",rwy -T -W"' TV. WT T Upw J.fPTT V 7H TflTT" Trw."! V. w SWORN CIRCULATION OF DAILY AND WEEKLY NORTHWESTERN IN COUNtY IS 571 HUITIJKI) MY TH UMTKD I'KMM NRWM HKHVICH Ik Ironing m Iff aid KVKN1XO NRWHPi I'ltlXT TIIK NKYVft, NOT HcTtnlit Yrr So. 9,909 KLAMATH FALLS, OIIKCJO.Y. HATlUinAV, MAUCIf H, 1IIIS Prk, n Own Tax Payers Leagoe is Formed to Keep Members in Touch With the Financial Affairs of the County ........ .1 i. . .. ... ... .... ..,. I,, Qkw HORRIBLE TALES ARE RELATED AT INVESTIGATION I.VMATi: OK ItKHOHT TKIJA OF L'MKI.KMM HTHl'CKU.K I'nulito lo HujfMrt Meres aad tlill.l Kuykendall & Ferguison Pay High For Warrants Well Known Attorneys Make County Employees Happy by Paying 100 Cents on Dollar for Warrants AN OPINION ON CHARTER MATTER It was ascertained today Hint tti nl but received 9G cent on tho tlol uiillru pay roll or tho form In tho lar. I Darrow Jury Fails to Reach Verdict; Quits Talesmen Discharged Shortly Before Noon by Judge Conley, Four ! . Held Out for an Acquittal (Ily D. V. Kuykindall) Having been usked by many voter '-OS ANQKLES, March 8. After After tho dismissal of tho Jury of tho fclty for ray opinion wbotbor nrgulng tho matter for over forty- J"1ku Powers, who conducted the de- ATTOKXKV MK UXIIIAHLI) HTATKMI'.XT AH TO 8TATC8 OF IXKTKU.MK.NT TO' lit: VOTI.'I) Ul'O.V MOXDAV . 'f ..I. . .. a. ..I. ... ..!.. ...- . .. . . .... . . ..... II kpihi wy in irrwnmm;iciiuiiir nrr miiro na wen nn me A Illiiailie H-aiuro or 1110 Uliying 01!, ... V .,. ... . .. fonso nrnin nn.l ilnmnn.lnd that tl,n mi' i'iuntfluu iiiaiiur wpuiu uu vniltl vom ,ivu, n.u jui iij tuu uartuvt ' hltirr, Hlio Wa Vucrttl to Knlv n l.lfn of Hliame - Illinois lMrf. Klir Am Mliorard at tho IH clMurr dato bo ict for a now trial of tho CIIICAOO, March . A pitiful itnry luld Itin member of tho UcUlatlvo white slave probo thl rournlne by "L (.," an Inraato of a bouo of III repute, who I at a hos piul, n physical and mental wreck. Sbp itiiMoJ that her husband died, lost Inn her a child to uppcrt, and a ha n unable to support herself and lltllr una on l week, ab was i forced lo enter a reeorL "A procurer drought a lltllo girl of 17 to the retort under ton pretext," "U Hie unfurtunale woman, "fllio was carried upetalra, flfhtlnx madly, hd her clothe were taken away from licr. "It vri week before he ubralt It I lo the condltfon of the life (he forced lo enter, and every night I could hear her deipalrlng cream. Like inyielf, alio J now In a boipltal, broken down In health and iplrlt." "I did not dream that luch a hoi- ll'h condition could exist on cnrlh," cicUlmed Kenator Juul. Other mem bcrs of the commission made similar sicrosldiis, and all were visibly af ftrted by tho testimony, given In the bojHi of .arfiig olhor women from sin. Tho rouimlsslpn may try to punish Vl'o ('resident Simpson or Marshall Wold & Co., for contempt He re futed to iiinko an ostlmate of tho com I'sny's proitt. l.'dHnrd lllllman, owner of a large department store, testified that bo bo Kn life ns a cash boy, earning $3 week. When asked m to the relation of low acos and prostitution lllllman replied : "I don't know the situation i Miiy, inn believe girls sell them- es ralhor than stsrvo. rorco In the sheriff 's olllru rereltud llio warrants was that Kurkendall K 100 ceula on the dollar for thulr wnr- Ferguson, who !ino been tho nttor- lf nuopted I have Investigated the " returned to tho court room at ..... ..! il. . S HI ...... ... t . . .. . am j. . . . .. At. I -i. . . ruin iiirpamry mr inn inniiiii in reu- nejs in mo recent cases in wiiicn tnc question nnu nnu tuat tuu law or '; mis raorninB, nnu roportcu it against tho labor attornoy. ruary. validity of certain warrants was In- il9l7, under which alt slate, city and hopeless dlsncrccmcnt. Conlcr flxed March 3lt Judge lleretoforn county employe havo xilved, wero tho purchasers, 'constitutional amendment havo been They woio discharged by Judge POPE ILL; All District Attorney Fredericks tntnl suumitica nl statu and city olcctlous, Conley. that tho caso will bo trlod nenin ir I ir. nnu ir. in j, iaiion aro upmu ocen prciiy wen seiiieu oy tho Foreman rcttlnglll stated that tho the defenso wishes It. from their Ttilo I.ako ranch. Mr. and supremo court, nnd I UBo no uoubt Jury wan dhldcd eight to four. Grant. "I should havo bean acaulttoi! nt ! i law Is fallouotl to nut IL Intn rttort It ln in. - " " --.x..-, .. ...a .u. Mrs. J. Frank Adams and son, Martin, "inl i( ,ho c,1,ir,er ' elected nnd the Itoblnson, Humor and Sctcbcll, stand- onco on tho cvldcncq offered against -i... i .... .. i iumuvu iu iiui it iiuu tiiuu. ii inn ior acauiuni. l nor remsinoii m ' nirt Dnrrnv. "t nm .ni.pm n.. lliniCUPCO fiCC .m. and 11....... win .hin-.n"i-.,r I..'". b"1.!!' '!?" l ? !,0u' """ tot several to stay hero In Loa Angeles and light HIIIIII Hill il llir . ioi nioniaiii raus, io me exclusion oi Lours. until I am acquitted of tho chargo I It. Ilrown of Wordcn Is spendlnr HINTII T IS hl'l TCIII.Sd IIIO.M IA eiiii'i'i: ami niio.vciiiAii Tiiou- M.VJi ().MHTIO.V IH A TltlKI.K ! HKHIOlrt horse to I'orlland. and tho ladles faiiv succeiiful or umuecruful elmr. (w gu ahead of (hem and await their tor of the past. arrhul In tho Kose City. - I Votors of tho city will be safo In Saturday In tho county scat. - - - - -- passing on tho charter on Its merits, Mr. and Mrs. I.. I). Control! aro In for, If adopted, the proposed charter to do Saturday shopping. will clean tho slntc, and give us a now HORSEFLY MEET United Press Kervlce ( ROMK, March 8 Admires from tho, Vatican aro lo tho effect that I'ope, I'lus X. Is III. Alt audiences hatof been suspended Indefinitely. Tho pontiff condition Is consider-, ed none too good by tho attending. physicians. Ho Is reported la bo suf-, furlug from la grippe and bronchial I trouble. John Hlramons of Ilonanta Is guest at tbo Amorlcan nolcb - Francis J. Oowno, secretary of tho start under Its provisions, tho merits orfly Irrigation district, nnd ono nor demerits of which aro for each of tho progressive Donanxa residents, votsr to say tor himself. t-- h j,crc attending to'buslncss-Tnatlors'.' DRAWS CROWD Marine Corps Surgeons Will Make Test of Friedmann Cure MA XV HISlDKXTS OP UOXAXZA COL'XTUV AUK UUUK TO TES- TII'V, OK TO TAKE IX TIIK I'KO- ci:i:i)ixgs ALEX MARTIN IS NAMED TO HEAD ORGANIZATION OltGANIZATIOX 18 TO RK srTRIOT LV XOX-PAKTIbIAN 1'iirrMMo l Held to lie the I'tvteetaaa of Taxpayers' latere, Net Mm (Jrlmllng of Any Irlvale . ecutlvo aI CredesiUAl Aro Ap(Klnted and Date of Pat Mrs Mecdog Flxea WILL EORM AN ATHLETIC CLUB Members of tho board of directors of tbo Horsefly Irrigation district. I property owners who aro In favor of Exhaustive Exoeriments. Covering Several Month.?. to'lM u,,lrlc, aud thMo ot nro ' " jllrn 111 irrrt fn.lnv ir nttnni. . (.Ant ing of tbo question to dctcrmlno the i validity of tho 1775,000 boud issue. ; Tho legality of tho Issue has been attacked by Interested persons, who hold that the proceedings leading up 'to It wcro unconstitutional. C. M. be Conducted, Before Work of Inoculating Patients at Government Tuberculor Hospital is Begun I'nllcd I'ress Horvlco 'signed to conduct tho tests. WASHINGTON, I). C, March 8. Tho two surgcous will leave this tnont untll.tho cultures have been glv-IO'-'om and W. S. Wlloy appear for eti a thorough test.-' !tuo parties attacking tho legality, and ,,...-.,.,1 ii... TiHKii' ivTritrrt-rrn Tho health board of tbo marlno sor- evening for Now York city, and they lu caso tho experiments aro omen-' Kuykendall & Ferguson for the dU .'-." ". .... . , .... ...... .. m .. . .. .. .. . . .. '.M. ,vic touay rormnuy nuinorixou n tesi win comer priviueiy wiin i-roicssor ciour, luoercuiar paucnis at tno gov-p""-1- Wll.l UK IIKI.I THIS I:V1:NIN1 ()t l,(0 prc,imnnn tubercular cure by Friedmann for tho next week. Fol- ornment hospital nt Fort Stanton will : IX TIIK HAHH.MK.NT OF Till! I. O. 'Hint brunch or Hie service jlowlng their discussions of the euro's bo treated. ! Jnmes Kzcll, president of tho Klam- j Surgeon (loncral llluo sold that possibilities, they will commence ox Mueh depends upon tho success of jut1' County Dairymen's Association. Th,n ''' il'rofossor Friedmann agreed to glvojporlmontliiK with monkeys. tho outcomo of these tests. In cas'1 herc attcud today's mooting of "" jibe various government brnnchos. Their' tfcts will bo cxbaustlvo, cov- tboy prove successful, they will bo ox- jlll board of directors. Tho ndvlsnblllty of forming nn nth- .cultures unconditionally, nnd two inn orlng n period of several months. It tendod to Intuutes of tho twenty-six j letlc club to leasu tbo basement of tho lrnu corps surgeons havo been ns- Is the Intention to mnko no nnnounco- othor hospitals of tho marlno service ' If you big employer of women do' Odd Fellow building will bo dls- not help iu In this work of finding a, cussed nt n mooting to be bold to-, olutlon ror the aoclal evil, omenlRlt In tho bnsoment. All Intorest worio means may be used to force 'od aro nskod to attend. inn io," thundered Senator Juul, '"" lllllman refused to (ell tho I'Toills derived from his store. The basement Is equipped with bowling alloys, pool and billiard ta bles and other conveniences. j Country Saloons Will Go Out of Business Wet Goodt Emporiums at Bly, Fort Klamath. Malin and Crescent are Affected. Measure Amended HETCH HETCHY IS UP AGAIN As n result of the passage and ap proval by- the gov.raor of Benst. bill m ..i . ... .. .'. . - --i .moons in wy, Maim, rori Klsnmti, and Crescent will be put out Of llllln. ..... ... " "T i, wnen tne mew ro hecomea efeotlr. t?ho b,, "rrlee a provision for the Z i ") of tho uawMd Jlcenso fee tolloctodbytbecouBty. ho b?l'll0W,n to ,trot fro" " "No person hall he permitted to soil, glvo or In any manner dispose, of spirituous, malt, inouu liquors, near- boor or fomented elder, commonly known as hard elder, la this stato out sldo of tbo limits or bouudnry of any Incorporated city or town; provided, however, that no near beer shall bo old Insldo of Incorporated cities or towns whoro prohibition prevails." This bill effectually prevent any further consideration of tho applica tion to soil liquor at tho Altamont tavern. i I'AI.IFOHXIA ATTOHXKV COXFF.I18 WITH KF.CItKTAUV I.AXK IX HOFKS OF OViatltUMXd FISH KH'S IHXiSIOX Unltod Press Service WASH1N0T0N, D. 0., March 8. Bcoklng to ovorrulo tho decision of Former Socrotnry Fisher In tho Ilotch Hotcby Vnlloy caso, City Attornoy l.ong of San Frnuclsco is In coufor onco with Secretary I.auo of tho do liartment of tho Interior. As Lono Is ii Cnllforulnu, Long bolloves his ac quaintance with tho matter may causo lil nt to rulo differently, aud enable Sail Francisco to utlllxo this water supply. Letters hnvo been rocolvod from Corey, Turlock nnd Modosto by tho now secrotary of tho Intorinr, asking Mm to protect their Interests. It Is probablo that I.ano wll rofuse to ovorrulo Flshor and leave the mat ter In the hand's of congress. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ilrown of Crys tal nro at tlio Hotel Hall. Mrs. M. Montcllus has gono to. Itcdlaiids, whoro sho will visit frlonds. , CENTRAL POINT Tom Mye s, who has a homestead In tho Long I.nko country, Is hero to-' day nttondUig to business mutters and visiting his parents. i WINS FROM HIGH WILL FIGHT .THE SUITS ON NOTES FAIl.MKHS AT A M KITTING DKCIDK TO UXITK AQA1XST taFOUTS TO COLLKCT FOB UKFUNOT COXCK11N LOCAL QUINVITI'S Di:SULTOUV lMfVYIXG ltKSULTS IX A Sl-TO-IB KCOllK IX FAVOU OF TIIK VISlTOItS A dotormlncd light is to bo made against paying any of tho notes 1s HUtnl by Klamath county rosldonta to Promoter Uuchaunn of the Co-Op-oratlvo Supply House last summer. Thts was tho nttltudo taken by n num ber of thoso Interested nt a meetlug at the Chambor of Commerce this af ternoon. (Continued on Page 8)' Last night's gamo botweon Central Point high school and tbo Klamath high school basketball teams resulted lu u victory for tho yisltorj, tho score being 21 io IS. Tho local team play od lu poor, form, and members of tho team who are usually counted on for Held baskets wcro decidedly off color. Auotbor gamo will be played this centng between "the rlvnl high schools. Tho teams lino up like this: Central Point Marshall and 8hulU forwards, Merrlmtiu center, Nichols nnd West nil guards. Klamath County Messner and Carter forwards, McCluro center, Natl and Hum guards. J. N. Fltswntor of Albany Is hero giving attention to business matters. Starting with a membership ef 117, the organisation of the Taxpayer League of Klamath County waa pr tcctcd this afternoon at a iteettac held In the opera house. The at borshlp of tbo league I ope. to aay taxpayer of the county, and Ha ob jects as set forth In the by-laws ar. as follews: To furnish to lu members rellaM. Information as to the financial af-.) fairs of, the county. To Keep a careful watch over eeasi- ty. expenditures to see that all meales derived from taxation and other sources are expended In a business llko manner. To see that none of the funds of the county aro expended In an un lawful or extravagant maBnr. To protoct tbo Interests of 'th. tax payers In tho expenditure of public funds and to promote the welfare of tho county and taxpayers In general. To conduct IU affairs In a no partisan nnd non-polltlcaf manner, nnd neither this organization ner Its name shall bo used to promote, ad van co or opposo nay political move ment or for or against any eaadldaU for public office. Tho following pormaaent eSeers wore elected to servo for one year or until tholr successors are elected: Alexander Martin president. Fred Molhnso vice president, and O. A. Steams secretary-treasurer. Tho executive commltteo appointed by tho president consists of J. W. Mc Coy, M. L. Allison, J. A. Maddox. Horaco Dunlap and Silas Obenchal. Tho credentials committee Is com posed of J. A. Maddox, James Llad scy, II. G. Momyor, Marshal Orr and II. F. Murdock. Practically every section of th District Attornoy John Irwin ro-jCounty Is represented la the member turned Frldny night from Salem, ship list, and It was sUted that many whoro ho went to attend to legal mat-' mre names would be added to th ters. , ' J. O. Hamakcr. editor of tho Ilo- nuuia Ilullotlu, Is a Klamath Falls visitor. (Conttnuea en Page 4) Anderson May be Ten to Eight the Favorite At Present, the Betting Mix is Even. O be Changed! -iaaaBBamnaaJp . ' in i ""tsaBBBBPBsjBBsStj That Ilud Anderson will be the. at least a .slight fawlt om tfeP' fnxorlto In tho betting on tho Ander- Northern kid, and those, who 14 "C son-Knockout Drown scrap, Is the 'with favor upon his chance t"wa' ' prediction mado by Juy Davidson, the "tbo Kastern dreamland ipecalWJ'.' Los Angeles sporttug writer. Ho, expecting no weWtbsV 19 '.t., rr ; sixes up tno battle ln-thls way: uholr money. Th' market 'opMuril "wNfc .; Dud Andorsou Is so well liked by both boys on oven rm, oajMafltvX 'I flsV ', V XsasasasasssallsaP sasasaLtaWJrl HstasasasaPVsaHRDM& sasasasasasasasasasasasasV i gsT asasasmsamT' ' sarBr n " I llasasaVsaa BftmP.' - 'l' )asasasasamsasasamsssal'' isasaMsasaSMPC tho butting fans that ho has been placed on ovon terms with Kayo Drown In tho oponlng odds upon tbelr scrap for March 15th. This Is not a little surprising, as It was generally believed that Drown would always nnd tho drift of sentiment, t tlqn of It that, is --"tnt1 fca 4ff tara and cents, Is hhni ftsr Aim' son tbut.apromlaeat WMiM & sioner has saM hi'k4 Mr sapA iw-u;, "