WONDER IF THE NORTHWESTERN ACTUALLY HAS 100 GENUINE SUBSCRIBERS HUPl'LIKD MY THH UMTKII I'KMM NKWH MEHVICM Me toning etfaU.. Si : t" t- VMflMO Miin PRINT TMM KIWI, NOT 4a' n H Hnvrnth Year 8,04)1 KLAMATH PALM, ORKOOlf, MONDAY, MARCH S, ItlS Washington is Captured by Thousands of Workers for the Cause of Woman's Right to Cast the Ballot MANY COUNTY WARRANTS ARE TO BE HELD UP Hl'IT IH HTARTKD TODAY IIY J. A. MADDOX Will Discuss Charter at Mills and Library Judge Leavitt and Other Commission ers to Talk in the Evening. A Big Meeting Tomorrow Hurt -m of I lie AIIImw Mtt la Umj Clr i ult Court llriag CJaretloa or Ike Validity of Maay (JeaeraJ VumA WarmuU Rrfoai tha Court Imll tMual WarrsaU for IUmmI Work ,t Involved. Knrourngvd by th success of the raio In which J. M. Alllion wa plain tllf, ml which the question of the Unlit- of general fund Varrant w Intohrd, ull wa atarted In the clr 'cult rourt this afternoon by J, A. Mutliloi to restrain tbo aberlff And county trraaurer from accepting In paymml of taie or paying In cash a long tin of warrant amounting to mom than 120,000. All of I lie warrant attacked were IuumI In payment for road work, nr lu laymrnt for machinery for the car rying on of road work. The list fo. loi, with name or parties to whom warrant were lieued: Tom Calmee 1400, Hubert Mitchell 1414 IS Cba. K. Worden 1S0O, K. W. Smith $600, :. W. Hmllli 1174.47, C. O. Merrill IIOU, C. (I. Merrill I00, Kobt. Mitch ell 1 117.64, C. E. Worden ISC, T. Calmr. $400, T. Calme 300, T. Calme 1314.37, W. 8. Worden 4109.13, 0. O. Merrill 1109.13, 8. T. Summers $109.13, T. Calmea 1490, I). M. Donnelly 1188.75, I). M. Don nelly 1288.76, 1). M. Donnelly 1110. Ilobirt Mitchell 30C, Robert Mitchell $l!0, Itobert Mitchell $3.G0, Robert Mitchell ICJ.CO, Mitchell, Uwll ft Hlntcr 1363.31, D. M. Donnelly $116.39, lleall Co. 11.679, D. M. Donnelly $100, D. M. Donnelly $00, l. M. Donnelly M00, D. M. Donnelly 1207, Jack Donnelly 109, D. M. Don nrlly $176, lleall ft Co. $437.94, lleall & Co. $11.70, lleall ft Co., $6C, lleall ft Co. $9C6., lleall ft Co. $33.03, lleall ft o. $6,011.56, lleall Co. f'22.20, Dealt M Co. $10.83, lleall ft Co. $60. Kuykendall ft Ferguson are attnr noyi for the plaintiff In thla caio. , A man nicotinic will bo held at tbo l.lbrury Club building tomorrow af ternoon, at which tlino the chartor to bo voted llpou March lO'.h will bo dU- inio-Uiiruh, aUto prwldenl of tbo Ore- Kim Women' Clirlrtbn Tomporanct I'nlou. Tomorrow evening n second meet- cussed. Tho meeting will bo called. Inn will bo held In Mir Addition ball nl 3:30, and men ami women Inter by tliu Mllla Addition Progress Club, riled are urged to bo In attendance. lot which tho charter will be discuss Thoao favoring tho now measure cd. At this meeting point In favor and thoio opposed will nil bo aakud to of tho charter will bo brought out by aililrem tho meeting. In addition n.Pollcu Judgo Iavltt. Judge Drake talk will be made by Mr. Ada Wnl WARRANTS ARE ACCEPTED NOW MIKIIIFF LOW OBEYS MANDATK OK THK CIRCUIT COURT AND TAXK8 TO THK AMOUNT OK I l.l .MILL" IN WARRANTS O. K. nnd other speakers. SALOON KEEPERS 60 AFTER BURTON HARD WORKINO MAN, AKTKR Hl'KMMNU IIIH MOXKY IN H'CT UOOIM KMfORIUMM, MHUrJi HOOCH I'.U'Kll liny Merrill of Merrill la here for tho day. Uonrga W. Manning, a California horso buyer, camo In last night to look through tho country for good stock. 1 D. Dunkle and Prank Jones nr hero from Willow. They will work on n Klamath county ranch thla year. Sheriff Low was this afternoon rented with a premptory writ requlr- lug him to accept 11.6 mill In county warranta In payment of taxes, Instead of 3.5 mills, aa he had been doing In accordance with Instruction from District Attorney Irwin. The new of the formal notice was speedily carried about thle city, and many taxpayera appeared at tho court house to take advantago of the op portunity to get rid of county warrant. Development League is Grateful to W. O. Smith Klamath Representative in the State Legislature is Congratulated on His Good Work at Salem Frank E. Ankeny was In from the Ankeny ranch today to attend to busi ness matters. Mr. and Mr. O. D. .Thompklna came In today from their Lost River ranch. Tbey left this afternoon for Keno, where they will visit friends. That W. O. Smith haa accomplished .ed to Interest the Oregon legislature. much for the farmer of the Central Oregon country I acknowledged by a letter received by Mr. Smith from C. C. Chapman, secretary of the Ore gon Development League. The letter lu part follew: "As a delegate to the Oregon Irri gation congress recently hold In Port land, you are entitled to congratula tions, In that your organlratlon help- L.E. Todd of Merrill ta hers) at tending to buslnee matter. He I a guest at tho American while In tha county seat. F.'I. Everett, a Chicago traveling man, returned Sunday from a busi ness trip to Merrill. D. Ellis Young I In today from hi line ranch on tho Merrill road. 1'. W. llurton, charged with for gery, was brougni tcK 10 luatuam Kails from Weed Saturday o cuing. Ho was Immediately arraigned before Judge (Iomuu and bound oor to the grand jury. In default of $500 bond ho Mas com tn lit oil to tho county Jail. llurton has many friends In Klam- uth Kails, and It la probablo that u hard battle will bo mndo to keep him out of tho penitentiary. It la claimed that ho has been n hard worker, but occasionally camo to this city to go on n "spree." In tho past ho has spent his money freely, mostly In the sa loons. On his last visit hero ho spent n considerable sum, and whllo still un- Capital Takes on Gala Attire for Two Days of Festivities Cots in Corridors of Hotels are at a Premium and Ev ery Train Brings in More Visitors. Taf t's Family Leaves Tomorrow. Peerless Leader Cheered and that every request you made upon the legislature waa granted. This Includes the $45,000 .appropria tion for tho Columbia Southern pro ject; $5,000 for the Deschutes Inves tigation, and many other Item aet forth In detail In your resolution. Your organisation certainly achieved an amazing record, and we desire to congratulate you upon the same." SAY 2 MEMBERS WERE KEPT AWAY OPPOSING FACTIONS IX DWPUTK AS TO SIXTH STREKT FOUNDRY WILL APPEAR BEFORE COUN CIL TONIGHT . That a member of the .council who United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, March iter tho Influence of liquor, Issued the (Tho city Is In gala attlro for today'a fraudulent checks. It Is a notable !Hiiffrago parado and tomorrow's lu i Ed llloomlngcamp haa returned from n visit to California points. Ho lift today for hls.kome In Dly. fart that nil of theso chock wore Is sued to saloon keepers, and that It was a saloon keeper who mndo tho complaint against llurton. George E. Gillette of Ilocania Is nmoiiR Monday's visitors In tho coun ty seat. M. If. Wamplor was down Saturday from Woodblno, tho'Wampler home stimJ on Uppor Klamath Lake. Brown and Anderson Both Drilling Hard Kayo9s Brother Adam has Him in Tow at Venice. Anderson is Working With Geo. Memsic nugurnl procession. From every housetop lloats tho Hod, White and llluc, whllo streamers of the national color nro entwined across tho prin cipal streets. Tho parado tomorrow will bo the biggest Inauguration procession In the history of tho nation, and democrata from ovory stnto aro coming to wit ness It. Every Incoming train bring a largo number of visitor. Hotel and resi dences aro filled, and enormous sums nro being paid for the prlvllego of sleeping on cota In hotol corridor. (By Many atom) Hpeclal to The Herald ' I08 ANOBLKB, March 5. Active (mining has beta started by the prin cipals in the Kayo Brow and Bud Anderson twenty-round boxing eon tut, slated to take place before 'Tom McCnroy'a Vernon arena the after noon of March tltk. Cha r, Kyton "HI act aa the third man In the ring, Hud Anderson today moyed kla be longings out to Jack Doyle's famous (mining camp, and he has started In to do light training for th. Brown battle, surrounding lault with a taff of sparring parUers and train er that will bo becoming only to a champion. Ho I. to train llko he never trained beforo. Ho I taking a sU-mllo run every morning out Vernon way, and doing a solid hour' gymnasium workout In the attornoon. Thla give him an op portunity to regulate his wind and his iudiimentof distance, Andoraon'a punch needn't bo rogulated, for ho la ono of tho moat aceurato punchers nnd hardest hitters lu tho llghtwotght division today. Bud has ono of tho beat mon train ing him that.a fighter has had here ' fConllnued" on lag ) Tho senato and house galleries are packed with visitor today. President Tatt I busy bidding fare wells to his official family. Wilson will bo tbo guest of honor at a fam ily dinner to be given by relatives to night. Ho and Vic President Mar shall will hold a brief conference to night. The official forecast predict fair weather tonight and tomorrow morn ing. The roport says tho weather may bo somewhat unsettled in the afternoon. United Preaa Servlc. WASHINGTON, D. O. March 3. William Jennings Bryan arrived on an early train from Nebraska. He waa loudly cheered and hailed aa the "Peerless Leader" when recognised at the station. I Is opposed to the erection of a foun dry on Sixth street Is responsible for tho failure of all the councllmen to be present at last Monday'a special meeting 1 charged by friend of Peck ft House, who seek to establish the foundry. They charge that the councilman telephoned to two other member of tho cbuncll residing some distance from the city hall, and told them that there waa no us. In their leaving their home, a there were not enough councllmen present to constitute a quorum. The foundry matter will be among the questions to be considered at this evening' meeting of the counclL United Presa Service WASHINGTON, D. C. March 3. Tho United States supreme court ren dered no opinion today. Instead, the Justice viewed tho suffrage parade. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. March 3. President Tatt remained at hi desk all day, except for a brief final ses sion with his cabinet. Immediately after the Inauguration tomorrow, he and hi family will leavo for Augusta, Ga., where they will spend threo weeks before going to Yale. Chiloquin to be the Home of Another Big Saw Mill Articles of Incorporation for the Mutual Milling Co. - are Filed. The New Mill Will Have a Capacity of Sixty Thousand Feet of Lumber a Day District Attorney John Irwin ex pects to leave In the morning for Salo mto attend to legal matters. I. F. Davles Is among today'a vis itors In tho county seat. He la a mer chant In tho thriving town of Dairy. Charles Holt returned to th. Qreen fields Farm Sunday, after a brief so journ In the county aeat. DEMONSTRATION IS GREATEST IN WORLDSHISTORY PAST, PRaWKNT.AND FUTUItB PICTKD BY TABLEAUX Monster Proceaaloi of Tew ' Worker awl Series' erf Uvea We tare, fa the latere erf taw Cans rf Woseuw getaTra Ideal Wssahsr CondUJoM Prevail for PamdW, Be Chilly for Gauqr TaMesua ( Untied Presa Servtea WASHINGTON, D. O., Mareh I. Tea thousand marchers today Jala.d la the demand for vote for In th. moat elaborate aaffrag. straUon la th. worM's-history. ! fragettes literally oaatnr.4 th. , ital today. Thty ail but vafi.w d th. Inaugural eerememie. row. From all parts of th ' and f rem .dlaUat laaaa, rery cclvabb cUss of wea oataa every tyaa oTary every age from Bahy Wiley Jr., sob of tho fa chemist, and being early Manilas ft equal suffrage by hi paroaU.'to Miss II. M. Young, th. a7-yair-M.i4oaar la th. equal rights movement. It waa .the overwhalmiag eulaUaa ttoa of a Bfty-nvo-yoar battle for bal lot la the United Btatos. It van both a protest against dUlafraaehia ment and a vivid, dignified, aUboraU demand for equal rights at tha pools. The weather waa Ideal for th pa rade, and the splendid atmospheric condition caused th. graadataaaa and other places of raatag to be filled early. While th. weather was aa for marching, the- asm. oaaaot b aM for the tableaux, and It was whliairia that woolens were won uader maay of tho gaaay coatumes used la tho portrayal of Ideas by th. us of th female form divine. , There were three distinct fasaas to the demonstration th para. a erlea of tableaux on th treasury a partment steps, and, tonight, a series of maaa meetings. Th city wus In gala attire, not oaly for the women, but for th Inaugaral IContinued trom Page 3) Tears Fill Wilson's Eyes as he Leaves for Capital Entire Populace at Princeton Station to Join in Singing the Hymn of the University of Princeton Chiloquin I to bo tho homo of an other saw mill. Article of Incorpor ation for tho Mutual Mllllug compa ny hnvo boon filed, and It I announc ed that tho new mill will be In opera tion by May 1st. Tho company I capitalised at $30, 000. Already $15,000 worth of ma chinery ha been bought, and is aow i on the site of the saw mill, on the Williamson river, about a mile from tho town of Chiloquin. The mill site lu situated on the Indian reservation, and consist of fifty acre of leased ground. The capacity of the mill vvlll be 60,000 feet of lumber dally. The company owns about 10,000,000. feet of timber, and th aaw Mill is situat ed In the very heart of a vast area of timber, enough to keep the mill busy for the next ten year. The officers of the new company are; Charles Graves, president aid treasurer; William Sandham, vie president: Mllburn Knapp, secretary and manager. G. R, Manning, with the foregelag, make up th board of directors. United Press Servlc PRINCETON, March 3. All polit ical partlea fraternised aad "t.wa aad gown" Intermingled at the statloa to day, whea the city turned out a masse to bid "God speed" to Presi dent-Woodrow Wilson. Ho waa escorted to th trala by a delegation of flfteeu students of Princeton University, singing "Old Nassau," the Princeton hyma. At tho atattoa tho song was taken up by th assemblage. Wilson stood with bared head as th trala left, aad tears filled hla eyes at th demoastrattesu The presideat-eleet was la spirits a he atr4 the car reseored for blm oa th apeial train, boaiad nine cars or Kussau aaa a.wssapsr , men. He retternUa his statoKtat that J I ... t -.....- VI. ..-.-. Tfl no wuum urn -uuMfMtv turn -- until th.' list 1 read la th i morrow atteraooa. l ABOARD WILSON SPJSCIAL, 1 adelpbla, Marca 3. witfetvs Is provisionally copl44. - , t pects to sead a llst'tojta. isiHiel Tuesday, if that body, la la ease th. seaat Is aot ( morrow, he wltt ,! haa Wsaaeisay. .- &' .-J'.l ' ,s-', " -X ;