"mp ORTHWESTERN'S CIRCULATION HAS HIT THE TOBOGGAN "AT LAST WE KNOW.' AtITMKI HIT THM gnnU, I'HWW NltWi HWIVICK Ik netting efaliV EVENING lfBWVAV print no raws, not TT?iyN'4SBBflBmjjimumpmum ' ll"i AMI LfivUi Year ! " KMMATH FALLH, ORKOON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH S, ItlS Wilson Announces His Cabinet; Heads of Different Departments Will Distribute Their Own Patronage w fO OFFICIALS DISPOSE OF ALL PATRONAGE Lo AM HIM HKCIIKTARY AK IUMH. ROUTINE Uf Hour Will Bo Dralgaatnl for rr Jim nryasi . trtarj Knot lloiii Luarrrctirv. j I'imUIoii U IU I'lllr! by tlut Mriiibmi of I ho Cabinet krawrltra Morning Paper's True Circulation is Known Sworn Statement to County Court Shows the Northwestern's Boast of Many Subscribers Fiction id i'ffti tlervlce A8IIIN0TON, I). C, March 6. -idtnl VIIon smashed all proco- hrn ) announced today thai III lave tlio disposing of federal paife In Itio hands of tlio head kt various eiecullvn department. UtlcUni bellee thla statement ki tbit I'oitinaitcr Ilurelson will I tntlm chars o of ttio naming of utters throughout Ilia country, that tlit ismo liberty will bo ac ini the other cabinet officers. or to hU meeting with Ihn cab- UU morning, Wilson waa sitting w oalce, when llin door openod I store of Now Jersey men walk . Thy ro warmly received, ' u abionro of red tape. (, krtlsry Tumulty nnnounred that 4 1 preparing a plan whorcby cor kndtnts tin obtain audience at (White llauio at regular period, rrmlitlnc Wllion to giro a dl quotation a to I1I1 vlows. iti:,i) tiiih Klamath Fnlli, Oregon, ' March 4, 1913. I, Ham Kvaris, being firm duly worn, depone ami say that I nm tlio owner and proprietor of tlio Weekly Klamath Kalla North western, a weekly newspaper of general circulation! publUliod every cok, that li, otery Frl day morning. In tlio city of Ktamnth Falls, county of Klain nth, statu of Oregon; and tint the niimbrr of subscribers to tlio Weklyaiidl)nllyNnrlhwMteni, piihllihed every week and clrcu lated In the county U five hun dred and levrnty-teven, and that Ihn Wcekly-and-Ially-North weatcrn, published on Friday morning; of each week, la sent to the following peraona whoso namrtt appear on tlio Hit here unto attached and hereby made n part or thli affidavit. Hlgned: HAM KVANS, I'ronrlotor Wcokly-atid-Dally Northwestern. Huhicrlbod and aworn to be fore mo thla third day of March, 10 It. C. It. DK LAP, County Clork. ROUTS BURGLAR A WIT SIRLOIN MARAUDER FINDS A aTTKAK AND A MKTEKMINKD GUU. (OKA HARD COMBINATION HE IS KNOCKED DOWNSTAIRS United Piees Service BKATTI.E, Match C Somewhere about town a would-be burglar U mining a tors face today as the re mit of being bolted with a choice cut of sirloin by Mlaa Mattla Williams. when ho tried to choke her. MI11 Wllllami hoard bias In the tho proprietor and publlihor of 'hall and went to tho door. He reach- the Klamath Falls Northweit !! tor her and ihe swung on him with ern, a dilly newspaper publlih- beefsteak which aha bad been id In laid city; that said newt about to put In tba akIUet, knocking AM) TIIK.V TIIIH: Htntn of Oregon, County of Klamath, .: City of Klamath K1II1. I, Hnm Kvniin, being tint duly worn, depoio and aay that I am Kern Heads the Senate Caucas; Clark is Named Underwood is Chosen as Majority Leader in the House. Californ ian Will Appoint Colleagues ' paper hai a bona fldo circula tion and that tliu avcrago num br of coplra of eatd paper which 4 have been printed and circulated between March t, 1013, and 'July 31, 1913, In other wordi, allien the eatabllibmcnt of the aald newipnper undtr 1U pre- 0 etil namo, I. fourteen hundred coplca dally. 4 HAM UVAN8. Htibtcrlbed and aworn to be- fore mo thl 31it day of July, 1913. C. K. BTONK, 4 Notary Public for Oregon. ft .mm down itair. Ha "beat It" quick. Mrn. Utile I. llalley Uavea In tha morning for I'ortland, whera aba will vlilt frlenda for a fortnight. M I'rtu Service ABIIINdTON, I. C March 6. ! flnt official itatement, Wllion red hi Intention of leaving ap Dt In the hand of tha cabl Ilia tint caller thl mornlug waa I day and uow on file at the county court home. Tho occailon of Mr. Kvnni' latest ndldavlt vi at tho awarding of tha cob 'tract for tho county advcrllilng. lu a 'order to bo considered nt all It wa AAAAAAAAA--)-,-,-,4 nocc.-nry for him to glvo tho name jand nddremc of hi .ubicrlber with What ha happened to tho boaited In tho county. circulation of tho NorthwctornT "lcnu ol I"mu "" " 'i' CLARKE SELLS HIS RESIDENCE IlK.UrriKUIi PHOHKRTV ON PINK AN 0:i)AIt STRKI-rTH 18 HOLD TO HOWARD II. VAN VALKEN IIKHG A deal ha juit been cloied where by W. I. Clarke baa lold tho Clarke residence at tho corner of Pine and Cedar street to Howard H. Van Val kenburg, well known Klamath coun ty rancher. The resldonco. which waa erected Cnlted Preaa Service Senator Kern of California waa chot on chairman of the democratic cau cus today. He waa authorized to ap point eight other 'members of tho "steering committee." Tho caucus will meet again tomor row, at which time the members will ratify tho appointment of Kern. Senator BauUbury of New Jersey was elected secretary of the caucus, and Senator Newtands of Nevada waa chosen vice chairman. Organization work baa already started In the house, aad Cheap Clark has been re-nomlaated aa speaker. Congressman Underwood has again been designated aa majority leader of the bouse. Ha was also chosen naaa Imoudy aa chairman of the ways and means committee. Congressman Palmer of Pennsylva nia waa chosen aa chairman of tha house democratic caucus, aa4 Ash trook of Ohio as Mcretary. CHINTELL HAS A NARROW ESCAPE RIO BLOCK OP ICE NARROWLV MI88E8 HIS HEAD AND 8HOCL DKR WHEN FALLLNG FROM A ROOF Frank Chlntell. an employe of the California-Oregon Power company, had a narrow escape from death or FIGURES ON THE AIRSHIP FLEET NEARLY FIFTEEN AEROPLANES, EXCLUSIVE OF DIRHHBLES Vi EUROPE, AC CORDING TO REPORT l.ocal business men want to know. I. .1... .nunlu Till numlinr InrlinlAB Home or them are Inclined to tiolU (,nlly M wc weekly ubcrlb oplulon that they have been "stung," vrt jt bollovcd that thcro are that Sammy ha but 577 subscriber ,t0 years ago, la one of the Unset la psH.Cranoof New York, whom. !nnd they offer In ovldcnco tho aworn about 100 peoplo In tho county who I -...- ..... .1 ...... l.-..l.ll.,'l.l' -- - ! understood, feel that recocnl Udue him. o president regret to be obliged bounce that he deem It hi duty xllne to ico applicants for office statement mndo by Ham Kvnns Tuc-t (Continued' 011 t'age ) tho county. 81nce that time Mr. Clarke Iim disposed of most of his local Interests, and Is residing la Cal ifornia. He baa Just computed a splendid homo In Piedmont. United Praaa Service LONDON, March 5 The European sky fleet now numbers 1,462 aero nlanea. beside dlrlatblea. according serious Injury by being struck with ajt0 he latMt ,nform-,tiOIl compiled by largo sheet of Ice Tuesday. the British war office. France has az- Chlntcll was cleaning off a side-'ponded 14,600,000 In aeroplanes, has WILSON'S CABINET NAMED AT LAST MEETING TODAY BRYAN IS NSW aUMMrrART OT STATE f(t Other Ofletala Are Mea WW Baew , M . tSj Been Proaslaelly Maaataaakai aa Thla CoMecUqa) Ftrat Meeaaag a '& New OMcial FaaaJlr Held at IS ' 'i o'clock Thla Moralaa; WMk VIm lYtaldeail Mawhsll Aaaeatt ' ' walk at tho company' office building Tuesday, when a large sheet of Ice. 390 airmen and 1,000 mechanlca. Germany has spent f 9,760,000 for aeroDlanea and has 180 ilrtats aad loosened by tho warmth, slid off thel26o machines. England haa spent roof. In falling, the Ice grazed the, 11,500.000. and haa 80 aim aad 44 side of Chlntell's face, scratching It considerably. The weight of tha falling masa was sufficient to break a Jx sidewalk plank at Chlntell's feet Oliver leasee Room O. T. Oliver ha leased Ihe largo store room In tho White building on wslly, except when ho himself '.Main street between Fifth and Hlxtli the Intorvlow," said Wllion. street, and I preparing to partition L .(.- I-. .. ... - iiucnuou to deal with ap 'cnt through tho heads of the rlt ecutl departments." -"--------.iiiii- d Pren Rervtce A8IIIN(iTON, D. C. March 6. wwpet meeting ended at 11 iCoDilmmd on i'kiS i) off a iiumbor of ornco rooms. Mr. Oliver v. II occupy two of tho rooma aa real estato offices, and ll rent tho other. C. W. Murphy of Weed Is hero at tending to bualnoss. Interests. Ho Is n timber cruiser. pusiness is Good9,Says local Telephone Man bertson Says That the Outlook is Prtghter Than at Any Time in the Past Three or Four Years HoborUon. manacar of tha PTelophono and Telegraph corc- "Mci that the outlook. for Pth I''all Is better th.n l I... (or tho past thrM VA. P Wophono Is a good thermom -'huslnos condition! In a 00m "' said Mr. itnh.t.n 11. - fit0, ?ro roce,vlnt orderi, and '""""'ntK-w'tchlng ---a our board Indicates a m the surroundlgf country. "In this couuoctlon," continued Itobortson, "I hoar many compliments on tho Improved Borvlco. You might ny for mo that while wo hnvo fur nlahod tho oqulpmont and provided routine nnd courteous operators to Hcrvo tho BUbscrlbors, somo of tho m provomont Is duo to tho co-oporatlon ot tho aubicrlbor themselves, "Ocsldos this, I might say thut wo oxpect to fur(lior Inoroase tho efficien cy of tho servlco nnd a continuation of tho subscribers' attitude will bo of material assistance." Wilson's Legacy is by no Means a "Dead Easy" Task Only the War Presidents Have Been Galled Upon to Handle Matters of Such Gravity as Those Await ing Attention of New President and Congress A. L. Bragg, who haa charge of local construction work for the Klam ath Development company, returned last night from 8an Francisco, where ho spent the winter. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, March 6. Kxceptlng ulono "war presidents," fow national executives ever faced upon March 4 u more tupondous task thn.it confronted President Wilson. And probnbly uo president over real ised more fully tho gravity of tho tre mondouH responsibility that Is his, nomocracy was placed ou trial for tho first ttrao lu twouty years, at the bur ot public oplulon, with tho entire imtlou us tho "Jury." Crises Innum erable await tests In democracy's cru cible. Futuro prosperity of tho coun try Indeed of several countries niul fato of groat political parties hangs In tho balance. Sentiment for "progrosslvo" re forms, which put tho domocratto par ty In power, demand performance. To socuro legislation ot real reform Is the four yours task facing the new ad ministration, Factional divisions within the dominant party, demo cratic leaders themselves admit, snake the next tour years potest with pos sibilities. This nation's course of peace and new trade and passport treaty with friendship with tha world's powers and 1U policy In Central and South America wero today placed la the handa ot President Wilson. Alone this constitutes a mountainous task. Confronting him In prime importance la the clvlo strife In Mexico the prob lem of preserving peace and order there without shedding American blood. Administration ot the Panama ca nal was another giant problem as sumed today, Involving settlement of disputes with Great Britain, Canada and other European countrlea over tho "freo tolla" concession given the American shipping. The Taft admin istration left these negotiations prac tically In a stfte of Incuhatton. Re peal ot the "free tolls'' clause la the domand Wilson's cailnet must face and solve. Other Mlplomatlo ea tlons confront! the new adsmimietra . tlon is proposed recognition ot the new Chinese republic, negotiation ot a Itussta, work ot the Alaskan bound' ary commission, tariff reprisals in Eu rope, completion ot the Honduras lion, Joint action In conserving tho Alaska sealing situation, and the Newfoundland fisheries, muttered rumblings ot strife In Cuba, Banto Do mingo, Haytl, Salvador and Hoaduraa besides the dispute with Brasll over coffee Importations. Platform pledgee galore await ful fillment by the democrats. These In clude such knotty problems aa Philip pine Independence, Porto Rlcaa. citi zenship, amendment or strengthening the Sherman antitrust law, a alagl presidential term, and "tabor" lagts latloa. Among tha bills and policies await ing action by the new administration and congress are: Senator Works' resolution for a (Continued on Baca I) machines. F. B. Kester and W. U. Marcho, two well known residents of "Poo Val ley, are county seat visitors. United Praaa Serrlee WASHINGTON, Mareh . Preetdeat Wllaea aeatt to Us senate the feHewmg 'Met ef aa 4 laet eaaeera: Secretary ef Bute, WUataa. Jeav talaca Bryan ef Naacaaka. Secretary of the Treaeary, WhV Ham O. MtAdM ef New Yerk. Secretary of War, Iladlar M. Oerrisem a Nav Jeeaar - Attorney Oeewral, .Jasnee Ma- Reynold. 4 Postmaster Oeawral. Albert Std ney Burleson ef Texas. SecreUry of the Navy. Joasfhma Daniels of North CaroMaa, Secretary of the laterler, Fraik lln K. Lane of CaUfenJa. SecreUry of Agriculture, David F. Houston of Missouri. SecreUry of Commerce, William C. Redfleld. SecreUry of Labor, WiUUm B. Wilson of Pennsylvania. ' In announcing hie cabinet, Wllaea made the following sUUment: "Those knowing, my aJtaatwa nnd admiration for Mr. MeComee asny wonder why hla name la not on the ( Continued on Pag 1) C. E. Evans Is here from Weed In the InteresU of tha Weed Lumber company. He Is at tha White Pelican. Ed Hoyt, who haa been Tutting Fort Klamath for several daya, haa returned to the county seat. A. J. Bandera ot Dorrla la a Klaa ath Falls visitor. Not the Pisaoattlon, Anywar Unlted Preaa Service GENEVA, March i. Lueie AUagr waa aeateaced to twenty years aenai servitude for murdering her mother because the latter desired her U be come a nun. Fett Peeved for : United Press Servtoe LISBON, aMrch 5. After aetng re leased from two daya' Imprisonment for sleeping on duty, ft private that and killed tha eorporal wan rsntiad Thomas McCormkk of Kan la n Klamath Falls visitor. N vi ij 1 Los Angeles Court Room is Stormed by a Mob A Dozen Women are Trampled Be fore Police Reserves are Able to Restore Order and Quiet "-Ti 1- M! , ' .r, LOS ANGRLE8, March P. LaU this afternoon a mob stormed tha court room whera tha trial ot Clar ence Harrow, Chicago labor attorney, is being held. Before, tha disturbance could ha quelled It waa necessary to oall out the polio reserves: Twelve woman were trampled in th rush, hut were serlonaly Injured. Judge Pewera ,arsajd (thai noon la behalf ac Pfsjg. ' Jk a bitter denuaU4lav Franklin and District Attorner held that they rmrtM l method in nn omart () conviction f tarr, manner to'hftafj r 'T . l - aat -r 4 i- lut . Hjaaeiixji- AL.-Vj i& t' .S'i,.";-.. iijfia!bt, fe-Og Adfaeyfc