err ""flfJPW" it " 'l'w ! 1 SW01W CIRCULATION OF DAILY AND WEEKLY NORTHWESTERN IN GOUNfJS:hri HUITI.IKI) IIV TIIK UNITrlH I'HKHN NKWM NKIIVICK Pie toentag rfaW. W.i- iut" aWKNINO NaTWtM PRINT THB NRWsVWO Hrnnlli Vear No. I,1 KLAMATH FALLS, OHKGON, TUKHDAY, MARCH 11, IMS H4W SBHMff Testimony in the Chicago White Slave Investigation Stirs Entire Country and Congress is Asked to Act WORKING GIRLS IN LOS ANGELES ARE MISTREATED rMOIIANT VIOLATION OF KI(UIT hour taw HiatuiTKu III rtll'ln Hlorlre llruugllt lo Unlit by (11 Wsge InvrallgatloN CuHiiiilllro In Kuullirrn CallfurnlM MrlrvMiU. 1'iMir VrnllUllun, 1'itor Wagra, anil IHnr U llir l.ot of Girl Kuiiiif rr Ill lli Clljr of Amtrla May Take Spawn From Spencer Creek Trout State Game Official and Deputy Dis trict Game Warden Are Look ing Over Promising Stream SHELLY NAIVE Says "Bud" Will Win TO 60 TO PEN I'AHOLKD CONVICT 18 BOUND OVER TO THIS FEDERAL GRAND JURY HUT CASE W FINALLY IUMMIH8ED Shelly Naive, after baring been bound oxer to the federal grand Jury With a flow to lulling trout ipawn Instigation. for distribution IhroiiKhout the Klam- HI"co coming here from I'ortland ur Commissioner Ferguson today on nth country, n. a. other part of """ ' "Prague ha. bconjn ch of ic, l(J , (Ivlfl OHIilnl nllniilliiii fl t a tltm. kamJ aa. - - r the .tale, A. J. Hungup, who U con-,,,,,,, ,r (r()ul ,,,, nm, 'was Immediately turned over to Shcr iiocltd with tho iilllco of thu stato , considering tho advliablllty of n" ,'ow nn1 ,l WM announced tha Less Than 10 Rounds "I Think Bud Will Do It in Four or Six," Is the Prediction Dick Donald, Manager, Makes INVESTIGATION AR8USIN6 THE WHOLE NATION If Dud Anderson comet out sec-1 become a champion. We will eauM ond best In a llttlo seance with ono said aspiration, to take ah awful Knockout Drown, scheduled for Sat- slump on tho afternoon of the ISth, ,1, inltccl Pros Kcrvirw I.OH ANOEI.KH, March lI.-.Tho ' Igttt-tiour working law for women I being flagrantly violated In this city, It la alleged by the city wage lnvc ligation committee, In their report, which was made today. The report stale that women work lug In many of tho stores and factor Its have their health Impaired by poor untllatlon, and tho wages they re ceive are scarcely enough to llvo on. (Ilrls faint dally In tho rive and ten cent stores, declare the report, on1 account of being compelled to standi Upon motion of District Attorney behind counters all day, and recclvlJohii Irwin, Judge Ileuson this morn ing a pittance that make It necessary Mng dismissed the Indictments against for them to curtail their meals. ManyiHamuol 1,. Courtney and J. L. David- unlay afternoon, it will be a great for this bird, aa I take It, baa about Kurnrlse to nil of his friends, but'na much rhunrn nt roll In Itijil aa a l .-- - -- -- . -,-- - w-...w ... v .. ' IMArii m 1 1 111 .M f. . ). V A rtl.l tlnna til I al I IaI A f.M 1 m . at A,atla ... .. Kte warden, and Deputy District trout hatchery on Spencer Crock, tho federal case would bo dismissed. . " . ". 7 . V 7 7K:"::: "It". Zl ""'". "" (lame Warden Carey M. left which is one of the most popular Irout K.IW. however, will be sent back to - 1 , " '! n J ' Ithrou.b ThaYafmTm' "" tho stato penitentiary to servo an In- rarallo ease. Ho even baa It doped Idetcrmlnato sentence for the crlmo of out to the number of rounds the mill ll-.-il , -i. Itwltl wn I " " n a letter to Merle Houston, Don ald treats Satuday'a nils In thin wise today for Hponccr Crcok to mako an 'streams In thu county. DISMISS BILLS "Just because a fellow has a big reputation does not necessarily meaa that he la a world beater. I have said that Bud will stop htm la lees thaa I ten rounds. He will do better than licit Linn Kitnuloa Untied Press Hervlce omainmg money unuer pre-, SACHAMKNTO. March II. Tho!,cn"M' for wh,c,J hc WM CMA .... incro a coupie oi years ago. Ill Tlllii ninrfl ' ' ' ,tt " "'" ,c Word was received by Deputy Unit-' "Now about thU next vlcUa, OHe. that. He will stop blm la about four IN I Wll laflArA cm',owl'r ",0 ,,ttt0 ,1ruor commls-,lt 8latc, Marshal Griffith this after- K- Drown, who baa aspirations toor six. Ill I II V VnVLV "ion i t'xlcnd tho stato boll lino In noon that In the event of Nalve'a pa- Knil I'rancllCO to tho exposition site rnln hnln rnkad hv Jnda ruaann .... .. - I - - t tho redoral charge be duause4. Tala action was takes. Kalvo waa arrested at the Comet lodging house with two other men a CONORBW AMUftD TO PAW Mm. MUM WAOB MIX Oeveraer ef Jews ta Hferial age to Leajlstafrt, Urajee to Make Work ef veaJe HkvaUea Vm4rwmt4 ft kf . tkeMaJewMr I to handlo tho traftlc from the ferry IllHTItlCT ATTOUNEV IHtOl'M THE hro, .....a--- - I wii.viHtr.n .vu.ii.tni n. iuviii NEY A.M J. I IIOTII (lUNNEIUi l.eo Court, a prominent Klamath DAVIDHON county dnlryman, was in Tuesday (from his ranch on the Midland road. Homer Smith, who reside on tbej Merrill road, waa a county seat vis-1 Itor Monday. J. R. Dixon returned to his ranch i few daya ago, and has alnce been cob- Monday, after a abort business so- fined In the couaty"JaU. IJcurn in the county seat LITTLE WAIVES FIRST HEARING dlapcuie with breakfast or tho noon meal, and thu weakenod, are unablo to stand tho strain. Many women employees of stores sou. I loth wore charged with assault with n dangerous weapon. The chargo against Courtney was preferred by Charles How an, who New City Charter Adopted by Men and Women Voters MAN ACCUSED OF BOOTLEGGING IS BOUND OVEA TO THE FEB- ERAL GRAND JURY IIV UNITHD 8TATE8 COMMDJeUONEK and laundries recolve only $4 a week.'mnrrlod Courtney's divorced wife. Ho i - It ono of the charges mado by tho ln-!charged Courtney with drawing a re-J ,.. . w . vr.tig.tors, who further hold that.iver and threatening to km him. i Third Ward Favored New Legislation by Just One Vote. IlinillfflV HllttA.H.ktalai.1 a I...., I. I I M 1 ll H1I1 H It t Ifl Wll VnAKftl I 7 V --...a miiiiMivwvuvi aia Hvyi iu i m..-wm, ..w - ""! tho nowspapor by tho laundrlc to i Midland far in or, was arrested upon supply girls to replace thoso who are complaint of Dr. W. A. Leonard and Injured In the mangle. it Is declared that tho strain under which trained nurse aro compelled to work Is o aevere that no nurao can live more than sli yoars. A further Instigation of the latter charge I to be mado, Including visits to all of l tie hospitals Henry Itabbe. Tho two woro hunt InK on Davidson's farm, when David- sou opened flro on themwlth a shot-' gun 1 Outcome Was in Doubt up to the Final Count, and Neither Side was Over Confident A. Little, one of the trio arrested in a raid on the Comet house last 'week, baa been bound over to the federal grand Jury on a charge of sell ing liquor to Indian. When brought before United States Commissioner Charlea J. Ferguson, Llttlo waived hi examination. IIAHING AVIATOR GETH NEW RECORD Ily a majority of 67 vote, 993 vot-;one vote, Tho charter saade It best Mr. and Mr. George E. (lllletto of iionaiua aro here for a abort visit. I.. H. Denton of Kort Klamath Is a county seat visitor. t lilted Tress Hervlce I'AUIfl, March 11. Aviator Torre- though you In n monoplano asccudod 19,800 soma minor dofoct in tho instrument, er of tho city Monday decided that tha charter formulated by a special commission of citizens should be the otllclal instrument ot the city. Even It Is alleged that thero are ftol nt tho lluo aorodomo today. This is the record or tho world for altitude. Klamath Delegation is tho majority of tho uton and women hold that It vm better to adopt the moasuro and later romody Its Imper fections. Tbo polling Iu the Third ward, the largest In the city,' was remarkably closo, tho charter carrying by Just run Iu tho Second ward, while the nntl's woro strongest la the Fourth, whoro the Mills addition turned out In force to ote against the measure. Tho voto by ward follew: For Against First Ward 90 48 Second Ward 307 77 Third Ward 176 174 Fourth Ward 43 137 Fifth Ward 38 S3 Total 645 448 Never was a local election ao much I in doubt a Monday's balloting, and prediction made Monday were none too positive as to the outcome. 'There wore supporters of both side of the fight who were none too certain that they would be victorious when the smoko of battle cleared away. Tho first voting ot the women ot tho city waa the cause ot the specu lation, a tbo leaders of both aide frankly admitted that the fair ex was an unknown quantity as tar as tho voto went McArthur Says Session Is the Best in the History of the State. Carp ing Papers Notwithstanding RALKM, March 11. la reviewing the work ot the recent legislature, Speaker C. N. McArthur, before leav ing for hi home la I'ortland, paid a high tribute to Senator Thompsoa of "rook, Klamath and Lake counties and lleprosentatlve Forbes and Smith of Crook, drant, Klamath aad I.nke countlM. "Central Oregon was very ably rep rcsentod." said Speaker MoArthur. "flonator Thompson Is on of the cleanest and ablest men that ever sat In the state senate, and I can y the siime thing about Representatives Forbes and Smith, whose work I watched with a speolal Interest dur ing the cession. Forbes did excellent work on the committee oa the revi sion of laws aad irrigation, aad Smith on the committee of ways and mean and Irrigation. The success of tha appropriation bill for tho rollof ot tho Columbia Bouthern project was duo to thoso throo gontlomou, and I am cortuln that their constituent ap preciate tho excellent sorvlcs render ed. 1 spook particularly ot Forboa and Smith because they woro In tho house, and tholr work canio undor my penonul observation, and I wish to soy that no mon stood higher or ac complish more during the session. "Tho rocont hosbIou will go down na tho boit In tho history of tho stato, im tho record of constructive legisla tion speaks for Itsolf. Carping nows papor and cheap domagoguos may rant ami ravo, but tho general publlo understands tho animus behind such criticisms, and will Judge tho legisla ture by tho results achieved." Attorney C. C. Urower returned last night from a business trip to Portland aad 8alem. (Continued w Praised Speaker,Friedmarals Eyes Fm he Looks at Pitiful Sufferer Anderson Faithful Case Is Dismissed Sixteen Year Old Girl, Child of Tuberculor Parents, Makes Trip Alone From Canadian Wilds to be Treated by German Scientist at Montreal WANAMAKER PAYS A GREAT FINE I'nlteil Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. March 11. The treasury department announced (be acceptance of 1100,000 from Joaa Wannamakcr ot Philadelphia as a compromise of tho civil liability for custom frauds. " The Information charged that val uable merchandise la sample cases waa marked "ot no commercial value." United Press Servlee WASHINOTO.V, D. C. Marea 11. Appeal from every part ef the Unite Bute are being: received hV rnigrse mea aad seaators, fctag theea !' urge the early eoasMeratiea ec a we mea's mlalmum wage bill. The preMem will be mm ef the tat considered at the rsmmeanemwt C the December session, say of both house. The revelations maae'ia cage whit slave laveetlgatlea hm stlrred.thewaelei United Piei DE8 MOINES. March 11 te a clal message to the legletatar. Oer eraor Clarke toaay urgea the appseai meat ot a Joint committee te laveeU gato the causes of the social evil ami white slavery. It Is believed that the eomaaMiee will be appointed today. The aoajr will commence InvesUgstleas la the captUL United PrenSernee v CHICAQO. March 11. 'The sail- lloaalre employers ef girie aad who are testifying legislative white slave committee, aad eaa see a tloa between low wage aad proettta tloa, either have eustle eeasslea') or ao consciences at all," said Liea tenant Governor O'Mara todar. 'That starvation wages to taetr employes has beea the means of their coining enormous proat, haa beea proved concluslvsly. Deay It'Mtaey may, they cannot coaviaee the) pafett that they do not know that lew waaea I the prime factor canslag tha. rata of girl." "It Is up te them." eaaUaaadUMr. O'Hara, "to redeem tbeawervea a raiting the wages of all girl i to the bread Uaa which, the raa 4j Griffith Instructed to Notify Forty or A' United Press Service MONTREAL, March 11. Slxteen- yoar-old Mary Raucour, whose par ents rocontly died ot tuberculosis; and who inhorltod the wmio piague irom them, presented such a pitiful light that slio brought tears to the eye ot Dr. Fredorlck Frledmann. As a re sult, ho was tho first to be treated by tho Qormau scientist. Tho girl lives in tho wilds of North ern Canada, and hearing of the visit to (his city of Frledmann, she made the trip alone In the '.hopes of being cured of the dread malady. When Frledmann entered the Roy al Edward Tuberculosis Institute, his eyes first rested on the girl. Tears filled his eyes as he examined the chart, and he shook his head sadly. When he looked at the girl again her oye were moist. "We will try our best to save you," he declared. She wa the first taken to the clinic. Dr. Frledmann waa welcomed by Colonol Durland, chief benefactor ot the Royal Edward Institute, He was greeted at the station by a Urge crowd. Tha German scientist was escorted to a hotel, where a reception was held by prominent physicians ef the Do minion, all of whom came to the city for the express purpose of hearing Frledmann. Following the reception; Frled mann, aad the medical mea went to the Institute, where Frledmann ad ministered the germs to a number of patients. Fifty physicians witnessed the Inoculation with the .greatest In terest. The doctors were most friend ly to the visitor, aad ho Is well ttoaa ed at his reoeptloa. More" Witnesses Before They Start for Portland (' '- f', "I i t ndersoa Faithful, the Klamath Ia dian who has beea held in Portland on a charge of kllllag his wife, ha beea liberated, following the dismis sal ot tha charge against him la the federal ceurU Word to this elect waa resolved to day by Deputy United States Marshal W. B. Griffithwho haa been here far the past few days,' serving farty-tw witaeas subpeeaas on the Klamath reservation. Griath WMaaatraetod to notify the witnesses sA'eiasvfta'at .. r.. der to save the a trtse FatfjaJstV. reuBitu wne waa I jpsj-i instr eaam waavav oebr,' mi, her ktit crashed m taea soma aeayr arreetea laiamn he was aaaMs U aecouat of Ms wMtrt ' There la tkatftjawdcl W.J awmr ; t- v' "j U fljtfr-Ai.jStijrfi i