"tt . O l ," A i n t -y SORTHWESTERN'S CIRCUIATIOJS HAS HIT THE TOBO(JQAN-"AT LAST WMKNOm" HUPPMMI HV THK VNITKII I'HMM NKWN HKHVICN mt toenitta efalii. ivnaxaimnpi PRINT THE NHWS, NOV . U L Hevrnth Year No. S,9ea KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH T, 191S Big Timber Syndicate Pays County Taxes in Cash; Sheriff Low Sells Warrants for Pay Roll at Par SEARS-ROEBUCK PAY GIRLS LOW SCALE OF WAGES Darrow's Fate is in the Hands of Twelve Men Defense Expects a "Hung Jury." In This Case, it is Believed That Charges Will be Dismissed ODD FELLOWS TO HOLD BIG MEETING PREPARATIONS FOR THK MED- FORD TRIP OO MERRILY OX. ALL I4VK MKMHKRH ARK TAh. IXU GREAT IXTEHEHT INiKhTltUTION UKVELOIti HOME HT.MtTLIXU FAUTti i Klamath Lode No. 137, 1. O. O. F., -.. ... .1.- iwr ikriu. ThilU'H Press Service iordlcl. Ho believes tho talesmen will'111 'i0 lu regular meeting tonight I ,08 ANdKI.KH, March 7. floated Hand ten to iwo for acquittal when ' oii 'eHows' Tsmple, and an un- M ,r Trll lo Live on , ,,,, , dtacha wd usually largo attendance I. expected. .UVrk Wlie. AakeU If Ho Thought , . . In case no u-rdlct I. reached It I. l-vor Incc this body took up th. "- - - "r believed that District Attornoy Fred- luwnon or aenaing a nig delegation the wdlcl of (ha Juror who ara to cricks wil ask tho dismissal of the In- to Medford to booit for the Qrnnd Hall Again Chosen as Head of Elk's Lodge Hotel Man Honored by Being Twice Elected to the Office of Exalted Ruler. Installation April 3 He Cotilil KJ Thai Wage Have .Wl'uMmllmt Willi Immorality In decide whether or not ho la guilty of diriment against narrow. It Is ex- '0(1B ln 191,J the raembcrs have tliel oOllli attempting lo hrlho proipectlro Jur- peeled that Judgo Conley will not'",lown moro Interest than uiual, and orr In tho McXsmara trial, hold tho Jury until tomorrow night ,no t,n, for tB0 tr,P approaches Attorney rowers lor tho detente la tin Ipm they nrrlvo nt a verdict ho- ""' oruwina. certain that tho Jury will not reach a ,'forc that tlmo. United Press Hervlc CIIICAOO, March 7. Tho wblto iUo Imvitlgallou committee resum ed the probe In the I Halle hotel lo dir. The room was crowded with UcUlsturs and aoclal worker. Thai taking of tcitlmonyl expected to oc cuy today aud tomorrow, Jullui llotenwald, hoAd of Bear llovbuck company, leetlfled that hlaj tumMtiy employ 4.703 women at nut ammo weekly wage of 19.13. Olrla MAX ACCUHKD OF IMM)TI.Ki(ll.(l III. lloslcy aro up from Merrill lovJtlt I Captain Perclval Sholl ha started nork on the degree team, and since GREEN BOUND TO FEDERAL JURY The following officer were chosen to verve for tbo enxulng year by Klamath Fall Lodge No. 1247, 0. P. O. K., at last nlgbt'a meeting: Kxatted Ituler E. D. Hall. Eitcemcd Loyal Knlgbt J. J. I'arkcr. Trustee Harry Ackley. Tyler J. E. Dodge. E. 13. Hall, who wm choen exalted ruler, wa the Drat member of the lodgo to be elected to this position, following tbo lnttltutloa of the lodge In 1911. HI second election corneal WEYERHAUSER TO REFRAIN FROI A LEGAL BATTLE HirMOFfmaciaMPAwronw COUNTY Esteemed Leading Knlgbt W. W.ia a result of hi tireless efforts for Baldwin. Esteemed Lecturing Knlgbt T. 0. McIIatton. Secretary L. H. Bath. Treasurer Lesllo Rogers. 1 J. W. Jory, who has a ranch on the ll ' deflnllejly known what degree U Midland road. Is attcndlnc to buil-1'0 presented the work of Captain 'no matter In tho county neat. '8ho11 and hi critic committer has b. ! I(U0 ji,. Appropriation ' gun In earnest. I .'nlted Press Some - Mr. and Mr. 8. Edward Martin of Member are being tried out In the I noiSE, Idaho, March 7 Tho Idaho ' Aivrrui are too guests or relatives ( various positions In the team, and nere. .with the available material to draw iiiuu marajiin mwii leeis sore wai the success of the Elks Rodeo and the Elk Lodge. The new official wit be Installed Thursday, April 3, A special pro gram wilt be rendered at that time. I... Mr. It. 11. Anderson and Mrs. E. enter 1C )ears of age receive a min imum of & a week, lie said that the company employs twenty-three wo men who receive 121 weekly for their it n lew. Aniwerlng a direct question, Mr. Hoantald said! ' Worm do not havo any connec tion with prostitution." IIVi:X I'llKI.IMIXAIIY E.VAMI' parents, Mr. and Mr. Thomas lAiarun, who navo juai returned from XATIOX 11V UXITKII HTATI-M,wntornt California. COMMIHSIONKK Iteprrsontotlvo Wesley O. Smith re turned Inst night from Salem. Daniel Orcen, arrested by federal It will bo represented by a team that will not bnly oe a credit to the lodge, but will also reflect, credit sjbob this community. J All members are urged to be pres ent at tho meeting tonight, and visit ors are cordially Invited to meet with tho lodge. house of representatives has "passed a bill appropriating $ 100,000 for a building and exhibits at the Panama Pacific exposition. The senate la ex pected to concur. Mr. and Mr. Samuel WiUe nave returned from a visit la Dunamulr. Mr. Wllle la a conductor on the local division. ntflfiAr m, iIim f'nittaif ltil.,l,t timiajt An Wednesday night, was given a prelim-1 TAf A-"V T Ttfl A Ws)afl TATlfj " 1?aTJl fX ;innry hearing before United State , WW , lr;l WW llll MZ sfl I I LUP Hoirnwnld admitted that Ilio dll-;CoiumlMlonor Charles J, Forguson no was uouiiu over 10 Jend of his company last year mounted to f7,000,000. Akud It It I oulj bo found that tbo wouieu fin l'Ioj"i of tho company were under palJ tho Sears-ltoebuck company jtjJ Increase thel: wages, he re plied : ( ' "Wo will do what wtfeau In Justice to l la. in and to ourselves, always con sldcrluK tho neeVultle or competi tion." Hniinwald teatlfled that the sur plus of hli company was 113,000,000, but ho would not say whether he would ilovoto a part of tho surplus to Inrrouito wages, and refused to Uto his personal Income. "Can ou live on 18 a week?" tho witness was asked.' "I havo nover tried," he replied. this morning tho federnt grand Jury In tho sum of $500. J Tho specific chnrgo ngalnit Orcen i was selling ll'juor to llobln Hood, al well known Klnmath Indian. A. Ltttto, who was also arrested In Wednvsdny night's raid, will bo J gUen n hearing tomorrow morning. Tho hearing of Hholoy Naive, last of. tho trio, wll bo hold Tuesday morn- Ing. I Pay Charges May be Sufferers Drastic Steps Will be Taken to Enforce Collection of Arrears for Operation and Maintenance Charges if Cases in High Court Favor Government F. HngemeUtor arrived Inst ntpht from Charleston, Nebraska, with a low to locating In Klamath county., Water user of tho Klamath pro- Want Pay for in Bankrupt Ho Is n giu'st nt tho American hotel Ject who nro In arrears for operation wlillo hero. nd innlntcnnnco charges may have thvlr water shut off, according to an order Just Usuod by tho secretary of tho Interior, which was rccolved here today. Tho ncllon depends upon, the deci sion of tho supremo court of tbo Unit ed Stntcs In a suit to enforco collec tion of theso charges. In caso the F, W, llrondaword, n prominent . i llnnanin merchant, Is a Klanmth Fred lloyd Is here from Illy. I Falls visitor. Although the Cooperative Supply House Promoters are in Receiv- er's Hands, Money is Asked An echo of tho agitation for the or- would also purchuso farming machln- Stock Concern Four core g irjue( when Dynamite Blows Up Boat sanuniion of a co-operative supply ouie In Klamath Vails Is the 'an nouncement that a netting of local People purchasing stock will be held t tho Chamber of Commerce tomor row afternoon. At this tlmo r they M docldo what steps shall he taken wward gottlng a return of their mon X or a cancellation of notes they gave n Payment for stock, The promoter for the concern, at we tlmo of hla visit to Klamath Falls outlined tho plan torn chain of ware nouses throuhnut ih. miBi mh. trolled by the farmers, who, through co-operative organliatloa would the 'I their product In the highest mar- u. Through the same medium they cry, spraying materials, etc., at re duced prices, owning to the largo quantities to be purchasod. A number of Klamath Fall rol dents purchasod stock In tho concern, as did a number of Klamath county farmers. Many paid cash, while oth er gftvo promissory notes, Since that tlmo tho corporation promoting tho proposition has gone Into tho hands of a rdcelver. Several of tho farmers whq gavo notes nro no Ing requested to pay their value, und In order to decide tho best method to pursuo, tomorrow's "mooting was ar ranged. In charge of tho mooting uro E. O, Tleames, T. M, Cunningham and Robort D. Cheyne, all well known Klamath county ranchers. court sustain tho claim of the recla mation ervlco the' official of the various project will be ordered to shut off wator delivered to farmers In nrrcant, tho action to be taken ten days after the decision Is announced. The order follews: 1 Tho duty of the secretary of tho Interior under the reclamation law to require payment of the portion of tho Installment for operation and maintenance as covered by the sev eral public notices on tho reclamation projects has been called into ques tion. In two cases United States dis trict courts havo held that the secre tary bad authority to require such payments. On appeal to the circuit court of appeals for the Ninth cir cuit In the case of Daker vs. Stewart (199 Fed., 865). tho .court held that (Continued on Page 4) Horrible Disaster at Curtis Bay. Explosion is Terrific Rocking Buildings Many Miles Away. Passengers and Crews on Other Boats Killed and Injured United Press Service IIALTIMOIUO, nMrch 7. At least olghty-flvo pooplo are dead or miss ing as a rcsift of an explosion of dy unmlto at Curtis Day this forenoon. Tho dynamllo was bolug loaded on tho tug Atlantlo for shipment to the Panama canal. Tho cause Is not known. Tho tug was blown to pieces, and its crew and the stevedores loading tho powdor, seventy-five In all, aio either dead or missing. Many were blown Into fragments by the force of the explosion. It Is doubtful If the exact number ofl deaths will ever be known. Four men were killed on the navy collier Jason from the shook of the explosion. Twenty of the crew were Injurod. At least four of th. crew and steve dores are killed, and twenty-five are Injured, who were on th. British steamer Alumlchlne. , Tugs from all points rushed to th sceno of th. disaster as soon as the explosion occurred. At noon thirty nine corpses had been taken from the bay. The force of the explosion was so terrlflo that docks and wharves along tho water front collapsed. Th. stat. house at Annapolis was violently rocked. Several boats some distance from the explosion were damaged to some extent. Many fragments of human bodies were bown through the air for great dlstanoas. PORTLAND LONG ON APPLES NOW THREE DAY BALE, BEING HELD IX HOSE CITY THKOCGH HOME ECOXOMIC8 DEPARTMENT OF THE WOMEN'S CLUB United Press Service PORTLAND, March 7. With plen ty of apples on hand and the co-oper ation of dealers and wholesalers us- sured, a three days' apple sale, plan ned by the home economics depart ment of the women's club, will begin thU week. The sal. marks th. first organized efforts of the women of the city to solve the problems of the high cost of living, and It la understood sales of other product) are being con sidered. Much Interest la taken ln the sale by grocers, and It is believed that virtually every one of the "800 stores In Portland will carry apple displays and will quote attractive prices. Mlfs Estell Campbell, who has been visiting friends In Osklsnd, has returned. Day Leather Oemasisur false 1 ad Make) Payment of ; terncjr f or Ota Big ; Asutoemees) Thai Taxes of Abes s)ia,a WW Be hli fss Cash Seem Sheriff Low this aftenMoa 4 sold county warrants to th. amount of 31.193. and resolves! 100 cents on th. dollar. 4 The warrants wer fee the 4 February pay rail and eavsaess) 4 of th. sheriff's esse. 44444 In spite of predleUeM to th. trary, the WeyeraaiMer Tlsahsjc pany Thursday afters paid la (all taxes due Klamath eenaty, aad mad. no attempt to buy eenaty warraaU to exchange for the debt due th. eenaty. For some time a repreeeatoUve it the big timber company hat ham la the city looking up tax matters, and has been ln dally coaaaKaUan wkh Judge Thomas Drake, local attorney. for the company. Following th. opin ion as to the legality of th. tax levies a rendered by Drake, th. matter was submitted to the other attorneys av ployod by th. Umber company, aad Thursday word earn, to pay np la fall aad la cash. The. total amount resetted by the county from tho Wsgroraaanar Tien. ber company Is f S7,SS.1I. The Day Lumber company, a Port land eoneern. has paid fS.471.lt la cash to tho county for tales. Tat. concern Is represented hero ar Jaaaa Drake, who also aets for tho Hop kins estate. "Tho Eastern attorneys of tho Hop kins estate havo concurred la ur (Continue on Paces) Fish Hatchery Will be Built at Spencer Creek A. J. Sprague. State Official. ArriTM Here to Initiate Important Work in the Interest of Sportsmen A. J. Sprague, a representative of State Game Warden Flaley'a onWe, arrived ln the city last night, and to day is making arrangements for tho establishment of n flsh hatchery oa Spencer Creek. Mr, Sprague will probably to to the Spencer Creek district tomorrow with Deputy Oame Warden Ramsby. "To the public In general a trout Is simply a trout, regardless of specie, or conditions under which it Is roar ed." said Mr. Sprague, "Thl U a serious mistake. There are sevtral distinct features that make np ladl tlduallty of our trout. Cold spring water, natural food, proper elevation, and environments aro responsible for a betterment In favor, eolor, vigor, firmness of tosh and rapidity at growth. It fellows, them, that tf wg select our breeding stock for tea na raiefully as wo do for tho Imp tea. ', 'V ' uieul of domestic eattlo aid fowls, wo shall obtain similar resorts. Mow-' , over, la order to Bismnttsh tali hi artlleial trout ealtate,'o awtot go cure the advantages ahoW mmattmH and our breeding stoekif the 4ssMr ent varieties of troat ahonld 1st an cureiuiiy anaetea the farmer select. of domestic oattlaafj foartv Of faff horticulturist "If wo can a hen that from a board, th in our Itoh hlsadiav "consitioasi at UbeidsalMrt M1 flasl bMB la, aftaa woiOawww oaanafsssBt gssn sanp !Jf JlhTvarlsttos at sVaH. f JMdj hottor MvsjgijLgaBja Ml OMB ft HU ': kaa'taaf does aat mW .r ripatpit taonM ssjl sajf WsB7sltw, m fc--'