'il SWORN CIRCULATION OF DAILY ANQ WEEKLY NORTHWESTERN IN COUNTY IS Sff HUPPI.IKD MY THM UNITi;i I'HKNH NRH'M SERVICE mm unim tUlb. iwum mnm I'fuirr tiu iaw, not c P. Heirnlli Year Ne. 7 KLAMATH PALM), OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 10, IBIS . at 1 J TOBACCO JUICE IS WEAPON USED BY NAUGHTY MEN (XDII'iai.NT IH MARK IIV I'HOMI. MINT HUKFHAGK LEADER lone Sninlc Hub-CwiwHiKtee Will H rrlir .tffhlrttll Mado hf MIm Patrl King George Meets Earnest Suffragettes Women Force Their Way to the Roy al Carriage and Endeavor to Pre sent a Petition to the King United I'resa Aervlre LONDON, March 10. King (leorgo while rii rontu to parliament waa ac- rU 8lnH, Hrttlag Furili INagrswj coated by five suffragettes at Wlilto ful Cuiiilurt r Mra Ihiriag the Vm- Hall. The women forced their way to ....,. rt..ffmn rmik. of . lAWk."'0 '"'' ro" """ ncmpiel I'fo United I'reas Service WAKIIINOTON, l. C, Mnrcli 10, Alice Paul, tlio prominent suffrage eJtir, declares that ehe Intends to prmctit Mlaa Patricia Street's affidavit , to I lie Jones sonata sub-committee. MIm Htrrrt ha inado oath that cor- SOCIAL MEETING HELD TUESDAY .MKMIIKIW OF THK CIVIC LEAOUE WILL COMBINE BUSINESS WITH PLEASURE AT ALL FUTURE MEETINGS) tent n petition to tho kins. They wero promptly arrested, A largo crowd which quickly gath ered threatened to duck tho militant urrruKfttra In n lako In Ht. James' Park. Instead of Betting only for tbe purpose of carrying on tbe business of tho organization, tbe Women's Clrle Lcsguo will hereafter bold social at- ternoona In connection. Literary an- tertalumenta, mutlcalet and other California Law Makers to Have Long Session Solohs do not gee Possibility for Ad journment for Many Weeks. The Governor Insists on 6 Weeks United Press Service BACRAMENTO, March 10. Sea- ntor Strowhrldge Introduced a resolu- The police finally .ucceeded In ,eatur wlt'b glvea during tbe com- Uon t0Uy' "I,nf tho Um' ot tha Min WfirHttll f-fifil Him mfmnm I. .......... KottliiK tho women from the acene. Ing aprlng and taauatr. tain mill deliberately tpal tobacco Juice In tho facea of women who par tklpali"! In the auffrago parade hero on March 3. TVIETMOE GIVES WORLD MESSAGE LABOR WOltKUlt DKCLAHEH THAT I ATTORNEY AM I'KliMlAL JUDGE WERE UNFAIR UNITE AMI EDUCATE Marhln GcU Office Cnltcd Treat Bervlce Tot la HHter United I'reaa Service llOMi:, March 10. At the Vatican United I'itm Service KAN FHANCIHCO, March 10.- today It waa alated that tho popo lint oiuaf Tvletmoo In a itatoment Issued irrally Improved In health, and speedy recovery la predicted. his IK SENT BY PARCELS POST today bitterly doununcod United 'Mate UUtrlct Attorney Miller of In dlaiiMpoli and Judgo Auduraon, who .tried the cnaca In which labor leadera J were convicted of conspiracy to trana- .port dynamite. J "I havo ono nicsaaca to all work en," ald Ttletmoo. "It la: Unite leducalo, underatand, and ydu will lumjuor the world," COSTKIIIUTIO.MI OV MATKRIAL IX)ll TIIK KKHCTIO.N' OK A HOI'HK IN CHICACU) TRAVKL A Ml.VO IIIKTANCi: UtM I1 hToJlllli Tbe flrat of thee meetings will be held tomorrow afternoon at the weat liall nt Ilia lAA Clin...' Knll.ll WABIIINJITON. I). C, March 10.-coramcncnc -t c.rd, - rhoaen.to today confirmed tho nom.lfrMhmcnU w be th JJC , limlloii of Marblo to bo comn,erc'vcrgjomi comrnUiloner. I ..... ' , , .. . , ,... llleccd to Inrlte three friends to at tend tho meetings. Ijournment of tho atato legislature at midnight, April 27th. Tbe resolu tion waa referred to the rnlet com mittee. Governor Jobaaoa U demaadlag that the legislature adjourn the ett alon at tbe end of six weeks. Senator Wright declared today that bo did not tee any possibility of aa adjournment within tbe time apeclled KLAMATH WOMEN VOTE FOR FIRST TIME ON CHARTER HOT LITTLE HllHH1 M TAKWV IX THJS RMVaVr Ulrttior to Meet A incotlng of tho hoard of directors of tho Klamath Chamber of Com merce will bo called at 4 o'clock to morrow afternoon for tho purposu of Klvlng attention to Important busi ness matters. August Llskoy waa In from Mid land Haturday, giving attention to business raattera. Jamea 1'elion Klamath. j .W. O. Downing lias resigned aa -" " i manager of tbe Star. Drug Store, and, Is hero from Fortjnccompanled by Mrs. Downing, left I Haturday night for San Franclaeo. Kdgar Llvesay la here from Merrill, attending to business matters. Ha brought In threo One bobcat skins. Will Sanderson, brother of tbe lato Ma or Fred T. Sanderson, Is bert from Ashland, attending to business In connection with his brother's estate. L. J. IUuman la here from Bonanza, on a business trip. W. II. Doney came In Sunday from the ranch. Kuio Worth wo.eee d I'jiM Hervke .AND. March 10. Mrs. Ab- t.nrMIIIer. widow ot tho lato 1'oet of tho Hlerras, was today appointed J !ylmliilitratrlx of her huaband' es- IHIV, TCIIII.II ! VlllUUtl III ftfVtVVVi Technical Point in Horsefly Project Case Finally Decided Judge Benson Settles Question and Friends of the Irri gation Project are Confident of Final Victory Soon. Case Involves Important Plan of Irrigation TOWNS PLAN TO RETAIN SALOONS BOTH BLY AJJD FORT KLAMATH WILL LNCORPORATK NECHbU HARY LEGAL STEPS TO BE TAJt K. BOON 0. L. Kelloy last Thursday sent by! parcels poat a brlrk of local manufao- c Ki McUunhlln Is a turn to lo used In building a brick iiutol Hall. huuao at the Coliseum In Chicago dur-1 ' tig the Clay Products eipoaltlon, says; Iho Uko County Examiner. This, brick will be one of tha 3C.000 sent by parrels post from every brick plant urn milieu oiaiea io w uaeu in rnnitriictlon of the house, which will bo Klveu away and re-erected aftor (tin munition. Tim Idea was originated to teat tho merits of the parcel poat system and la certainly a novel one. A record was kopt of each brick from the tlmo It wna mailed until delivered In Chi cago, In order to set how speedily Undo Ham can deliver a brick house by mall. It la probable that mall car rlors In Chicago will not be overly en tliualnatlc for this method of deliver ing n brick house. Other carriers throughout the country will watch the experiment with much Interest. Tho brick weighed flvo pounds, and l Mr. Kelley 51 cents to get It to H destination, hut he baa the novel distinction of having a brick In the first brick house sent by mall, as well as being the first to Introduco a take low product la Chicago. Judgo Uonson this morning render-1 upon 'tho ground that tbo recitals ln,cult court the As a result of the announctsaeat of the passage of the bill prohibiting the selling of liquor outside of Incorpor ated towns, plana art under way to Incorporate Fort Klaanatk and Bly la this county. No Information hat beta received from Mails or Creeeeat, hat It U believed that both of thott placet will foUow tht actloa of Bly and Fort Klamath. W. W. Smith. uaoHclal mayor ot Illy, stated this afternoon that the necessary legal steps prellaaiaarr to the Incorporation of Bly would be taken before tho end ot the week. KANSAS MAN IS SOUGHT IN WEST WAS LAST HEARD KANE FOUR VEARA AOO ifElj. ATIVi:H WILL I'AV L1IIERAL REWARD Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Alexander or Medlclno Lodge, Kansas, are anxious ly awaiting news of their son, H. Craig 'Alexander, llo hasn't Jjajn ticaHCaMtu 'or four years. MS i m, now zb years oiu, anu wnon last heard of ho waa In 8pokauo, Wash., attending business college. A liberal reward will be paid to the ono locating him. Any nows can bo wrltton to H. O. Williams, 931 Litch field avenuo, Wichita, Kansas. ed a decUlon on a much mootod nolnt guest nt tho '" "lu ,nmou Horsefly Irrigation case, linn mote who ravor mo pian nro con fident that tho start of the Important project Is almost In sight. While tho point decided by tbo court today Is technical, It Is claimed that It opens tho way clearly for the futuro legal procedure, and la a vic tory for llioao who favor tho lasuance of tho bonds for tho scheme. Judgo Denson's opinion follews: I Tho (juration argued and submitted i. .. . -. ... j -. OF AT HPO- l0 ll, co,"i ou oaiuraay anernoon, February 8, 1913, Is this; Tho defendants offor In ovldenco tho original petition for tho organisa tion of tho Horsefly Irrigation Dis trict, and propose by moans of this exhibit, nnd other evidence, to lm pcacho tho order of tho county court, declaring tho said Irrigation district duly organised. To this offer, tho petitioners objoct the final order of the county court are seek to litigate. Klamath County Bull to be Tried at Rodeo Two Year old at Crisler and Stilts Ranch Shows Decided Aversion for Saddle. Throws Riders concluslvo upon tho facts therein re cited. The auprcmo court la a recent case, decided on January 28th ot the pres ent year, in a caso where a specified territory hnd undertaken to establish a port comilBslon, hat the following to say, in an opinion by Chief Justice Mcllrlde: "Plaintiff and all others having In terests adverse to the organisation ot tho port were, by tho publication of tho notice of election- required by law, duly and legally apprised of the pend ency ot tho proceedings, and either before tho election, or within the sev en days Intervening after the election, could havo appeared before tbe court nnd pointed out the alleged defects In tho petition, and In a simple and In expensive proceeding have made them selves parlies to tbe record there, and sottled by review or appeal to the clr- queatlons they here The findings ot tbe ! i county court that the port had been , il.. .i ...-. -..f..a . a a. I IVEHI17 iuu UU17 urauivu, BUH iu- corporated, and the entry of this find ing In tbe Journal, was a final adjudi cation of evory fact necessary under the law to constitute a valid corpora-! tlon, Including the location of Its boundaries, and tbe matter sought to be litigated here Is res adjudlcata." This position of the supreme court la In manifest accord with the statutes providing for the organisation of ir rigation districts, as will bo readily soon upon a careful examination there of. Section 6168, L. O. L., provides for a petition to be presented to tbe coun ty court, and a bearing thereon, after published notice thereof, and a final order ot the county court, and then say a: "On the final hearing tho court 1 Continued on Page 4) SOFFRAGETTES ARE FIRE BOGS RAILWAY STATION'S IN ENGLAND ARE SET ON FIRE, FRE8CMA BLY BY WOMEN WHO WANT RIGHT TO VOTE BecasMe Bat a Single Qastslsa so to Be Voted oa M la Bspeettd TlHst the Rotate WiU Ha Kaawa If e'CtoekTtasH Vote Is Expected to Accoawt of That Fact Tho quettloa ot adeatlac or rojtt Ing tho charter reeeaUy prepared f a commlarioa of Klamath FaUa aW seas is beiag determlaed at tho' poat today. Tho fact that wetaoa, for tha first tlmo la Klamath Falls, art vot ing maket the olectloa aaaauaL Tho polls wort oaoaod la tho vt election precincts at o'cloek thta morning, aad will ho closed at 7 that , evening. The fact that than la hat one quettloa to he voted oa will mako tho couatlag simple, aad tha raaaJt should ho kaowa by e'etetk. There wero 466 Klamath FaMt wo- mta who registered for tho tltttlto, but It fa aot believed that tatro wtU be a heavy veto hy tho wetaoa. Practically aa ntmttlaalag haa beta doao oa tho ttrtett, atvdltharo appears to bo hat litUa latartat tahoa laUoratak. Mrs. K. J. Marray, whoao ! hat beta so aetlvo la tho MM i the charter, was em tho aarait thta moralag. i. 'Are yea oaavMJmtiac,t'' aaa rto A bucking bull, which furnished to much amusement nt the Elks' Rodeo lt spring, It to bo a feature of tho liowiMia (hit tummtr. This year n Klnmuth county bovine will bt used, as a 2-year-old at the Crltltr Stilts much it rapidly rounding lato form bucktr, Lost tummtr ranch htadt tried riding the aalmal la a tplrit qf iport, but nftcr aevoral had been uncore mrnloutly "piled," tho boat riders on tho much wero summoned in an effort to tubduo the animal. Tho results wero tho sumo, all bolng piled off, Inutcad ot submitting, tho bull be comon more difficult to ride, lie Is perfectly gentlo In every other way, but ho does like to buck when a rider gets on hit back. MIDLAND SHIPS SOME LIVESTOCK BUSY WEEK IH NOTED FROM THK WELL KNOWN SHU'l'INO POINT NEAR HERE ALL OF STOCK IN FINE CONDITION Last week waa active in livestock shipments from Midland, The fol lowing shlpmonta' wero made; Flvo cara ot cattle by Fred Stukel to Swanson ft Son. Six cars ot cattle and sheep by Louis derber to Sacramento. Four cara of cattle by W. 0. Dal ton nnd Frank Adams to Portland. Sovon cars of fine horses by Oeorge Manning to Stewart ft Co. ot San Francisco, All of tho stock camo from the big ulfnlfa feeding grounds near Merrill, and were in flue condition. Fred a, Brown It here from tht Brown ranou on Crystal Crook, at tending to business matters. Alox Cheyno and toa, Robt Cheyae, have returned to their hornet near Merrill, after attendlag to business matters In tho county teat Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. CaatrtU Itft Sunday for Kodmoad. They may de cide to locato In tho thriving Central Oregon community. MORGAN TRAVELS WITH MEXICAN AMERICAN FINANCIER AND FOR. MEK PRESIDENT DIAI ARK TRAVELING ON THE SAMH LINER United Press Service ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, March 10. Tho posseugtr liat of the liner Adri atic, en route to Ntw York via Na ples, Includes the names of J. Pler pont Morgan and Porlrlo Dial, The1 latter will stop In Fraaet to matt offi cers who are to tteort bias, hack to Mexico, SPECIAL VENIRE NEEDED IN CASE THE REGULAR PANEL WAS HX- HAVSTED THM MORNING IN SE LECTION OF JURORS FOR THE WORDEN CASE Litigation of aa earlier day waa dragged lato the circuit court today when the suit ot Piatt ft Piatt against Charlea D. Wordta waa commenced. The Platta are Portland attorneys, and they tue to recover f 1,000 attor ney feet alleged to he due tor legal services teadered Wordea la bit ac tion against C. 8. ft R. 8. Moore tev eral yeara ago. The regular panel ot Jurort waa ex hausted this morning. BherlK Low was Instructed to summon a special venire ot tea mea. R. C. Klepptr, formerly local rep resentative of the Wood-Curtis com pany, it here from California far a thort villi United Press Service LONDON, March 10. Tho ger station ot the Great Western and Central railway! at Saundertoa, Buck inghamshire, was burned today. Cards received state that suffra gette were responsible. Simultaneously tho Croxley sta tion of the London ft Northweetera railway and the ttattoa at Watford were partially buraed. Oeorge J. Waltoa returatd Saaday night from a hustnosa trip to Mod- ford and Aaaland. He haa beea away several dayt la the laterteta of the Callfornla-Oregoa Power eompaay. "I doa't thlak R la you?" the asked. "I aaau vote, however. At the city hall votlavg started etwir and la the Irtt hear 17 votes had been cast. At 3 o'clock the vote la the Third ward was 270, aad la the Fourth 140. At thkt time the womea voters wero beginning to tare out la fore. REPORT AROUSES SONORA PFOPtE REBELS ARK RAW TO Ml MAHCaV ING ON A TOWN ACtaOW BORDER FROM NOttALBB, i AND RlWUGanal CHOM United Proat Service NOdALES, Arta., Marsh !, Ko- galea aad Soaora were throws lata a panic of fear today hy the report that huadredt of rebett are asereWag aa the towa. Scores ot refugees, eerryiag their valuables, have ted to the tmerleaa side. ' Landscape Artist is to Give Lectures in City Edward EvereU Weed Will Tell of the Parks and Playgrounds of the World Friday and r X VI An llluttrattd lecture oa parka aad play'grpunda throughout the world will be givea at Houstoa't opera bouse Friday aad Saturday algbts hy Edward Everett Weed of Portlaad. The lectures are given wader the auspices of the Womena Clvle League aad no admitsloa will he oharged. Mr. Weed't talks are llluttrattd w,lth hand oolortd laatera tUdet. showing parka la every portloa of the globe. Oa aetoaat H the j. i-frv. of united aetloa la heaatsfyaMJcvas) park tKe la thta ttty Ute llimf should bo fall ot. neefel hate 1m Klamath Falls, aad sJteaMha i meant ot latttillltt ': tm'm beautiful park Utee;aaa at W people. i .' ;iU Woatta't CM!; beta worklag'. ClMr,Deaaial,"atkltl lalttatlve la la wt od I thaaark'ssat.'''' "-. , ' V-K. -tAKS '..!, 'k "Va- KMta. ,i.t,JSilS!alj: A 'Ms,lt&i, - i&k -?d