l AND NOW ITS REPORTED THAT THE NORTHWESTERN HAS BUT 97 SUBSCRIBERS HUPPMKI) IIV TUN unitkii vnmrn nnwn hkiivjck Bht (.I "J M ' nt i f netting tttmk H KVKN1N0 PRINT THR NEWS, KOt ;i " Hrvriilh Yrar No. 11,00)1 KLAMATH FALLS, OIIKGON, 1 UEHDAV, MAItCH 4, 191S SCHOOL FAIR TO BE BIG FEATURE OF PRESENT TERM I'llEMIUM I.IMT IK IIKIMJ TIIIIIUTKI lIH- Muili Inlrrral U IHn Ukrti liy Ihn HiIiimiI CIiUiIitm In Coming Uoinr tic hrlrttr mill Agrtrutluial Com. Mtlll.m Atlnutlvv Prist Will IJi Awarded to Winner In (do llf frrrwt CUmm Encouraged by llio m'icu attend-. UK the sciiooi lair item in cuqncciiun Where Pros. Wilson Reviewed Parade MEXICANS FIRE 1 ON FOURTEENTH I CAVALRY;2 HURT Administered Wilson and Marshall Oath ipi flLaaini Jl . ..-ifeiBai- jiuiopeiis hkpi.y with tiikik machine gun MnnlilriK l Hie Boundary Line Near Ailmm Tomii, Mvtluin FnlcroU I)-Illifni(cl7 I'iro A crop at n Ik (mlrmoit of CitTnlryiiirii AKKfi-p-or ItWrvnt Under I'lro From the Amrrlrani Tho president I'lillcd I'n-so Service DOl'CUN, Arl., Marth . Ff- ltii Mexican Federal aoldlcni from Tlin ntttrlnl stand from which Pre- Hie roncronlonul ect I ... tttil..... .-..I-.. .l .1... u..u.id - .,.! l.li .!.! ..,... Iti fli timnll Innlna -l.l. .l. f.l I.. I f.ll f'inntv I "'III miipuii lil ill" milium ui- pini hip mi..p v..i ... "" -- . ' Katiliatloiip taping part In Ilia Inaug- urn shown between tlio center col J the Anna 1'rlcU garrison marched to School Superintendent Kr.il I olerson (rM ( lhU Ui ft0 Wpro , (f 1(J ,,, rMn enclosure!,,,,. ,un.rr line near tlila cltr thl. and other Klamatli counir educators ,(l0 v(fj guest of tho president, was fitted with iclaaa window i, In nn hno commenced work for tho aecond mpm,r- f the diplomatic corps nuil tlcliiatlon of Imd weather. nnnual school fair, which wii Da belli thl coming fall. A preliminary premium Hit hat tcn prepared, and la being dlatrlb ntrd throughout the county for the guidance of rtuplla and taachera. The Hit shows th various entries for which provlilon will tm made. Among tha dtpartmanta Included tConllOMed on I'agn 41 in i - j i.iu t'u -j. -aa iiii Li Mr. OrorRn Whitney of Woodhurn It here to tUll frlendi. CONSIDINE J. M. Ilolnmn, In rlmrRo of tho Yal! nax auh-nRrncy, U hero on mnttera of1 lnlercp( to tho Indian nenlco. Ho laj accompanied hy Mnrr-Holmau, and: tho two arc atnpplng at tho Hotel! Hall. IS GIVEN LIBERTY To Complete Ditches the Latter Part of June Contract for Second Unit Laterals Is More Than 30 Per Cent Com pleted, Says Local Official 'COMPANION IN C2AY TI.MK 8IIOIJIc ! IlKIIK A Mi OP TIIK IIIiAMK AM) li:.MAMS Till! ItKI.KAHK OK Til i:TltlCAIi M..V United Troia Sen Ice SAN KIIANCI8C0, March i- Work of atcavatloi the North and South I'oo Valley, Orlffltlm and Nut. Uko lalarala and tho other ub-lat erali and dltchea of the aecond unit of the Klamath projoct provided for In their contract, will ho completed ty tho lit of July, according to I.. A. Kcihncr, local renrcaonlotlvo of Man ey llrothera, who havo tho conlrAct.imm.hcra of thl. concern nro rupor "The contract with the government vUlni? tho work. -When cncs i (wore cnlloil In Judgo Uoaiy'a courl, jOrouinnn, hy attorney, ihnuldcrcd the .hlumo, and demanded tho dltmlatat of tho cn.u nRalmt Comldlnc. Judco Demy dl.mtucd Consldlno ' land declared thnt ho would Impoie a callad for tho completion of 10 per 'nominal fine of Ornumnn Wdnedny. rent or tho worK laii tail," taiu mc. Keihner, "hut at tho tlmo work waa au.peudod, owing to mow, tho con (rnrt w nt leant 30 per cont Un Iphcd." Tliu work la being tlono liy local contractor., .uh-contrnctlnR dlfferont achvdulva under Mauey llrothera. Tho lury line near tlila cltr nltenioon aa.l deliberately flml om a;Co... u, j. i.uoim lluhop) 1 oviiaiur jutuu n. uuiuuhvi iiri-ncnnirni 01 uio roun-rrnui catai- ti' ' v '-agagaBB AM This 1 Details DEMOCRACY NOW REI6NS IN THE WHITE HOUSE jdOltaKOUH FARADS SVHTAl ! ALL HIMILAK KVKNT wlog) ly, on liorder patrol. Tho Atiirrlcan trooper replied with iimclilno gun, anil Uio Mexicans fled. It l hrlleved that two of tho Mexican tirrc oiuiilel. LIEN IS FILED BY E. C. 6REELY (Copyright by Harris I Chief Juitlco Ed war D. White Senator Jacob II. balllngcr. acting , Chief Justice Edward ' Douglaa president pro temporo of the United (White of the United State Supreme Slate, senate, administered tho oath court, administered the oath of oBc of office to tho new vlco president, .to tho new president today. The chief Tho ceremony took placo In the chain- Juitlco wo born ta Louisiana, and 1 I tor of tho United states scnato In tho OS years old. He haa served la sev iprctencc of tho mombcrs of the scn-'cral judicial capacities In both federal ate, members of tho bouse of renro-'and stato courts, beside belag a tcntatlres, tho retiring president, tho 'member of his state-legislature and a president olect and tho Justices of tho United States senator. He wa ap- cupicmo court. ipolnted nn nssoclato Justice af the I Senator Calllnger represent the United States supreme court In 1894, Stnto of New Hampshire, and waa (and on December 12, 1910 ho waa ap- clected March 4, 1891. i pointed to his present position. Fifty TliOpMaMd HeMttTB, rlne. Delegation, XareMag CTtafta, Join la Oraad Pnginat Fnllswlai Lwh-Ii at Hi Xew Heaae, WHacai View Uio IVomiatod Freea 8petl Grawl Htaad Vice President Marshall waa awera It at 12:38, a'ad called tk sew a ate to order a miaul later. Mar shall then read Taft'a proelaauU calling the senate la extra selea to (sewar In Wilson. Tho aw aeaaUn then took their oath of oaa,. Seated la the rear et the le: chamber la the spaee WUssa haa re served for membera of hk were Bryan, Lane. Davi. Itodletd. McAdoe, GarriMk aad': lets. Coagreaamea Wlloa,,MeRr nolda and Barleeo were akiseat At 1:07 tbe member af the annate went to the froat of tat Capitol, where Wilsoa waa sworn la. At 1:S7 the Inaugural addraaa wan aaatta. At 2:0G WiUon left the CapH4 far tho White House. Mrs. D. Ellis Young, who has been flfcilM IS MADE THAT A l'LUMII-MsItlng friends In tbo Wlllametto ISO Illl.li OK 750 HAS NOr'Vnlloy, returned homo Monday. Sh iu:kn HIFK I'.UIr 8tKCUIi..TIO.V IS and Mr. Young left today for tholr I ranch. . NEW DEPARTMENT TO BE CREATED 1 Henry Ilagby, who has been hero. Can It bo that Sammy has killed for several days attending to business tho gooso that laid the golden egg? , mnttcrs. has returned to his Spring J WlESIDE.Vr v.nn ii vv iuuv mo v.aitiurnia buiu .i,ako ranch. mlno has petered outt I Is It posslblo that somebody has I Thomas Harrow s of Merrill is (Continued nn I'ago 4 Klamath Kails visitor. Fire limit Ordinance is to be Adhered to Council Took Decided Action in Two Cases Last Night. Mason is Re fused Permission Fix Building W. II, Mason was last night refused n permit to repair the woodon struc ture at tho corner of Seventh and Main streots, which was burned some weeks ago, tho council adopting a re lort as to the building tendered by C'ouncllmen Underwood, Doty and Hamilton, This committee was appointed to "certain tbe damage to the building, 'or which a repair permit was asked, Tlio mombera reported that the build ing was damaged more than 60 per cent. They also added that in their opin ions, even if the building was dam aged to a leas extent, they would not recommend tho grunting of a permit Administering of Oaths to New Officers is Impressive TAFT SIGNS MEA8- UltK AM) CON'ailKSSMAX WIL SON ANNOUNCES HIS ACCEPT ANCE OF POST United Pre Serrlee WASHINGTON, D. C. Mareh 4. The entire Inaugural program waa de layed half an hour by the preeaare sf "business la tbe senate. At 11:17 the senate adjourned alae die. En route to the Capitol Wilson nasi Marshall were cheered. There van an occasional shout for Tat WUae)t. went at once to the president's ream j and Marshall went to the vlee preei- dent'a once. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, March 4.. President Tnft today signed a bill creating tho department of labor. Congressman Wilson of Pennsyl nnla announced that he had accepted this post In tbo Wilson cabinet, Secretary Tumulty announced that the cabinet nominations would not go Solemn Silence that Prevails While Chief Justice WMtc:jSjnf.SlS5! Swears in New President is Followed by Wild est Cheers After Inaugural Address is Made thon. United Pross Service WASHINGTON, U. C, March 4. Tho carriages bearing President Tnft, President-elect Wilson nud Vlco President-elect Marshall, reached tho foot of tho stops before tho main ontranco senate, facing tho assembled mombers .tho mombcrs of tho press had mean i of both houses, tho diplomatic corps mid high Judicial officers, and tho vice prexldcnt-olcct was ushered In to tako tho oath, recited to htm by Senator Gnlllnger of Now Hnmpshlre, presl- to tho Capital at 10:4G, and amid . dent of tho soimto pro tomporo. Tho roars of nppluuso from tho groat senate then ndjournedlo Immediately ctowd tho outgoing chlof executive btatlng that thoy "deemed It wiser to Inml bis successor passed through the ostnbllsh a procodent In roforenco to repairs to frnmo buildings within tho tiro limits, bollovtng It would havo been coutrnry to publlo policy to rec ommend a repair permit." Mr. Mason stated that ho believed tho damago was ovor-estlmatod, and said It could bo ropalrod with 1116 worth of lumbor. Tho council, how ever, adopted tho report of tho special committee An application was mado by Thoa. ITnmptou to erect n corrugated Iron Kiinigo, This was donlod, as the ap plication did not specify that wood studding would not Be used, , bronxu door, and along tho corridor to tho president's room at tho north of tho sonato chamber. Governor Marshall was led to tho vlco presi dent's room noar by, waiting tho com pletion of tho business of tho dying session of congross. President Toft, whllo Governor Wilson lookod on, plunged Into the work of signing bills ns thoy wore brought to him from tho sonato. A heap oft documents accumulated be foro tho signal was given that the Bonato awaltod Its own dissolution. Tho president and president-elect were soated In the chamber of the whllo grown to a roar of welcome from tho thousands massed upon tho stage outsldo, ns tho procession ap peared. .Tho tens of thousands who Btood boyoud tho edgo of the ampl theater caught up the sound, and as tho nortlv 11 euro of tho ontcolncr tires- resumo Its session as part of the Sixty-'idont was distinguished in tho door- third congress. I way, and the audience caught sight Prayer by tho chaplain opened the ot tn Palo, serious, scholarly figure democratic regime In the chamber. Vlco Presldont Marshall then rose and dolivorcd his Inaugural address. When he had concluded he called upon tho sonators-elect to come for ward, and administered the oath to thorn, Tho grand procession to the Capitol stops then followed, whore the formal transfer of authority from William Howard Tnft to Woodrow Wilson from the old republican party to the democratic party was to take place. A preliminary outburst ot applause at tho opening ot the panels to admit at his sldo tho pent-up enthusiasm ot all tho democratic visitors broke looso In n demonstartlon, growing louder and louder as Tart nud Wilson took up tbo stations. assigned thom upon tho spankers' stand. Slowly tho procession ot distin guished visitors from tho senate gal leries (lied In upon tho stage. The president and his successor were soated with Chlof Justice White upon their right and the official committee upon tholr loft. The former vlco presidents, the Bu (Continued on Page i) W. B. Brown ot Bonanxa Is here attending to business matters. WASHINGTON, D. 0., Mareh 4. As President Wilson left the White House Princeton stndents formed ta lines. mi uuu nuava nwsmi MM Bra to carriage. Marshall aad anater Orer maa occupied the second arrla)s. On the driveway a nervona eavalry horse reared and straek the Meat- dent'a carriage. Soldiers taleklr quieted the anlmalv , As the precession passed deem'' Pennsylvania area WHaea wared to the throasjs. United Pre ferries ' V WASHINGTON, D. C, Mareh ,4 y 4CoaUano4 cm pejei) ""-t City Will Purchase by Requisitions Hereafter i 1 1C ;' Finance Committee Will Consider; New Methods at a Special Meet ing Tomorrow Afternoon Instead of having supplies, etc., for the city purchased by the heads ot dlfferont departments, -or by city em ployes as they feel they need them, without, many times, the knowledge of the mayor or police judge K la planned now to have all purchases made on requisitions, furnished hf the mayor, police Judge or fnanee committee. X Quite a number ot the bill anhmlt- T ,f ?; ted last night were ojtraeai out tho kaewIediWiOC tfcs) jap snV the llaanpe'eemmHtea, .MJMBl. Istl purcua were iw wessr In order te maJaf 1P M the city's busUfag I peelal meeiksst ( I teej the ntayer ansV ; w aw" w'lBBpPWsr'W' etty hall. Mthle wlU be derised Jar i44J " - '!&.,, , JC . 4L4 f JC ,.A A ,J. t rjiv.r ,'x.j .,. iSKH2aaka i, jfj j ..