pository by the government was re colvod today by tho directors of the First National bank. The Institution, u short tlmo ago, was Invited by the government to make application for designation as a United States depos itory, and today's action cornea as a result. The need of a United States deposi tory has boon felt here for several years, and of late haa been greatly In creased, on account of the monies be ing haudled by the reclamation ser vice and the Indian service here. Both of theso branches handle an enormous sum each year, which la being ateadt ly Increased by the sale of timber oa tho Klamath Indian reservation. Heretofore, It has been necessary to remit money to Baa Francisco or some other United States depository by bank draft, or to ship the funds by express. This has entailed aa ex pense and considerable trouble. Water users of the Klamath Recla mation project heretofore have been compelled to transmit their payments of water charges through the Lake- view land offlce, and the transmtaaieaJ entailed additional expenditures far bank drafta on the Lakevlew baak. With the' designation of riaeal Agents C, O. Hogue and Harry Cade tb receive water charges, water uiM hereafter will pay their charge, laflet' to the local oSlce of the reclassJaftoa service, Instead Lakevlew. of v.. 'HiA Donald and a few other Klamath Falls men forcibly this morning, as a result of a bet made yesterday aa to suow shoveling powers. The early bird in this case waa Davis, and the futzy caterpillar waa In the, shape of seventeen perfectly milled dollars of the realm. Although there waa considerable dlsagMosaeat Tuesday, alt parties concerned 'agree with the cattle man that he Is ."there and over" aa a aaow veter, and that he Is a financier of arst water. Incidentally, they agree oa tke gist of tke story, whtek rune tkaaiy. jDavia; aad McDonald stood, watsk taga.avaa sheveUng 1m freas tlu 'street Tueaday, wkea Davis veatared Ike remark that the fellow waa teak aaslsjkty slew about agitataac Ik r traasmlttlas- toHjrimsa water. McDonald ss at. to .. i lr .-- . . i ;! sjsjasjkh Davla foreverasore by 3K f' -. ? Thla started aa argumsat la wklsk others Joined, and It heesjM aa Bett ed that McDonald offered' to bet a Ave that Davis could not eleaa'taa lea edf. '"' the street In froat of McDasjusHVssB?'. , porlum, the Oregon Harajw Msss - r I and Haydea's Jewelry at km J Davla took tkla bet, ala,.tw. five dollar bets. . f. "Ob, It's like ladlag saesjssVtssjfa ed tke trio who bet.'s tar Mi their heads together asIassMSjtlji a lim A l-iltf iMSMMI fe 1 portion of the street to -ha preventing Davla f wktoj i making him work kard. aH gf a shovsl,. tke;"lalgar:V near witty salUeaaf tJ eutuae.' -K w v. -. oaoelaem., vestured W ffagfj JPamamaWJ Ipaa sVJsmmw iMBmM'iSn , -? w , M J .-,M, - f s ffs v- .(.- u ?'