KORTHWBSTBRN'S CIRCULATION HAS HIT THE TOBOQQAN--" AT LAST WM KNOW' SUPPLIED MY THE UNITED PRESS NEWS SERVICE pbe untm CUik PRINT TU NEWS, EOT Seventh Vmm No. 11,001 KLAMATH PALM, OREGON, 1IIURSDAY, MARCH , 1918 Ingenious Method is Evolved by Sammy to Pad the Circulation of Morning Paper. Details Give! s"1 THOUSANDS PAID LESS THAN FIVE DOLLARS A WEEK WIIITI5 SIAVK INVESTIGATION IIHINGS OUT TRUTH Working Wumra In Cfilrago Art Said In I In Underfed, Many of Tlinu Grlllng Only Tmu Scant Mrl. a Lipton .Seeks to Cup From Get Shamrock IV or New Boat Will be Used by British Yachtsman. A Challenge is Issued America i United Press Service Ni:V YOH1C, March 6. Anothsr.n mivclnl meeting of tho executive' NEW YORK. March . Dr. Fred eh.l.enxo for .a ,,,crM.o,ct'!-ra March :;,,. it is, .lovcd h.l' "JJ J"" J"', i.iihiiii win uo in America uy uiai ..... .. . ------ FRIEDMANN IS A BIT PEEVED COMPLAINS THAT MM FRIENDS PROVE TO BE OBSTACLES---ME LEAVES HOTEL TO TAKE ABSO LUTE ItEHT rio has been Issued by Hlr Thomas time. McAlplnn. Ho refutes to seo any vls- I.lliton. llio llrltlih sportsman, who . ........ Itors. saylns: he wishes to tnkn in fib. llaMailr la In I In I'nJnl lii tli ' I IIU general opinion in IOCSI Circles , " .--- ltay-M.Urrhtoll.liiArdl.UN,,,.. buU ., ,, ,,,, , ,,, ,hlll ,.,. , d,feBd.oJHt. rest. nullum, HrgsrillrM of Who Is lllt'i,,..,,,. f winiilii the America cun llio cun. Linton li in Id to bo undo-' Ho wil remain In seclusion while In lite I'rurcae I'nllcd Press Service HI'RINGFIKLD, III., March . Over 60,000 women who are working In Chicago receive leu that IS a cek, according to a report tendered to Lieutenant (lovernor O'llara by M. Ill.tr Cosii, chief Investigator of the while slave commission appointed by I lie Illinois legislature. 'Tim women are generally under frd," said O'llarra today. Tho major ity of the poor creatures do not know xi:V RECORD IS MET IIY I'UIVAIU what a square meal means, while half I of them get but two meals a day. 1 "That's the situation at present. Is from Hut Hulled States, clilod whcthiT to uso tho Shamrock The challenge Uiued by Upton has IV., which was defeated In the last been received by tho National Yacht raco by the Reliance, or to build a Club. The defl will be considered at new yacht. TUMULTY BEATS a DOOR KEEPERS ' Tony Buty Is In from Malln for few da)s. Ho Is at the American, It any wonder than women la the big titles go wrong? I am determined to dUclose all the facta In connection, regardless of who we hit." CIHCAOO, March . Fifteen heads of department stores and mall order houses have been summoned to appear before the legislative white slave Investigation committee tomor row. letter, It Is the Intention to examine wholesale clothing manufacturers and other garment makers. Julius Rosenwald, head of the Orra of Hears, Roebuck A Co., will bo tho flrtt witness examined whon the com mltteo commences Us session tomor row, Thirty girls, employees of depart ment stores, have also been summon ed to testify. SECRETARY TO THE PRKSI DENT TIIK CABINET HOLDS A MEETING TODAY 0. II. Clcndennlng was In Wed nesday from his ranch near Midland. Klincr Moore, a well known 1'oe Valley rancher, was a Wednesday vis itor In Klamath Kails. Dr. Lodcrolo and other scientists test his tuberculosis cure cultures. Krlodmann complained bitterly that his friends are proving obstacles In his work. "We've been misquoted grossly and federal Officers Make Raid on Comet House Three Men are Taken into Custody on Charges of Selling Liquor to Indians. Mysterious Case Government officials last sight, David Green and Shelly Naive. The t, BUSINESS IN made a raid which resulted la the ar rest of three men who are charged with selling liquor to Indians. The men wjere Arrested in the Comet lodging bouse on tho corner of Sixth and Klamath avenue, and were lodged In tho city jail lost night This morning they wero transferred to the county Jail. Tho accused men are A. Little, oners, latter is said to bo a paroled convict, who has frequently been la trouble In this section. Much secrecy, was maintained by tho government men, who co-operated with the police and Sheriff Low, and It was Impossible to obtain any accurate Information concerning the specific charges against the three prut- AROUSED OVER FRAUD CHARGES VTTEMH Or MOEJTDMi imcmvmwAUM .Number of Heal Northwestern Is aad Use End ef Seeate 1 lay's Scheme Are Grrea PaMkUy m 'M ' i ,i George J. Walton, superlateadeat lied about," said Frlcdmann's broth-Jof the Klamath division of the Call-) Wa ntnnnt hiiln fMAllnv lit t)hla fnrntanriffnn Pnvr mnniMT. faf .. w ..W..MW MW..' .... MB - .--. w..0 .. . - v. -... .w-w cr, was deliberate, and we will now keep quiet until tho board of health testa tho culture.." Mrs. Lottie L. Bailey left this morn ing for a visit -with Portland friends. company, this morning for Medford, to. attend to official Allen Stansble, who la farming on Wilson's Flats, was a county seat vis itor Wednesday. Distribution of Plums in the Golden State Already Begun Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Paddock of Lorclla aro here to do some shopping mid visit local friends. United .Fi ess Service WASHINGTON, D. C, March 0. Secretary Tumulty reached tho prest-' dent's attlro at the Capitol at 8 o'clock :,ut,:!:cu arecorJZ 13, Shanahaii to Superintend Mint. Caminetti to be Federal arrival at tho building. Wilson arrlvod an hour later, lie called tho first formal meeting of tho cabinet. It Is expected that at this KMhcrlng Jho formation of policies was started. Immigration Commissioner. J. O. Davis Collector of the Port of San Francisco and Others Made J. S. Mills, who has a much near (Ino Grou, spent Tuesday In this city. Attorney C. C. Ilrowcr hns gone to Cortland to give attention to legal matters. F. T, Nelson of Keno Is registered at tho Hotel Halt. " Square Deal" Will Soon Rival "Cyclone' Mark Howard Says Klamath County Horses Were Well Above the Average Buckers in South WASHINGTON, D. C, March 6. .Sunford, Congressmen Raker, Kettner Secretary of tho Interior Lane. Sen- Church, all of California, was utor Work, and Senutor Perkins .re',c,d todajr' J1 ta "x . . .... . caucus agreed to give all the patron- to ho consulted regarding all federal rgu , Korthert, California to Raker. appointments In California, Is the de-((ullj the Southern part of th. ttste cltlott reached by President Wilson to Kettner and. Church. It Is believed that J. O. Davis will bo collector of the port of San Fran cisco and Shanahan superintendent of today, 'according to Information re ported from Inside sources. A caucus of Stato Senator J. R. the San Francisco mint For his work In the California as sembly It Is understood that Stanford can hare charge of the sub-treasury It ho desires It. State Senator Caminetti, who was also actlvo for democracy In the sen ate of the California legislature, Is (aid to be slated for immigration com missioner. TURK CRUISER IS STILL VICTORIOUS THREE GREEK TKAASFORTS, WITH ALL ABOARD, KO TO IMS BOTTOM An. RMVLT OP AX ATTACK United Press Berne. CONSTANTINOPLE, March . Tne state department today received confirmation of tne activities of the Turkish warship Hamidjeh yester day. Instead of sinking one boat, as re rortcd, the Hamldjeh's broadsides tent three Greek transports to the bottom. All on board the boats perished. A New WRUssa A son arrived Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Tlmsas on Klamath avenue. At an Informal meetlnc t i Falls business men this sMra-nf ta question of repndkUinc contracts with the Nwtawesterm was discussed. While n. 4e.aM i slon was reached. R sessssd to fe. MM) consensus of eylale. that, a ta. tracts had keen obtained by there was no obllaatlem m ta. part of the local busiaess asea to to jar, or seawtaias whlen tasv a. not reeetTlac, erea theaah have heea eigne.;,- It appears that tasTMsrUi represented to toeal 1 the clrcuUtloa of th. was almost 1,400, and, on ta. of this circuUtiea. eoatraeta made. Tuesday faat Kvaas. alitor and proprietor of ta. Homiag naaar, ! Hied with the county court an afldarR showing that the total eireslaUoa ot the dally edition of th. Northwestorn and the weekly edlttea assouated to only 577 la Klamath eounty. ThU afldavit proved a great mr- prlse to local advertisers wa. kai been misled Into asaklag ciatraies. Legal advice was at ones tahaa, atsi it was that there eaa he netasaf Mawr mg because of the appareat iraaC . ' a'onUnuel on Fak.'eV'""', "W, i "Tho Klamath county horses were nwuy nbovo tho aversgo bucking "lock," says Mark Howard, who re turned last night from Los Angeles, whore he wen; In charge of th. Klk's bronchos. "With a little more train ing Squaro Deal will be just as ac complished a man thrqwer as Cyclone, whllo White Pelican and Cheyenne nlso proved terrora to riders," "Kvorytlme Square Deal started to buck tho rider left th. saddle" con tinued Howard. "The horse had aucb n variety of twists, sunflshlngs and Jumps that It was Impossible to stay aboard him. Just look at this," and Howard produced a snapshot showing Hoxlo, the Mexican vacqusro, cling Ini timorously to his seat, while Square Deal aunflshed and stood on on forefeet. ('The neat time th. homo hit tho ground," ho added, "his poHo wns dlroctly opposite, and Hoxlo loft tho snddlo." According to Howard, tho trio trio of horses sent to tho Los Angolos llodao by tho Klks proved a groat udvortlsoment for tho local Rodoo, mid ho soya thoro will bo riders from all ovor tho Southwest hero to com pote for tho prises. Ho expresses a bollot that tho Rlks, with the horses and riders available hero can put on n show tho equal, If not better than the Los Angolos Rodeo. Tho Klamath county horses are now with tho Muulcipal Amusement company, ana win oe snippea to uai- laB, Texas, for tho rodeo there. How ard snya sovoral tempting offers have boon made, for the trio, but be de clares It would bo foolish for the Elks to dispose of them. SHERIFF USES HONOR SYSTEM COUNTY PRISONERS AT KELLY'S IIUTTi: HAVE RUT ONE GUARD TO WATCH OVER TUKM CON VICTtrrtTKXFORCE DISCIPLINE PORTLAND, March 6. SherlS Vom Word has adopted a modified "honor system" as Kelly Dutte. The other day ho lined up thirty-two pris oners wltlilu tho stockade and noti fied them that actlvo stone-b.'caklng would bcglu shortly. 'I)o uny of you fellows expect to cut and run if you got n ohanceT" asked tho sheriff. They all disclaim ed tho Intention. . "llecauso If you do," continued th. sheriff, "I wnut to know it now. when I turn you Into the stockado there will bo only ono guard, Instead of four or nvo guards with shotguns. I'm going to make you responsible for all escapes, and I expect you to live up to your agreement." "Tlmt's all right, sheriff," replied ono of tho prisoners, "If anyone gets away we will go after him and give him a ducking when we get lilm back." Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Tompkins re turnod from Keno todsy, after a visit with friends there. They leave to morrow for their ranch near Bonanza. County Commissioner Ouy Merrill returned to Merrill today after being In attendance at th. county court. SUFFRAGE KICKS BEFORE CONGRESS COMMUNICATIONS ARE UKINfl RE CEIVED URGING DISMISSAL OF THE MAYOR AND THE CMIEF OF POLICE ILLUMINATION TO BE FEATURE NOVEL METHODS WILL BE USED FOR LIGHTING AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION IN 101S United Press Bervle. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 8. Tho Jones senate sobcommlttoe nlll meet this afternoon to set a date tor t u hearlug regarding the charge, that Inadequate protection was given th. suffrage workers during their proces sion and tableaux Monday. A number of resolutions have been received In connection with this mat ter. The majority ot them urge tho ttlrmlssal ot Mayor Sylvester and the chief ot th. capital city police de partment BAN FRANCldCO. March . The Illumination of the Panama-Paclflc International exposition will form a romarkable attraction. The work Is under the direction ot Mr. W. D'A. Ryan, In charge of th. lighting of the Panama canal, and who has per fected a scheme enabling him to pro duce light electa undreamed of at any of-the former world's expositions. In the exposition there will not be a single article ot lighting equipment that was ever used before. A sum exceeding 150,000 has been upended in a single tine ot experiments In the development of cut glass reflectors, to be known as Jewels, for use at th. exposition. The results to be pro duced for their reflected light will be ot a startling and scientifically wonderful nature. " Medford Democrat is Talked for Governor Douglas County Minister Also Men tioned in this Respect. Both Members of the. Legislature .fj SALEM, March 6. There has heea has obtained from th. J, E, Newbanks, a weU known Kenolte, was a Wednesday visiter in th. county seat. - much quiet talk around the legisla tive halls that it Governor West ad heres to his repeatedly expresssd de termination to retire from politics at tho end of his term, his Influence and support will go toward making Clar ence L. Reames, the representative In tho house from the Joint Jacksoa Douglas district, his successor. The Medford lawyer has repeatedly shown himself to be one of th. ablest and strongest members of the house, despite the ract taat ne u one m a hopeless minority In that body. He la a hard lighter, and yet flghta strsigat and parliamentary, and without In dulging In personal tings. And, above all, he possesses a keen seas, of hu mor and fairness. Reams., despite his politics, Is one ot th. popular members of the legislature. H has come to the front strong th. past tw. weeks. He Is a close personal and pelttleal friend ot Governor West, and has ea erted, perhaps, the widest laHjaVtoMlard .' alts) ". obtaining ror ta. governor mm- ana imm aiaiaias, crumbs e Joy and emafort'ta. aaMtrHa 4 -'.,. Leaders ot the deaMeratt. Oregon have been keeping a on the legislature, and Rs few cratle members, both for material and possible governor. Gossip has It taat 1 looks to them Ilk. spleadtd i torlal timber, and pats hist ahead at ! J. K. Howard, ta. DMflas representative, wa., ttla. would s. haaaitoaaad as a , candidal, (or isjmraaf .a th that he la a mlatatar. Howard, Ilk. Wisana, ta. al ahla and aanalar asaawaaa ff house, Tks Weae. w afjajiny l ' addltton to heaag aajM-af al terlaa'eaarsa, a IS. Bat and fearless In .ajttMtrff so broad aad la that a. the eoesdeaee aa. sanaaat am ana warns- i "lejav wan. fOnSWnawJaC t Jf( IwV ! t ft aStalartwMLhl aaa sa. ay W Waw''aawjsjBpH3' praJauawa .,-is.